
Showing posts from June, 2011

extjs - Query for child component with a specific xtype -

Is there a method for querying a child component of xtype 'myxtype'? For example, you have a panel, and there is a custom proxy located on a toolbar inside this panel. The searcher works great to type backups, but there is no method like FindBildType and the method below only works on the elements Ext.ComponentQuery is a singleton, but not for xtypes? Another way to ask about the component? yourCt.down yourCt .child will do the same, but is limited to children directly, the first example of a container with the specified type of component children and lineage will be found. Container. yourCt.query will be all of matching components under the container as an array. yourCt.up will be available to the guardian before the matching container. Oh, and Ext.ComponentQuery.query can move an optional object that is used as the starting point for the query. These are all basic (and clearly documented)

linux - send mulitple args to system() in C -

Suppose I have a line bash script that executes in all the arguments #! / Bin / bash $ 1 Then, the command ./ "ls -lh" works fine except that I have a code which is Accept logic and sends them to my bass script int main (int argc, char * argv []) {char command [1000]; Sprintf (command, "/ path / to / s", RGR [1]); System (order); Return 0; } And I have a problem here, because ./ c_program "ls -lh" gives only ls outputs some arguments Do not understand how I need to modify my code, so can it accept some arguments? I have issues with fork and exec For example, to avoid completely quote, consider for example that if any ' is contained within an argument - when sprintf is doing the CMD-line, but it The cutting line breaks if the cutting line is broken. int pud = fork (); If (pid == 0) {execl ("/ bin / sh", "sh", "-c", arg1, arg2, arg3, 0); } Else {in...

Send google analytics event in loop -

I'm a newbie in analytics. I have created a track record event every time a time-tracking creates time-records in the web application, but the user records a one-time record for several dates Who should do a record-created event for each new record? Is the job of a simple loop or Google thinks my event is coming very fast to them? Do I have a setTimeout ? _. Each (date, function () (ga ('send', 'event', 'record-created') should be added; // perhaps wrap up the line in one setout?}); : Each analytics.js tracker object starts with 20 hits, which is 2 Hit is loaded per second. It applies to all hits except ecommerce (item or transaction). Plus you have "only" 500 interaction hits per session , So you have too many Iv Will not leave replies to or GA data

Exist a service like in android for windows phone 8? -

I want to create a service like Android that is always running Accelerometer data in the background. I have searched for a background agent but I have read that you can not get data from the sensor but the information is not very clear. Is there any problem that can solve this problem? Thanks All sections in Microsoft.Devices.Sensors namespace are unsupported Source in Agents: You Can not Do It

php - While shows only one result -

itemprop = "text"> I have this code: & lt; Php (includes "config.php"); // mysql connect and clear mysql (i) filter $ cislonakupus = $ _GET ['cislonakupu']; $ Su = mysql_query ("Select * from 'count_size` where' caslonacupu '=' $ cislonakupus'"); While ($ line = mysql_fetch_array ($ su)) {$ pid1 = $ row ['idproduktu']; $ S9 = $ line ['s']; Echo $ s9; Die (); }? & Gt; And as shown below, my table shows two records. table "count_size" cislonakupu = 123, S = 1 cislonakupu = 123, s = 2 echo first record only print out s as 1, and s as 2 Why is that so? You have a dye in the loop - Defining a WebAPI route without the /api/{controller} prefix -

I want to request in the format without the prefix / api / {controller} (like /download/image1.jpg ) by a WebAPI controller method. Is it possible or do I need to switch to the MVC controller? I have set the following route: config.routes.MapHttpRoute (name: "check", path: "download", default: new {controller = "download", action = "check in "}); But unfortunately this does not work, the controller is not even created (I have a mark in the constructor) Try attribute routing (only available in Web API2)

How do I set/unset cookie with jQuery? -

How can I set and set cookies using jQuery, for example test Create a cookie and set the value to 1 View the plugin: You can then: $ Cookie ("test", 1); To delete: $. Removecookie ("test"); Additionally, to set a fixed amount of fixed days (10 here) on the cookie: $. Cookie ("test", 1, {expiration: 10}); If the timeout option is omitted, the cookie becomes a session cookie, and the browser is deleted when exited. To cover all options: $ The cookie ("test", 1, {expires: 10, // 10 day path is ending: '/', // the value of the path attribute of the cookie // (default: path of the cookie page) domain: '', // the value of the domain's attribute of the cookie // (default: the domain of the page that creates the cookie): safe: true // If the cookie's safe feature is set / and cookie transmission / / Will need a secure protocol (default to false).}); To read the value of the cook...

tsql - SQL Mirroring - Queries to confirm health and to check back log -

I am after any SQL queries that may be able to confirm the health of the mirror. Also if there is a query in which you can see the current backlog. Thanks a lot in advance. The following code will get all the details of mirroring: EXEC sp_dbmmonitorresults [database of Name], [Late x hour results], [status does not update for database] Example: USE msdb; EXEC sp_dbmmonitorresults AdWords Works 2012, 2, 0; This code gets a description of the last 2 hours.

javascript - Angulartics GA events not getting tracked -

I am using it in my project I have set it as a docs. In its reality, events are not being tracked and tracked by everyone. Here is my code: See: // is not tracking & lt; a href = "#" ng-click = "download ()" analytics-on = "click" analytics-event = "download" & gt; Push & lt; / A & gt; index.html & lt ;! - Enter your GOOGLE analysis code below - & gt; & Lt; Script src = "vendor / angular / angulartics.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "vendor / angular / angulartics-ga.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; (Function (I, S, O, G, R, A, M) {i ['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = R; I [R] = I [R] || function () {(I [R]. C = I [r] .q || []). Push (logic)}, I [R] .l = 1 * new date (); a = s.create element (o), m = s.getElementsByTagName (o) [0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore (a, m)}) (window, document, '...

