ios - URL File Size With NSURLConnection - Swift -
I am trying to get a file size from the URL before downloading
obj here -c is the code
NS URL * URL = [NSD URL Youth Ringtones: "User url"]; NSMutableURLRequest * Request = [NSMutableURL request request with url: URL]; [Set http system: @ "head"]; NSHTTPURL response * feedback; [Send NSRR connection SynchronousAust: Returning Response Request: & amp; Reaction error: zero]; Longer size = [expected content lang]; and here swift code
var url: NSURL = NSURL (string: "ExmapleURL") var request: NSMutableURLRequest = NSMutableURLRequest (URL: url) request .HTTPMethod = "HEAD" var response = NSHTTPURLResponse () NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest (Request, Returning Response: And Response, Error: Zero) But I have an error here < Previous> NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest (request, returning response: and response, error: zero) 'NSHTCPRSpons' is not similar to 'NSURLResponse?' Did I miss something fast here?
The response parameter is type
AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer & lt; NSURLResponse? & Gt; Which means that you can give the argument of an alternative NSURLResponse as arguments: Var response: NSURLResponse? NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest (Request, Returning Response: & amp; Response, Error: Zero) You then have a conditionally a NSHTTPURLResponse : if httpResponse = feedback? NSHTTPURLResponse {println (httpResponse.expectedContentLength)} Note that you should check the return value of sendSynchronousRequest () , which is zero If no connection can be made. This method is advised to call only for a different thread (or using the sendAsynchronousRequest () ) because it may take some time to do one Connections especially when using a cellular network ??? And the main thread will be blocked otherwise.
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