ember.js - Multiple nested routes using RESTAdapter -
I am trying to create an amber application using the REAtadapter which goes beyond one step of a normal step Which I have found away
I could not work for some reason, and was hoping someone could help me.
The results of nested templates are in three adjacent columns: folders, items and items (left to right). Item Folders is a list of items related to the selected folders in the column, and item items in the item item column are selected items. Thank you very much for your help, and amber long! you I recommend using the Amber Chrome extension to visualize your route more easily, here it is shown about your current app: GET / folders = & gt; Get a list of all folders / folder / folder_id = & gt; List all items in the folder with given ID, GET / folders / folder_id / items / item_id = & gt; Item with ID given in the folder with given ID
foldersFolderRoute to
FolderIndexRoute Need to change the name
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