
Showing posts from March, 2013

Submit a form automatically with PHP -

I wanted to submit a form with php with special values, but it did not work here Code is: & lt ;? create the array of data to post php // $ post_data ['username'] = 'some'; $ Post_data ['password'] = 'something!'; // Generate data for Troops array and posting (key 1 = value 1) Forex ($ post_data $ key = & gt; $ value) {$ post_items [] = $ key '=' $ value; } // implode () $ post_string = create the last string to post using implode ('& amp; $, post_items); // Create CRL Connection curl_connection = curl_init (''); // Set option curl_setopt ($ curl_connection, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30); Curl_setopt ($ curl_connection, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla / 4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"); Curl_setopt ($ curl_connection, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); Curl_setopt ($ curl_connection, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, incorrect); Curl_setopt ($ curl_connection, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); ...

c# - HttpWebRequest cookie for redirected request -

or should authorize me on site in my program, authorization request on the cookie value and pages (page 1, Mysite. com / lots / 8188 / request / 4261 / "), which I redirect to another (page 2, which url eg" "): SendingRequest.CookieContainer = new Cookie Contaneyr (); SendingRequest.CookieContainer.Add (sending request. requests, new cookies (ASPNETSessionIdCookieName, this.ASPNETSessionIdCookie)); request. Anumodnotoardiarekt = true; SendingRequest.Maximu mAutomaticRedirections = 100; HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse) sendingRequest.GetResponse (); Well, Page 1 and I was sent back to the page required HTTP with the required URL 2 2 Page 3 I have, then going to send the requested page 2, but it ASPNETSessionIdCookieName does not send cookies to page 2 and server gives me inept response. to redirect requests how do I use "ASPNETSessionIdCookieName"? Auto-Reedairesitn is going cookies changing domain / URL that...

Are Java 8 lambdas compiled as inner classes, methods or something else? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर मैंने आज यह लेख पढ़ा है लैम्ब्दास के बारे में: लेख से पता चलता है, कि लैंबडा नहीं है एनो इनर क्लास के रूप में कार्यान्वित (प्रदर्शन के कारण) मैंने एक बहुत सरल स्निपेट की कोशिश की है: निजी शून्य रन () {System.out.println (यह); giveHello (System.out :: println); } निजी शून्य देनाहेलो (उपभोक्ता और लेफ्टिनेंट; स्ट्रिंग & gt; उपभोक्ता) {System.out.println (उपभोक्ता); consumer.accept ( "हैलो"); } और आउटपुट है: sample.Main@14ae5a5 sample.Main$$Lambda$1/168423058@4a574795 हैलो तो यह वही उदाहरण नहीं है यह कुछ केंद्रीय "लम्बेडा फैक्टरी" उदाहरण या तो नहीं है .. लैम्ब्डा कैसे लागू किया जाता है? यह अभिव्यक्ति है कि आप एक वास्तविक लैम्ब्डा अभिव्यक्ति पास करते हैं और एक विधि संदर्भ नहीं मानते हैं, एक अलग, सिंथेटिक विधि के रूप में संकलित किया गया है। अपेक्षित कार्यात्मक इंटरफ़ेस (जैसे, एक स्ट्रिंग को उपभोक्ता & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; के मामले में) के किसी भी औपचारिक तर्क के अलावा, इसमे...

angularjs - Value in button? -

मेरे पास मूल्य {{डेटा [0] .pageCount}} है। यह एक संख्या प्रदर्शित करता है और यह ठीक काम करता है। लेकिन यह तब काम नहीं करता जब मैं करता हूँ: & lt; button class = 'btn button-next' एनजी-अक्षम = "वर्तमान पृष्ठ & gt; = {{डेटा [0] .pageCount}}" एनजी-क्लिक = "getPage (वर्तमान पृष्ठ = वर्तमान पृष्ठ + 1)" & gt; कोई भी विचार कैसे ठीक कर सकता है? धन्यवाद! इसे प्रयास करें, & lt; बटन वर्ग = 'बीटीएन बटन-अगला' एनजी-अक्षम =" वर्तमान पृष्ठ & gt; = डेटा [0] .pageCount "ng-click = "getPage (currentPage = currentPage +1)" & gt;

MQTT with Mosquitto -

What message are supported by quotes Mosqitto ()? Apart from this, I want to know in the MCTT protocol, a separate message queue is made for each subject or this can be done in case of memory constraints. mosquito only supports MCTT MCTT is not normally the concept to be considered as a queue After saying, each customer has a line of messages which will be distributed to it. The number of messages in the client queue can be limited by a configuration option. There will be an option to limit the use of heap globally in the future and therefore the full length lines.