Script to update RVM-based ruby install and gems -

Some pairs of searches have not triggered an obvious way to update my RVM-based ruby ​​and gems, so I The following script has been killed. Desire is to get a list of gems set up currently, update on new ruby, move those gems forward, then clear the old versions of everything. I am posting it for feedback, because I do not see an easy way to test it and I am quite capable of Ruby and do not give much information about RVM. #! /Usr / Bin / env ruby ​​module RubyUpdate def self.cmd (str, cmd) until $$ retrast =% x (# {cmd}) throws (SystemCallError, cmd)? == 0 Return Retal and Def self.update gem = self.cmd% Q (Getting list of established gems ...),% q (gem list | cut-d '' -f 1) self.cmd% q ruby ...),% cue (\\ curl -L | bash -s static - rub) self.cmd% cue (reloading ...),% cue (rvm again Load) Self.cmd% Q (Gems Updating ..),% cue (Gem Update # {gems.gsub ("\ n", ""}}) self.cmd% cue (cleaning gems ... ),% Q (Mani Cleanup) self.cmd% Q (r...

delphi - VCL Style from DLL is affecting TMenuItem in Application -

I am using Delphi XE6 and VCL styles. I have the main application and DLL. My main application runtime theme is enabled and I am using vcl style files. I did a lot for my DLL, I have enabled the Runtime Theme and have used the VCL.Themes, VCL.Styles under VCL style file and used the resource file. When DLL loads, I load the VCL style from resources and set it to DLL GUI. The main app and DLL have not been created with the runtime package Now I have the main app GUI that is styled with its style and DLL Gui is styled with its style. It works fine as long as ... When I click on the button in my main app, this event opens TPopupMenu, then it's a style similar to the DLL GUI instead of the main app style Styles together. If I navigate through the menu then I also get AV and the program crashes. See attached image What am I doing wrong? The only way I can see the present, which was obtained from some other control, would be to create my own customized TPopupMenu. As I prom...

osx - Could use some help setting up and running knockd on Mac :) -

When I talk of a bash, then a number I've found that looks promising, but I can not afford to get me to do this work. What I'm not clear on (for the beginning): Do I need to install the source code? Or what OSX client should run on itself? If anyone has experience with this and I can walk through it, then I have to be very bound! Thank you very much, - By typing the following command into the terminal You can: Ruby-A "$ (curl-FSSL" After installing the Homebrew, you can install such packages on your system: Install the Alcohol pack pack In your case, You can do brew install knock and it should work.

web services - c# Http Request KeepAlive Request Order -

My question about HTTP header: connection: keep- alive and connection: off I am calling a web service the web service is hosted on multiple servers and the load is balanced. If I connection header is Keep- If Alive is set to then two operations need to be done (2 calls to the service) - but I need to make sure Is that those Programming requests are sent to the server . For example, if 3 servers were behind Load Balancer: Request # 1 (Operation # 1) - calls service and is sent to server # 1 Request # 2 (Operation # 1) - calls service and server is sent to # 1 Request # 3 (Operation # 2) - calls service And server # 2 is sent Request # 4 (Operation # 2) - calls the service and is sent to server # 2 Request # 5 ( Operation # 3) - calls the service and all # 3 on request Request # 6 (Operation # 3) - calls service and is sent to server # 3 Request # 7 (Operation # 4) - Calls the service and the server is sent in # 1 Request # 8 (Operation # 4) - Ser...

java - HttpAsyncTask returns null as data -

To return a string from our simple http function, we have a problem in getting the HTTPPiccon Task: just send us the data Want to be able to get a URL and receive a reasonable response which we can use later in our other sections. One areafindler class gets the correct response to a point. Here is our subsidiary funder: the expansion of the public square HttpRequester activity (Strict string result; public string make the user (string user name) {execute new HTTPPicink Task (). ("" + username); System.out.println ("user ID id; result is;); // also returns null return result;} Public static string received (string url) {InputStream inputStream = null; Tr Y {// HttpClient HTTP Client httpclient = Create New DefaultHttpClient (); // Request the URL HttpResponse httpResponse = httpclient.execute (new HttpGet (url)); // inputstream inputStream = httpResponse.getEntity () Convert GetContent (); // InputStream to String if (...

javascript - NVD3 Cumulative line chart displays wrong y values -

I have converted a line chart to the cumulative line chart and its y values ​​are not displayed properly. The Y axis range should be 80.00 - 140.00 but instead I get -0.08 - 0.20. Has anyone managed to work with all types of categories under its normalization code? {'Y': (lines.y () (point, point index) - v) / (1 + v)}; Return point;}) Any help will be greatly appreciated. I know that this question is some old, but I believe that the normalization code for the cumulative line Chart is not conceptual right; In addition, the NVD 3 cumulative line chart implementation is actually an index chart implementation (), I think it would be more like a cumulative line chart, I think. Cumulative charts can easily be achieved using the NVD3 line chart and some quick modifications in the underlying data. If we take Bostoncan correctly, and we really want to get the indexed line chart, then the indexed function in NVD3 should be changed: / * index Making data normal by the po...

javascript - Dynamically Change Page Content and Set Hash with AJAX/jQuery -

I am trying to create a webpage that will fill a device by dynamically using AJAX. I'm only able to update the devil content with the following AJAX code: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# projects-list a"). (Function (e) {e.preventDefault (); var url = $ (this) .attr ('href'); // Get the link that you want to load data from $ .ajax ({type: ' GET ', url: Url, success: work (data) {$ (' # content ') .Fedaut (300, function) ($ (' # content ') .html (data) .delay (200). FadeIn (300 );});}});});}); However, I hope to find a way to update the page URL or to change the hash. For example, when a user is given a link to /projects.html , they will be sent to a page of the link, and then when a link is clicked, the content is used by AJAX And changed to URL /projects.html#first In this way the user has navigated to /projects.html#first , they are the origin of the projects Instead of choosing from the list, you will see content fo...

