
Showing posts from April, 2011

active directory - kinit(v5): Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial credentials -

I am working on configuring the SSO in object, where I face problems in phase While configuring Krb5.conf while executing the kinit command. Some notes regarding Active Directory We have more than one domain controller and to balance the request Load Balancer with port of 3269. And the integration between Obiae and MSAD is done successfully with the name load balancer as host and port as 3269. Some certificates, Demotrust.jks and OVD stores and SSL have been enabled in the new provider. The Keytab file was modified and modified accordingly in obiee domains home, krb5.conf and krb5login.conf file. I have created the tabbed file and it obiee domain home, then KDC was revised as one of the IP address of the domain controller, krb5.conf was modified and the name of the domain controller As an administrator-server and kinit -V -k -t /location/keytabfile.keytab HTTP / obiee_host_name I have received And the error " kinit (v5): The customer was not fo...

multithreading - Synchronizing threads with conditional variables in C -

I have one application, which contains some threaded stuff, which I have difficulty implementing i pthread.h () As a guideline. I need to synchronize two threads, which repeat the predetermined number of a certain task, and with each repetition it is necessary to start two tasks on it. My idea is that starting and syncing each thread should work before the work begins and when this thread is one (we call this thread) will prompt Thread 2 (Rx) that it starts to work Can do. Here's an example: Fixed pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; Static pthread_cond_t tx_condvar = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; Constant force tx_ready = false; These are declared in the header file. TX thread is shown below: while (reps & gt; 0); pthread_mutex_lock (& ​​amp; mutex;); Tx_ready = True; Pthread_cond_signal (& amp; tx_condvar); pthread_mutex_unlock (& ​​amp; mutex); Position = do_stuff (); If (status! = 0) {print_error (); Goto tx_task_out; } Representative ...

Grails: Cannot invoke method sendEmail() on null object when using in service -

मैंने एक सेवा NotifierService वर्ग NotifierService { MailService मेल सेवा डीईएफ़ ईमेल (स्ट्रिंग ईमेल) {mailService.sendMail {"" विषय से "विषय" विषय "कुछ पाठ"}}}} से ईमेल करने के लिए, किसी अन्य विधि updateUser में DbService सेवा class DbService {NotifierService NotifierService def} में sendEmail विधि को कॉल करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ UpdateUser () {// कुछ तर्क // यूज़र ऑब्जेक्ट डीईएफ़ ईमेल = यूज़रऑब्जेक्ट.ईमेल // भेजें ईमेल भेजें {notifierService.sendEmail (ईमेल)} पकड़ (अपवाद ई) {e.printStackTrace ()}} // अन्य विधियां । । } जब मैं sendEmail विधि को बूटस्ट्रैप में कॉल करता हूं, लेकिन जब मैं इसे डीबीएसवाइस | त्रुटि java.lang.NullPointerException: नल ऑब्जेक्ट पर विधि sendMail () को लागू नहीं किया जा सकता है | Org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.NullObject.invokeMethod पर त्रुटि ( | पर त्रुटि ( 45) | Org.codehaus.groovy.r...

How can I prevent service restarting in Android? -

I have a service to show notifications at a specific time and to start this service a broadcast holder When the app is started, the service begins and displays information and shows the service in the app running on the device, but sometimes the ongoing app service restarts and the message is not displayed. . My service code is: increases public service notification service {Private Boolean flag = false; Public static notification compartment. Builder Builder; @ Ivoride Public Ibidinder On Bind (Intent of Intent) {Return Null; } @ Override Public Ink on the Internet (Intent Intent, Int Flag, Int StartID) {Timer Timer = New Timer (); Last Reference Reference = getApplicationContext (); TimerkscheduleAtFixedRate (New Taimrtsk) {@Override (went public void) (if (Chektaim ()) {// Intent intent = new Intent (context notification.}}}, 0, (1000 * 60)); return START_NOT_STICKY ;} private boolean Czech-time () {final terms of reference = find Bose Consort (); Calendar = Calendar.getI...

html - PHP: how to echo string that contains both ' and " -

is trying to resize the following echo ( ) As you can see There are too many ' and " too often And it's a \ to properly echo. Is there any other way? I searched in StaxHourFlow and nothing has been found so far ... Go into php mode only when you need it.

webstorm - Intellij: Move tab left and right -

Is there a way to move / change the tab using the keyboard? I know that I can switch tabs using ALT + LEFT / RIGHT, and I would like to be able to carry them using ALT + SHIFT + LEFT / RIGHT Is it possible? ? My research states that there is no way to do this (currently). There is a "move right" and "down down" but this tab divides groups into horizontally and sequentially, respectively. There is no key binding which is related to this, either. Perhaps this suggests as a feature: https: // / issues / IDEA / (They are a bad proof, so I do not want to link directly) There is a plugin for this that you can install: Unfortunately, it does not work in Intel 13 (returns runtime errors)

c# - Overriding lifecycles on an application specific basis using Simple Injector -

I am trying to apply the combination of many essential applications and several class libraries for my solution. I am using simple injectors as the framework of my choice. To have many applications, many combination roots are required, however, I do not want to register duplicate container in every combination route. I am considering using the mentioned approach, but I am running into problems. How can I override the lifestyles for registration on an application basis? Specifically, I want to override certain container registrations using a transient life cycle for the same registration in my other applications while one "per web API request life cycle" in my Mesh API application. The moving structure is to pass a scaled lifestyle on the centralized part of the root By using the ScopedLifestyle base class: public static class BusinessLayerBootstrapper {public static void bootstrap (container container, ScopedLifestyle scopedLifestyle) {container.Register ...

