
Showing posts from July, 2014

c - Who called atexit()? -

I have a program that unexpectedly leaves Linux and why I have a hard time finding out why No core dump, see). I kept an atexit (at the beginning of the program) and callback function is actually being called when the accident happens. How can I know atexit callback function called? By reading the man page, the anneet is called on the deceptive (de ho!) Or is returned from the main; i can later exclude because at the end of main there is a bunch of printf and i do not see them. And I can already get out because there is no exit () in my program. There is only one solution: It is the only possibility that the Library functions are being asked to exit? And where do I say? Is it possible to print a stack trace or is it possible to force the main dump from within the entity callback? Calls like GDB to inspect the coredump in your art handler abort (), and GDB in Baktas command you Shows where it comes out, if the annex handler is run. Here's a demonstration: #include ...

bash - grep a specific line, print upper lines to a specific word and/or below lines to a specific word -

I have recently been running on an issue where I can not find a consistent solution. Let's say we have some XML files and it's been made like the following: ... And let's suppose that & lt; E-mail & gt; and some other stuff can be more options like this, then it can actually be different in length. Now we know "some" that this is "whatever" and grep for it but we do not want that result, we can get the & lt; tenant & gt; and & lt; / Tenant & gt; for all results, including & lt; something & gt; Whatever & lt; / Some & gt; . Since the number of lines & lt; Tenant & gt; and & lt; / Tenant & gt; , so I can not use the -A, -B or -C on grep and any help information can be found here. I currently just make that big, so I have at least all Infos, but maybe once the length is long and my method will get worse. $ awk -v RS = '& lt; / Tenant> Text "itemprop =" t...

php - Adding back removed action, based on custom meta data wordpress -

What am I trying to do? A custom URL input from the user, it Save Products as Meta If any such URL set is not empty, remove the add_to_cart button with the custom link and the place in the button. If not, then it would have been used to add a fall-back add to cart button and in one form How to find the code here Used to be -. ADD_ACTION ('init', array ($ this, 'woocommerce_custom_add_to_cart_remove_add_to_cart')); // goes Series creator function woocommerce_custom_add_to_cart_remove_add_to_cart () {remove_action ( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_template_single_add_to_cart', 30); Remove_action ('woocommerce_simple_add_to_cart', 'woocommerce_simple_add_to_cart', 30); Remove_action ('woocommerce_grouped_add_to_cart', 'woocommerce_grouped_add_to_cart', 30); Remove_action ('woocommerce_variable_add_to_cart', 'woocommerce_variable_add_to_cart', 30); Remove_action ('woocomm...

opengl es - Alpha tesing with ES 3.0 -

डेस्कटॉप कंप्यूटर पर मुख्य प्रोफ़ाइल के साथ GL_ALPHA_TEST अब उपलब्ध नहीं है इसलिए मैं उन्हें उनसे निकालना चाहता हूं मेरे रेंडरिंग इंजन हालांकि मोबाइल प्लेटफॉर्म्स पर मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि यह भी सारक बनाता है, मैंने ग्राफिक प्रोग्रामर्स से कुछ कागज़ात पढ़ा, जो बताते हैं कि अल्फा परीक्षण अक्षम करने से प्रदर्शन में सुधार होता है। जहाँ तक मुझे पता है अल्फा परीक्षण एफएफपी बात ठोस प्रश्न मैंने खुद से पूछा और अब आपसे यह पूछना है: क्या अल्फ़ा परीक्षण को छोड़कर और केवल शेडर्स का उपयोग करते समय मोबाइल प्लेटफॉर्म पर कोई फ़र्क़ पड़ता है? अल्फा परीक्षण ES 2.0 और बाद में उपलब्ध नहीं है। इसलिए यह ईई 3.0 में एक विकल्प नहीं है। केवल OpenGL ES संस्करण जो GL_ALPHA_TEST का समर्थन करता था 1.0 और 1.1 थे, और उन दोनों को इन दिनों ज्यादातर अप्रचलित माना जाता है। आप आसानी से दोहरा सकते हैं कि अल्फ़ा परीक्षण किस तरह से आपके टुकड़ों में इस्तेमाल किया जाता है, परिणामस्वरूप अल्फा मान की जांच करके और त्यागें को कॉल करें अगर यह वांछित स्थिति को पूरा नहीं करता है।

Python printing a procedure -

I'm trying to print a process in Python How do I print it? Here is my code def proc (a, b): if test (a): return b a print proc (a, b) but I get this error: Error named: Name 'A' is not defined Thanks in advance a is the name of the local variable that is used for the value when the first argument goes to the function It is called when actually calling , you need real value For example: def proc (a, b): if test (a): return B return ax = 6 print proc (x, 7) Now when called proc , then the variable x and value 7 is passed to proc . In the calling area, there will be a similar value to proc , a within x (at the time of call), and similarly b Will have the value 7 .

