
Showing posts from January, 2013

javascript - fancybox with mutiple title on right side of image -

I need to show the image title, date and link on the right side of the image. something like this by default fancybox us inside , outside , top but something Some options like leave us or correct toward the image and the navigation button & lt; & gt; With $ (".fancybox"). Fancybox ({Authors: {title: {type: 'inside', status: 'top'}}, next effect: 'fade', prevailing: 'fade'}); Is there any way we can show it in the image below Bela example You can specify fancybox tpl ( Template) option and callback after the later information: $ (".fancybox"). Fancybox ({Authors: {title: {type: 'inside', position: 'top'}}, next effect: 'fade', prevailing: 'fade', after load: function () {var html = '& lt ; Span & gt; date, file type, download & lt; / span & gt; '$ (' .fancybox-sidebar ') .append (html);}, tpl: {wrap:' & lt; div class = F...

elasticsearch - Querystring search on array elements in Elastic Search -

I am trying to learn elastic search with a simple example application, which gives a list of quotations related to people The example can be seen as a mapping: " people ": {" attribute ": {" name ": {" type ":" string "}," quotation ": {" type ":" string "} Some example data can look like this: {"name": "Mr A", "quotation": ["quote one , And this and that "," give the quote, those and that "] {" name ":" Mr. B "," quotation ": [" quotation three, y And I want to be able to use the QuickString API on individual quotations, and for those who match, for example, "Quotation four," and those "]} for example, I would like to find people who have a quote (in which these and these) - "Mr. A" should be returned, but not "Mr. B", and so on. How do I get it? EDIT1: Working with data val...

java - Sign multiple PDFs without calling login for each file -

I have a problem when I sign multiple PDFs. My code is: IOException throws public zero signPDF (X509 certificate certificate, list & lt; file & gt; fInl, list & lt; file & gt; fOutl, PrivateKey key) NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, Invalid ParameterSpecException, DocumentException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException, KeyStoreException, Certificate Exceptions, UnrecoverableKeyException {CERTIFICATE [] CC = New Certificate [] {cert}; Int i = 0; (I = 0; i & lt; fInl.size (); i ++) {PDF Reader Reader = New PDF Reader (FINL.Gate (I) .getAbsolutePath ()); FileOutputStream outputFile = New FileOutputStream (fOutl.get (i) .getAbsolutePath ()); PDFStamper Stammer = PDFFormer.Scent Signature (Reader, Output File, '\ 0'); PDF Interview Display SAP = stamper.getSignatureAppearance (); sap.setVisibleSignature (new rectangle (100, 100, 200, 200), 1, zero); Calendar cal = calendar.justinstance (); PDF SIGNATURE DOCK = New PDF Certificate (PDF....

ruby on rails - i replace start # character word replace from text -

I replace it with #x instead. My goal is creating clickable links from hashtag text I used .gsub () but not working Example: S = "#tag ddd # tagddd #taghh #tag aaaaa ##### Tag B ### Tag" str = "#tag" s .gsub (/ \ b "# {str}" / b /), " Substituted ") I think the output has been changed" ddd # tagddd #taghh replaced aaaaa ####b ##place " thanks s = "#tag ddd # tagddd #taghh #tag aaaaa ##### Tag B ### Tag "str =" #tag "s.gsub (str," replace ") # = & gt; "Replace DeedWorlds # TagDead #Tehgh AAAAAAH #### Replaced B ##"

html - Can't pass hidden form value from database to PHP if-statement -

मेरी डेटाबेस तालिका (संबंधित) में 3 कॉलम हैं: संबंधित_id article_id object_id यह एक ऐसी तालिका है, जो लेखों और वस्तुओं के बीच संबंधों का ट्रैक रखता है। मैंने कोड छीन लिया है अब इसमें केवल हटाए गए बटन (एक्स) शामिल हैं अगर कोई व्यक्ति उस बटन को दबाता है तो मैं चाहता हूं कि उपयोगकर्ता को पर रीडायरेक्ट कर दिया जाए ((isset ($ _ POST ['deleteRelated'])) प्राप्त करने के लिए "क्या आप निश्चित हैं" -मेल इत्यादि। लेकिन छुपी हुई आईडी सही ढंग से नहीं पारित तालिका में अंतिम संबंधित_आईड 29 है जब मैं छुपी हुई आईडी को एकोक्ति करने की कोशिश करता हूं तो मुझे हर हटाना बटन (एक्स) के लिए 29 मिलता है। नीचे दिए गए कोड का पूरा संस्करण मुझे लेख शीर्षक के साथ एक टेबल देता है , वस्तु शीर्षक और हटाएं बटन (x)। एक सबमिट बटन की वजह से स्वयं को कोई मूल्य नहीं मिल सकता है, मुझे छुपा मूल्य की आवश्यकता है। लेकिन जब मैं इसे हटाते बटन (एक्स) दबाकर पास करता हूं तो मुझे हर बार 29 मिलता है। कोड अगर (isset ($ _ POST ['deleteRelated'])) {गूंज $ _POST ['hidden-id...

