
Showing posts from February, 2010

javascript - How to MouseOver behind an object? -

I'm trying to mouse over an image that is behind any other image. Is there any way to render the image in front of it as if it is not there, so can I mouse over the second image? I can not move those people who are behind the logo bounding box You can set the CSS property on the obstructing object ... but be aware that the indicator events are all or nothing; The mousewowers and the speakers will pass right, but such a click will be there. There is a description of this value from the Mozilla developers' network: none: element is never the goal of mouse events; However, mouse events can target elements of their offspring if pointer-events have been set to another value in those dynasties. Under these circumstances, mouse events will trigger this original element on this pathway / on the way / coming of the line during event capture / bubble phase. I have put together a little example. In this example, I am using onmouseover and onmouseout , since you u...

mysql - Left joining only one result of corresponding table -

मेरे पास निम्न तालियां हैं: उत्पादों: आईडी INT शीर्षक VARCHAR ऑफर: आईडी INT product_id INT मूल्य INT एक उत्पाद में कई ऑफ़र हो सकते हैं मुझे कम और उच्च कीमतों के साथ संबंधित प्रस्तावों के साथ सभी उत्पादों को प्राप्त करना होगा, मेरे पास क्या है: उत्पादों का चयन करें, products.title, lowOffer.price, highOffer.price उत्पादों से LEFT शामिल हों (SELECT offers.product_id, MIN (offers.price) एएस मूल्य से ऑफर ग्रुप द्वारा ऑफ़र प्रदान करता है। प्रोडक्ट_आईडी) कम ऑफीर ऑन (कम ऑफीर.प्रॉडक्ट_आईडी = उत्पाद.आईडी) निचला जॉइन (चयन ऑफर.प्रोडक्ट_आईडी, मैक्स (ऑफर.प्रिस) एएस मूल्य से ऑफर ग्रुप द्वारा ऑफर.प्रॉडक्ट_आईडी) उच्च ऑफ़र ऑन (हाई ओफ़र.प्रॉडक्ट_आईड = उत्पाद.आईडी) अब, मैं दो subqueries कर रहा हूं, और मुझे लगता है कि मैं केवल एक ही हो सकता है, क्योंकि ये दो शामिल ऑफर के समान सेट पर काम कर रहे हैं। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? मेरा व्यवसाय तर्क इससे थोड़ा अधिक जटिल है और प्रस्तावों के पास संबंध हैं और मुझे उन्हें भी लाने की आवश्यकता है। मैं यह कैसे एक कुशल तरीके से कर सकता हू...

google app engine - Objectify - @Embedded Error saving XXX is not a supported property type -

When trying to save an entity with an embedded class, the object throws the exception (ObjectTest Dummy is registered): com.googlecode.objectify.SaveException: test.ObjectifyTestDummy@2485b739: Internal: Error in saving the test.ObjectifyInnerTest is not a supported property type. Import com.googlecode.objectify.annotation.Entity; Import com.googlecode.objectify.annotation.Id; Import javax.preistence.Embedded; Import javax.preistence.GeneratedValue; Import javax.preistence.GenerationType; @ Entity Public Class Objective Dummy {@Id @ javax.preistence.Id @ generatedValue (strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) Private Long ID; @ Embedded private object entry inner; Public long iid () {return id; } Public Zero Set ID (Long ID) { = id; } Public ObjectifyInnerTest getInner () {Return Internal; } Public Zero Setner (ObjectifyInnerTest inside) {this.inner = inner; }} And just: Public class ObjectifyInnerTest {} What's wrong? I should be ashamed I switched the objec...

php - How combine the sorted sets Redis? -

मैं Redis store में sorted set प्रकार का उपयोग करता हूं। कुंजी: फीड का उदाहरण: उपयोगकर्ता: ** 1 **, फीड: USER: ** 2 **, फीड: USER: ** 3 ** मैं उपयोगकर्ता की चाबियों के लिए रेडिस से डेटा का चयन करना चाहता हूं: 1 , 2, 3 और स्कोर (टाइमस्टैम्प) से प्रत्येक को हल किया जाता है। अगर समस्या को देखते हुए, मुझे समय के दौरान किसी भी कुंजी को किसी डेटा से चुनने की आवश्यकता होती है और स्कोर के आधार पर सभी परिणामों को जोड़ते हैं। ऐसा करने के कुछ तरीके हैं लेकिन सही है कि आप क्या करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं पर निर्भर करता है। उदाहरण के लिए: आप अपने कोड में प्रत्येक फ़ीड: USER: n कुंजी के लिए ZRANGEBYSCORE (या ZREVRANGEBYSCORE) का उपयोग कर सकते हैं और क्लाइंट में जवाब "मर्ज" करें आप संबंधित कुंजी पर एक ZUNIONSTORE कर सकते हैं और फिर क्लाइंट से परिणाम पर ZRANGEBYSCORE करते हैं। हालांकि, यदि आपकी "फीड्स" बड़ी हैं, तो # 2 का प्रवाह उलट होना चाहिए - संपादित करें: और स्पष्टीकरण मजबूत> पुनः 1 - आप ZRANGEBYSCORE से मिलने वाले परिणामों पर मर्जिंग...

postgresql - Set less as pager in psql -

I can not set less as a pager in psql. This is my environment: Ubuntu 14.04 PostgreSQL 9.3.5 psql 9.3.5 Fish Shell 2.1.1 ~ / .psqlrc Contents: Set the HISTSIZE \ PROMPT1 set on the # \ setenv PAGER short \ x auto \ timing \ set \ VERBOSITY verbose \ pset null 'NULL' \ pset pager '(% n @% M:% & gt;) [% / ] & Gt; '\ Set PROMPT2'% [% 033 [8m%] (% n @% M:% & gt;) [% /] & gt; [% 033 [0m%]% '' env | Grep PAGER : pager = less I get: kbd> space tab tab y : table another_table table another_table ... - more - The display of this line ( - more - ) and the tab-completion of the forward-only scrolling capability comes from the internal page of readline The library, as one out Unlike Prishtr. psql This libraries handle the UI-side of tab-completion. This paging can be closed in the .inputrc set page in , but it will not be replaced by an external program, less Not less than the current versio...

