
Showing posts from February, 2011

r - Use data from dataframe Y to rename columns in data frame X with dplyr? -

I have dataframe w and looks something like this: y = (Names = as.factor (c ("name1", "name2"), other = c (1,2)) and a dataframe X that looks something like this: x = data. Frames (col1 = c (1,0,1,1), col2 = c (0,0,0,1), col3 = c (0,0,0, 1)) I want to rename X's column. X = data.frame (name1 = c (1,0,1, 1), name 2 = c (0,0,0,1), col3 = c (0,0,0,1)) I tried the following, but this work Does not the library Rename (dplyr) X = X%>% (As Cheture (Y $ name [[1]] = col1) Thanks for the help! Try this: colnames (X) & lt; -Y $ names

powershell - Pull Active Directory user information -

Hello my script which works partially if I write "write-host" but when exporting A text file does not work at all. I want to find the details, name, display name and manager of the User ID. Please help me understand why this is not working. Import-module ActiveDirectory $ document = "C: \ Temp \ adupdate yyyy.txt" Clear-content $ document & lt; # -ne = not equal CN = xxpc37254, ou = standard, ou = user, ou = corporate, dc = we, dc = dsrv-ac = equal -lt = least -gte = greater than -g = greater Or Qualified to -l = less than or equal to # & gt; $ Header = `'User ID" + "|" +' 'display name "+" | " + "Details" + "|" + "Id owner" + "|" + "Name of the id owner" # Remove header $ header $ out-file $ document - Append # $ Users = Get-ADUser -Filter {"xxpc *" like the name - or "xxmd *"} opposite the name - Search "OU = corporate, DC = we, DC = ...

c# - How to check if a UIElement is visible in Silverlight? -

How can I check that any UIElement on the UI is currently showing on the UI? UIElement.Visibility is property, but it is determined by the programmer to indicate that the element should be hiding or visible I already check that the element is in viewquality Yes or No. All this does not help if there is another element at the top which overlaps it. There is a property UIElement in WPF. It sounds like to be able to do this, but it is unavailable in Silverlight. Any thoughts? Thanks You can do some code to test the element. Edit: Try something described here,

java - How to get path parameters and matrix parameters from the following uri string? Uri is /flights/flightid;numberofseats=2/date -

In the jersey I'm trying to differentiate the absolute and the matrix Ultimate from the following URI string. / flights / flightid ;. Numberofseats = 2 / date Things I want different following parameters using jersey Flightid numberofseats Date I differently, but badly @GET @Path (Trying all this code failed = "/ flight / {flightid} / {date}") @Produces (MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) Public response BookFlight ("numberofseats") numberOfSeats, @PathParam (value = int "flightid") integer flightid, @PathParam (value = "date") string date) {// logic} Learn about the ultimate example of all the matrix movements in the URI and the URI. In your case, the Reggex derived from your path will eat all URI parts and will not leave anything for @Pathparam to capture. See Section 3.7.3 of the If possible, carry out research to finish the standards. Or parse your flightid (which are the matrix parameters, I think) in their own c...

Phonegap Filetransfer works on iOS nothing happens on Android -

Now, I have an issue to upload some images on the server I fully working on my code iOS devices, But when I'm trying to upload to Android, it does nothing, just before Filetransfer, I'm trying to alert ImageURI, but it's not going to be okay. I am using PhoneGap build with PhoneGap version 3.4.0 and Touch 2.3 of the Seten. In the config.xml, I use the Core Phonegap Camera Plugin: & lt; Gap: plugin name = "" />. my file upload script looks like this: Ext.define ( 'my_app.controller.Fileupload', {detail: ' Controller ', requires: [' Ext.MessageBox '], config: {Rifः {fileupload:' #fileupload ', getLibraryImage:' button [action = getLibraryImage] ', getCameraImage:' button [action = getCameraImage] '}, control: {getLibraryImage: {tap: 'getLibraryImage'}, getCameraImage: {tap: 'GetCameraImage'}}}, getLibraryImage: function () {

c# - Add-Migration won't detect changes to foreign key -

The EF migration model can not seem to detect my changes because it only generates an empty () / Microsoft File: __Migration History Table : Earlier public square house {public virtual icon A & lt; Person & gt; Used {received; Set; }} Public class car {// ...} public category {public int? Experiment id {receive; Set; } Using the Public Virtual House {get; Set; }} Mapping this.HasOptional (t = & gt; t.Using) .Very (T = & gt; T.UsedBy) .HasForeignKey (t = & gt; t.UsingId); Public square house {// deleted} after the public square car added public virtual Ilkonak & lt; Person & gt; Used {received; Set; }} Public class person {public int? Experiment id {receives; Set; } // Using a converted public virtual car {get; Set; }} Mapping this.HasOptional (t = & gt; t.Using) .Very (T = & gt; t.UsedBy). HesForeignKey (t = & gt; t.UsingId); As already mentioned in my comment, I can reproduce it, but change the ...

apache poi - CTBarChart not found inside POI schemas -

I currently use POI to edit the data in embedded charts inside a PPTX file using XPLF I am here. I found an example using a template PPT with pie chart and it did great work. I also tried to edit a line chart and it worked. However, when I tried to edit an embedded bar chart, I found that CTBarChart.class was not implemented inside the schema (org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingxml.x2006.chart.CTBarChart.class). I am thinking that I have to write my own XML parser or get a separate library or if CTBER is in one of the other files that I have not found. There is one problem on this! Quoting the important part from that frequently asked question: Two jar files are available, as described in the component overview section. The complete jar of all schemas is Oxmal-Schema-1.1 1.1, and it is about 15 MB. Small pio-oxal-schema jar is only about 4 MB. The latter jar file contains only commonly used parts. Many users choose to use small pio-oxal-schema jars to save space. Howev...