machine learning - SVM rank works only on tiny datasets -

मैं उपयोग कर रहा हूं। एक छोटे डाटासेट पर svm_rank_learn चलते समय: प्रशिक्षण सेट प्रॉपर्टी: 3 फीचर्स, 12 रैंकिंग, 596 उदाहरण रन कुछ ही सेकंड में खत्म हो जाता है और मुझे एक मान्य मॉडल मिलता है। लेकिन जब मैं कुछ का उपयोग करता हूं: प्रशिक्षण सेट गुण: 3 फीचर्स, 30 रैंकिंग, 1580 उदाहरण रन चलना पर घंटे के लिए फंस गया है 29 यह बहुत अजीब है क्योंकि दस्तावेज़ीकरण कहता है कि रैंकिंग (यानी प्रश्न) की संख्या में एसवीएम रैंक "रैखिक स्तर"। मेरे डेटासेट या प्रारूप में क्या गलत है? हालांकि, चूंकि मैं कोडन SVMrank पर एक दोपहर से अधिक समय बिताना नहीं चाहता था, मैंने केवल एक साधारण पृथक्करण ओरेकल लागू किया है प्रत्येक रैंकिंग में मदों की संख्या में द्विघात [जोकिम्स, 2006] में वर्णित ओ [के * लॉग के] अलग ऑरेकल नहीं है। आप 3 से अधिक उदाहरणों की संख्या में अधिक या कम वृद्धि कर रहे हैं। इसलिए, आप अपेक्षा करते हैं कि समय 9 के कारक से बढ़ता है। [एस] प्रलेखन में कहा गया है कि रैंकिंग की संख्या में एसवीएम रैंक "तराजू रैखिक (यानी प्रश्न)" आप रैंकिंग की संख्...

php - Insert multiple image names into same database field, separated by comma -

मेरे पास यह स्क्रिप्ट है: कई फाइल अपलोड करें - कोड का टुकड़ा foreach ($ _FILES ['फाइल'] ['नाम'] $ एफ = & gt; $ name) {if ($ _FILES ['files'] ['त्रुटि'] [$ f] == 0) { } else {// कोई त्रुटि नहीं मिली! अपलोड किए गए फ़ाइलों को ले जाएं $ ext = pathinfo ($ _ फ़ाइलें ['फ़ाइलें'] ['नाम'] [$ f], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $ Uniq_name = uniqid () '।' । $ Ext; $ Dest = $ पथ $ Uniq_name; // पूर्ण प्रस्थान अगर (move_uploaded_file ($ _ फ़ाइलें ["फ़ाइलें"] ["tmp_name"] [$ f], $ dest)) {$ count ++; }}} कृपया मेरे mysql डेटाबेस को सभी फोटो नामों में कैसे सम्मिलित करें, फोटो फ़ील्ड में, अल्पविराम से अलग करें। जब मैं 2 लाइन कोड लिखना: $ a = "अंतर्निहित dbu.dbu_data (photos) मूल्य ('$ uniq_name')"; mysql_query ($ एक); आईटी ने इन्हें अपलोड किए गए प्रत्येक फोटो के लिए एक सार पंक्ति का इस्तेमाल किया है और मुझे यह नहीं चाहिए। $ delimiter = ","; $ Str = ''; Foreach ($ _FILES [...

java - Scanner delimiter passed with parameter? -

I need to parse an input-line character by character, and it will be done in many ways. All around to do this, I'm using the delimiter (""). My question is is do I have to set this delimiter in every way? Or is it enough once in the beginning? For example zero start () {in the scanner = new scanner (; In.useDelimiter (""); char first = (); (In) readSecond; ...} Zero read second (in the scanner) {//in.useDelimiter (""); & Lt; - Is it necessary? Four seconds = (); ...} Example Input: A5c * vd Thanks! You do not want to set every time, if you declare and start the scanner object in the class body There are ways that are inside. If you start the scanner in each method, then I think you have to set the delimiter in each method body.

In Ruby, what is the difference between a class method and a class's singleton method? -

I have seen it in the first code and I have read about it in The Well Grounded Rubiist by David A. Black, but There is no instance of use cases, to help me understand why someone has to define singleton method in class like this: class vehicle class How to do the above method on a different class than a normal class method: class auto def self #All_makes # Some code end-end Yehuda Katz has an outstanding writing gap (other things Between) you can find it. To summarize you briefly. When you define the class, the itself refers to the keyword class. Therefore, when you do self.method , you can add a new method to the person class Defining each class has a metaclass, also called singleton class, which can be accessed and modified. Class & lt; & Lt; Self you are opening the idolton class and amending that value. Functionally, the result is the same, but the modified class is different.

scraper - R Scrape Atom Feed to a Data Frame -

I am working on a scraper in R for Atom feed and there are problems grabing the link for each article. Here's my code: url & lt; - " 1000 and amp; s = & amp; SD = desc & f = Atoms & amp; d = & amp; amp; d1 = & amp; d2 = "pageSource & lt; - getURL (url, encoding = "UTF-8") parse & lt; - htmlParse (pageSource) titles & lt; - xpathSApply (pars, '// entry / title', XML value) & lt; - xpathSApply (perced, '// entry / author', xmlValue) link & lt; - xpathSApply (purse, '// entry / link / @Href') dataFrame & lt; - data.frame (pubDates, title, authors) My problem is that I am choosing 18 titles, 18 authors and 20 links, I think I get two links before the feed page I'm picking up, but I'm not sure how to stop them. Thank you for your help! You can work with "// Entry", not ...

