
Showing posts from May, 2014

git - cannot run hooks/post-update: No such file or directory -

Thx For this great article I have managed to manage a remote server under GIT control. Unfortunately I had to change the server Now after completing all the steps in the tutorial and running Git Push Original Master I: Error: Can not run hook / reply update: Directory to any such file or ../ver / Git / Myproject.git I have tried many more variations and I replaced #! / Bin / sh #! After reading / bin / bash Anyway as far as I checked (many times) the path is correct I am thinking Why do so say:. ../ instead of: / var but I do not need any idea where this comes from Any suggestions on how to make it work again To see if this problem is: cat -v / path / file and if this problem is If you only can be sorted by sed -i are - E / \ r \ 'g' / path / file \ / code>

mysql - Why the following PHP code is not inserting the values in the database? -

I want to include values ​​of a form in the database table named Company. But this program repeatedly tells me that my query has not been executed. I know why this is ?? I have put all the values ​​of the array in the insert and by this I threw the array and gave it name as the new one, so that it can be in a form being put into the database. But this does not work for me Please tell me what is the problem here? & lt ;? Php $ host = "localhost"; $ Name = "root"; $ Password = ""; $ Db = "shopping"; $ Con = mysqli_connect ($ host, $ name, $ password, $ db); $ Insert = array (); $ Newarray = array (); If (mysqli_connect_errno ()) {echo ("can not connect to databse". Mysqli_connect_errno ()); Go out(); } And {if ($ _ server ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {foreach ($ _ POST $ value) {if ($ value == $ _POST ['submit']) {break; } And {array_push ($ global ['insert'], $ value); }} $ Newarray = implo...

javascript - Replace image in DIV on Phonegap -

I write an application in PhoneGap and I need to create a function: Play button, An image appears in the DIV and after 3 seconds it automatically turns into another image. & lt; Div id = "imgtrening" & gt; & Lt; div class = "cw1a" style = "display: none" & gt; & Lt; Img style = "width: 100%"; Src = "picture / cw1a.jpg" alt = "" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; div class = "cw1b" style = "display: none" & gt; & Lt; Img style = "width: 100%"; Src = "picture / cw1b.jpg" alt = "" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; and after clicking on the button id = "play": document.getElementById ('play'). Onclick = function () {$ ('.cw1a'). CSS ('display', 'block') sleep (3000); $ ('.cw1a'). CSS ('display', 'none') $ ('.cw1b') CSS ('displ...

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 13 उत्तर मुझे मिल रहा है Java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver मेरे डायनेमिक वेब अनुप्रयोग में भले ही मैंने eclipse में mysql connector के लिए सही तरीके से निर्माण पथ निर्धारित किया है। मुझे पूरा यकीन है कि मैंने सही तरीके से निर्मित पथ सेट किया है। मैंने यह जांच कर दोगुनी कर दी मैं स्टैकहोवरफ्लो में इतने सारे समान प्रश्नों के माध्यम से भाग गया वे सभी सुझाव देते हैं कि ग्रहण में पथ सेट करें मेरा प्रश्न यह है, क्या कोई अन्य तरीका है जो java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver त्रुटि उत्पन्न कर सकता है? यदि हां, तो उसे कैसे हल करें? धन्यवाद! अपने mysql-connector-java.jar फ़ाइल को अंदर रखें वेब-आईएनएफ फ़ोल्डर - & gt; lib और इसे कक्षापथ में जोड़ें और उसके बाद अपने युद्ध को निर्यात करें और तैनात करें। यह दस्तावेज़ीकरण - कहते हैं इसलिए , एक वेब अनुप्रयोग, क्लास या संसाधन लोडिंग के परिप्रेक्ष्य से निम्न खजाने में इस क्रम में दिखता है: अपने जेवीएम के बूटस्ट्रैप वर्ग / WEB - अ...

c# - Redirect to a controller's action from another controller while action name is same in both controllers -

I have two controller controllers 1 and 2 controller. I am redirecting to an action name of 1 controller controller 1 from Controller Controller 1, whereas the controller controller 2 has an action name in Action1. Therefore, when I @ html.ActionLink ("Cancel", "Action 1", "Controller 1", new {id = "btnCancel", @class = "btn BTn-LG BTN -Partial BTN-Block flares "}) This redirects the action 1 action of the controller 2. Ah, you can help me at this That helps you post the actual code. You are actually using: public static MvcHtmlString ActionLink (this HtmlHelper html helper, string link text, string action name, object path value, object html accवटates) you want: public static MvcHtmlString ActionLink (this HtmlHelper html helper, string link text, string action name, string control name, object path value, object htmlAttributes) Basically, add an empty object before your html properties . You will see t...

mysql - Query the records that the number of it is equal to the number of it in another table -

उदाहरण के लिए, movieCopy (cp_id, movie_id), किराये (cp_id, दिनांक) कुछ प्रतियां और प्रतियां अद्वितीय आईडी है रेंटल की टेबल मूवी की प्रतिलिपि के किराए के रिकॉर्ड का प्रतिनिधित्व करती है (केवल एक बार किराए पर ध्यान न दें)। मैं यह पूछना चाहता हूं कि फिल्म किसने किराए पर ली है, इसका मतलब है कि किसी फिल्म की प्रतिलिपि की संख्या किराए पर होने वाले संभावित सीपी_आईड की संख्या के बराबर है MYSQL डाटाबेस मूवी `सीपी_आईडी फिल्म_आईडी किराये की सीपी_आईडी 101 101 101 101 102 102 1 99 3 103 1 103 2001 104 2 104 2002 105 2 106 2002 106 3` मैं फिल्म_आईड, 1 और 3 का चयन करना चाहता हूं आपके द्वारा प्रदान किए गए कॉलम के आधार पर, यह चाहिए काम: मूवी से मूवी की फिल्म चुनें जहां मूवी_आईडी मौजूद नहीं है (मूवी से मूवी का चयन करें जहां सीपी_आईडी मौजूद नहीं है (अलग सीपी_आईडी चुनें किराए पर से दिनांक 1 और तारीख 2 के बीच की तिथि) दिनांक 1 और तिथि 2 बस धारकों के स्थान पर हैं, यदि आप उन्हें फ़िल्टर करना चाहते हैं।

