
Showing posts from April, 2010

ios - Table View In Swift -

After I'm trying to see something like this to configure a page - where I have a table view inside It's a standard view controller with my prototype I have Cell is denied, so I can configure in these codes and add related images. However, I am trying to set the code base to (i.e.) implementing the required table view methods, but many errors are occurring; This is going to happen because This is the only apple when you have a UITableView and not a table in a normal view controller? If so, how do I manage my dynamic tables in the code? Thank you for your time a UITableView When using a ViewController (not in a UITableViewController ) as you are doing it, your custom ViewController is UITableViewDataSource Code> and UITableViewDelegate Protocol At least the following required actions: class MyViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate {... Func numberOfSectionsInTableView (TableView: UITableView) - & gt; ...

java - Servlet /webapp threw load() exception -

After When I start the badge server in linux, the war file must be deploying the webapp auto. org.springframework.asm.ClassReader Threaded servlet / webapp load () exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException & LT; Init & gt;: When I see the localhost.log file, found the following error. (Unknown source) at org.springframework.asm.ClassReader. & Lt; Init>. (Unknown source) org.springframework.asm.ClassReader on & lt; Init & gt; (Unknown source) at org.springframework.core.type.classreading.SimpleMetadataReader org.springframework.core.type.classreading.SimpleMetadataReaderFactory.getMetadataReader (org.springframework.core.type.classreading.CachingMetadataReaderFactory.getMetadataReaderCashingMetadata Reader Federative. & lt; init & gt; ( java: 102 ) Org.springframework.core.type.classreading.SimpleMetadataReaderFactory.getMetadataReader at ( org.springframework.context.annotation.con...

java - Invalid constructor reference when using local class? -

निम्न कोड को देखते हुए: पैकेज; आयात करें java.util.ArrayList; आयात java.util.List; सार्वजनिक वर्ग की परीक्षा {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {} सार्वजनिक शून्य foo () लोकलफू {स्थानीय फ़ू (स्ट्रिंग इन) {// कुछ तर्क}} सूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; एलएस = नए अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; & gt; (); । () मानचित्र (LocalFoo :: नई); // लाइन 21}} मेरी आईडीई मुझे कोई त्रुटि नहीं देता है यही है, जब तक मैं इस परियोजना को बनाने और इसे चलाने की कोशिश। जब मैं ऐसा करता हूं तो मुझे एक कंपाइलर त्रुटि देता है जो इस तरह दिखता है: त्रुटि: (21, 24) java: असंगत प्रकार: प्रकार-चर (आर) आर (तर्क बेमेल) अनुमान नहीं लगा सकते हैं; अवैध कन्स्ट्रक्टर संदर्भ कन्स्ट्रक्टर लोकल फ़ू (java.lang.String) का उपयोग नहीं कर सकता है। कॉम्पेम्बर.ओकेसेंडम टाइप की एक संक्षिप्त उदाहरण। टेस्ट क्षेत्र में नहीं है) अब, मुझे लगा, दिया गया त्रुटि संदेश, यह ऐसा नहीं होगा अगर foo () स्थिर थे और बहुत सही है, यह केवल तब होता है जब foo () एक उदाहरण विधि है और यह केवल तभी हो...

ios - Subclassing a subclass of NSManagedObject -

I have a NSManagedObject subclass generated directly from my code data, and I have the object in JSN format Class' data from a web service So I need to expand the subclass with some parsing methods. Apart from this, I need to expand the objects by providing some features which I have no interest in the store in the database. This is currently my code: @interface Customer: NSManagedObject @property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber * ID; @protecti (nontomic, write) NSString * firstName; @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * familyName; @end @interface ExtCustomer: Customer @ Property (non-nominal, retaining) NSNM * amendment date; + (Extreme Customer *) Parsezden Data: (NSDT *) JSN data; I do not see examples of managing objects that are derived from a NSManagedObject subclass I am doing this way because I have my own custom logic And I like to keep the qualities, which I do not want to be separated from the class generated from the data model, if I have to reproduce the ...

c# - Usercontrol set TextBox text for other usercontrol -

I have two different user control classes. I have to set a text box text by another usercontrol for a usercontrol I am trying to work on my property but nothing sets up. How to solve it? I posted the code snippets given below. Event Category Search Control. Cs Event category control of public partial control: User control (Private Zero DataGrid viewGrade client (Object sender, Data grid view call align ARGS E) {eventCategoryChange incCatChange = Change new Events category () ; //textbox1.Text = incCatChange.TextBoxCategory; // work incCatChange.TextBoxCategory = "test"; // does not work}} Change event category Change the Public Partial Classroom Event Category: User Controls {Change the public event category () {initializeComponent ();} public string text box category {return {return event} category tag box. Text;} set {eventCategoryTextBox.Text = value;}}} The value you get is the default value, because you have created There is only one line before ...