javascript - Remove a Particular Query string from URL -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 16 उत्तर मैं एक बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ यूआरएल से एक विशिष्ट क्विकस्ट्रिंग और इसका मान निकालने के लिए फ़ंक्शन उदाहरण के लिए: अगर मेरे पास यूआरएल है var url = अगर मैं नाम पास करता हूं - & gt; यह नाम के लिए कुंजी और मूल्य को निकालना चाहिए यूआरएल हो जाना चाहिए मेरे पास एक फ़ंक्शन है ReturnRefinedURL (key , यूआरएल) और मैं इस समारोह में कर रहा हूँ फ़ंक्शन ReturnRefinedURL (कुंजी, url) {var मान = getParameterByName (कुंजी); // यह रिटर्न केविन var स्ट्रिंग टॉब्रेमूज्ड = 'कुंजी +' = '+ मान +' & amp; '; // स्ट्रिंग 'नाम = केविन & amp; वापसी url.replace (stringToBeRemoved, ''); } // इसे Google में मिला: फ़ंक्शन getParameterByName (नाम) {name = name.replace (/ [\ [] /, "\ \[")।बदलने के(/[\]]/, "\\]"); Var regex = new RegExp ("[\\? & Amp;]" + name +...

jquery - how to add an increase of pictures fotorama plugin -

I try to add an increase in the pictures by clicking on the plugin footer. I use this code to increase the active code, but this code works for all the elements on the page. Jkweri ( "div: Kntans ( 'Fotorma__stej__frem Fotorma__fade__frem Fotorma__fade-rear Fotorma__loded Fotorma__loded - Img Fotorma__aktiv') ( 'Young Kfotorma__yng')"). Click (function () {var o = jQuery (this). Parent (); var url = jQuery ( "div: contains ( '- img fotorama__active')"). Attr ( 'src'); var html = '& lt; a href = "" class = "clone" & gt; & lt; img src = " '+ url +'" /> & lt; / a & gt; 'o.append (html); o = o. Find ('clone'); o.animate ({}); console.log ('click'); (function () {jQuery ('clone'). Remove ();});}); How to fix this bug? - An example of my code on this page. If you use a very odd selectors jQuery ( ". Fotorama__img") ...

html - doesn't apply and I'm not sure why -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब मेरे पास बहुत कुछ है बुनियादी HTML और एक इनलाइन शैली के साथ एक div शैली की कोशिश कर रहा था पहला स्निपेट स्टाइल को head तत्व में डालकर काम करता है, लेकिन दूसरा स्निपेट बिल्कुल भी काम नहीं करता है। तर्क क्या है? वर्क्स & lt;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & LT; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & LT; शैली & gt; # क्लिक-मुझे {पृष्ठभूमि-रंग: लाल; चौड़ाई: 200px; ऊंचाई: 200 पिक्सेल; } & Lt; / style & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & lt; div id = 'click-me' & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; iframe src = '// someURL' चौड़ाई = 800 ऊंचाई = 600 & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; काम नहीं करता & lt;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & LT; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & lt; div id = 'click-me' & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; ifram...

json - Can't get Roxy Fileman working on TinyMCE 4.x -

I am trying to add to my project. It is ok to debug while using local work, I can view folders and manage them), but when I try to access it from the browser, it does not work . My project is on IIS 7. I file config.json like this: "FILES_ROOT": "C: \ SRV-XX \ MyProject \ Docs", But I get this error: "Error loading asp_net / main.ashx ". I have read so that I tried to extract this code from web.config in the Fileman folder: & Lt; mimeMap file extension = ".json" mimeType = "app / jason" /> & Lt; / staticContent & gt; But there is still nothing, I only get these alerts (e-loading config and e_action disables) and I can not see the folders. I also have IIS handle * .Jone files, but this will not work either. I do not know how to fix this ... please help me..It's driving me crazy! I thought it! I'm actually using the ASP .NET Framework 4.0. I noticed that in my fileman / web.config I...

ios Disable NavigationBar back button -

Is it possible to temporarily disable the navigation bar back button? I see the Managing the Navigator ViewControllers and the right place to do this is in ViewDidAppear () On the other side, ViewDidAppear ( ) is too late because the screen is animated, then a user presses the back button before ViewDidAppear () and cries in the synchronization between the stack associated with the view controller's stack and the back button. Produces If the user is waiting a bit and ViewDidAppear () is called, everything works fine so I need to disable the temporary backbutt thanks, donescamillo @ Recommended using a delay Comments work but it is not necessary That's a good thing. You really should not make artificial delays in your code. Different devices will display your viewpad method at different speeds and you have to set your delay to wait for a slow device, reducing the responsiveness of people on artificially faster devices. If you can explain what you...