ios - Ternary operator with nothing in 'if' condition -

निम्न कोड क्या करता है? वापस obj? : [NSNull नल]; टर्नरी आपरेशनों की मेरी समझ से यह समतुल्य होगा: अगर (! ओबीजे) वापसी [एनएसनल की नल]; लेकिन क्या हो जाता है यदि (obj) ? क्या यह अभी भी वापसी [NSNull null] ? कोड के माध्यम से गिरता है ... रिटर्न एफू? : बार; उसी मान को वापस लाएगा ... रिटर्न एफू? Foo: बार; अंतर यह है कि पहला तरीका केवल foo मान का एक बार निरीक्षण करता है। कई मामलों में पहली बार इसका उपयोग करना बेहतर होता है। उदाहरण के लिए, एक ऑब्जेक्ट बना रहा है ... // यह दो ऑब्जेक्ट्स बनायेगा, चेक करने के लिए एक और दूसरा रिटर्न वापस [MyObject objectWithSomeParam: param]? [MyObject objectWithSomeParam: परम]: बार; या एक महँगा फ़ंक्शन चल रहा है ... // महंगी फ़ंक्शन यहां दो बार वापस आ जाता है [आत्मसम्प्रभावपूर्ण फ़ंक्शन]? [स्वयं कुछ एक्सपेन्सिव फंक्शन]: बार; इन दोनों का उपयोग करने से लाभ होगा रिटर्न एफू?: बार; अनिवार्य रूप से, यदि सत्यापन ऑब्जेक्ट सही के लिए रिटर्न ऑब्जेक्ट के समान है तो छोटा संस्करण का उपयोग करें।

java - javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: smtp -

एक ईमेल भेजने के लिए मेरा कोड निम्न है: गुण गुणों = नए गुण () ; Props.put ("", होस्ट); Propsput ("mail.debug", "false"); अंतिम सत्र सत्र = सत्र .get इंस्तांस (सहारा); अंतिम संदेश संदेश = नया MimeMessage (सत्र); Msg.setFrom (नया इंटरनेट एड्रेस (से)); Msg.setRecipients (Message.RecipientType.TO, toAddress); msg.setSubject (विषय); Msg.setSentDate (नया दिनांक ()); मल्टीपार्ट मल्टीपार्ट = नया माइम मल्टीपार्ट ("संबंधित"); बॉडीपार्ट एमबीपी 1 = नया माइमबॉडीपार्ट (); Mbp1.setContent (शरीर, "पाठ / html"); multipart.addBodyPart (mbp1); Transport.send (एमएसजी); त्रुटि स्टैक ट्रेस: ​​ javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: smtp पर javax.mail.Session.getService (सत्र। Java:764) javax पर Mail.Session.getTransport (सत्र। Java:689) javax.mail.Session.getTransport पर (सत्र। Java:632) javax.mail पर। Session.getTransport (सत्र। Java:612) javax.mail.Session.getTransport पर (सत्र। जावाः 667) javax.mail.Transport.send0 (परिवहन.जावा 154...

java ee - Compare and contrast Node.js and Servlets 3.1 nonblocking IO -

node. JS uses the non-blocking nature of Javascript. On the other hand, Servlets 3.1 introduced non-blocking IOs in Java EE7. Please tell the differences between technical parallels and the two, as far as nonblocking and scalability are concerned. Serot 3.1 is a multi-threaded and async stream processing model, so parallel processing of functions is done. NodeJS is the single async threaded model. According to the performance both have almost the same implications, but together they can work for enterprise applications. But I have actually tried to do this though I would also like to see some samples on this. I got more info

iphone - UIAlertView changes to landscape when App is locked in portrait only in iOS8 -

I have an app and its orientation is locked in portrait mode, but when I have the UIAlertView and Change the iPhone to landscape, changes warning orientation and crop warnings overlay. Only in IOS8 Anyone had this error? Yes, I got this issue. I have developed my code in iOS 7 but it was also compatible with iOS 8. So I came across I find my solution as follows: When you are working with iOS 7, UILartview works fine, but if you are working with iOS 88 So you have to use the UASLort Controller. Use this type of code: if (SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN (@ "8.0")) {alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @ "Warning" message: @ "Invalid coupon." Representative: self cancel buttonTitle: @ "OK" other button titles: zero]; [Alerts show]; } Else {{UIAlertController * alertController = [UIAlertController AlertControllerWithTitle: @ "Warning" message: @ "Invalid coupon." preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyleAlert]; UIAler...

python - The view didn't return an HttpResponse object. It returned None instead -

Why do I have the following simple views, which results in this error? view auth_lifecycle.views.user_profile An HttpResponse object has not returned. No one returned it instead. "" "Renderer user authentication - web pages for life cycle project." Import from django.template import requestContext from "Django.shortcuts" import django.contrib.auth import certified, for logged in user_profile (request): "Info" shows information unique to the logged in user "" " User = Certified (Username = 'superuserusername', password = 'sueruserpassword') Submit (request, user) login (request, 'auth_lifecycle / user_profile.html', context_instance = RequestContext (request)) because returns render , do not call it submit back (request, 'auth_lifecycle / user_profile.html', context_instance = RequestContext (request))

xml - Schema mapping tools -

Do we have two separate schemas which are called internal and external and we want to map XML from one schema to another? The problem is that with Xslt we need to maintain a lot of XSLT mapping. Is there any automated tool in that helps us to achieve it? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> As far as I know, at this time there are not fully automatic schema mapping tools. For example, Microsoft Research is able to map XMUtmatic XML schemes, but I do not think there is a download available ... If you find a general survey article about schema mailing

android - How to remove/disable comments which generated by ProGuard -

I want help with disabling the ProGuard comments generated by obscuring the project because somehow these comments It shows that the true source code is. So, there are any commands / scripts that we can add to "proguard-project.txt" and stop these comments. In this way: // Referenced class of package // TEE_Result, TEE_DROID, z Thank you .. There is no Java comment in compiled byte code, so to remove ProGuard Nothing Your Comment Perhaps your comment generated by your decompile

How to change the on-click Event of a Button in Dart -

मेरे पास एक समस्या है जिसमें अंतिम & lt; td & gt; प्रत्येक पंक्ति का जब संपादन को & lt; td & gt; s को & lt; इनपुट & gt; s में बदल दिया जाता है, जो बिल्कुल ठीक काम करता है। मेरा बटन इस तरह दिखता है: & lt; td & gt; & lt; बटन पर क्लिक करें "{{edit this}}" & gt; संपादित करें & lt; / button & gt ; & lt; / टीडी & gt; इसलिए जब इसकी दबाया जाता है, तो संपादित करें फ़ंक्शन को बुलाया जाएगा। लेकिन मैं चाहता हूं कि मेरा बटन अब "सेव" प्रदर्शित करेगा और दबाए जाने पर "सेवएस्ट" समारोह को कॉल करना चाहिए। शून्य संपादन यह (इवेंट ई, var विस्तार, नोड प्रेषक) {e.preventDefault (); / * ... कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता ... * / / (बटन एलेमेंट के रूप में प्रेषक) .text = "save"; (बटन एलेमेंट के रूप में प्रेषक) .setAttribute ("ऑन-क्लिक", {{saveThis}}); } बटन अभी भी संपादित करें फ़ंक्शन कॉल करता है। डार्टियम यह दर्शाता है: & lt; बटन पर क्लिक करें = "{{saveThis}}"> gt; सहेजें...

python - Django "static" files - Javascript -

Minor terminology question: I see that the degena shows images, CSS, and javascript scripts as "static" files (). However, a javascript script is not static, it is dynamic; It is implemented in the client when the web page is loaded. I think the "static" dictionary used by Django is in the perspective of the server, where JavaScript scripts and images are equally stable and are provided as a customer?