java - android how to build the apk that works for android 2.3 as minimum os level -

ऐसा मेरे मैनिफ़ेस्ट फ़ाइल को कैसे दिखता है & lt; manifest xmlns: android = " Http:// "package =" "android: versionCode =" 1 "एंड्रॉइड: versionName =" 1.0 "& gt; & Lt; उपयोग- sdk एंड्रॉइड: minSdkVersion = "8" एंड्रॉइड: targetSdkVersion = "17" / & gt; जब मैं एंड्रॉइड प्रोजेक्ट पर & gt; गुण & gt; एंड्रॉइड मैं एंड्रॉइड 4.0 के रूप में न्यूनतम के रूप में निशाना नाम देखता हूं मैं एंड्रॉइड 2.3 प्लेटफॉर्म में एपीके फाइल को प्रयोग करने योग्य बनाना चाहता हूं फीचर्स और एपीआई का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: Google मानचित्र v2, फ्यूज़ स्थान प्रदाता मैं एंड्रॉइड के लिए काफी नया हूँ, मैंने आपका ऐप एपीआई 17 वाले एंड्रॉइड वर्जन पर लक्षित है, लेकिन आपका ऐप जीबी (जिंजरब्रेड 2.3.x) के लिए समर्थित है, न्यूनतम एपीआई स्तरीय 10 तक का उल्लेख करके आपका ऐप चलाया जाना माना जाता है 2.3.x में और जब भी आप सभी सुविधाओं का उपयोग करते रहेंगे, तब तक जीबी जैसे फ्रैग्मेंट्स, एक्शनबार ...

xcode - Custom fonts on xcode do not appear on xib -

I'm trying to add new fonts on xcode5 to use them directly on the xcode file. My fonts are 3 files: Kelsen Sense Bold. Tiff Kelsen Sans Light. OTF and Kelsoon Sense Regular. OTF). I have - files have been added to my project - my full name of "fonts" files (with extensions) - items / files / libraries / fonts added to the local directory But new fonts do not appear in the interface. I'm missing something? Tx in advance. The font that has been added to XCode5 does not work in the interface builder Something like this: textField.font = [UIFont fontWithName: @ "signature-regular" size: size]; or NSAttributedString

Gremlin What is the difference between transform and sideEffect -

Here the total n00b while talking of Gremlin, but someone will tell me the difference between a "change" and "side effects" ? I read Gremlin docs and both seem "on time", take information, massage the data and generate output. I thought that when I looked like "conversion" then most "gators", but then why would it be called "change"? And then I saw that he worked under the changes which was much more than the data received. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance! A behavior behaves as a map function, where Gremlin The value of the pipeline is truly transformable for a different value: devil> GV Transform {} == & gt; Marco ==> Wads ==> Lop ==> Josh ==> Wave ==> Peter Note that in the above example, we will call name on Names for the string value of the property Vertex before the transform step; Vertex . Now see what happens with sideEffect : gremlin> GVFF fect ...

javascript - How can I get the title of a dynamically generated html? -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: के लिए (var i = 0; i & lt; विकल्प। लैंप; i ++) {var $ योजनाएं = $ ("& lt; li id ​​= 'पूरे पैनल' वर्ग = 'समाधान_आईडी' & gt; & lt; / li & gt;")। html ('& lt; p id = "plan_id" class = "Plan_class" & gt; योजना: '+ (i + 1) +' & lt; / p & gt; '); } यह तदनुसार लेबल की गई मेरी वेबसाइट पर तीन अलग-अलग योजनाओं को तैयार करता है (1 योजना, 2 योजनाएं, या 3 योजनाएं हो सकती हैं) यदि सभी तीन मौजूद हैं तो यह दिखता है योजना: 1 ----- योजना जानकारी यहां ---- योजना: 2 ----- योजना जानकारी यहां ---- योजना: 3 ----- योजना की जानकारी यहां ---- मैं प्रत्येक योजना में जानकारी की जांच करने में सक्षम होना चाहता हूं और अगर वह कुछ शर्तों के बराबर है, तो वह योजना छुपाएं जैसे (नियोजन === कुछ) {यदि (प्लान 1 में मौजूद है) {// योजना को छिपाना 1}} और यदि (मायकेन्डीशन === कुछ) {यदि (प्लान 2 मौजूद है) {// योजना को छिपाना 2}} और यदि (myCondition === कुछ) {यदि (प्लान 3 मौजूद है) {// योज...

bash - Cannot move or delete files even after chown and chmod -

I can not move or delete files in my home directory even after chmod And chown . At first glance it seems that the permissions have been set correctly. user @ f9195084fbf8: ~ $ ls -lah total 32 quadx-xr-x 18 user user 4.0k Oct 8 17:35. Drwxr-xr-x 16 Route root 4.0K Oct 8 04:57 .. -RWXR-XR-X1 user user 220 April 3 2012 .bash_logout -rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 3.5K 3 April 2012 .bashrc drwxr- Xr-x2 User User 4.0K 8 Oct 05:43 .matplotlib drwxr-xr-x 2 User User 4.0K Oct 8 17:19 .pip -rwxr-xr-x 1 User User 675 April 3 2012 .Profile drwxr-xr -x 15 user user 4.0K Oct 8 04:58 .virtualenvs but I can not remove existing files user @ f9195084fbf8: ~ $ Rm .bashrc rm: `.bashrc 'can not be removed: Operation is not allowed so I try to chown and chmod , but it still does not work. User @ f9195084fbf8: ~ $ Pseudo Chown -r $ USER: $ GROUP User @ f9195084fbf8: ~ $ sudo chmod -R 755 user @ f9195084fbf8: ~ $ rm .bashrc rm: can not delete `.bashrc ': operation is not allowed u...

