Is it possible to get the values for de y-axis in gnuplot? -
I need y-values computed by GNUPLot, how do I get those values? In this example, the values of 100 and -700.
I saw between all default variables gnuplot , But it was not found.
OK, try to give me clarification but my english is very bad, sorry for that first example;
Here you can see the problems I have in black Once done, the offset is set to white in the column, but it depends on the values of Y-Min and Y-Max. I think, when I have these values I can calculate the offset, now I have only one hard price;
"tail- 60 log.txt" U1: (- ($ 12)): ($ 12> 300? (- $ 12): sprintf ("$ 12 "): font", 10 "TC RGB" white "offset 0,0.2 notitated offset," "(" $ 12 and lieutenant) "on the left side of the label" "(" "), \" & lt; tail-60 log.txt "; = 300 & amp; $ 12 & gt; 0)? ("$ 12"): The font ", 10" TC RGB "black" rotated offset 0, -1.7 notit, \ on the left side of the Sprint ("") label) Or is there other solution?
Here the example number 3 is.
I think I can not follow you, sorry about it I try;
Set Terminal Unknown Plot "& lt; tail-60 log .txt" 9:12 print and use GPVAL_Y_MAX, GPVAL_Y_MIN replot Price: 650,0 150,0 and those are the value of column 12, but ok, but not the value of the y-axis and just below zero (See example 3) What is wrong or do not I understand?
(I changed my subject because I do not know how to add comments with a photo)
These values are the result of autoscaling of gnuplot. You have access to these values only after variables GPVAL_Y_MIN and GPVAL_Y_MAX (Type shown variables all If you need those values for something in the plot then you first plot the unknown terminal And then on your actual terminal: set terminal unknown plot 1.01 * x set terminal wxt extended set label graph left sprintf ('y_ {max} =% .2f' , GPVAL_Y_MAX) replot
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