sql server - RODBC ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect 'CREATE TABLE ... when doing sqlSave -

Here's a short story, and it's important to talk about setup, IOA? Remember to connect to the M RODBC and Freedds SQL Ezur database, this is the SQL Ezur database (this can also happen on the premier SQL Server, so that I may be asked to ask for help or to understand the real problem). First, if it does not play well with the database without the cluster key, or a key, addPK = T or more version addPK = TRUE

solution # 1 two-step approach

This will help in creating a proper table structure, though it will still make you vulnerable. Do not worry now what we have to do is to add data

sqlSave (ch, USArrests, addPK = T)

This will tell you the error, then what you need to do next add data

  sqlSave (ch, usurrests, tablename = â ???? USArrestsâ ????, append = t)   

for now

solution # 2.

That is not me, I am lazy, it should be done in a command

This solution is not understood, this is a better version

  sqlSave (ch, cust, tablename = â ??? dbo.customersâ ????, secure = f, adpk = t)   

safe = F move. Not sure that this is a bug from the free TDS or RODBC sqlSave function. Finally, I got the answer, which can be very clear -

Finally, Use


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