mysql - Maximum Count of Distinct Values in SQL -

Please forgive me if this is answered but can not use search tool or a basic Google query is. I am trying to return a value that indicates the maximum number of rows to any specific value in a column in SQL. For example, I like something like SELECT MAX (COUNT (DISTINCT person_id) my_table from MAX_NUM_PERS_ROW And if the person with most lines in the table 5 If there are rows, then the return value will be 5. Any and all help is appreciated! You can do nested aggregation: to select max (cnt) (select person_id, count (*) from mytable group as cnt person_id By) p; If you really want to make that person You can also do this: select person_id, count (*) as counted by my_table from person_id (*) desc range 1;

c# - Creating an IQueryable to Equal int32? -

I am trying to create a query extension which will compare a null qualified int sql column value with the value. But I am already struggling more than 8 hours to find solutions to any work. I've got a lot of help on this side. But not all comments helped me. I have changed the code several times, but anything seems to work. I would like to create something like WHERE ManagerID IN (10,20,30) main code IQueryable & lt; Users & gt; Query = _context.CreateObjectSet & lt; Users & gt; (); query = query.IsMember (a => a.ManagerID, new Int32? [] {10,20,30}); Return query. Toolist (); While currently performing the query. It gives me a return Unable to create a constant value type 'System.Object'. Only primitive types or counting types are supported in this context. Public stable IQueryable & lt; T & gt; IsMember & LT; T & gt; (The IQueryable & lt; t & gt; source & lt ;? t, int32 & gt; & gt; stringProperty, ...

sql - MS Access query: Use a select statement within Switch() function -

I am using the switch () function for conditional updates in the MS Access query. Below is my query UPDATE T_Generated_OpportunityLine SET PlContact_c = list (Nimnstevl Value_c = 'PTFDS - FD Ancloshor Systems', the OpportunityLine_PostCode.SESA OpportunityLine_PostCode, T_Generated_OpportunityLine where OpportunityLine_PostCode.Postcode = T_Generated_OpportunityLine.Selected_Zip and OpportunityLine_PostCode. OpptyLine_Ref = 'PTFDS', lower value Value_c = 'door entry system', OpportunityLine_PostCode.SESA Select OpportunityLine_PostCode, T_Generated_OpportunityLine where OpportunityLine_PostCode.Postcode = T_Generated_OpportunityLine.Selected_Zip and OpportunityLine_PostCode.OpptyLine_Ref = 'Gateway System'); I'm aware of the synthesis of the switch () function: switch (expression1, value1, expression2, value2,. ..motion_n, value_n) I changed the value of the value "section instead of passing a static value I'm bringing ...

ios - Strange behaviour in Collection view -

I have a collection view with 25 cells. For a cell, I have made the text color white I reload the archive, the text color of the other cells also changes one color from one to the other, even after I reload the archive view. I do not know where this problem is my code. if (indexPath.item == 0) {myCell.hidden = NO; NSLog (@ "index path =% ld", (long) indexPath.row); NSArray * object = [[jsonData valueForKey: @ "time-timepad"] object objectAtIndex: 0]; NSLog (@ "object% @", object); MyCell.roomLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "Room:% @", [Object ManForque: @ "Room Description"]]; MyCell.subjectLabel.text = [Item Value ForKey: @ "Theme Description"]; [MyCell.redXbuttonOutlet setTag: indexPath.row]; [MyCell.redXbuttonOutlet addTarget: Self action: @Selector (button pressed :) Control events: UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; MyCell.noSessionView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clear collar]; myCell.myLearningChoicesBackgro...

java - How to parse BigDecimal into Text with EU decimal separator but no decimal numbers at the end? -

I should be able to parse a "1.000," string in BigDiskim 1000 and then parse the same BigDisk in "1.000", string. Why do both do the same exact DecimalFormat formation? Because I need to compare at the end of each stage that the two strings are identical, i.e. whether the parsing is correct or not. So far, I tried to use these two samples: DecimalFormat ("###. ## 0,") and decimal ("0," ) but they do not produce the exact "1.000" at the end. This is my code: list & lt; Number format & gt; Format = New Arreelist & lt; Number format & gt; (); Formats.add (DecimalFormat (". ### ## 0,")); Formats.add (DecimalFormat ('0')); (Number format format: format) for {number number = format. Text (text); Format.setParseIntegerOnly (incorrect); If (number! = Null & format (format, number). Par (text)) {back true; }} I have actually figured out this. I had to define the form of pattern...

php - Hide shipping label woocommerce -

I need to hide shipping label on my woocommerce cart page but keep it visible at checkout Page . I have read that I can use is_cart () to specifically target the car, but it has not worked with any code that I have written in the function php. How to complete this? -edit - I got the following code to put in the function. Php: add_filter ('woocommerce_cart_shipping_method_full_label', 'Remove_shipping_label', 10, 2); function remove_shipping_label ($ label, $ method) {$ $ new_label = preg_replace ('/^.+:/', '', $ label); Return $ New_label; } Now I need to combine the code "if (is_cart ())" to target the cart page, but I do not know how to The cart page is loaded by a template in the plugin folder: You need to copy the file into your theme for the woocommerce / templates / cart / cart-shipping.php overrides template: Source: Experience +