import - R - Text Mining - Importing a Corpus and keeping the file names in document term matrix -

The code shown below allows me to import a series of .txt documents stored in the local area (1 month ago) Had given R in the folder, to make a corpus, to pre-process it and finally convert it to a document term matrix. The problem I have is that document names are not being imported, instead each document is listed as 'character (0)' One of my goals is to model the topic on the corpus And therefore it is important that I can relate model names to those models which produce the model. Is anyone suggesting what has changed? Library ("TM") Library ("Snowball Sea") Setdodi ("C: / User / Document / Dataset /") Corpus & lt; DirSource ("Blog")) MyStopwords & lt #pre_processing; - c (stopwords ("english")) your_corpus & lt; - tm_map (corpus, tolower) your_corpus & lt; - tm_map (your_corpus, removeNumbers) your_corpus & lt; - tm_map (your_corpus, removeWords, MyStopwords) your_corpus & lt; - tm_map (your_...

c# - Wrong encoding in ZipFile comment -

I am reading a zip file comment using the Ionic.Zip.ZipFile class and there is a problem in the pronunciation letter ( Instead of getting "a" "rich" like "I", I get "a" "reserved." My code is: Using the (zip file zipfile) = new zip file (path)) {comment = zip file. comment;} The path is the path of the zip file. I also need to put the encoding directly Using the same result (in this way): (zip file zip file = new zip file (path, encoding. UTF8)) {comment = zipFile.Comment;} Is there a specific encoding for the comment? Thanks to, I got the solution The code is as follows: The person who uses you needs to get the right encoding of the comment before encoding. (Z Pfail zipfile = Using new zipfile (path)) {byte [] bytes = encoding. Gate Encoding (437) .GetBytes (zipFile.Comment); Comment = encoding. Default.getstrings (bytes); }

In Ember.js, creating a record (POST) with RESTAdapter fails, but how do I find out what is causing the error? -

यह मेरा अनुरोध है और मेरे सर्वर से प्रतिक्रिया: अनुरोध शीर्ष लेख स्वीकार करें: आवेदन / जेसन, पाठ / जावास्क्रिप्ट, * / *; Q = 0.01 स्वीकृत-एन्कोडिंग: gzip, deflate स्वीकार करें-भाषा: en-US, en; q = 0.8 कनेक्शन: रख-जिन्दा सामग्री-लंबाई: 512 सामग्री-प्रकार: आवेदन / जेसन; वर्णसेट = यूटीएफ -8 डीएनटी: 1 होस्ट: 192.168.5 9 .103: 8080 उत्पत्ति: http: //192.168.5 9 .103: 9000 रेफेरर: http: //192.168.5 9। 103: 9000 / उपयोगकर्ता-एजेंट: मोज़िला / 5.0 (विंडोज़ एनटी 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, Gecko जैसी) क्रोम / 37.0.2062.124 सफारी / 537.36 अनुरोध पेलोड {"सूचना": {"स्थिति ":" परीक्षण "," date_opened ": अशक्त," time_opened ": अशक्त," date_closed ": अशक्त," time_closed ": अशक्त," subsystem_affected ": अशक्त," who_resolved_it ": अशक्त," who_sent_it ": अशक्त," कारण ": अशक्त," प्रभाव ": अशक्त," संकल्प ": अशक्त," description_of_problem ":...

casting - What is the cleanest way to compare an int with a potentially null Integer in Java? -

मानचित्र & lt; स्ट्रिंग, पूर्णांक & gt; मीटर; मी = नया TreeMap & lt; स्ट्रिंग, पूर्णांक & gt; (); क्या m.get () शून्य है, जब शून्य पॉइंटर अपवाद से बचने के लिए निम्नलिखित कास्ट जोड़ना अच्छा अभ्यास है। System.out println (((पूर्णांक) 8) .equals (m.get ("null")); // गलत लौटता है वैकल्पिक रूप से एक पूर्व नल की जांच के साथ यह थोड़ा बदसूरत दिखने लगती है। System.out.println (m.contains (" शून्य ")! = नल & amp; एम.गेट (" नल ") बराबर (8)); क्या यह लिखने का एक बेहतर तरीका है? धन्यवाद। मैं जब भी संभव हो तो डालने से बचने की कोशिश करता हूं, इसलिए मैं निम्नलिखित का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं, जो भी मेरी राय में अच्छा लगता है: पूर्णांक.वल्यूओफ़ (8) .एक्वायल्स (m.get ("null"))

node.js - Sailsjs - Custom Logging with Winston -

I am currently trying to write a custom logger for sailsjs that would be used to either S3 bucket or a Mangoddab database. Documentation is lacking, but so far I've found it: var custom_logger = new winston.logger ({transports: [new (winston.transports. File)) ({level: 'debug', filename: './logs/my_log_file.log'})]}); Module.exports.log = {colors: false, // custom to receive custom log without prefix or color coding: custom laser}; What is not working for me. Any thoughts? inside a config file Create a new JS file (inside this code will be executed automatically by Sail) and adds Mangondab Transport as below; var winston = require ('winston') ; Var requires Mongo DB = ('Winston-Mangode'). Mongodibi; Var customLogger = new (winston.Logger) ({transports: [new (winston.transports.MongoDB) ({db: 'mongodb: // localhost: 27017 / test', collection: 'log', level: 'debug'} )]}); Module.exports.logging = {colors: ...