java - Adding override for onKeyLongPress in Android Phonegap plugin -

I'm not even familiar with writing plugins for Android, though I implement a long press function for the hardware search button Want me in my Cordoba application I can successfully do this like this: Public class MyelCardCordova Attachivity {@Override public void onCreate {bundle saved instenstate} {super.onCreate savedInstanceState) ; Super.init (); // set & lt; content src = "index.html" /> Config.xml in super.loadUrl (Config.getStartUrl ()); //super.loadUrl(file:///android_asset/www/index.html "); } @ Override Public Boolean on KellungPress (Int kikod, Key Event Event) {if (keycode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SEARCH) {reference cntx = getApplicationContext (); Toast. Maketext (CNTX, "Long Press", Toast. LNNGHHORT). Show (); Back true; } Return SuperConnLongpress (keycode, event); }} but I'm looking for a way to supply onKeyLongPress override in a plugin and not directly editing POC). The way I understand it, it should be o...

java - Swing: How to make non-rectangular windows with soft borders? -

How can I create non-rectangular windows with soft boundaries in Java? Soft limitations (also known as I searched the web a lot and got many posts about translucent and / or non-rectangular windows. The subject "soft border" is misleading; It seems that the information I have provided deals with implementing soft borders to those components which are inside another Java component. But, Do I, or I apply soft borders to custom-shaped jade windows which just d I am referring to the following posts first: When it comes to soft clipping, then the article is going to proceed Here, soft clipping is described on an existing graphics 2D object. Here's a soft-cut, shaped, top-level window to take me. Note: The size windows use a proprietary API (com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities) and non- Is not guaranteed to work on JVMs. However, JDK 7 it becomes part of the window class. import java.awt. *; Import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; Import java.awt.image.BufferedIm...

ruby on rails - Paper trail display has many objects -

I'm using paper trail gem to track version changes on the order web application. I have trouble displaying has_many versions Order Model: class command & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has_paper_trail has_many: line_items, dependent :: deleted, inverse_of :: order, order: "position", autosave: true end line item model: Class LineItem & lt; Order Controller: @ order = order.find (params [: id] order type: related to base :: order, inverse_off :: line_itange_pages_toile_p / end ) @Version = PaperRail :: Versions. (ITIID: Params [: ID]). Order ('Created AASC') @line_itsnaments = lineItim.find_all_b_order_id (param [: id]) @line_itim_version = @line_item. Virus History html: & lt;% @ line_item_versions.each_with_index. Edition, index | & Gt%; & Lt; B & gt; Version: & lt; / B & gt; & lt;% = Index + 1% & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; Event ID: & lt;% = & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; P...

mysql - Which is preferred in professional java applications SQL in jstl or in the servlets only -

OK guys, here's a little bit of a professional question. I am creating a web application for a small company. The language I am using is Java for two reasons, one because it is my home language, the amount of data and scalability Due to this, because future applications will be required. I have nothing to do with my language choice, with the implementation of ideas in my question, I have an appointment calendar, and current event table, as well as data driven times, bubble, and plot graph creation I am getting the current events which are getting current events. I am using long choices to keep the current view with the database. My question is whether I should create a class to take care of the query and to get the updated data, the whole page should be reloaded on every n-second or should I Use the jstl sql query to keep data running using DIV, and reload the div only every (N seconds). I understand that this is considered a weak question, but I am really learning it...

java - Issue with DSCP marking using setTrafficClass and WireShark -

I'm trying to mark DSCP values ​​using setTrafficClass. My servers and clients are installed on two separate machines and I am able to print the cost of DSCP but I can not see it in WireShark. I have gone online through some posts but nothing helped, I am using Windows 7 Professional Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! I am testing to see how this can be done. Here is the client code: Try { socket socket = new socket (edit, 2345); Socket.setTrafficClass (10); PrintWriter = New PrintWriter (socket.getOutputStream (), true); Out.println ("Current DSCP Price:" + socket.getTrafficClass ()); Out.close (); Socket.close (); } Hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); }} Server: try {serverSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket (1234); Socket ClientSocket = serverSocket.accept (); BufferedReader = New in BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader (clientSocket.getInputStream ())); String fromClient = in.readLine (); Println (fromClient); in.close (); ClientSocket.c...

Swift: Chose a random enumeration value -

मैं अनियमित रूप से एक enum मान चुना है, यह मेरा वर्तमान प्रयास है: enum geometryClassification {केस सर्कल केस स्क्वायर केस त्रिकोण का मामला ज्यामिति क्लासिफिकेशन मैक्स} और यादृच्छिक चयन: आकृति दें geometry = (arc4random ()% GeometryClassification.GemometryClassificationMax) जैसा कि ज्यामिति क्लासिफिकेशन यह बुरी तरह विफल रहता है। मुझे ऐसी त्रुटियां मिलती हैं: 'ज्यामिति क्लासिफिकेशन' को 'UInt32' यह कैसे हल करने के बारे में कोई भी विचार है? आपके आखिरी मामले के बारे में मैं पागल नहीं हूं - ऐसा लगता है जैसे आप । GeometryClassificationMax केवल यादृच्छिक चयन को सक्षम करने के लिए शामिल कर रहे हैं। आपको उस अतिरिक्त मामले के लिए खाते की आवश्यकता होगी जहां आप स्विच कथन का उपयोग करते हैं, और इसमें कोई अर्थ मूल्य नहीं है इसके बजाय, enum पर एक स्थिर विधि अधिकतम मूल्य निर्धारित कर सकता है और एक यादृच्छिक मामला वापस कर सकता है, और अधिक समझने योग्य और रखरखाव होगा। enum geometryClassification: UInt32 { मामले सर्किल मामले स्क्वायर मामले त्रिकोण निजी स्...