rest - Fuzz JSON with Peach -

I have made a small REIT based webservice in the flask, and now I am using JSON as the frame framework. Want to do I know that it uses a pit file for fusing (XML), but my small brain pit is not able to create a file that can fulfill my purpose I went a lot for the peach pit file but all Went in vain I need a pit file or anyone can tell how to make a pit file to fuzzy the payload. A good tutorial is available about Peach. Many elements need to define: The data model describing the format of the data you want to send. A state model describing the behavior of a Fuzzer. Monitoring applications under an Agent Running and Fuzzing. An examination brings together all the definitions. Here is an example of a peach guit file from the tutorial. & lt; Peach xmlns = "" xmlns: xsi = "" xsi: Schema Location = " / 2012 / Peach ../peach.xsd"> ...

laravel - Starting MySQL ....... ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file -

I'm currently in the process of getting up and running on Mac with OSX Mavericks. I am following this tutorial to establish my AMP environment: Everything is fine till the MySQL phase: I have downloaded the latest DMG file here and installed it . However, when I try to start MySQL in the terminal, I get the following message: Starting MySQL ....... Error ! Left without updating server pid file Also, when I try to start MySQL from the preferences panel, the computer tries to do this, but eventually Will not done. Then, two questions: Is there any information about what happened to you? For the previous projects, I had to install MMP and Ruby on Rail: can any of these create an incompatibility with MySQL? Thank you. ps aux | | Grep mysql and then kill-9 {number returned from top} and then service mysqld restart

How do I search and replace date in vi without affecting other numbers? -

There was a date 4th colum in this date. I want to search for every date which is a prefix with 2014 and it changes with 2013. I do not want to change the numbers in any other column, where 2014 can also be seen I have trouble using the wildcard, can someone please tell me the vi command to give me such a command? Thank you very much 20140009,20140009, GSM-AHS, 20101218132823, 46767807490,5302833, IA, D, Post ,, N 20140009,20140009, GSM-AHS, 20140119000900 ,, 46767807490,5302833, IA, D, Post, N, N 2014001,2014001 GSM-AHS, 20131012212112, 46730360076,3922720, H, I, East ,, N 2014001,2014001 GSM-AHS, 20140119000900, 46730360076,3922720, H, I, East, N , N 2014001,2014001 GSM-AHS, 20140615210515, 46730360076,3922720, H, I, East, N, N 2014001,2014001 GSM-AHS, 20140617213108, 46730360076,3922720, H, I, East, N, N 2014, 2014001 GSM-AHS, 20140627150239, 46730360076,3922720, H, I, East, N, N 2014001,2014001 GSM-AHS, 201 40705085247, 46730360076,3922720, H, I, East, N, N 2014001,2014001 GS...

csv - Excel PowerQuery: null values in a number column -

I am using a PowerQuery query to import data from CSV files. Some cells in CSV files are empty. When imported into PowerQuery, these cells receive an error "Number can not be typed to tap value." The field (correctly) is identified as type = number However, I actually prefer these error values ​​only for blank entries, as they were in the original file "Change Errors" only to me these error values Allows to convert numbers into (It will not specify any blank or any non-numeric value). Any thoughts about how these values ​​are empty (or null)? The column has been typed as the whole number in the "changed type" step int64. Change the type of column to decimal number. You should no longer see errors and your blank space will appear as "blank" and it will act as a nose.

search - How to disallow specific pages in robots.txt, but allow everything else? -

What's the way to do this? I have pages like: Code> google / group / 1 I do not want to allow them to appear on Google . Your robots.txt looks correct if you want to ensure 100%, you can. FYI, robots.txt doe s no will not appear in the search results guaranteed to block pages. It prevents search engines from crawling those pages. They can still list them if they want you to use the HTTP header to prevent a page being indexed and listed. If you use Apache, you can put a file in your / a / directory from the following line to effectively block those pages: & lt; IfModule mod_headers.c & gt; Header set X-robot-tag: "No indicks" & lt; / IfModule & gt;

Special "My Contacts" group in Android contacts -

In Android, when the app displays Google account contacts, by default it shows only those contacts Which my contacts and starred in Android group I would like to display this same subset of contacts, because lots of fuses in the full contact list It can be doped for each contact; This clearly needs the desired group id. The question is: How can these "apparently special groups" be identified? Is their IDs or names fixed? (These tools tested by me are 1 and 2 for the "primary" Gmail account, but I doubt it is reliable). (especially in the category in the contact common project) Can be identified. == 1 Favorites (Starred in Android) group for Default (My Contacts) group. However, both of these fields are available only at API level 11+.

Combining multiple RegEx expressions to restrict passwords -

I have to put a RegEx expression on the property in a model on the MVC website on which I am working. The different pieces of expression I understand personally, but I can not understand how to convert them together. I should be able to restrict the input in letters, Capital letters, numbers, and symbols @ _ - Then I need to make sure the user input Input should be 1 capital letter 1 lowercase letter Input should be 1 number 4 signals acceptable in input Must be one of them. I have tried "^ (? =. * [Az]) (? =. * [Az]) (? =. * \\ d) (? =. * [@ -_.]) [A-Za-z \\ d @ -_.] {8,} " But this password Does not include one of the 4 symbols. You need to avoid your regex for special characters - Updated regex: "^ (? =. * [Az]) (? =. * [Az]) (? =? * \\ d) (? =. * [@ \ -_.]) [A] -Za-z \\ d @ \ -_.] {8,} "

Getting data from server in objective c class -

I am trying to create a square where I will create an example of that class and send the username and password to the class. Returns to the server and gives it whether it is a valid password or what is the error. When I try to reach the response variable from the example, I get blank. I suspect that the methods start up - (zero) connection DIDFinish Loading: (NSURLConnection *) is occurring before the use of the connection variable. @interface loginViewController: UIViewController - (IBAction is a better way to access the variable or call the method before reaching the validity) login: (id) this ; @protecti (nanatomic, rtain) iBotlet UItextfiled * Username; @ Property (non-standard, reserved) IBOutlet UIT ext file * password; @end Login view controller. M #import "LoginViewController.h" #import "users.h" @interface LoginViewController () @end @ implementation LoginViewController @ synthesis username, password; / * - (IBAction) Login: (ID) sender {user ...