Nothing to repeat Javascript regex -

I'm getting the error "nothing to repeat" / ^ [az] + [az] + [0] - 9] + [^ A-Za-z0- 9] + {8,} $ / when I run it or by using the string.match () function (you can paste the code ) Regx is trying to ensure that the string is at least 8 characters long, it includes lowercase A-jazz, uppercase e-z, at least one digit and one non-letter / number (special character). Previous posts mention special characters, but I have not got anybody in this method, so why not get confused. (? =. * [Az]) (? =? * [Az]) (? =. * \ D) (? =. * ([^ \ W] | _)). {8,} You need regex above. You have two quantifiers, which are causing the error.

javascript - angular-datatables payload format does not change upon subsequent calls to reloadData() -

By using the initial load of data in the table using the angular-datatable (), I want to change the date range for which Reload and display data period is selected using the input field two days from time to time. However, all subsequent requests do not modify the time-line parameters in the dtOptions obeject. The strange thing is that, when I change the modified dtOptions objects, the changes begin to take effect, that is, the data property of dtOptions Demonstrates the request in the "Networks" tab of "Developer Tools" in Chrome, indicating that the old deadline values ​​are still used, which are not updated in table entries. Example: Whenever I post for new data getting it in the "Networks" tab of "Developers Tools" is from {to, from} is: Origin: http: // localhost: 9000 Referer: http: // localhost: 9000 / user-agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (X11, Linux x86_64) ChromeWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, like Lizard) Chrome / 37.0. 2062.120 Sa...

eclipse - java maven how to create app with bundled tomcat -

I wonder if this is some strange way of thinking, but I have not really got any indication on the internet. Maybe there is no correct answer to my question, but in any way, this is what I would like to do: I have a complex application that has been written in Java with spring and quartz And there is a full load of dependency. The application is run inside an Apache tomato servlet container. Now I know, I can make war files and deploy that productive server on the machine (after our internal IT, Tommack is installed and configured on that machine), But I want to separate it a bit. I would like Maven to create a pre-packaged Tomcat application server with all the dependencies and configuration settings and my application, in fact, whatever the productive system has to do, the package to the server (or zip Or tarpad gp or whatever is necessary), open it in the directory of mine or his choice and set this local fire on separate tomcat This is only my application (which is machine a...

laravel - Error codeception requires CURL extension installed -

OK, I am using Larval 5 through the tutorial series on the Larbuk and I try to use the codeaption Got trapped in The name of my loyal app folder is "Lerbook" Running the seller / bin / codec from my Larkook folder, I have been given a list of options in the right way. Then I started it and it worked. I have created a SignUpCept.php file directed and filled it with the following. & lt ;? Php $ I = New FunctionalTel ($ scenario); $ I-> ('a guest'); $ I- & gt; Want ('Sign up for a Laboboc Entry'); $ I- & gt; AmOnPage ('/'); $ I- & gt; Click ('sign up'); $ I- & gt; seeCurrentUrlEquals ('/ register'); $ I- & gt; Bharflild ('Username:', 'John Do'); $ I- & gt; Bharfeld ('email:', ''); $ I- & gt; Fill ('password:', 'demo'); $ I- & gt; Bharfeld ('Password Confirmation:', 'Demo'); $ I- & gt; Click ('sign up')...

graph databases - How to realize a nested tree in Neo4j? -

I'm just starting with the Neo4j and Graph database and wondering if good use cases for nested hierarchical tree Neo4j Are there. A common example would be a nested set of comments, for example: - Article - Comment on article 1 - Comment on 1 comment - comment on comment 1 - Comment 3 on comment 3 - Articles 5 Comments on 5 As I think, articles and comments will be each nodes and in every comment, parents will have relationships, articles (1 and 5) will be easy to get all the direct comments But recovering the whole set How about? Please excuse me to use the words of the common man, I felt it is better in such a way that you are trying to use the appropriate word while confusing you all. Using a graph database to store a tree seems perfectly appropriate for me What will best display on your data access pattern, but basically the trees will have specialization of the graph. Yes, in your case "elements in the tree" nodes and "nesting" relationsh...

ios - Can't call method from second ViewController -

I'm having trouble creating my application I try to call any method from ViewController1 in my existing View Controller 2 I am doing Mys I have declared the method in the File Viewer1 file, so it is visible. - (zero) saveLocation; I have the following in my ViewController2.h file #import "ViewController1.h" @ Interface View Controller 2: UIViewController @property (nonatomic, Assign) View Controller 1 * Save the Method; @end and in my ViewController2.m [self.MethodSave saveLocation]; This does not work and I have tried to fix it for a while. Any help would be great. Thanks I think you have only one property @property (nonatomic, assign) in ViewController1 Has been declared * save the law; But if this property is not allocated then first assign it then call the function. MethodSave = [ViewController1New]; [Self. Method save place]; Also declare assets as strong as @property (nonatomic, strong) ViewController1 * MethodSave; This should...

php - SEO friendly links with htaccess - redirecting dynamic links to static -

I have a website in which I would like to switch to SEO friendly links, to redo some work, I redirection through HTAC Would you like to add old dynamic links like: as another friend Will be directed to: As far as I understand, I need those redirects, so that Search engines do not penalize me for duplicated content and since I need to do them, I thought it might be easier to change the link on each page instead of just making them - I can refer to the normal HTML form I am using it so it will not be very straight forward. I am trying to do this with code in htaccess: option + follow simulin rewritingIngni on rearabytebase / directory for ^ mypage \ .php? Id = ([0-9] +) and some = ([0- 9] +) $ ^ mypage / $ 1 / $ 2 [R = 302, QSA] rewrite rule ^ mypage / ([0- 9] +) / ([0- 9] +) /? $ ^ mypage.php? id = $ 1 and amp; Something = $ 2 [QSA] But this is not working, I think a prob...

