android - How come my http status code is 0 on my ionic app and heroku? -
There is no SSL setup and I have setup with CRS Rack Corona Gems on my Rail Server my default header within my anular app For this it is setup.
Delete $ ['X-Requested-With']; $ = 'Applications / Jason, Text / Javascript'; $ ['Content-Type'] = 'Application / Jason; Charset = utf-8 '; $ ['access-control-max-edge'] = '1728000'; $ HttpProvider.defaults.headers.common ['access-control-max-edge'] = '1728000'; $ HttpProvider.defaults.headers.common.Accept = 'Applications / Jason, Text / Javascript'; $ HttpProvider.defaults.useXDomain = true; I am using ionic / cordova to talk to my railroad server on my rock. On iOS I can successfully request my Rail Server, but I can not do with Android.
I have created a new blank application and when I request the server locally (or under the ngraak reverse proxy) on the Android device, but anybody on my rail server hosted on Harkok Can not request
Do you have any ideas? After destroying the wired shark, I was able to understand the problem.
Especially the Android Webview does not follow the X-ray redirect and the request is not accepting the response.
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