C - Eclipse - "Mixed" dialect and ANSI support crash program? -

I have a strange problem with C in Eclipse, right click on my project, I have properties, C / C ++ Build, settings, go to the GCC C compiler dialect. In the dropdown menu, by default, there is nothing below the language standard, and my program is running fine. However, by changing some more (C90, C99, or C11), the program crashes when running. By using the debugger, I looked at the disassembly and received a complaint about strln (at some memory address) and I am not sure where to move from here here Some assemblies are: mov (% ecx),% al $ 0x1,% ecx test% al,% al je 0x75234434 & lt; Strlen + 97 & gt; Test $ 0x3,% ecx jne 0x752343df & lt; Strlen + 12 & gt; ... Interestingly, clicking on a variety of, without the quote, and clicking on the support ANSI program (-c) can lead to the exact error. Any other advice is welcome :) Tracebook as a request: # 0 0x752343df strlen () in C : Fprintf (__stream = 0x752c2980 & lt; msvcrt! _iob + 128 & gt ;, ...

matlab - How to make a vector that follows a certain trend? -

I have a set of data over 4000 digits. I want to exclude grooves from them, ideally from the point where they start, the data looks like this for example: I noise on top of me plateaus with this problem, I have an idea, which I most common within certain limits (Again, like red color, here's an ideal place: And then I will create a temporary matrix, which will fill y with one by one, if they are less than this average if wi (i) rises above average , the matrix should have a Nuntmtm and will be compared with the global minimum. If the minimum level of 80% of the temporary matrix will not be the same as the global minimum, it will be discarded as noise. I have tried (y) in Clubs, a polynomial (green line) in the lid between each other and fitting - no one will take it until the point of those ways, I will not be satisfied. I need this to be very strong and there is no need to accelerate it. The values ​​at the top and bottom can be very different, as well as the siz...

c# - Transfering Data by SMO failing when using ObjectList -

I can not provide all the data in one target DB by DB using CopyAllTables = true and provide a list ObjectList server connection connection = new server connection (source); Conn.LoginSecure = True; Server srvSource = new server (conn); Database dbSource = srvSource.Databases [sourceDB]; XFR Transfer = New Transfer (DBSOSR); Xfr.CopyAllTables = true; Xfr.Options Dependency = false; Xfr.Options.ContinueScriptingOnError = Incorrect; Xfr.DestinationDatabase = destDB; Xfr.DestinationServer = destServer; Xfr.Options.DriAllKeys = True; Xfr.Options.DriForeignKeys = True; Xfr.DestinationLoginSecure = True; Xfr.CopySchema = false; Xfr.CopyData = True; Xfr.TransferData (); This works and all data is copied to target dB. I need to exclude a table with the process of copying I tried server connection connection = new server connection (source); Conn.LoginSecure = True; Server srvSource = new server (conn); Database dbSource = srvSource.Databases [sourceDB]; XFR Transfer = New Transfer...

ios - How to delay the camera function that uses zxing library? -

I use zxing to scan the barcode but the camera scans the real quick, so that my method is overloaded with the result Lets do it. - (empty) Capture result: (ZXCapture *) Capture Result: How to make it slow or delay the barcode to scan? (ZXResult *) Result {If (! Result) Return; // We found a result display information about onscreen NSString * formatString = [self barcode formatattostring: result.barcodeFormat]; NSString * display = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "Scan! \ N \ n Format:% @ \ n \ nContent: \ n% @", format string, result.txt]; [Self.decodedLabel DemonstrationOnMineTrade: @Selector (with Settext Object): Wait until Available: Yes]; // Vibrate Audio Services Play System Sound (CascismSIDID_Wibet); } I suggest using the sleep function to use sleep (TimeInSeconds) Try to do this, so it will delay the scanner for the seconds you enter.

shell - BASH: Iterate range of numbers in a for cicle -

I want to create an array from the list of words. Therefore, I am using this code: in the array {$ i] = $ (cat file.txt | cut -d ',' - f3 | sort -r | uniq | tail -n $ {i}) done but it failed ... in tail -n $ {i} I have already tried tail- n $ i , tail- n $ (i) , but i Any thoughts? This fails because you can not use a variable (( ...)) can use operators: for ((i = 1; i & lt; = count; i ++)); Array [$ i] = $ (cut-d ',' -f3 file.txt | sort -r | uniq | tail -n $ i) done In addition, Em> Unusual use of cat from your order .

javascript - JQuery insertAfter in chrome & safari causes the content to be inserted as String -

I am using jQuery to dynamically insert rows in a table, the row is the one (text) template , Which replaces some things, then 'fakes' in a 'jQuery DOM node'. While it works fine in Firefox and IE: jQuery (jQuery.parseHTML (node)). InsertAfter ("# imgTable tr: last ()"); Do not include the Chrome and Safari nodes, but insert HTML as a string. In this way I'm not getting a line, a solid block bug of html sourcecode ... which is a UX disaster :) Very simple breeding: ..i.i already found out that the source of the error is that I have my template and lt; Noscript & gt; I have to store this inside the tag, because all other tags that I know are i translated, so most browsers are either & lt; Tr & gt; and & lt; Td> Remove the tag or otherwise modify the content. Storing the template in any variable is not an option, because the template already contains some backend generated data, so the real question is: How do I inte...

Getting true/false from SQL query -

I need to use a query that the customer has purchased 100 or more unique drinks using the SQL query, I have done this: WHERE patron_email=' ' from SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT beer_id) orders How do I test whether its The result is 100 or more? Update: Sorry for the unclear question, I have to use standard SQL. This works in MySQL, not sure about other people: SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT beer_id) & gt; 100 ORDERS WHERE patron_email=' ' Just put a boolean position in the bus SELECT . It will be wrong for the right or evaluate 0 for 1.