Neo4J returned many values -

मेरे पास ऐसा प्रश्न है: MATCH p = (ob: Obiect) & lt; - (डब्ल्यू: शब्द {मान: 'मानव'}) - [*] - (x) रिटर्न {आईडी: आईडी ()), मान: x.value} मैं हूं "एक्स" लौट रहा है, लेकिन मैं भी एक '' वाई '' वापस करना चाहता हूं। बड़ा सवाल यह है कि कैसे हो सकता है ??? मैंने इस तरह की कोशिश की: MATCH पी = (ob: Obiect) & lt; - (डब्ल्यू: वर्ड {मान: 'मानव'}) - [ *] - (एक्स) रिटर्न {आईडी: आईडी (एक्स), मान: x.value, रूटिड: आईडी (डब्ल्यू)} लेकिन तब आउटपुट दिखता है | X.value | | | W.value | | X.value | | | w.value | | X.value | | | W.value लेकिन एक्स के शून्य मानों के लिए वहाँ कोई मूल्य नहीं है, लेकिन मुझे उनको भी चाहिए। कोशिश करें OPTIONAL MATCH , देखें: MATCH (ob: Obiect) वैकल्पिक मान (w) - [*] - (x) रिटर्न {id: id (x), मान: x.value, rootid: id (w): & lt; - (w: Word {value: 'human'}) }

android - How to simplify the method that does not use the if statement -

How to simplify the method which does not use the if statement and decreases the number of lines of my code How written: Private Zero RemoveImg () {While (true) {rel_with_images.getChildCount (); If ((number_of_Image == 5) {rel_with_images.removeViewAt (number_of_izays-); sp_1 = (sp_1, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0, 0, 1.0F); int111 = (intaa, 1.0F , 1.0 f, 0, 0, 1.0 f); checkbybet (); menact c5 = menact; this; c 5.number_off_iagases = (-1 + c5umber_of_image); brake;} if ((number_of_izab == 4) {rel_with_images} removeViewAt (number_ of_Image- 1); sp_1 = (sp_1, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0, 0, 1.0F); inta11 = (intaa, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0, 0, 1.0F); CheckVibrate (); Menact C5 = Menact. This, C 5.number_off_iize.c = (-1 + c5number_of_image); break;} if ((number_of_izab == 3) {rel_with_images.removeViewAt (number_o _iJes-1); sp_1 = sp11 game (1, 1.0 f, 1.0f, 0, 0, 1.0f); inta11 = (intaa, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0, 0, 1.0F); checkwid ( ); Menact c 5 = menact;; C5.number_of_image = (-1...

In Lotus Notes Designer Trigger an Agent, every time an email message is opened -

लोटस नोट्स एडमिन के लिए नया, डिजाइनर के लिए नया ब्रांड। एक एजेंट को ट्रिगर करने के लिए जब भी कोई ईमेल खोला है। मैंने पहले से ही एजेंट बनाया है, बस एक ईमेल खोलने की कार्रवाई में इसे कैसे हुक नहीं पता है। बेवकूफ एक पीएमआर खोलने की कोशिश करो P> आपको मेल टेम्पलेट को संशोधित करने की आवश्यकता है (जो तब तक अनुशंसित नहीं है जब तक आप यह नहीं जानते कि आप क्या कर रहे हैं)। कोड ज्ञापन प्रपत्र और उत्तर प्रपत्र की QueryOpen या PostOpen इवेंट में या तो जा सकता है। मेरा सुझाव स्क्रिप्ट पुस्तकालय में कार्यक्षमता को अलग करना है और विभिन्न रूपों पर ईवेंट से कार्य करता है। इससे कोड को अद्यतन / रखरखाव करने के साथ-साथ नोट्स अपडेट होने पर भी इसे नए मेल टेम्पलेट पर ले जाने में आसान हो जाएगा। ऐसा कुछ के लिए, मैं सुझाव देता हूं कि आप एक अनुभवी नोट्स डेवलपर से संपर्क करें कुछ मदद। आप आसानी से मेल टेम्पलेट को गड़बड़ कर सकते हैं।

How to do simple jquery alert window? -

I have tried the following for a simple query warning popup but always receives the error that the object does not support the property /way. Any thoughts that I am doing wrong? & lt; Script & gt; $ (Function () {("#hello"). Show ()}); & Lt; / Script & gt; and & lt; Script & gt; $ (Function () {("#hello") dialog ()}); & Lt; / Script & gt; HTML & lt; div id = "hello" & gt; testing. & Lt; / Div & gt; You can enter $ symbol ( JQuery ) As well as the jQuery UI library & lt; link Href = "" rel = "stylesheet" /> & gt; script src = "https: // ajax / ajax / libs / jquery / 2.1.1 / jquery.min.js "& gt; & lt; / script & gt; & lt; script src =" /1.9.2/jquery-ui.js "> test

Factor every element of list in python, then append factors to sub-arrays in another array -

Here's my target factor every single element in the first and second positions, all the factors Adding to Public Man and PQN 3, which will then be linked to the main lists pqnum2 (for the first factor) and pqnum4 (for the secured factors) In addition, the first and secondary can be added by the user ( Has not been shown). Below is the code: define suggested lists pqnum = [] pqnum2 = [] pqnum3 = [] pqnum4 = [] # when loop counters are fib = 1 sib = 1 # listings findings Remove (user can be added) first = = 24, -1, 1, 0, -800, 2, 6] seconds = [2, -1, 1, 1, 30, 11, 5] # The first category for the factor index (0, lane (first) -1): x = first [index] while fib & lt; = X: if x% fib == 0: pqnum.append (fib) pqnum.append (-fib) fib = fib + 1 pqnum2.append (pqnum) print pqnum2 #factor indexed in index range (0, lane (secondary) -1): While sib & lt; = Secured [index]: if the second option [index]% sib == 0: pqnum3.append (sib) pqnum3.append (-sib) sib = sib + 1 pqnum4.append...