angularjs - How to pass dynamic data from one module controller to another module controller -

And other things are working properly. This is my code loginModule.js (function () {var app = angular.module ("waleteros", [" {$ RouteProvider. ("/", {TemplateUrl: "views / login.html", Administrator: "LoginCtrl", "ngRoote", "ui.bootstrap", "NgCookies"]); app.config (function ($ route provider) }}}}) app.js (function () {var app = angular. Module ("vault "Admin": "home administrator"}}}) loginCtrl.js (function () {var App = angular.module ("waleteros"); var LoginCtrl = function ($ scope, $ location) {$ scope.signIn = function (email, pin) {// some authentication code ... // Here I use the username Homectrl.js window.location.href = "views / home.html"}} I want to pass the app. Controller ("Login", LoginControl);}) HomeCatal.JS (function () {var app = angular module ("waleterosAdmin" ); Var Home eCtrl = Function ($ ...

java - HttpRequest returning null entity, cannot extract body on server -

I am trying to parse an HTTP request and I want to capture the request body. It seems that the default DefaultHttpRequestParser does not parse the entity / entity from its input stream. Is there a class that will do this? Unfortunately, I can not use the entire stack and need to pull the request directly from this input stream. My parsing code is below, seeing some of the other answers, it appears that the body of the request should be available as a unit. However, every time I try to reach the unit, then it is zero. Debugging I think buffer has read, but the body is not used and he reads the DefaultHttpRequestParser header only. Is there a parsing that I should use to parse the entire input? InputStream = socket.getInputStream (); HttpTransportMetricsImpl Metrics = New HTTPS Transport MetricsEmpl (); Session InputBuferIMPL buf = New Session InputBufferEmple (Matrix, 2048); Buf.bind (is); DefaultHttpRequestParser reqParser = New DefaultHttpRequestParser (buf); HttpRequ...

php - How can I get Quote data outside Magento API? -

I am trying to write a script to process all the orders from my magenta store, shipping, billing address and The customer is able to get the name, but now I want a list of items that I think will be in the "quote" object. I'm trying to get this quote for two lines, but I'm getting an empty array. Please tell me what is wrong with this code. $ salesCollection = Dana :: MillModel ("Sales / Order") - & gt; getCollection () - & gt; Ad Attitfolder ('state', array 'Eq' => Mage_Sales_Model_Order :: STATE_PROCESSING)); Foreign Currency ($ $ Selection Selection as Order) {$ quote_id = $ order- & gt; Millenectide (); $ Quote = Mage :: getModel ('Sales / Quote') - & gt; Load ($ quote_id); print_r ($ quote- & gt; GetData ()); } No, they are not in the "quote" object. You use this sample code Can - $ order_id = 1234; // Your Order ID $ Order = Dana :: Mill Model ("Sales / Order") - & gt;...

c# - Background Task WP8 - Access to isolated storage -

After I am trying to access files on the storage space of my Windows Phone. I know that they are completely different from each other as one is a Windows Phone app and the other is the order component of windows. Public Zero Run (IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) {BackgroundTaskDeferral _defferal = taskInstance.GetDeferral (); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("start offline functionality"); _defferal.Complete (); } This method runs when the network status changes. From here I want to reach phone storage. Can anyone think of this before, or any work arounds? I'm running Visual Studio 2012 with text after Windows Phone 8.1 Yes, You can use separate storage is the recommended way to pass data between background work and foreground app. You can use a mutate to prevent two processes by interfering with each other if they are both ending at the same time, MSDN and Quick Start:.

android - Execute code if a test fails with py.test -

I am using UI Test Automation on Android. I want to be able to save a bug report after the test failed. Is there any way that if a test has failed in my test code, can I save the bug report in Tidown after that? Basically, I just wanted to save the bug report after each trial, but it is slightly more in adding 45 seconds to each test. You can apply your code > pytest_runtest_logreport in like this: def pytest_runtest_logreport (report): if report. When == 'Call' and report.failed: # Save bug report For more information, see.

c# - Visual Studio Installer with to set path of script file -

I have a visual studio installer that installs a Windows service that hosts a web service. What I am trying to solve is that users should give this option to users during installation where the particular script is located in the box and when they set up the location, then the app.config file After updating the location, it can use the application. While currently installing, I've added a custom folder and added the file to that folder. It all gets installed, I want to keep it as a default, but it has to be able to overwrite the users with a new choice. I added a user interface and a text box to capture the user's choice, and the installer class, but when it tries it is failing where it is failing, when She tries to find my app. ConfiFile file says that he can not get it in my code, I have written: string path = assembly Gate Acceding Assemband (). place; So, I have not installed my app.config in this location, when the installation is running at that time. Th...

