
Showing posts from March, 2011

java ee - Application context path at JAX-RS 2.0 resource instance construction -

क्या JAX-RS 2.0 रिसोर्स क्लास इन्सस्ट्रेशन निर्माण समय पर जावा EE 7 एप्लिकेशन के लिए संदर्भ पथ प्राप्त करना संभव है (और संभवतः स्थैतिक कक्षा प्रारंभिक समय पर भी), या क्या यह केवल संसाधन वर्ग के समापन बिंदुओं के अनुरोध के दौरान ही उपलब्ध है? संदर्भ पथ से मेरा मतलब है कि स्ट्रिंग जो कॉल द्वारा HttpServletRequest # getContextPath () जावा EE 7 अनुप्रयोग के अंदर। मैं सोचता हूं कि आपके पास एक नियोजित अनुप्रयोग के लिए एकाधिक संदर्भ पथ उपनाम हो सकते हैं। यदि हां, तो संदर्भ पथ केवल अनुरोध समय पर ही उपलब्ध हो सकता है। मुझे उस संदर्भ पथ के बारे में परवाह नहीं है, जो अनुरोध के लिए URL में वास्तव में उपयोग किया गया था। एक कैनोनिकल या डिफॉल्ट संदर्भ पथ, जो कक्षा में समापन बिंदुओं के लिए काम करेगा, मेरे लिए काफी अच्छा है। इस तरह के एक संदर्भ पथ को प्राप्त करने के लिए तकनीक को जैक्स-आरएस 2.0 विशिष्ट नहीं होना चाहिए। यह कुछ अन्य जावा ईई 7 युक्ति से आ सकता है, जब तक कि यह जेएक्स-आरएस 2.0 संसाधन वर्ग निर्माण समय (या अधिक मोटे तौर पर, स्थिर क्लास प्रारंभिक समय पर) में काम करता है। अपडेट: ...

java - How to continue looping through DataInputStream? -

I am reading a binary file and I have to parse this file in the header. Set up a DataInputStream and I need to keep looping through the file till the end. I'm new in Java so I'm not sure how I will achieve this from my own C # experience. At the moment I have the following code: while (is.position! = Is.length) {if (card == employee) {System.out.print (card); } And if (card == student) {System.out.print (card); } And if (card == admin) {System.out.print (card); } Else {System.out.print ("wrong"); }} is the input stream I have created, the only error I have is in the first line, where the loop of time starts under the condition and it It says that they can not be solved or there is no field. Given this, it is the location field of DataInputStream Perhaps you can use one of the other ways to check whether or not available, but this is not clear from your code sample what you are trying to do. There are currently many issues like I card , empl...

android - Select H264 Profile when encoding with MediaCodec and MTK Codec -

We have an Android app that encodes the video in H.264, all the previously tried Android devices, this baseline The profile I encode is what I need. Codec Omx at Lenovo Yoga 10. MTK Video. Encoder.avc is This encodes the video as a high profile, which gives the problem for the receiving device. I'm not using MediaCodec to see a way to use profiles. Is there any way to do this? The codec claims to support the baseline profile but there is no way to use it. Is there any codec specific parameter for this? Whatever you can try is the key profile in your MediaFormat , with the value of 1 ( OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileBaseline ). If you do this, you probably have to add the key level along with your resolution to the value of a level (with the value of the OMX AVC level constant). I 'I'm not sure if this codec really honors the requested value, but it may be worth a try. Look for the setupAVCEncoderParameters function for an example on the setup process It app...

javascript - CKEditor android formatters work incorrectly -

I have a CK editor for my AP v. 4.3.1 I tested it on the Android tablet - everything worked fine, but when I tried to enter text in the Android mobile phone through CK Editor, there was a problem when I tried the format button (bold, superScript, Etc.), they will not work, but when I press the space button and then press the Format button, they work normally. (Android v 4.4.4, Chrome v.37) Has anyone encountered the same problem? In the future, if you need to report a bug to CKAditator, it is better to do so. We did some tests and your conclusions are correct: can you add an additional information for the ticket, whether you are using stock Android 4.4.4 or eg CyanogenMod?

c# - Save taken snapshot -

I have done everything, how is everything inside, everything is fine except for one I can not save the snapshot. If I'm fine with debug everything ... will follow .. what's wrong? public class FFMPEG {process ffmpeg; Public zero exec (string input, string parametry, string output) {ffmpeg = new process (); Ffmpeg.StartInfo.Arguments = "-i" + Input + (parametri! = Null? "" + Parametri: "") + "" + Output; Ffmpeg.StartInfo.FileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath ("~ / ffmpeg.exe"); Ffmpeg.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; Ffmpeg.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True; Ffmpeg.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = True; Ffmpeg.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True; Ffmpeg.start (); Ffmpeg.WaitForExit (); Ffmpeg.Close (); } Public Zero GetThumbnail (string video, string jpg, string valikana) {if (velicina == null) velicina = "640x480"; Exec (video, "-SS 00:00:06" + velicina, jpg); }} FFMPEG f = new FFMPEG (); ...

excel - Apply macro filter across Multiple worksheet in a workbook and and save the filtered value as another workbook containing those multiple sheet -

I have a workbook that has 23 working papers, allowing me to filter the data from 23 work sheets to the macro auto filter And those data will be saved as work book along with the filtered data in those 23 worksheets. sub-switch_filter (), as integer, as integer, integer As, integer as i am full As a result, as a whole, as well as an integer, as in as integers, fractions, s1, variant j = Worksheets. Number s = input box ("enter switch id") s1 = s & amp; ; "*" If the S & lt; & Gt; For VbNullString again with K = 1 to 20 if (k & lt; & gt; 1) and (k & lt;> 4) and (k & lt;> 7) then with worksheets (k). UsedRange.AutoFilter field: = 3, Criterion 1: = s1 LastRow =. Call (.Rows.Count, "A"). End (xlUp). LastRow range for I = 3 (cell (i, 1), cells (i, 36)). Select the selection .copy workbook. Open filename: = "C: \ user \ takyar \ documents \ salesmaster-new.xlsx" worksheet (k). Select Erow = ActiveSheet.Cells (row...