How do I replace Java's default deserialization with my own readObject call? -

Someone thought that using the default sorting methods of Java would be a good idea to store objects in the database in the Blob column. The structure of these objects is controlled by another group and they have changed the field type from bigdquell to long, but the data in our database remains the same. Now we can not read objects because this class causes class exceptions. I tried to override it by typing my read object method, but it throws a stream-compressed expression because the default typing object was written by the method. How do I treat my ReadObject call default to Java? Are there a certain number of bytes that I can leave to access my data? If you want to read what is already in your database, their only option is to give them the class To change again, and to establish some awareness that you are relying on the definition of class because it was when the class was orderly. It can not be corrected by applying only your own readObject () call, and if the class is...

Multinomial Logit Choice Model in R with mnlogit() -

I have a question about the R mnlogit package that I ask on stacks overflow because It is related to a specific language and library, although I would not be offended if someone decides to move it to cross-validated (it was a difficult option for which the StackExchange site was most appropriate). I'm just trying to make sure that I understand how it works, because the documentation is not very wide, I could see some confusing / contradictory blog entries in this package. , And since I work with the model I prefer. > Example usage mnlogit is basically as follows: & gt; Required (mnlogit) & gt; Data (fish) & gt; Head (fish) mode income alt price cat irritation 1.bitch fails 7083.332 between 157.930 0 0.0678 1 1. boat failure 7083.332 boat 157.930 0.2601 1 1. Chatter TRUE 7083.332 charter 182.930 0.5391 1 1.Pear failure 7083.332 PIR 157.930 0.0503 1 2. Beach False 1250.000 Beach 15.114 0.1049 2 2. False False 1250.000 Boat 10.534 0.1574 2 & gt; FM ...

Select Columns Conditionally in SQL Server -

This question is already an answer here 12 replies I call each column I want to select it as its name is not included that Eid is what I have tried to do: select * from TABLE_NAME '% Id%' What is the solution? You can do it this way. Assume as table id, value 1, value 2. You need to select the name of the column name like the value . CREATE TABLE [dbo]. [Tbl1] ([id] [int] detection (1,1) No NULL, [value1] [varchar] (2) zero, [value 2] [varchar] (4) zero) table #tblcols (colname varchar ( 100) Make GO) Select columns from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS insert in #tblcols where TABLE_NAME = N'tbl1 '#tblcols is removed where select colname'% val% '* #tblcols @sql nvarchar ( 500) Select @sql from announcement = colass set from COALESCE (@sql + ',', ') + #tblcols set @sql = + @sql +' tbl1 to '@sql executive sp_executesql selection @sql table #tblcols drop Then select the SQL statement like dynamic SQL by using the ...

java - Request mapping in Spring, regexp as parameter in annotation -

मेरे पास ऐसा कोड है: @RequestMapping ("/ apple") सार्वजनिक शून्य हैंडल (HttpServletRequest अनुरोध, HttpServletResponse प्रतिक्रिया) IOException फेंकता {& lt; ... & gt; } @RequestMapping ("/ परीक्षण / सेब") सार्वजनिक शून्य हैंडलस्टैप (एचटीटीपीएसर्वेट अनुरोध अनुरोध, एचटीटीपीएसर्वेट प्रतिसाद) ने IOException फेंकता है {& lt; ... & gt; } क्या इन दोनों विधियों को एक में जोड़ना संभव है, लेकिन ये पसंद नहीं है: @RequestMapping ("/ ** / सेब") सार्वजनिक शून्य संभाल अपलेट (एचटीटीपीएसर्वेट अनुरोध अनुरोध, एचटीटीपीएसर्वेट प्रतिसाद प्रतिक्रिया) IOException फेंकता है {& lt; ... & gt; } चूंकि यह अन्य यूआरएल को इसके अलावा 'टेस्ट' के साथ शुरू होगा जो मेरे मामले में लागू नहीं है। अगर यह सिर्फ उन दो रास्ते हैं और आप चाहते हैं कि उन्हें एक हेन्डलर पद्धति से संभाला जाए, तो बस चुनें अपने तरीकों में से एक और इसे @RequestMapping (value = {"/ apple", "/ test / apple"}) के साथ एनोटेट करें

Turn 3 column table in 2-dimensional matrix in MySQL -

I have a table that looks like this: color | Size | Delivery time -------------------- Red | S | 1 red | M | 3 red L 5 black | S | 2 black | M | 4 black | L 6 Now I would like to replace the table like this: S | M | L --------- red 1 | 3 | 5 black 2 4 | 6 Background: Depending on the color and size, the delivery time for a T-shirt is different, say, each color is not available in every color and the sizes are not fixed , E.g. Female size may start from 36,38,40 in place of S, M, L. So what puzzles do I get, how to convert the values ​​of the first table into the second column column capability dynamically? The list of valid values ​​for sizes is very large, to make just one big table out of it. I would like to do this in MySQL, e.g. as a function. The only other option I can think is that it is doing in another language, because the output will be in HTML, I really do not know how I should do it. If I have to group it by the right color and size. You can get th...