mysql stored procedure checking if record exists -

मैंने निम्न संग्रहीत कार्यविधि बनाई है: सेट करें DEFINER = `root` @` localhost `` `एडीसी_एम` सीआर (50), IN` reg_code` CHAR (2) में,` `रेग_नाम` सीआरएआर (100) में,` कोड` सीआर में (20) `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` अक्षांश `डीसीआईएमएएल (10,4),` अंक 'TINYINT (3) में, `बोनस अंक' TINYINT (3) में,` वैध_ से 'दिनांक, `मान्य_तो` दिनांक में) BEGIN घोषित एशॉक_आईड स्माललिंग (5); Region_id स्मॉलिंग (5) घोषित; घोषित करें summit_id MEDIUMINT (8); - एसोसिएशन की जांच करें कि दिए गए कोड और नाम से संबद्धता पहले से मौजूद है एसोसिएशन WHERE कोड = assoc_code LIMIT 1 से assoc_id में चयन आईडी; यदि (assoc_id नल है) तो संघ में सम्मिलित करें (कोड, नाम) मूल्य (assoc_code, assoc_name); Setoc_id = सेट करें (last_insert_id () चुनें); अगर अंत; - क्षेत्र की जांच करें कि दिए गए कोड और नाम के साथ एक क्षेत्र पहले से ही मौजूद है SET region_id = (क्षेत्र से क्षेत्र का चयन करें जहां कोड = reg_code और name = reg_name और association_id = assoc_id); यदि (क्षेत्र_आईडी न...

ios - How to add a NSDictionary object to NSMutableArray? -

I have seen the following resources: What I'm trying to do is to create an NSDictionary NSMutableArray. The related code looks like this: @property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray * curveList; @property (strong, non-creative) UIBezierPath * curpath; @property (strong, nonetomic) uicollore * curcore; // curpath and curcolor @ {@ "path": _ curpath, @ "color": _ curColor} // set some code to do it yourself. Put in? You can add any object to NSMutableArray using addObject method like this : NSDRIATION * ADC = [NSDiction dictionary with object and cakes: @ "Carlos", @ "name", @ "gymnas", @ "last name", nil]; // NSMutableArray * at the initialization * aArr = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects: aDic, zero]; // NSMutableArray * aArr2 = [NSMutableArray array] after initialization; [AArr2 addObject: aDic]; Hope this helps you!

javascript - AngularJs filter:$viewValue is not handling html escaping -

If you type A in the box, you will see: Alabama is missing Alaska is ok Arizona displays okay but once the selected code has & amp; Lt; and & amp; Gt; / p> & lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; Div ng-controller = "mainCtrl" class = "row-liquid" & gt; & Lt; Form range = "line-fluid" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "container-liquid" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" ng-model = "selected" typeahead = "state for status in states: filter: $ visual value" / & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; ... Angular Module ('myApp', ['ui.bootstrap']). Controller ("Main", Function ($ scope) {$ scope.selected = ''; $ scope.states = ['Alabama & lt; Where is it & gt;', 'Alaska [This is OK]', 'Arizona & Amp; lt; ...

python - Gmail IMAP is sometimes returning bad results for fetch -

I am using Python to connect via IMAP via IMAP. When I am a bunch of eDes, sometimes in the result some weird people are attacked by the end. This bug looks intermittent and starts appearing in a couple of weeks or so. For example, let me fetch one: & gt; & Gt; Import imaplib & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Conn = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL ('') & gt; & Gt; & Gt; # Certification etc. & gt; Conn.uid ('fetch', '12, 13 ',' (X-GM-THRID) ') I get occasional results: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; ['1 (X-GM-THRID 123123123123 UID12)', '2 (X-GM-TRDD 123123123123 UID 13)', '365022 (UID 601722 Flags (\\ viewed))]] (Added line breaks for readability, the ID has been changed from the original, usually I get more than two.) It is very strange that I am about the additional message It has sometimes not requested anything, sometimes it does not. No matter what fields I bring, additional results (I h...

How to use google-api-php-client for Cloud DNS management -

I have enabled setup billing and whatnot, and the Cloud DNS API in Google Developer Console, although it is very confusing, and The documentation is taking me into circles without real examples. How do I use the Google Cloud DNS API, delete a DNS entry, and update a DNS entry using Google Aperi-PHP-Client script. I am unsure of what I want to use for this, because there is no way to create credentials - only a unique app id for this unique service (which can not be changed ). Their documents point to the stack overflow for any question regarding the use of this library. Thank you in advance I have not used the cloud DNS, but the API other The services seem to follow the same format, so I tell you how it will work. Dukeman is not the best thing for the PHP Library, but you can understand what should be done by observing the comments. I'm not sure that you have used the library before, but the first step is to create a Google_Client object and prove on Github... - DropDownListFor using List of Class -

I can not seem to have my HTML DropDownListFor () to work properly with my structures. CategoriesEditViewModel Public Class CategoriesEditViewModel Public Property Categories cihCategoryOrgDef as public property category lists public properties as cihLists (cihCategoryOrgDef ) As new = cihLists () public property SelectedItem string publicly subid (CatID as GUID) SelectedItem = codId.ToString lists.loadClubWaivers (ZenCommon.CurrentOrgId) End Sub Ending Class cihLists private orgWaiverList public sub-loadClub Waivers (orgId as GUID) (list of cihWaiver) as' list (cihWaiver) cihWaiver public class cihWaiver public discount as Guid = Guid.Empty public discount not me as string = " "Public waiverText string =" means the final class see edited Page @ Html.DropDownListFor (function (m) m.SelectedItem, New selectList (Model.lists.organizationClubWaivers, "waiverId", "waiverText", Model.lists.organizationClubWaivers )) e...

With django-rest-framework how do I assign a field to the request user when using a ModelViewSet? -