javascript - Assign a function with custom parameters without calling the funcion -

I have a function that accepts other functions in run-time as B parameter and calls it problem Function B requires some parameters, but with the function A to the parameter, how to pass the function A, I do not know. Example: function caller function (c) {warnings ("caller function is calling!"); C (c.arguments); }; Var a = "Hello"; Do it (d) {d = "I changed my way"; Warning (d); }; Caller function (/ * I need to pass' this' with parameter / variable 'A', and then call it in callerfunction '* / /); Just close a closing: callerfunction (Function () {thisOne (a);}); and call it as c () , no c (c.arguments) . Note that in this anonymous function the reference to the a variable will not be there, the value will be a so if callerFunction () Had to store this function object and call it later, if you have an anonymous function passing and it is called, then a from the perspective of anonymous function a woul...

c# - Is a Role Provider implementation necessary? -

I'm struggling to fully understand that the right to apply window authentication and role-based authentication schemes What's the MVC4 application when the user reaches the user (intranet) website, then I can currently check the following method in the username against a database table list & lt; String & gt; PermissionList = PermissionBo.GetUserPermissionsList (permission B.ParseUserName (User.Identity.Name)); Permissions Permissions = New Permissions (Permission List); Then if the state adds a role to a user object: if (permissions.IsAdmin) {if Roles.RoleExists ("UtilitiesToolAdmin ")) {Rolls. Creteol ("UtilitiesToolman"); } If the roles are ( Inroll (, "utility tool")) (roles.Audersrorroll (new string) {}, "utilities tooladmin");}} I think there can be a wrong way to go about implementing this, but I'm not sure where I am wrong. To do this, start using the certified ...

python - Using RegEx to match patterns in parameters -

I want to give an IP address as a python script as a parameter and to view the IP address format I would like to use regex for supply, but I'm getting an error while trying to run the script. The script looks like this: import import rgip import script, ip_address, client_name, printer_model, hostname, mac_ address = argv ip_check = re.compile ("^ (10) \. (0) \ [0- 9]? [0- 9]? [0- 9] [[0-9]? [0-9]? [0-9] $ ") if Ip_check.match (ip_address) and "invalid ip address" endiff every time I try to run the script, I get: If ip_check.match (ip_address) ^ syntax error: invalid syntax What's going on? Do I need to convert ip_address to raw data before being analyzed using RegEx? Import import rg script, ip_address, client_name, printer_model, hostname, mac_ address = argv import import from import Ip_check = re.compile (r "^ (10) \. (0) \. [0-9]? [0-9] [0-9] \. [0- 9]? [0- 9]? [ 0-9] $ ") if ip_check.match (ip_address): continue: return...

linux - Generate XML Schema from multiple XML files -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 उत्तर मेरे पास XML का एक गुच्छा है जिन फ़ाइलों को मैं चाहता हूं एक संयुक्त स्कीमा उत्पन्न करना है, क्या यह संभव है? क्या यह एक ऐसी सुविधा है जो मुझे लिनक्स पर ऐसा करने में मदद करेगी? मुझे एक अच्छा समाधान , यह मुफ़्त और खुला स्रोत है: trang -i xml-o xsd * .xml schema.xsd

c - Pass a string as standard input to an executable -

मेरे पास count = read (pipes, buffer, buffsize); और क्या चलाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ printf ("% s", बफर); इसे ठीक से प्रिंट करता है, लेकिन इसके माध्यम से चल रहा है, यह एक अन्य निष्पादन योग्य माध्यम से प्राप्त किया गया है (बफर)। execl ("/ path", "/ path", बफ़र, नल); या कई अन्य तरीकों से मैंने कोशिश की है, पथ एक संकलित निष्पादन योग्य है। अगर मैं execv ("। / Path", STDIN_FILENO) का उपयोग करता है तो निष्पादन योग्य करता है ठीक; / कोड>, लेकिन यह पाइप से नहीं लिया जा रहा है पथ स्ट्रिंग के रूप में मानक इनपुट की अपेक्षा कर रहा है। प्रोग्राम की स्थिति यह है कि मैं एक प्रोग्राम पर एक लूप का उपयोग करते हुए इनपुट में टाइप कर रहा हूं और read ( ) , उस पाठ को execl चल रहा है जो प्रोग्राम में पाठ भेजने के लिए एक पाइप का उपयोग करके (इस प्रोग्राम में कुछ और नहीं करना आवश्यक है), वह तब स्ट्रिंग के साथ निष्पादन योग्य कॉल करने का प्रयास कर रहा है एक stdin के रूप में। पाइप के माध्यम से आने वाले स्ट्रिंग का एक उदाहरण है यह एक उदाहरण है । यह...

c++ - How can I call a function from another .dll which is injected to the same program? -

My question is really above, I will give more information on this below: I have The program that first takes "false" d3d9.dll, this DLL is then loaded into the game, I am reverse engineering. Some time and more. After loading Dll, with all other game dependencies, I want to inject my DLL which will do all the dirty work of reverse engineering. I think I can load this DLL in the program using LoadLibrary, although when I'm using the Injection DLL I to run the main reverse engineer code, I'm such a function Which can I use to call some d3d9.dll? The reason for this is that I still need access to the D9 9 library to provide such things which I would like to add on the screen with my injection .DL. I just do not want to use d3d9.dll as this will cause problems with loading times, and at which point the memory will change. I do not even plan to use DllMain in DLL, it means that I want to start a safe process in D3d9. DL will need to call a remote function from ...