jsdoc3 - jsdoc @callback operator in webstorm -

I think I explained it in JSDOC3 documentation. My webstream version is 8.0.4 / ** * This callback type is called `dbOpenCallback` and it is displayed as a global symbol. * * @ Callback DB Opanclbak * @param {Object} error * @param {} Dibeedbluprpr results * / / ** * Open Mongodb connection * @param {dbOpenCallback} CB - is set to execute a callback after the connection. * / @Webblocks is not supported in 8.0.4. Fixed in webstorm 9, please try to see that it works for you

ios - How to use entity relationship to get count difference of arrays -

Suppose I have a data model with the organization department and role with relationship; Department & lt; - & gt; & Gt; Role . In my UI, I currently display the Department 1 and other departments in the Table Display list (eg, Department 2, Department 3 ...). I'm trying to get a bunch of arrays: each per role can find an array of role division 1 shown me in every department, which can get Fekrikakvist and Wardiket but Can not find out how the array of roles for each department in the tableview can be found. Any help is greatly appreciated! First of all, you do not need Arejh core data NSFetchedResultsController by It is managed - this table works best with the view Also, most likely you will not need any fetch requests. To get all the roles in a department, please call your relationship Name: department1.roles The result is a NSSet that has not been ordered. You can order it, e.g. department1.roles.sortedArrayUsingSortDescriptors ([NSSortDescripto...

Storing lots of files in Azure Storage -

I am creating an app for which lots of small (2 million - 10 MB) files (250,000 shas) Must have to store. I want to use Azure Storage because the remaining related systems are on Azure. Each file has a unique name for Willie (possibly GUID). I am somewhat unsure about this that is consistent with Blob files. Because I know that each file will be given a specific name / can I store a file in each container in a container? Still, I'm getting my head around the Azure storage concepts, so it's cumbersome to be troublesome. You can store all files in a single container on the number of blobs in the container. There is no limit, except that the storage account is limited to 100TB 500 TB. Each blob has its own storage partition, which means that your files will be stored in a variety of possible servers in a mega-scalable manner. The only drawback of storing everything in a single container is that it is difficult and slow to list the file names in a directory. Beside...

javascript - Have disabled textarea show entire text -

I have a disabled textarea that contains an unknown quantity of text as it is used with comments For example, The problem is that because textarea is disabled it is not very clear for users that they can scroll using the arrow while using IE. The solution I want to make is to show all the text, so there is no need to scroll. I can not find a way to compel all the way to compel textarea . How can I show all the text in the text box? Javascript and jQuery are open for use but it will need to work in all browsers including mobile devices and IE 9. text Put the text in div Style like textarea with CSS

c# - Regex on JavaScript to accept only numbers with 2 decimals -

मैं केवल एक सकारात्मक शब्द को स्वीकार करने के लिए एक टेक्स्ट बॉक्स को मान्य करने के लिए जावास्क्रिप्ट + एएसपी.नेट वेब फ़ॉर्म में एक रेगएक्स करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। संख्या, अधिकतम 18 अंकों और 2 दशमलव के साथ। & lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (फ़ंक्शन (e) {$ ("# & lt;% = txtQtt.ClientID% & gt;")। बाइंड ('कीप्रेस', फ़ंक्शन (इवेंट) {var regex = new RegExp ("^ [0 -9] {1,18} (?: \। [0- 9] {0,2})? $ "); Var key = String.fromCharCode (! Event.charCode? Event.which: event.charCode); अगर (! Regex.test (कुंजी)) {event.preventDefault (); वापसी झूठी;}});}); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & lt; span class = "label100" & gt; मात्रा: & lt; / span & gt; & lt; एएसपी: टेक्स्ट बॉक्स आईडी = "टीएसटीटीटीटीटी" रनैट = "सर्वर" सीएसएसलैलास = "टीटीटीएक्स 200" मैक्सलेैण्ड = "20" & gt; & lt; / एएसपी: टेक्स्ट बॉक्स & gt; कोड "काम कर...

r - Transfer of columns from one data frame to another under conditional statement -

I have this code, which was written mostly by a member here which exports to all the graphs from my data set The condition is that the trendline coefficient is positive (increasing trend) lungs & lt; - read.csv ("LAC.csv") enclosed (lung) # data age & lt; - Lung $ Age Mirna & lt; - data.frame (lung) stuff & lt; - data.frame (matrix (ncol = 500, nrow = 40)) pdf ("test.pdf") #pdf to match all articles for all exports (colnames (mirna) [-1], function (call) {Plot form for #function; - Formula (paste (chest, "age", Sep = "~") is fit & lt; - LM (form, mirna) stuff_want Plotting with {# content plot (form, df, xlab = "age", main = "mirana expression with increasing age")) abline (fit, col = 4)}}) Dev.o Ff () This gives me a PDF file that I need to know later that the dataset is required for miRNA and to manually use columns to isolate columns Was hoping. However, I have seriously underestimated the num...

