hadoop - ERROR for load files in HBase at Azure with ImportTsv -

In Microsoft Azure Cloud, using a recommended approach to connect through remote desktop and connecting via remote desktop Trying to load the HBS running in H.2site in the HBS T1 table by trying to load the t1.tsv file (with different columns from two tabs) from the HDF command line: C: \ apps \ dist \ hbase- \ bin & gt; hbase org.apache .hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.importTsv -Dimporttsv.column = HBASE_ROW_KEY, num t1 t1.tsv

and get: Error: one or more columns in addition to the row key and timestamp (optional) Required use: importtsv -Dimporttsv.column = a, b, c

To move the location of the specified column, HBASE_ROW_KEY C: \ apps \ dist \ hbase- 2057-hadoop2 \ bin & gt; hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.importTsv -Dimporttsv.columns = num, HBASE_ROW_KEY t1 t1.tsv I'm getting: Error: HBASE_ROW_KEY should specify exactly one column as used: importtsv -Dimporttsv.columns = a , B, C

It tells me that comma separator in the coma is not recognized in the list of autumn or pillar name is not wrong. I have also tried to use the column with the clefire: v And in the form of 'num' - nothing does help

Any ideas which may be wrong here? Thank you.

  & gt; hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.importTsv -Dimporttsv.columns = "HBASE_ROW_KEY, d: c1, d: c2" testtable / example / inputfile.txt   

This is work for me I think there are some differences between the terminals in Linux and Windows, thus in windows you need to add quotation marks, this is a value string, otherwise it can not be recognized.


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