Wix Installer - bundle creating one file from multiple files -
This is the code for my bundle. Wxs I have another project that has the AppInstaller.msi file and I have many third parties like Net 4.5 and C ++ redistribution.
& lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Wix xmlns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi" xmlns: use = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/UtilExtension" xmlns: bal = "http: // Schemas. Microsoft.com/wix/BalExtension "xmlns: netfx =" http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/NetFxExtension "& gt; & Lt; Bundle name = "APP" version = "" creator = "me" upgrade code = "put-GUID-HERE" & gt; & Lt; Chain & gt; & Lt ;! - TODO: define the list of checks package - & gt; & Lt; PackageGroupRef Id = "Netfx45FullPackage" /> & Lt; / Chain & gt; & Lt; / Bundle & gt; & Lt; Piece & gt; & Lt ;! - Matlub 2012 A check for installation - & gt; & Lt; Use: RegistrySearch Id = "MatlabPath" variable = "MatlabPathExists" root = "HKLM" key = "software \ MathWorks \ MATLAB \ 4.17" result = "present" Win64 = "yes" /> & Lt ;! - Matlab MCR 2012A 64 bit installation - & gt; & Lt; Use: RegistrySearch Id = "MatlabMCRPath" variable = "MatlabMCRPathExists" Root = "HKLM" key = "Software \ MathWorks \ MATLAB Compiler Runtime \ 7.17" Result = "Exists" Win64 = "yes" /> & Lt ;! - Check for c ++ redistributable 2010 x64 - & gt; & Lt; Use: Registry Search ID = "redistributable_2010_64" variable = "redist2010Exists" root = "HKLM" key = "\ software \ Microsoft \ VisualStudio \ 10.0 \ VC \ VCRedist \ x64" result = "exists" Win64 = "yes" /> and ; & Lt ;! - Check for c ++ redistributable 2012 x64 - & gt; & Lt; Use: registry search id = "redistributable_2012_64" variable = "redist2012Exists" root = "HKLM" key = "\ software \ WOW6432Node \ Microsoft \ VisualStudio \ 11.0 \ VC \" Result = "exists" Win64 = "yes" /> ; & Lt; PackageGroup Id = "Netfx45FullPackage" & gt; & Lt; ExePackage Id = "vcredist_2012_x64" cache = "no" compressed = "no" paramachine = "yes" permanent = "yes" significant = "no" install command = "/ q" source file = ".. \ SetupProject \ vcredist_x64_2012.exe "InstallCondition =" (Version Entity & gt; = v6.0 or VersionNT64 & amp; gt; = v6.0) "Detect Condition =" Redist 2012 Exist "/> & Lt; ExePackage ID = "vcredist_2010_x64" cache = "no" compressed = "no" paramikiin = "yes" permanent = "yes" key = "no" install command = "/ q" sourcefile = ".. \ SetupProject \ vcredist_x64_2010.exe "InstallCondition =" (Version Entity; = v6.0 or VersionNT64 & amp; gt; = v6.0) "Detect Condition =" Readist 2010 Axis "/> & Lt; ExePackage Id = "Netfx45Xxx" Cache = "No" Compact = "No" PerMachine = "yes" Permanent = "Yes" Vital = "No" InstallCommand = "/ q" SourceFile = ".. \ SetupProject \ dotnetfx45_full_x86_x64.exe" Detect Condition = "(netfax 4 flowerwise = & amp; 4.5; 4.5570 9 & amp; quot;) and (version 64 or (netfx 4x64 fulvarsian = & 4.5; 4.5070 9 & amp; quot;))" installcondition = "(Version Entity & amp; gt; = v6.0 or version NT64+ = v6.0) and (No (NetFox 4 Fulversion = & 4.5; 4.50709 & amp; quot; ORNetFX4x64 Full version = & amp; quot; 4.5.50709 & amp; quot;)) "/> & Lt; ExePackage Id = "MatlabMCR2012a64" cache = "no" compressed = "no" PerMachine = "yes" permanent = "yes" significant = "no" InstallCommand = "/ q" SourceFile = ".. \ SetupProject \ MCR_R2012a_win64_installer.exe" Detect Condition = "matlabmcrpxexists or multabapathic acoustics" /> & Lt; MsiPackage Id = "App" cache = "no" compressed = "no" DisplayInternalUI = "yes" significant = "yes" sourcefile = "$ (var.installerPath) \ APPInstaller.msi" /> & Lt; / PackageGroup & gt; & Lt; / Piece & gt; & Lt; / Wix & gt; 1: How do I create a setup.exe file from all files?
2: How can I create a subfolder with all files?
Update: To create subfolders, only attribute names = ""
It happens:
& lt; MsiPackage id = "app" cache = "no" name = "files \ APPInstaller.msi" compressed = "no" DisplayInternalUI = "yes" significant = "yes" sourcefile = "$ (var.installerPath) \ APPInstaller.msi" / & Gt; To embed your installer in the bundle, you must
<> Your ExePackage and msiPackage compressed on nodes to yes . Reference:
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