scope - How to assign to a global variable in Sass? -

मैं इस सॉस कोड को चलाता हूं: $ a: 1; @ अगर 2 + 2 == 4 {$ a: 2; } @ डेबग $ a; मुझे देखने की अपेक्षा है 2. आउटपुट, हालांकि, है: पंक्ति 5 debug: 1 मैं समझता हूं कि Sass ने @if के अंदर एक नया $ a चर बना दिया है। मैं इस व्यवहार को कैसे बदल सकता हूं और वैश्विक $ a के लिए कोई मान असाइन कर सकता हूं? मैं Sass 3.4.0 का उपयोग करता हूं। जैसा कि आप Sass 3.4+ का उपयोग कर रहे हैं, आपको अपने वेरिएबल घोषणापत्र में ! Global फ्लैग संलग्न करना चाहिए: $ a: 1; @ अगर 2 + 2 == 4 {$ a: 2! ग्लोबल; } @ डेबग $ a; // आउटपुट 2 वैरिएबल घोषणा पर मूल कहा गया है: "वेरिएंट नेस्टेड चयनकर्ताओं के स्तर के भीतर ही उपलब्ध हैं जहां उन्हें परिभाषित किया गया है। यदि उन्हें किसी नेस्टेड चयनकर्ताओं के बाहर परिभाषित किया गया है, तो वे हर जगह उपलब्ध हैं। लेकिन यह दिखाता है कि यह व्यवहार बदल गया है: दस्तावेज़ के शीर्ष स्तर पर नहीं होने वाले सभी चर असाइन अब स्थानीय रूप से स्थानीय हैं। यदि एक ही नाम के साथ वैश्विक वैरिएबल है, तो यह जीत जाएगा ??? ! वैश्विक ध्वज का उपयोग नहीं किया ...

javascript - ng pattern which allows alphnumeric but without spaces for input tag in angular js -

using pattern like "/ [a-zA-Z0-9] [^ \ s] /" and "/ \ S /" But no one is working, can you give any solution for this NG pattern for the input tag and which allows the olly alphanumeric but does not allow spaces in the input field is. " Try the following patterns: / ^ \ s * \ w * \ s * $ / & lt; script & gt; angular module ('text input' example, []). Controller ('example controller', ['$ radius', function ($ radius) {$ scope. Text = 'guest'; $ scope.word = / ^ \ s * \ w * \ s * $ /;}]); & lt; / script & gt; & lt; form name = "myForm" ng-controller = "ExampleController" & gt; Single word: & lt; input type = "text" name = "input" ng-model = "text" ng-max lang = "5" ng-pattern = "word" required ng-trim = " "& Gt;

Why I couldn't require 'string.rb' file in ruby -

I am applying the gem, I want to add some custom methods to the string class. Therefore, I have created the 'lib' directory sub-directory 'core_ext', and placed the 'string.rb' file there. string / Pre> I have created in my main file: is required 'core_ext / string.rb' P> but its string has no effect on class, If I change the file name to another name, like 'my_string.rb' and change the line with requirement, then everything will work properly. Why can not I use 'string.rb' as the file name? If there is a file name core_ext / string which loads from anywhere else It's done, it is also loaded one. You may need to come up with a different name. Ruby 1.9 has a needed_relative feature that p11y states that this is a better solution.

Intellij Idea: Scala plugin: No compile library set for module -

To start using intelli idea for my scala project and stumbled on this link - steps Followed, created a new Scala project (without SBT), create a new Scala class, and copied the HelloWald code from Scala tutorial - Build & gt; Create project and found the following error - No compiler library is set for the module. File & gt; Project structure was clicked on Aspect on the left, and found that the compiler compiler library under any . And there is no other option available in the drop down. How to solve it? PS: There was a lot of goggles, there was no clue on how to fix it. If downloaded from MAC Scala Put it in a place / scala Visit Intlia File, Project Structure and Global Libraries in Intellij. Click on the button Select Java Some places / Scala / Lib Click Ok Apply and OK. Go to the file, project structure, aspects and you will see a new Scala library in the drop-down.

command line cURL with quote wrapped URL works, PHP cURL does not -

Then, I have an Amazon S3 encoded URL that I want to download. If I pass the URL without quotation marks, I get S3 to 403 forbidden response. curl-o ; Signature = Sd18YXJIMvLqeRFZYCzDNYdpg7U% 3D & amp; Expires = 1412866120 But, just wrapping it in quotes, works great from the command line: curl-o "https: // zencoder " But ... when I try to implement it in PHP, I save the file with 0 bytes. $ curl = curl_init ("'" $ url. "' '); $ Fp = fopen ($ file path...

parsing - Xtext Grammar mixins result in Guice injection error -

I am writing an extact grammar which can access documents declared before a function. Our current grammar defines with hidden (ML_COMMENT, SL_COMMENT, ...) : ML_COMMENT: '/ *' - & Gt; '* /' SL_COMMENT: '//' - & gt; EOL I have now created a second Xtext project with the following grammar: my.OriginalGrammar HID (WS, FUNCTION_BODY with grammar my.DocumentationGrammar , EOL, SL_COMMENT) "" documentation to import Grammar "" / * Parser Rule * / translate: eds + = DoxExternalDefinition *; DoxExternalDefinition: def = Definition | Lib = CtrlLibUsage | Comment = ML_COMMENT; FunctionDefinition: aml = AccessModifiersList ts = TypeSpecifier? F = function '(' pl = parameter type list? ')' / * Cs = compound statement / / // compound statement is ignored; // Terminal DOXYGEN_COMMENT: ML_COMMENT; Terminal FUNCTION_BODY: '{' - & gt; '}'...

amazon web services - AWS S3 max number of buckets for IAM user or Root account? -