Maven does not read POM when installing JAR to repository -

I have followed the guidelines for installing a JAR file in my local store. I run the following command: mvn org.apache.maven.plugins: maven-install-plugin: 2.5.2: install-file -Dfile = log4j- weblayout-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar The JAR file is created using Maven and it contains a POM file that lists its dependencies. The file path inside the JR is: /META-INF/maven/in.ksharma/log4j-weblayout/pom.xml Maven installs Artifact but its POM has not read It creates an empty POM file which is zero with any dependency information: & Lt; Version & gt; 0.0.1-snapshot and lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; Details & gt; POM was created from the install: install-file & lt; / Description & gt; & Lt; / Project & gt; How can I make sure that POM is installed only inside a jar? Edit: The contents of different files inside a jar are as follows. /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF : MANIFEST-VERSION: 1.0 ARCHITECTURE-VERSION: Built forged architecture- By: kshi...

Recognizing keys of piano on the image -

I'm a newbie in image processing, so sorry it seems dumb for you. I'm the manufacturing app that will show the keys to the user for whom they should press. I want to recognize the piano keys. How can I get it? What advice can you give me (tutorials, online courses)? You can use the word "binarization", "morphology operation" and "half line detector" as an indication.

cryptography - Point addition using Elliptic Curve calculations on Java Card -

I have a smart card that supports JavaCard 2.2.2 and I developed a signature with the ticket on the elliptical curve. Want to do To do this, I need to calculate the 2 digit amount on the elliptic curve. I have read the JavaCard's API and I do not think it is possible, actually there are some things about elliptic curves but only the algorithm For those who have already been developed (eg ECSPVitek for ECDSA) ... but when you want to create an ECPrivateKey, you have to define the parameter that elliptical curve Injury to, so it is defined somewhere, right? To summarize, is it possible to develop Java cardlet which calculates (yoga, product of the number ...) on an elliptical curve? I have lost a bit, thank you so much for your help :) No, it is probably not current with standard Java APIs, at least without all the necessary computations, which are the implementation of many complex codes and a multiplier (which is no will perform well). This may be present in some...

winapi - C# WUApiLib - Download and Install Asynchronously -

I am programming from Microsoft using the WUApiLib library. I wrote a simple application that searches for all software updates That are not installed and then download and install them. This section is working perfectly (I use the code found here to help.). However, I want to use Beginner Download, End Download, Startstool, Library's End Functionality, so that it can report progress, back to the interface the functions of that article are synchronous and the functions that I mentioned They are asynchronous. I am using the first answer on this page as a template: However, my invitation () function is never being called and why I Can not understand iUpdateDownloader_on progress progression = new iUpdateDownloader_onprogressChanged (this); IDownloadJob downloadJob = downloader.BeginDownload (progress, new iUpdateDownloader_oncompleted (this), new iUpdateDownloader_state (this)); Public category iUpdate downloading_progress changed: IDownloadProgressChangedCallback {Perso...

C++ - Specialize member function for Template Class -

I have a class-template representing the mathematical vector: Lt; class Value_T, unsigned int N & gt; Square vector (public: zero normal) () {// normal liver only to double / float vectors} Personal: vector value_type elements [n] in element:; // Number of elements fixed constant size = N; }; I have to make a special treatment for the whole type of vectors because vector generalization is not possible on this type. So I can have a separate (specialization) for the generalized method which is based on the template graph VectorT class-template's Value_T I have tried to use the template specialization in different ways, But it did not get to work. Do I have to work a template function normally? At the moment it is just an normal member-method. You can solve this with an tag sending technique: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Type_traits & gt; Template & lt; Class Value_T, unsigned int N & gt; Square vector {public: zero ...

javascript - Treemap with d3: the x, y, dx & dy are NaN -

A quick question I have an issue with the D3 Trempe method is when I load this script, all the X 0 and the console tells me that y, dy and dx are not numbers. what I have done? var colorScale = d3.scale.category10 (); Var Canvas 9 = D ("result-side 9"). Append ("SVG") .attr ("width", 600) .attr ("height", 600) .attr ("transform", "translate (10, 10)"); D3.json ("assemblee5.json", function (data) {var treemap = d3.layout.treemap (). Size (550,550) .Node (data); var cells = canvas9.selectAll (". Cell"). Data ("X", function (d) {return dx;} (" ) .attr ("y", function (d, i) {return dy;}) .attr ("width", function (d, i) {return d.dx;}) .attr ("height", function ( D, i) {return d.dy;}) .attr ("fill", function (d, i) {return d.children? Null: colorScale (;}) .attr ("stroke" , "White"); cells .append ("text...

javascript - Should an async API ever throw synchronously? -

I am writing a JavaScript function which makes an HTTP request and gives a promise for the result (but this question is its A callback-based implementation applies equally to). If I know immediately that the arguments given for the function are invalid, then the function throw should be synchronously, or it should return a disapproved promise (or, if you wish , Then start the callback with the error example]? It is important that an async function should be treated always in an async manner, special For the status of error from the form? For example: Is it OK that throw If you know that the program is not in a suitable position for the async operation to proceed? getUserById (userId, cb) {if (userId! == parseInt (userId) }} {New error ('userId is not valid')} // make async call} // OR ... function getUserById (userId, cb) {if (userId! == parseInt (userId)} {return cb (new Error ('userId is not valid'))} // async call} Finally The decision t...

javascript - How to get rid of blocks nested too deeply while using jshint with grunt? -