Ability to distinguish server OpenERP/Odoo version -

I'm developing a mobile app that should be enabled with the raw JSN RPC requests with 7 and 8 version protocols. And after a few hours of searches, I'm still curious, how to determine which version of OpenERP / Odoo Server uses? Thanks in advance. Updates @Mischievas Thanks for the reply. If this gives me a point, my solution is such a request that your.server.url / web / webclient / version_info Yes, you can find server information from here. Take a look at the screen shot. Just click on "About Odu"

ios - Add and decrease time with UIButton to Timer -

Hi everyone, I have a question that how can I add and subtract time with UIButton for example, for example if I will put a button with zero and plus and time on the timer Thank you. - (zero) viewDidoad {UIButton * buttonPlus = [with UIButton Button: UIButtonTypeRoundedRect] ; UIButton * Button Menu = [System With UIButton Button: UIButtonTypeRoundedRect]; [ButtonPlugas addTarget: Self-Proceeding: @Selector (for standtime events): UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; [Button middle addTarget: self-action: @Selector (remove time) for control events: UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; [Self.view addSubview: Buttonmen]; [Self.view addSubview: buttonplus]; } - (zero) adtime {[yourTimer setFireDate: [[Your timer's forward date] DateBudding TimeInternval: Secondsad]]; } - (zero) time to remove {[yourTimer setFireDate: [[your timer's forward date] datebeding timeInternval: -secondaid]]; }

javascript - HTML Canvas not displaying my rectangles -

& lt;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & lt; html lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; मेटा वर्णसेट = "यूटीएफ -8" & gt; & LT; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; window.onload = function () {var कैनवास = दस्तावेज़.getElementById ("नक्शा"), c = canvas.getContext ("2d"); cf.fillStyle = "काला"; C.fillRect (0, 0, कैनवास। वाइड, कैनवास। हाइट); c.fillStyle = "red"; C.fillRect = (20, 30, 50, 250); c.fillSyle = "white"; CfillRect = (50,50,25,25); }; & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; कैनवास आईडी = "नक्शा" चौड़ाई = "800" ऊंचाई = "400" & gt; & Lt; img src = "चित्र / उदास डायनासोर। Jpg" / & gt; आपको इस पृष्ठ को देखने के लिए एक अद्यतन ब्राउज़र की आवश्यकता होगी! & Lt; / कैनवास & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; मैं कैनवास के साथ थोड़ा सा तंग कर रहा हूं जो मुझे यह महसूस ...

sql server - SQL that returns a standard date based on time of year -

मैं 1 जुलाई कैसे वापस करूँगा, चालू वर्ष जब वर्तमान तिथि जुलाई के बाद होगी 1 चालू वर्ष और 1 जुलाई, पिछला वर्ष जब वर्तमान दिनांक 1 जुलाई के वर्तमान वर्ष से पहले है? मैंने इसे लिखा है मेरी क्वेरी में, लेकिन मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती रहती है: "डेटा प्रकार से डेटा प्रकार से पूर्ण रूपांतरण की अनुमति नहीं है। इस क्वेरी को चलाने के लिए CONVERT फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करें।" यहाँ मेरा एसक्यूएल क्वेरी: मामला कब प्राप्त होता है () & gt; = (DATETIME2FROMPARTS (वर्ष (GETDATE ()), 07, 01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )) तब (DATETIME2FROMPARTS (DATEADD (वर्ष, 0, GETDATE ()), 07, 01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) ELSE (DATETIME2FROMPARTS (DATEADD (वर्ष, -1, GETDATE ()), 07, 01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) एन्ट्री के रूप में एंट्री, मुझे लगता है कि 1 जुलाई को या उसके बाद आप इसका मतलब मानते हैं। शायद यह आपकी वांछित है: (मामले में जब महीने (मिलन ))> = 7 फिर DATETIME2FROMPARTS (वर्ष (GETDATE () + 1, 07, 01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) और DATETIME2FROMPARTS (वर्ष (GETDATE (), 07, 01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) अंत)

How to search by NearZipCode with C# Twilio API? -

I have information about InPostalCode search from Docs: But I zip I would like to be able to search the code closely when my users use my app to provision a number, so I want to be able to see 30 numbers they are closest to the zip code (because there is a possibility That there will be no number in their exact zip code). Is it possible, or will it happen soon? Here is the twilio evangelist The list available is a surcharge on the available phone, which takes an available phone number number recovery object, in which InPostalCode property is: twilio.ListAvailableLocalPhoneNumbers ("US" , New Available Phone Numbers ListRequest () {InPostalCode = "60001"}); Hope that helps.

sql - Counting different ranges over the same dataset efficiently/simply -

I am writing a function in Postgresql which will return some metric, will be calculated for a specific time zone (input). Sample results: The main issue is that it is only one metric I need to get another 9 metrics from other tables. Any suggestions for a less verbose method of achieving this? Return the function dashboard _ metrics (destination_tyimon text) (metric text, count count) today $ func $ DECLARE today TIMESTAMP; Tomorrow TIMESTAMP; Tomorrow TIMESTAMP; The Israeli Timestamp; Last 7 days TIMESTAMP; Last 30days TIMESTAMP; Last 60days TIMESTAMP; Select today's 'Today' life nowadays in destination_timezone; Select (destination_timezone in 'tomorrow' time zone) tomorrow; Select (destination_timezone in 'tomorrow' time zone) tomorrow; SELECT (destination_time in the 'time' time zone) - Interval '1 day' in EARAL; SELECT (destination_tyimension in 'Today' time zone) - '7 days' duration in the last 7 days; Choos...

