Dealing with Android's MediaPlayer while rotating screen, pressing Home Button or App is interrupted -
I am in a difficult part of the workflow / design on my app.
I have a media player that runs in a service, I want to stop the music when the user leaves (but not closed) the app is the same, the home button
MediaPlayer's So, how can I save it efficient / elegant way? Music should not be interrupted when the device is rotated. I thought of overriding the click method of the Home button, stop there mediaplayer and set a global boolean flag to check in Am I wrong with this? Is there a better way? If your minSdkVersion is at least 14, you can see the Otherwise, you can see it on However any other application Call forcibly Will not get drawn on the foreground (like a phone call arrives). Edit: As an alternative you may be able to rely on It should also be called by breaks () and
start () are implemented in the activity of
onStop () and
onResume () , Respectively, this button is working properly and relabeling the app, but it happens even when the activity cycle is due to Screen rotates.
onResume () if the media player must start again. But it seems like I do not have a hack or such a good practice.
isChangingConfigurations () flag before pausing the media player:
Protected Zero at Overwrite (@) {if (Changing Configuration is) {// Stop Media Player}}
UserLeaveHint () :
Override Protected Zero User Lev Hunt () {// Stop Media Player}
onWindowFocusChanged () . It is called with
false when skipping activity with home or back, but not on configuration changes. Public overover override {// media player}
@WindowFocusChanged (Boolean hashfocus). As a side note, you should generally use symmetric lifecycle methods (for example
onPause () ,
onStart () use
onPause () /
onResume () or
onStop () /
onStart () )
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