Someone please help me fix the warning in the raucous voice. I am using a fall situation in my project and I am getting warnings, the blocks are also deeply nested & lt; 5>. var chartGuideLines = function () {var chartid = $ scope.chart.panel .id; Var chartTitle = $ scope.confdata.prop.chartsarray; (Var i = 0; i & lt; chartTitle.length; i ++) for {var chart links = chart title [i]; Var chart iid = charts lang.ed; If (Charts === chart) {for (var j = 0; j & lt; chartslength.charts.length; j ++) {var charts Data charts length Charte [J]; Var guidlines = chartsdata.guideliney; If (type off guideline! == 'undefined') {var guidlineY = $ scope.chart.targetNode.getElementsByClassName ('guideline-y'); {GuidlineY [ii] .style.strokeDasharray = guidlines.stroke; for Var (ii = 0; ii & lt; guidlineY.length; ii ++); }}}}}}; Thanks in advance. Just add the following sentence before the function begins. // jshint maxdepth: 5

javascript - How to create a function in which a box moves in accordance with 2 user inputs (direction and # of pixels to move) -

Even I have so far: My CSS is for the following box: P {width: 100px; Padding: 25px; Limit: 25px solid red; Margin: 25px; Status: fixed; Top: 100px; } And here is the JavaScript and HTML that I have done so far: & Lt; Br> Directions to move: & lt; Select ID = "Direction Selection" & gt; & Lt; Options & gt; Up & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Options & gt; Down & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Options & gt; Left & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Options & gt; Rights & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Br> & Lt; Input id = "status box" type = "button" value = "move the box" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; The part I am stumped on is how can I get my status box button to interact with my directions. Select drop-down menu and numpixels within my javascript Can any...

sql - How do I load columns from different tables into a cursor and display them? -

I want to display all the rows in the GameTabley, and I want to display one of the rows in the hawkopop. I have googled around, but it does not know how to load a cursor column from 2 tables and can display them. Using Oracle 11G This is my stored procedure code: process GetLotteryGame (number lg_id, lg_ref in lotg_ref_cursor) is BEGIN open lg_ref select a.GAMEDETAILSID, a.GAMENAME, a An INNER job from GAMECOST, a.GAMEDESCRIPTION, a.WHERETOPLAY, BHOWTOPLINEINFO GAMEDETAILS, b.GAMEDETAILSID = a.GAMEDETAILSID where a.GAMEDETAILSID & gt; = Lg_id; END GetLotteryGame; This is my call process code: set at 100000 DECLARE v_cursor LOTTERYGAMEPKG.lotg_ref_cursor at SET Serveroutput; V_gamedetailid GAMEDETAILS.gamedetailsID% Type; V_gamename GAMEDETAILS.gamename% type; V_gamecost GAMEDETAILS.gamecost% type; V_gamedescription GAMEDETAILS.gamedescription% Type; V_wheretoplay GAMEDETAILS.wheretoplay% type; V_howtoplayinfo HOWTOPLAY.howtoplayinfo% type; BEGINLOTERIGGAMPPKKGGGETL...

How to retrieve the data(String) from text file and send into particular field in application using java (selenium webdriver.) -

I have tried to get data from a text file that works, but sending the same data to the particular area in the application Is unable to Store that text in a string variable and send it via sendkeys (your_string) method.

r - Function param default value std:vector initialization with Rcpp and C++11? -

I am trying to write a C + + / RCPP function in which there is an optional argument that with length 1 The value of 0 is required to be a vector. The following is not compiled properly: cppFunction ("std :: vector test (std :: vector & lt; int & gt; out = {0} } {Return;} ") I get the following error: Error in the cpp function (" std :: vector test (std :: vector) Out = {1}} {\ NBack; \ n} "): No function definitions were found besides: Warning message: 1: Filey5f629605d7.cpp No function found for RQP :: export attribute: 2 2 : SourceCpp (in code = code, What is the correct way to do this? / div> currently Rcpp The package did not support the default value export. Ckages to repair (including Rcpp11 ), I have a solution on Rcpp : Library ("RQP") cppFunction (Plugins = C ("CPP 11"), 'Numeric Vector Test (Study :: Vector & Lt; Int & gt; Out) {return wrap (outside); } RCPP_MODULE (mod) {function ...

github - How do you fully revert to HTTPS after setting up SSH for Git? -

I am using Visual Studio 2013, and my source control system has git through the system, though the command line is fine, I'm a GUI man myself, I used to have a fortune before using the team explorer pane with Git. Recently, our shop has said that they want to start communicating with Github via SISH. I configured the SSH, checked it in CLI and all were good. It has been learned that Visual Studio 2013 uses a libgit2 distribution, libgit2sharp, which does not yet support ssh Team Explorer, when attempting to respond with commodity: An error occurred. Detailed message: libgit2 raised an error category = reference (error). Signature - Failed to parse malformed e-mail I've switched back to https (via the git remote set-url command) but it does not work As far as visual studio is concerned, I still get the error message above. I tried to uninstall it and install GIT again, and reconfigured it. Once again, I can access my repo through the command line and push bridges...

c - Compile object file for PAM module with curl -

I am writing a PAM module and I have to make an https request every time a user logs in. I have already applied that the problem with using curls is that as soon as I start curl, my c code is included, the module stops working. I use the commands given here to compile it: GCC -FPIC -fno-stack-protector -c mypam.c Sudo LD-X - SHARE -O / LIB / x86_64-linux-gnu / security / mypam.o It collects without problems but PAM module Is not being interpreted. If I remove the curl part then it works fine (I add lines required to use ) I think the problem is that the GCC Along with that I'm not saying that I want to use curls I tried to do gcc -fPIC -fno-stack-protector -c mypam.c -lcurl but it complains : MyPam.c: function in pam_sm_authenticateâ ????: mypam.c: 593: 2: error: unknown type name â "PRAP" any witch What is happening and ?? If I compile this as a normal program with a main function and use the command: GCC-GGDB-VALVISHER -O F...