node.js - Express 4 router implying parameter regex? -

I have found a simple issue where I have 2 passages that work differently, one is: blah \ groups \ group_id and then blah \ groups \ count Returns to a specific group first now, returns the amount of groups that have access to that user later. Now the problem is that the first route is also killed when I use the other path URL which is understandable because it does not know that there is a different route for count to regex it For this, say to use group_id if there is no count in it, but then I can not use it with router.param , so there is a way to count first Use Express to tell, if he does not match If not account group_id ? Or if there is no way to keep the parameter name, but attach some regex, then what is the context, but preserves the parameter name? Routes operate as middleware and are executed in the order they were placed. before blah \ groups \ count \ before blah \ groups \ Group_id will ensure that a match of counts Comes before : group...

sql server - How to delete the duplicate based on date -

I have a table where I have many cust_id duplicate I I would like to keep the line where prendate_next is the closest to the current date And delete all the other duplicates. Please to help me I'm new to this cust_id prendate_next 1000105737 2014-11-30 00: 00: 00.000 1000105836 2014-11-20 00: 00: 00.000 1000143646 2014-11- 10 00: 00: 00.000 1000143646 2015-03-09 00: 00: 00.000 1000179487 2014-12-05 00: 00: 00.000 1000182253 2015-01-01 00: 00: 00.000 1000192740 2014-10-02 00: 00: 00.000 10001 92740 2015-01-10 00: 00: 00.000 1000199419 20l5-09-30 00: 00: 00.000 1000170578 2014-12-26 00: 00: 00.000 1000188890 20l5-06-23 00: 00: 00.000 1000189075 20l5-03- 01 00: 00: 00.000 1000189075 2015-03-01 00: 00: 00.000 1000189144 2015-04-04 00: 00: 00.000 ; Do the (choose as CTA with cust_id, prendate_next, ROW_NUMBER ()) (client by ABS (DATEDIFF (day, prendate_next, divided by GETDATE ())) MyTable on MyLable DELETE Ainer whistle MyTable as Ronland from MyTable) .cust_id = cte.cust_...

sql - How to use null in join condition in linq -

I'm having trouble translating this SQL statement into a linq query. I have not found a way that I Zero or use in the JOIN position. Here is the sample SQL statement: SELECT a. * From a table A to TableB b (a.Id = b.Id) or a.Id is NULL What will be the same linq statement? I am looking for a cover which is similar to one of the above SQL statements. Add B on TableB to one of TableA ??? equal ??? Select one; I have searched for an existing term, but apparently nobody got this particular issue. Thank you. join s are so sweet, so that you can use them only For specific things, however, getting the same result with the nested statement is easy: From to TableB in TableB, where a.Id == b. Id or an IID == select zero; In addition to what data you really want to find, this could be a more appropriate query: From to table A where an id == faucet || Select TableB.Any (B = & gt; BIID == a.Id) one;

c# - modifying List of complex types EF6 MVC5 -

यह मानते हुए कि मेरे पास निम्न है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग कर्मचारी {सार्वजनिक इंट एम्प्लियरआईडी {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग प्रथम नाम {प्राप्त; सेट; } सार्वजनिक आभासी सूची & lt; LastName & gt; LastName {प्राप्त करें; सेट; }} सार्वजनिक वर्ग LastName {सार्वजनिक int LastNameID {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक नया स्ट्रिंग Value1 {get; सेट; }} और मेरे पास एक सूचकांक पृष्ठ है, जहां मॉडल निम्न के साथ कर्मचारियों की एक सूची है: @ फोरेच (मॉडल में विविध आइटम) { // पृष्ठ संपादित करने के लिए लिंक जहां मैं सूची में अंतिम नाम को संशोधित कर सकता हूं @ एचटीएमएल.एक्शनलिंक (मद.लिस्टएन [कुछ इंडैक्स], "एडिट", नया {आईडी = आइटम.एम्प्लीएआईडी}) और नियंत्रक में मेरे पास सार्वजनिक कार्यप्रणाली संपादित करें (int? Id) {if (id == null) {new HttpStatusCodeResult (HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } कर्मचारी कर्मचारी = db.Employees.Find (आईडी); अगर (कर्मचारी == शून्य) {वापसी HttpNotFound (); } वापसी देखें (कर्मचारी); } [एचटीटीपीफ़ोस्ट] [मान्य एंटिफॉर्गरीटीन] पब्लिक एक्शन रिजल्ट एडिशन (कर्मचारी कर्म...

