C Program Returns Unexpected Numbers -
I'm sorry if this question is really dumb, but I started learning c and no one knew I was Was able to help. I should calculate the number of letters in stdin and say how many times each one was used, it is also expected that we use a counter and fred method.
EDIT: Igor helped me with my answer and the program is now almost everything is right. Little mistakes are still there: only the first 10 characters are identified and they are calculated, Who are ignored And if the input should be bigger than 10 or not, then it does not work.
I have commented on the changes that I have made in the code so that others can follow my mistakes.
I have the code: that does not print expected results, which actually prints Is: The changes used to output Much more meaningful has been made but still some mistakes. next time You have to start the array: When you do not do this, there are random values in it and the count is not correct. This statement has no effect: Do this instead: and in C #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; ctype.h & gt; Int main () {Four lessons [10]; Int bar was used [26]; // I started the array, but did not set the value of 0. Int bar usage [26] = {0}; // This line corrected the issue with getting random numbers; textLength = 0; Char * ptr; While (feeds (& amp; text, size (four), 10, stdin)) {ptr = & amp; Text [0]; While (1) {if (alpha (* ptr)) {textLength ++; * Ptr = tolower (* ptr); // Original was only Tiller (* ptr); Which is worthless time [((four) * ptr) - 'A'] ++; } If (* ptr == '\ n') goto end; // Original here only one '=' / ** ptr = '\ 0'; * / If (ptr == & lesson [10]) goto end; // both on PTR ++; }} End printf ("number of characters:% 20d \ n", textLength); Int i; For (I = 0; i
test test test test test m number of letters: 9 letters were used 2 times letter g was used 1 time letter i used 1 time (s) The letter was done n Was used 1 time (s) The letter was used in 1 time (s) The letter T3 time (s) was used
-wall Compile your code with and
-VITRR to note some of your mistakes.
int timesUsed [26] = {0};
tolower (* ptr);
* ptr = tolower (* ptr);
= is not equal to
== which checks for equality, so if you change the statement: < / P>
if (* ptr == '\ n') goto end; / ** ptr = '\ 0'; * / If (ptr == & lesson [10]) goto end;
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