javascript - Raise EvalError and InternalError -

When I search for the type of JavaScript errors, I think that there are 7 error types accordingly. I can generate all five core errors such as SyntaxError , ReferenceError , RangeError , URIError and TypeError . However, I could not find any way to generate other 2 error types EvalError and InternalError . How do I generate it? (Or) Is there an example of a javascript code that increases these errors? from ES5: EvaluError The exception is not currently used within this specification So I think this error can not be done in modern browsers. InternalError , the page that you say to the link: InternalError creates an example representing an error that then Occurs when an internal error is thrown in the javascript engine. e.g. "Too many recurring" . And true enough, running function foo () {foo (); } Foo (); throws internal error: too many recurring

r - applying function to permutated objects -

I have to say, 20 objects I have a function that analyzes the decomposition. I have a pairing analysis on all pairs Want to do Suppose that the function is cor.test instead of writing all 190 pairs a How can I apply this function to all couples together and in this situation, the relationship between each pair? (if it is important, then each object is matrix) > code> combn , it is not clear how you will correlate between the matrix, but how can you assume that you have vectors here: ## Put your objects in the same list, if you have ## some patterns for your object names I where your objects are: obj1 = 1: 5 obj2 = 1: 5 obj3 = 1: 5

java - how to avoid a Json array when i'm fetching data -

I'm bringing Jason data to Java, and my Jason has a different structure and it's not always the case. Example: {"0": {"id" = "255", name = "example"}, "1": {"news_id": "47221", "news_infos": {"Title": "test", "date": "2014-05-14 17:44:02", "shared": "47"}, "website": ""}, "3 ": {" Id "=" 55885 ", name =" afu "}} This is just an example. What I need to know is how can I leave another, we believe that the second one is Jason Array. This is an example of what I am doing in Java; for (int i = 0; i & lt; jObj.length (); i ++) {try {JSONObject obj = jObj.getJSONObject (i); // suppose that every entry in JSN is an object and does not have a Jason Array (! Obj.isNull ("titrenews")) {home at home = new home (); Log.i ("Infos", "Yes"); Ho...

html - PHP string operations lose newline characters -

I am writing a script in PHP to change some code in HTML files. Every file will be read in line per line And thus every operation should be per line. My problem is that some operations lose the new line if it is the end of the file. Just to be clear, I want to get new characters in the HTML ( & lt; br / & gt; ) but to get a better format code inside the code editor, Newline characters ( \ n ) are required. Example of the first HTML: & lt; body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "wrapper" & gt; Example of HTML after this: & lt; body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "jobtempl" & gt; & Lt ;! - JobTemple - & gt; & Lt; Div id = "wrapper" & gt; How should this happen: & lt; body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "jobtempl" & gt; & Lt ;! - jobtempl - & gt; & Lt; Div id = "wrapper" & gt; PHP code: Change the personal function resource ($ file) {$ this- & gt; Fil...

How can I use a wrapper object as a JPA entity without having a corresponding table in the database -

I am creating a system over an existing (old and dirty) database. For this, I am creating a JPA layer above the database, but I do not want to map my domain objects directly into the existing database tables. Do I currently have a wrapper object which is a way of databases in 4 entities (data 4 tables from which) can I use this wrapper class as a parameter in JPQ query? It would be nice if the wrapper class itself works like some JPA unit, but without the related database table, for example, let me call it wrapper so that I list & lt; wrapper & gt; Wrapper = ...; TypedQuery & LT; Cover & gt; Query = entityManager.createQuery ("Select Wrap" // Probably this is the problem where the problem is: JPA requires a type of `wrap`, but this type of entity is required, which is called` Wrap 'is not' WHERE wrap in: wrapper "+" and = 1 "+" and = 2 ", wrapper class); Query.setParame...

android - Radio button disappeared after placing inside radio group in linear layout -

I have to take two radio buttons that are horizontally used, but I have a problem which is both radio buttons Getting is chosen instead of normal behavior, where any radio button should be selected ... so I used the radio group inside a linear layout horizontal But surprisingly all the radio buttons disappeared. No clue .. Android: Leaut_vind = "L50dip" Android: layout_height = "22dip" android: background = "@ color / silver" android: orientation = "horizontal" & gt; Android; Radio Group Android: ID = "@ + ID / Radiography" Android: Layout_Wind = "150 DP" Android: Layout_Hypt = "22 DP" Android: Background = "@color / Silver" & gt; Android: layout_weight = "1" Android: text = "/ share" Android: textAppearance = "Android: Android: Android: Android: layout_width =" 0dp "Android: layout_hett =" match_parent ": attr / textAppearanceSmall" />...

