
Showing posts from August, 2010

windows - How to map a network drive inside a batch -

My users are using to map network drives. I have developed a tool that uses a network drive. Issue: I can overlap a user-defined drive. How can I open a DOS batch file that will determine a new network drive for my own use You can use pushed \\ server \ share it will map a drive to the first available letter Drive popd The existing directory can be obtained through the Environmental Verbal % cd% .

shared libraries - .so error when i run radius server in debugging mode -

This is an error when I run the radius server in debugging mode radiusd-x . I have checked a lot and I am unable to get the argument, why is it really growing. Root @ MSIS-Thinkpad-R61: /home/amsys/freeradius-server-2.2.5# radiusd -X radiusd: Error while loading shared library: libfreeradius-radius The shared object can not open the file: a file or directory When I prefstly installed the radius server, why did I get this problem? If anyone knows about this, please give me a quick response, how to get this error. You are truly admirable. You may have moved the libraries after installation, and include that location in your Linker Path Was not done where you transferred them ldd -v & lt; Pathus radiusd> To use where the lancer was assumed that the libraries were going to be located.

javascript - Making Web App fit to browser width using Google Apps Script -

I have a web app that looks good but it is not suitable for browser width and to scroll down Shows the scroll bar. I tried this code to make it work, it only puts the app in the center of the screen, but it is not suitable for the width of the browser: var app = UiApp.createApplication (). SetTitle ('app 2015'). SetStyleAttribute ('left', '26% '). Set-style attribute ('condition', 'relative'); I tried to add .setWidth (100) to the previous code, however it does not fit the web app for browser width. My web app needs to show the application form and the same white spaces in the center left and right of the app. Any thoughts on this? Thanks "100 to make the width of the app similar to the width of the browser.%" Instead of "100" Code>. In addition, if you want to focus your content in the browser, set the width to a certain width, such as "1000px" or "60% " , and set the margin to...

android - Upgrading AdMob SDK and fail on load() method -

I'm working to update to the new AdMob which requires Google services to work. I am using this code in Critical () AdView adView = (AdView) this.findViewById (; // AdRequest AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.builder (). AddTestDevice (AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR) .build (); AdView.loadAd (adRequest); Log D. ("ADMOB", "successfully loaded"); and using this code in XML & lt; xmlns: ads = "http: //" android: id = "@ + id / adView" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_alignParentBottom = "true" android: layout_gravity = "center_horizontal" ad: adSize = "SMART_BANNER" ad: adUnitId = "ADMOB_ID" /> However, adMob ad is not displayed Try / hold block fails here: adView.loadAd (adRequest); The AndroidManifest code looks like th...

performance - c++ for range loop quicker than decrementing loop -

We often loop start arrays such as the last chance: static const char * to pszStrings [] = {...} (size_t i = _countof (pszStrings); i--;) or (pszStrings [i]); My question is that if the new category is very efficient to use the loop and it needs to be used: static const char * PszStrings [] = {...} (auto string: pszStrings) use (string); extra ?? | | | Since I can not see the generated code, and even if I do not know, then be able to make the right conclusions, I would be happy to have many scientific answers! compiler new Range for-loop a lot about the repeated collection in C Could create a notion, which was in the first transcribed-loop. Example: Generally write one in C ++ 98 days: for (std :: vector : const_iterator it = V.begin (), it_end = V.end (); it! = It_end; ++ it) {// code ..} it_end The use was done because in many cases if the compiler can not be sure that the collection can not change the shape inside the loop (and .end () ). If you...

objective c - Autolayout how to grow as large as it can -

I am using autolayout in my project, but in this simple use I am unable to do it. If it has a label with a text field that has a vertical barrier: H: | [SearchLabel] -5- [searchText] | There is a vertical obstacle, but it is next to the point of the question what I want, the space to move to the left side is the search. Instead it's a very small box, how can I complete it? I have used compression resistance but now I have tried to do it and work fully Does: [_SearchBallSetContentHousingPreference: Axis for UILayoutPriorityDefaultHigh: UILayoutConstraintAxisHorizontal]; The book I am reading according to this means: "Content gossip describes the desire to match its boundary to the natural shape of its content" Who does what I want :)

.htaccess - Alter rewrite rules to end with trailing slash -

तो मेरे पास निम्न यूआरएल को फिर से लिखना नियम हैं; पुनर्लेखन% {THE_REQUEST} ^ ( [एजेड] {3 9}) \ (। *) / Index.php [^ \] * \ HTTP पुनर्लेखन नियम ^। \ Php $% 2 / [R = 301, L] रीव्रेट नियम ^ एफ ([0- 9 ] +) - [^ _] +?। html $ viewforum.php? f = $ 1 रेवरइट नियम ^ एफ ([0- 9] +) - [^ _] +? _ ([0- 9] +) \। html $ viewforum.php? f = $ 1 और amp; start = $ 2 पुनःलेखन नियम ^ टी ([0- 9] +) - [^ _] +? \। html $ viewtopic.php? t = $ 1 रेवरइट नियम ^ egosearch.html $ search .php? Search_id = egosearch वे एक क्वेरी स्ट्रिंग को एक स्ट्रिंग में एक पिछला .html के साथ बदलते हैं। क्या कोई मुझे इन पर स्विच करने में सहायता कर सकता है, ताकि वे केवल एक अनुगामी स्लैश दिखाए? मौजूदा यूआरएल इस तरह दिखते हैं: /f2-general-auto-assistance.html / T1-welcome-to-phpbb3.html /faq.html इसके अतिरिक्त, मैं फिर से लिखना नियमों का उपयोग करने के बारे में अधिक जानना चाहता हूं। तो अगर आप अधिक सीखने के लिए एक संदर्भ यूआरएल को साझा करेंगे तो मैं भविष्य में यह स्वयं कर सकता हूं - जो उत्कृष्ट होगा। आखिरी .htm...