unix - Script programming and significant figures -

मैं वर्तमान में tcsh का उपयोग करते हुए स्क्रिप्ट बनाने के साथ आसपास जा रहा हूँ और Ive ने देखा है: यदि आप विभाजन करते हैं यह केवल कई महत्वपूर्ण आंकड़े बताता है, जैसा कि तर्क अर्थात् चल रहा है (संख्याएं दर्ज किए गए तर्क हैं): 2/4 आउटपुट 0 4/2 आउटपुट 2 22/2 आउटपुट 11 1/8 आउटपुट 0 9 / 2 आउटपुट 4 तो एक ऐसा कैसे बदलता है 1/8 = 0.125, 2/4 = 0.5, 9/2 = 4.5 आदि ?? मनमाने ढंग से परिशुद्धता कैलकुलेटर बीसी का उपयोग करें और जो परिशुद्धता आप चाहते हैं वह पैमाने सेट करें: $ bc -e 'पैमाने = 10; 1/8; 4/5; पैमाने = 30; 1/31 '.1250000000 .8000000000 .032258064516129032258064516129

c# - How to keep track of established connections using WebSockets -

I am trying to get real-time chat service in life for cross-platform devices. The problem is that the System.Net.WebSockets namespace does not allow me to keep track of the connection established directly. I can take a session ID of the current connection, but how can I tell that the following work try socket. SendAsync (buffer, WebSocketMessageType.Text, cancellation for specific clients If I could use the Microsoft.WebSockets , then I am likely to create a WebSocketCollection () and Do something like the client. The message (related to the message) belongs to , but I through it a ArraySegment & lt; Byte [] & gt; I can not send it also that it is more for AJAX customers and websites and this stuff. I now have the following code snippet: Public class WSHandler: IHttpHandler {event NewConnectionEventHandler NewConnection; Public Zero Processing Request (HTTP Contact Reference) {if (context.IsWebSocketRequest) {reference.AcceptWebSocketRequest (Pr...

javascript - Getting Input inside tag within a tbody? -

Just a quick question I know that this is a very long time and I have searched the entire stack overflow A work JavaScript function has been created to get tag values ​​within each row. However, when I have a & lt; Tbody & gt; tag (required for line sorting), the JavaScript code will not work and I do not know why? Please see the code given below: write the function XML () {var table = document.getElementById ('table_assoc'); Warning (table); Var rCount = document.getElementById ('tbody_id'). Rows.length; Warning (rCount); var fso = New ActiveXObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var FILENAME = "c: /XML.xml"; Var file = fso.CreateTextFile (FILENAME is true); file.WriteLine ('& lt;? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & gt; \ n'); file.WriteLine ('& lt; Seating_Plan & gt; \ N'); {Var id = table.rows [i] for (Var i = 1; i & lt; rCount; i ++) Seals [0]. Children [0] value...

angularjs - ui-router preventDefault() but persist URL, or change URL of declared state -

दो समान / संबंधित प्रश्न: 1) एक $ stateChangeStart घटना, क्या यूआरएल को बदलना संभव है, लेकिन वास्तविक राज्य के संक्रमण को रोकने के लिए संभव है? अगर मैं event.preventDefault () का उपयोग करता हूं, तो उसे अपडेट करने से यूआरएल को रोकता है। 2) क्या यह संभव है कि आपने पहले से ही एक राज्य के यूआरएल को बदल दिया है? मैंने एक ऐसा राज्य बनाया है जिसके साथ मैं अलग-अलग अनधिकृत राज्यों के लिए टेम्पलेट्स (यदि उपयोगकर्ता को उचित प्राधिकरण नहीं है, तो उन्हें इस स्थिति पर पुनः निर्देशित किया जाता है, लेकिन मैं URL को प्रतिबिंबित करना चाहता हूं कि वे मूल URL तक पहुंचने का प्रयास कर रहे थे।) $ stateProvider.state ('अनधिकृत-भूमिका', {डेटा: {targetState: null}, दृश्य: {'मुख्य-दृश्य': {नियंत्रक: 'अनधिकृत' CTRL ', templateUrl:' / src / app / role-unauthorized Tpl.html '}}}); जब मैं इस राज्य ( $ stateChangeStart में) को रीडायरेक्ट करता हूं, तो मैं निम्नलिखित करता हूं: ev.preventDefault (); Var unauthState = $ state.get ('अनधिकृत-भूमिका'); u...

php - AIM error. Payment will still proceed even if it's supplied with an invalid billing address -