ios - Setting up CIFilter in Swift -

itemprop = "text"> How to translate the last line of the following ObjC code for a swift: CGAffineTransform transform = CFEfeinttransferTT; CIFF Filter * ClampFilter = [CIFF filter filter name: @ "CIFF clamp"]; [ClampFilter setValue: [NSValue valueWithBytes:, "inputTransform" @and change objctype: @encode (CGAffineTransform)] forKey the following line clampFilter .setValue generates . After NSValue is a manufacturer that has a CGAffineTransform arguments: transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity go clampFilter = CIFilter (name: "CIAffineClamp") go = value = NSValue (CGAffineTransform: converge) clampFilter.setValue (Val, forKey: Inputtrans Swift 3: transform = CGAffineTransform.Dientity Let's clampFilter = CIFilter (name: "CIAffineClamp")! Val = NSW (cgAffineTransform: transform) clampFilter.setValue (val, forKey: "inputTransform")

sonarqube - Xquery textbox disapears after typing xpath query -

When I create a new custom rule on 4.4.1 I add the Express Query in the Textbox , But when I save it does not actually save when I try to edit the rule, the exquisite text box is empty. Then when I write it again and save it, the exquisite text box is removed from the edit panel, see the screen shot below. Also, when I try to analyze my code with that custom rule, it does not get any error I can do a custom rule if I test [string-length (@ Token) & gt; = 10] A custom made with xpath query / idtiiIr Any help would be appreciated. Thanks It seems that you have to face and, it is fixed in the next 4.5.1

sql - Pivot table using dates -

I have a view that includes the following fields ... Conid int Task varchar MeasureCategory varchar state four (2) DueDate datetime, frequency four (1) pattern four (1) TargetMin decimal TargetMax decimal decimal Decimal Use variable for ConID, State, and DueDate To do this, I want to create a pivot table which gives me the average value to target, target Max, and achieve, for months, months of variables For the due date, each of the last four months from that variable, with the expiration date variables value of 9/30, 2014, I want to assume that from time to time the value for the due date ... 9/1/2014 - 9/30/2014 8/1/2014 / - 8/31/2014 7/1/2014 - 7/31/2014 6/1/2014 - 6/30/2014 It should also be for registered variables for Conid and for state. All three variables, condoms, states, and due dates will change. Therefore, for a given condom in a given state, I want to get the average value for GoalMine, Target Max and from the last four months, which ends with variables...

php - how to get the string value from input stream? -

I have an Android app, in the Android application, I have selected the query on my SQL database table. http client httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient (); Http post httppost = new HTTP post (""); Httppost.setEntity (new UrlEncodedFormEntity (nameValuePairs, HTTP.UTF_8)); HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute (httppost); HttpEntity unit = response.getEntity (); InputStream = entity.getContent (); // if (comparison value is here) Here I want to check the value InputStream When I execute http: // on the browser I get the output value like {name: ashu} Or null But how can I compare it to my code because I have == zero : you & lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.INTERNET" /> in your manifest file

sorting - jqGrid place sort arrow icon on the left -

How do I put arrows on the left side in the filter header? I saw the problem as an implementation Is because the arrow container (s-ico) is inside the container header (Ui-jqgrid-sortable) ... Display: None I initially tried : hidden in the first and not sortable columns in the span tag detects the sorted columns using the selector, but all the columns are empty only span and This selector is correct for two types of columns & lt ;! - sortable - & gt; & Lt; div id = "jqgh_manager" class = "ui-jqgrid-sortable" & gt; Manager & lt; Span class = "s-ico" & gt; & Lt; Span sort = "asc" class = "ui-grid-ico-sort ui-icon-asc ui-state-disabled ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-ui-sort-ltr" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span sort = "desc" class = "ui-grid-ico-sort ui-icon-desc ui-state-disabled ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-ui-sort-ltr" & gt; & Lt; / Span ...

php - how to force magento to use my custom price -

Hello and thanks for reading, I am working on Magenta EE 1.13, here I have added a new price area on the product editing page (offer price and deal price) next to the original price and special value areas and there is a problem: When I'm determined that I need to use magenta to make a deal value or offer price, then I do not find it complicated and easy to find. What do I think I can override the addFinalPrice method or override the GetFinalPrice method, but I'm not sure if this is correct, any ideas will be appreciated, thanks in advance Update: Is there a way to save the last price after saving the last save since editing the product? You need to add a supervisor to event list_product_get_fine_price. Please check the answer given below.

unity3d - iOS PlayGameServices expecting valid application id, but there is -

I have configured the PM 31 plugin for Unity and play games, and all the work on Android is smooth. But when I try to do something on iOS, I get the following error: [GPGManager Model ForApplicationId:] Expecting a valid App ID The error shows when I use the init function. I have information on GPGApplicationID application. I pass client ID in init. So where is the problem? This is just a hypothesis, but I think that if the app works very well with Android then the real problem is in PlayGameServices configuration, so if you do not know the Prime 31 plugin works But there are some ideas on the possible flaws in the configuration, please, tell me! Are you still able to authenticate, or do you prevent a user from successfully authenticating? Are you I am currently having the same problem with the plugin An optional solution that seems to be working is executing init () and authenticates immediately after startup (). For whatever reason, when this user will be success...

php - Warning about `$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA` being deprecated -