Apache shiro remember me not working -

I am trying to use the memory feature from apache shiro, but it is not working. I have it shiro.ini [main] ds = org.apache.shiro.jndi.JndiObjectFactory ds.requiredType = javax.sql.DataSource Ds.resourceName = Java: / Computer Application / env / JDBC / MyDS # JDBC scope config jdbcRealm = jdbcRealm.permissionsLookupEnabled = true jdbcRealm.authenticationQuery = User Select Password Where Username =? And status = 1 jdbcRealm.dataSource = $ ds sha256Matcher = org.apache.shiro.authc.credential.Sha256CredentialsMatcher jdbcRealm.credentialsMatcher = $ sha256Matcher Security Manager. Realms = $ jdbcRealm [urls] / ** = authcBasic This is my JdbcRealmImpl: public class JdbcRealmImpl extends JdbcRealm {public JdbcRealmImpl () {super (); } @Override Protects AuthenticationInfo doGetAuthenticationInfo (Final AuthenticationToken Token) throws AuthenticationException {Final AuthenticationInfo information = super.doGetAuthentication...

vb6 - insert item in unsorted array -

Please help me solve this problem Enter elements of the array: 1 Enter the size of an array: 2 Enter the entry location: 2 Enter the item to insert Do: 5 After the insertion: 5 2 3 This is the code that I already did dim one (50) as integer, n integer, loc as integer, item integer As, integer private sub Form_Load () I dim integer N = InputBox (as in x "Enter the size of an array:", "size") for Text1.Text = "" I = 1 na (i) = InputBox ("Enter Elemts of an Array:", "Element") Next I place = InputBox ("Enter the location of the entry:", "location") object = input box ( "Enter item to insert:", "item"), text = 1 for n from n = 1. Text = text1 Text + "" & amp; A (i) list1.AddItem Text1.Text Text1.Text = "Next" I finished sub-sub-unsorted () while i & gt; = (Place - 1) i (i + 1) i (i) = i = i + 1 wand a (place - 1) = item n = n + 1 end sub If t...

javascript - JS function to remove tag -

मैंने निम्न जेएस कोड का उपयोग करके TinyMCE को एक बटन जोड़ा है: (function ( ) {Tinymce.PluginManager.add ('button_span', फ़ंक्शन (एडिटर, url) {editor.addButton ('button_span', {text: 'test button', आइकन: गलत, ऑनक्लिक: फ़ंक्शन () {editor.selection.setContent ('& Lt; em & gt;' + editor.selection.getContent () + '& lt; / em & gt;');}});});}) (); इसलिए, जब उपयोगकर्ता बटन को क्लिक करता है, तो यह और टैग में किसी हाइलाइट शब्द को लपेटता है मेरा प्रश्न यह है कि, मैं इसे कैसे बनाऊं ताकि अगर हाइलाइट किए गए शब्द पहले से ही & lt; em & gt; टैग में हैं, तो इसे हटाएं टैग। मुझे लगता है कि हम onclick फ़ंक्शन को समायोजित करने की आवश्यकता है। शायद यह एक शॉट दे। मैं छोटे एमईसी से बहुत परिचित नहीं हूं लेकिन यह सामान्य रूप से काम करना चाहिए। इसके अलावा, आप इसे देखने के लिए इसका विस्तार करना चाहते हैं, यह देखने के लिए कि क्या कोई भी '' है, और इसके आधार पर अलग-अलग होंगे, यह आपको शुरू करना है, लेकिन जैसा कि मैंने कहा...

javascript - Why A and B are equal after sort()? -

फ़ंक्शन रैंडऑर्ड () (रिटर्न (मठ। (मठ.रेंडम ()) - 0.5)} ए = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] var बी = एएसोर्ट (रैंडऑर्ड) console.log ('ए =', ए) console.log ('बी =', बी) आउटपुट: a = [3, 4, 0, 1, 6, 2, 5, 7] b = [3, 4, 0, 1, 6, 2, 5, 7] मुझे आशा है कि a मूल सरणी होने के लिए और b सॉर्ट किए जाने के लिए । लेकिन वे दोनों बराबर (सॉर्ट किए गए) हैं, क्यों? क्योंकि Array.sort () विधि।

filereader - Removing the BOM character with Java -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 7 जवाब मैं फ़ाइलों को पढ़ने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ FileReader का उपयोग करके और उन्हें एक अलग फ़ाइल में लिखें। ये फ़ाइलें यूटीएफ -8 एन्कोडेड हैं, लेकिन उनमें से कुछ में अभी भी एक बीओएम है। मैंने जिस संगत कोड की कोशिश की वह यह है: निजी अंतिम स्ट्रिंग UTF8_BOM = "\ uFEFF"; निजी स्ट्रिंग हटानेUTF8BOM (स्ट्रिंग्स) {if (s.startsWith (UTF8_BOM)) {s = s.replace (UTF8_BOM, ""); } वापसी एस; } लाइन = हटाएटफ 8 बीओएम (लाइन); लेकिन किसी कारण से बीओएम को हटाया नहीं जाता है। क्या ऐसा कोई अन्य तरीका है जिसे मैं FileReader के साथ कर सकता हूं? मुझे पता है कि वहाँ BOMInputStream है कि काम करना चाहिए, लेकिन मैं बजाय FileReader का उपयोग कर एक समाधान खोजने के लिए चाहते हैं। क्लास फ़्लेमरीडर एक पुरानी उपयोगिता वर्ग है, जो मंच एन्कोडिंग का उपयोग करता है। विंडोज़ पर नहीं UTF-8। सर्वश्रेष्ठ किसी अन्य वर्ग के साथ पढ़ने के लिए। मनोरंजन के रूप में, और त्रुटि को स्पष्ट करने के लिए, यहां एक गंदे हैक, जो कि एकल बाइट एन्कोडिंग के साथ ...

android - What happens to IBinder on onServiceDisconnected()? -

says that I have created a bound service, and it has been successfully banned and connected to the service (). Now I have an ibinder object with which I want to make a remote call. But, if in the middle of IBinder and remote call, the service is suddenly disconnected, what happens to IBirder? Is this vacant? Do you try to use it, it throws an exception? In addition to this, if a service is connecting / disconnecting a lot, then is the IBINEND object similar to every connector, or is it different? onServiceDisconnected is said to be that when the remote process has crashed and the connection No longer installed. Because of this, you should not try to use IBinder after doing this.