javascript - Get all Elements touching a rectangle -

I need to get all the elements whose bound rectangle has some arbitrary rectangle of my selection. I do not have a way to do this basically, and my best solution so far is to call a representative sample of the number within the rectangle, which is far from the correct, because it can remember the elements. This is a performance nightmare that is going on every point in the rectangle, and therefore is not an option. Even if this is possible, then I do not think the elements are width: 0; Height: 0 , although this is not a huge concern for me. I have the idea that how to reduce negative negatives by using the method of multiple points, but is that an real solution? Get for each element Touch your rectangle. For each element, check if there is a border rectangle and your rectangular intersection. If you have too many elements, and you can make assumptions such that the binding sequences of child elements of an element are always contained in the bounding text of t...

javascript - Get the value of an object property dynamically -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मैं मान प्राप्त करना चाहता हूँ एक वस्तु संपत्ति का कारणों के लिए मैं अंदर जाने के लिए अभ्यस्त हूं, मुझे फ़ंक्शन का सार होना चाहिए ताकि मैं इसे विभिन्न परिदृश्यों में इस्तेमाल कर सकूं। यहां मेरे पास क्या है: फ़ंक्शन getPropertyValue (obj, prop) {वापस obj.prop; } Var obj = {name: "tom", आयु: 23} console.log ('उम्र है'); Console.log (getPropertyValue (obj, "उम्र")); यह underfined देता है क्योंकि यह वस्तु पर "प्रोप" की तलाश करता है, जो मौजूद नहीं है। मैं इसे prop के रूप में पारित संपत्ति देखने के लिए कैसे प्राप्त करूं, उदा। अगर "नाम" को prop के रूप में पारित किया गया है, तो यह के लिए दिखेगा यह jsfiddle है फ़ंक्शन getPropertyValue (obj, prop) {वापस obj [prop]; } Var obj = {name: "tom", आयु: 23} var name = getPropertyValue (obj, "name"); Var उम्र = मिलना प्रॉपर्टी वैल्यू (obj, "उम्र");

c - How to check if a mutex is not acquired? -

I want to see that the Mute X is free and is not available. I did Pthread_mutex_trylock (mutex_object); but it returns a 0 if Mute X is acquired and for the -1 error What if Mute X was not acquired? Does it return a price for it? pthread_mutex_trylock does not return "- 1 error for" this "code Returns an 'error' code with potential values ​​in "errno.h". One of these, EBUSY , means that another thread is already the owner of the lock pthread_mutex_trylock , you should not see any other error code, as long as your program There should not be a serious bug. Note that for returning mutes, the return value of 0 does not distinguish between the case where the mute was previously unlocked, and in that case where the calling thread was already owned by any In case, if pthread_mutex_trylock 0 returns, you are responsible for unlocking it via pthread_mutex_unlock , because you have become the owner (or, in the recurring case, Your ...

html - Try to use opacity in IE8 -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 10 उत्तर मैं उपयोग करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ मेरी वेबसाइट में अस्पष्टता , लेकिन यह IE8 में बहुत अच्छी तरह से काम नहीं कर रहा है। मेरा कोड निम्नानुसार है: फ़िल्टर: अल्फा (अस्पष्टता = 80); -मोज-अस्पष्टता: 0.8; -एम-फिल्टर: "प्रोगिड: डीएक्सआईमेजट्रान्सफ़ॉर्म। माइक्रोसॉफ्ट। एल्फा (अस्पष्टता = 80)"; जब मैं मानों को बदलता हूं, तो परिणामस्वरूप आउटपुट हमेशा समान रहता है। संपादित करें: मुझे इसी तरह की समस्या के साथ एक अन्य प्रश्न देने के लिए धन्यवाद ... लेकिन मेरे पास है एक लेआउट और अस्पष्टता संपत्ति जो लेआउट पर लागू होती है। यह अस्पष्टता के लिए सभी सीएसएस कोड हैं: .classname {/ * IE 8 * / -ms-filter: "प्रॉडिड: डीएक्सआईमेजट्रान्सफ़ॉर्म। माइक्रोसॉफ्ट। एल्फा (अस्पष्टता = 80)"; / * IE 5-7 * / फिल्टर: अल्फा (अस्पष्टता = 80); / * नेटस्केप * / -मोझ-ऑपैसिटी: 0.8; / * सफ़ारी 1.x * / -khtml-opacity: 0.8; / * अच्छा ब्राउज़र * / अस्पष्टता: 0.8; } इन सभी को जोड़ने का प्रयास करें और यह सबसे अधिक संभावना काम करता है

wget - Google Cloud Engine - failed to curl a website locate in Iran from my VM instance -

Actually I can not curl / wget an Iranian website I use the Google Cloud Compute Engine with Debian Server The firewall is open ... Other URLs work Can anyone see any of his examples? From my personal computer, I can open a default page and curl the RSS feed of this Iranian site, why not Google VM? Restricts access to certain countries, including Iran, due to exports of restrictions.

mysql - Different value counts on same column using LIKE -

मेरे पास एक डेटाबेस है जैसे + --------- --- + --------------------------------------- + ------ - + | प्रेषक | विषय | दिन | + ------------ + ------------------------------------ --- + -------- + | दर्शन | पुन: [देव] [प्लेटफ़ॉर्म] त्रुटि बनाएँ | सोमवार | | दुशान ए | (MOLDOVADEVDEV-49) ग्रेग स्टार्टअप त्रुटि | सोमवार | + ------------ + ------------------------------------ --- + -------- + मैं उपरोक्त तालिका का उपयोग करके परिणाम प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं। यह जांचना चाहिए कि विषय में दिए गए शब्द हैं, तो किसी दिए गए दिन के लिए उस शब्द कॉलम में एक जोड़ें। | दिन | "देव" | "प्रारंभ करेंगे" | + --------- + ------------ + ---------- + | सोमवार | 1 | 2 | | शुक्रवार | 0 | 3 | मुझे DECODE फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करने के बारे में सोचा गया था लेकिन मुझे अपेक्षित परिणाम नहीं मिल सका। आप सशर्त एकत्रीकरण के साथ ऐसा कर सकते हैं: दिन का चयन करें, योग ('% देव%' जैसी विषय) देव, राशि के रूप में ('% स्टार्टअप%' जैसी विषय ) दिन के आधार पर तालिका टी समूह से स्टार...