CSS3 DIVs different backgrounds -

I am a CSS3 user, just starting using different web instances, so please forgive me if this question Stupid or very basic (we all have to learn some time!) I have a simple example DIV and it is styled in such a way: . Img1 {width: 206px; Height: 206px; Margin-left: auto; Margin-right: auto; Background: URL (Mom206x206.jpg); } Two questions: 1 - This legal syntax is background: url (Mom206x206.jpg) or it should not be accompanied by it Quote: Background: url ("Mom206x206.jpg") 2 - How do I use the same class, but what are the different backgrounds? Or would I have to make a different category for every background in this style? 1.- In the documents it has been said that: The format of a URI value is followed by the 'url' ('alternative white space' followed by the optional single quote (') or duplicate quotation (')) after the URI itself, optional single bid (') or double quotation (" ) Followed by 'White' afte...

python - Django: Naive datetime while time zone support is active (sqlite) -

I'm going around it in the circle and need some help me a experience time zone Issue of warning is continuing. I am not sure what mistake I am getting! ARG. Here's the warning: / Django / db / model / regions / __ RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField Video.modified Receives an inexperienced datetime (2014- 10-07 00:00:00) While the time zone support is active. RuntimeWarning) Here is the code (some revised): Import the django.db from the imported model django.utils from the time zone category itemBase (model. Model) to ): Created = models.DateTimeField (editable = false) Modified = models.DateTimeField (editable = false) Category Meta: = Abstract True def save (self, * args, ** kwargs): "save" Update timestamps on "" "if self.created = () self.modified = () Return super (ItemBase, self) .save (* args, ** kwargs) class video ( ItemBase): Pass and relevant (I think) my Part of the settings file:...

java - The value of the local variable word is not used -

I have a way in which a scanner is in the form of a parameter, the purpose of the method is to calculate the number of words in a file Do it and have to return that number. Here's the method: Public Static Inter WordCount (Scanner InputFile) FontNoteFound Actions {int wordCount = 0; While (inputFile.hasNext ()) {string word = (); Word count ++; } Return password; } The method works fine, but I "do not use the value of the local variable" warning which I would like to get rid of I understand why I am getting a warning, however, as far as I know, I need string word = (); To move the pointer through the file. I can suppress the warning, though, I think that I am probably trying to do. I can use only the scanner class to read the file. What you're doing is okay, but warnings are given because you only the word and can not read it anyway, instead of just saving the results, leaving the assignment and just try using inpu...

google maps - How to subtract coordinates from eachother -

I am battling the following problem: I coordinate the boundingbox with a certain route in google map Let's get interest information points from an API. This API then tells that if there is a POI in the bounding box but because it is a box, it also shows the POI that is not on a specific path. Say for example we have a route, from Birmingham to London and we know that it has 2 POIs when I use route boundingbox coordinates with Google Maps for POI, then I also get other POIs Not in the box but in the box. Can someone please explain how I can reduce these coordinates from one another, so remove the coordinates of the POI, which are not on the path. So I keep POI only on my way. Thanks in advance. You can use Return all the POIs and check whether the POI is near the passage (should be a polyline, e.g., overview_path of the route). Use appropriate tolerance to get the desired results, default-tolerance is probably not the best option.

Migration of Weblogic Portal with NetUIX from bea weblogic server to JBoss -

I have a project where we want to migrate from weblogic server to jabos. This project is built using Webportal Behavior and NetUI, NetUIx XML Portal / Portlets. Is it possible that they can migrate directly with very limited changes, such as re-using the whole framework to be reused. There are also files I suspect that we can use tiles instead of using portals in Jebus, because tiles are loading in the browser, they will not call the initial methods of separate controllers and From there, the default content will not be loaded from there. I request you to help you find a solution to this migration problem. Thanks, Amit From my experience, migration to WebSite from Weblogic Portal It is necessary to rewrite the whole application. If you are using a weblogic portal (probably 9.3 version since you mentioned the network), that is, at the top of the portal framework o weblogic server, similar to Portal Framework P13N and NetIi There are lots of libraries such that migra...

ssl - Site certificate serial number changed after imported to Java keystore using keytool -

I am configuring a Java client so that it is connected to an https service. This service is in an experimental injection, so no certified certificate has been provided, and I have to manually import it into Java Keystore to work. In the browser, I checked the certificate and the serial number is something like this: â ???? ca d0 fa e 6 4cc 2 2b 16 60 88 51fb e4e3 2a1f and I downloaded this certificate and imported the castastore But if I check the serial number again, using the command with keytool utility: keytool -list -v -keystore cacerts has changed the serial number: -352f0519b23dd4e99f77ae041b1cd5e1 However, the MD5 and Teh SHA1 / fingerprints Is similar, so why change serial number Is received? And I'm probably unable to connect to the server due to this mismatch? I am referring to this link for this trial: just a false statement signed by the same serial number of an unsigned integer as the integer that if you as binary 1100101011010000111...

jit - C++ - Create function at runtime -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 12 जवाब सी ++ में, मुझे एक बड़ी तालिका के प्रत्येक कक्ष पर कुछ उपयोगकर्ता-निर्धारित कार्रवाइयां करें तालिका के आकार की वजह से, मैं व्याख्याकृत निर्देशों का उपयोग नहीं करना चाहता हूँ, लेकिन रनटाइम के दौरान संकलन करने के लिए कि मैं प्रत्येक सेल पर कॉल करूंगा। उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा परिभाषित क्रियाएं बहुत सरल हैं: if ((state1 और amp; state2) || state3) फिर change_a_value_in_memory यही कारण है कि मुझे एलएलवीएम या अन्य जेआईटी पुस्तकालयों का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है । मैं सिर्फ एमएएमएप का इस्तेमाल करने और कोड को हेक्स में सीधे से जोड़ने में संकोच करता हूं। मुझे यह जानना अच्छा लगता है कि क्या यह बेहतर उपाय है, या यदि नहीं, तो मुझे कहां मिल सकता है सी + + फ़ंक्शन कोड का मूल स्वरूप इसे सीधे मेमोरी में लिखने के लिए। धन्यवाद, और मेरी अंग्रेजी के लिए खेद है: / यह सबसे सुरुचिपूर्ण नहीं है, लेकिन यह हमेशा कार्य करता है: अपने फ़ंक्शन के C ++ कोड के साथ एक फ़ाइल उत्पन्न करें, सिस्टम () का उपयोग करके संकलक को कॉल करें, लोड करें जेनर...