Building Boost 1.56 with Intel C++ Compiler 2015 Windows -

I have seen other questions about the compilation of Boost with the Intel C ++ Compiler, however, I have no luck was not. I first launched the Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Musician Edition IA-32 Visual Studio 2013 CMD and then the CD in my Boost Directory (C: \ promotion_1_56_0). I'm running bootstrap.bat (here's no problem) I then run b2 toolset = intel and I find that the intel compiler is not getting an error ... C: / boost_1_56_0 / tools / build / src / tools / intel-win.jam: 57: Intel-win.init module with Intel-win error: No Intel Compiler version was found! C: / promotion_1_56_0 / Tools / build / src / build \ toolset.jam: 43: Toolset.using C: / boost_1_56_0 / tools / build / src / tools \ intel.jam from module toolset: Intel.init module of 32 Intel C: / boost_1_56_0 / Tools / build / src / build \ toolset.jam: 43: Toolset.using C: / boost_1_56_0 / tools / build / src \ build-system.jam: 461: from the module tools set-Module Build- System-clear request-C: / bo...

python - ValueError: Could not find function url in draco.apps.home.models -

I'm just expanding my user model, adding fields like user, photo, phone, email. My problem occurs when I am the entire message that I migrate to the console with the command "./ makemigrations": ValueError: function url in dracoin.apps.home.models could get. Please note that due to limitations of Python 2, you can not sort unbound method functions (for example a method is declared and used in the same class). To use the migration, move the function to the main module body. Here are my "" (I believe this is the root of .py mistake): from django.db import model From Django.contrib.auth.models import user class userProfile (models.Model): def url (self, file name): ruta = "multimedia data / user /% s /% s"% (self.user.username, filename ) Retire Rita User = models.OneToOneField (user) Photo = Model. ImageField (upload_to = url) phone = model.Churchfield (max_long = 30) email = model.mail field (max_language = 75) def __unico...

javascript - How to handle large dropdownlist? -

Using VB.NET/, I have a form view with Insert and Edit templates But there are several dropdown-lists for the department and people. There are several sections in these templates and I would say that there are 3 sections for each dropdown section of people and people. I think people are more than 100 deputies and 10000 closer. The requirement is that if the user does not know the department, then only people can choose the dropdown, which will provide a complete 10,000 list of people. There is no need to say, the page number is greater than 5 MB .... I had to increase the default already What are my options to create a dropdown Who can handle this deficiency filter and allow me to size a more manageable pages? Is there anything in Ajax or Javascript? Thank you. There are lots of tutorials on this. Idea should have a auto-complete / code control, which is basically a text box, when you type something, to say that you have typed 'ABC', this is a AJAX cal...

SQL Query: looking for null -

The question is: You want to be the first to pick and pick up seats to fly. For all codes, search flight_num and date for which there is no reservation from the following tables: Flights Departure ( flight_name, date, aircraft_type ) flight_num, airplane, destaka ) > Passenger ( traveler_ id, passenger_name, passenger_address booking ( passenger_id, flight_name, date, seat_number ) My answer was: SELECT D.flight_num, FROM DEPARTURES D, BOOKINGS B WHERE B.passenger_id = NULL I know It is wrong, but someone can tell me why? What is the answer? This is better : SELECT D.flight_num, DEPARTURES D JOINING BOOKING from B on D.Flight_NU = BFLM, where B. traveler iid faucet I'm not sure that this would be possible to book, but a seat number is not reserved if that is the case, then you have to change the WHERE clause for that.

coldfusion - JavaScript enable button when checkbox checked -

I think this button should be disabled, and when the user checks a checkbox it needs to be enabled, Not working for me at all, the button remains inactive, I know that calling the onclick script because I have placed an alert in the script and it warns me .... & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function goFurther (if (document.getElementById ("id"). Checkeded == true) document.getElementById ("calculation"). Disabled = false; Else document.getElementById ("calculation"). Disabled = true;} & Lt; / script & gt; Style type = "Text / CSS"> Input [disabled] {Color: Gray; text-decoration: none;} & lt; / style & gt; & lt; CFOUTPUT Query = "qGetOpenItemsTrans"> gt; & lt; tr & gt; & lt; TD ALIGN = "CENTER" & gt; & lt; input type = "checkbox" name = "chkbx" id = '# id #' value = "# seq_claim_id #" onClick = "goFur...

python - Passing matrix in recursive sudoku solver -

So I wrote the brutal force Sudoku Solver in a time ago. I thought it would be well in Python, so I can only translate my argument (a function can be held legally on (X, Y) and one that finds all solutions repeatedly.) Everything else (mostly I / O) I was able to replace with one-liners (Hurray for Python). The problem is, the code does not work. "Sud" is a 9x9 matrix (in the beginning) contains unsolved sudoku, the unknown number is represented by zero. The program does not seem to change the values ​​stored in "sud", so I'm guessing this problem in which my metrics are defined? In C. I defined "sud" in exterior, how can i do it in python? Or do I need to pass the matrix as an argument in my work? Sorry, if my problem looks trivial, then I am very new in Python. Below I have the code: N = 9f = open ('sudoku.txt', 'r') tmp = (). Splitlines () for sud = [[int (x)) in the X (I)] for the TMP [I]] in the range (N)] DIF...

sql - Oracle Update on View extremly slow -

मेरे पास यह साधारण अपडेट विवरण है: UPDATE v_my_view mv SET = ( चुनें RTRIM (नाम) से v_another_view av WHERE av.KEY_ID = mv.KEY_ID) जहां mv.VALID = 1; यह स्टेटमेंट बहुत लंबा (20 सेकंड) लेता है, जबकि दूसरे, एक ही दृश्य पर अधिक जटिल अपडेट 1 सेकंड से कम लेते हैं। पहले मैंने सोचा था कि यह आरटीआरआईएम समारोह है, लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है, अगर मैं इसका इस्तेमाल नहीं करता, तो इसकी धीमी गति से पहले। दोनों दृश्यों पर चयन रिकॉर्डों को बहुत तेजी से वापस लौटाते हैं इस दृश्य पर कोई ट्रिगर नहीं है, लेकिन पीछे एक मेज पर है। कोई भी सुझाव है? संपादित करें: जोड़ी गई WHERE खंड को जोड़ा गया है, लेकिन यह बाधा नहीं हो सकता, क्योंकि जब भी मैं सभी ट्रिगर कोड को बाहर करता हूं, तब भी इसका एक ही धीमा प्रदर्शन होता है। संपादित करें: दृश्य (या पीछे तालिका) में केवल 8000 रिकॉर्ड प्रत्येक होते हैं, कोई विशेष डेटा प्रकार नहीं। आप पूरे दृश्य को किसी भी WHERE क्लॉज के बिना अपडेट कर रहे हैं। यदि आपके पास बड़ी मात्रा में डेटा या इंडेक्सेस भी हैं, तो यह आपके ऑपरेशन को धीमा कर सकता है।

