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php - Fatal error: Call to a member function, on a non-object, codeigniter controller -

यहाँ मेरा नियंत्रक profileinfo.php & lt; php वर्ग प्रोफ़ाइल में जानकारी CI_Controller का विस्तार करती है {function सूचकांक () {$ this- & gt; लोड- & gt; सहायक (सरणी ('फ़ॉर्म', 'यूआरएल')); $ This- & gt; लोड- & gt; मॉडल ('एल्यूमिंसर्ट', '', TRUE); $ इस- & gt; load- & gt; पुस्तकालय ( 'form_validation'); $ This- & gt; form_validation- & gt; set_rules ('नाम', 'नाम', 'अपेक्षित'); $ This- & gt; form_validation- & gt; set_rules ('शाखा', 'ब्रैम', 'आवश्यक'); $ This- & gt; form_validation- & gt; सेट_रेल्स ('शैक्षिक रुचि', 'शैक्षणिक ब्याज', 'आवश्यक'); $ This- & gt; form_validation- & gt; सेट_रेल्स ('इंटर्नशिप डिटेल्स', 'इंटर्नशिप विवरण', 'आवश्यक'); $ this- & gt; form_validation- & gt; सेट_रियल्स ('interest_hobbies', 'रुचि और शौक', 'आवश्यक'); $ This- & gt; form_val...

performance - Monitoring Kafka Spout with KafkaOffsetMonitoring tool -

I am using Kafka Split which came with Hurricane- 0.9.2 Distribution for my project This spout I want to monitor the throughput of I tried to use very offset monitoring, but this is not showing any consumer reading on my subject. I suspect, because I have specified the root path in Zuckair to store consumer offsets. How would the cafeteria offset monitor know where to see the data about my cough scout example? Does anyone really tell me where Zokipar keeps data about the subject and consumers of Kafa? Zookie has a file system, how does it arrange data for different topics and their partition? What is a consumer group and how is it translated by Zuciperer while storing consumer offsets? If anyone has ever used a high offset monitor to monitor the throughput of the Kuffa step, please tell me how can I find my toy? Thanks a lot, Pal Shah I used to use a fairly offset monitor Not done, but I can answer the second part. ZuckPer.Connect is the property where you can spec...

javascript - filter defects by dates, selected from combobox rally -

The defects are to be filtered by three conditions: open defect, defect release start date and defect release end date. I'm choosing from date combobox for the release date and the end date of the release. Below is my code _prepareChart: function () {that = this; Console.log ("Start Date", that. _startDate); Console.log ("End date", that._endDate); The property: 'state', operator: '=', value: "open"}, {asset: 'property', 'property': 'state', operator: 'state', auto-load: true, store config: {filter: [ISI] property: ' Release ReleaseStartdate ', operator:' = ', value: that._startDate}, {property:' Release.ReleaseDate 'operator:' & lt; = ', Value: that._endDate}],}, listeners: {load: this._onDataLoaded, // load: this._onDataLoadedfirst, radius: this}}); }, I'm selecting dates from the app screen below You can use the Javascript method Such as va...

Convert Text to Date in SQL Server -

How do I convert text values ​​like "18/06/11" such as "Date 2011-06-18 I have tried the following Convert (char, [InstrumentText], 106) But the value remains in only one format Thanks The correct format for your string will be 103. More Importantly, you do not need to convert datetime to char : (date, [Ins trumentText], 103) If you want to convert it back to string in yyyy-mm-dd format, you can do this: Convert (varchar) (10), Convert (date, [InstrumentText], 103), 120)

c++ - using a conditional type in a .cpp file -

I have a templated class and a type that depends on the template. How can I use this in my CCP file? object.hpp: pair_d = std :: pair and lt; Double, double> Pair_f = std :: pair & lt; Float, float & gt; Template & lt; Typename T & gt; Class Object {Public: Static_AstTort (Study :: ISIm ; value; std :: is_same : value, "type is not allowed"); Pair = typename std :: conditional & lt; Std :: is_same & lt; T, float & gt; :: value, pair_f, pair_d & gt; :: By typing; // conditional type const pair doSomething (T, T) function using const; } object.cpp #include "object.hpp" template & lt; Typename T & gt; Const pair object & lt; T & gt; :: doSomething (TT1, TT2) const {// ....} but I'm getting: Error: Unknown type name 'pair' How can I use the 'pair' type in my .cpp file? Arguments have been named with the same name (t T, TT) , separate those names. Do not do this, yo...

java - What happen in Thread program if start() method calls within it's own body? -

Please give me some vivid explanations in this regard. I have tried a lot, but I could not understand it. I am completely messing with the program's code segment from below, called below in the program like repetition, and even how to start the first method before starting Start method body Thanks in advance. package appletexample; Import java.awt. *; Import java.applet *; Public class appleton extension extends runanble {string str = "this is a simple banner"; Thread T; Boolean B; Public zero init () {setBackground (Color.gray); setForeground (Color.yellow); } Public Zero Start () {T = New Thread (this); B = false; T.start (); } Public run zero () {Four f; (;;) {Try (Paint); Thread.Sleep (200); Ch = str.charAt (0); str = str.substring (1, str.length ()); Str = str + ch; } Grip (Interrupted predefined E) {}}} Public Zero Color (Graphics G) {g.drawRect (1,1,300,150); G.setColor (Color.yellow); G.fillRect (1,1,300,150); G.setColor (; G.drawString (str, ...

xcode - Black screen in iOS simulator -

I am trying to launch titanium app in iOS simulator, but I get a black screen. Everything worked fine till now, I do not know why it does not work anymore. I get this error: [trace] ** BUILD SUCCEEDED ** [INFO] Finished 14s applications in 136ms [INFO] The application running in iOS is building Simulator [debug] All iOS simulators [Info] IOS Simulator [Debug] Simulator Launches App Launch In Order: "/ Users / Carl / Library / Application Support / Titanium / Mobilesilesdk / OSX / 3.3.0 / iPhone / ios-SIM" Launch /Users/carl/Dev/test/build/iphone/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ "--xcode-directory" /Applications/ "--sdk 7.1 --family iphone - Rate No --Tall [INFO] IOS Simulator [ERROR] The project failed to produce after 1m 44s 479ms I tried to reset the content and settings in the simulator, but It does not work. In addition, try to reboot, and re-install Xcode with no luck. The project was launched correctly on one de...