APIViews के लिए अनुशंसा: def pre_save (स्वयं, obj): obj.owner = Self.request.user यह काम करता है जैसे कि मैं वापस आ रहा है: { "स्वामी": ["यह फ़ील्ड रिक्त नहीं हो सकती।" ]} संपादित करें: pre_save विधि को कभी भी नहीं कहा जाता है pre_save विधि में pdb को कॉल डालने के द्वारा चेक किया गया। मेरी धारावाहिक एक आदर्श हाइपरलिंक मॉडेलसेरियलाइज़र है जिसमें मॉडल और मेटा में निर्दिष्ट फ़ील्ड की सूची है। मेरे मॉडल पर मैंने ओवरराइड किया है clean_fields । clean_fields के लिए हस्ताक्षर: Model.clean_fields (बाहर के = कोई नहीं) मेरा कस्टम clean_fields : def clean_fields (स्वयं, बाहर नहीं = कोई नहीं): सुपर (आवेदक, स्वयं) .clean_fields () # यहां बग # कस्टम क्लीन_फ़ील्ड कोड मैंने बहिष्कार पैरामीटर को सुपर वर्ग में नहीं दिया! हे भगवान, मुझे कई घंटे लगे डिबग करने के लिए

php - Displaying Data From Two SQL Tables Syntax Explanation -

I'm new to SQL and am trying to better understand the syntax of displaying data from two tables. I am reading through a lot of tutorials (), but I am still a bit faint about this topic. The behavior I want is to display data from two SQL tables in an HTML table. It would be easy, in addition to Table 2, some more information is being stored in the data in each table. Table 1 (TrainingItretcher) Deposit Date, ID, Customer_Name, Product_Name, _Product_Condition Table 2 Submit, ID, I display row data similar to two tables To use a union successfully, but like club, club_flex, club_loft, and club_hand from the second table when I plug it in, nothing is displayed. Select the trainingaidreturns union from mysqli_query ($ con, "SELECT SubmitDate, ID, customer_name, product_name, product_condition submit, ID, customer_name, product_name, product from the outline of the club" ); And here I need the code inevitably. mysqli_query ($ con, "submit submit, id, cus...

java - Android: application upgrade rather than new version -

I have an old Android app that I developed using the Eclipse Android plugin, and it changed to the new Android studio I am trying to do Automatic conversion was a sad failure, so I manually converted it. The issue is that, when I run my new application, it launches as a new installation instead of changing the old one. My guess is that there is an ID that I got from my old installation There is a need to copy, but where do I completely harm to find it. One thing that may be the source of this issue In the old Eclipse IDE, you have specified the package name for your code separately from the project name. But in the Android studio, the name of the package is received directly by the project name. When I originally created this project, I incorrectly spelled the package name, so the package and project names are not the same. I already have my new version running under the same name and the package name of the old ( Misspelled). I think there are two things that need to match y...

ios - Calculation of age using Objective-C -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मैं एक ऐप का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ Xcode और मुझे उपयोगकर्ताओं की उम्र को मान्य करने की आवश्यकता है I मैं एक नौसिखिया हूं और मैं कुछ उद्देश्य-सी के साथ संघर्ष कर रहा हूं। मैंने उपयोगकर्ता से डीडी / एमएम / वाई वाई वाई वाई में इनपुट प्राप्त करने के लिए UITextField का इस्तेमाल किया है। मुझे यह भी पता है कि NSDate का उपयोग करने की वर्तमान तिथि कैसे प्राप्त करें और NSDateFormatter का उपयोग करें। मेरी समस्या तब होती है जब मुझे दो वर्ष या दो तिथियों की तुलना करना पड़ता है। यह मेरे कोड का एक स्निपेट है: NSDate * आज = ​​[NSDate date]; NSDateFormatter * dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [DateFormat setDateFormat: @ "dd / MM / yyyy"]; NSString * dateString = [dateFormat stringFromDate: आज]; Int PresentYear = (int) [dateString substringToIndex: -4]; Int इन्पुटवायर = (int) [DOB.text substringToIndex: -4]; अगर (वर्तमान वर्ष- इनपुट वर्ष & lt; 18) मुझे स्पष्ट रूप से इसे एक पूर्णांक में परिवर्तित नहीं करना पड़ सकता है ...

Java Inheritance: Method set(List) not applicable for arguments ArrayList -

I am getting an error in the following. Hierarchy: General Budget - -> RRBTB These figures include the following hierarchy: General Budget ArrayBan - & gt; RRBudgetYearBean Parent Category - // Data from a member list & lt; GeneralBudgetYearBean & gt; BudgetYearBeans; // gates / satars public list & lieutenant; GeneralBacketYireBan & gt; GetBudgetYearBeans () {return budget YEARBeans; } Public Zero SetBizTirebusiness (List & Lieutenant; GeneralBacketWirebans> Budget Yearbains) {this.budgetYearBeans = budgetYearBeans; } Extension class - Public category RRBudgetBean extends GeneralBudgetBean {// ... public zero initRRBudgetBean ( ) {this.setBudgetYearBeans (New Arlist & lt; RRBudgetYearBean & gt; ()); }} Error: GeneralBudgetBean argument in type setBudgetYearBeans (list of GeneralBudgetYearBean & gt;) ArrayList & lt is not applicable; RRBudgetYearBean & gt; In other w...

c# - String.Format won't create correct spacing, exhausted every method -

This may sound like a trivial question, but I swear that I can find every method. I am trying to output the content of a dictionary into a textbox. It's written in C # idak how relevant it is, but I'm producing for a WPF text box. I have tried the following methods: dictionary and dictionaries & lt; String, int & gt; NGramDictionary = Statistical breakdown. GetgraFrequency (file path, 3); MasterStatsTextBlock.Text + = "~ N-gram Frequency ~" + "\ r \ n"; Leading (var kvp in ngdid) {masterstatstextblocks. Text = = string.format ("{0} {1} {2}", KVPK padrite (-40), kvp value, environment.NewLine); } MasterStatsTextBlock.Text + = "\ r \ n"; and dictionaries & lt; String, int & gt; NGramDictionary = Statistical breakdown. GetgraFrequency (file path, 3); MasterStatsTextBlock.Text + = "~ N-gram Frequency ~" + "\ r \ n"; Leading (var kvp in ngramDictionary) {Masterstats Tetbelka. Text = = stri...

java - Why wont my app save 2 values and then display them the next time the app is open? -

I have recently learned about the shared pages and now I have tried to put it in my code. I have 2 integer values ​​that are called counter and counterps. What I want to do is that the app will save prices in every 5 seconds and then when the app is completely shut down and completely reopened (the phone is turned off and again for example) I Want to see if the values ​​were saved (if they were too) is bigger than 0, if so, then set existing values ​​to people who have saved the old ones. Although I set a number for the values ​​inside the app and waited five seconds to save and when I completely restarted the app, the value came in just as 0. Why is this and someone can tell me how to fix it? Secure vs. Create (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {super.onCreate (SavedInstanceState); setContentView (R.layout.activity_my); Shared References = Received Reference ("ShipData", References. MODE_PRIVATE); Last shared pages Editor Editor = Savings.edit (); Int counter = saving. Gate ...

amazon cloudsearch - Ruby AWS Cloud Search Gem for indexing and searching compound queries for api version 2013-01-01 -

Does any Amazon know about Ruby Gems for Cloud Search? With the following criteria: support for Cloud Search API version 2013-01-01 2) supports questions with many obstacles (i.e. "search" ", and 5 or above A rating was made, and was created before 1980.) 3) Search index also supports indexing data. Note that I have already seen All of these: - Parameters 1 can not be found - Criterion 3 can not be found - Criterion 1 - Criterion 1 or 2 Not complete If there is not really any gem that meets all of my criteria, then I will write my own. Have you taken a look at the new AAS-SDK-core-rabbi gem from the AWS team? I use it for communication with Dynamody and S3 Check out the cloud search service in 'API' docs with this pair of services:

Google GeoChart Visualization API - city plotting in wrong location -

For the site I'm working on, "San Francisco" is putting a marker in Louisiana in a Google GeoChart View. I have tried to convert it to "San Francisco, CA" and even "San Francisco, CA, United States" and it's still to be hidden in Louisiana. You can see the wrong marker here: Part of my code: var data = new google.visualization.DataTable (); Data.addColumn ('string', 'slug'); Data.addColumn ('string', 'city'); Data.addColumn ('number', 'value'); Data.addColumn ({type: 'string', role: 'tooltip', p: {html: true}}); / * Location * / data.Adrawaw ([[London, London, 1, '' h1 class = "tooltip-H1"> London ]], [ London, London, 1, & lt; h1 class = 'tooltip-h1 "& gt; London & lt; / h1 & gt;'], ['New York-City', 'New York City ', 1,' & lt; h1 class = "Tooltip-H1" & gt; New York City & lt; / h1 ...

python - How to get exactly models field after I filtered the models object? -

It's hard to describe what I have to do, but I will try to do this after filing such a model ( I can only get a maximum of 1 object): tweets = tweet.object.filter (user__iexact = username) # username found with variable url I want to show that which user tweeted. So I'm trying to do this in my template like this: & lt; H1 & gt; {{tweets.username}} & lt; / H1> However, it is not showing anything, however, these are my models: class tweets (model model): text = model. Kharefild (maximum_long = 140) date = model.defined (default = date.) User name = Model.CharField (max_length = 140) If you are asking for a unique entry, then . Tweets = Tweets.bobsSites.Jet (Username_Xact = Username) .filter . The filter () method will return an array, even if it is only a result. Furthermore, your query is incorrect ... You have username user (user Name = xxact = username)

python - select the rows that satisfy the same condition on all columns -

I have an array of data named d (79000,17) . I am thinking that there is a way to write a short loop or a function, in which to select a condition in all the columns, only to select the rows, where they satisfy the same position on the column, for example If a loop is the condition for the column i , d [:, i] & lt; 99? If you want a flexible select function which supports all the conditions (your status also), So you can use the code below. You want to apply my_filter (). Select def (list_of_rows, filter_function): result = [] list_of_rows for row: if filter_function (line): result.append (row) return result def My_filter (line): If the line [ 2] & gt; 10: return true return false my_list = [(1, 4, 7), (2, 9, 12), (4, 2, 20), (10, 20, 30), (3, 2, 1)] result = Choose (my_list, my_filter) print result

Using jQuery deferred promises -

So I'm very new to these promises. I have a difficult time wrapping my head around me. I've noticed a lot of tots and so many posts, but nothing in my situation has come here is my current code. $ ("# PayNow, input [name ^ = 'schedulepmt']"). ("Blur", function () {var diff = 0; diff = calcBalanceDue (); if diff {$. (When confirming new payment) then (function () {if ($ (this) .attr ("id") === "PayNow" & amp; input [Name ^ = 'schedulepmt']. Length & amp; amp; amp; amp; $ (this) .val ()! == $ (this) .data ("prevValue")) {if (! ResetPmtInfo ()) {$ (this) .val ($ (this) .data ("prevValue"));}}}})}}); confirmNewPayment () has been executed after I like the code inside .then () . It seems that there are still all running async. Thank you. Confirm the function here (Diff) {bootbox.dialog ({Message: "An outstanding balance. How do you want to proceed? ", Title:" outstanding ...

node.js - Using fs.readdir and fs.statSync returns ENOENT, no such file or directory error -

यह काम करता है: var वादा = नया भविष्य (), डायर = [], स्टेट; Fs.readdir (रूट + पी, फ़ंक्शन (त्रुटि, फ़ाइलें) {_.each (फ़ाइलें, फ़ंक्शन (फ़ाइल) {// stat = Fs.statSync (file); // if (stat.isDirectory ()) {dirs। पुश (फ़ाइल); //}}); वायदा। रार्न (डाइर्स);}); यह नहीं है: var वादा = नया भविष्य (), dirs = [], stat; Fs.readdir (रूट + पी, फ़ंक्शन (त्रुटि, फ़ाइलें) {_.each (फ़ाइलें, फ़ंक्शन (फ़ाइल) {stat = Fs.statSync (फ़ाइल); अगर (stat.isDirectory ()) {dirs.push (फ़ाइल) ;}}); वायदा। रातर (दिर्स);}); "त्रुटि: ईनोन्ट में परिणाम, ऐसा कोई फ़ाइल या निर्देशिका 'फोंट'" फोंट पेड़ में पहली निर्देशिका है, और वह मौजूद है। मुझे मूर्खतापूर्ण कुछ याद करना होगा मैं केवल फ़ोल्डर / निर्देशिका नामों को वापस करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। जब भी मैं उस पर हूं, क्या किसी को पता है कि सभी स्तरों के निर्देशिका कैसे लौटाएंगे? उदाहरण के लिए, परिणाम हो सकता है: ["फोंट्स", "फोंट / फ़ॉन्ट-भयानक", "चित्र", "चित्र / कुछ पाथ", "चित्र / कुछपथ ...

java - Maven is not working on CentOS7.. unable to find valid certification path to requested target -

I'm just installing CentOS7 and trying to package my Java Maven projects I get mvn package and I get the following error. Someone can tell me how to find it [Error] Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins: maven-resources-plugin: 2.6 or none of its dependencies can be solved: artifact descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins Failed to read: maven-resources-plugin: jar: 2.6: R Tiffatt org.apache.maven.plugins could not be moved: maven-resources-plugin: pom: 2.6 from / to central ( ValidatorException: PKIX Path Building Failed: Unable to find valid authentication path for the requested goal - & gt; [Help 1] [Error] Looks like you're behind proxy if , Then Maven needs a proxy configured in the local Mewen repo's own settings file (settings.xml). If that does not work, then dump your Maven local repository and force it to re-download all i...