ruby - pass value in database through radio button in form for rails -

I have a problem because I'm new to Ruby on Rails I submit some value to form_for I am passing a value through a hidden field as a role for a user to login. The user depends on his role. If the role is a customer then the user is redirected to the customer page, and if the role is administrator then the user is redirected to the admin page. I am playing a role through the hidden fields below: Now I want to remove the hidden area and I want to play the role through the radio button. Please help me how I can pass through the radio button as a form for the role. I would be very grateful for any help. If I understand you correctly, then you need something: & lt;% = f.radio_button: role, 'user', checked: true%> & lt;% = label: role_user, 'user'% & gt; & Lt;% = f.radio_button: roll, 'client'% & gt; & lt;% = label: role_client, 'client'% & gt; & Lt;% = f.radio_button: role, 'admin'% & gt; & lt...

fluid - TYPO3 Extbase switchableControllerActions -

I have an extension that has a controller with two actions: listAction and showAction. Question: Can I show two actions? On the same page On the specific page I have created an insert plugin record with my plugin, where in the plugin's backend configuration flex, I have selected "list action" through the switchable controlleraction field. The list action includes a list of products with a link to the product show action. So what do I want? F.E. I have the page product URL (my list is action) and for the show's action, I like the URL should / product / name-of-product I have found an extension with this functionality. And I saw that there is something in the switchable controller operations area of ​​the plugin's flex: the upcoming; Events- & gt; List; Events- & gt; Calendar; Events- & gt; Show; Events- & gt; Export & lt; / NumIndex & gt; & Lt; / NumIndex & gt; & Lt; NumIn...

ios - Adding a UIButton Programmically to a subview of UINavigationBar and touch events are not registering -

I have a UITableView inside the UINavigationController to create a toolbar at the bottom of the screen which does not grow with table cells , I added a UIView as a subview in the navigation bar. Then I am making UIButton to add this UIUV to programming. I have added a selector but it is not registering and the function has been called which I set it to (sendMessage). Any thoughts? self.sendBar = [[UIView alloc] InitWithFrame: CGRectMake (0, self.view.frame.size.height-100, self.view.frame.size.width, 100)] ; Self.sendBar.backgroundColor = cloudBlue; UIButton * sendButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0,0,50,50)]; SendButton.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor]; [SendButton addTarget: Self-action: control event for @Selector (sent message): UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; [Self. Navigation Controller Add navigationbar addviewview: self.sendBar]; [Self.sendBar addSubview: sendButton]; I suspect that there may be something like this that you add buttons A...

regex - Make expression match optional value if possible -

निम्नलिखित पाठ पर विचार करें जो jMeter से एक HTTP प्रतिसाद का हिस्सा हो सकता है: & lt ; मेनू आईडी = "अल्फा" नाम = "अल्फा" & gt; & lt; विकल्प मान = "ए" & gt; ए & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & lt; विकल्प मान = "बी" & gt; बी & lt; / option & gt; & lt; विकल्प मान = "सी" चयनित = "चयनित" & gt; सी & lt; / option & gt; & Lt; / मेनू & gt; & Lt; मेनू आईडी = "ब्रावो" नाम = "ब्रेवो" & gt; & lt; विकल्प मान = "d" & gt; डी & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & lt; विकल्प मान = "ई" & gt; ई & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; / मेनू & gt; मैं प्रत्येक मेनू के आईडी को निकालने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, साथ ही चयनित विकल्प का मान अगर कोई विकल्प चयनित है I यदि कोई विकल्प नहीं चुना है, तो डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से, पहले विकल्प का मान मिलान किया जाना चाहिए। उदाहरण के लिए, इस उदाहरण में, मैं चाहता हूं कि निम्न मिलान किया जाए: "अल्...

php - What should the "model" be? -

Firstly I had the impression that this is the class for a single database record. Then I thought it represents a collection, like a class that chooses questions and manages records. Then I read an answer here that the model should be just a folder in which there is a bunch of orbits. So what's that? If any of them are actually a simple application that only queries the database And shows the result somewhere, then the database model can be. If you have a complex application that does some stuff with data, it validates it, it changes it, sends events on the change, or just says a lot to write a very large query at that place, Want to use, you should use the Manager category. Another way to see this is that the main application of this model app is that the design does not include any user interface, you should provide an easy way to communicate in the main part of your app. If the plain database is sufficient, then it is enough. He said that I think that it is not...

c# - Get the combobox from data template in WPF DataGrid -

After a I have a DataTemplate column & lt for a WPF data grid, , Data Grid Name = "grdTest" ItemsSource = "{Binding Path = Test List, Mode = Dow, UpdatesSource Trigger = By Changing Property}" & gt; & Lt; DataGrid.Columns & gt; & Lt; DataGridTemplateColumn Width = "120" & gt; & Lt; DataGridTemplateColumn.Header & gt; & Lt; Text Block Text = "Test Name" Tooltip = "Test Name" width = "109" /> & Lt; /DataGridTemplateColumn.Header> & Lt; DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; ComboBox name = "cbxTest" SelectedValue = "{Binding TestID, Mode = TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger = PropertyChanged}" DisplayMemberPath = "Test" SelectedValuePath = "TestID" SelectionChanged = "cbxTest_SelectionChanged_1" ItemSource = "{Binding Path = TestList}" & gt; & Lt; / ComboBox &...

excel - Function that searches for the exact same date or the closest one in the past + one extra condition -

