scala - Override field with parameterless method -
I am currently learning Scala and I am reading Martin Ordesky's book (from the cover). In Chapter 10 I found this:
< P> Excellent I understand both and in this way. So I tried an example:
class father {def x = 1 // method} increases the child's dad in the class (overlays well x = 1; // field} However, if you try to override an attribute with a method:
class father father {val x = 1; // field} class I get a compiler error: The method x should be a static, irreversible value override (override def x = 1 // method) Def X = 1
This does not work if x is in dad var : Method x can not override a floating variable override def x = 1 so we have two cases (and I have two questions): < Ul>
Trying to override an unqualified field: In this order of guarantee, x will not be overridden by a method whose value varies more Until the time? Is there any other reason? A The variable region is trying to override: Why can not override an unqualified area? I initially thought that this is to avoid class users assigning values to parameters without parameters, but then no parameter-based method should be allowed.
a val to def A var should be allowed to override at def what will it mean?
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