Java Strings via SWIG in Android NDK have strange characters in place of null bytes -
I am using SWIG to generate the interface to a CD which I have compiled as an Android NDK library . My C code NDK library uses a structure, MY_STRUCT consists of four * elements that pass data in these two directions and the SWIG generated JNI works properly, i.e. I can read the wire in the C code Required and reads results in Java code.
However, I have a problem in it that if I pass the null bytes in the Java string then "\ 300 \ 200"
Example, if I make a string in Java as follows I:
MY_STRUCT myStruct = new MY_STRUCT (); Byte [] myBytes = new byte [21]; String Maestring = New String (Maybits); MyStruct.setName (myString); Then the field named after myStruct is set to 21 faucet bytes, and it is visible in Java debugger, but string as shown in the NDK C debugger The NDK has passed the library code as follows:
"300 300 200 200 200 200 200 200 \ 300 \ 200 \ 300 \ 200 \ 300 \ 200 \ 300 \ 200 \ 300 \ 200 \ 300 \ 200 \ 300 \ 200 \ 300 \ 200 \ 300 \ 200 \ 300 \ 200 \ 300 \ 200 \ 300 \ 200 \ 300 \ 200 \ 300 \ 200 " My SWIG .i file contains the following relevant parts :
% contains different. I% cpointer.i% pointer_functions (int, intp); % Include ../../../mydir/myheader.h The following relevant portion is in myheader.h:
typedef struct {. Four names; ...} * P_MY_STRUCT, MY_STRUCT; C code debugs fine and I can read and write all the strings indicated by elements such as MY_STRUCT, only one issue is the change of empty elements of string input SWIG JNI code NDK In the library there was a strange "\ 300 \ 200" element in the C code.
Considering an option: I have several functions that arrays for a byte c-function instead of a string * and it is in myModule.i file Received as follows:
bool myFunc (P_MY_STRUCT, char * BYTE, int32_t); Is there any way of SWIG to achieve the equivalent of BYTE functionality for members of the structure? I tried to use the same BYTE trick in myModule.i, but it does not work:
typedef struct {... char * BYTE; ...} * P_MY_STRUCT, MY_STRUCT; Thanks again,
This is known by java as crazy behavior And is answered in response to this question:
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