javascript - Mixing html5 with non-async tags -

After some interesting conversation on Async, I could not find any information about what happened if you followed the regular script tag, followed with an async. I tried to do a quick test and what do I expect to do this: if I have placed a non-async tag for the first time, it always seems to load it later async Responsible tag Here I am testing that code: test.html: & lt ;; Doctype html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Trial & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "test.js" async & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; test.js: warning (window .jquery); In every case it seems that jQuery loading. Maybe I'm missing something in my tests, is that right? Can I have depende...

controller - List has no rows for assignment to SObject Test class error -

I'm an Apex novice, need help with Apex Test Class. With the public: the controller class works well, but I can not find a way to repeat this in a test class without any error here is the actual controller class "list SObject There is no line for the job "sharing class GoogleMap_Meeting_Controller {public list & lt; Meeting__c & gt; Meetings list {received; Set;} public list & lt; Meeting__c & gt; MeetingsList2 {get; Set;} public GoogleMap_Meeting_Controller () {ID id = Apex pages. Page (). GetParameters (). Get ('id'); Meetings = List [SELECT ID, Name, Group__R.ID, Meeting_Data__C, GPS_lighting_Lination_Lyutuited_S, GPSMetting_Leibation_Langlite_Setting_Here Group_r.Id = IDDDCDDCDDCCDESCCLEMT10 offset1]; MeetingsList2 = [Selection ID, Name, Group__r.Id, Meeting_Date__c, GPS_Meeting_Location__Latitude__s, GPS_eeting_Location__Longitude__s from Meeting__c Where Group__r.Id =: Meeting_Date__c DESC Limit 1 ID Order]; } // end creator // end class ...

python - Starmap modifying a parameter before passing it in? -

I have a weird bug that is confronting me trying to use multi-processing. The minimum code required to reproduce the Pool.starmap bug is here: from Multiprocessing Import Pool # The fact is that this class is useless but do not pay attention, this is more code but This was not relevant for this: Bug class coordinates (Tupal): def __new __ (CLS, * Args): Returning Tuple .__ New__ (CLS, AGR) # accidentally stores only two coordinate classes: def __init__ ( self, oldPos, newPos): self.oldPos = oldPos self. New POS = New Peace DF __str __ (Self): Returns 'Old Position:' + (str.old.pos) + '- New Position:' + str (self.newPos) # Dummy function to show the problem Problem def FuncThatNeedsTwoParam (trick, (parameter): On the other hand the ultimate ignored, there is no problem p = pool (2) transfers (0, 2), coordinates (0, 1) coordinates (0, 1) moveTwo = move (2, 1) coordinate (3, 0)) move = move (coordinates (22345, -12400), coordinates (153, 2357)) numbers are irrelev...

angularjs - difference between '@' and '=' when testing directives -

I am currently trying to get my head around the test instructions and came into some weird behavior. My code is as follows: Angular Module ('tddApp', []). Directive ('weird button', function () {return} {template: ' , replace: right, scope: {market1: = ', Market2:' @ '}};}); Before (each (function () () () (before html = '& lt; div odds-button market1) (' obstruction buttons directive test suite ', function () {var $ scope, scope, elem, html; before (Each module ('tddApp')) = "market" market 2 = "market" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; '; Inject (function ($ Collection, $ Rootscope) {$ scope = $ rootScope. $ New (); $ = '2/1'; Elem = angular.element (html); $ compile (elem) ($ scope); scope = elem.isolateScope (); scope. $ Apply (); });}); It is expected that ('should be created and HTML should be changed') (different There should be market in the field, work ()) (h...

c# - Displaying SQL Server database value in Gridview showing error -

When I try to display the database values ​​in Gridview, I get an error: Exception of the action without a type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' Additional information originated in System.Data.dll:. Keywords with the wrong syntax 'and' and the code Private Zero Button 1_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {SqlDataAdapter adap; Dataset ds; SqlConnection cn = New SqlConnection (@ "Data Source = DILIPWIN \ SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog = Radb; Integrated Security = True"); Cn.Open (); Var Home = New Home (); adap = Select the new SqlDataAdapter mark ("roll_num, mark with mark where Use the SQL-parameter which probably fixes this problem and the future Issues that prevents SQL-Injection: String sql = @ "roll_num, select from the marks marks where marks of You should also use the right type. Try to guess the type of value, if those integer ( int.Parse (home.cboxdept.SelectedValue) ). you must parse them accordingly

php - How to write custom error messages in object Zend_Validate_EmailAddress in Zend Framework -

मैं अपने नियंत्रक स्क्रिप्ट में संरक्षित $ _ messageTemplates = array ( ) ओवरराइड करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। सुरक्षित $ _messageTemplates = सरणी (आत्म :: INVALID = & gt; "'% value%' मूल प्रारूप स्थानीय-पार्ट @ होस्टनाम "में एक मान्य ईमेल पता नहीं है, स्वयं :: INVALID_HOSTNAME => ईमेल पता '% value%' के लिए ''% hostname% '' मान्य होस्टनाम नहीं है, स्वयं: INVALID_MX_RECORD = & Quot; '% hostname%' ईमेल पता '% value%' "के लिए वैध MX रिकॉर्ड नहीं है, स्वयं :: DOT_ATOM = & gt;" '% localpart%' डॉट-परमाणु प्रारूप के अनुरूप नहीं है ", स्वयं :: QUOTED_STRING = & gt; "% localpart% 'को उद्धृत स्ट्रिंग प्रारूप के साथ मेल नहीं खाता", स्वयं: INVALID_LOCAL_PART = & gt; "'% localpart% 'ईमेल पता'% value% 'के लिए मान्य स्थानीय भाग नहीं है" , स्वयं :: LENGTH_EXCEEDED = & gt; "'% value%' की अनुमति दी लंबाई से अधिक है"); मेरे नियंत्र...