एडब्लूएस एस 3 दस्तावेज़ीकरण कहता है: एक बाल्टी का स्वामित्व एडब्ल्यूएस खाते के द्वारा किया जाता है यह। प्रत्येक एडब्लूएस खाता एक समय में 100 बाल्टी तक ही रह सकता है। क्या इस मामले में "एडब्ल्यूएस अकाउंट" रूट अकाउंट या आईएएम उपयोगकर्ता को दर्शाता है जो कि बाल्टी बनाई है? यह रूट खाते को संदर्भित करता है IAM उपयोगकर्ता खाता के लिए केवल एक उपयोगकर्ता भूमिका परिभाषित नहीं है।

python - How to make a page not directly accessible in Flask? -

I am developing a web application using flask microfworks. I have to see a scene, it is only accessible when it is not sent directly from any other view and to users. To make it more clear: @ app.route ('/', methods @ ('GET', 'POST')) @ app Route ('/ home', methods = ('GET', 'POST')) DEF Home (): # Some code return redirects (url_for (in 'progress', parameter) @ app.route (' / path / & lt ; Parameters & gt; '' in Progress: def: Return the render_template (...) The progress in the scene should be accessible only when it is called "from home view" Is it possible? Is it possible? redirect before, session Set a flag in the object. Check the "progress" view to that flag If this is set, Groove is to present the page. If it is not there, then redirect them to another page (and flash the warning about trying to access that page, alternatively).

java - DateFormat.MEDIUM cannot be resolved or is not a field -

I am trying to use the code of this line, but I get an error for "media" It says that can not be solved or there is no field I import import java.util.Date also. Can anyone tell me why this piece of code is not working? date today = new date (); Date Format DF = Date Format.GetDatement Instance (Dateform.MADIM); Ensure that you also have java.text.DateFormat Imported

html - Insert line break between two inline-block elements with CSS -

I am trying to explain how a break element between these two can be linked to div elements in Bella . The challenge here is that the elements should focus, but also that I should be able to force line breaks. If I use float, I can control this line by breaking: .article: after {content: '\ A'; White Location: East; } But then the elements are clearly no longer focused. This is straightforward to Bella. Edit: To clarify the need for a display: inline-block , move on an image to see the new Bella, overlay on the image. & lt; Div id = "post" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "article" & gt; & Lt; div class = "inner" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "overlay" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "content photo" & gt; & Lt; Img style = "max-width: 45w;" Src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & g...

java - What kind of collection class to get position in array? -

I have the following status and I am seeking a suggestion to "correct" in Java. I have an ArrayList which has a list of objects (let's call it A object), Every object Contains two other objects, Object X More items Y Now one of my method is a method object Y Gives examples. Now I need an index in ArrayList , where I get the same thing. How do I do without horrible loops? I can use it instead of ArrayList A more natural option for the problem to keep your objects in a map, using your Y as a Y and keeping it as an object value: Maps & lt; Y, A & gt; Map = new hashmap & lt; & Gt; (); Void placed (AA) {map.put (a.Y, A); } A getA (y y) {back to map.get (y); } Note that the map stores an A only for each specific value of y. It is not suitable to associate Multiple A with one Y. For this, you will use a set map or something similar.

How to set session variable on a menu item's click in ASP.NET -

ASP Nosibi Here, in my website, I need to set session charge upon clicking on the menu item (not on page load) This pre init or init). How can I get it, my master page has a menu control in which a sitemap file is attached? How do know that a special menu item is clicked on? & lt; ASP: menu id = "main menu" run = "server" datasource id = "sitemaposource" staticdisplayleval = "10" width = "150px" & gt; & Lt; Static SelelectStyle CssClass = "menuNodeSelected" /> & Lt; LevelMenuItemStyles & gt; & Lt; Asp: MenuItemStyle font-bold = "true" font-underline = "false" /> & Lt; / LevelMenuItemStyles & gt; & Lt; StaticMenuItemStyle CssClass = "menuNode" /> & Lt; / ASP: Menu & gt; & Lt; Asp: SiteMapDataSource id = "siteMapSource" runat = "server" ShowStartingNode = "False" /> Depending on your code and d...

objective c - Trying to make a table cell return to it's original state after swipe to reveal in iOS -

"postprint" itemprop = "text"> I will delete the feature to give a UITableView option where I remove the user line using Swipe. However, I have also implemented a warning view that triggers when selecting a user, to ensure the user has two buttons, yes or no, if the user presses the yes, the row is removed , And it's working fine. However, my problem is that when the user chooses no, I am unable to return the table cell speed to the normal, original state, which shows the hiding button hidden. My problem is that I do not press the line on the user's warning, and after doing the animation, I want to do this, as if the user had swipe it initially. I have the following code: - Cancel (void) Delete {//[self.tableViewReloadData}; // NSLog (@ "IndexPath:% @", self.myIndexPath); //reself.tableView unselectDragPath: self MyMindPath Animated: Yes]; [Self.tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths: @ [self.deletedRowIndexPath] withRowAnimation: UITableView...

Report Viewer(Visual Studio) Error: use a custom assembly with a RDLC report -

I'm trying to add a dll to report to the viewer so that I can remove the contents of a single field Decoding the report) is using the method from that dll. I've added a dll in the report properties - & gt; Reference. All methods (used to make DLL) in class library are static. Classroom contents in that class library: ABCClass.cs (dll is used to create ABCCollection.dll) name space ABCCollection {public class ABCClass {public stable string customformat string (string s) {// do some operations on the return; }}} In Report1.rdlc, I am using the value for the field: = ABCCollection ABCCLAS. Custom Formatt String ("Test") But once I run this report, I get an error: error while loading the code module : One? ??? ABCCollection, version =, culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = nullâ ???? Description: One of the files or assembly 'ABCC selection, version =, culture = neutral, public keynote = faucet' or its dependency coul...

android - How do you get neighboring pixels of a bitmap Allocation in Renderscript? -