I have tried updating AVS settings and rejecting all transactions without invalid billing address. I am trying to fix this issue, but still can not understand it. This is my current AVS settings. Please enter one on your code Take a look and see whether this is wrong or not. $ post_url = ""; $ Cc_api = "*****"; $ Cc_are = "*****"; $ Amount = number-format ($ form data [total_AMT], 2); $ Post_values ​​= array (// API login id and transaction key valid value "x_login" = & gt; $ CC_API, "x_tran_key" = & gt; $ CC_KEY, "x_version" => 3.1 " "X_delim_data" = "Gt; _ & gt;" TRUE "," x_delim_char "=>" | "," x_relay_response "=>" FALSE "," x_type "=>" AUTH_ONLY "," $ Cd_method "=" = & Gt; "test order", "x_first_name" $ ​​formDa...

log analysis - What is the best log analyzer tool for linux server? -

I am currently working on installing the server that generates the report and uploads them to external SFTP. I need a log analyzer which is free and runs on a Linux server. Which is the best solution? I have read a lot about Sumogolics, but it is not certain that it is to go with this tool ..? You can check out Gocus. GoAccess is an open source real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in the * nix system in the terminal. This system provides fast and valuable HTTP statistics for administrators who need to report a visual server on the fly. Its very straight forward and free too.

orchardcms - Orchard 1.8 CMS Meta Description and keyword (Vandelay Module 1.8) Installation Error -

I am using the Orchard 1.8 and I have installed the modules on my development box from "Wendellai Industries - Version: 1.8" gallery. ( is running the VS Orchard project) and only "Wendell Meta" (all I need at the moment) Enabled. I added the "meta" part to the "page" content type and that worked fine. I am able to add both "details" and "keyword" to the pages. When I installed the module to my production server (our server) which is the same version of the orchard (it was set one month or a day before the dev copy), I get a message "Admin" module "-" FEATURES "at the top of the screen" Some features need to be upgraded: Wendellai. Industries "and there is also a" Upgrade "link next to the" Vendetta Meta "feature and feature" disabled "link. If I click it on the page then only refresh and nothing changes. / P> The share page is also not available to add... web api - Web API ExceptionLogger -

I'm using IExceptionLogger and Exception handler to address logging and error globally for my web API service. Now there is no way to read post data from the exception logo contact context. ? Just because I want to save the post data with exception details. ExceptionLoggerContext.ExceptionContext to parse The only way I found ExceptionLoggerContext.ExceptionContext in your ExceptionLogger / IExceptionLogger implementation. Type is System.Web.Http. Exception Handling.ExceptionContext . Some nested objects that you have to navigate, but at some point, you'll find: ((System.Web .Http.ApiController) exceptionContext.ControllerContext.Controller ) .ActionContext.ActionArguments that happens with all the arguments in a ValueCollection form of your My In the solution I have implemented something like this. public class MyExceptionContext {public dictionary & lt; String, Object & gt; .ValueCollection ActionArguments {get; Set; } Public MyExce...

windows phone 8 - Lockscreen icon in a Silverlight 8.1 app using WNS -

I have to make badge icon + counter on the lock screen for my Silverlight 8.1 app. When migrating from the LG 8.0 app to the LG 8.0, I also entered the switch center in the Windows Notification Service (WNS). Now, I can not find any way to the badge logo Create a new SL 8.1 phone app Touch the icon of your app Show. Switch to WNS again in WMAppManifest.xml in a blank app Open the lock screen setting and see that the icon is broken I can define both badge logos in the WMAppManifest.xml file: & lt; DeviceLockImageURI isRelative = "true" isResource = "true" & gt; Property / LockScreen.png & lt; / DeviceLockImageURI & gt; or new package in the appxmanifest.xml file: & lt; m3: LockScreen Notification = "Badge" badgelo = "property \ lock.screen.png" /> But in both cases, this does not work (not the icon): I also tried many image resolutions, but this does not solve the problem. Thanks, wi...

angularjs - Why is this one time binding behaving as if it isn't there? -

I do not feel compelled to work once. My actual app logic is quite complex, but I can not even find a simple scenario like this to work in my app. Below my exact code for structure I have removed all the app components to get a binding example, easy to work - it works in robbery, but not in my code. I am using AngularJS 1.3.0-rc.4 Here's a snippet of what's in the plunker {{current .text}} & lt; Br / & gt; {{Current.text}} & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; input ng-model = "current.text" type = "text" / & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; Updating the text box while updating {{current.text}} and {{current.text}} Has been done ... Is there something that can be stopped or can it be prevented by arranging binding or realm variables once, so that one can compulsive kick once? It was changed to the Angry Debugging Extension of Chrome, which was causing this behavior. My guess is that it prevents the arrangement of the scope varia...

Keeping tab as tab while editing html in Netbeans -

I am using NetBusiness 8.0.1 for a web project and I experiment with the "tab-size" attribute I am doing Although Netbeans has changed the tab with white spaces and with this "tab-size" feature is meaningless. Is there any way to stop it? I am using OSX, so it may look a bit different in other OS but this main Gives the idea anyway. Open "Preferences" and make any necessary changes as below.

java - Android: time intervals with deep sleep (System.nanoTime(), System.currentTimeMillis(), SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos()) -

I am implementing an application in which the minimum API level is 14 (this is important) and it is used to measure frequent interval the wanted. There is no need for MS precision, it should always calculate the time (spent seconds). So far, for the treatment of time intervals, I knew these solutions: System.nanoTime () - If Android is running It works so well, but closes on deep sleep (it is bad). System.currentTimeMillis () - Good, but not fair because it's by user or code by SetCurrentTimeMillis (long) . SystemClock.elapsedReautimeNanos () - Time has passed on deep sleep, but API level 17 is required. is there any other way of measuring an appropriate second precision interval to measure on API 14? I used to think about using System.currentTimeMillis () to listen to the broadcast clock or not that the system clock has changed. Although this does not seem to be the best solution. Have you tried?