regex - python regular expressions match # ner -

I'm trying to remove posts using regular expressions in a file like this: 36 17.8 9 n, 2 51.62 w35 51.13 n, 2 51.62 w35 51.13 n, 2 49.14 w 36 17.8 9n, 2 49.14 w 36 17.8 9n, 2 46.66 w35 51.13n, 2 46.66w35 51.13 n, 2 44.18 w 36 17.8 9n, 2 44.18 w 36 17.8 9n, 2 41.7w35 51.13n, 2 41.7w35 51.13n, 2 39.22w 36, 17.8 9n, 2 39.22w 36, 17.8 9n, 2 36.74W 35 51.13 N, 2 36.74W35 51.13A 2 34.26 W 36 17.8 9 N 2 34.26 W. This is a .txt file. To extract the data, regex is: pattern = r '((? M) ^ \ t \s ([1-9]? [0- 9] ) \ S ([0- 9]? [0- 9] \. [0-9] {0,2})) \ s ([ns]), \ r {0} ([1-9] ]? [0-9]) \ s ([0-9]? [0-9] \ [0- 9] {0,2}). ([WE]) ' I can remove the groups to process the stars to float but I want to know For example (3, 35.8521, -2.685666) How can I store a ID in a list as a 'ID' for each ID in a row? > In a list, a tube or some iterative I will use the partition instead of regex: open ('coordinates.txt', 'r') as file: for file in ...

sorting - Sort one list by the order of another list -

I need to sort a list according to the second list, but I do not know how this can be done. For example: I can have a list a : [C, B, G, E] (Just as an example, These are not real values) Then, the list should be sorted a list is same as the list b and so on Sorted: [A, B, E, G] Any help would be greatly appreciated. If I think, one of the lists lists the sequence relative to all the elements in another list. Ie: & gt; Sort with order [5,1,2,3,4] [1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1] [5,5,1,1,2,2,3, 3, 4, 4] This piece of code should work: Module sortwhit order where importable data. Map. M Limited as import data. Import Import Data. Ord Sort Wideorder :: Ord A = & gt; [A] - Order list - & gt; [A] - Source list - & gt; [A] Sort with order order = Sort by (compare gore order) where mill orderer = m.fundvith default (-1) k ordermap ordermap = M.fromList (zip order [0 ..])

ruby - How do I split a string on capitals unless preceded by a '+' -

I have a simulated string, which I would like to split capitals on different words, until one capital Do not be the first '+': Partitioning in Ruby is quite simple: s.split (/ (? = [AZ]) /) But I do not know how For example: s = "FooBashFizz + BuzzXBar" p s.split (/ (? = [AZ]]) /) =) & gt; ["Foo", "Bash", "Fizz +", "Buzz", "X", "Bar"] Desired: = & Gt; ["Foo", "Bash", "Fuzz + Buzz", "X", "Bar"] Add a negative attitude in the beginning. irb (main): 001: 0> S = "FooBashFizz + BuzzXBar" = & gt; "Foobhphis + BuzzExber" IRB (Main): 002: 0> S.split (/ (? & Lt !! \ +) (? = [A-Zed]) /) = & gt; Explanation: (? & Lt ;! \ +) indicates that the predecessor It will also be, but there will be no + symbol. (? = [AZ]) emphasizes that the lower letter should be an uppercase letter.

java - What is the relationship between the PhantomReference and ReferenceQueue? -

I'm a little confused about the phantom reference in Java when I saw in online articles that most of them have said That the Phantom Return object will return empty after creation, even though we get the reference () and also mentioned that the objects are accessible on the Fantamali, will be inserted into the context, when the Phantom reference will be removed, I have tried the following code example, but I have confusion about the result. device = tool (new); Reference queue queue = new reference qi (); Phantom Reference PR = New Phantom Reference (tool, queue); Println (pr.get ()); Println (queue.poll ()); Zero is printed above two statements. If pr.get () returns the tap, then does that mean that the garbage collected by the public is collected? If so, why is the object still not added to the priority queue? Can someone help me clarify this thing? Please describe these two words in the same way Thanks a lot The reference object referenced Returns bec...

select - Adding Columns in SQL -

I have a selected query in this equation Monitoring Fees "+" CCN Fees "+" WKRPT fees "+" Monarchy fees "+" Client dashboard fees "+" Take control server fees "+" Patch Management Server Fees "+" Remote Batterbair Server Fees " " Total Capped Server Fees " I see a problem is that it will only add if there is a value in each column but I want to add it Even if there is no data. For the remote background server, the fees do not come by September of 2013. So the total closed server charge equation is not adding to the others until everything , It is starting in September 2013 instead of all the years. some columns You are returning to NULL . For example: ISNULL ("monitoring fee", 0) + ISNULL ("CCN fee", 0) Instead of 0 + I ("client dashboard fees", 0) + ISNULL ("Take control server charge", 0) + ISNULL ("Patch Management Server Fees", ...

xpath 1.0 : subset matches an attribute list? -

In XML, I have elements with attributes that contain a list of categories, for example: cat = "ABCD" Is there any possibility with the xpath 1.0 (I am using XSLT in Firefox) to return all the elements, where the list of categories matches the list? For example: subset (AC) cat (ABC) true subset (D) cat (AC) false Subset (AC) Cat (AB) False Thank you Your Help Here are some code that basically what you want. The XSLT wrapper is just set to the variable. & lt; Xsl: variable name = "subset" = "AC" /> & Lt; Select xsl: variable name = "matches" = "// * [translate ($ subset, contact (@cat, ''), '') = '']] /> Of course, depending on the type of elements you are trying to match, you may need to zoom to // * . Concatenating @cat is required only if you do not have a subset string like 'D' in which there is no free space. This The code also assumes that all category names...