I want to do an image processing operation that requires a neighboring pixel, but I'm not sure how to use them allocated should do . I have noticed that most of the kernels work on single pixels, update it, and then return it. What is one way I can use the neighbors of x (y) in the method given below. uchar4 __attribute __ ((kernel)) Invert (uchar4 in, uint32_t x, uint32_t y) {uchar4 neighbor = allocation [x + 1] [y]; // How can I do this in renderwriting? uchar4 other bottom = allocation [x-1] [or]; ...} Criteria input / output allocation that is fully connected to the neighboring Access to pixels, but you can get them by making global variables of RS_Olocation type only. rs_allocation input; Uchar4 __attribute __ ((kernel)) Inversion (uchar4, uint32_t x, uint32_t y) {uchar4 neighbor = rsGetElementAt_uchar4 (input, x + 1, y); Uchar4 Other Squeeze = RSgateAlexEnt_Char 4 (Input, X-1, Y); ...} In Java, to call you first on your kernel, you just need to: myScript...

how to bulk change owner ( or other fields) in ms dynamics crm 2013? -

itemprop = "text"> In Dynamics CRM 2011, we re-excel and import accounts in bulk editing areas (I did not test) I can export to But in 2013, users could only export "this page" account for bulk editing. Now I have to change the owner of the account, the account number is more than 20,000. Manually editing is almost impossible. I can edit them to modify directly on the database. Obviously, this is not a safe way Any better idea? Perhaps you are referring to this window: / P> You still have to select the checkbox" Create this data ... "even when If you select the second radio button option, all records will be re-imported into the file. The interface is misleading.

Android ListView update after asynctask -

There is a problem in my adapter for my list view, I do not know where to inform me if the DataAttetChanged code is always An error is occurring when I run this code in the logcat: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The content of the adapter has changed, but ListView did not receive the notification. Make sure that your adapter The content has not been modified from the background thread, but only from the UI thread. Make sure that your adapter call data update () changes its contents when it changes [ListView (2131165276, class android.widget.ListView)] my asynctask: Class UpdateData AsyncTask Expands & lt; Zero, zero, JSONArray & gt; {String result = ""; JSONArray jArray = null; @Override Secure Zero at PostXextech (Jason Array results) {super.onPostExecute (results); adapter.addAll (deptList); Adapter.notifyDataSetChanged (); } @ Override Protected Zero at PreExecute () {super.onPreExecute (); } @ Override protected JSONArray doInBackground (zero ... ar...

javascript - Node.js + Mustache to Preprocess Static HTML -

I am working on a project for which static HTML pages must be converted into new static HTML pages. I scraped pages with chirio for content and stored the relationship between pages as JSON. The challenge is to create a static HTML page that contains a table of contents that connects everything to each other. Template: & lt; H1 & gt; Table of contents & lt; / H1> {{#toc}} & lt; H2 & gt; {{moduleName}} & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; ul class = 'module' & gt; {{#page}} & lt; Li & gt; & Lt; a href = '{{url}}' & gt; {{Title}} & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; {{/ page}} & lt; / Ul & gt; {{/ Toc}} Data: {"toc": [{"moduleName": "starting", "page": [ {"Title": "welcome", "url": "L0-01_Welcome.html"}, {"title": "who should read this?", "Url": "L0-02_WhoFor.html"}]}, {"M...

excel - startFromScratch is removing the close (x) button of workbook -

For Excel, I am using Startpromoscratch = "True" to remove the tabs of the RTB, but this close button Is also removing the workbook (see picture) Is there no way to remove it? I know that you can use startFromScratch and you can show a tab separately that you want through VBA because this website has stated: Now, do the add buttons again possible? I think it can be a similar code to show through VBA. This is the code I use: & lt; CustomUI xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Ribbons Start FromScratch = "true" & gt; & Lt; QAT & gt; & Lt; documentControls & gt; & Lt; Control idMso = "FileSaveAs" screentip = "save as ..." supertip = "Click here to save this file to another location" /> & Lt; Control idMso = "WindowSwitchWindowsMenuExcel" screentip = "SWITCH EXCEL FILE" supertip = "Click here to switch from th...

Chrome extension use report -

I've written a Chrome extension that I've published in the Chrome Store. I want to know all the numbers associated with it, this includes the number of installs / active users / user activity etc. Where do I get these numbers? There is no way to see the total number of installs according to this question: More importantly, what is the method of setting up a weekly / monthly email to get these numbers directly in my inbox? ? There is no official way to do this. Google does not provide detailed statistics for your extension, so if you want to know the details, then you should use Analytics. To set up your Analytics account. The number of people setting up your extension will require you to set up an analytics account and link it to your extension, then you can chrome.runtime.onInstalled to listen to the installation. The addListener can use the method and send it to _trackEvent in your Analytics account. Then in your background.js you will do something li...

html5 - how to center the div -

I want to put all contents of the div inside the container at the center. I tried to use the margin 0 auto and it did not work, how do I focus it? & lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; div class = "text-center" style = "margin: 0 auto; overflow: auto;" & Gt; & Lt; Div style = "float: left; width: 15%; margin-right: 2px;" & Gt; & Lt; Img src = "picture / Bruce-Crocker_311x312 (2) .jpg" class = "img-responsive" /> & Lt; Div class = "contenthover" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; bla & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div style = "float: left; width: 15%; margin-right: 2px;" & Gt; & Lt; Img src = "picture / Bruce-Crocker_311x312 (2) .jpg" class = "img-responsive" /> & Lt; div class = "contenthover" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Bla & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Di...