how to restore overriden javascript print method -

मेरे पिछले साथी पुनर्लेखन विंडो। प्रिंट विधि: फ़ंक्शन प्रिंट (डेटा) {var Window_print = ('', 'मेरी div', 'height = 768, width = 1024'); Window_print.document.write ('& lt;; DOCTYPE html & gt; & lt; html & gt; & lt; प्रमुख & gt; & gt; शीर्षक & gt; Ð ?? ÐμÑ ?? Ð ° Ñ ?? Ñ ?? & lt; / शीर्षक & gt; & lt; / सिर & gt; & lt ; शरीर & gt; '+ डेटा +' & lt; / body & gt; & lt; / html & gt; '); window_print.print (); window_print.close (); } मेरा इरादा उस फ़ंक्शन के डिफ़ॉल्ट व्यवहार का उपयोग करना था: बस वर्तमान पेज प्रिंट करें, और मैंने कहा: अगर (डेटा) {... ।} और {window.print ()} और निश्चित रूप से मुझे त्रुटि मिली: "बहुत अधिक पुनरावर्ती: window.print ();" मेरा प्रश्न है डिफ़ॉल्ट व्यवहार विंडो को कैसे प्रारंभ करें। प्रिंट ()? संपादित करें : ठीक है , ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि कुछ ब्राउज़रों में प्रिंट विंडो की अपनी संपत्ति है, और अन्य में नहीं है...

iso8601 - What is the value of the ISO 8601 duration `P1M` (in seconds)? -

बोलचाल के अनुसार, इसका अर्थ है "एक महीने।" 30-दिन के महीनों के लिए, यह 2,592,000 हो सकता है। 31-दिन के महीनों के लिए, यह 2,678,400 हो सकता है। फरवरी में, यह 2,419,200 हो सकता है या यह 2,505,600 हो सकता है। मेरा पेट कहते हैं कि इसका समाधान करने का कोई तरीका नहीं है संदर्भ के बिना सेकंड के एक सटीक संख्या के लिए "एक महीने" और कैलेंडर पर उन सेकंड्स को निर्धारित किया जाता है। लेकिन क्या इन नियमों को अमूर्त तरीके से गणना करने के लिए मानक नियम / सम्मेलन हैं? आईएसओ 8601 दस्तावेज से मैंने पाया (पृष्ठ 6 -), ऐसा लगता है कि आप सही हैं कि एक महीने में सेकंड की संख्या निश्चित रूप से निर्धारित नहीं की जा सकती। हालांकि यह ध्यान रखता है कि "कुछ दिनों में 30 दिनों के समय की एक इकाई के रूप में कुछ महीने में माना जाता है", इसलिए आपके आवेदन के आधार पर यह एक वैध दृष्टिकोण हो सकता है। "कैलेंडर समय" के बीच का अंतर साल, महीनों, आदि) और "निरपेक्ष समय" (घंटे, मिनट, सेकंड, आदि) कभी-कभी एक महत्वपूर्ण एक होता है। एक उदाहरण के तौर पर, ...

PYQT - help profiling python code {built-in method exec_} -

I am developing a software in PyQt to edit the tile map in a game - it's a lot of things for me Support is the game. My game has mainly small maps, but I wanted to try to do a bigger map - but unfortunately, my editor looks sluggish with a big map - especially on creation . Each tile in the editor has a label with an image. That's why I did a 90x90 map on it and what to put it to understand using the Python profile. python -m cProfile & gt; Profile.log The rows reaching more than one second in total are below: ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename: lineno (function) 8205 22.397 0.003 22.397 0.003 {Underlying method shows} 1 5.0 9 5.0 9 37.913 37.913 {Underlying method exec_} 1 1.824 1.824 1.824 1.824 {getExistingDirectory} 1 1.038 1.038 1.038 1.038 {question} OK , Then get it from time to time to select the directory from the hosting directory, so I am leaving it. The exit show is called 8205 times! Since there are 8100 tiles in the m...

Java How to write a string in file as bytes and get string back -

I have to type the string in a file as a byte in UTF-8 and then retrieve these bytes from the file And it has to change back to string and get the same string as an abstract. It may seem easy but there is a hidden problem such as incorrect symbols in the file. I mean that after adding it to the file it should be something like this: 00000008 d0bad0bb d18ed187 00000010 etc ... But it contains content like this: mystring --- many places --- (and the symbol that does not appear here) So, what have I already done? I have tried this way: Before reading the code: I keep the wire in the hashmap & lt; String, string & gt; So my code includes (...) etc. try {FileOutputStream oStream = new FileOutputStream ("filename.txt"); Set up & lt; String & gt; KeySet = storage.keySet (); Bytebuff buffer = Bytebuffer.Olocate (1024); For (string key: keyset) {byte [] keybank = keygate ("UTF-8"); Byte [] valueInByte = store.get (key) .getBytes ("UT...

linux - Perl script in cgi-bin not executing shell script with arguments -

My Perl script is present in CGI-bin / relation: There is a problem in this snippet of code: system ("./ $ res_file $ label> log / upload log2 & amp; 1 & amp; - & gt; system does not work (" ./ upd_test .sh "); - & gt; works fine I do not understand why this is happening, Apache server is used. File permissions for Perl script are -rwxr-xr-x 1 root Apache1935 Oct File permissions for Shell Script .sh If I can call Shell Script without arguments, then why is this issue when I call with arguments? The script is not said at all. The script has added a print that writes in the / tmp space whether it is executed or not. I just found out that if I remove the redirect, then it works fine, then the system works fine (". / $ res_file $ label"), but I redirect the logs I want to do because it is very important for my work. The current working directory is not your CGI script, so its use / will not wo...

sql - Can I modify an existing SAS dataset without creating a temporary file? -

In addition to the statement modify statement, there are other ways to modify the contents of the SAS dataset (i.e. Changing values, or adding or removing rows or columns) that does not include no to create a temporary file in work and then replace the entire original file? Related questions: If I have a proc sql with a create table and many statements statement, all targeting In the same table, SAS will overwrite the output table several times at the end, or is it smart enough to write all in one pass? Let's say I'm not connected to any other DBMS. Since 2 people already post it, this is not a valid answer: data lib.dsn; Set lib.dsn; / * Insert logic here * / /; If you do this, then the SAS creates a temporary file and after the completion of the data changes the original lib.dsn. If you interfere with this kind of data phase, there will be an error in the log, but the original dataset will remain unchanged. Update lines with PROC SQL; UPDATE ...

ios - iAd enabled app not receiving any requests -

I started generating requests immediately after I appeared in the last IAD enabled app app store, but it did not Until 3-4 days, any impression begins to receive ads from Apple (this behavior is normal) Yesterday I had released an IAD enabled app and it did not make a single request sole impact . The app is not listed for children when I was running my beta build before submitting it, then the app successfully created test ads. Apps appear in my iad pop dotboard, usually green is light and it says that it is receiving ads, but has not yet made a single request. My contracts in ITC are up to date. Can anything happen that I have done wrong, or whatever I have forgotten, which is preventing me from getting any advertising requests? The answer is, it appears normal. Even though some apps generate instant requests, others take a few days (in both cases it takes a few days to generate real impressions) My latest app starts receiving requests after 24 hours of release date and...