I changed to PHP 5.6.0 and now I got the following warning everywhere: Deprecated: $ HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is being automatically populated and will be removed in future versions. To avoid this alert set 'always_popala ____ post_data' in '-1' in php.ini and instead use php: // input stream. In the unknown in line 0 warning: header information can not be modified - headers have already been sent to unknown on line 0 OK, I depend on some exclusion feature . Except that no! I have never used this variable in any of my script, honestly I did not know that it is also present. phpinfo () indicates that I have always_populate_raw_post_data set to 0 (disabled). So what's happening? By setting this value to -1 I do not want to "avoid warning." This will only hide the warning, and I will still leave the deleted configuration I will solve this problem on its source I want to know and want to know why PHP thinks that is populating on HTTP_RAW_POS...

node.js - Chat Tutorial not functioning properly -

So I end up in the node. Decided to give a shot to JS I decided to go with a small chat app to break ice. The tutorial I follow is directly from the site. I am following the word tutorial for the word and also attempted to copy and paste the code into the source and I can not find any place when I read I type in and send it. This is going to come in my command prompt, though it is not. I was connected to the user and the users were able to see the disconnected messages, but I'm stumped because I have stepped through the tutorial step. Index.js requires the app = ('Express') (); Var http = Required ('http'). Server (app); Var io = Requirement ('') (HT); app.get ('/', function (rick, ridge) {res.sendFile ('/ chat / index.html');}); Io.on ('connection', function (socket) {socket.on ('chat message', function (msg) {console.log ('message:' + msg);});}); Http.listen (3000, function () {conso...

mysql - How to workaround selecting multiple columns inside a single case expression -

I am thinking that if there is a way to select two columns based on the outcome of a statement. Even so I have so far (I have reduced half the amount of unnecessary stuff): (Select IF (Select user. I.I. (G.ID = u.group_id) WHERE = 2)> = 4, (SELECT p.action, permissions as p, WHERE p.required_points & lt; = ( Choosing reputation from users WHERE id = 2)), (SELECT 0, 0))) In fact, is there any number of columns operands that behave like statements? And if so, how do I apply them? 1241 - Operand must have 1 column (s) Entire SQL query: (SELECT p1.action, user_primation from Add permissions as AS u1 INNER P1 ON (P1id = u1.action_id) WHERE u1.user_id = 2) Union (SELECT p2 .action, users by U2Inner User User Group AG on (live) .ID = U2Grap_ID) Join Inner GOP On (GPIGP.Group_ID = G.Id) Inner P2On (P.ID) = GP.action_id) where U.ID = 2) Unions (selection) Do it U (In the United States user group ASG2 ON (G.ID = U3 NCHGID) where U 3. id = 2)> = ...

In NetBeans, is there a keyboard shortcut for moving between HTML tags? -

When editing an HTML file, if the cursor is on an opening tag, the matching tag is highlighted in the editor . I would like to be able to mapping an important combination such as alt + → (or something) to go to the closing tag I look for a similar action -> Options-> The keypad, but not one, so I decided to try to make one for it. I have found that I can do this in several steps: ctrl + / ( Fold code), → , ctrl + * (reveal code). I have recorded a macro of this, and it has produced this code: Fall-fold-tree care-forward extension-fold-tree Unfortunately, when I run the macro, the cursor remains in the same place as if instead of ending at the end of the closing tag, like I did manually, I've successfully created a macro that has the initial tag from the closing tag Runs on: Fall-fold-tree visas But I can not get an employee working ahead, I am also feeling bad that I am ignoring the action in keymap settings and now the wheel I am trying to change ag...

Inserting into MySQL database from C# Webforms, give ArgumentException -

I am trying to create a registration page through a web page that will connect to a MySQL databse and insert data , But it puts an argument exception (even if I believe I'm following the tutorial at all) and will not include the data in the table. My C # code for the registration page is as follows: Public partial class registration: system. Web. UI page {MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection conn; MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand CMD; String query STR; Secure Zero Page_load (Object Sender, EventAgps E) {} Safe Weather Register Aventim (Object Sender, EventArgus E) {Register User (); } Private Zero Register User () {string connString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings ["WebAppConnString"]. ToString (); Conn = New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection (connString); conn.Open (); QueryStr = ""; Include QueryStr = "seniorschema.registration (password 1, email, first name, last name, password 2, code)" + "value...

javascript - variables not hoisting as expected in angularjs -

I follow John Pappa and his angular style guideline recommendations. I like the idea of ​​providing all the variables and methods for viewing at the top of the controller and rely on javascript to flip the variable at runtime. I do not think clearly elevation, and at the same time I thought that I did though. In the following example, I expect the $ scope.dumbValue dumbValue variable declaration thrown over the assignment statement; var app = angular Module ('plunker', []); App.controller ('MainCtrl', [$ scope, $ http]); Function MainCtrl ($ Range, $ http) {$ scope.dumbValue = dumbValue; Var dumbValue = 'dumb'; } But you can see that this is not the case; The selected ng-model value has not been started. If you move an assignment statement under the variable declaration, then the NG-model is initialized. Why has JavaScript not raised var dumbValue above the assignment, or is it something I can not understand about the angular way it works with it i...

