c# - Gridview Command and Selected Row -
I am trying to get the selected row data and trying to move it to a label on the same page . Although I can not get a gridview. Select to work with my CommandName I have tried everything ....
I get an error that the object is not set according to the frequency of the object. is. On Label2.Text
Here is my code:
Protected Zero GridView1_RowCommand (Object Sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs E) {// Many ButtonField column fields are used, using / / CommandName property to determine which button was clicked. If (e.command-name == "hold") {Label2.Text = GridView1. Selected Row.Cells [2]. Text; Label3.Text = GridView1 Selected Row.Cells [3]. Text; Label4.Text = GridView1 Selected RAW Seals [4]. Text; Label5.Text = GridView1 Selected R. Kell [5]. Text; }} ; ASP: GridView id = "GridView1" runat = "Server" AllowPaging = "True" AllowSorting = "True" AutoGenerateColumns = "false" BackColor = "White" BorderColor = "#DEDFDE" BorderStyle = "None" BorderWidth = "1px" CellPadding = "4" DataKorNames = "ID" DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource1" ForeColor = "Black" Gridlines = "Vertical" CssClass = "td" OnSelectedIndexChanged = "Gridview 1 Cylinded Index" width = "574px" onrowcommand = "Gridview 1Do Command" & gt; & Lt; AlternatingRowStyle BackColor = "White" /> & Lt; Columns & gt; & Lt; Asp: TemplateField Header Text = "Action" & gt; & Lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; asp: ImageButton id = "ImageButton2" runat = "server" ImageUrl = "~ / images / edit.png" onclic = "image button 2_Click" /> & Lt; ASP: ImageButton ID = "ImageButton1" runat = "server" commandname = "select" imageUrl = "~ / images / delete.png" onclientclick = "confirmation of return ('Do you want to remove this vehicle?');" / & Gt; & Lt; asp: ImageButton id = "ImageButton3" runat = "server" ImageUrl = "~ / images / refre.png" CommandName = "hold" /> & Lt; / ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; / ASP: TemplateField & gt; & Lt; ASP: Boundfield datedfield = "id" headerText = "id" insert = "wrong" read oli = "true" sort campaign = "id" /> & Lt; ASP: BoundfieldDefined = "Year" Header Text = "Year" Sorted Expression = "Year" /> & Lt; ASP: Boundfield Dated Field = "Make" Header Text = "Make" Sorted Expression = "Creating" /> & Lt; ASP: BoundfieldDefined = "Model" Header Text = "Model" Sorted Expression = "Model" /> & Lt; ASP: BoundfieldDocumentfield = "Submodel" header text = "Submodel" sortExpress = "Submodel" /> & Lt; asp: BoundfieldDIFF field = "ISENABLED" header text = "ISENABLED" sorted expression = "ISENABLED" /> & Lt; / Column & gt; & Lt; FooterStyle BackColor = "# CCCC99" /> & Lt; HeaderStyle BackColor = "# 6B696B" font-bold = "true" ForeColor = "white" /> & Lt; PagerStyle BackColor = "# F7F7DE" ForeColor = "Black" Horizontal Align = "Right" /> & Lt; RowStyle BackColor = "# F7F7DE" / & gt; & Lt; Selected light backcollger = "# ce 5d5a" font-bold = "true" foreclosure = "white" /> & Lt; Sorted spacecale stylebackcroller = "#fbfbf2" /> & Lt; Sorted Header Style Style BackAllore = "# 848384" /> & Lt; SortedDending Cell Style Backlar = "#EEED3" /> & Lt; Sorted Header System Back Buckler = "# 575357" /> & Lt; / ASP: GridView & gt;
Try something like this. Since you are trying to reach values in the command event, or if not in the OnSelectedIndexChanged event, you need to catch the line that triggered the first event. if (e.CommandName == "hold") {GridViewRow line = (GridViewRow) ((ImageButton) e.CommandSource). NameContainer; If (line! = Null) {Label2.Text = row.Cells [2]. Text; Label3.Text = row.Cells [3]. Text; Label4.Text = row.Cells [4]. Text; Label5.Text = row.Cells [5]. Text; }}
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