spring - SockJS multiple sockets -

I have a Spring + SockJS application, which is using active MQ as a message broker. Do I have two other chairs on the same JSP page, sending and receiving the only stomp message (with lots of traffic). Is it a guarantee that all messages will be distributed and received from both chairs? Regards, Marco If you lose the connection at any point, you will lose everything in disconnecting and reconnecting. This conclusion comes on. Keep in mind that SockJS may be the result of different types of connections, such as websites, eksers, xdirs etc., on different clients. SockJS will still use TCP on any connection and will still guarantee it - order distribution. However, non-webbot connections can take longer to trigger the occurrence of the connection, so you have black-time duration on the client, almost any service needs to worry about it, because SockJS is sometimes a Webcott and "downgrade" will fail to join the excerpt (in their experience under high instantaneou...

google admin sdk - Cannot change includeInGlobalAddressList using Directory API -

I am trying to migrate a script from Directory API to Directory API. Its purpose is to manage the contact information of some Google Apps domain users using the Inline Global Address List. I can get the user object, and I am able to submit a patch request, but the change is not made. The original value for InInGlobalAddressList included in the object received from the patch method contains some vague references to the tags in the API documentation, but it is not clear to me if the etagon should be included in the patch body or as an F-Match header. (If the answer is an F-match header, then how should I pass in the way the python library is used?) http = httplib2.Http () http = credentials .authorize (http) service = build ("admin", "directory_v1", http = http) usersvc = service.users () d = usersvc.get (userKey = userkey, projection = "original", field = "etag, id , includeInGlobalAddressList "). Execute () shown = d ['includeInGloba...

opengl es - Displaying ads above GLSurfaceView in Cocos2d-x on Android -

After locking an ad from the popup in the Cocos-2D-X3.0 Android game, Lockout shows these errors : E / libEGL (13772): No current reference with the OpenGL ESE API (once logged per thread) W / Adreno-ES20 (13772): How can I show ads in my own view? More information: Some drawing bugs occur with these errors, mostly just missing the label The app does not crash Adding initView to this.setPreserveEGLContextOnPause (true) in the cocos 2 DXG subfolder view does not help Before I run the ad Try to stop the action to stop, then start the animation and resume after the ad is closed. It does not seem to help I'm calling () from the UI thread I'm calling moPubInterstitial I got OpenGL error 0x0502 at some point (possibly before doing the above given fix) / Div> Here's useful information: However, the "solution" is used for any notification center Pause / Resume JN call with Java C ++ It is not certa...

for loop - PHP set multi select dropdown -

I am dragging data from my database to retrieve several options for a multi-select drop down. I am trying to reset those values ​​as selected to them, but only one of them is selected. My array from the database: [data] = & gt; Simple expression object ([term] => LTA [prevention] => simple assemble object ([cause] => hey ([0] = & gt; simple assemment object ([process] = & gt; Recruitment [processID] = & gt; 4) [1] = & gt; Simple Explicit Object ([Process] = & gt; Payment Management [Processed] => 3] [2] => Simple Assemblement Object ( [Procedure] = & gt; Not applicable [processID] = & gt; 2)))) Here's the HTML / PHP I'm using to generate options and the array Trying to re-select the options: & lt; Select name = "prevention" id = "prevention" class = "form-control dd ff" placeholder = "select 1 or more options" multiple = "multiple" & gt; & Lt ;? Php foreac...

java - How to create an object from data in a file and assign it to an array? -

I need to take information from a file and put them into objects and insert them into an array so that I compare these areas By doing so, the objects and lists in the array, which contain the largest area of ​​the object and its position in the array. I'm confused about how I get information from the file and every single object (circle or rectangle) and then that object is created after an array. I think my other classes are fine, I'm just stuck in the finish line. Normally, I will do something like circle C1 = new circle (); How to create a new object, but how can I do with a file with the predefined notification and specify it in an array? Data: â ???? CIRCLE ????, 1, is a blue color, true, on one side, 1, 2, a blue color, is true ??? ? RECTANGLEâ ????, 10, 2, a red ????, is a "cycle" true, 2, a "green" one ???? RECTANGLEâ ???? One ???? CIRCLE driver: import; Import; Import java.util.ArrayList...

java - How to work with mobile chrome and testing app by Appium -

I'm an automationg mobile application, but in some cases I need to click on the link and check that the browser has access to the link Was opened. For example the terms of the link on the signup page of my application So the question is to switch between the test app and the browser. Here is my code file apk = new file ("src / exam / resource / myapp.apk"); Desired capabilities AppCapabilities = new desired capabilities (); DesiredCapabilities chromeCapabilities = new desired capabilities (); AppCapabilities.setCapability ("app", apk.etabaseolitepath ()); AppCapabilities.setCapability ("Forum Name", "Android"); AppCapabilities.setCapability ("automation name", "epium"); AppCapabilities.setCapability ("deviceName", "MyDevice"); AppCapabilities.setCapability ("Forum Details", "4.3"); //capabilities.setCapability (key, value); AppCapabilities.setCapability ("New Commute Time...