What is the appropriate way to plan for a Java API with new features over time? -

I am working with a team on a new Java API for one of our internal projects. We probably will not be able to take the time to stop all the details of the Java interface and at the beginning they will get 100% right. We have some key features that are expected to come out, and others who are likely to be involved in later times but now it is not important, now it's time to design one of those features. We do not have the luxury especially because we do not yet have enough information to get all the design details. The Java approach to APIs is that once you publish an interface, it is effectively irreversible and you should never change it. What is the API development plan over time? I have read and I think we can do this: // First release interface IDoSomething {public void hop (); Skip Public Zero (); Public zeros jump (); } // Later the interface extends to IDoSomething2 IDoSomething {public zero waxFloor (bottom floor); Public zero top desserts (sweet dessert); } /...

Javascript regex not matching - full code included -

I have posted this query first and got the answer included but I can not find this query match - I I am using. What am I missing on earth? (Copy / color) should be & lt ;! DOCTYPE html public "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Transcription // N" " /xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> & Lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ ('Keyboard', function () {$ ('# out1'). Val ($ (this) .val (). Match (/ (? =. * [AG]) (? =. * [AG] ) (? =. * \ D) (? =. * ([^ \ W] | _)). {8,} /));}) Out & lt; Input id = "out1" /> & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; mail () returns to...

ios - UITableViewCell animation breaks UITableView touch detection and scrolling -

I was trying to get the new UITableViewCells for the first time similar to google + animation. This is what I am doing: - (zero) tableview: (UITableView *) table view will be used: (UITableViewCell *) RowAtIndexPath for cell: ( NSIndexPath *) indexPath {if ([[Self serverfate controllerfortextable view: TableView] isDataAuitPath: IndexPath] {If (!! (Shown! (Expressions shown in Self: table view) Object: IndexPath] [(shown automatically IndexForTableview: TableView] Adject: IndexPath]; UIView * View = [cell content view]; View.layer.transform = self.initialTransformation; View.layer.opacity = 0.0; [UIView Chetavatvik: ANIMATION_CELL_APPEARANCE_TIME Animation: ^ {view.layer.transform = CATransform3DIdentity; View.layer.opacity = 1; }]; }}} // initial change resembles CGF Rotation Angelica = ANIMATION_CELL_APPEARANCE_ANGLE_DEG * (M_PI / 180); CATransform3D conversion = CATransform3DIdentity; Transform = cateresform 3 aromatet (transformation, rotation angelaardia, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); ... mvc - ModelState is coming false even when I've modified the property in action filter -

Text after "itemprop =" text "> I have modified the ActionType itself in the following action filters but still getting the model state error as" Field ActionType Regular Expression '1 | 2 | 3 | 4'. " As for [Regular Expression (" 1 | 2) | 3 | 4 ")] Public Ent Action Type {get; Set; } My ActionType Enum is public enum ActionType {pair = 1, update = 2, delete = 3, find = 4} action filter public override is zero OnActionExecuting (System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext) {var formData = actionContext.ActionArguments.FirstOrDefault (). Value EntityBase; If (formData! = Null) {string methodType = actionContext.Request.Method.Method; Switch (methodType.ToUpper ()) {case "POST": formData.ActionType = (int) ActionType.Add; break; Case "PUT": formData.ActionType = (int) ActionType.Update; break; Case "DELETE": formData.ActionType = (int) ActionType.Delete; break; Case "Receiv...

r - Cannot filter on date field converted from numeric -

Using R, when I query a SQLite database, it returns a date field in duplicate form When I change it to a date field, it looks okay, but I can not filter it. Here is a toy example df I think there is some pretty basic unavailable as the date field or the subsequent processing to get the initial results TIA as.Date Although you expect a number, you pass this decimal number. As a result: as.numeric (df $ dt [1]) # [1] As of 16299.29. Numerical (as.Date ("2014-08-17")) # [1] 1629 9 And these are not identical I think that as.Date.numeric Should handle it differently or give a warning, but it is not a bug altogether. Use integer partitions instead: DF $ dt

java - How to set android background image -

People here have some code that sets the background color to white, but I want to set an image I want to change the code, but I have to keep the same ID of color so that it can be picked up from the rest code and I have to change it everywhere. & lt; Color name = "editor_background_color" & gt; ; # ffffffff & lt; / Color & gt; If you want to get an image from an XML file, you first of all You should include your picture as your project's "editor_background" and get it named in its named folder as your name and get it from your source code: @ drawable / editor_background For example, if you want to set the background of your activity May include: android: background = "@ drawable / Adit_baband" I hope it was useful post!

Included class inside another class is not declared PHP -

मैं एक selfmade वर्ग के निम्नलिखित __construct; सार्वजनिक समारोह __construct ($ आईपी , $ उपयोगकर्ता, $ पास, $ उत्पाद) {$ this- & gt; _ip = $ ip; $ This- & gt; _user = $ उपयोगकर्ता; $ This- & gt; _pass = $ pass; $ This- & gt; _product = $ उत्पाद; $ This- & gt; ssh = नया Net_SSH2 ($ this- & gt; _ip); अगर (! $ this- & gt; ssh- & gt; लॉगिन ($ this- & gt; _user, $ this- & gt; _pass)) {लौटें 'लॉग इन असफल'; } $ this- & gt; sftp = नया Net_SFTP ($ this- & gt; _ip); अगर ($ इस- & gt;! sftp- & gt; लॉगिन ($ इस- & gt; _user, $ इस- & gt; _pass)) {वापसी 'प्रवेश विफल'; }} अब समस्या यह है कि यह कहता है Net_SSH2 और Net_SFTP घोषित नहीं किया है, लेकिन मैं, im यकीन नहीं पेज में उन वर्गों को शामिल किया है, लेकिन यह हो सकता है मैं पारित करने के लिए है कि है उन कक्षाओं में उन वर्गों को बस फोन करने के बजाय? यदि हां, तो कैसे मैं ऐसा कर सकता हूँ? एक बेहतर समाधान autoload उपयोग करने के लिए है। फ़ंक्शन __autoload ($ cl...

