angularjs - How to manipulate DOM element after Angular digest cycle? -
I am trying to create a simple system information service in Kangaroo which basically showed up at the top of my window Gives notification to give in a certain position until the user contacts with it. The problem I am facing is my I have a service that is My direction is My problem is that I can not understand how to focus my notification after the DOM is running. Update I still can not find a solution with using I would still like to know about how to go about teasing Dome after any $ scope
app.directive ('skSystemUpdate', function (SystemUpdate) {Return {replace: true, restricted: 'A ', Template:'
Sys named temUpdate , which is used to set a scope variable based on parameters (i.e.
SystemUpdate.create ('this is something ) and then
$ RootScope.showSystemUpdate flip right on flip.
$ watch ing for this change and when the flag is set to true then I get the scope variable from the
SystemUpdate service Is done and implementing the updated
scope.message variable takes care of the rest of the cooner to the DOM.
$ timeout , which is absolutely There is not a very good solution because the message changes, because you can clearly see the "jump" between posts ... it has to be done before some people! It is something that can do with jQuery in a matter of seconds, but angular is doing a real pain.
ng-show /
ng-hide , but during this time I I could see that I was wrapping my element in another device which is the
position: fixed and then just click the
, focusing that small device on that center. It is essentially how the angular UI bootstrap has their modules, but I still have the right solution to the original problem Would love to know if an angular guru will oblige
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