How to get python to pick up OS timezone change? -

In the example of a dragon walking, there is a function that I can say to say "O Python, from time to time What do you refresh about "information?" So you can say I open the python, and then I change / etc / localtime how do I get a python to update the new timezone? My goal is not to mess with TZ environment variable or context / etc / local time, or to use any OS-specific commands I would not like to restart Python Is it possible? The answer I was looking at is: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Time.tzname [time.daylight] 'cdT' & gt; & Gt; & Gt; #dpkg-reconfigured Tzdata ... & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Time.tzset () & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Time.tzname [time.daylight] 'adt' & gt; & Gt; & Gt;

Install libspatialindex in windows to enable rtree in Python -

I'm using a canopy installation of Python in Windows 7 64bits Rtree seems to be installed properly. However, when I try to import rtree, I get the following error: WindowsError: [Error 126] The specified module can not be I had a similar problem, if not it, in Ubuntu, I solved it by installing libspatialindex directly through the software manager. It is not possible in Windows and I can not find a clear way to install it. I downloaded and installed the entire OSGO 4 suite, and re-installed the RTRI in the canopy, it is expected that the libspatial index was included in the bundle. He was not working. Is there any way to solve this problem? Do you really want to have all the RTree? The best source will be Chris Goblak, which you can set in the canopy described on .

When should I start grouping files in folders in Linux server for uploading -

I have read that linux can hold ext3 and ext4 2 13 and 2 32 Files are stored in one directory but it is not advisable to store 4 billion files in one directory. In the real life experience, I have not seen such large directories. I have noticed that only the major directories are MS Windows, such as OS Directory, And Other Directive on Antivirus Enabled Machines Are slower than users. I have developed a website that can fetch files from users. I am storing files in a folder by designing files by name in 1.dat, 2.dat, 3.dat and so on, and for each file in the database as a reference "ida", " A? "Owner", "real name", and "folder". 1. I want to ask what is good practice to keep all the files in a folder on the server? 2. If not, how many files should I group files into folders, say 100000 files in folder 1, and next 100,000 in folder 2? Which number do I want and switch the folder to another? What is the best practice for perf...

c# - I'm checking if my application is already running or not and it's saying running even if i stopped the application why? -

मैंने अंदर किए गए Program.cs: सिस्टम का उपयोग कर; System.Collections.Generic का उपयोग कर; System.Linq का उपयोग कर; System.Windows.Forms का उपयोग कर; System.Diagnostics का उपयोग कर; DannyGeneral का उपयोग कर; नाम स्थान mws {स्थिर वर्ग कार्यक्रम {/// & lt; सारांश & gt; /// आवेदन के लिए मुख्य प्रवेश बिंदु /// & lt; / सारांश & gt; [STAThread] स्थिर शून्य मुख्य () {try (ifApplicationAlreadyRunning () == सत्य) {MessageBox.Show ("एप्लिकेशन पहले से ही चल रहा है"); } अन्य {आवेदन.सक्षमव्यूज़ुअल शैली (); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault (गलत); आवेदन.रुन (नया फॉर्म 1 ()); }} पकड़ (अपवाद गलती) {लकड़हारा। लिखें ("त्रुटि" + err.ToString ()); }} स्टैटिक बूल isApplicationAlreadyRunning () {string proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess ()। प्रक्रिया का नाम; प्रोसेस [] प्रोसेस = प्रोसेस। गेटप्रक्रियासबायनाम (proc); यदि (processes.Length & gt; 1) {वापस सत्य; } अन्य {वापसी झूठी; }}}} मैंने एक ब्रेकपॉइंट का इस्तेमाल किया और यहां तक ​​कि अगर मैंने इस दृ...

angularjs routing - pass parameters to angular js directive partial view -

I have an MVC application that is using angular JSS. I have a primary navigation and secondary navigation. I am using ngRoute for primary navigation. I have instructed the secondary navigation template that I can use it in all other pages. The template used in the directive requires some input parameters. Routing code: myApp.config (['$ routeProvider', function ($ migration provider) {$ routeProvider when ('/ secondary innovation / 1', {templateUrl "Administration / page 1, resolved: {SecNavItems: [" $ http ", function ($ http) {var navItems = $ http.get ( '/ navigation / Sekenderianavigeshn', '{Params: {page name' Administration '}}); navItems.success (data) {return data;});}]}, controller:' AdminController '}}}]); var admin controller = function ($ scope, secant) {$ scope.secList = SecNavItems; } AdminController $ Inject = ["$ scope", "SecNavItems"]; MyApp.controller ("AdminController", ...


मेरे पास BYTE सरणी है, इस प्रकार है: BYTE * m_pImage; M_pImage = नया BYTE [m_someLength]; और मेरे कार्यक्रम डेटा के विभिन्न चरणों में इस सरणी पर प्रतिलिपि बनाई जाती है जैसे: BYTE * pDestinationBuffer = m_pImage + m_imageOffset; memcpy (pDestinationBuffer, (BYTE *) डेटा, डेटा लैंघ); लेकिन जब मैं अपना बफर हटाना चाहता हूं: हटाएं [] m_pImage; मुझे हेप भ्रष्टता प्राप्त हो रही है - सीआरटी ने पता लगाया है कि अनुप्रयोग मेप बफर के अंत के बाद स्मृति में लिखा है अब मेरे पास है एक सरल कार्यक्रम के साथ प्रयोग करने के लिए त्रुटि की कोशिश और नकल करने के लिए मुझे क्या हो रहा है की जांच में मदद करने के लिए। मैं निम्नलिखित से देखता हूं कि यदि मैं आकार 5 की एक सरणी बना देता हूं, लेकिन इसे खत्म होने पर इसे लिखने की कोशिश करता हूं तो मुझे एक ही त्रुटि मिलती है। int * myArray = new int [ 5]; मेरी ऐरे [0] = 0; मेरीअरे [1] = 1; मेरीअरे [2] = 2; मेरी ऐरे [3] = 3; मेरीअरे [4] = 4; मेरी ऐरे [5] = 5; // सरणी सीमा से परे लेखन [हटाएं] myArray; अब मेरा सवाल है कि मैं कैसे संभवतः डिबग ...

