rust - What can be the reason of `LLVM ERROR: Target does not support MC emission!`? -
I am currently working on Roost in LLVM tutorial. I have already implemented parts of the Kalidoscope REPL. It used to work well for me, but suddenly stopped it to work and Follow the relevant piece of code. Initial function: Module creation: Performance engine creation: Function compiling and running: are imported by LLWM by preflxed LLVM functions :: rustc, which are not prefexed by LLVM :: are imported by my code, see . To see the complete code list, See I am using the latest night of war and LLWM 3.5.0 UPD: Launched by LLVMI. After commenting about the call for the Native Targ, GIT started working again. But I am still wondering what is the cause of the problem and how GIT should be used correctly. UPD2: After commenting the line with initialization, everything did not work again: the function in the call defines the code with the The function I am trying to call (previously worked): Example session: I had and could also solve it by turning it on I found it in the source code of LLVM error: every attempt to calculate a value in the target MC does not support emissions it seems now That's it's happy after updating the latest compiler to the latest night (but I'm not sure here).
# [permission (non_snackcase)] Pub unprotected FNLDVMI initiatesNative targets (llvm :: LLVMInitializeX86TargetInfo (); LLVM :: LLVMInitializeX86Target (); LLVM :: LLVMInitializeX86TargetMC (); }
module = llvm :: LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext (module_name.to_c_str). as_ptr (), context);
let exec_engine = 0 as llvm :: ExecutionEngineRef; Give error = 0 as * const c_char; LLVMCreateExecutionEngineForModule (& amp; Function, Module, and Error;); Insist! (Exec_engine! = Llvm as Ex: = EngineRef Execution);
Pub FN Run (Value: LLM :: Valerieuf, Context: & amp; Theme) - & gt; F64 {insecure {result = LLVMRunFunction (context.exec_engine; value; 0; 0; const genericValueRef as); Let ty = llvm :: LLVMDoubleTypeInContext (context.context); LLVMGenericValueToFloat (ty, results)}}
LLVM error: execution of an unknown external function Tried now
# [no_mangle] pub extern fn print (x: f64) - & Gt; F64 {println! ("& Gt; {} <", x); X}
jauhien @ zcj iron-copy% ./target/iron_kaleidoscope & gt; Extern print (x) double @ print double) & gt; Print (1) llv error: tried to execute unknown external function: print
LLVMInitializeNativeAsmPrinter (); LLVMInitializeNativeAsmParser (); After starting X86Target
lli .
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