c# - The best overloaded method match for has some invalid arguments -

When I hold the following line of code I get an error: using (_client = new RestClient ( "url", this)) error: to 'MyNamespace.RestClient (MyNamespace.MyPresenter, string) the Good overloaded method matching is 'some invalid argument' I have seen one of these million "matching best overload method for thread" but my problem looks a bit different. Detailed Compiler Output states that can not be changed by it: MyPresenter [C: \ path \ to \ class \ file] from MyPresenter [C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework64 \ v4 .0.30319 \ temp ASP .NET files \ root \ 3d988ef4 \ 66e82b30 \ assembly \ dl3 \ 995d0d63 \ 042c184e_aae2cf01 \ ProjectName.DLL] I'm not sure what is going wrong here. // default.aspx.cs (visual class) public partial class MyView: Page {Private Readonly MyPresenter _presenter; Public MyView () {_presenter = New MyPresenter (this); } Public Text Box Output Text {{Get Output Output;}} Secure Zero Page_load (Object Sender, ...

jquery - Bootstrap 3 Dropdown Slidedown Strange Behavior when Navbar Collapsed -

Then I was adding some animations to the Navbar dropdown, but for some reason the most accepted answer () breaks or becomes The "regular" shape is slippery in small window sizes. So the odd thing is that it only happens with the slide animation from the post text: dropdown animation at ('. Dropdown'). ('', function (e) {$ (this). Find ('. Dropdown-menu') first (). Stop (true, true). Slidedown (5000);}); // drop down on ADD slipup animation / $ ('. Dropdown') ('', function (e) {$ (this) .find ('. Dropdown-menu'). First () .stop (true, true) .slideUp (5000);}); I can copy and paste those rows that can be pasted into Google Chrome's console, once my navbar drops, and they break all of my resolutions (I Time has expanded for trying and troubleshooting.) General: Broken slideup: But for some reason, if I run $ ('. navbar') I can. Find '(dropdown-menu'). Slid...

Why I can't add a new variable to the Session in Classic ASP? -

So, I thought I could add a new element in the user session to add some functionality. I could honestly thought that I have: some function (Param 1, Nuparam) {Session ( "Mainveprm") = Nuparam; // So this is a new session element called 'MyNewParam', right ..? ...} When a user clicks a button and then another webpage loads, it is called. The result, with this new line of code: the next web page does not load, nothing happens. Any and all comments are welcomed. Solution or helpful comments will be great. Even if your syntax is correct, I've run into a problem before, where classic ASP session variables It did not want to take if it was clearly not typed though. I'm not sure why this is, but it is working for me in the past. Session ("minweparam") = persian (neuparam); Obviously, you can use string (), parseflot () ... or whatever. As I said, the syntax is otherwise perfect, so if the code is not working, you might want to beg...

ios - UINavigationController Title(s) and buttons are not displayed within UITabBarController -

I have difficulty getting the title of the navigation bar to display with the button within my tabbar controller interface. I am creating the tabBarController program here for reference. Here is the screenshot I have tried to put self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden = yes; Within the allocation / init method of the tab Bark Controller, which is allocated in the desalit and the window sets the root ViUI controller. I code this code to self.navigationController.title = [[self.viewControllers objectAtIndex: self.selectedIndex] title]; with your title. I also tried to use the same code within the ViewDidLoad method of my TabBr Controller class. Within the light / init method of UITabBarController, I have this code to set up controller controllers which I have added to the viewControllers array. UIAJGNetNoolar * Navy2 = [[UIDNESSON CONTROLLER ALLOCK] INST VITOROUT VUI Controller: ContactTableview]; Nav2.title = @ "Contact"; Nav2.navigationItem.title = @ ...

mysql - Read each line from a result set and setting the value -

Contact me as user id (int), user_name (four) and column in table (t1) (four) is. I need to be repeated on the table to find out which user_name is present multiple times in the table and counting and if I use count to remove user_NA, then this event will be more than three times. Counting from username_name (*) & gt; 3 has tried to use the output user_name EXPR_1 Chris 4 Fred 5 . Now if I need to use values ​​in EXPR_1 how to reinvise this result on the set without creating a new / temporary table. as a sub-selection of your query Use: Delete T1 WHERE user_name IN (SELECT user_name FROM T1 GROUP BY user_name is getting COUNT (user_name)> 3) Feedback to the comment: OK, now I'm confused as to what I'm asking for you. If you want to do so, according to the most counting, just do this: select user_name, COUNT (user_name) as user number by user group 1 user Name (user_name) & gt; DESC by 3 commands Now when you recycle them, then the numbe...

ruby on rails - How to print out the inverted index created by elasticsearch? -

If I wanted to get all the tokens of the index which creates elastic search (I'm using it), I How about going about this? Doing such a thing only creates a specific set of tokens for a search term: curl -XGET 'http: // localhost: 9200 / development_test / _analyze? Text = John Smith ' You can add environments in the inverted index "Elastomer / client" requires "client" = Elastomer :: Client.Nue ({: url = & Gt; "http: // localhost: 9200"} index = "someindex" type = "sometype" field = "somefield" word = set.New client. scan (zero, index = & gt; index, type = & gt; type) .each_document do | document | Term_vectors = client.index (index) .docs (type) .termvector ({: fields = & gt; field ,: id = & gt; document ["_ id"]}) ["term_vectors"] if term_vectors.key? (Field) Term_vectors [field] ["Terms"] Key. Words | Until terms.include? (Term) terms & lt; &...