Fetching the list of last values from SQL Server database and left join to a view -

Is there a way to get a list of last values ​​from the database? I have session list column StudId ( SID ), doctor ID ( TID code) >), date I have a total of 5 children, who have SID 1,2,3,4,5 and 10 doctor TID 1 Together, 2,3 ... Now all children are appointed for a specific doctor. So child 1 has been given the doctor 10, 2 to doctor 5 and with this, a date when he starts teaching them. I can change a doctor from a fixed date for a child, for example, with the child 1 in the doctor Jane and FEB, and now he has been reassigned to the doctor from March 7. So I have a list of all these records. So a child can have several records in the table and the final record for that child will be the current doctor for that child. How to get a list of previous records for all children from the table If I have 12 records in my DB then my query will only get 5 records that represent the child's final entry in the database. . I used to use the last keyword to get tire...

tableview - How to send didSelectRowAtIndexPath back to view controller in swift -

I have 1 view controller and 1 table view controller fast. I can send a NSMutableArray from ViewController to populate the ViewController table using segue. I do not know how to send the selected row back to the view controller. Code so far: Override function table view (Table view: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath index: Path: NSIndexPath) {println ("You selected cell # \ (indexPath.row)!") // Code Any ideas? Itemprop = "text"> You can use the delegation pattern Protocol Create a property: Protocol MyDataDelegate {didSelectRow (line: NSIndexPath, data: MyData)} In the table controller, add a property: MyDataDelegate: MyDataDelegate? Call the delegate method in and didSelectRowAtIndexPath call: overcoded function tableview (table view: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath index path : NSIndexPath) {Println ("You have selected cell # \ (indexPath.row)!") Data = getDataForRow (indexPath) // & lt; == You need to imple...

javascript - Input Checkbox Array, if unchecked no value is sent by jQuery -

I have a form that is dynamically created, so I have an input array! Resolve: & lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "smoker_patient [id]" value = "off" /> Hidden fields for each checkbox with the same ID! # Like: & lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td> [Luggage] & lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "smoker_parit [1]" class = "smoker" id = "cbx1" check = "check" /> [Luggage] & lt; / Td> & Lt; / Tr & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; [Luggage] & lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "smoker_ family [2]" class = "smoker" id = "cbx2" /> [Luggage] & lt; / Td> & Lt; / Tr & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; [Luggage] & lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "smoker_parit [3]" class = "smoker" id = "cbx3" check = "check" /> [Luggage] ...

xpages - Domino Designer proxy server settings -

I'm trying to install an Eclipse plugin in Domino Designer. There are many useful tutorials on how to do it. However, when I enter the remote site in the application window window & gt; Remote Location I get this error code: CWPPR0031W: Requested provision task completed with partial success. Unable to reach the site unable to access "HTTP://" during network connection problems: "http: //mercurialeclipse.eclipselabs / / update_site / stable "[The server sent the HTTP response code:" 403 forbidden " My company uses a proxy server to access the internet I suspect, the cause of the error is that the Domino Designer is trying to use the direct link Or designer is no way to go through our proxy server? It seems that you are trying to establish a mercurial in the Dorono Designer. I know that the previous David Ladies and Declan Lynch had to in...

jquery - JsonP returning "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :" AngularJS - -

I researched this question on a ridiculous amount and hoped that someone could help in the diagnosis of being wrong . I have already seen the following questions: (So, due to fame, I do not allow to post more than 2 links, so I have only included paths). Among many other people ...... Things I've tried: I at the end of the URL & amp; Callback = JSON_CALLBACK has been added. I've changed the config settings like response type: 'JSON' . I have reorganized the http.jsonp request several times to ensure that this programmatic / text ( http ({}) and http.jsonp was not Here's what I'm trying to do: Get information from using an angular JSP request (server call permissions I do not.) I am able to successfully request with jQuery, but I successfully build it with Coyon I'm unable to. The related test is here: As you can see, I get two errors: The resource was interpreted as a script, but the mim...

Python redis pubsub: what happen to types when it gets published? - आयात आयात आयात करें datetime आयात समय डीईएफ़ मुख्य (): redis_host = '10 .235.13.29 'r = redis.client.StrictRedis (host = redis_host, port = 6379) सच है: अब = () प्रिंट' भेज रहा है {0} '। प्रारूप (अब) प्रिंट' डेटा प्रकार है % S '% प्रकार (अब) r.publish (' घड़ी ', अब) time.sleep (1) अगर __name__ ==' __main__ ': मुख्य () आउटपुट: भेज रहा है 2014-10-08 13: 10: 58.338765 डेटा प्रकार & lt; प्रकार 'datetime.datetime' & gt; 2014-10-08 में भेजा जा रहा है 13: 10: 59.368707 डेटा प्रकार & lt; टाइप करें 'datetime.datetime' & gt; 2014-10-08 में भेजा जा रहा है 13: 11: 00.378723 डेटा प्रकार & lt; प्रकार 'datetime.datetime' & gt; 2014-10-08 में भेजा जा रहा है 13: 11: 01.398132 डेटा प्रकार & lt; टाइप करें 'datetime.datetime' & gt; 2014-10-08 में भेजा जा रहा है 13: 11: 02.41 9 30 डेटा प्रकार & lt; टाइप करें 'datetime.datetime' & gt; आयात थ्रेडिंग...