html - PHP: What's the speed difference "template" vs "quote"? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 12 जवाब गति अंतर क्या है, बाहर जिज्ञासा की, यह करने की: $ a = 0; गूंज "& lt; html & gt; & lt; body & gt; $ a & lt; / body & gt; & lt; / html & gt;"; बनाम & lt; html & gt; & lt; body & gt; & lt;? Php echo $ a; ? & Gt; & lt; / body & gt; & lt; / html & gt; एक PHP फ़ाइल में चलो पता करें: & lt;? php ob_start (); $ A = 0; $ Time1 = माइक्रोटोम (सच); ($ I = 0; $ i & lt; 100000; $ i ++) {गूंजना "& lt; html & gt; & lt; body & gt; $ a & lt; / body & gt; & lt; / html & gt;"; } $ time2 = माइक्रोटोम (सच); के लिए ($ i = 0; $ i & lt; 100000; $ i ++) {? & gt; & lt; html & gt; & lt; बॉडी & gt; & lt;? php echo $ a; ? & Gt; & lt; / body & gt; & lt; / html & gt; & lt;? php} $ time3 = माइक्रोटिम (सत्य); ob_end_clean (); गूंज 'बस गूंज:' ($ Time2 - $ t...

excel - Automatically shift data down once new data is copied in the same cells using button? -

I'm trying to use a macro button that sets the one time clicked data set A3: E 22 Sheet 1 to A3: E 22 Sheet 3. After being copied, I want to clear the data from Sheet 1 so that I can input new data into those cells which were cleaned now. I'm having trouble transferring data to Sheet3, so that once I can duplicate the copying cycle of data from Sheet1 to Sheet 3, which I first copied to sheet 3 It will automatically go down and as long as I repeat the copy cycle I continue to stay down. Is there a code that I can programmatically copy my button from Sheet1 to Sheet 3 to copy cycle so that the data will automatically change below on Sheet 3? 11/05/14 I have tried the code from north and it works very well on a new workbook, but I am having trouble transferring this code to my existing workbook. I'm getting out of "error where" set s1 ... "to reference worksheet 1 do I need to rename my worksheets or call S1? I am a rookie in coding so that any help w...

.net - What languages to write a Portable Class Library -

I have classes written in C ++ (vc ++). I now, from these classes, I have portable class libraries ( PCL). My question: Which language should I use to write PCL ?? If I do not have permission to use C ++ then what are the other options? Universal Visual Studio 2013 Update 3 in C ++ / em> library supports the project, it is a static .lib library, dynamic as the .dll library or A, .winmd The Universal library can be used equally in modern Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8.1 applications. Other platforms, such as traditional .NET desktop, Silverlight or XMirin, can not be targeted with Universal libraries. If you want to be able to target any of these other platforms, you will have to regularly return to Portable Class Library , PCL, Projects. Visual Studio currently supports PCL Projects written in C #, Visual Basic and F #.

java - Play Framework: Cannot find symbol "async" -

I am using and I try to use the built in HTTP request in WS support I am doing Whenever I try this HTTP request in an administrator, I get this error error: for code (static result) foo () {error on this line for async (// `async ') WS.url (GoogleStrategy.getTokenUrl) .post (getTokenUrlParams) .map (New F.Function & LT; WSResponse, Object & gt; () {@Override Public Object Applied (WSResponse wsResponse) Throwing Throws {OK Return (wsResponse.asJson ())}}})); } It is weird because in all the examples shown in the documentation, this is the right way to do fast work which I want to do. You were almost certainly looking at the old version of the document. async () is no longer required. Current version: Public stable promise & lt; Results & gt; foo () {return WS.url (GoogleStrategy.getTokenUrl) .post (getTokenUrlParams) .map (New F.Function & LT; WSResponse, Result & gt; () {@Override Public Objects Applied (WSResponse wsResponse) T...

How to make whitespace, newlines and tabs visible in jedit -

I am working in Jeddah, and I want to know how I can display empty spaces, tabs and new rows in Jeddah. So far I have created the toggle button for that. But I should not get any clues that should be modified in the file. I do not know what you say "you have created a toggle button and what to look for. "What do you mean in source code? Just install the Wisaspace plugin, it's exactly what you're after. The most functional plugin in the Z is added by

Android capture back button -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मैं वापस कब्जा करना चाहता हूँ उपयोगकर्ता को यह पूछने के लिए कि वह फॉर्म डेटा को कैसे सहेजना चाहता है, कुछ गतिविधि में बटन। क्या यह संभव है? मुझे कुछ की तरह (स्यूडोकोड) की आवश्यकता होगी: onBackButtonPressed {AlertDialog ("क्या आप सहेजना चाहते हैं?") अगर (OkPressed) {// किसी भी मदद की सराहना की जाएगी धन्यवाद "post-text" itemprop = "text"> ओवरराइड ऑन बैकप्रेस () आपकी गतिविधि में सार्वजनिक शून्य पर बैकड () {AlertDialog ("क्या आप सहेजना चाहते हैं?") अगर (ठीक दबाया गया है) {// बचत करना है} अन्य {// बैक बटन कार्रवाई के साथ जारी रखें}}

cordova - ios-sim command and Xcode 6.0 -Not able to start ios8 devices -

I am using the iOS-SIM utility to start the simulator. We have upgraded Xcode 5.1.1 to Xcode 6.0 GM. We have an application made on SDK 8.0. So when compiling with xcode 6.0 and running on the iOS 8.0 simulator, it works fine. While running through iOS-SIM utility it is the iOS 7 devices.The command ios-sim projection path toMyApp --sdk 8.0 --devicetypeid SimDeviceType.iPhone-5s I have changed the command line tools. Point to Xcode 6.0 I need to check or configure more. IOS-SIM was designed by the old iOS simulator reverse engineering. With Xcode 6, iOS Simulator now has a core simulator. Is based on the framework. You should probably have an infection to use 'Exercise Siml ...' instead of the iOS-SIM utility.