How to match interrogation and exclamation marks in emacs? -

Inquiries and exclamations for proper Spanish writing are necessary to open and close points Example: ¡¡Q Buena PA! Live! , ¿COMM Camber MX? . I should behave the same way that matches brackets: Highlight the pair or show that there is a mismatch. How can this be achieved? To get a match in the principles, for example "& lt;" And "& gt;" You should write: (modified-syntax-entry? "(& Gt;" (revised-syntax? Entry?) ") but it is not all work for Unicode symbols, see - In famous-angular, is there access to scrollview.sync.on(event)? -

Now I have fa-pipe-from in it with scrolls from surfaces and works fine , And I have tried a few ways to listen to ScolveView events. In a way, a fa-pipe-to in scrollview & lt; Fa-scroll-view was to add fa-pipe-to = "result wahidler" fa-pipe-to = "scrollviewhandler" & gt; point to event handler $ scope.scrollViewHandler = new event herediller (); but no event is coming from this handler $ scope.scrollViewHandler.on ("start", function (e) {console.log (e);}); // ever I have not seen in another stack overflow - - which suggests a solution that does not work: $ famous .find ('fa-scroll-view') [0] .renderNode.sync.on ('start', function (event) {console.log ('start');}); Any suggestions on how to achieve this? Edit: Obviously fa-pipe-to is working as expected, but scrollview does not emit all events The events are: onEge, offEgege, settlement, pageChange and you can use ScrollView by pipe...

Android DownloadManager remove() - how to determine when the remove() operation finishes? -

Is there an easy mechanism to determine when a DownloadManager is removed (), because it is partially asynchronous . This function returns immediately with the count of entries in the deleted download table, but the actual file system housekeeping is pushed into some background thread. The problem is I wrote a little code that looks and removes any existing DownloadManager entry for the file X (and hopefully file system object) before dragging a new copy, unfortunately, The new copy is making this file system in directory before being kicked for the previous incarnation of housekeeping. That is why housekeeping really ends up removing the new version at some point and leaving an orphan entry in the DownloadManager table. The file system can block in any way until the system is removed. Debug Code: DownloadManager.Query Query = New DownloadManager.Query (). SetFilterByStatus (DownloadManager.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL); Download = getAllDownloadIds (manager.query (query)); Path = ac...

ios - Unity - audio files play badly on iPhone and iPad -

suddenly seems very strange voice on all my voices iPhone and iPad, but they still seem fine editor. They look like sound on the device, if they are played through the poor telephone connection on the speaker - or if they were recorded with poor quality and then, it is only on iPhone and iPad devices, in Unity all is well. I already tried: I have 3D sound disabled files On the audio source, I have the Bypass Effects, bypass Lesnar effects and bypass Rivrb zone set to 'true' all set to Doppler level is set at 0 some time ago it was all good, and This can happen when I updated to Integration 4.5.4 and XCode 6.0.1. But I can not say for sure. Any ideas that might happen? found it! The problem was that the audio settings 'volume' was set to 100 for some strange reason. So - the volume on the Mac was small, so it was played well - but the loud sound of the iPhone tried to play it, so the speakers just got mad ....

powershell get-aduser where manager -eq disabled -

I am trying to find all the ED users where the user is disabled in the manager field below Given has not worked, has tried many ways, although it does not understand Get-ADUser -SearchBase "XXX" -filter {enabled -q $ true} - Properties * | Where {Get-aduser -Filter {reputable name-EC $ _ manager- and enabled-a $$ incorrect}} I have no ads, which are easily available manager attribute, so the script has not been tested. Anyway, to create two collections with a simpler way Get-ADUser , fill one with all disabled accounts and one enabled ones. Loop through competent accounts and check whether the managers are found out from the inefficients. To make things fast, store the disabled code in the form of a hash table with a group-object and use the hashtable include the cookie ( ) Method like this, $ disabled = Get-ADUser -filter {enabled- $ $ true} | Group-object `ASHST -Estestation-Property Name $ users = gate-adder-filter (active -EAk $ real) Forex ($ u...

Installing UVM 1.2 in Questasim 10.2 windows -

I downloaded UVM 1.2 from the Acelera website. I am using QwestSim 10.2 and my UVM version is 1.1d. I have now copied the UVM 1.2 folder to C: \ questasim_10.2c . Then I changed the mtiUvm = $ MODEL_TECH /../ uvm-1.1d line to modelsim.ini mtiUvm = $ MODEL_TECH /../ uvm-1.2 But now Questasim is showing an error that the library can not be found. How to solve this problem and install UVM 1.2 in Questasim? MTUUM is a different matter to support transaction recording in Questa (and perhaps some other content) For the additional version, UVM will give the graphics version. If you do not install UVM, then you compile it as a normal package: In this way UVM ends up in a single work library, where you 're your other packages Are compiled.

python - Selecting the text contents in a particular that has another within it using Scrapy and Xpath -

EDIT: Solution! Those who encounter this in their learning; The answer is jealous, well explained and provided by Paul. This is my first question and I have searched and searched (for two days) to no avail. I am trying to scour a special retail website to get product names and prices. Currently, I have a spider on a special retail website, however, with another retail website, it works, I can get the name of the product correctly, but I can get the right format Can not get the price in First of all, this is my spider code: scrap item import project from projectname import item class spider_spacer: name = "whatever" permission_domain = [ ""] start_urls = [""] DRF pars (self, response): sel = Scrapy.Selector (response) request = sel.xpath ('// div @ class = "Container"] ') product = requests.xpath (' .//*[@ class = "product name" / text ()] '.extract () price = requests.xpath ('...

delphi - Dynamicly handle not defined functions in a dll in dlephi -

I have a DLL that defines a simple task to display the message: library testdll; Uses SysUtils, Classes, Dialogues; {$ R * res} Process ShowDll; Stdcall; Start ShowMessage ('ShowDLL testdll.dll'); End; Export ShowDLL; The initial end and my main file calls this process dynamically: I have defined a new type: type testdll = process; Stdcall; Then click on my button Event: Process TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: Tubbed); Var dllHandle: Thandal; // Do not use cardinals; It is limited to 32-bit tests: testdll; Start dllHandle: = LoadLibrary ('testdll.dll'); If dllHandle & lt; & Gt; 0 then start @test: = GetProcAddress (dllHandle, 'ShowDLL'); If assigned (test) then ShowDLL and ShowMessage ('function not found'); End Show Message ('DLL Not Found'); End; This works but I do not know whether it is not possible to handle the task defined with my DLL. My purpose here is to call without any function, if it will be defined in my...