ios - Assertation Failure in CorePlot -

I have recently started testing my application on my iPhone 6 Plus, and when I got a Corplot from a graph Using the data point I used, I failed the error message like: failure failure - [CPTXYPlotSpace setYrange:], / USS / Joshmet / Download / Core-Plot- release_1.5.1 / framework / Source / CPTXYPlotSpace.m: 416 Although it works perfectly well with my iPhone 5, so I was curious if E. This could explain how it is OK. Here are some code thanks! - (zero) scatterplot: (CPTScrPotto *) conspiracy plot SymbolWeeked Records Index: (NSUntengar) Select IDX and call for the graph to be highlighted so that the selected symbol is red Will become * / Self.indexSelected = idx; [Self.graph reload data]; CPTPlotRange * newXRange = [new CPTPlotRange]; / * If we have a daily graph, then we need to calculate our X coordination / ([self.graphTitle isEqualToString: @ "daily"]) {double location = [[self xIndexForDailyGraph: idx] doubleValue ] -1; If (location & lt; = 0) newXRange = ...

How does the JMS API work with ActiveMQ -

NEWBIE यहाँ प्रश्न, शायद मैं दूर हूँ ... जब मैं एक जेएमएस पाठ संदेश भेजता हूं Activemq- सभी जार का उपयोग कर एक ActiveMQ विषय के लिए, वास्तव में तार पर भेजा एक जेएमएस संदेश है, या क्या ActiveMQ वास्तव में नक्शा / शुद्ध AMQP को संदेश बदलना है? धन्यवाद। जेएमएस एक एपीआई विनिर्देश है और तार स्तर प्रोटोकॉल विनिर्देश नहीं है। यह एपीआई का एक सेट परिभाषित करता है जिसमें मैसेजिंग प्रदाता को संदेश प्रदाता को एक जेएमएस प्रदाता फोन करने के लिए लागू करना होगा। JMS API कैसे कार्यान्वित किए जाते हैं, वह कार्यान्वयनकर्ता के लिए आंतरिक है। जेएमएस एपीआई को कार्यान्वित करने के लिए एक्टएमएमक (एचएपी) प्रोटोकॉल का उपयोग हो सकता है (या करता है) दूसरों, उदाहरण के लिए, आईबीएम एमक्यू इसका अपना स्वामित्व प्रोटोकॉल का उपयोग करता है।

SQL - select the penultimate date -

मेरे पास एक सारणी है जिसमें एक [ArchiveDate] कॉलम है: ArchiveDate 2014 -10-06 2014-10-06 2014-10-06 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 2014-05-22 2014-05-22 मैं अंतिम तिथि का चयन करना चाहता हूं, लेकिन जब मैं इसका उपयोग करता हूं: अधिकतम [[संग्रहित करें]) -1 [पिछली वीक] [पाइपलाइनअर्चिव] से मुझे 2014-10-05 (जो कॉलम में मौजूद नहीं है) 2014-10-01 के बजाय प्राप्त हो। मुझे यह पता नहीं लगा सकता कि यह कैसे चयन करने के लिए कोड है "आखिरी लेकिन एक"; धन्यवाद आपको सॉर्ट करने की ज़रूरत है अवरोही क्रम में ArchiveDate पर, एक रिकॉर्ड को छोड़ें, और अगले एक को लें। उदाहरण के लिए, SQL सर्वर 2012 में आप इसे इस तरह से कर सकते हैं: से चुनें [संग्रहित करें] से [पाइपलाइनअर्किव] ORDER द्वारा [ArchiveDate] DESC OFFSET (1) ROWS FETCH NEXT (1) ROWS केवल

c# - POST with single parameter returns 404 error -

I have to pass a single parameter in the web API POST method. The following is my AJAX call: $ http ({method: 'POST', url: "customer / process customer / "+ Customer ID}) .Vivet (data) {}); Where customerId is a grid . and my Controller: [HTPP] [Route ("Customer / Processes Customer")] Public Zero Process Customer (Guide ID) {// Some Goods} But I do not get 404 when I do this get the error, am I doing wrong? You are using attribute routing but you have the path to the id parameter In. Instead, use: [Route (see "Customer / Process Customer / {ID}"] For more examples.

c# - WPF Property Target for Style Trigger -

I am defining a custom datagrid text cloud with the "tag" property added to the datagram, as & lt; Local: DataGridTextColumn binding = "{binding path = company}" header = "company" tag = "string" isReadOnly = "true" /> I have defined some resources XAML to control rendering of the grid, but I have a problem. Based on the value of the "tag" property using the triggers, I would like to render a custom context menu on the DataGridColumnHeader. However, I can not find a way to style the column "tag" value to reference, I try the datatyagger and the regular trigger Is of & gt; Style target type = "{x: type datagrid column header}" & gt; & Lt; Style.Triggers & gt; & Lt; DataTrigring Binding = "{Binding Relative Soros = {relative serge ancestor type = local: datagrid text cluM}, path = tag}" value = "string" & gt; & Lt; Setter property = "con...

