android - set frame rate in JavaCameraView -

I want to set the frame rate to 1 fps via javaCamera view. When I turn on the camera, the frame rate is approximately 20 fps. My objective is to change this value to 1 fps after clicking on the button.

Can anyone help me? I have searched a lot on the internet, but I could not find interesting (even in the document). I am using JavaCameraView because I am working with openCV mcamera

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You can manipulate camera preview FPS Creating a class JavaCameraView and mCamera object:

  public class optimizationCamairAvailable JavaCamera view {public customizable cameraview (context reference, attribatate etter) extends {super (reference, ethers) ; } Public Zero Set Display FPS (Double Min, Double Max) {Camera. Parameter parameters = mCamera.getParameters (); Params.setPreviewFpsRange ((int) (min * 1000), (integer) (max * 1000)); mCamera.setParameters (parameter); }}   

OpenCV Tutorial 3 - Similar to camera control.

But you have to check that you have set the FPS range in mCamera.getSupportedPreviewFpsRange () - in my case [minutes: 10000, maximum: 31000], so theoretical form The minimum is 10fps.


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