c++ - SCons not finding "stdafx.hpp" when using nested directories -
I have a C ++ project, and I use and I have the following running from the command line Obviously, this is an MSVC error but it should be resolved with the scan, I am not sure how to ... .. I saw All that is before linking to Visual Studio defaults .. I think it can be a part of the solution, but again, I have uncertainty. I am sure, this is not the first time that someone has come into this problem, but Google PS: unlike the example, there is no naming of opposition in any file, And theoretically the problem can be transferred into the flattened folder structure by SCons without problems. It seems that you have to include the proper path through the "CPPPHH" variable in your environment. .. but it is difficult to tell without seeing the full command line, remember that all the SCons envs are initially clean. Therefore, if you are in the wrong working directory, then a simple "#include" title is not found in individual folders. Take a look, which can give you some more ideas and insights, or you can come to the user mailing list at scon-yurts @ scons.org. Visual Studio Solutions to
in SCons I'm transitioning for build, so Linux users can also make their code. This is my first opportunity in SCONS, and it is working very well with simple projects, but for this project my The nearest nested directory structure is:
main / sub 1 / *. CPP all 2 / *. CPP all 3 / *. CPP file 1.cpp file2.cpp
SConstruct file:
env = environment () env ['PCHSTOP'] = 'stdafx.hpp' env ['pcH'] = NV.pch ('STDAPXPPP') [0] NVprogram ('Program', ['File 1 CPP', 'File 2 CPP', 'All 1 / file1 cpp ',' all 2 /file1.cpp ',' sub3 / file1.cpp '])
scons the following error Causes:
Fatal error C1083: File can not be included: 'stdafx.hpp': No such file or no The directory is not
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