This is a continuation Actually I would like to extend the function that was posted @ but For some reason this is not going to be a planned event, so I'm showing the same content which she showed. The extra position in this situation is that the machine producing the juice should be equal to the machine's parameter. (What I'm doing is the image) In fact, if a juice is made with machine M. 29.09, then for example I want to keep the parameters which were used for the juice, clearly did not use the parameters of 30/09 But the parameters of 25/09 for machine M. were used. I edited the code @zipified in my last question the following was posted in = IFERROR (INDEX (C $ 2: C $ 10, MIN (index ( ROW ($ 1: $ 10) + ($ A $ 2: $ A $ 10 & $; F2) * 1E + 99 + ($ B $ 2 = $ G $ 2),))), "" ) But I get an error and I'm not sure why but I think I have to do everything I wrote ($ B $ 2 = $ G $ 2) but How can I fix this? Disclaimer: The percentages used ...

javascript - jQuery animate problems - dynamically choose direction -

I am using jQuery to move a letter around on a black background. There is no purpose for it, in reality it is just moving around. I have four buttons, left, right, top and bottom, which respectively want to move the letter. But for some reason I have problems with the .animate () method. I know that I can use a switch statement, but I'm going for a more concise solution. Here is the html: & lt; Div class = "box" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; This is & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "slider-nav" & gt; & Lt; Button data-dir = "left" & gt; Left & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Button data-dir = "right" & gt; Right & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Button data-dir = "top" & gt; Up & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Button data-dir = "bottom" & gt; Down & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; And here's JavaScript:...

android - How to anchor a Widget to the bottom of an Activity, if the widget that was at that position is made invisible -

I found this situation, I have 4 widgets in the same layout in the following order: button XML is: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; RelativeLayout xmlns: Android = "" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" android: id = "@ + id / peddo client latable layout" & gt; & Lt; TextView Android: Android: Android: Android: Layout_LinePart Lift = "True" Android: Layout_AlgunatureTap = "True" Android: Maxline = "4" Android: Text = "Customer Name" /> & Lt; Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: layout_below = "@ + id / nameLabel" Android: Layout_Above = "@ + ID / Total Order Labels" Android: Orientation = "Vertical" & gt; & Lt; Lis...

security - Securing an OAuth / OpenID Connect identity in a cookie for easy login -

I have a website that uses the Azure Active Directory or Google+ to sign in. I have their identities through an OAuth2 login flow and the users the user email address, and foreign resources (tokens and other things) are stored using an email address as a foreign key. Right now I am saving the user's email address in a heavily encrypted string, and when the page loads, I find the cookie, decrypt it, and find the email address and open that account. Is it safe? Is there a good pattern to keep users identifiable? Tablets: I do not want to force my users to log in every time But More important It needs to be safe. For the Azure Eddy part, you can use our web sign just on any sample Configure the cookie to be consistent The cookies produced by the OWIN middleware are signed and encrypted, so you will be fine on that side, but this will not save you from the general issues of the session's stubbornness. It is not recommended because this is all Types of terms...

java - Reading a properties file in Servlet -

To read the attribute file in my servlet using the code below I getClass.getClassLoader () I would like to get clarity about GetResourceAsStream (...) line. From my understanding, getClassLoader () will add class loader to the servlet class I have defined but how is it propFileName ? Properties is associated with PRO = new properties (); String profile name = ""; InputStream inputstream = getClass (). GetClassLoader (). GetResourceAsStream (propFileName); prop.load (InputStream); String User = Propetepti ("GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID"); String ID = Prop. Apt ("GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URL"); Public InputStream getResourceAsStream (string name) The parameter " Name "should be an" absolute "path for the file, so that it can open InputStream and its example can be found in the Properties.load (inputStream) method. Could be disturbed > This is clearly mentioned in the Java API. Please take a look at this: Hope it help...

How to detect if a button has been clicked OR an input's value has changed using jQuery? -

My goal is to do something if the value of an input changes or a button is clicked. I know how to apply these separately for example: $ ('form: input') .change (function () {// something Do.}); $ ('Button'). Click (function () {// do something.}); But how can I apply them together? Here are some pseudo-code examples that I'm trying to achieve: If (button is clicked) or (change input value) {// do something} How to define a function and in the same case are calling the same function? Something like this: function f () {// your stuff} $ ('form: input'). Change (F); Click on $ ('button)' (f).

c# - In 3 level JqGrid, get the first table's primary key when the 2nd table's "+" sign is pressed -

I'm new to JqGrid and please help me with this request. I have a 3 level hierarchy as shown in the JqGrid setting, it is not exactly identical, but very similar. My requirement is to pass the primary key of the Customer Grid , when the ordergrid is expanded. Or in short, I Public Zero SetUpThreeLevelGrids (ThreeLevelHierarchyJqGridModel Model) {var customersGrid = model.CustomersGrid; // code here int cId; // cId = & lt; Customer Grid Customer ID;; // ***** How to get it ****** Order grid. Data url = url Action ("Three Level_OrdsdataInquested", new {customerId = cId}); // code here} I would like to pass that variable to the ThreeLevel_OrderDetailsDataRequested method: public JsonResult ThreeLevel_OrderDetailsDataRequested (Int customerId , String parentRowID) {// code here} I have created a fixed variable I am not sure whether this could break something or not I just wanted to do it. public static intelidid = 0; In the action method f...

ajax - Javascript moving cursor on table that is editable move on save row -

I have a JavaScript where a cursor is inserted up, down, on a table. It works, but I want to move the cursor left and right on the same line. How can I go about doing this? I tried and it does not work: else if (evt.keyCode == 39) {event.preventDefault (); Var cell index = $ (this). Index () var rowindex = $ (this) .parents ('td'). Index () + 1 $ (this) .parents ('table') ('Tr: eq search' '+ + +' + '+' +) TD: eq ('+ cell index +') ''. Focus ()} This is the work code for up, down. jQuery (document) .ready (function () {$ ('td'). Keydown (function (evt) {if (evt.keyCode == 40) {event.preventDefault () ; var cell index = $ (this). index () var rowindex = $ (this) .parents ('tr'). index () + 1 $ (this) .parents ('table'). ('tr: eq ('+ Rowindex +'). Td: eq ('+ cellindex +') '). Focus ()} and if (evt.keyCode == 38) {event.preventDefault (); var cell index = $ (this ) .index ...