utf 8 - How to convert a number to a UTF8 char? -

How to change a number in a UTF 8 character? This should not be a CTEF function because the input parameters are different during run-time, I think there should be an STD function for this, but I can not find it. import std.stdio, std.conv; Four utf8_RT (Int NBR) {Return! Four (nbr); } Zero main (string AGR []) {emphasis (UTF 8_RT (2665) == '\ u2665'); } clearly fails. I do not know if you mean "UTF8 char". If you want a UTF-32 character (i.e. dchar ), then you can just use dchar (2665) . If you want the UTF-8 string (a Unicode character one or more UTF-8 code units, i.e. encoded as bytes), then you ! String (dchar (2665)) can be used. . Do not forget to import std.conv Change 2665 by the name of your int variable, naturally

sql - Oracle: Opening the same cursor within different IF statements -

Is it possible to open a cursor within a IF statement block: Process pattern (Ultimate, IoCoSers inTickers in IIT) ISV Coser Tickser; BEGIN If the Ultimate = 1 then select from Table 1 to IN.ER, open v_cursor for a.field, table.b at b.fieldid = a fieldid; Io_cursor: = v_cursor; Close v_cursor; ELSIF Ultimate = 2 Select from a.field, from c.field to Table 1 Join an INNER Include b.fieldid = a.fieldid INNER on table 2b table3c ON c.fieldid = a.fieldid; Io_cursor: = v_cursor; Close v_cursor; end if; End Consortium; So basically, the cursor must be filled in by the target, on which the if statement is correct. I do not see any problems with your requirement and your efforts. Since, the IF-ELSE condition is not allowed in the cursor, however, in PL / SQL , you can do REF CURSOR : Ders Koor Ref Croser; If BEGIN (so many more) then the 'selection' from 'selection' is 'Table_1'; ELSE (so and so) is open and 'Select * Form Table_2'; end...

c - Encoding text and file write read error -

I want to write simple encrypted text system which is read from in.txt, then write out.txt encryption type Every ASCII is plus five if four BTW U and Z, U = A, V = B, ......, Z = F where is my problem? In addition, if we have four BTV U and Z, U = A, V = B, ......, Z = F, where I have a problem, then we use the modulus operator (%) instead of (char-20) can do? My code is below, thanks everyone's answer to the answer. The text is in in.txt, which tests abcde #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main () {char ch; Int cents; File * fptr_in; File * fptr_out; Fptr_in = fopen ("in.txt", "r"); Fptr_out = fopen ("out.txt", "W"); If (fptr_in == NULL || fptr_out == NULL) printf ("File can not be opened \ n"); Else {st = (fscanf (fptr_in, "% c", and ch)); While (cents == 1) for {/ * (st = (fscanf (fptr_in, "% c", and ch)); st == 1; st = (fscanf (fptr_in, "% c", and F))) * / st = (fscanf (fptr_in, "...

c# - Desearlizing an array of json objects into an object -

I am trying to deserialize the JSON object from apis, I can not locate the format of the class I am weighing the Jason object The "race" array is always empty during the runtime. I am using the same request to collect data for the same service, so the rest of the problem is not requested. I am using C # with the RestSharp library Here I am deserializing Jason: {"races": [ {"Id": 5, "mask": 16, "side": "gang": "gang", "id": "gang", "name": "gang", "name": "gang" , "" "," "", "", "" "," "," "," "," "," "," "", "" "," "", "" "," "", "" "", "Name": "gang", "name": "orc"}, {"id": 7, "mas...

powershell - What REGEX pattern will get me the last portion of a string? -

I am trying to merge the .rtf files using PowerShield. Here's the format: Part of the bunch CSS stuff I want ..... {\ rtf1 \ ansi {\ fonttbl {\ f0 Arial;}} {\ colortbl \ red255 \ green255 \ blue255;} {\ stylesheet} \ paperw11685 \ paperh1560 \ margl600 \ margr600 \ margt600 \ margb600 \ pard \ plain \ f0 \ fs28 \ cf0 \ ql \ li75 \ ri75 \ fi0 \ b instructions:} In this case, I would like to "follow the instructions": {\ rtf1 \ ansi {\ fonttbl {\ f0 Arial;}} {\ colortbl \ red255 \ green255 \ blue255;} {\ stylesheet} \ paper w 10530 \ paper -1920 \ marijal 600 \ marijal 600 \ mart-6600 \ marge b600 \ pard \ plain \ f0 \ fs28 \ cf0 \ ql \ li75 \ ri75 \ fi0 \ b You will be presented with fifty (50) questions, the house chosen, a pool of hundreds of questions} In this case I will present you with fifty (50) questions which will be presented to you. That can be presented with a balloon chosen from a pool of hundreds of questions. " The PowerLail script is: ...

node.js - javascript setter injection without eval -

I am trying to use a setter injection in this example below, it works, but I have yet to It can not know how to achieve the same result without using Eval (). var action = function () {}; Action.prototype.create = function (type, name) {var action = eval ("this." + Type); Action.create (name); }; = {create: function (name) {console.log ("hey" + name); }}; Var bang = new action (); Bang.create ('review', 'john'); I'm running it on nodejs v0.10 In that context, eval ("this." + Type) should be equal to [type] . This is one.