Can't Find Theme.AppCompat.Light for New Android ActionBar Support -

I'm trying to implement a new support library which was released a few days ago by Google. In the past, I have successfully implemented ActionBarShail, without any problem using the same method listed on Google Developer's page - using the Guide to Adding Resources (which is how ActionBarSherlock has done this). I also have a library project loaded on my project as a library. I can tell that the library is loading properly. When, my main activity is Instead of increasing activity on Java, I changed it to increase ActionBarActivity (according to Google's instructions), there was no error - and it correctly importes. I also style. Attempted to bypass the Xml file and @ style / theme.AppCompat.Light is directly & lt; Application & gt; and & lt; Activity & gt; Android: Theme = "@ Style / Theme App Compat. Lite" by adding them to the Android Manifest.xmm for both with all the efforts as a result of the same error. Now the issue is that ...

deployment - Error deploying WAR file to Jboss EAP 6.3 -

I tried to create a war file that included web services which are posted in JBOSS AS 6.3 EAP Beta However, Zebus EAP gave me the following error: Error: 10-10-2010 11: 06: 11,693 error [] (MSc Service Thread 1 - 2) MSC 000001: Failed to start service jboss.deployment.subunit "My.ear". "MyWebApp.war" .INSTALL: org.jboss.msc.service.StartException service in jboss.deployment.subunit "My.ear". "MyWebApp.war" .INSTALL: JBAS018733: Deployment "MyWebApp.war" failed in the installation process of INSTALL. "My.ear" at ( [ -redhat-11] at org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl $ StartTask.startService (ServiceControllerImpl.java1980) [ redhat-1 ] At org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl $ Star...

javascript - On Off Button Toggling -

I have a mobile toolbar that has four buttons, each button is using Phantom for background image position. Each button has the name of the unique class because everyone should be especially located inside the phantom. When a page loads, no buttons are selected. When a button is pressed, it is the active psuedo square: active change in a blue icon from a white icon, when the button is released from the active state in blue, it remains blue. no problem. But then I want that behavior to happen when another button is pressed, that button turns this state into an active state, and the button which was in active position, returns to its default position before this. So when a button is pressed, this status is activated, and when another button is pressed, it goes back to its default state. Here's the HTML of the button: & lt; Div id = "s800-footer" align = "center" class = "s800-toolbar" & gt; & Lt; Button ID = "s800-current-loc...

Distinguishing between "file in use" and other exceptions in .NET -

I am reading a file from a directory, I should handle that situation where my application tries to pick up such a file Which is still being written by any other process, on which I have no control. I am assuming that by trying to open the file, which is still being written to do something else, I am going to get an exception. Now, I need to know if there is something wrong with the file or not, in that case I take it to another directory or else the other process is still in the file, in that case I will be again in second iteration Want to try reading the directory? Does anybody know how I can differentiate between those two exceptions? You can use the Marshal.GetHRForException () method to recover the original window error IOException has been raised. An example: Static filestream TryOpen (string path, int maxAttempts = 10, int interval = 1000) {for (int try = 0;; attempts ++) {try new filestream (path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None); } Hold (IOExcept...

velocity - Comparing dates from PocketQuery -

I am trying to create a simple program that takes a date and it has a red, green or yellow look Which denotes how far it relies on "today ()" is it I am using Pocket software to get a log time from an Oracle database Use, the query load is OK and I have a very low $ result list this day S The example template I used below is Diaca in Pocket which uses my script as the first step in working. I just want to compare a simple date-time variable LOG_TIME is in datetime format. This script ends with results and X for each line. I have tested $ dateFormatter.getCurrentDateTime () and it shows the right time so I think that there should be something with the result reading. The next step is to compare it more accurately, let us know where LOG_TIME is ... 30 minutes from a fixed date and the color will be yellow but the first step is to compare the work. & lt; Style & gt; . High {background: red; } .low {background: yellow; } & Lt; / Style & gt; ...

Determine memory usage of object graph in .NET -

Out of curiosity - We want to know what happens in our application - and partly to us some potential issues Need to find our code, I want to track some common values ​​during the runtime of our web applications. This includes allocated memory of some object graphics in particular. Our application keeps some data permanently in memory so that it is available to be reliable. It can be limited to several GB memory, while other applications that do almost the same stuff allocate only one or two. Due to the required performance, we can not attach memory operators during the runtime, so it would be great to analyze the object graph on the runtime so that in some parts of the data to print it so big And that which is not so big, it will help us understand better what happens to our data and the behavior of our applications is potentially an application. Will Ulit. Object graph means starting with fixed objects, measuring its size, all the properties, fields, all the elements with ...

WildFly 8 Logging Levels -

How do I modify the WildFly 8 logging level, specifically server.log. Currently I suspect that they are default in the information and want to change it in debug or error. For reference I am searching for these articles And this is correct; & lt; Subsystem xmlns = "vase: jboss: domain: logging: 2.0" & gt; & Lt; Console-handler name = "console" & gt; & Lt; Level name = "DEBUG" /> & Lt; Formatter & gt; & Lt; Name-formatter name = "COLOR-PATTERN" /> By default, console-handler to by default and FILE are not set to the handler level Root-logger is also set to INFO . How do you link instructions on the page so that you can add a new logger through CLI and assign it a level if you enter a new DEBUG level If logger is added, then server.log will log those log messages on it. If you want to change the debug message for all loggers that are not defined, you can execute the followi...