java - How to use getConstructor with Generic class? -

This is my first brush with reflection and generic in Java, so please forgive my ignorance. I am trying to instantiate a classroom using reflection and generic, but my toy program gets an error, the goal is to instantiate with the inst class constructor. code: / * * This is a builder class to make an example / package generic.xp class; Import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; Import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; Public category builder {public stable & lt; E & gt; E throws InstantiationException (class E & gt; c), IllegalAccessException {// class & lt ;? & Gt; [] Type = New class & lt ;? & Gt; [1]; // type [0] = inst.class; Try {manufacturer & lt; E & gt; Ctor = c.getConstructor (c); //c.getConstructor(type); Return (ctor.newInstance ("test")); } Hold (NoSuchMethodException | Security Exception | InvalidAuthor Exception | InvocationTargetException e) {e.printStackTrace (); Return tap; }}} / * * This is the class for wh...

mongodb - use db.update to update all the documents -

I want to use a Mongo Shell to update some documents that looks like this: I want to change the dash - to enter _ to enter usernames . Can I make it a Mongo shell? My Mongo shell version is as follows: & gt; Version () 2.6.4 db.c.find (user name : / - /}, {user name: 1}) .for (function (e) {var user name = e.username.replace ("-", "_"); db.c.update ({_ id : E._id}, {$ set: {username: username}})}} If you want to change to all user names, Use the db.c.find ({user name: / - /}, {username}: 1}). Pre (function (e) {var username name = e.username.replace (/ - / g , "_"); Db.c.update ({_ id: e._id}, {$ set: {username: users Class Name}});});

css - How to customize radio button in html -

I am trying to get radio button like this .. but I'm getting this way If no option is selected, then I want to customize the radio button Is required and it should show white color inside it. If the radio button is selected, then the green color should be displayed inside the box. index.html & lt ;; Doctype html & gt; How to get it? & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta charset = "UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; Style & gt; / * Radio button css * / label {display: inline; }. Radio-1 {Width: 193px; }. Button holder {float: left; Margin-left: 6px; Margin-top: 16px; }. Amit-Radio {Display: None; } .Audit-radio + label {background color: #fafafa; Border: 2px solid # cassette; Range radius: 50px; Box-shadow: 0 1 px 2 px rgba (0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 -15 px 10 px-12px rgba (0, 0, 0, 0.05) inset; Display: Inline-block; Padding: 11px; Status: Relative; }. Amit-Radio: Check + Label: {After background: Any repeatable scrolls 0 0 # 94E...

ldap - php login failure using AD LDS -

I am trying to write a basic php script that connects my AD LDS example and authenticates a user , But I'm getting the login failure. The scripts are: & lt ;? Php included ("authenticate.php"); // Check whether the user is logging in or not (isset ($ _GET ['out'])) // // destroy the session session_unset (); $ _SESSION = Array (); Not set ($ _ session ['user'], $ _ session ['access']); session_destroy (); } // Check to see if the login form has been submitted if (isset ($ _ POST ['userLogin'])) {// Run information through authentication (if certify ($ _ POST ['userlogin' ], $ _ POST ['userpassword'])) {// authentication passed title ("location: success.php"); Die (); } Else {// authentication failed $ error = 1; }} // If the output error for the user echo (isset ($ error)) "Login failed: incorrect user name, password, or rights "; // Output logout success if (isset ($ _GET ['out'])) ...

iphone - how to return keyboard on textfield while textfield on tableview cell in ios -

How can I return the keyboard to the text field, while I have put a textfield on cellfilm, I am using the TextfieldShouldercher method But it is not working, please tell me how do I solve it? This table is my code for the text field set on the work cell - (UITableViewCell *) Table view: (UITableView *) Table view CellForUAUIT_Path: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {static NSString * cellidentitifier = @ "Cell"; UITableViewCell * cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle: UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier: cellidentitifier]; If (cell == blue) {cell = [tableview decouwer reusable cell with iddatifier: cell determinator]; } And {[Cell ReadyForius]; } UIImageView * imgview = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (30, 10, 70, 70)]; Imgview.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor]; [Cell.contentView addSubview: imgview]; UITextField * _nameTF = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (120, 10, 160, 22)]; _nameTF.placeholder = @ "Customer Name";...

database - Non Case sensitive in ORM search method in openerp -

ओआरपी विधि में OpenERP strong>। मैं डेटाबेस में डुप्लिकेट पंक्तियों को निम्नानुसार खोजता हूं: duplicate_ids = (cr, uid, [('country_id', '=', country_id), ('keyword_list', ' केस-संवेदनशील मैं मामला-संवेदी पूर्व: देश_आईडी में, "वियतनाम" = "वियतनाम" या ऐसा कुछ धन्यवाद आपकी समस्या का हल ऑपरेटर ilike duplicate_ids = (cr , ('मूल', 'आईआईएल', मूल)]) ( , 'आईआईएलई', देश_आईडी), ('keyword_list', 'आईआईएलई', फाइनल_स्ट्रैक)] - IIS: Download large file with wget - connection always fails with Bitrate Throottling -

I have a problem allowing IIS to download file with bitrate throttling I set the border file to 100kb / s There is no problem without the bitrate limit but I have a problem with the limit I am using the code mentioned in this article: I also control IIS bitrate throttling and billet with "hand" Tried, calculate the timezone of bitrate, and Using red. Sleep (10) a while ... But all my efforts were useless, I did not get any exceptions. I use wget to download, like this: wget -t1 Xml (you can try it with wget for windows) This is a 240 MB text file, wget always stops, in the random state of download , 5% - 60% and it throws an error message: Read error on the byte ... (peer by resetting connection). The problem is not with IIS, because the local host is probably working, but is not online on highly loaded servers. This parameter is specified in the wget command: wget -t 1 --header = "Keep-...