html - Display 2 DIVs in same line where one is picture -

I have 2 divisions, one should be on the left side and the other on the right, but in the same line At the back, I want the original div (# author-box) with a brown background, which will be the height of the right div text height, so when you change the tool, author- txt authors -Img goes down the gray background should be behind both divs. I left the float but then the gray background is actually small and does not follow the author-txt and author-img height Besides that, I also tried to perform : Inline, but then the text begins with the lower part of the image. & lt; Div id = "author-box" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "author-img" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "img.jpg" width = "150px" height = "14 9px" /> & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "author-txt" & gt; & Lt; Strong & gt; About the author & lt; / strong> & Lt; Br / & gt; Author Text & lt; Br / & gt...

rest - What is the proper HTTP method for modifying a subordinate of the named resource? -

I am creating a web client in which they are recorded to modify a set of database tables and record them Adding and removing them. It should be done so atomically, so both removal and insertion should be done with a single HTTP request. Obviously, this is some kind of writing work, but I struggle to find out which method is appropriate. Posts already seemed right, except that a post request "a new subordinate of nominated resource" is not enough that what I am doing here. PUT can be used to make changes to existing things, so even though the correct "URI recognizes the unit attached to a PUT request request." .] And the server should not attempt to apply the request to any other resource, "who make rules for that method because my URI does not directly specify database tables. URI revises the resources specified in, no subordinate resources So what method should I use? Or to more commonly benefit from other...

android - Dagger + ButterKnife = Could not initialize class dagger.internal.codegen.ModuleAdapterProcessor -

I have a project where I am using buttercup for visual injection, and I've just added the dagger But I'm getting the following error: Description Resource Path Location Type Internal Compiler Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFound Error: Class dagger.internal.codegen could not initialize. Sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0 (Basic method) Jawa problem I am using Eclipse and I have the following in my comment config: P> Notice: I provide an @ module @ its ok ..., then it has been removed and I still get the same compilation error I have to set up animation processing Of this comment Dissolved: I 'I'm not sure whether it relates to code-related or dependencies and versions, I just need to point out someone behind me For the prospect of For those searching for solutions, I just found out that JavaWriter 2.1 1. Solution to Problem

c - difference for and while loops file i/o -

I write a code that takes value from a text file and writes it in a text file, so I Then stuck, I read the end of the file, I think both codes are correct, no difference is not a bit, although I am getting the difference. I am unable to understand, besides, is there any other way to read eof? Thanks for all the praised answers. for (st = (fscanf (fptr_in, "% c", & amp; ch)); st == 1; st = (fscanf (fptr_in, "% C", & Amp; ch)) Other st = (fscanf (fptr_in, "% c", and); while (st == 1) st = (Fscanf (fptr_in, "% c", and ch)); Betting is different for in you are using the return value of fscanf which is int . When a Int is used as a conditional condition, it is like ! = 0 : int x; if (x) {} // equiv to: if (x! = 0) {} while in while you loop, you clearly Check if the return value is a 1 , therefore, if you want for your loop (= = st (= ( Fscanf (...)) == 1), then (or vice versa == 1 to while loop }...

R + converting a integer to a hh:mm format using regex + gsub -

The interval is a subset of 5 minute intervals for a period of 25 hours gt; Interval [1] 45 50 55 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2100 2105 2110 2115 2120 2125 I want to include the : put it in a timeline Is that I can convert to a one time format & gt; Gsub ('^ ([0- 9] {1,2}) ([0- 9] {2}) $', '\\ 1: \\ 2', interval) [1] "45" "50" "55" "1:00" "1:05" "1:10" "1:15" "1:20" "1:25" "1:30" "1:35" "20:35" "20 : 40 "" 20:45 "[15]" 20:50 "" 20:55 "" 21:00 "" 21:05 "" 21:10 "" 21:15 "" 21:20 "" 21:25 " I have almost all work to do for my examples - How do I get it so that it works on numbers " 5 " ... "45" "50" "55" This duplicate found here but it does not use it An easy...

html - 2 column layout that extends the length of the page as content is added to sidebar div -

I am working on creating a page with a 2 column layout, header, and footer. I am using div, html, and css. I am experiencing the problem is the left column which is created by div # side. Beer is spread on parsets while adding content. The solution I am looking for is ; I want to push 'the footer down' to the left column and extend the length of the div # contentWrapper when more content Is Added to Div # sideBar I have looked through many tutorials, but I can not seem to know this. Can someone direct me to a tutorial that will solve this problem or help me to modify the code below, so that the page that creates, expand it (press the footer below) as the # # ############### strong> Screenshot below shows the result of the code below. & style; style = "text / css" & gt; # Wpm {width: 900px; Margins: Auto; } #Headers {background color: # 0F0; } #contentWrapper {background-color: #ff0; } #footer {background-color: # 00F; } # Edge {float: le...

