javascript - filter defects by dates, selected from combobox rally -

The defects are to be filtered by three conditions: open defect, defect release start date and defect release end date. I'm choosing from date combobox for the release date and the end date of the release.

Below is my code

  _prepareChart: function () {that = this; Console.log ("Start Date", that. _startDate); Console.log ("End date", that._endDate); The property: 'state', operator: '=', value: "open"}, {asset: 'property', 'property': 'state', operator: 'state', auto-load: true, store config: {filter: [ISI] property: ' Release ReleaseStartdate ', operator:' = ', value: that._startDate}, {property:' Release.ReleaseDate 'operator:' & lt; = ', Value: that._endDate}],}, listeners: {load: this._onDataLoaded, // load: this._onDataLoadedfirst, radius: this}}); },   

I'm selecting dates from the app screen below

 Enter image details here

You can use the Javascript method Such as

  var today = new date (). ToISOString (); Ext .create ('', {models: ['UserStory', 'fault'], get: ['Owner', 'FormattedID', 'Name', 'ScheduleState', ' Work '], Auto Load: Correct, Filters: [[Property:' Eertation. Start Date ', Operator:' & lt; = ', Value: Today}, {Property:' Itresson. & Date ', Operator: & Gt; = ', value: today}], listeners: {load: this._onDataLoaded, radius: this}});    


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