How can I remove an object of type X from a hashtable given one unique attribute of X in Java? -

मान लें कि मेरे पास एक क्लास व्यक्ति है सार्वजनिक वर्ग व्यक्ति {int personID = 123; स्ट्रिंग fname = John; स्ट्रिंग lname = डो; } और मैंने एक हैशटेबल बनाया है (एक चाबी और मूल्य दोनों के रूप में व्यक्ति का उपयोग करना) अब, प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को एक अद्वितीय आईडी मानते हुए और मानना ​​है कि हैशटेबल व्यक्तियों से भरा हुआ है, मैं चाहता हूं, एक अद्वितीय आईडी (इंट) दिया, उस आईडी से संबंधित हैशटेबल से व्यक्ति को निकालने के लिए। समस्या क्या मानदंडों से हैशटेबल.remove () फ़ंक्शन देने के साथ उठता है क्योंकि यह किसी प्रकार के ऑब्जेक्ट को लेता है और इंट नहीं। ध्यान दें: इस तथ्य को मान लें कि कुंजी और मान दोनों प्रकार के व्यक्ति हैं डिजाइन आवश्यकताएं और बदला नहीं जा सकता संपादित करें: मैंने व्यक्ति वर्ग के हैशोड () और बराबर () पद्धति को ओवरराइड कर दिया है, वे दोनों व्यक्ति आईडी पर निर्भर करते हैं। लेकिन मैं अभी भी नहीं जानता कि क्या हैशटेबल.रेखा () पद्धति को पास करना है क्योंकि यह प्रकार व्यक्ति को लेता है और मैं उपयोगकर्ता-दिए गए इंट (जो व्यक्ति आईडी है) के आधार पर निकालना चाहता हूं ...

How to reuse controller for different views in AngularJS? -

I get object data from a JSON request, such as: {"class =" text " Slide ": [[" Image ":" "," Title ":" Slide A "," Details ":" I give you a description "}, {" image ": "Http://", "title": "slide bbi", "description": "i give you details"}], "title": "interesting object", "description": "Ready to advertise." } I want to use two different views for the title of another object and the second for the details, everything on the same page . Why? Because I am using UI ideas to display them. index.html & lt; Div ui-view = "slider" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! - This slider is - & gt; & Lt; Main ui-visual role = "main" & gt; & Lt; / Main & gt; & Lt ;! - Title and descend here - & gt...

algorithm - Find minimum time required to collect C gifts from A machines given access to B bags? -

I have an interview next week and I am practicing problems for the same. I came to this question, can you please solve it? A gift vending machine and you have to collect b sachet / strong> gifts. Each gift vending machine has unlimited gifts. Each machine started leaving gifts at the time C and left the gift every Ii seconds. You can arrange pouch in any way, but once they are set below a machine, you can not take it on any other machine. You need to collect the gifts in the shortest possible time. Input The first line contains integers A, B, C. The integer in the second row, C (different from one space), I go from 1 to A. In the third line, integers Ii (different from one space), I go from 1 to A. Output An integer that calculates the minimum time I think the method was very incompatible. I thought that all of us can equate the subsets of all to the equivalent of their cardinal number B. And then select the one that gives the minimum time ...

ios7 - Submitting 64 bit apps in Apple Store -

वर्तमान में मेरे ऐप उपयोगकर्ता तृतीय पक्ष SDKs जो 64 बिट का समर्थन नहीं करता। मैंने अपने ऐप बिल्ड सेटिंग से arm64 निकाला है I अब मेरा ऐप 64 संकीर्ण उपकरणों (जैसे आईफोन 5 एस) । में सुस्त होता है मैंने सुना है कि एप्पल उन एप्स को अस्वीकार करेगा जो 64 बिट का समर्थन नहीं करेंगे। 64 बिट का समर्थन करना अनिवार्य है। यदि आपका ऐप पहले से ही बाजार में है, आपके पास अभी तक 64-बिट संक्रमण के लिए जून तक का समय है। यदि यह आपका पहला सबमिशन होगा, तो आप अपना ऐप बिल्कुल भी सबमिट नहीं कर पाएंगे। 64-बिट डिवाइसों ने 32-बिट के लिए पिछड़े संगतता के कारण, आपके ऐप इन उपकरणों पर ठीक चलेंगे, लेकिन एप्पल बेहतर प्रदर्शन के लिए और विखंडन को कम करने के लिए 64-बिट समर्थन को बल देता है। आपका एकमात्र विकल्प 64-बिट का समर्थन करने के लिए तृतीय पक्ष SDK डेवलपर्स से पूछना होगा।

html5 - Access previous frameset id in other frameset using javascript -

Anyone can help solve this issue, I have only one HTML page There are some framesets and frames like, & lt; Frameset id = "mainframe" rows = "110, *, 0,0" frameborder = "0" range = "0" onload = "FrameonLoad ()" & gt; & Lt; Frame id = "banner" name = "banner" src = "banner.shtml" notresize = "notices" scrolling = "no" frameborder = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; frameset id = "subframe" cols = "268, *" & gt; & Lt; Frame id = "tree" name = "tree" src = "links.htm" noresize = "noresize" frameborder = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; Frame id = "main" name = "main" src = "splash.shtml" frameborder = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; / Frameset & gt; & Lt; Frame id = "status1" name = "status1" src = "status.shtml" scrolling = ...

c++ - How can I remove the oldest element from stack? -

How can I remove the oldest element from the stack instead of throwing fullStackException? Is there no algorithm about it? Do not confuse yourself with the queue? A heap that allows the removal of the oldest element can be called dequeue. In any case there are many dimensions to this question I would not say that the removal of the oldest element (a single) stack is possible. Although you can always see the oldest element. Define the variable by placing a variable when the first element is inserted. And just use that variable whenever you will peep. And if you really want to remove the oldest element and you only have permission to use the stack, then you can do this by using two stacks in stack 1 All elements include Stack 2 is empty. pseudocode while (! Stack1.empty ()) {stack2.push (stack1.pop ()); } Stack2.pop (); While (! Stack2.empty ()) {stack1.push (); // Or instead of 2 when you can swap stack 1 and stack 2 (swap two variables)}} The above code is actu...

