knockout.js - Set backgroung color of input in case of an error -
There is a problem with pushing and validating me when there is an error, I would like to paint my input
The problem is that when I use the knockout.validation library with github, there is an error:
{"error": "Please use post request"} < / Code> View:
ko.validation.configure ({insertMessages: false, decorating element: true, error ElementClass: 'error'}); And when I use it from the CDN, there is no error, but the color does not work.
Thank you. < P> Your second example with the CDN in the CSS field is & lt; Style & gt; tag. As the value of your form is bound to model.toValidate (), you can modify the self.validate1 function as the following: self.validate1 = function () {self. toValidate (self.toValidate () || ''); }; Do this:
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