postgresql - get name of violated fk in plpgsgl exception handler -

I wrote a plpgsql function to insert some data into a table. After putting in the table, I violate one of two foreign key constraints. I can catch the exception using "WHEN foreign_key_violation THEN", but I know how the infringement of FK? Is there an area within the plpgsql exception handler with this information available? According to version 9.3 you can use CONSTRAINT_NAME to see which foreign key was violated. is. Details in manual:

powershell - How to read a file and send that data to a csv file? -

I have to read a .dat file (or .txt), just export the first line, and then export this information into a CSV file Does. Everything is fine, except that it does not send data that I've read, it also sends other things like wrapping or the properties of information. P> Here I have the code: $ a = gate-content C: \ user \ xxxxxx \ document \ batch tutorial \ text.dat -totalcount $ 1 A | Export-csv "C: \ Users \ xxxxxxx \ Documents \ Batchtutorial \ newcsv.csv" If I display variable $ then it shows information from the first line of the file when Exports happen when other data or properties of data go in the CSV file instead. However here is the information that is being generated: '#' TYPE System.String PSPath PSParentPath PSChildName PSDrive PSProvider ReadCount Length C: \ Users \ ralcanta \ Documents \ Batchtutorial \ 141005_150210 Re-conceived TravelCurrentPeriod.dat C: \ user \ ralcanta \ Documents \ Batchtutorial 141005_150210 Redesigned ...

javascript - How do I create a simple service in a Phonegap application to run a setInterval() in the background? -

I have been with a very simple phonegap app that includes a stopwatch type feature, which will start Need to run indefinitely, unless the user closes it / runs in the background, even if the user closes it, I mainly work in javascript, and the only solution that needs Java Be searching And now it's a bit like my realm though I hope that there is a simple solution to implement a service with PhoneGAP, where the whole goal is to set a set (, 1000), when the device is inactive . So what would be the easiest option for this? Your best bet is to use the background services plugin Without it your application will stop when it is set in the background. I have read about using a web server to use AJAX calls to keep my app running in the background, which will keep things like Set Interval, but I The method has never been tested / tested.

c++ - memory alignment- total size of structure multiple of structure alignement and not processing size -

In the previous post, I understand why we should take alignment for a structure similar to the largest feature size. Now, I would like to know that once we have chosen this alignment, we have to do padding so that the size of the total structure is of a majority of alignment structure and not the size of the processor word. Here's an example: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; // Alignment requirements // (Typical 32 bit machine) // four 1 byte // less int 2 bytes // init 4 bytes // double 8 bytes typedef struct structc_tag {char c; Double D; Ints; } Structc_t; Int main () {printf ("sizeof (structd_t) =% d \ n", size (structd_t)); Return 0; } We can think that the size of structd_t is equal to 20 bytes: char c; Four padding 1 [7] double D; Ints; Because we've got a structure alignment equal to 8 (double D). But, in fact, the total size is equal to 24 because 20 is not a value of 8 and we have to do padding after "int s" (four padding ... - msdeploy folder outside documentroot of target site -

Therefore, I have got my CI setup working with MSID where I have an EZ on an IIS website The VM has been deployed. With this setup, I've found a wpp.targets file to add some extra files (like assets) that are copied to another folder. So far it is so good that I have got a parameter.exam to change some settings for the environment. Now I need to synchronize a folder which should be outside the IIS app document. This is just a folder with a group of plain text files, but it is used by the application and can not be accessed by our visitors (although it is only for test / staging-environment, on production we can manually To do this) Does anybody know what msdeploy is capable of doing this? I am thinking of restricting access to visitors to create a new IIS (virtual) application and simply deploy on that app. But I do not think this is a very clean way and it is using a waste of resources .... If someone knows better, then it would be very helpful. MSDeploy can be used ...

c# - Handling an array of buttons -

I am creating a simple game where a melody is played, and it is considered to highlight the notes with the button. Then the user has to push the button, and the button is highlighted again during each click. I want to keep all GUI buttons on graphically. Can I add highlights to buttons in the GUI? I know that I can probably create a new square which comes out of some button class and creates a button in the code, but I like to graphic it. What is the fastest way to handle button output? I know that I can paste it into code for each button, such as private zeros button_windex (object sender, event aRGS) {checkIfThis notes correct (); HighLightThisButton (); SetHighLightOffForAllOtherButtons (); However, I think it is necessary to collect all the buttons in some types of container classes and make a function such as class button, arehendler / / constructor etc. * / private zeros some buttons (object sender) {/ * Check that which button was clicked and stuff accordingl...

javascript - Is there something wrong with my JS if statement? -

Working with JS, Junkies, Bootstrap 3 Rather than being individually triggered instead of making different models, I wrote a script based on the embedded content model, and then fill the model with embedded content. Model markup: & lt; Div class = "modal fade" id = "ideasmodal" tabindex = "- 1" role = "dialog" aria-labelledby = "MyModalLabel" aria-hidden = "true" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "modal-dialog modal-lg" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "modal-content" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "model headers" & gt; & Lt; Button type = "button" class = "off" data-discarded = "model" & gt; & Lt; Duration aria-hidden = "true" & gt; & Amp; times; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; span class = "sr-only" & gt; Close & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; H4 class = "modal-title...

c - Why is the run-time efficiency for this code O(n^2)? -

Sorry, I'm new in bigger analysis. I need some help with it: I have the following code segment: int sum; {If (n & lt; 1000) sum ++ for (int i = 0; i & lt; n; ++ i); Other zodiac + Fu (n); } The solution key says that it is O (N ^ 2) analysis, but I do not understand why the loop interates only once, so where comes from n ^ 2 is? I'm having trouble with another one: for (int i = 0; i & lt; n + 100; ++ i) { For (int j = 0; j and lt; i + n; ++ j) yoga = yoga + j; } For (int k = 0; k & lt; n + n + n; ++ k) {c [k] = c [k] + sum; } They come by O (N ^ 3), but I do not even know how it happens. I know that there are 3 loops, but they are not nested, so where does n ^ 3 come from? 1) What could this happen with the implementation of foo () If foo () is o (n) , this method will be o (n ^ 2) 2) internal Loop goes to i * n , where i goes to n , thus it is quadratic in n The third loop in the two loops o (n ^ 3) total is only o (n)...

