git - deploying Spring application on Heroku -

I'm developing spring web services using mangodibi and I'm making it with gradle I would like to deploy I am pushing according to the document and I have changed the buildpack on the basis of the shield:

In the beginning, I am doing git init , then I Adding something git add Using git commit -m "message" and committing it. After that standard process, I'm keeping my code using my com Master to suppress the git. After that, dependency is downloaded and then I get an error:

  1 error: compileJava failed failed: failed with build exception * what was wrong: failed to execute the task : 'compileJava' & gt; Compilation failed; See Compiler Error Output for details ... Build Faylad   

and this is my build.gradle:

  buildscript {repositories {maven {url "http : //repo.spring .io / libs-release "} mavenLocal () mavenCentral ()} dependency {classpath (" org.springframework.boot: spring-boot-gradle-plugin: 1.1.7.RELEASE ")}} plugin Apply: Apply 'Java' plugin: Apply 'Application' plugin: Apply 'Eclipse' plugin: Apply the 'Ideas' plugin: 'spring-boot' jar {baseName = 'appname' version = '0.1.0' } Repository {mavenLocal () mavenCentral () maven {url "Http://"}} Dependence {Cache} Compile ("org.springframework.boot: spring-boot-starter-web") compile ("org.springframework.boot: spring-boot- (" ") ("") compile ("") Collection (" guava: 17.0") Collection ( "org.apache.commons: commons-lang3: 3.3.2")} Work wrapper (type: wrapper) {gradleVersion = '1.11'} Action step (depends: ['clean', 'install app']) < / code>  

Does anyone have the solution? thank you in advanced.

Perhaps the best approach shows you the best set of files and you can compare that we are different One of the biggest things to mention is that you are not compiling too, on which nothing can be done with the compilation at the end of Heroko.

Link to the Github project if someone needs it!

PROFILE WEB: Java $$ JAVA AOPTS -DETPORT. $ Exampleport.jar

An example grapple file

  group 'com.springtest.api' version '1.0-SNAPSHOT' build script {repositories { MavenCentral ()} dependency {classpath ("org.springframework.boot: spring-boot-gradle-plugin: 1.2.5.RELEASE")}} Apply plugin: Apply 'Java' plugin: Apply 'Eclipse' plugin: Apply 'Ideas' plugin: 'spring-boot' mainClassName = "hello.apps" jar {baseName = 'spring -test-api' version = '0.1.0'} repository {mavenCentral ()} sourceCompatibility = 1.8 reliance {testCompile 'Junit: junit: 4.11' // Spring Framework Collection 'org.spring Framework.boot: spring-boot-starter-web '} Work wrapper (type: wrapper) {gradleVersion =' 2.6 '} Work phase (type: copy, dependency: [clean, build]) {jar.archivePath from project.rootDir Rename {'app.jar'}} Step. Masterunaffe (clean) Clean & lt; & Lt; {project.file ('app.jar'). Delete ()}    


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