sql - Azure ASP.Net MVC database deployment best practice -
We are a team of two developers, who are building ASP.NET MVC app in Azure and are thinking that Learn about setting up the database.
We were using a local DB in the App_Data folder attached to SQL Express, it seemed to work fine until it is time to check and there is conflict.
We are using GIT to check in the bit book and Azure is run from a planning master branch as well as deploying the database.
The first migration and all data we are using the database code
Can anyone please help?
An answer is discussed.
Regarding migration: I also work in a team of 2 developers. What works for us is in the early stages of development (Models vary greatly) Every person runs his database at local level (figures in initiator). Once the project is relatively stable, we are positioned on a website with the SQL Ezur database. Whenever the model changes, we add a migration and run it against that database. Our team is small like you, so it works for us. If the team is growing, then I recommend setting up a CI server (Team City). Regarding database connections We do not use .mdf file in App_Data. Each has a local example of SQL Server Express running on your machine. For connection string, we have 4 environments set up (Local, Development, Scaffolding, Production) These are set in web.config (you can set them in code, this is also your choice). When we run the application, we choose the environment we want to develop against it. We are using VS 2013 through an Azor website, every web. The config is configured according to the environment. We have the environment to the web. From the config and what environment we depend on, the connection string is in the application using an IOC container (NINSA). Hope this helps, & lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; AppSettings & gt; & Lt; Add Key = "Environment" Value = "Development" /> & Lt; / AppSettings & gt; & Lt; / Configuration & gt;
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