java - JPA where clause condition -

I am using this mapping in Hibernate 3 in the hbm.xml file: & lt; class table = "mtl_material_transactions" name = "" where = "transaction_type_id in (35,44,90)" schema = "app" & gt; The main point is where , how can I do this with JPA 2.0 ? Provider) . You can use the @where annotation for details. See: For example, your organization looks like this: @AntityTable (name = "mtl_material_transactions", schema = " Application ") @ where (section =" transaction_type_add in (35,44,90) ") public category content transaction {...}

Dynamic pivot query using MySQL -

मेरे पास विवरण के साथ निम्नलिखित तालिका है: उदाहरण : टेबल बनाओ टेबल 1 (`पीके`आईटी,` नाम 'varchar (3), `विषय' varchar (9),` ग्रेड 'varchar (1)); मूल्य (1, 'बॉब', 'मठ', 'ए'), (2, 'बॉब', 'हिस्ट्री', 'बी') तालिका 1 (`पीके`,` नाम`, `विषय`,` ग्रेड`) में शामिल करें ',' 3 ',' बॉब ',' भाषा ',' सी '), (4,' बॉब ',' जीवविज्ञान ',' डी '), (5,' मुकदमा ',' इतिहास ',' सी ') , (6, 'मुकदमा', 'मठ', 'ए'), (7, 'मुकदमा', 'संगीत', 'ए'), (8, 'मुकदमा', 'भूगोल', 'सी'); अब मैं एक स्टोर प्रक्रिया लिखना चाहता हूं जिसके माध्यम से मैं तालिका को धुरा करना चाहता हूं। प्रयास DELIMITER $$ PROCEDURE sptest1 बनाएं (IN एनएम varchar (50), IN sub varchar (50)) SET @sql = NULL आरंभ करें; चुनें GROUP_CONCAT (अलग कंक्रीट ('मैक्स (मामले जब', एनएम, '=' '', एनएम, '' ...

ios - dispatch_after after dealloc issue -

MyViewController में viewDidLoad में मेरे पास केवल एक कॉल है: - (शून्य) दृश्यडिडलोड { [सुपर व्यूडिडलोड]; // दृश्य लोड करने के बाद कोई अतिरिक्त सेटअप करें Self.isNeedToExecute = हाँ; प्रेषण_प्रारंभिक (डिस्पैच_टाइम (DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t) (20 * NSEC_PER_SEC)), प्रेषण_आउट_मैन_क्यूउ (), ^ {[स्वयं डस सिमप्ले टिंघन्स];}); } - (शून्य) doSomeSimpleThings {यदि (! self.isNeedToExecute) {वापसी; } // कुछ सरल क्रियाएं करें - (शून्य) डेलोक {self.isNeedToExecute = NO; } इसके बाद कोड में मैं इस दृश्य नियंत्रक को पॉप करता हूं, इसलिए बिना प्रेषण के बाद dealloc को सुनिश्चित करने के लिए निष्पादित किया जाएगा। प्रश्न: 1) इस मामले में dealloc विधि को बुलाया जाएगा (जब हमारे पास प्रेषण के बाद है, जिसे कार्यान्वित किया जाना चाहिए 20 सेकंड)? 2) क्या इस विधि [self doSomeSimpleThings]; को dealloc के बाद निष्पादित किया जाएगा? संपादित करें: मैंने इस प्रश्न को पोस्ट करने से पहले कोशिश की, और डेलोक को नहीं बुलाया गया और सोचा कि यह अजीब था, इसलिए मैंने इस प्रश्न को यहां पूछा। ...

html - bootstrap horizontal navbar not working. appears as vertical -

Hi I used Bootstrap Vertical Navbar in my home page and now I want to create a horizontal navbar in my gallery page. But the new navbar is also looking vertical. I want to create bootstrap default navbar for this page. To create a vertiacl navbar in the home page, I have used this code as segmant. Make / * Sidebar Navigate Vertical * / @ Media (Minimum Width: 768px). Sidebar-nav.navbar .navbar-fall (padding: 0; max-height: none;} sidebar-nav.nbbar ul {float: none;}. Sidebar-nav navbar ul: no {display: block; } Sidebar-NAV Nawabar Li {Float: None; Display Area;} Sidebar - NAV Navaar Li A {Padding-Top: 12px; Padding-Down: 12px;} You know this What you are using these properties should be .. Display: Block; : In a block formatting reference, The second, vertical, one block is laid out from the beginning at the top of the block, the vertical distance between the two brother boxes is determined by the 'margin' properties. Vertical formatting reference vertical m...

file - null type and compiler error in c -

I have used an online compiler to compile the following code, and it puts an error which says: "Undesired undeclared (first use in this function)" I do not understand where the problem is, as I thought we do not need to declare zero. int main (int argc, char * argv []) {FILE * f; F = fopen (argv [1], "r"); Four strings [17]; While (fgets (string, 17, f)! = Null) {........ while (fgets (string, 17, f)! = Null) {} BTW: For the next problems, you can use this site There are many good examples for the C function

c# - Update one table and insert into another table in SQL Server 2008 -

The company with {Company ID} has a combination of two tables (Auto Incharge Primary Key) and Group ID (Auto Informant Primary Key). In the group table, I want to include group details on the group table with the group id inserted in the group table, along with updating the group column of the company table and submitting the button. Please suggest me how to do this with different orders or through stored procedures. I'm a little weak with SQL Server queries so with some clarification some help is needed. What I'm doing wrong is what gives wrong syntax to the keyword "inner". thank you in advanced. submit button click code: secure void btnSubmit_Click (object sender, EventArgs e) {string group = GroupName text; String section = section. Text; String company = session ["com"]. Toasting (); If ((HttpContext.Current.User! = Null) & amp; amptt; HTTPXx.Current.Under.indenti.authorized & amp; company! = Faucet) {String StrCon = Configura...