c# - Winform : Set Password for SQL Server connection string in app.config programatically -
I am trying to develop a closed system window form application. The problem I am facing is how should I protect my application data because it has very sensitive data.
The problem I want to set the password string in programmatic manner. Is there any way now that I can set the password as a program login in the I am thinking something like this. < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> To make the connection string accurate by using the stringbuilder class. When all components are added to the stringbuilder unit, then change toString () for your real connection string
& lt; Add name = "salary_slipEntities" connectionString = "metadata = res: //*/Model1.csdl | res: //*/Model1.ssdl | res: //*/Model1.msl; provider = System.Data.SqlClient; provider Connection string = & amp; quot; data source = TFSSERVER; initial catalog = salary_slip; user id = user; password = pass; multipleactive serialset = true; app = entityFramework & amp; quot; "provider name =" System.Data.EntityClient " />
app.config file? I'm adding a screenshot to better understand.
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