php - mod_rewrite and .htaccess exception to the rule -

I want to hide the .php extension across my site, I have this snippet and it works fine. Although I have a URL which I want to be an exception to the rule, I want the .php to be retained and it's the $ _GET parameter. How can I include that exception in this snippet? And why does this work? option + follow link -multi view #RedriteEnzine on #Redrivebase # Turn on mod_rewrite / ## hide .php extension #dir/foo.php to external / /dir / foo redirect RewriteCond% {THE_REQUEST} ^ [AZ] {3,} \ s ([^.] +) \ .PP [NC] Reerratriel ^% 1 [R = 302, L] # Internally forward / DAY / FU Two / Dir /foo.php rewrite code% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d Rewrite code% {REQUEST_FILENAME} .php -f Rewrite rules ^ (. *?) /? $ $ 1.php [L] You can add exceptions like this : option + follow link -Multi view #RedriteEnzine Turn on redrawetbase to hide mod_rewrite / ## to hide .php extension # / / dir / foo to redirect / dir / foo php reprint% {THE_REQUEST} ^ [AZ] {3,} \s ([^.] +) \. Php [NC] RewriteRule...

string - "Because" to "use"; C++ -

I am trying to create a simple program that accepts doubles and puts them in a vector if the price is not double Checks to see if the value is Q and not "Q" Here is the code: string str = ""; While (str! = "Q") {double n; Cin & gt; & Gt; N; If ( ()) {cin.clear (); Cin & gt; & Gt; Str; If (str! = "Q") cout & lt; & Lt; "'" & Lt; & Lt; Str & lt; & Lt; "'" & Lt; & Lt; "Invalid input, please try again!" & Lt; & Lt; Endl; } And ve.push_back (n); } This seems to work perfectly though some letters (B, E, C, A, etc.) will not be eliminated when trying to output output. For example, when I type because , str output usage I find it strange that when I change n from a double to int , all the characters See (input = because and str output because ). Am I missing something? Is not it an acceptable way to check output if it is not...

php - How to calculate unix timestamp in days/minutes/seconds? -

I found the script to compare the entrance date / time and the logout date / time, followed by these two values The difference between the median has been added to the balance sheet in the MSSQL 2005 table, for example: If the user is online a few seconds, it will add value of about 98 Unix timestamps for example. So how can that value be displayed on the website as a human reading: If possible, day / minute / second? Thank you very much for checking my question. function slimmer () {$ db = $ this- & gt;} This is my rank script where I have to include:; Database [gdb]; $ Num_rows = $ db- & gt; doQuery ('SELECT TOP 100 ID, Name, data select data from SUM (CoolPoint) data. user = information. user and data.) from the information as authorized IN (1, 2)) where INFO.User does not (1199,16300) Points DESC by order;); If ($ num_rows == -1) {$ db-> getError (); Return; } $ N = 1; $ Content = ''; ($ Line = $ db-> doRead ()) {$ data = array ('rank-id...

Matlab function ppval delivers strange results -

The matlab function MKPP / Pipal allows the creation of a piece-piece polynomial function y (t) = t For the quoted = 0.7 correct result y (0.7) = 0.7, if the range is set to [0], if the range is expanded then the [-11] result should be the same. MATLAB version: (R2014a) MATLAB license number: demo operating system: Mac OS X version: 10.9.5 Make: Matlab value 1.7 MATLAB Version: 13 F 34 Java version: Java 1.7.0_11-B21 with the Oracle Corporation the value of Java HotSpot (TM) 64-bit server VM mixed mode % In the section [0 1] y = pawvail (mkpp ([0 1], [1]), 0.7)% y (0.7) = 0.7% in section [1 -1]% result should be equal y = ppval ( Mkpp ([- 1 1], [1]), 0.7)% y (0.7) = 1.7 how can ??? mkpp from the document, mkpp ( [AB], [CN ... C1C]] Polynomial CN * (xa) represents ^ n + ... + c1 * (xa) + c; in other words, the second In argument, coefficient of coefficient in a polynomial is coefficient rather than multiparty in X. So, in your case, your fragmented po...

forms - Django related models and UpdateView fields -

I created a model (UserSettings) to extend the user model of the Django through a one-to-fide (As recommended by the documentation): class UserSettings (models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField (user, primary_key = true) subscribeToMails = models.BooleanField (default = true) [...] I want to provide a way for my users to edit some of their profile data, some of which Received are stored in the model (email address), and the rest are in the User Sncitrn model. How can I go about doing this? I thought in two ways: Add another one-tofild to the user settings models for the e-mail address field; Or UpdateView is overriding the get_queryset () method (but I'm not sure how to) is there any best or recommended way to do this? So far this is the way to see my view: class editUser (UpdateView): Model = UserSettings fields = ('emailVisible', 'subscribeToMails',' mpPopupNotif ',' mpEmailNotif ',' Avatar Template_name = 'user /

css3 - Blur part of an image with CSS -

I have problems with image I tried to blur a part of an image, but my solution does not work. Please, refer to this code: HTML file & lt; Div id = "image" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "blurred" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS file #image {width: 940px; Height: 360px; Background-image: url ('../img/ photo.png'); } #image Blur {background-image: url ('../img/ photo.png'); Background-position: center right; -Winkit-Filter: Blurred (3px); -Move-Filter: Blurred (3px); -o-filter: blurred (3px); -M-filter: Blurred (3px); Filter: Blurred (3px); Filter: Blurred (3px); float right; Height: 100%; Width: 360px; } It will appear like this :. It goes beyond the image. I would like to make a quick outline in this way. Is it possible in CSS? I used the overflow external div The internal setting of hidden and margin-correct is defined by a -1 and it worked like a charm. #image {... ove...

