java - Thread updating GUI on dispatcher thread causes exception -

I have 2 threads, one thread that runs "server" for my app, and the other is the event dispatcher Displayed for GUI:

  public static zero main (string [] args) {// connection runtime R2 = new Runnabel () {@ Override Public Wide Run () {App. ConnectToServer (); }}; // Launch the main window SwingUtilities.invokeLater (New Runnabal) (Public Zero Run) {// Install Theme WebLink Endfile (); // launches main window; bootwind myMainWindow = new BootWindow ();}}); Thread thread = new thread (R2); Thr2.start (); } // static static app for example getInstance () {if (example == zero) {// window example example = create new app; } Return Example; } // server connection private static zero connect toServer () {System.out.println ("Connecting to e-Trade Manager server .."); ATM server server = new ATM server (); Server.connectEtmServer (); }   

There is a way in the app thread in the app that listens new messages from a new server, then this method calls the update status in a class that is in the GUI thread The background color of a panel tries to update:

The method that is listening:

  @Override Public Zero Process SystemStatus (SystemStatusUpdateWrapper systemUpdate) {System.out.println ("---- System Update ----"); System.out.println ("Connection ID:" + systemUpdate.getConnectionId ()); System.out.println ("System Status:" + systemUpdate.getSystemStatus ()); System.out.println ("Risk State:" + systemUpdate.getRiskState ()); Println ("--------- end ---------"); Summary smryWindow = new summary (); SmryWindow.updateStatus ("Q Time", systemUpdate.getSystemStatus ()); } {/ Code>  

Update method in GUI thread

  public zero update state (string panel name, string status) {if (panelName = "Qt") {if (position == "enabled") {qtimeStatusPanel.setBackground (Color.GREEN); Try {qtimeStatusPanel.validate (); QtimeStatusPanel.repaint (); } Hold (exception before) {System.err.println (ex.getMessage ()); }} And {qtimeStatusPanel.setBackground (Color.RED); }}}   

When an updatestat is called it, it throws an exception:

  java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.WeakHashMap $ HashIterator .nextEntry ( java.util.WeakHashMap $ ( java.util.WeakHashMap $ ( .applySkin ( on StylManager   

I'm not sure how to handle it, any advice?

Exclude from the Iterator's own () method, the Iterator will throw a concurrent correction concept . " A ?? Verify that you are using an iterator, as shown.

Your program can also be properly synchronized. You can update the GUI when used, as shown.


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