Behavior of scanf() in C++ -

When I put a string, when scanf () expects float? I thought this would be an exception, but I got infinite loop. Why, and how can I control it? OK, the code is here int main () {float f; scanf ("% f", & amp; f); Cout & lt; & Lt; "F =" & lt; & Lt; F & LT; & Lt; Endl; Return 0; } scanf is much read as much as possible, but it hit the end of that input is turned off or if the input number of unread items do not match the specification account, and if it is quickly stops the numbers specified in the format string , And whatever input does not match, will still be in input buffer for future reading. Example: If you have int count = scanf ("% f", & amp; nbsp;) and input "1.23", then Val will be 1.23 , count will be 1 , and the input will be consumed. If you have int count = scanf ("% f" and "val") and the input is "George", then val will be unchanged, Count ...

python - Time zone field in isoformat -

I have a timestamp that should be in EST: 2014-10- 06T18 : 06: 40-04: 56 I think this is the first part: 2014-10-06T18: 06: 40 , but not -04 : 56 . What is the -04: 56 here? ` Here's how I got that timestamp: import datetime start_time = datetime.tat time (year = 2014, month = 10, day = 6 , Hours = 18, tzinfo = pytz.timezone ('US / Eastern')) end_time = start_time + datetime.timedelta (seconds = 400) and then: end_time.isoformat () returns: 2014-10-06 T18: 06: 40-04: 56 The problem is that: one ?? Documentation is different from Python API for tzinfo implementation; If you want to create a local wall arch, you will need to use the documentation localizing () method in this document. | Further down, it says: / p> Unfortunately for many timezones using the standard datetime constructor's tzinfo logic, "Pitaj does not work" ". & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Date Time (2002, 10, 27, 12, 0, 0, Tezino = Amst...

python - How to get console output printed using kivy -

I am trying to learn how to use Kiwi Python and I would like to know how to run OS Console / Terminal command and To achieve the results I have seen the tutorials so far only to create widgets, buttons, etc. For example, how do you get results by running "uname" displayed in the cavi. Using "on the press" How can I run an order to interact with the OS and display it back in the kivy app. Whether the kivy.uix.button Import Sequence (app) from the Sequence (app) has any tutorials from the Debitop app / utility import app: Def Build (Auto): Return button (text) = "Press here") tutap (). Run () Update: This is what I am trying to achieve. This easy-to-use module uses: Easy import imports from imported imports * msg = "What do you want" out = subprocess.check_output ("uname -a", shell = true) Option = boolbox (msg, title, option) if preferred == 1: msgbox (outside) elif choice == 0: msgbox ("end") = "my choice...

jQuery If statement - variable from a php post - then do this -

I am trying to compare a variable that contains text from the php file. Data1 will only be either "active" or "idle", as is back by php. I have tried so many variations of things, I also try to get the value of #activity to see if it is equal to "active". var url = "A_jq.php"; $ .post (url, {state2: str}, function (data1) {$ ("# activity") .html (data1) .online (); console.log (data1); if (data1 == " Active ") {$ (" add # "). Show (" slow ");}}); trim data1 code> data1.trim ()

regex - Regular Expressions:JavaScript -

What exactly would be the following statement: a.replace (/ [^ \ w- ] / G, '-'); I have to find all the examples of '-' in between words and replace it with '-'. In addition to this, if I get any examples "Hi @ Raju, how do you do it?" P> I want to secret the whole word like the word given below: "Hi-Raju-what-what-what to do" Terms: Change the white space with '-' 2. Replace special characters with '-'. 3. If we have more than one '-' result, replace the single with '-'. Remove '-' at the beginning and end of the string. The following is a possible solution: "Hi how do you do raju?". (+/- +/g, '-') .replace (/ ^ [\ s -] + | [\ s- (= \ s + | [@ \?] / G, '-').] + $ / G, '')) & Gt; Output: "hi-raju-u-to-do-do" You can add any other 'special' character to the first code in [] .

node.js - Edit response body with request and node -

I am trying to create a small proxy server that I can edit the request and response between the client and the server . This is what I have so far received: var express = require ('express'); var app = express (); Var request = requirement ('request'); App.use ('/ login', function (rik, ridge) {var url = ({Uuri: '', Jason: rake)}; recycle (url) .pip ( Ridge);}); app.listen (7501); This works perfectly for my situation, but I need to edit the request and response. That is, cookies come back and send data. Any help would be great. Very new for node end with this - in the request with the expressway taken, then post request with a new created request And then there is some magic that gives the customer a second reaction back through express. app.usen ('/ login', function (rik, ridge) { ('', {form: {req: 'auth', Cid: '1', em: req.body.em, pw: r...

sas macro - How to run/not run SAS or SQL code based on conditional output? -

I have a SAS program with a macro that will produce a different list of variables based on input criteria. For example, with% MACRO (OPTION1), I get three variables, but with% MACRO (OPTION2), I get four variables. I have all the names of the variables fixed, but only if they were made It's a matter of whether or not (depending on option). How can I adjust the macro so that the user can input any of the options still allow the macro to run? In other words, how can I tell it if they are not present then to ignore some variables . Fortunately, I'm not limited to any specific process, but it's probably a data phase (macro language) or a proquo SQL statement (where the section or some other conditional statement). First rule: first rule: explicitly use macro parameters when The amount of code is small. It is normally responsive, H2> This means, if you want to do something (say) on PROC MEANS But if the variable is different, then you can: % macro run_me...