ios - Why Xcode GM candidate 2 keeps crashing when debugging swift code? -

I'm a little worried here, I'm developing an app in Swift and I've gone through all the Xcode beta Without the debugger, use every two lines like println () is all hoping that some updates will soon bring back my precious lldb but No I am currently on Xcode GM candidate 2 and I'm getting this: If I have an exception in that app Micro hit I'm growing, I can not do anything. If I try po or the stack trace simply crashes via Xcode. Breakpoints work randomly, but most of the time it is an Xcode crash Do I do something wrong Am I Is there any setting I do not remember? I have changed the ' debug information level by' 'I In the div class = "text" itemprop = "text"> > compiler default 'from' only line table '. contains create setting - & gt; Apple LVVM 6.0 - Code Generation section

Html - Space Key Press is Causing OnClick to be Triggered -

[Note: This flaw is only in Internet Explorer 11. It's okay in IE9, Chrome and Firefox.] I have the following CSS: / *** Pop-up devils to cover the whole area * ** / .divModalDialog {status: fixed; Top: 0; Left: 0; Width: 100%; Height: 100%; / *! Important! * / Display: none; / * Final attribute sets dark on scale: 0 ... 1.0 * / background color: RGBA (0,0,0,0.8.8); Text-align: center; Z-index: 101; } / ***! The target attribute does the job! *** / .divModalDialog: Target {Display: Block; } one HTML: & lt; Div id = "divModalDialogUpdate" class = "divModalDialog" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" id = "divModalText" /> & Lt; Button onclick = "doStuff ();" & Gt; Press & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "divCanvas" style = "display: none; width: 100%; height: 100%;" & Gt; & Lt; Canvas ...

javascript - removeAllRanges() in Internet Explorer -

I am writing drag and drop script when the problem is pressed and it moves forward with the page, this lesson Starts selecting. I got a way to stop it by calling ... var selection = window.getSelection (); selection.removeAllRanges (); ... As always when I move the mouse, I'm having trouble with Internet Explorer. Thanks in advance! post-text" itemprop = "text"> The entire selection model is completely different in the old IES is. There is no modern browser like any window.getSelection () and range objects. You have to be familiar with IE. IE and lieutenant; Selection and implementation of categories in 9. However, your problem with IE can be solved in a simple way. Attach the onselectstart event to window (or any element you need). Stop the default action in a handler and cancel bubbling. Something like this: window.attachEvent ('onselectstart', function (e) {e.returnValue = false; e.cancelBubble = true; return false;}

html - Linking to full blog post sql -

I have been working on my husband's website for a while. I am currently redesigning the site, and I want to make it more future-proof. At present, their blog posts show only in a row on their page (some endorsement for breaking it), which means If someone wants to add a post to their favorites, then it will not work with joining more posts. Therefore, I want to make a slightly longer post which is then linked to the full post. My question is, how does this happen? I have tried to find answers to many questions, but what I can find is how to set up my own database (which I already have) and how to create log-ins (which I do not need) ), And echo those posts that I already have. Actually, I want a fraction from the post (first few rows or something else), and then a link to read the full article. I really do not know exactly how to exclude individual HTML pages for each post, rather than taking them out of our database. Ie, I do not know the URL needed to display the full pos...

indexing - JavaFX Check Cell background of specific Cell (random access) -

I just started to develop a Java FX application, I probably do not know how JavaFX uses TableView and I should use something different instead. Currently my table view displays data in many columns when I change a cell background color (Custom Factory by SetSelfafaq). Now I want to use different cells in the table by checking the index (column, row) and checking the background color. After clicking on a certain button, a changed background color cell must be stored. I want to change every cell with each line (get celltext for each cell) and want to store it for later use in data structure, such as Maps and GT. Really good if someone can give me an indication Thank you for your help. I think you are adding an event handler to Tableclass, which is your customfactory this event handler DoubleClick -The event is dealing with and sets the background color, right? This handler has access to the parameter given to the callback / customfactory call method, which is the model-...

oop - Why C++ new is not returning pointer to the object it creates? -

I understood the following code, according to my knowledge when I declare new use of something new, then this particular Creates an object of type and gives the indicator on that object. But here when I use a new student object, it does not return pointer to the object. Also, when I do not make any type of conversion from student to student, instead of giving an error, new student (s1) " student (student *) " Call me P> #include & lt; bits / stdc ++ H & gt; using namespace std; Class student {public: cool; Student (student * s) {// is taking it for constructor indicator, while I am calling it under this value - & gt; Cool = s-> Quiet; } Student () {it-> Calm = 1; }}; Zero blah (student) {printf ("cold:% d \ n", S. col); } Int main () {student s1 = new student (); // New student is not returning here * = 2; Student S2 = New Student (S1); // Here we are passing S1, which type of students are, but why is the producer (student *) c...