Split the tuple in erlang -

मैं इस tuple को इसमें विभाजित करना चाहता हूं: {d, [{{1, C}, {2, g}}, {{3, f}, {4, f}}]} a = [1, c], [2, g] बी = [3, एफ], [4, f ] जहां ए और बी केवल वेरिएबल मैंने को देखने की कोशिश की है किसी भी मदद की सराहना की जाएगी। ट्यूपल के पहले तत्व को मानते हुए कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता, और दूसरा हमेशा एक दो-तत्व सूची है : { {_, [a0, b0]} = {d, [{{1, c}, {2, g}}, { }}]}, और आप ए और बी को सूची के रूप में प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं (आप एक और b एरलांग में वेरिएबल के रूप में): ए 1 = tuple_to_list (A0), %% [{1, c}, {2, g }], ए = सूचियाँ: नक्शे (मज़ेदार tuple_to_list / 1, ए 1), %% इसी तरह बी के लिए

python - Changing the marker according to some factor in a pandas time series plot -

मान लीजिए मेरे पास इस तरह एक पांडा डेटाफ़्रेम है df = pd.DataFrame ({' डेटा ': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],' समूह ': [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, अनुक्रमणिका = pd.date_range (' 2014-01-01 ', अवधि = 5)) मैं की एक समय श्रृंखला की साजिश करना चाहूंगा जहां मार्कर के अनुसार बदलता रहता है। क्या ऐसा करने का एक आसान तरीका है df.plot () ? यदि नहीं, तो यह करने का एक आसान तरीका क्या है? मेरा पहला सोचा समुद्री शैवाल का उपयोग करना है, जो इस पर बहुत अच्छा है: आयात के रूप में आयातित एनपी आयात पंडों आयात seaborn आयात matplotlib.pyplot के रूप में plt% matplotlib इनलाइन df = pandas.DataFrame ({'डेटा': [1, 2, 3 , 4, 5], 'समूह': [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, सूचकांक = पंडैसडेट श्रेणी ('2014-01-01', अवधि = 5)) df fgrid = sebororn.FacetGrid (Df.reset_index (), hue = 'group') (plt.plot, 'index', 'data', linestyle = 'none', marker = 'o') समस्या यह है कि मैं इस तथ्य के साथ अच्छा खेलना नहीं पा रहा हूं कि...

c# - Dynamically add Filter Expression to the Gridview to Filter Two Columns -

कृपया निम्न कोड देखें: संरक्षित शून्य चेकबॉक्स लिस्ट 1 चयनित इंडेक्स (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, इवेंटएरग्स ई) {SqlDataSource1.FilterExpression = ""; विदेशी मुद्रा (चेकबॉक्स लिस्ट 1 में सूचीबद्ध सूची)। {If (l.Selected) {HD1.Value + = l.Value + ","; यदि (SqlDataSource1.FilterExpression == "") SqlDataSource1.FilterExpression + = "TSOType like '" + l.Value + "%'"; Else {SqlDataSource1.FilterExpression + = "या TSOType जैसे" "+ l.Value +"% '"; }}}} मैं गतिशील रूप से ग्रिडव्यू पर फ़िल्टर अभिव्यक्ति आवंटित कर रहा हूं जब चेकबॉक्स में आइटम चेक किए गए हैं यह मुझे अपेक्षित परिणाम देगा जब क्लौमन "टीसोटाइप" आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करेगा अब मैं क्या चाहता हूं कि एक और कॉलम फ़िल्टर को फ़िल्टरइन्क्रिप्शन में जोड़ना है। उदाहरण के लिए, अब मेरे पास SqlDataSource1.FilterExpression + = "TSOType like '" + l.Value + "%'"; लेकिन मैं इसे SqlDataSource1.FilterExpression + = "TSOT...

node.js - Terminating each() block in Protractor -

I was automating an application (using protractor) and I came in a situation where I I want to select the keyboard to move forward using the arrow buttons below. Here's how I am coming for this kind of action. After typing part in the text field, I am getting a reference to every option that appears in the next type. Now, I am using Protractor's .each () method to repeat through each option. I repeat the script to hit the down arrow button through each option. Write forward that say 10 options appear in the next type and the option I choose is the 5th place Is on. Now when I reach the 5th position I am opting for the option, but each () function still continues. I should end the loop when something like the statement is required for some loop when the required option is selected. BTW I have tried to do the above scenario with the loop, but then (unable to use the statement BREAK) inside the handler. Please tell me how to cope with this situation. You can ...

javascript - How to pass the value that you type on textbox to a controller every time you type without having to have a submit button. -

I have a disappointing code that is working but my question is that every time you pass the value of the textbox Type on the text box? Probably using Javascript or JQuery? If someone can help me, then it will be great SearchProducstController: public class SearchProducstController: controller {public activity search search (string name) {var result = name; See Return (); } site.master & lt;% @ master language = "c #" inheritance = "system.web.mvc.ViewMasterPage"% & Gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Stronger // n" "" & gt; & Lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Head runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; & Lt; Asp: ContentPlaceHolder ID = "TitleContent" runat = "server" /> & Lt; / Heading & gt; & Lt; Link href = "../../content / sit...

java - How do I stop smooks from escaping ampersand? -

I have got a CSV for the Java configuration file and it has an ampersand in a field. When I convert to Java Bean, in this field, & amp; Amp; Amp; Amp; Amp; Amp; Amp; Amp; Amp; Amp Maybe I stop smooks from doing so? File: & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Smooks-resource-list xmlns = "" xmlns: csv = " "Xmlns: jb =" "& gt; & Lt; Parameter & gt; & Lt; Param name = "stream.filter.type" & gt; Sacks & lt; / param & gt; & Lt; Param name = "default.serialization.on" & gt; False & lt; / param & gt; & Lt; Param name = "feature-off" & gt; Http: //</ param & gt; & Lt; / Parameters & gt; & Lt; Csv: Reader Field = "P...

c# - Using Gracenote to get Information about Music Artists, Albums and Tracks -

I am developing an application that takes the name of the artist and lists all of his album titles, I am trying to grayscans, but, the problem occurs when I retrieve the first 100 albums, it says: Error - GCSP: Search Error: [22] Search: Invalid Category START = 101: Only the first 100 results can be used I am an artist How do I get all songs and album titles? int i = 1; Int J = 20; {SearchResult gcSearch; Do {var gcClient = new GrassenCellient (GracenoteClientId); Var criteria = new search-caracteria {artist = "adele", search mode = search mode. Default, range = new range (i, j)}; GC Search = GCClient search criteria); Foreach (Album album album in search) {_tempList.Add (album); } I = J + 1; J = j + 20; } While (j & lt; gcSearch.Count); } you Music is another database of metadata; An open version of this was created in response to the works of Ascent, through which its subsidiary company Grainnote bought CDDB rights and got limited access to dat...