angularjs - Angular: validating data via $http -

I have an angular instruction that allows users to enter genomic areas, as a line of data . Back-end railway and I want to validate the data against the backend. Within my instructions, I have this function to verify Validate the functionGet (assembly, chrome, chrome_start, chrome_and) {$ http ({method : 'GET', url: '/ api / assemblies /' + assemblyid + '/ validate /', parameter: {chrom: 'chr' + chrom, chrom_start: chrom_start, Chrom_end: chrom_end}}) Success (data) {Console.log ("valid:" + data ['valid']); return data ['valid'];}); } When done independently, this work is fine, and returns either true or false . The user adds a target using the edit box, and then this code is scope.addRegion = function () {scope.onAddTarget ({chrom: (scope.coordinates.chrom || null) ), Chrome_start: (parseint (scope.cordinate.start) || null), chrome_and: (parseint (scope.cordinate.and) || null), validated: validated target (sco...

Who is wrong, the book or me? (C two dimensional array) -

I read a book about C and there is an example in which the two-dimensional array and array of arrays . The illustration in this book is: main () {ints [5] [2] = {{1234, 56}, {1212, 33}, { 1434, 80}, {1312, 78}}; Int (* P) ​​[2]; Int i, J, * Pint; (I = 0; i & lt; = 3; i ++) for {p = and [i]; Pint = p; Printf ("\ n"); For (J = 0; J & lt; = 1; J ++) printf ("% d", * (pint + j)); }} I created my version for this code and I saw that in the code of code he declared a [5] [2] array and I [4] [2] array and we have only one result. Here's my code: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main () {int arr [4] [2] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}; Int (* P) ​​[2]; Int i = 0, x = 0, * pint; Whereas (i and lt; = 3) {x = 0; P = & amp; Arrival [i]; Pint = p; I ++; While (x Both of you are wrong because: Pint = p; There is an error that your compiler should give at least warnings about this. The code should be: pint = * p; Your loop structu...

linux - Bash returning a no such file when file exists -

I am trying to run the grep command on the log file to capture the URL for some functions. The problem is that I do not give it to any such file or directory error whenever I try to run it, I thought it was weird because I used to call it ls To see it before did it whether it exists and take it and it is actually there. Someone can tell me what the problem is, I think this is a syntax problem which I do not know about but I can not understand it. #! In / bin / bash `Sack 1 3`; Do ssh user@member${i} & lt; & Lt; EOF CD / Home / Path / Member $ {i} / Logs LS # I have printed the output of the trial = $ (grep-oP "http :./Microwebapp/ $" "messages.log") given below "Exam" The output of the ls command is given below: console log messages.log status.log trace.log so I I am really confused about what is happening, I have also tried to change the "message.log" "No benefit from ./ messages.log" EDIT: H...

javascript - %j specifier in console.log excludes some properties -

I recently used to load the bson (binary JSON) module in the node Was trying. Js . API documents were not clear, so I thought inspecting the object would help me, the results of the inspection started to flare up. Finally I came to know that it was because I was using % j which is "false" - this is an object's chips! (I am using Python terminology for "attributes" as things referred to with dot, and "dictionary keys" for things referenced with brackets, because I do not know the proper name for these things in JS.) Here is an example: requires var bson = ("BSN"); Console.log ("%% as Seasoning: Jay J:% J", BSN); Console.log ("BSN as console.log:", BSON); And here is the output: bson% j: as {"BSonPure": {}, "BSONNative": {}} of the console BSN log in form: {code: [function: code], symbol: [function: symbol], BSON: {[function: BSON] BSONIGT 32_MX: 2147483647, BSONItTMRM: -2147483648, B...

javascript - Show nav dependant on mouse coordinates -

I've got this JS Bealal, what I really want. However, when I am moving the navigation in favor, I can not seem to understand this. var hoverMenu = $ ('# HiddenMenu'), Hover Space = $ ('#HoverSpace'); HoverSpace.on ('mousemove', function) {if (35 - event.clientY & lt; 0) {hoverMenu.css ({top: 35 - event.clientY})}} and {hoverMenu.css ({top : 0});}}) ('Mouout', Function () {HoverMenu CSS ({Top: -35})}} & lt; - I'm working on this client X / Y event I can not apply it using client X & amp; The navigation is moving to the right. This is where I was able to get it too Make this change Add the full position to the hidden menu: # HideMenu {background color: # e00; Condition: Completed: Correct: -35px;} Make hover position position relative: # hoverpace {status: relative; background color: # AIEEE ; Hidden spill; width: 45px; height: 500px;} Now you will be fine, you can check the result, it currently works by m...

oracle11g - What is the XML entity number for this character? -

I am able to encode this kind of 'masculine general operator' for my XML file. However, I want to encode that glyph is multilingual character as select chr (49850) dual as described in multibyte_char The character looks like this, and I find it a underlying masculine general operator Actually They are no different, it depends only on the font whether it is underline or not. What does this look like in the stack overflow: º How does it look for different fonts : are similar letters, though ( From): áμ ?? (U + 1D143 modifier letter short) áμ ?? (U + 1D 52 modifier sheet small o) '¼ (U + 1D3C modifier Letter Capital O) A ° (U + 00B degree mark) Ë ?? (Up u + 02DA ring)