Types of NETEZZA Planners -

What kind of employers do we use in Netazza and what are their uses? Eg: FACTERAL_PLANNER Anyone can provide any link to get information about this, or please provide any link. Star Planner, I thought it was discovered Star Planner Here's a Factal Planner, Factal Planner, The document is entitled but the IBM website will not let me see it even after signing in with my customer ID. You may be more fortunate than the title shows that the Factral Planner estimates an algorithm (full table size) which is your fact tables, while the snow blast planner uses a different method (the relative size of the other table). I do not know I am relevant in any official document or training documents about Snowflake Planner or Star Planner. Search for snowflake or star always returns things about schema rather than planners.

c++ - C++11 luabind integration, function failing -

मैं अपने प्रोग्राम में luabind के साथ एलयूए को एकीकृत करने के साथ प्रयोग कर रहा हूं, लेकिन मैंने एक बड़ा रुकावट वाला ब्लॉक। मैं एलयूए के फोनिंग सम्मेलनों से बहुत अपरिचित हूं और मुझे लगता है कि मुझे कुछ सरल याद आ रही है। यहां मेरा सी ++ कोड है: struct एपीआईटी {// ... शून्य से बाहर निकलें (); शून्य रीसेट (); संसाधन_मग्री_टी संसाधन; // ...}; struct resource_mgr_t {// ... void prune (); शून्य शुद्ध (); // ...}; एक्सटॉन एप_टी ऐप; और मेरी luabind मॉड्यूल: luabind :: मॉड्यूल (राज्य) [luabind :: class_ & lt; resource_mgr_t & gt; (" Resource_mgr ") .def (" prune ", और resource_mgr_t :: prune) .def (" purge ", और resource_mgr_t :: purge)]; लुईबेंड :: मॉड्यूल (राज्य) [luabind :: class_ & lt; app_t & gt; ("ऐप") .def ("exit", और एपीआईटी :: निकास) .def ("रीसेट", और एपीआईटी :: रीसेट) .def_readonly ("संसाधन", और एपीआईटी :: संसाधन)]; लुबाइंड :: ग्लोबल्स (राज्य) ["ऐप"] = एंड एप; मैं नि...

android - Assign Dialog box view to another view -

I am creating a dialogue and set setting of a layout content view. And I'm programmatically adding buttons, set the dialog to display the images in the content view. How can I now see the dialog box in another view? This is a layout that is assigned to any view below getview = r LATOOTAL_AlphaBOT_SPEC_WORD; Similarly how can I show dialog boxes in another view? Because I am programmatic adding all the elements programmatically to "Tamil Alphabets" because the children are zero, which gives the codes below. alphabetidog = new dialog (Tamil alphabetes.); Alphbetdialog.requestWindowFeature (Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); Alphbetdialog.setContentView (R.layout.tamil_alphabetsdialog); (Adding Elements of Layout "Tamil Alphabet" code ..............) LayoutInflator Inflator = (LayoutInflator) TamilAllababets.Is GatesSystemService (TamilAllababets.ILALUINFLATSSE); See line = inflator.inflate (tamil_alphabetsdialog, guardian, wrong); LinearLayout l1 = (LinearLayo...

xcode - iOS SIGSEGV SEGV_ACCERR crash in layoutSubviews -

My app sometimes crashes in the LayoutSubview method This happens when the app calculates the height for the UTTableVixel The app crash sometimes works in code, not always here: + (CGFloat) heightForEditorialCommentData: (EditorialCommentVMData *) editorialData {EditorialCommentCell * cell = [editorialCommentCell instanceCell]; [See cell mod_data: editorial data]; [Cell layoutviewview]; Return cell.comtitlebill.framebottom + catext instance.bottom; } + (Editorial CommentCell *) Example Seven {Static Editorial Comment Calls = Example = Zero; Static transmissions_access_one talk; dispatch_once (& amp; onceToken; ^ {NSArray * ideas = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed: @ "editorialCommentCell" owner: 0 options: 0]; example = views [0]; instance.frame = CGRectMake (instance.contentView.frame . Orig.x, instance.contentView.frame.origin.y, [[UIScreen mainScreen] border] .size.width, instance.contentView.frame.size.height);}); Return example; } Here's the heap det...

java - Wrong origin coordinates logic for polygon -

I have a test project now, where I try to fix this problem: 2 polygon objects 2 actors, each actor has a polygon object 1 array with actors, I run in the render method and with the use of size Renderer Draw Polygon 1 orthographic camera 1 stage 1 screenview The logic is next: I come only Polygon 1 and Polygon 2 create and 0,0 with the door. The more I do not set ( () / 2, () / 2). I translate a polygon by 50 pixels on Axis X and run SetOffin ( () / 2, () / 2). And I have already added the input listener to the polygon, when I click on it, I rotate with the second polygon with the secondary actor. My camera has a Wi-Up rotation that looks at the second polygon that its origin point is in the top right corner of the screen and rotation around it. Here is the GIF of the result: And how it behaves: And if I maximize the window then its behavior is a GIF: . Here we can see that af...

javascript - How to dynamic set top css when element over top page or bottom page? -

How to do dynamic set top css of the element on top page or bottom page? First of all, the first cat image above the mouse is fine. When I scroll down the page and the first cat image to MMS again, Code> index.php & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C / / DTD HTML 4.01 // N" ""> & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Style type = "text / css" & gt; & Lt ;? For PHP ($ i = 0; $ i & lt; 3; $ i ++) {? & Gt; .top_box & lt ;? PHP resonance $ i; ? & Gt; {LEFT: 99px; Top: 0 pixels; Status: Completed; Limit: 1px solid # 000; display none; } & Lt ;? PHP}? & Gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt ;? For PHP (...