WPF - customize view using triggers in Windows Phone 8.1 -

I want to customize my view in Windows Phone 8.1 app (WPF). I used something like this in my desktop project: & lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; Grid.Style & gt; & Lt; Style & gt; & Lt; Style.Triggers & gt; & Lt; Data Trigger Binding = "{Binding IsTrueValue}" value = "False" & gt; & Lt; Setter property = "visibility" value = "hidden" /> & Lt; / DataTrigger & gt; & Lt; Data Trigger Binding = "{Binding IsTrueValue}" value = "true" & gt; & Lt; Setter property = "visibility" value = "view" /> & Lt; / DataTrigger & gt; & Lt; /Style.Triggers> & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; /Grid.Style> & Lt; / Grid & gt; Unfortunately Style.Triggers are not recognized. Thanks for the help Windows Phone does not use WPF or you So you can use the Windows Phone Silverlight or Windows Phone Runtime Code. XML is used in all th...

python - Celery add tasks to queue when ready -

I am new to celery I am trying to do a distributed function with celery Let's say that I have any job in my work file : @ celery.task dff gener_sorts (params, meta_data_dict): '' 'This will generate some type' '' pass and I am doing the following as part of some distributed resources: taskset = TaskSet (tasks.generate_sorts.subtask (args = (Params, meta_data_dict)) Meta_Data_Disk Chunk_generator for print) Print "Task Disclosure" taskset_result = taskset.apply_async () Print "Waiting for results" Results = WorkComedia_Salt. Join_native () Print "Result:" Process # Results Now the chunk_generator basically fetches a generator pattern which goes to the database and some metadata. My problem is that these work gets deposited before the work queue is already sent. In fact, before generating in the queue, my generator takes about 30 minutes to fetch all meta data. I know how it works for TaskSet i TaskSe...

node.js - Unable to run selenium WebDriver JavaScript bindings -

I am currently using selenium binding for python and want to evaluate javascript binding, but the sample application Stuck with! As I do not understand, what is wrong in this example, any help would be appreciated. My package. Johnson file looks like this: {"name": "selenium_tests", "version": "0.0.0", "repository": {}, "DevDependencies": {"Mocha": "^ 1.21.4", "Selenium-WebDriver": "^ 2.43.5"}} My script looks like this : var webdriver = is required ('Selenium-WebDriver'); Var Driver = New WebDriver Builder (). WithCapabilities (webdriver.Capabilities.firefox ()). Construction (); Driver.get (''); Driver.findElement ( ('Q')) SendKeys ('webdriver'). . Click on Driver.findElement ( ('btnG')) (); Driver.wait (function (); 'use hard;; return driver.getTitle (). Then (function (ti...

sass - How to generate class from nested maps -

I want to create classes for basic font-settings with SASS. I have fully managed that any of I can include my $ font-type from class nested maps, which includes responsive media-queries. My goal is to automatically map each font-type automatically to a square, with the $ font -type Which may include nested maps define settings I How do I get it? Here's the solution: $ StyleHeams: (lead-1: (font-family: arial, font-size: 30px, font-size-MD: 20px , Font-size-SM: 12px,), lead-2: (font-family: arial, font-size: 18px, font-size-SM: 10px);); @ Christian $ theme, $ multiples in stylehames {{# subject subject} {@each $ prop, $ val $ properties {@if $ prop == font-family} {# $ $}: $ val; } @if $ prop == font-size {# {$ prop}: $ val; } @if $ prop == font-size-md {@ inline size-m {font-size: $ val; }} @if $ prop == font-size-sm {@ size-s {font-size: $ val; }}}} In this way, you can extend your "stylehoms" and add other font-sizes to specific breakpoint @s.

java - accessing private inner class field using reflection -

I'm wondering how I can use a private internal classroom private sector through reflections for my JUnit tests Can i Here's an example of what I want: Public category A {Private map & lt; Integer, innerclas & gt; ObjectMap = New TreeMap & lt; Integer, InnerClass & gt; .descendingMap (); Private class Innerclass {Private full field is a private area area} 2}} In this example, I want to use values ​​of field-on-field and fieldTo which is in the example of A. I have tried the following: An example A = new A (); Field Private ObjectMafield = Eccleslate.GetDeclairField ("ObjectMap"); PrivateObjectMapField.setAccessible (true); Naviglalm & lt; Integer, class & lt ;? & Gt; & Gt; FieldValue = (NavigableMap & lt; integer, class? Lt;? & Gt; & gt;) Private ObjectMailedGet (example A); // 5 is a major in the map so it declared class to the inner class class In this case these accidents: class with error:

automation - Using Portable Python to copy text from an outside program and simulate keystrokes in Windows 7 -

Now, I am trying to automate a small Decompiler that I have (pseudo-cache from .gba file In the assembly), as it is currently necessary that the user decoups each individual line (16 bit), which is very tedious, considering that the files from which I want to fully decompress Yes, they are of the required code of 908132 lines. I am very limited in my programming capabilities limited in my own knowledge / experience and because of my stepfather, I do not have administrative rights on computer, which has passed away recently (and I have There is no password for their account, nor is there any money for a new computer which is not completely suck.) The decompiler itself is called pksvui, although I am really skeptical that except for routing G and talk. I know how to copy text with python, but I would like to know how to drag it from this specific program (emulate CPU + A and CTL + C if you can tell me how to program it specifically Select the text box of.) The next step will be...

