Running Test file from exercism C# -

I'm having trouble running a test file. I can not see what I should do differently. This is the first Practice Project for C # I think I have solved the problem, but I have not got a Test file to run successfully in Microsoft Visual Studio. The goal is to create a function to determine that the year is a leap year.

I want to use the class year in this file below, in my project it is class 1c The name given is

the year with the file:

  using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; System usage threading. Task; Namespace Exercises {Public Class Year {Public Bull Isleip (Int. Word) (if (Year% 4 == 0) If (Year% 100 == 0) If (Year% 400 == 0) is true; Second false return; And the truth come back; Second false return;}}}   

The test file is down when I try to run it, then I have the 'current' reference for each test function given below The 'name' year does not exist.

  Using NUnit.Framework; Exercise Experiment; STEPECTIONS] Public Class Leap Test {[Test] Public Zero Valued_Leap_Uure (Except that (E.ElAyap (1996), ISRRE);} [Ignore] [Test] Public Zero invalid_lap_eur (). (Year Iliap (1997), ISFFL);} [Undiscovered] [Test] Public Zero Turn_of_the_20th_century_is_not_a_leap_year () {Assert.That (Year Iliap (1900), ISFFE);} [Ignore] [Test] Public Zero Turn_of_the_25th_century_is_a_leap_year () {Assert.That (years.Islip (2400), Is.True);}}   

I Know that this is a basic question but any help would be appreciated


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