python - simple regex to find two words -

I have a quick question with Regx that is driving me crazy: Sentence = "Dr. Peter is a great person, Dr. Mud Lumpert Mercury is a great man." For the meter again ("(Dr. | med.) \ S ([AZ] [az] +)", the sentence 'print'% 02d-% 02d:% s'% (m.start) , M.and (), M.G.P. (2)) This code gives me all the words after "Dr." or "Made" if word starts with capital Now after the string I need output for two words. If both of them started with a capital again, I tried some things: Reader in the meter ("(Dr. | Med.) \ S (([AZ] [Az] +) | ([AZ] [AG] +) \ s ([AZ] [az] +)), print: '% 02d-% 02d:% s'% (m.start) , m.end (), (2, 3)) You can see how I got there. How can I reach "Lupeate Mercury" but also "Peter"? Now I need one word or two words after "Dr.". And "Made". I need to get "Peter" and "Lumpart Mercury". Use non-capturing groups, make it optional within...

c++ - VS 2010 Cannot open source file "string" -

Suddenly, my VS Intelligence into the 2010 project started to go crazy Everything is well-formed, but now it can not get the original C ++ header files like string, map, etc. Now he does not recognize the std :: namespace, and this is usually just going. The code is still compiled, but not the one that I work for, I can not get intlasance to work properly. The closest existing question I found was here: But this solution does not work for me. I have both 2012 and 2010 installed, so I am thinking that each other has messed up I have been using 2010 for this. OK, I understood it was related to:; I had to change it a bit. 1) Open the properties dialog. It was not clear to me that what exactly was the answer to it. I was right clicking on my project and am selecting the properties. The right thing to do is to choose an individual sub-project under your solution, with that selection, move your mouse to the top left of the solution explorer. When you hover over that ic...

java - Parse double from JFormattedTextField -

I have a bug or something I have a method that saves an article such as: class executes the SaveArticleListener implementation {// .... string s = textArticlePrice.getText (). Replace (',', '') .replaceAll ("\\ s", ""); Double price = double. Prsd double (s); // ....} Where textArticlePrice is a JFormattedTextField that is configured: number format suffix format = number format.getnumberinstance (); PriceFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits (2); PriceFormat.setMinimumFractionDigits (2); TextArticlePrice = new JFormattedTextField (priceFormat); TextArticlePrice.setColumns (10); I get every time in and parseDouble method: java.lang.NumberFormatException: for input string: "123 456 789.00" then works with the change dot, but not white space ... why? To parse you string , your NumberFormat will be better. Refer to priceFormat , and then use double price = priceFormat.parse (textArticlePrice.getText ()). Dou...

java - Is calling super's constructor redundant in this case? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 7 जवाब मैंने हमेशा सोचा कि जब एक उप-वर्ग के साथ एक वस्तु, हमें स्पष्ट रूप से super (arguments list) को सुपर वर्ग के कन्स्ट्रक्टर को कॉल करने की आवश्यकता है। हालांकि मैंने एक प्रयोग किया और यह महसूस किया कि super का उपयोग करके भी बिना , सुपर क्लास के कन्स्ट्रक्टर को स्वचालित रूप से कहा जाएगा। क्या ये सच है? यदि यह सत्य है, तो जब सुपर () अनावश्यक होता है और जब ऐसा नहीं होता है? वर्ग माता-पिता {सार्वजनिक जनक} {सिस्टम .out.println ("सुपर क्लास"); }} वर्ग बाल अभिभावक (सार्वजनिक बाल) (सुपर) (); // क्या यह बेमानी है? System.out.println ("सब क्लास"); }} सार्वजनिक वर्ग टेस्ट क्लास {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {नया बाल (); }} OUTPUT ( के साथ सुपर (); बाल क्लास में): सुपर क्लास उप वर्ग OUTPUT ( बिना सुपर (); इन बाल वर्ग): सुपर क्लास उप वर्ग डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से सुपर () सभी उप-वर्ग में जोड़ा जाता है, इसलिए इसे स्पष्ट रूप से कॉल करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है इस (आर्ग्स) का ...

Finding an object(s) within a hash with specific number using Ruby -

I need to create a method that takes a hash and number as arguments and new names according to age Changes / P> my_family_pets_ages = {"Evi" => 6, "hobbi" => 3, "George" => 12, "Bogart" = & gt; 4, "Pali" = & gt; 4, "Annabelle" => 0, "Move" = & gt; 3} I have two solutions for my problem: def my_hash_finding_method (source, thing_to_find) {| Kashmir, V. V.include? Thing_to_find} end my_hash_finding_method (my_family_pets_ages, 3) or def my_hash_finding_method (source, thing_to_find) {| Kashmir, V. V.has_value? Thing_to_find} end my_hash_finding_method (my_family_pets_ages, 3) When I run my program with IRB or command line, I get: my_solution Rb: 15: my_hash_finding_method contains `block ':' undefined method 'for 6?': Fixnum (NoMethodError) Why is included an undefined method ? When I use has_value , does that tell the ...