rdma - Using same memory region for both local and remote just for testing -

The data sent to post_send () in thread / process will include MR Rak and configure the SEJ list with MR Lucky Transfer from I am playing with Infiniband HW and want to see if it was legal to use MR to use MR from a single thread sending and receiving RDMA locally. I'm not sure that I understand the question, but yes, it's the same MR for the local El_K and R_K are exactly OK requests to use both. If you overlap the memory to send and receive related work, you can get strange results. For example, RDMA will write 50 bytes in Address X from Address X, X 50. Similarly, overwriting of the same memory used by anybody else in the flight, if requested for more than one work, will give wrongly misleading results. However, say, local address X to local X X 200 bytes written X + 200 (where those addresses are in the same memory area) is absolutely fine - you just fancy your RDMA adapter Used as a local DMA engine.

r - ggplot2: geom_bar stacked barplot, specify bar outline color -

I am trying to figure out how to specify the outline color on a stacked barplot in ggplot2. In the code below I specify color = "green" which gives a green outline for each time, I would like to specify a different outline color for each bar (like cut = fair will be filled with yellow and outlined with orange, cut = good will be light green and underlined with dark green, etc.). ggplot (diamond) + geom_bar (AES (clarity, fill = cut)) + scale_fill_manual (values ​​= c ("fair" = "yellow", "good" = "light green I have tried scale_color_manual ("very good" = "light blue", "premium" = "pink", "ideal" = "purple")) ) and geom_bar () specify a vector of colors in aesthetics, neither has worked. You have to map both the sensations in the cut variable, and then you You can use scale_colour_manual . This is an (ugly) example: ggplot (diamond) + geom_bar (AES (clari...

assembly - NASM check if input is a double digit number without a specific Ascii value like "00" -

I am trying to figure out that the user is input 00 but I do not know How to check that I can check numbers or letters that have a specific ESI value such as: cmp byte [buff], 39h jbe aMethod buff is where the user input is stored. I check each byte like 00 such as CMP byte [buff], 30h jne not_00 cmp byte [buff + 1], 30h jne not_00 is_00: ... not_00: ...

ruby on rails - IE9 nested simple_form_for with haml -

I have a page that starts with a form. Inside that form, I tell the information to another page. Inside this render I have to present another for a model. This model is another form. So at this point I have nested form. It works great in all browsers except IE9; I think what IE 9 is trying to do, it looks like when the second form is ending, and it also eliminates the first form, so the nested form After all things get worse, is anyone else in this problem? And how do you fix it? Guardian file (form): = simple_form_for @form do | F | #the_form = Render 'notification',: f => F. Buttons% input {: name = & gt; "Submit" ,: type = & gt; "Submit",: value = & gt; "Submit"}% input {: name = & gt; "Cancel" ,: Type = & gt; "Submit",: value = & gt; "Cancel"} Provide a notification file: # info% fieldset% Legend form title = f.input: form_id ,: url = & Gt; Form_name_path ,: label = ...

encryption - Bitshift Encrypt and Decrypt with Circular shift in Python -

Edit: I understood it. Here's the code I used. def bitshiftEncrypt (word): newWord = "" for the word: shift = '{: 07b}'. Format (ord (i) +1) NewShift = shift [0] newShift + = shift [0] newWord + = chr (int (newshift, 2)) print (newworld) def bitsoft decrypt (word): newWord = "i" In the word: shift = ': 07b}' Format (ord (i)) newShift = shift [len (str (shift) - 1] newShift + = shift [: - 1: 1] New word + = str (chr (int (newshift, 2) - P> bin () Possible representation will give you screw in different ways. 3> gt;> Bin (3) '0b11' 3> '{: 07b}' Format (3) '0000011'

Javascript/Jquery Boolean help: Hiding/Showing Divs -

Can someone explain to me what I am doing wrong in this code? var isLoggedIn = function (state) {if (state == true} {$ ("# content-container") Show (); $ (" # Account2 ") Show ();; Hide $ (" #Account ").;} And (state == incorrect) {$ (" # content-container "). Hide (); $ (" # Account2 ") Hide ();; $ (" #Account ") Show ();}} onload = function () {isLoggedIn (false)}} On loads I divs I want to hide, but when I click on the button I want to show the divs? The way the boolean function is set in the right way? Slice the piece on the OP OP again Trying to do. Onload is not clearly defined, which is not addressed, although a event , ieg, window.onload = onload . Jquery-wrapped block .ready () event . js onclick Marked from html ,

postgresql - Postgres Rules Preventing CTE Queries -

पोस्टग्रेस 9.3 का प्रयोग करना: मैं एक तालिका को स्वचालित रूप से पॉप्यूलेट करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं जब कोई डालने दूसरे पर किया जाता है तालिका। यह नियमों के लिए अच्छा उपयोग जैसा लगता है, लेकिन पहली तालिका में नियम जोड़ने के बाद, मैं अब लिखे जाने योग्य सीटीई के माध्यम से दूसरी तालिका में सम्मिलित करने में सक्षम नहीं हूं। यहां एक उदाहरण है: बनाओ टेबल फ़ू (आईडी INT प्राथमिक कुंजी); टेबल बार बनाएं (आईडी INT प्राथमिक कुंजी संदर्भ foo); नियम बनाने के लिए INSERT पर फू डालें Foo डालने के लिए बार मूल्यों में (; साथ में एएस (सेलेक्ट * FROM (वैल्यू (1), (2)) ख) फू से चुनिए * इसमें से एक जब यह चल रहा है, मुझे त्रुटि मिलती है "त्रुटि: साथ एक क्वेरी में उपयोग नहीं किया जा सकता है जो नियमों द्वारा कई क्वेरीज़ में फिर से लिखा जाता है।" मैंने उस त्रुटि स्ट्रिंग की खोज की है, लेकिन मैं केवल स्रोत कोड के लिए लिंक ढूंढें मुझे पता है कि मैं उपरोक्त पंक्ति-स्तर के बजाय ट्रिगर का उपयोग कर सकता हूं, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि मुझे यह बयान स्तर पर करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए। मैं लिखन...

