c# - Converting a Dictionary to a List with formatting -
I have a zero experience working with Oracle and I'm using Oracle XE to test my code. .
I have a small problem in the hope that something will help.
OK, I am trying to create a cross-DB platform application where I need to create a seaplap statement dynamically. I have received a statement working for Oracle because Oracle is expected to be in the name of the column in quotes, then I start getting "INVALID IDENTIFIER" errors. For example, the statement below does not work for me, but if I put the firstname in the quote, it works.
"emp" by the first name However, it works
SELECT "first name" to " emp " Now I am working on code. If (sourceType == DataSource.OracleServer) {sourceBuilder.Append ("SELECT") .Append (string.joined ("," (Maped column list select (x = & gt; x.Key)))) Append ("FROM") .Append (sourceAttribute); } Other SourceBuilder: "SELECT". Append (string.joined (",", mapped column list select (x = & gt; xka)) append ("FARM"). Append (source Atitivar);
Now I have to add a double quote to the place where I am flipping my dictionary, when the source type is Oracle.
I tried to use
sourcebuilder.Append ("SELECT"). Append (string.zone (",", string.Format ("\" "+ Mapped column list. Select (x => x.Key) +" \ ""))). Add ("FROM"). Append (source attitudes); But obviously, it does not work
Want to change it:
string.Format ("Select the \" + Mapped column list (x = & gt; x.key) + "\" ") to:
Mapped column list. Select (x = & gt; "\" "+ x.Key +" \ "")
c # प्रोग्रामर्स के लिए प्रोग्राम
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