php - Use fork instead of the original repository -

On several occasions, I have made a fork from some repositories to fix the bug or add new features as a contribution In this case, when I do the developers behind the PR's master repository, sometimes it takes days to merge and test that all are well and in most of the time I am able to change these changes or at the time when I am Performing while performing.

This is the case for SpBowerBundle , which make everything fork and fix some things. I have done PR but I can not wait for the developer to test and merge. The only solution is to point out composer.json for the work I did, but not how.

This is the same and I have made it. Also here is my composer.json content:

  {"name": "new project", "license": "mit", "type": "project "" "": "New project", "autoload": {"psr-4": {"": "src /"}}, "requirement": {"php": "& gt; = 5.3.3" , "Theory / theory-bundle": "~ 1.2", "sprig / extension", "symphony / symphony": "2.5. *", "Theory / or": "~ 2.2,> = 2.2.3" "~ ~ 1.0", "Symphony / Acetic-bundle": "~ 2.3", "Symphony / Swift Mailer-bundle": "~ 2.3", "Symphony / Monol-Bundle": "~ 2.4", "Senseo / Distribution-bundle ":" ~ 3.0 ", "Sensory / Framework-Extra-Bundle": "3.0.*@dev", "Dostofoimphony / User-bundle": "~ 2.0@dev", "friendsofsymfony / jsrouting-bundle": "2.0" @ dev "," Friendsophosphony / Rest-bundle ":" 1.5.*@dev "," jms / serializer-bundle ":" 0.13.*@dev "," jms / di-extra-bundle ":" 1.4. "@ Dev", "JMC / Security-Extra-Bundle": "Dev-Master", "Ghplabs / PhD-Pagneter-bundle": "2.4.*@dev", "Complublice / NAP-Menu": "2.0. * @ Dev "," Noplabs / NAP-menu-bundle ":" 2.0.*@dev "," Stuff / theory-extension-bundle ":" 1.2.*@dev "," Nellimio / API-doctor-bundle " : "~ 1.0", "Leap / Monitor-bundle": "2.7.*@dev", "Genmu / Form-Bundle": "2.2.*@dev", "Missed / Phone Number-bundle": "~ 1.0 / dev-master "," Ralffreile / Ladybug-bundle ":" ~ 1.0 "," sp / bower-bundle ":" 0.12.*@dev "," h4cc / alice-fixtures-bundle ":" dev-bug / 30 "", "Require-dev": {"sensio / generator-bundle": "~ 2.3"}, "script": {"post-root-package-install": ["SymfonyStandard \\" Composer:: HookRootPackageInstall " ], "Post-install-cmd": ["Senseo \\ Bundle \\ DistributionBondal \\ Composer \ scriptHandler :: buildBootstrap", "Senseo \ Bundle \" DistributionBandle \\ Creator \\ ScriptHandler :: ClearCache "," Sensio \ \ Bundle \\ DistributionBandle \\ Creator \\ ScriptHandler :: installAssets "," Senseo \ Bundle \ "DistributionBandle \\ Composer \\ ScriptHandler :: installRequirementsFile", "Sensio \\ Bundle \\ DistributionBundle \\ Composer \\ ScriptHandler :: RemoveSymfonyStandardFiles "," lip \\ monibandal \\ composer \\ " RipHandler :: Check Health "]," Post-Update-CMD ": [" Senseo \ Bundle \\ Distribution Bundle \\ Composer \\ ScriptHandler: BuildBoots Trap "," Sensio \\ Bundle \\ DistributionBundal \\ Creator \\ ScriptHandler :: Clean Cache "," Senseo \ Bundle \ "Distribution Bundle \\ Composer \\ ScriptHandler :: Installation Asset", "Senseo \ Bundle \ \ Distribution Bundle \ Composer \\ ScriptHandler :: installRequirementsFile", "Sensio \\ Bundle \\ Composer" \\ ScriptHandler :: r "", "Web-site", "branch-alias": {"bin-dir": "bin"}, "webpage", " "Extra": {"symfony-app-dir": "app", "symfony-web-dir": "dev-master": "2.5-dev"}, "symfony-assets-install": "symlink"} }   

How do I point out my composer in the Forced repository? What is the best way to deal with this?


After the @Seeded suggestion, I have not uploaded it to the composer.json file but still fork, I What am i doing

  "repository": [{"type": "vcs", "url": "https: // github .com / Spea / SpBowerBundle.git"}], "requirement": {.... "sp / bower-bundle": "dev-master",    

< P> Add your repository to the repository and it should use the original composer.json instead.
  {.... "repositories": [{"type": "vcs", "url": " SpBowerBundle"}],. ...}    


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