ssas - MDX - active in current period, and not active in previous period -

What is the most effective way to do this in MDX? I know that you can create 2 calculated measures, which are active with the current period of the dimension of time, and the second with a previous period, and then a filter with a complex situation. Though the work about others that can be more efficient? Any recommendations? My goal is to create a set of calculated measures that will help client analysts. The main 2 dimensions are these [calendars], and obviously [the customer]. I have a fact that includes activity for customers, these are 3 institutions which will be based on our calculations. This is from an article by Chris Web: ways to optimize it With the follow-up of the article: With the reminder of the member. [Returning customer] as COUNT (unnecessary (non-payment ([customer]. [Customer] [customer] .mmbrs, [measure] [internet sales amount]), {[measure]. [Internet sales amount]} * {NULL: [Date]. [Calendar]. PRERENTMEMBER.PREVMEMBER}) Member Remedy [New cust...

celery - Multiple broker machine rabbitmq configuration, how does HA work? -

I'm trying to explain how the worksheet (high availability queue) I have an existing configuration: Every machine has multiple celery employees and indicates itself as a broker. Every machine is able to do this instead of a point on a broker machine due to a high; In this way, there is less load on any one machine, because all brokers are and copies of the same queue. My question is, is my argument above right? Or should all workers be pointed to a broker machine in the condition? If you have seen and made sure that the queue mirrors each other, then whatever you do He should be fine. But it may seem that you can find it useless to walk on every server to run your staff. The second option is to run your queue on some servers and to have other servers running the workers. But when celery employee configs can only point to a broker URL, you will need to work in the place that could potentially use a load balancer, in which all the employees will point out. In this last f...

text to csv search function javascript -

I need to type some_name (text, key_name) which parses text in CSV format (quoted and avoided In values, values ​​should never return a function that has no commas or other special characters in the field values) function that sees a record by the value of the field specified in the form of the second argument of compile_csv_search. Assume that all the values ​​are unique in the main field Sample Usage: var func_search = some_name ("ip, name, desc \ n" + ", Server 1, Main Server \ n "+", Server 2, Backup Server \ n "," Name "); console.log (func_search ("server2")); console.log (func_search ("server9")); ... will print: {ip: "", name: "server2", desc: "backup server"} I split the text into lines (\ n), then split the first row (,) and my result creates an array of keys that I return. But I do not know what to do next I have to use closures, but I do no...

Styling and Listening for items in template Custom Element at Dart -

I'm trying to create an equals example The code I used is: Expands square proto HTML element {Fixed last tag = 'X-Foo-in-template'; Factory prototype () = & gt; New element Tag (tag); Proto.created (): super.created () {// 1. Attach a shadow route on element var shadow = this.createShadowRoot (); // 2. Fill it with markup goodness var t = New TemplateElement (); T.ID = "SDTplatform". Inder HTML = "" "& lt; Style & gt; P {Color: Orange;} p> I am in the Shadow Dome. My markup is one & lt; template & gt ;. & lt; / p & gt; & lt; button & gt; & gt; & gt; button & gt; "" "; Var span = t.content.query selector ('span'); Span.text = "hello" + span.text; Var BTN = T content. Query selector ('button'); Btn..onClick.listen ((E) => Print ('Hello')); Shadow.nodes.add (t.content.clone (true)); } Code displays the code statement and buttons, but the... - How can I pass values to the url VB.NET -

I'm having trouble changing URLs in this line's code pointer_div.Style.Add ("background-image", "url (" + m_incident location location + "/" + m_IncidentZoneID + ".gif)") I get those values ​​from the session file as a string m_IncidentLocationName m_IncidentZoneID How can I set it up properly? Check that it works for you: your m_IncidentLocationName and m_IncidentZoneID variables Add a new variable as the following: string URL = String.Format ("url (http: //www.test com / cgis / images / {0} / { 1} .gif) ", m_IncidentLocationName, m_IncidentZoneID) Now modify your code like this: pointer_div.Style.Add (" background- Image ", url) You should take care that this style will replace the existing styles set on the feature. To restore the ones that you may have to rejoin them for some time: Dim styles as string styles = "border: 1 Px solid gre...

Azure Search Fuzzy Suggest Across Multiple Fields -

Given that my index is configured like this: {"error "{Name:": "test-up-index", "field": [{"": "id", "type"): "null", "iSuccess": true, "statuscode": 201, "body" True, "" "," keyword ":" title "," type ":" Adam ":" Adam ", incorrectly," suggestion ": wrong," key ": true," retrievable ": true}. False, "suggestive": true, "key": wrong, "retrievable": false, "searchable" : "Name": "description", "type": "Adam. Wrong, "identifiable": incorrect, "recognizable": incorrect "scaling profile": [], "Default scoring profile": blank, "Corresponding options": true, "searchable": true, "filterable" "," Suggestion ": true," key ":...

multithreading - Having Some Problems with Threads on Java -

I've got this program of computing the primary numbers. When the stoppage is stopped, the program stops computing the major numbers, but when I go and press, I need the program to continue its computation, but I did not know that I myself How can I start yarn again? I tried to make it a new example but nothing happened here: My code is: PublicApp PrimeApp1 JFrame {JTextArea Output Protected; Protected pocket go; Protected Jebton Stop; Secured counter = 2; Protected boolean stop computation = false; Public boolean run = true; Protected Boolean isPrime (long number) {long max = (long) Math.sqrt (number) + 1; (Long I = 2; i } I think your problem is That you are trying to start a thread that has already finished the process. You can start only one thread at a time, see for details. Instead of going action to start the thread in the audience, you may want to create a new thread object that Akshnlistnr and start it something like this: go.addActionListener (new Aksh...