dataframe - R: return pmin or pmax of data.frame with multiple columns -

Is there any way to select pmax / pmin of data frame with multiple columns ?? I want to return only the maximum or the minimum, not the entire line. Max For this line, I expect a return value: 70.76 ... because it is the maximum value in all the columns. Use to call Pmax To compare all the columns for each line value, for example: dat When you call pmax directly on a complete data frame, then there is only one argument PA Ssed for the ceremony and nothing to compare it. Therefore, it argues for supply because it should be maximum. It works for non-numerical and numerical arguments, even if it does not matter: pmax (7) # [1] 7 pmax ("a") # [1 ] "A" Pmax (using data.frame (1,2,3)) # X1 X2 X3 # 1 1 2 3 Using (pmax,. ..) with data. Frame means that you can pass each column of data. As the list of logic for the frame to pmax : (pmax) , Dat) is equal to: pmax (dat $ a, dat $ b)

xpath - Merge xml file in ant script -

Required: Insert the following servicelet into web.xml if not already there : & lt; Servlet & gt; & Lt; Details & gt; My service & lt; / Description & gt; & Lt; Servlet-name & gt; MyServlet & lt; / Servlet-name & gt; & Lt; Servlet category & gt; Com.tom.servlet.MyServlet & lt; / Servlet category & gt; & Lt; Load-On-Startup & gt; 1 & lt; / Load-on-startup & gt; & Lt; / Servlet & gt; & Lt; Servlet-mapping & gt; & Lt; Servlet-name & gt; MyServlet & lt; / Servlet-name & gt; & Lt; URL pattern & gt; / Servlet / myServlet / * & lt; / URL pattern & gt; & Lt; / Servlet-mapping & gt; I am using my ant script tried the following script, but failed: & Lt; Insert = "servletfound" path = "/ web-app / servlet [last ()]" after position = "& gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [& lt; Servlet & gt; & Lt; Details & gt; My ser...

matlab - interp1 output not consistent -

Then I have this function that I have modified a bit which is the "main" vector and the "base" vector and the spread / base Compress the main vector in the dimensions of the vector. function output = stretch (main, base) N = length (main) -1; X = 0: Not Applicable; Xi = 0: (length (main) / length (base)): not applicable; Production = interp1 (x, main, xi); End The base vector always has a length of 1620, so the goal is. It works most of the time, but for some "main" vector dimensions, the vectors of the spreading / compressed vector are 1619 or 1618. I have no idea how to improve it - any thoughts? @ David wrote: Use Linspace (intialValue, finalValue, numberOfElements) not initial value: increment: final value

android - Playing Sound in titanium Error is function not found -

In the form of I sound files are in perfect place so I do not know what is going wrong I started with this I am so thanked for so much help. // Level 1 page var win = Titanium.UI.currentWindow; var tab = titanium. U.CurrentTab; Var leveloneview = Ti.UI.createView ({width: '100%', height: '100%', background color: 'blue',}); Var tile1 = Ti.UI.createImageView ({Bottom: '100', Width: '100', Height: '100', Image: "images / pirate-icon.png",}); Var tile2 = Ti.UI.createImageView ({left: '50', bottom: '100', width: '100', height: '100', image: "images / pirate-icon.png",}); Var tile3 = Ti.UI.createImageView ({true: '50', bottom: '100', width: '100', height: '100', image: "picture / pirate-icon .png",}); Var sound = Sequet ({url: 'sounds / wheres_me_rum.mp3', preload: true}); Var button = Ti.UI.createButton ({title: 'Cli...

dom - Scraping website post data with PHP -

I have a website that wants to scrape and I have to fill out this form so that I I can get the data. / book / pilhjadwal I have received this data like this In that page we try to use the DOM and CRL But this data is not loaded, how can someone get me that data? Thanks $ options = array ('http' = & Array ('Header' = & gt; "Content-Type: Text / html; Charset = UTF-8 \ r \ n", 'Method' = & gt; 'POST', 'Content' = & gt; http_build_query ([]),)); $ Context = stream_context_create ($ option); $ result = file_get_contents (' = Bandung ', false, $ reference); $ Doc = new DOMDocument (); @ $ Doctor & gt; loadHTML ($ result); DOM-document will be manual from $ doc URL:

javascript - Efficient way to compare to zero -

Condition: When there is a circle, where there are some numeric variables (i.e. moreThanZero ) a zero (Usually more than ...) many cycles, more than a million say, what is the most effective / fast way to compare: If (MoreThanZero) { ...} If (moreThanZero> 0) {...} If (moreahairro! = 0) {...} If (more sharps! == 0) {...} Thanks Toraezboobo if (0! == moreThanZero) {...} Or other options? You are probably optimizing the micro and the cost of a comparison against zero in any major program There is no possibility to see the big difference. However, for the sake of science ... The most common optimization (for loop optimization, writing variables etc.) and to call the blackhole (ISH) function, the benchmark written by @EbrrahmedM Instead of tweaking, I might see an important difference: How they work due to the results: ! N At least testing the specific operation at least, this (in some fashion) must treat the variable as a boolean. Some optimizations can be...

javascript - How do I turn off active tabs in AngularJS? -

My tabs work well, but I can not understand how I click again on the same tab. As you can see I can hover over the tabs and click on them but I can not do it again to shut them down Bonus thoughts - I also hover over them and preview the info Want to be able to! app.js - App.controller ("TabController", function () { = 0; this.isSet = function (checkTab) {this. Tab return === checkTab;}; this.setTab = function (setTab) { = setTab;};}); index.html - & lt; Span class = "pull-right" ng-controller = "tab controller in tab form" & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "nav nav-pills" & gt; & Lt; li ng-square = "{active: tab.isSet (1)}" & gt; & Lt; A href = "" ng-click = "tab .SetTab (1)" & gt; News & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li ng-square = "{active: tab.isSet (2)}" & gt; & Lt; A href = "" ng-click = "tab .setta...