java - Return a list of SharePoint List Column Headers -

In Java, I have a connection to a SharePoint job and can get data in a list with a problem when I specify The internal name of the data column is clearly below the array list list hash = new arrelist (); String view name = ""; GetListItems.ViewFields viewFields = Faucet; GetListItems.Query msQuery = Faucet; GetListItems.QueryOptions queryOptions = Null; String webid = ""; String line limit = ""; GetListItemsResponse.GetListItemsResult Results = listoap.getListItems (List names, "", MSAPT, ViewFields, "150", QueryOption, WebID); Object list result = result.getContent (). Get (0); Element element = (element) result.getContent (). Get (0); Node list nl = element.getElementsByTagName ("z: line"); System.out.println ("\ n = & gt;" + nl.getLength () + "result from SharePoint Online \ n"); For (integer I = 0; i & lt; nl.getLength (); i ++) {named node map property = nl.item (i) .getAttributes (); //...

Getting current user information from CouchDB? -

How do you obtain information about the current user while navigating the app from the CouchDB database? I need this information to query the right data for every information. For example, in Rail, it is normal to use a filter in advance, which sets a variable named current_user with every request. After successfully launching the session, with the post / _session, I tried the efforts suggested by the following Cochindi docs, but this does not return the full user document with the email and other fields needed. GET / _session I also tried to request user documentation from the ID, but I am getting an error. get /_users/org.couch.user:< Name & gt; Error: {error: not_found, reason: missing} Any help would be greatly appreciated . I found this work by adding two requests: GET '/ _session ' GET' /_users/org.couch.user: '+

c# - How can I consolidate all of my "setup code" away from my WebAPI controllers? -

All my controllers look like this: [htmlpot] [root (" / Business name ")] [Authorized] Public HTTPPPS Pacemats Update Business Business (Business Name Design Model) {If (ModelState. ISIIDID) Refund Request CreteErrorpressPage (HTTPTitcod.badrequest, modelstate); Try {_userService.UpdateBusinessName (User.Identity.Name, model.BusinessName); Return request Cresparsons (HTPTatus code. OK, new APIsPointData () {}); } Hold (exception e) {// logging code // return request. CaterSpons (HTTTPTas code; Eternal server error, E); Return request. Create response (HTTPITAS code OK, new APRSponseSports () {successful = false, error = "something bad happened: ("});}} one lot Repeated goods in my controllers can ideally be to me: [hppit] [root ("API / business name")] [authorized] public HTTPPS message message Business business (business name by name) {_userService.UpdateBusinessName (User.Identity.Name, model.BusinessName); Refund Request. ET RESPENCE (HTT...

PHP-cURL Adding entry to an array in a function not working -

I can get a proper response in function request_callback, so I thought it was just trivial to save the response in an array Associative_array [], although it only gives an entry, such as the array is wiped after every entry. I & lt; Php # item number $ url1 = ""; $ response1 = file_get_contents ($ url1); $ data1 = json_decode ($ response 1, true); # Recover item names and link function with numbers request_callback ($ response) {$ temporary_array = json_decode ($ response, true); $ Associative_array [] = array ('name' => $ temporary_array ['name'], 'id' = & gt; $ temporary_array ['id']); // array [] keeps the new entry at the end of the URL stack, faster array_push ($ array, new entry); Print_r ($ associative_array); Echo "\ n"; } # Multiple curl requests are required ("rollingcurl.php"); {$ Itemurl1 = "{$data1[$$}}...

javascript - SyntaxError: missing ; before statement on normal statement -

I'm not sure why I'm getting this code. Actually I want to be able to position my emitter, But when I add an option to check the situation and I keep getting this error as correct I is the added code if (pos = = 'right') {xcord = width = xcord; Console.log ("xcord"); } elseif (pos == 'center') {xcord = width / 2 + xcord; } which will be deleted, will not be the cause of the error, but with it, ; The statement is lost Note I have tried it with short stories operators, but this is the same error. This is because there is no elseif No keywords. This is else if , two words.

python - TypeError: list indices must be integers, not dict -

My JSON file has been liked and I want to sign in to syslog I'm trying to loop "." "" "" "/ Home / FBML7HR / log", "logfilename": ""}, "preparation": {"configuration": {"Src_configfile": "src.cfg", "dest_configfile": "/ var / home / FBML7HR / etc / vxn.cfg "}," executable_enary1 ": [{" login_info ": {" hostname ":" "," user name ":" *** "," Password ":" *** "}}, {" command ": {" folder path ":" / var / home / FBML7HR / SrcCode / vxnservers / fdchost / answer / "{@}" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "User name": "***", "password": "***"}}, {"command": {"folderpath": "/ var / home / FBML7HR / SrcCode / Vxnservers / ...