Does SQL Server write log files in parallel when multiple databases are involved? -

I have read quite a bit on stack overflow and other sites, in relation to SQL Server, several logs of a single database File does not help to improve performance Many people have given separate blanket statements that splitting a database into many does not improve the performance, but why have not they explained it? One of my colleagues says that using multiple databases is actually in display Corrects, because they say that log files can be written in parallel if multiple databases are used, thus the transaction-log-related IO The odds are minimized Unfortunately, I can not find anything online - either on SO or otherwise - to explicitly support that situation. The website I develop and related Windows services will get a lot of database traffic, so I have been told that I need to split my database into several small databases so that the transaction log does not interrupt (I.e., for example, more than three accessed tables in three different databases can be updated together) ...

mysql - Get Field Values From WordPress Query -

I used the following code to run a WordPress query ... // using $ thePost [id] Receive the fees, post_ are linked to this accommodation from within the Meta table. $ post_meta_querystr = "SELECT * FROM $ wpdb- & gt; Postmount WHERE $ wpdb- & gt; postmeta.post_id = '$ the post [ID]'"; $ Custom Post Matte = $ wpdb- & gt; Get_results ($ post_meta_querystr); In the table, there are fields called "meta_key" and "meta_value". I would like to know that I use the value of any row in "meta_key" to get the value associated with the "meta_key" field. How can i Any help is greatly appreciated. Why do not you use it?

python - TypeError: 'str' object is not callable. Even though there is nothing called 'str' -

There are many other exact questions before I start but none of the answers are enough for my problem class / Function ('foo') runs once with no problems but for the second time it is said that this error is found TypeError: 'str' is not an object corner I came to know that there is a problem like me, but I have other strokes that I mean Tested with Dh. My code: Import import tracebacks from Import import accounts * Class logging: DF information (self, log): = '0 [94m] ' =' \ 033 [0m 'print,' info: ', self Def def (self, log): self.warn = '0 [93m' = '\ 033 [0m' print self Warning, 'Warning:', self.log, self. Def is important (self, log): self.critical = '\ 033 [9 self =' \ 033 [0m 'print self critical,' serious: ', log, self RF read_accounts (): Open ('') for F: i, calculate in l (f): pass I + = 1 account = {} while i> 0: ac =...

ios - Add button only in Code? -

I'm just trying to add a button to the code in Xcode simulator, it works not only on my device but also Fatal error: unexpectedly unwrapping an optional value while zero found My code: @ Ibsultile Weak Play Button: UI Button! Override function viewDidLoad () {image.updatedDidLoad () go image = UIImage (name: "playButton.png") UIImage playButton = UIButton.buttonWithType (UIButtonType.System) UIButton playButton.frame = CGRectMake (10, 10, 100 As, 100) // crash here = CGPointMake (self.frame.width / 2, self.frame.height / 1.7) playButton.addTarget (self, action is: "transition:", forControlEvents: UIControlEvents TouchUpInside) playButton SetBackgroundImage (Image, forState: UIControlState.Normal) self.view? .addSubview (playButton)} Can someone help me? It does not make sense - if you're using @iBotlett, it means that the storyboard Your button has been created so you do not have to start it: go image = UIImage (name:...

java - How Iterator's remove method actually remove an object -

We all know that the safest "and possibly only secure" way to remove the object from a collection, first Retrieve the Iterator ; Perform a loop and remove it when necessary; Iterator iter = Archive While (iter.hasNext ()) {object o = () if (o.equals (what i see)) {iter.remove (); }} What I want to understand, and unfortunately, a deep technical interpretation of this is not found, how it is removed if: (object o: myCollection (). GetObjects ()) {if (o.equals (what I see)) {myCollection.remove (o); }} will throw a concurrent correction concept , "in technical terms" " Iterator.remove () does? Does this remove the object, break the loop and restart the loop? I see in official documentation: "Erases the current element. Any attempt to call InvalidState Exposure If done, then call () is not called () before calling remove . " part removes the current element", I A "regular" loop = & gt; (Test eq...

entity framework - Traditional SqlClient can find server instance but EF can't -

I have a problem that I'm dashing my head for some time and I'm hoping someone's Knowing more about I can answer. One part of my application uses the traditional database. The data is used to connect SQL Database to a database and the other uses the unit framework, so that the same SQL Server can connect to another database using these two connection strings: var connectionString = "Server = server \ SQLEXPRESS; database = database1; user = myUser; password = myPass;"; Var efConnectionString = "server = server \ SQLEXPRESS; database = database2; user = myUser; password = myPass;"; I can fix the database with the non-EF part of my application. But when I try to do anything with EF part, I get an exception in saying that he can not find an instance of SQL Server: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ( 0x80131904): A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to the SQL Server server that was not found o...