assembly - Intel Stack Growth and Reference -

I have some questions related to Intel IA-32 stack. Specifically: When I put a value on the stack push , the stack pointer is reduced by the value of the pushed value ( % esp - size ), and the value is stored on the old value of % esp . If I write without pop> , I need to increase the stack pointer ( % esp + size ). Rather than adding the required size to the stack, it is my perception that when it happens, I want the value away to towards Instead of going from the indicator address. For this reason, someone else will pick up the poorly read data. Is the logic given above me right? thank you in advanced. Wrong, new has been written on% esp value. Due to the wrong, # 1 point: You can read your most recent value from (% esp) . You need to add % esp to access older items. This code is just allocating a block of memory from the stack as a local storage. The block is filled later. Not sure what you mean.

ioexception - Java OutputStream.write() throws Bad file descriptor but flush works -

I am writing code that uses a file stream reversal in this way Public Static Zero Write Block (Output Stream Stream, Float [] Data, Byte Startposition) {int i = 0; For (i = initial state; i & lt; data. Lamps; i ++) {// code stream.flush (); Stream.write (someByte); // Exceptions to the second call if (some conditions) {break; }} Stream.flush (); If (i & lt; data.length) {writeBlock (stream, data, i)}} I get IOExceptions with message: Bad file descriptor The method is getting an FileOutputStream . But if this works for the first time then how can the file descriptor be bad? Where is my problem? Thanks in advance for your help dependent on the implementation of flush () The output stream is being used by the Abstract OutputStream class does nothing to implement this method. If the OutputStream subclass never produces a buffer, then it is most likely that to apply this method and flush () will not do even if flush () does something for the implementat...

mysql - Accessing Data VIA PDO within a function - PHP -

I am quite new to PHP, so I apologize in advance for posting any bad code. . I have created a basic membership system for a fitness bootcamp. I have two SQL table- "member" and "payment". I have created a table, and using a loop, I can display all the members. Now, I want to be able to check that the member paid the payment using the checkpay (). This function sees the payment table whether payment is made for that member ID near that line, within the current month and year. Even when payment is entered in the payment table, the user still shows up as unpaid. Function check payment ($ member, $ month, $ year) {global $ db; $ Payment = "Select * FROM 'payment' WHERE member_id =: memberid"; $ Result = $ db- & gt; Ready ($ payment); $ Result-> Beyond Parm (': Member', $ Member, PDO :: Paramax); $ Result-> Beyond Parm (': Month', $ Month, PDO :: Paramatti); $ Result-> Beyond Parm (': year', $ year, PD...

c++ - Struct compiler problems in C -

The CPP file can be included and the compiler will not complain about it. typed string _SomeName {char NameID [MaxSize]; UserId notUsed; User Instance Example; Bull Operator == (Construct Strip _SomeName and RA) const {Returns (StuncMP (NIID, RSNIIDID, MaxSies) == 0); } Bool operator! = (Constant Stretch _SomeName & amp; rhs) const {Return! (* This == rhs); }; } Some name; How do I rewrite the above so that one can Is it possible to include it from the c file? There are some other problems that have been posted so far, + Can not use in a mixer project. I am guessing from the context of your question that you can do this. If you try, you can get silent undefined behavior because different translation units in the structure can have a different layout. I suggest this version: typingfile structure {char NameID [MaxSize]; UserId notUsed; User Instance Example; } Some name; #ifdef __cplusplus Inline Bull Operator == (Some Name Cons and Lies, Some Name Const & R) {R...

classloader - Class Loader looking for wrong package class -

I have two applications on the Toccarette server (called App 1 and AP2) both in ESAPI-2.0-rc5.jar In the C: \ Tomcat7_0_29 \ webapps \ AppX \ WEB-INF \ lib folder. AP2 is using SAMML needs for opensaml-2.6.0.jar (inside C: \ tomcat7_0_29 \ webapps \ App2 \ WEB-INF \ lib folder). Now every time I App1 that field try to encode data in the I, I java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.opensaml.ESAPISecurityConfig Getting the error. Many options have never tried and worked together. Please help full stack trace: org.owasp.esapi.errors.ConfigurationException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.opensaml.ESAPISecurityConfig Security Configuration class (Org.opensaml) .ESAPISecurityConfig should be in the orbit path. On org.owasp.esapi.util.ObjFactory.make (objfactory.java113) configuration ( on org.owasp.esapi.ESAPI.encoder ( 208) on ( on (claim Ut...

How can I control spotify music from a different app and pull information such as playlist and track currently playing? (ANDROID) -

How can I control Spotify (for example) from a different app (I'm making) Drag such information into playlists and currently playing tracks? (Android) I want to create a prototype app to control the music player (play, pause, next, previous, etc.) of Spotchies and pull the information of the current track I also want to playlists and playlists with all the songs currently in the queue I tried to use the audio manager, but it only worked for the default Android media player Have done (This tool stops / stops the media player but does not work with either SpOSTCach or third party application) & lt; & Lt; After that, I tried to use the code on the second best answer to this post, and it works only for Android's default music player. I also got Spotify's Android Beta API but they say that you should not use it for commerce use. What can you suggest to me? Right now I am trying to prototype this by creating a button to play / stop music, playing ...

javascript events - How can I make an image link unclickable using AngularJS? -

I have an image that has an action with it (by ng-click): & lt; a href = "#" ng-click = "doSomething ($ Event)" & gt; & Lt; img src = "myImage.png" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; In some circumstances, I do not like it (and is deeply, but I can worry about it). Essentially the use of NG-Disabled / Enabled (which will not work, due to disablement is not the property of anchor elements) is equal. In this way (replacing a more complex expression for "true"): & lt; a href = "#" ng-click = "doSomething ($ event)" ng-disabled = "true" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "myImage.png" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; Is there any way to do this? Please check that the demo you use only one director ng-class You can 'obscure' the link with the CSS, using only one directive ng-class a.disabled {pointer-events: none; Cursor: default; Opacity: 0.5} a.enable {Opacity: 1} ...