php - Searching Multiple Rows in database -

Hello everyone I have run into a small problem, I should be able to find several rows in my database There is some difficulty with my code. Can you please take a look at my query $ raw_results = db :: table ('student') - & gt; Select ('name', 'date', 'class') - & gt; Where ('name', 'likes', "% $ query%") - & gt; get receive (); as part of your query or where () or where ('class', 'like', "% {$ query} }% ") - & gt; Received ();

UIWebview does not display embedded youtube well for iOS 8 -

I have difficulty running YouTube in UIWebview. If I use the default embed format from YouTube, it does not show anything in the UIWebview just empty NSString * htmlString = @ " Gt; & lt; body & gt; & lt; iframe width = \ "420 \" height = \ "315 \" src = \ "// .com / embed / XNnaxGFO18o? Rel = 0 \ "frameborder = \" 0 \ "AcceptableSluscreen> gt; & lt; / iframe & gt; & lt; / body & gt; & lt; / html & gt;"; [Self.webView loads HTML string: htmlString baseURL: zero]; I gotogled around and found the following code works. NSString * embedHTML = @ "\ & lt; html> gt; body style = \" margin: 0; \ "& Gt; \ & lt; div class = \" emvideo emvideo-video emvideo-youtube \ "& gt; embed id = \" yt \ "src = \" Com / embed / bPM8LKYMcXs? Hd = 1 \ "width = \" 320 \ "height = \" 250 \ "...

javascript - SVG with viewBox and width is not scaling height correctly in IE -

I am trying to create inline SVG with viewBox attributes, but there are no clear width or height attributes. I'm setting the width of SVG to 100% using CSS. From this, the SVG scale should maintain its wrapping container, the aspect ratio set by the view box. In Chrome and Firefox, it works perfectly! Here's a minimal coding example of what I'm talking about: HTML: CSS: div {width: 400px; } SVG {width: 100%; Maximum-height: 100%; Profile: 1px solid tomato; } Text {font-size: 10px; } The view box is 100x10 The outer div is set to 400px width. This means that the height of SVG (and in Chrome / Firefox) should be 40px. But, in IE 11, the width is always 150px (even when the width of the div is greater than 1500px ...) Is there a good way to fix this in IE? Why can not IE handle unknown height correctly? I can use the "move", but it is super ugly, another dome element is required, and every time I change the size of the cover, then the padding-to...

mysql - GROUP BY with COUNT including rows with 0 count -

Good morning I need to create a query that will show me how many records have been modified The special date issue is that I would like to include those days which do not have any amendments (and display it as 0) How to do that? (Date (modified date)> = ADDDATE (revised date, interval - 200 days)) and date of the selected date as d, count (1) AS `c`) and (ManualModified = 1) Group by date (modified date) Output: 2013-09-19 40 2013-10-16 74- 2013- 10 -17 104 2013-10-18 186 So I have to include the calculation along with 19-10. Is it possible without joining the temporary table? If the dates are not present in the table as values, you must generate them and give them their query Will have to leave in

ios - How to locate iphone simulator with different versions of xcode like 4/5/6? -

I have different versions of the xcode under the Exclodge folder in different directories. When I browse the library folder from Mac HD / User / Library / ...... it moves me to the "Iphone Simulator / Application default version. But I want to search for simulator for other encoded version How can I go that way? These paths are different for each version of Xcode, for example the path of Xcode 6 starts with ~ / library / developer / core simulator. For really useful reading about this, please see this link (and the other two links at the beginning of the article): You should also look at other questions about this topic:

javascript - Invoke HTTP GET and POST request without pages using Node.js + Express -

I have a node running with Expressjs. JS is the app. I have a typical setup now, see JET files and Root JS files to process GET and POST requests. The example is as follows: router. Post ('/ posting', function (rik, ridge) {// element from true Z. view itself var a = req.body.from; Var two =; // something to do}); Router.get ('/ getaction', function (req, res) {// is one of the only elements from the actual Z-view var a = req.body.from; var two =; // something is}); This works, I can take GET and post requests. For example, one button can apply the POST operation. My question is how can I use a different script or NPM module, without any kind of GET and POST requests, through ideas? Ideally, I will have something like this: somescript-get & lt; Param1 & gt; somescript-post & lt; Param1 & gt; & Lt; Param2 & gt; with parameters req.body.from and Is similar to Basically, I'm looking without us...

c# - How to insert data to Kentico Database -

Sorry I have trouble connecting to the Kentucky database. I want to insert data into the Kentico database. What is the API to do this? And how do I do it? . Please provide the document [link] or sample code for me. I will try to use API eatable manager, database helper, and iTable Manager properties. But I do not know about this Sir, you have not shown any effort in your attempt to solve Is the issue Please read first, in addition, you can see directly in the Kentico UI. They display basic (CRUD) operations with objects and documents. Actually, to work with the use of documents ( DocumentHelper.InsertDocument (...) ). Use * InfoProvider to work with other objects (like UserInfoProvider.SetUserInfo (...) ).

ios - Xcode Memory Graph - showing increasing memory use - what exactly does it show? -

When viewing debug graph in exode 6 (and possibly 5), then when memory is used when my application is turned on Increases I place a certain object more on the screen and animate its movement. When I remove it then it does not seem to reduce. Once removed, I believe they have no other reference. See screenshots: However, when I'm trying to use the equipment, only around 12 MB, and total bytes is continuing, as expected. See the screenshot: Is this normal behavior? What is the graph in showing Xcode actually? Am I seeing something? In the tool I have allotment life support set to all the allocation and allocation type, set all heap for the screenshot above and the Anonymous VM. UPDATE By running the tool with the device monitor, I was able to see that "real memory" is increasing at the same rate as the Xcode displayed has gone. @MarkSzimskicak told that OpenGL E. Textured memory allocation is not shown in the allocation tool. By purifying the texture c...