batch file - git command to get local path of repository -

What can be executed from a batch file is there a way to get the path of a local store from git? Set GITBIN = "c: \ Program Files (x86) \ Git \ bin" set REPODIR1 = C: \ RandomPath1 \ REPOSITORY1 set REPODIR2 = C: \ RandomPath2 \ REPOSITORY2 pushed% TGACOREDIR% @echo% GITBIN% \ git bridge @ if% ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (Goto: Purlier) I want to get REPODIR1 and REPODIR2 from git, so that the developers can run the script even if They have their local treasures at different places from each other. Is there a way to do that REPODIR1 and REPODIR2 do not need to be rigid in this .bat file? You should do this command git rev-parse - Show-toplevel

ember.js - Ember-CLI: How do I write an initializer in coffeescript? -

I have created an application using Amber-Clay I have created an initiator, but I'm running into an issue . I'm getting the error: Unicet Type error: the undefined property 'name' can not be read the app Import / Import / Export from 'Amber' from 'Simple-Authentic / Authenticator / Base'. SFDCETNetitor = Base. Extension (#th here) SFDCIIT = Amber. Application Illustrator (name: 'Authentication' before: 'Plain-at' Start: (Container, Application) -> Container Registration: 'Authenticator: Custom', SFDCActicator) 'Export Default SFDCIIT' You must export something from the beginning, you Ember.Application.initializer Something like this Importing the base from the 'plain-authentication / authenticator / basis' SFDCAtine Rater = base. Extension (#th here) SFDcinet = name: 'Authentication' before: 'simple-auth' start: (container, app) - & gt; Container.Register 'Authentic...

php - NGinx Laravel 4 - 502 Bad Gateway Error -

सर्वर {80 default_server सुनें; सुनो [::]: 80 default_server ipv6only = on; रूट / होम / सोशलशेयर / पब्लिक /; सूचकांक index.php; server_name domain_ यहां; स्थान / {try_files $ uri $ uri / /index.php$is_args$args; } स्थान ~ \ .php $ {try_files $ uri /index.php = 404; fastcgi_split_path_info ^ (। + \। php) (/.+) $; Fastcgi_pass यूनिक्स: /var/run/php-fpm.sock; Fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $ document_root $ fastcgi_script_name; शामिल हैं fastcgi_params; }} यह मेरा वर्तमान एनजीआईएनएक्स कॉन्फ़िगरेशन है - मैं अपने जीवन के लिए यह नहीं समझ सकता कि कनेक्शन, डोमेन या आईपी प्रत्यक्ष पर 502 गेटवे त्रुटि को ठीक करने के लिए क्या हो रहा है। कोई भी विचार? संपादन हटाया गया डोमेन मैं अंत में इस पर उत्तर प्राप्त करने में सक्षम था। प्रभावी रूप से, nginx फ़ाइल में fastcgi_pass के साथ ही एफपीएम फ़ाइल में सुने के लिए में परिवर्तित होने की आवश्यकता है।

regex - What is differerent between using $subject and substr($subject,3) in example preg_match() in -

I have read how the preg_match function is used, I do not know how $ subject and substrate What is the difference between using, 3) preg_match ($ pattern, $ theme, $ matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, 3) and preg_match ($ patterns, substr ($ theme, 3), $ matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE). Please help me understand and check below the function why he returns empty array? & lt ;? Php $ ch = curl_init (); Curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_URL, ""); Curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $ Content = curl_exec ($ ch); Curl_close ($ ch); $ Regex = '/ & lt; Div class = "tabbox" id = "tabbox" & gt; (. *) & Lt; \ / div & gt; / '; Preg_match ($ regex, $ content, $ matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, 3); $ Table = $ matches [1]; print_r ($ table); ? & Gt; You will get similar results. But if you use substr then you will create a new string for nothing, when the last parameter of preg_match on...

C++ Microphone Input As A Random Seed -

I am currently playing with some cryptography (in RSA public, in this case) and to generate a random key Requires random input. I thought the microphone would be a good source for relatively inappropriate data. Is there a way to read raw data from a microphone in a way that can be used as seed srand? Is there a better way of purely getting random seeds and if so, how do I do this? I am running Windows 8 on a laptop with a built-in Microsoft laptop and I am using the G + compiler. Do not no try to get seeds from your hardware On Linux, to read / dev / urandom correctly (not / dev / on Windows, Google indicates that you The function should be used. RANDOM

java - JavaFX: Exception on thread is not logged to System output -

In my Java Fx 8 app, I have a thread that runs a loop and sometimes updates the UI . Finding this thread somewhere in this thread, there is no exception to this, except for the exception of the worker threads, the system output does not look similar to the main program thread. Do I mean, when I run the program, if some code breaks into ( ), then in the Interleaved exception message and run view (Standard Out, AAAIC) A stack traces prints. On the other hand, if something breaks in my thread, I do not get the same verbose output. In fact, most of the time, I did not find anything - just a mysterious way of non-functioning programs Is there another step to capture errors in the worker thread? Is my environment wrongly protected? It makes debugging ahead of impossible - appreciate any help! (I think your answer / comment means I need to change my comment in an answer ). Based on the exceptions of your threading model, the main thread is not promoted, they only kill the t...

mysql - Selecting the last 5 rows in a table except the last row -

I wanted to select the last 5 entries of the table except the last entry of the table. I have a table that maintains the details of the week of the year. So to get a report of the last 5 weeks, I have to remove the data from the table. I do not want this week's statistics, except for this week's data, how to select data for the last five weeks Give ID the primary key of your table, which is auto-increment. You can use the following query. SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM TABLE ORDER ID DESC LIMIT 6) Sub-order ID ASC limit 5;

jquery - How to find largest image in a list -

मेरे पास निम्न HTML संरचना है: & lt; Ul id = "list2" & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "_ स्तंभ छोटा" & gt; & Lt; img id = "YB_random_with_img" src = "/ cms_agency / छवियाँ / चार्टर वाइज़साइट / डब्ल्यू350x एच 300 / आलेख- (7) -350-300.jpg" alt = "होम" शीर्षक = "होम" / & gt; & lt; h2 & gt; & lt; a href = "/ cms_agency / अधिक / लेख / लेख- (7)" & gt; ग्रीस & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / h2 & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "_ स्तंभ छोटा" & gt; & Lt; img id = "YB_random_with_img" src = "/ cms_agency / छवियाँ / चार्टर / वाइजसाइट / W720xH300 / लेख- (1) -720-300.jpg" alt = "होम" शीर्षक = "होम" / & gt; & lt; h2 & gt; & lt; a href = "/ cms_agency / अधिक / लेख / लेख- (1)" & gt; स्टॉकहोम & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / h2 & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = ...