android - How to pass a turn to AI in a game? -

I am writing a simple game for 2 players, where they have to change after each other - something to remove Select objects from the board (extracting is actually setting a ImageView invisible), then a player presses "end turning" to turn the other player in the end. The Board is a GridLayout with ImageView s, all on ImageView s onClickListener () , And they are all visible in the beginning of the game. A player clicks on many ImageView s (their id is placed in an array in these moments) and then clicks on "end turning", analyzing this array of moves The corresponding ImageView is set to invisible, and after this the turn should be passed to the other player (the array is cleared and the number of changes in the existing player). When clicking on the onClickListeners () attached to all the objects on the board, their ID is placed in an array, and the number of the current player in a variable is. Turn it into a onClickListener () onClick () m...

Windows Store App WebView Ajax request from local html file -

I have such a question I am loading a local HTML file on WebView I: webView.NavigateToLocalStreamUri (page Yuri, localRIRsOver_); I am trying to make an AJAX call on a remote server. I'm getting an error with the status = 0 I tried both with jquery and plain xml httpRequest, the results are the same. I am not able to get remote file content At the same time, I am able to load the local file. Since all local files are redirected to my "LocalRR Server", I am able to provide content to resolve the URL and call AJAX. Coming to remote content, I know that this domain domain issue is a problem. Is Windows 8.1 the way around it on the webview? Is there a flag to override the cross-domain basic policy? Thank you I believe I just run on the same issue I am here. It appears that my AJAX request is not complete. I see that our APIs have been hit on our servers, but the full callback of my jQuery Ajax request has not been triggered. Why is currently check...

Is it possible to automate build settings in a Cordova iOS plugin? -

I need to add an "header search path" and a linker flag to the XCode build A plugin is installed Specifically, I want to add $ (SDKROOT) / usr / include / libxml2 to "header search path" and -lxml2 to "other linker flags" & lt; source-file src = "libxml2.a" framework = "true" /> gt; but currently a linker With Vj can not be automatically installed.

How do computers translate everything to binary? When they see a binary code, how do they know if it represents a number or a word or an instruction? -

I know that computers translate numbers into binary but what I do not understand is that I Have heard that computers translate everything (words, instructions, ...) into binary, not just numbers. How is this possible? Can you show me some examples? Like a computer translates "A" to binary? And when computers see a binary code, how will they know that the long string number of 0s and 1s represents or the word or direction . Exemple: We say that a computer programmer encoded the "Z" letter so that he translates this binary string: 11011001111011010111 So when the computer has this binary string If he has to face, then he will translate it into "Z" letter. But when we ask this computer "What is the product of 7,9125?" The computer will respond to us "892631". But that number, when translated into binary, is 11011001111011010111. So how can it make a difference between "Z" and "892631"? Please ...

php - store entry to database according to my selection from drop down menu -

I'm happy to ask you again, I have an Employee Leave Registration page that includes 5 fields "Employee's Name is included "," type of vacation "(one day holiday, part day holiday, long day break)," date of leave "(one day holiday and part of the holiday of the day) , "To" & Amp; If the insert date is long term leave) and the final area is "to" (if the included hours are part of the holiday of the day & amp; insert date then long term leave) There is no need to make the database (from "to" and "to" fields) if one day's holiday is chosen to put these data in my database according to the selection of the type of holiday. Just do Chari's name, a day off, and put on the spot. And if I chose part of the day off, then I must enter the name of the employee, the type of vacation = the day of the day, the date of the holiday, and the last 2 areas should be entered as hours , 08:30 am and T o = ...

php - Symfony2, how use $_POST values from FOSUser as bind credentials in Fr3d_ldap bundle? -

मैंने कॉन्फ़िगर किया है और अब मेरे पास एक config.yml है: अब मुझे समस्या है कि पिछले कार्यान्वयन (Symfony1 में) उपयोगकर्ता & amp; पासवर्ड को FOSUser के लॉगइन फ़ॉर्म द्वारा प्रदान किया गया था LDAP bind () के लिए क्रेडेंशियल्स के रूप में उपयोग किया गया था, यह सही था क्योंकि हमें एलडीएपी search () को उन सभी अनुमतियों तक सीमित करने की आवश्यकता थी । अब मैं वही करना चाहूंगा और उन $ _POST वेरिएबल्स को अवरुद्ध करूँगा और यूज़रनेम और amp; प्रत्येक लॉगिन पर पासवर्ड पैरामीटर। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? मैंने अपनी वर्तमान जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए Fr3d \ LDAPBundle को संशोधित किया है, यह मेरी समस्या को हल करता है और उम्मीद है कि किसी: संपादित करें: विक्रेता \ fr3d \ ldap-bundle \ FR3D \ LdapBundle \ Ldap \ LdapManager.php इस फ़ंक्शन को जोड़ें: & lt;? Php सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन सेट ऑप्शन ($ विकल्प) {$ this- & gt; चालक- & gt; सेट ऑप्शन ($ विकल्प); } संपादित करें: विक्रेता \ fr3d \ ldap-bundle \ fr3d \ ldapbundle \ चालक \ zendldap.driver.php इस फ़ंक्शन को जोड...