html - Output singular boolean htm tag attribute values in Ember.View attributeBindings -

Amber docks for Amber. Viewing FeaturesBinding indicates that: If return value is a featurebinding monitoring asset is Boolean, property follows the HTML pattern, it repeats the attribute name as its property However, I'm marking my pages with semantic data and would like to set the ItemsScope attribute on one of my tag tags but when I type attribute With so therefore binding Amber wants to give me: itemscope = "itemscope" Instead of just a vanilla "Mdrspop" Boolean attribute tags. I think the answer can be "not currently possible" but it seems that should be qualified so that I want to appeal to some knowledge Before leaving If you set an item's scope on the string 'true' instead of Boolean It should work instead of true .

c++ - Implementing km/h and m/s with user-defined literals -

I want to implement two, _kmh kilometers per hour, and _ms for meters per second. I already have work for two structures and operators: constexpr kmoh operator "_ms" (long double val) {return khm {static_cast & lt; Double> gt; (Val * 3.6)}; } Constexpr MS Operator "" _kmh (long double val) {return MS {static_cast & lt; Double & gt; (Val / 3.6)}; } I want to implement it in a way that I can do something like this: void func (ms speed) {} Int main () {throw (10.0_kim); // It works fun (10.0_ms); // it is not} I can not get the work to make another call, because I can not implement it like this: constexpr KMH operator "" _kmh (long double val) {return KM {static_cast & lt; Double & gt; (Val)}; This clearly gives me an error Error: Functions that differ only in their return types, they can not be overloaded Is there a way to implement what I want? You can specify without explicit operator MS () MH of...

ruby on rails - No route matches [PATCH] when using polymorphic_path -

मुझे एक फॉर्म सबमिट करते समय निम्न त्रुटि हो रही है: कोई मार्ग मेल नहीं है [PATCH हालांकि "ब्राउज़र में html ऐसा दिखता है: & lt; form accept-charset =" UTF "/" / foreclosure_defenses / 4 / properties " -8 "एक्शन =" / फोरक्लोज़र_डेफेंस / 4 / प्रॉपर्टीज "क्लास =" फॉर्म- क्षैतिज "id =" edit_foreclosure_defense_4 "विधि =" पोस्ट "& gt; चूंकि नया प्रपत्र एक बहुरूपिक मॉडल और एक संपत्ति मॉडल को प्रस्तुत करता है, इसलिए मैं अपना फ़ॉर्म इस प्रकार बनाता हूं: & lt;% = form_for @owner, url : पॉलीमॉर्फिक_पाथ ([@ स्वामी, @ प्रॉपर्टी]) | एफ | & Gt%; & Lt;% = f.fields_for: गुण, @ प्रॉपर्टी डू | गुण_बिल्डर | & Gt%; & Lt;% = रेंडर 'फॉर्म', एफ: प्रॉपर्टी_बिल्डर% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; मुझे यह पाश त्रुटि क्यों मिल रही है? यह प्रपत्र POST के साथ प्रस्तुत किया गया है और विधि बनाना चाहिए। यहां प्रासंगिक मार्ग हैं: foreclosure_defense_propert...

java - Creating a boolean method with 3 parameters (String, int [non-negative], double [positive only]) -

"A Boolean method called Basic Stockup, which takes the product name (string), now the product count in stock [int - Nachak] and the market value of each product [double-positive only] as parameters. This method sets all the square variables properly on the call and until the stock-room is not stored for the first time, the truth If this method was already called, then it returns the wrong.) " (Class variable names can not be used as parameters). I was required to set a method header in the quotation given to me. I was not sure how to set parameters so that it is intact-narmat and double-positive. What I thought: Public Static Boolean Basic Strokeup (string, int, double) Here are my variables Outside): Fixed int countOfProduct = -1; Fixed String product name = "Not set yet."; Static double market value = 0.0; Final static string MY_NAME = "name"; This is my main method if it does any help: public static zero main (string [] args) {show...

objective c - "config.h" used by but not bundled with libxml -

libxml uses the following line of code in libxml.h, but it has not come bundled with libxml. I am trying to use XMP Framework in Swift for Objective-C. The dependency on XMPPFramework is as libxml. You can try to include these: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Libxml / tree.h & gt; # Include & lt; libxml / parser.h & gt; As found:

Loading controller on demand using AngularJS and RequireJS -

I am using an angle UI router and am trying to change / download routing changes. I used Resolution and Category, returns the JS file content as string. I am not sure to make the controller available for angular please my module Js contains the routing code state ("privacy", {url: "/ privacy", controller provider: function ($ stateParams) {return "privacy controller";}, resolution: { Category: ['$ http', '$ state parasomes', function ($ http, $ state page) {$ $ http.get ("js / privacy.js") back. (Function data) {return; }}}}}, templateUrl: localPath + "templates / privacy.html"}) "Administrator exists below js / privacy.js" socialinviter.controller ("privacy controller", function ($ radius) {$ = "Hello world";}); I also tried with the requirement of JS, but I'm getting the error "" Solution: {deps: function ($ q, $ RootScope) {v...

