naming owl ontology in protege -
I am using protease 4.2.0.
When I write a new morphology, then I can save it for a local file on my machine, for example, Gretanviewer ontology. OLL
If I want to import that technology into a new mechanism, then I can get the file using the active Ontology tab on my hard disk, panel (bottom panel), direct Import + Import an object using a particular file.
The Great Navy Onputology import is fine, but this is shown with a name like this:
untitled- Ontology-93 ()
Question: Do I have to use my vocabulary To save on a religious web site, in a way descriptive name has given the file to your computer, such as, "Great Neighbutopropology"?
Thank you!
A colleague helped me with this one.
Open the file in Protasi and go to the active otology tab, if I do not understand you incorrectly, then I will see an Unsteruster-Ontology-93A. Line Change the field from the location you want to name in the Onrolology IRI area, and you must have all the sets.
This works!
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