php - Accidentally added all zend framework files to the commit, how to remove them -
Instead of p>,
git commit-A Because I was scared of unknown files, I would like to add some jnd files such as theories, musicians, etc. Was about to find and boom!
My question is 1. How to remove zend files from committed 2. How to clean up this mess?
Please help!
The world is beautiful again.
I used to share a heap of mistakes so that it could help someone someday:
- Zed Framework Files committed with project files. Never do that especially with vendors.
- After I went to the previous branch, the project started throwing 500, because it was not able to find all the Zand files. (I was trying to reset the GIT file in the previous step and I think there was no mismatch in the Zend Framework files)
- I hope another folder in this sequence set up in Z. folder That the missing files will be rebounded.
1. A soft reset was made: Go back to git reset --soft HEAD ~ 3 a stable commit. 2. Fired all zend files. 3. Recommended the desired files. 4. When I started receiving badmethodcall from zend / navigation / navigation The reason for this was that in addition to the JPF 2 folder, the composer install, loaded Zende framework folder in the vendor folder. There should be only one shared library folder in the seller folder. Now, the Zend Framework was taking priority in the menu on Z2 - I have no clue. But I removed the Zend Framework, and started singing butterflies. Thank you for any person trying to help me.
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