ios - How to add a NSDictionary object to NSMutableArray? -

I have seen the following resources:

What I'm trying to do is to create an NSDictionary NSMutableArray.

The related code looks like this:

  @property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray * curveList; @property (strong, non-creative) UIBezierPath * curpath; @property (strong, nonetomic) uicollore * curcore; // curpath and curcolor @ {@ "path": _ curpath, @ "color": _ curColor} // set some code to do it yourself. Put in?    

You can add any object to NSMutableArray using addObject method like this : NSDRIATION * ADC = [NSDiction dictionary with object and cakes: @ "Carlos", @ "name", @ "gymnas", @ "last name", nil]; // NSMutableArray * at the initialization * aArr = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects: aDic, zero]; // NSMutableArray * aArr2 = [NSMutableArray array] after initialization; [AArr2 addObject: aDic];

Hope this helps you!


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