mysql - Update Root passwords via Shell -
In a shell (.sh file) I am trying to update mysql password for "root".
At the moment I have this, is it safe and the right way? I do not want to signal.
I am also thinking that the accounts of "mysqladmin" and "mysql" are identical or not.
User and pass for #Variables USER = "root" PASS = "test" mysqladmin -u root password $ PASS # Set root user password for all local domains sudo mysql --user = $ USER --password = $ PASS -e "root password @ localhost" '= password (' secret '); "Sudo mysql --user = $ USER --password = $ PASS -e" password for password @ '= password (' secret '); "sudo mysql --user = $ USER --password = $ PASS-e "Set password for root @: 1 '= password (' secret ');" # leave any user sudo mysql --user = $ USER --password = $ PASS -e "DROP USER '' @ 'localhost'; " Update With responses to tadman and b600 in mind. < p> So something like this would be a good idea?
To prevent that password, Shell will appear in history.
# USER = "root" PASS = "test "sudo my Sqladmin -u root password $ PASS sudo mysql --user = $ USER --password = $ PASS-e & lt; /tmp/users.sql rm -f /tmp/users.sql # users.sql SET @password = secret ; DELETE * mysql.user where user is not 'root'; Set password for 'root @ localhost' = password (password); 'root @' for SET PASSWORD = password (password); 'root Set password for @: 1 '= password (password);
I recommend that you pass the password as a generated user on a local machine Generate and pass the hash to the password change command.
The password used in mysql is SHA1 according to hash, you can generate it using: echo-n password | Sha1sum | In addition, you can use 'password password' for 'url @ domain' password, personally, I do not like to keep plain text on the command line due to this fact Is that a non-recognized user can possibly see the password via password / Ptree / pstree command.
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