networking - Ubuntu: Can't connect to host's internet connection using NAT -

I have installed Libintune on virtualbox. I am using Windows 7 x 64 My VM 32 bit version is Internet Bridged Adapter , But I'm trying to use NAT so that I can use VPN in the Network and Sharing Center in Windows, I see the connection "virtualbox host-only connection" and this is "no internet access no The ". In properties, "Virtualboxed Bride Networking Driver" is checked. The output of the following ifconfig is: dev @ dev-virtualbox: ~ $ ifconfig eth0 Link Enepap: Ethernet HW 08: 00: 27: F3: 48: 24 Inset Adrer: Back: Mask: Innet 6 Eder: fe80 :: a00: 27ff: FIFF 3: 4824/64 Scope: Link UP Broadcast Running Multicast MTU: 1500 Metric: 1 Rx Packet: 37 9 Errors: 0 Dropped: 0 Overruns: 0 frames: 0 Texas packets: 421 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overrun: 0 carrier: 0 bump: 0x: 1000 rx bytes: 32105 (32.1 KB) TX Bites: 34 9 (3 4.9 KB) Low link encapses: Local loopback inset adrer: mask: Inet 6 Eder: :: 1/128 Sco...

vba - Selenium - pulling data from a website table assign to variable -

I am trying to drag a value and a header (string) from a website, but to use selenium Unable to find element. My code - I used Firebug to get XPath and this is what it has been defined: // * [@ id = "DimensionForm Double Dial Marker in the form of dim [1] / Table [1] / table / TB / tr [3] / TD [3] code String Marker = As Selenium Meet ("value" /*[@id="DimensionForm"]/p[1]/table/tbody/tr[]]/td[3END_LINK").getAttribute ("value)) HTML code & lt; form id = "DimensionForm" name = "validate" action = "dimension" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; div style = "margin-top: 7px" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Lt; Width of table = "100%" cell area = "0" limit = "0" cellpadding = "0" class = "element" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> & Amp; Nbsp; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; TD class ...

jquery selectors - querySelect angular component as MyComponent -

मेरे पास एक कोणीय घटक है और lt ; My-component foo = "" बार = "" & gt; & lt; / my-component & gt; और उसके संबंधित वर्ग MyComponent मैं इस घटक का उपयोग अपने html में कर रहा हूँ & lt; my-component foo =" bar "bar =" foo "& gt; & lt; / my-component & gt; & Lt; my-component foo = "baz" bar = "qux" & gt; & lt; / my-component & gt; & Lt; my-component foo = "bar" बार = "बाज़" & gt; & lt; / my-component & gt; अब मैं क्वेरी करना चाहता हूँ मेरे कस्टम तत्वों का चयन करें और उनके विशेषताओं को सीधे एक्सेस करें मैं इस तरह से कुछ के बारे में सोचता हूं: सूची & lt; MyComponent & gt; Mys = querySelector ('my-component'); Mys.for हर ((मेरे) {प्रिंट (; = '1234';}); उस कोड के साथ एक दृश्य समस्या है: क्वेरीस चयनकर्ता हमेशा तत्व नहीं MyComponent । क्या मेरा कंटेंट को तत्व डाला जा सकता है? क्या MyCom...

json - Angularjs: getting http variable in function -

I am new to angular and want to get some data from a webservice I wrote. I am sending some variables with it as a post. But how can I get the http variable in the function? This may be a stupid question, but I do not have to solve. I want it in the function because I want to call it several times. kljControllers.controller ('Calendar page controller', ['$ scope', function ($ radius, $ http) {$ Scope.GetEvents = function () {var datapost = array (); Datatostost. ($ Scope.month); datatostost .shoot ($ scope.year); $ ('http: // localhost: error (function (data, position, header, config) {document.write ($ 8080 / webservice / calendarevent '). Success (job, data, status, header, config) {$ =;}). "Status");})}}}} You can simply $ Http - it's $ scope ('http: // localhost: 8080 / Webservice / calendarevent ') is not required to submit the error (function (data, position, heade...

java - Getting a error when changing a Android TextView visibility -

I have this code, do anyone know why I get an error when I compile it on my phone is? Public Zero {Text View Textview = (Text View) Search on Content Attachment (Int Number) VubiID (RaidTextView1); TextView.setVisibility (View.VISIBLE); Switch (number) {case 1: mTitle = getString (R.string.title_section1); break; Case 2: mTitle = getString (R.string.title_section2); TextView.setVisibility (View.GONE); break; Case 3: mTitle = getString (R.string.title_section3); TextView.setVisibility (View.GONE); break; }} Edit: The error I get is incorrect on the test lines. Please attach the related log of your question the next time. It works very easy .. Anyway I can see in my code the only reasons for the error are: A. textView.setVisibility () is called from a thread other than the UI thread, if this is the case, do something to solve your problem: myActivity.runOnUiThread (New Runnabel } {Public runs zero () {onSectionAttached (num);}}); B. You did not say setContent...

osx - Build app in macosx from python that must run in terminal -

I am trying to create a standalone, double click macoxy app from a python module if __name__ == __main__ line to run it. However, whenever I try to bundle it with something like py2app or pyinstaller, if I bundle an app, then the terminal window does not launch to run the program. Any thoughts on how to get around this? To accept some user input, you need to open the terminal window. I know that more information is needed, this is the first time I have ever tried to do this. P.S. I was able to do this for windows and package delivery within an installer. Okay, I got it. Since creating an app bundle from scratch, there is a bit more difficulty on Mac, it is better to find a program that will make it for you, I used applescript to complete it. First, you need to make your executable Use the command to make your executable if the file which is coming from the Pyro code I used the piinstaller with the --onefile option: > pyinstaller --onefile yourPythonProgramYouWant...

