c# - Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException Error -
I am stuck on this error for about one day and I do not understand why I am getting it. / P>
One type of exception was 'Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException' in System.Core.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: The best overloaded method for 'System. Web.Helpers.WebGrid.Bind.bind
var data = Broad in Milan brand DB From DB Division in Division DB. In Supplier where the brand from the supplier. Brendad == division. Division id where the product is. SPLDID == Supplier. Select SuperDider new modelglid {BrandID = brand.brandID, BrandName = brand.brandName, DivisionName = division.DivisionName, CompanyName = supplier.CompanyName, ContactName = supplier.ContactName, Country = Supplier. Country}). ToList (); See Return (data);
WebGrid grid = new webgrid (model); Grid .bind (model, puncticount: vubag quount, autoront and page: incorrect); Grid: "Grid" column ("brand name", "brand id", canert: true), grid column ("brand name", "brand name", canert: true), grid. Columns ("Company Name", "Company Name", "Company Name", canSort: true), Grid Columns ("Contact Name", "Contact Name", "Column", "Division Name", "Division Name", canSort: true), Grid. CanSort: true) Public class ModelGrid {public int BrandID}, the grid. ("Country", "country", canSort: true))
and ideal: < pre>
{received; Set; } Public String BrandName {get; Set; } Public String DivisionName {get; Set; } Public String CompanyName {get; Set; } Receive public string contact name { Set; } Public string country {get; Set; }}
I think I get this error while using anonymous types, but I thought I did not pay attention to it. I am still learning at this point so that any advice can be greatly appreciated.
Try this and see that it works
grid. Bind (see model, row number: (int) bag quote, autostart and page: wrong);
I think viewBag is a dynamic type due to its failure and it does not know that calculation is an int and bind method, an int is expected for the line.
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