java - Failed to read schema document '' -

I've been able to find a solution to my problem about 3 hours, but I do not know! My security reference here Xml is: & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Beans: beans xmlns = "" xmlns: beans = "" xmlns: xsi = "http: // www. "xsi: schema location =" .xsd Http://"> & Lt; http auto-config = "true" & gt; & Lt; Intercept-url pattern = "/ admin **" / & gt; & Lt; / Http & gt; & Lt; Authentication Manager & gt; & Lt; Authentication Provider & gt; & Lt; User Service & gt; & Lt; Usern...

blogger - How to I change my nav bar from stacking up when window is smaller? -

On my navigation bar, I want the mouse window to be stacked under the NAV bar when it is small. I bought a navigation bar from someone, so I'm not completely sure how to fix it. Sensitive CSS like conditional CSS with the help of media queries Use and create it. I know, but with the code I can not do anything in which we can also use conditional CSS and JQuery.

oauth - Creating an OAuth2.0 provider in python 3 for an existing WSGI server -

I have an OAuth v for my existing wsgi server. 2.0 Can not Locate Creating Providers I want to deploy a custom OAuth 2.0 provider on HTTPS on my existing wsgi-server (using the Apache mod_wsgi) The YGSI base and the HTPS are already working and working fine. Unfortunately I could only get Python 2.0 providers for Oathylib to implement in Python 3. But this module refers to most of the structures in the document, such as dragons and flasks, which I do not need and thus do not want to use it for the project. In addition, Oathylib is compelling me to use my own webserver as MyRequestValidator oauthlib.oauth2 import from My_validator import from previous section on assumptions from # WebApplicationServer validator = MyRequestValidator ( ) server = WebApplicationServer (validator) My problem is here, that I want to create an Oath 2.0 provider without the framework mentioned on my existing WSGI server, but can not find that I Where to change . Web applications server "All...

c# - The model item passed into the dictionary is of type ..., but this dictionary requires ... -

Whole error message: The model item type given in the dictionary 'Miklaus 2 [implementation 1, implementation 2] ', but this dictionary requires a model item called' Myklos '2 [Interface 1, Interface 2]'. In my view, I have a model declaration: @modelmiclas & lt; Interface 1, Interface 2 & gt; Where my class is a class and interface 1 and the interface 2 interface I'm calling on my controller action: return view (ideal); Where: Model is of type ... MyClass & lt; Implementation 1, Implementation 2 & gt; Applies Interface 1 and Implementation 2 ... and Implementation 1 Interface 2 @modelmiclus & lt; Implementation 1, Implementation 2 & gt; Is there any way to avoid this error? Because MyClass is unchanging You can not do this, which means MyClass & lt; Implementation 1, Implementation 2 & gt; is not MyClass & lt; Interface 1, Interface 2 & gt; , hence the error. As th...

compiler construction - Where to write specification file for Flex? -

I want to match some patterns using Flex Bison. I want to know how to use Flex and how to make a specification file (equipment or software). And when the tokens are generated by flex, where the specification file is written for bison. I want to know about the editors IDE or device. Can I complete all the tasks using Turbo C or what is required? This question has been answered because it is seeking an introductory tutorial and any search available online Engine can be found. A good tutorial is here: which answers these questions. Bison and Flex file is a text file, it can be modified by any text editor, such as Notepad, Notepad ++, VI, VIM, Macs and more. You did not specify which platforms you would run on. Visual Studio can also be configured to work with the tool, though it is a bit of a whirl. Yes: You can create C output with Turbo C. Tools can also generate C ++. Most people will use GCC and the command prompt makes for the basic use of Flex and Bison. I teach thi...

c++ - Functions as arguments of variadic templates -

मान लें कि हमारे पास एक वर्ग है टेम्पलेट & lt; int (* F) (int, पूर्णांक) & gt; कक्षा { // ... }; यह टेम्पलेट तर्क के रूप में एक फ़ंक्शन लेता है। अब मैं एक variadic टेम्पलेट बनाना चाहता हूं, जो टेम्पलेट पैरामीटर के रूप में फ़ंक्शन लेता है। टेम्पलेट & lt; int (* F ...) (int, int) & gt; // यह टेम्प्लेट & lt; int (* F) (int, int) संकलित नहीं करेगा ... & gt; // यह या तो इसे कैसे ठीक से करने के लिए संकलित नहीं करेगा? टेम्पलेट & lt; int (* ... F) (int, int) & gt; कक्षा { // ... };

What ProGuard configuration do I need for Firebase on Android? -

When using the SDK for the Android app, I keep getting warnings and errors (like Eclipse): Warning ... referenced squared can not be found ... Warning: There ... Unsolved context for classes or interfaces ... You may need to specify additional library jars (using '-libraryjars') . Unfortunately, there is no official document about its use with the proguan of Firebase. What instructions were asked of the successful instructions for releasing me with a firebase when ProGuard was ambiguous? Based on my personal tests, it is necessary with these lines some firefighter-enhanced Android apps, To compile with Progress In any case, you must add the -keepnames class ** {*; } If you are using custom objects in your firebase, i.e. beans or pozzo Firebase SDK 1.0.18: -keepnames class com.firebase. ** {*; } -keepnames class com.shaded.fasterxml.jackson ** {*; } -keepnames class org.shaded.apache ** {*; } -keepnames class javax.servlet. ** {*; } -Dondwa...