c# - MVC ToString instead of Template -

I am trying to get a template for a list of items with EF in MFC 5. Instead of providing a template, I get the storge of "class" (one of the productions in the model) I have seen all the places and nothing to help me Found. Any help would be greatly appreciated! What do I get: Level This is the speckled toasting of the class I have the following: ClassSpellLevelPair.cshtml (tried to share it in stock, folder with editor templates and Create.cshtml): @ Model Analyzer. Model Classpool LevelPayer & lt; Div & gt; @ Html.HiddenFor (m = & gt; m.Id) @ html.LabelFor (model => model.Class.Name) @ html.ValueFor (model => model.SpellLevel) & lt; / Div & gt; in the Create.cshtml: & lt; Div class = "form-group" & gt; @ Html.LabelFor (m => M level, new {@class = "control-label col-md-3"}) & lt; Div class = "col-md-9" & gt; @ Html.EditorFor (m => m.Levels, "ClassSpellle LevelPaper...

android - Font issue in TextView -

I have a TextView that contains only one letter I Text size is calibrated so that the letter is the whole text view area Could stay in Now one of my users has reported a problem that the letter is not properly fit in the TextView. From the attached screenshot I can see that he uses some custom fonts on his Samsung S4 device. I'm sure the problem is here some snapshots are given: Custom font in a TextView on ImageView: custom font in the status bar : My TextView Distorted letters in N: Is there any way to use TextView to use standard Android fonts Ignore any custom fonts that apply to the user? How can I install custom fonts on the emulator or Sony phone (not Samsung) and repeat the behavior? You can set custom fonts in your app. Create a folder named fonts under the folder folder and put all your fonts in it (font format ttc or ttf. Can be anything in the name of the folder) Add code below the CREATE method inside you. TextViewMyTeXview = (TextView) ...

java - VLCJ Can' t open audio streaming using http on client-side -

I am using VLCJ to stream audio between a server and the client. Once server-side runs as a set of all, I can only open the stream using VLC and I am able to hear any file that I have selected on the server. However, on the client-side, I am doing the following: string url = "" 555 "; MediaPlayerFactory mediaPlayerFactory = New MediaPlayerFactory (); Headless Media Player MediaPlayer = MediaplayfactineNeheldless Media Player (); mediaPlayer.startMedia (url); But no sound is available at all. If I vlc 555 in the terminal, it opens the VLC and runs back to the music track which can be any problem Or without the server being streamed. Recently, I came to know that the problem is with the path. Using System.out.println (mediaPlayer.mrl ()) ; indicates that this is opening the file: ///home/user/workspace/audioProject/http%3A// 5555 MRL directly from the HTML address Instead ( ). , this ...

php - Is it possible access a CSS button via CURL/WGET? -

I am trying to click on the CSS button via CRL / WGET, though I have no luck till now . The exact link location for the CSS button is a dynamic URI - for example: However, when you curl that page / Wget does not trigger this action is a CSS selector that I need to reach somehow. I have found this: However it needs to install additional software which is not an option. I have something that will work with curl / widget or perhaps a sample PHP script. I tried to provide the following argument to wget: - Header = "Selector: Some-Selector" Although it does not get the desired result Here's more information from the comment, so it will be easy to see: I have the HTTP header and tried to replicate them, but with no luck, they are very I have uploaded the example header in the following: Can any example provide a script / order that can be used to achieve the above is? The Action URL has not been triggered by reaching you - ...

google maps - a custom marker for each type of place -

I basically want to create a map that shows all the hotspots. Some like this example: For example, I am going on a holiday and I want to know the nearest supermarket, nightclub and bar. So I just want to type in one place and it shows me these places with a custom marker. I can understand it at my best but I can not get many custom markers there. / P> Find results given by locations, there are multiple properties for each, one of them is icon-property Icon URL, like:

bash - Exit from the oracle user session when running a script -

I have a problem with a bash script on a Ubuntu system. I need to do a script program that will send some text files to some queries Connects to Oracle to spell out Nearly all of the tasks have been completed, but the script does not run because it should be. To generate connections to Oracle, I use the following lines inside my script: P> export oracle export ORACLE_SID = DB_SID export ORACLE_HOME = [ORACLE_PATH] ] Export TWO_TASK = [HOSTNAME: PORT] Export Pat = $ ORACLE_HOME / bin: $ PATH sqlplus -s usr / pass & lt; & Lt; EOF Later in the lines I spooling all of the data and finally use the following lines to exit sqlplus: Quit; To disconnect from sqlplus exit To exit Su Oracle session eof and after the IOF tag I put some other commands to execute. The problem occurs when I run my script: users # sh do all the tasks Instead, only the script & lt; & Lt; The control of the EOF and I return terminal is still logged in ...