Facebook api shows only statuses of the last year -
I am working with a Facebook app whose purpose is to show all user situations, here are some questions on stack overflow After getting (almost) the problem is that the graph API shows only last year's condition is not a script problem because if I use Graph API Explorer tool, then JSAN output is same (now - October 2013) . Any Facebook account, any ideas / support tested with the same problem? Thanks
Update: Basically I get the data from: On both sides, I got the same result (by Explorer tool or script) and some conditions and I can not go back to very old conditions. But the problem is not my code, I am asking because there are probably some limitations not listed in the docs. As Wizkid has suggested that I have filed a bug. is a bug. We have managed to reproduce this problem and it is a valid The bug appears that we are specifying this to the appropriate team. https://graph.facebook.com/v2.1/me?fields=statuses < / Code> (this is from the Explorer API tool), the script code is
"$ request = new FacebookRequest ($ session, 'GET', '/ me / statuses');"
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