c++ - g++ when compile and link multiple files -

I have a G ++ compilation / link problem I want to implement a dynamic array. I separated the definition and implementation of my class into "DARRHH" and "DARRCAPPP" files. And test the "DArraytest.cpp" file that contains a main function. All files are in the same directory, and I use the following command to compile g ++ * .ppp But it still gives me this kind of link error Returns the /tmp/cc4tu73o.o: __static_initialization_and_destruction_0 (int, int) '' in the function: DArray.cpp :(. Text + 0x1d): Unspecified context for std :: Ios_base :: init: : init () 'DArray.cpp :( text + 0x34): std :: ios_base :: init :: ~ Init ()' /tmp/ccdHUZjJ.o 'reference to the undefined reference: in the function DArray & lt; Int & gt; Undefined reference to: DArray () '' DARRATPP: (.text + 0x2e): DARRA :: End (int. Const & amp;) 'DARArtist CPP: (.text + 0x4a): DARRA & Lt; Int and GT :: Append (Int cost and '...

actionscript 3 - AS3 Error 1061 Reference with Static Type -

I am new to AS3, and am trying to create a dragable element, however, I was getting a 1061 error Is it, and I do not know why, because I'm pretty sure that I do not have any spelling errors or not. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing? This is my code: package {import flash.display *; Import *; Import flash.geom.Rectangle; Public Script Script Module {Public Priority Value: Number; Private var max: number; Private Wearer Min: Number; Public Function Dragable () {min = erhu_mc.y; Max = erhu_mc.height - Aru_H3_btn height; Erhu_H3_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, DragHandle); } Function Drag Handle (Event: Mouse Event): Zero {Erhu_H3_btn.startDrag (new rectangle, false, (0, min, 0, max)); Stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, StopDragging); } Stoppracing (Event: Mouse Event): Zero {Erhu_H3_btn.stopDrag (); Platform .removeEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, StopDragging); }}}} There are 2 problems with your current class. ( should be: ...

cron - App Engine - Scheduling repeating actions initiated by a user? -

I want to extract a way to get started with the start of the repetitive tasks (with a very low repeat time) Trying to do some user action, neither work nor cron is fit in this right direction. The cron does not seem appropriate for the user getting started and does not seem to be appropriate for repetitive programs. I want to do something to the user who wants to start repeating action again should take action every 5 seconds. Ultimately, when the user does something else, the repeated action ends. Is there any other part of the app engine that I do not know is it best to deal with it? Or is there any good way to do this with work or cron? Or should I do something completely? Thanks! You have two options I do not know all of your requirements, so I list both. When a user starts an action, one unit is saved in the datastore (for example, "ActionInTT"). A cron job queries periodically from the datastore, and if an action-taker exists, then creates a task to do ...

ios - Access View Controller's properties from AppDelegate -

I currently have a Xcode project in which I am using the storyboard in my app deliate, let me set some properties In response to the information received by AP, the other view controllers are contained in .h files. How do I install an object of those view controllers to delete the app so that I can access and modify my properties? App representatives have ways to get the right VC to handle and communicate with it, but better For the design, the flow of information is to be placed on the other side, the visual controllers ask for information and update their properties. To do this, when the app representative receives any information, can it post related to NSNotification ( NSNotificationCenter ) . The visual controllers who care about the change can add themselves as a supervisor to this notification and get the information. How can they get it? In some ways: There should be a model on the application for the textbook, perhaps a singleton in which there are relevant p...

assembly - Invalid program counter value in MIPS -

My program is about to be recursive, but just after calculating the last answer to my program, the program ends with errors, More specifically: Error: Invalid Program Counter Value: 0x00000000 I believe this is a problem with my JR $ RA because my code During debugging I saw that the error was the second junior $ RA program Calculates the correct answer after How will I solve this problem? I need a program to print the number stored in the $ v0 register, but the program fails before doing so. .data msg: .asciiz "Enter a positive integer: \ n" Msg2: .asciiz "its value is: \ n" .text li $ v0.4 to $ a0, msg Syscall li $ v0,5 syscall $ a0 driving, $ v0 cValue: addi $ sp, $ sp, -4 sw $ r, 0 ($ sp) bgt $ a0,1, recursive li $ v0.1 lw $ ra, 0 ($ Sp) addi $ sp, $ sp, 4 jr $ ra recursive: addi $ a0, $ a0, - 1 gel c value li $ t7,3 ml $ v0, $ t7 mflo $ v0 addi $ v0, $ v0, 1 lw $ ra, 0 ($ sp) addi $ sp, $ sp, 4 jr $ ra The last jr $ ra to display will jump ...

api - How should I call this? Middleware? -

I have a glossary question, We are implementing a set of integration with some APIs Are the same type That's why the component is included in my team which is to create those integration and collect them in one component which will be responsible for handling requests from one side (aside or other) and when necessary, executing those API calls Will take The process is as follows: you call => You received a response & gt; You translate everything into a standardized object (or set of objects for that thing) and move it under the chain, the system should handle it further. Is the concept similar to those who do this? Integration Middleware? Is word middleware suitable? Every thought will be highly appreciated thanks! Thank you for mentioning us ( - the official (Gartner) There is a Unity Forum (IPAAS), I consider it the main reason for this name that we are doing a middleware, but there is also a runtime for integration processes, so APAS (like Herok...

java - Adding a path length to each node in a Binary Search Tree -

I have a binary search tree class, and I was thinking, how can I calculate it using the height variable Yes the length of the root, of each individual node, by the root? For example: S / \ EX / \ AH \ \ CM Path size of "E" (height 1) The path size of "A" is 2, the path size of "M" is 3, the path size of "X" is 1. How do I do this method when inserting a node ()? Private key; / / Sorted by important private value Vals; // Related data private node left, right; // Left and right subtitles Private int N; // number of nodes in the sub-private private int height; Put a private node (node ​​x, key key, value val) {if (x == null) {new node (key, wall, 1); } X.height = -1; Int cmp = key.compareTo (x.key); If (CMP & lt; 0) {x.left = put (x.left, key, val); } And if (CMP> 0) {x.right = put (x.right, key, val); } And {x.val = val; } X.N = 1 + size (x.left) + size (x.right); Return x; By definition, the path of a leaf is the path to its...