
Showing posts from July, 2013

Moving numbers in richTextBox in C# -

I need to solve the behavior of four numbers, which is what the game Tetris means to move down or rotate it That I want to do at C ++ on RichTextBox, but my code is still not working well as I want to illustrate below. How can I make this number in the right direction? 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 After going down four numbers "1" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Or four times the clock of "1" After rotation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 This is my code. string [] pole8x8 = new string [400]; String [] poll 4x4 = new string [4 * 2]; & Lt; String & gt; Numbers = New list & lt; String & gt; (); Int lane = 52; Public Form 1 () {Initialization (...

javascript - How to switch View without using app.navigate() in Kendo UI mobile? -

I would like to use custom routing plans so that I do not use app.navigate () Can I app.navigate () / div> You can not do this without modifying the KDE UI source, the mobile app is connected to the example of the router and will respond to the location changes. You can consider redeeming the Cando UI Core Repo and implement different mobile application modes - in this way you should be able to use the app. Without changing the navigation location

php - How would I get the URL after my own URL? -

I am preparing a website where the user will enter one URL after another, and then I will get the value from that weblist I will return An example would be How do I go about finding it Will the URL load when the page is loaded? Thanks You may rewrite the URL more Information (for Apache) here: - LINQ query select entity and its collection query -

I have an institution called parent, in which there is a list of children in it. Now I order a guardian and all his children I want to choose by display order. Organizations: - Class Parents {IIT ID; & Lt; Child & gt; children; } Class child {string name; Date time debit; Int DisplayOrder; } Previously I was using a parent from the database as a unit from the Linux context.Parents.Find (id); It was doing everything fine but now my requirement has changed, I have to choose the order of my children from their display order. How can i do it Any help is appreciated. Update parent category: - class guardian {public int id; Public Virtual List & lt; Child & gt; children; } With the information you provided, I think that you can write your Kids are using to display them somewhere so that you can just use parent.children.OrderBy (x => x.DisplayOrder) .Oolist () just parent.children I think you had it before. Update 1 Also, as far as I re...

ios - UIReferenceLibraryViewController hasDictionaryDefinition only works in Simulator on iPhone 5s -

जब मैं इस कोड को कॉल करता हूं: NSString * word = @ "हैलो"; Bool प्रतिक्रिया = [UIReferenceLibraryViewController dictionaryHasDefinitionForTerm: शब्द]; ... एक iPhone 5s या इसके बाद के संस्करण पर मुझे 'प्रतिक्रिया' (एक बूल में सही मूल्य मिलता है, इस पर निर्भर करता है कि क्या चर 'शब्द' को स्थानीय शब्दकोश में परिभाषित किया गया है या नहीं। हालांकि, जब मैं इसे आईफोन 4 एस, 5, 6 या 6+ सिम्युलेटर (लेकिन 5 सी नहीं) पर कॉल करता हूं, तब इसे तुरंत झूठ के रूप में वापस आता है और लिखता है लॉग इन करने के लिए निम्न: + [_UIDictionaryManager_availableDefinitionDictionaries] लौटा हुआ शून्य। त्रुटि: त्रुटि डोमेन = एएसईआरओआर कोड = 21 "ऑपरेशन पूरा नहीं हो सका। (एएसआईआरआर त्रुटि 21 - संपत्ति की जानकारी की प्रतिलिपि करने में असमर्थ) " शब्दकोश की कार्यक्षमता को iOS 5+ पर काम करना चाहिए। मेरे पास इसका परीक्षण करने के लिए कोई भी iPhone 4s / 5/6/6 + डिवाइस नहीं है। क्या चल रहा है? मुझे लगता है कि अंत में इसका उत्तर मिला यह है कि सांत्वना में संदेश कहने की...

haskell - Good examples of Not a Functor/Functor/Applicative/Monad? -

Explaining to anyone how a class X is struggling to get a good example of data structures Actually X So, I request examples for this: A type of constructor is not a function which is not. A type of constructor that is function but not applicable. One type constructor which one is applicable, but not a monopoly. One type of constructor which is a monad. I think there are so many examples of Monad everywhere, but a good example of Monad can complete the picture regarding previous examples. I look at the examples which will be similar to each other, only in the related aspects If someone in this sequence can arrange to hide an example of an arrow somewhere (what Is it between applicable and monad?), It would be great! is not a type of build or function: newtype ta = t (a -> int) You can do a contravariant functor out of it, but not a (covariant) functor. Try typing fmap and you will fail to note that the nutrient factor version has been reversed: ...

Repeat texture in shader with linear filter in webgl -

I am trying to repeat my simple texture in my shader and get annoying results Texture wrap property is set to CLAMP_TO_EDGE because I can not be sure of the size of the image - and to reuse the image it should have 2 size power. Use this piece of code for my piece Uniform Sample 2D Texx 1; Zero main () {gl_FragColor = texture2D (tex1, fract (gl_TexCoord [0] .xy * 2)); } The result is: Problems are joints when repeat starts (marked in red) when the filter is the closest, there is no problem - the edges are not easily made so that there is no problem. I created my image in 16x16 size - only to be able to use the REPEAT filter, and the results are good as shown here. In my actual application, I'm choosing to repeat the image and it does not need to be operated by 2 sizes. Also, when I'm using any other app texture atlas, the REPEAT filter is not good anyway. Because I'm cutting a piece of texture and repeating it. Can anyone solve this problem? ...

java - How to extract body from a text file containing an e-mail [Enron Data Set] -

I have the Enron e-mail data set as a folder, which contains e-mail as text files , And I want to remove the "body" portion of those e-mails The problem is, the field like sender's email, the receiver's email is specified by copy: by:, from: etc. But the body does not start with any title, it now starts after all other fields are specified. Now, in a text file, there may be several bodies (in the case of email threads / conversations). I want to remove body (AIS) from these files, whether Java can be used in AP, if yes , then how? It's just the offline data set, not on the internet as text files in my hard disk drive. The file is such - message-id: & lt; 1615 9 836.1075855377439.javaamale.evens @thayme & gt; Date: Friday, December 7, 2001 10:06:42 -0800 (PST) From: To: k.allen @ Subject: RE: West position Mime-version: 1.0 Content-type: Text / plain; Charset = us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7 bit X-F...

c# - How can I access a class that is inherited from monobehaviour -

My problem is a bit more complicated than the title: I've got a GUIController class, which controls the GUI and I want to To create an in-game buy menu, I can choose weapons in this menu and if I have got enough money then I can buy them. I have to use their data, prices, descriptions or names like this. Problems: To access your data, I must instantify an object from the class (data that must be run before accessing the start function). - The main weapon class has been inherited from monobhabav, so I can not instantate any object from the class. Possible solutions: - I can instantiate a gameback in which the class was included as a script component and then I could access its data. I think this is not a good solution. Question: Should I submit information elsewhere? In a local DB or something? I thought it was a good idea to accumulate information inside the classroom, but I am not sure now. Thank you for your reply in advance! Edit: Viewing your class hierarchy, the f...

phpmyadmin mysql foreign key -

phpmyadmin संस्करण: 4.1.14 डीबी इंजन: InnoDB अनुक्रमणिका पहले से ही सेट: वैकल्पिक तालिका `tbl_name` जोड़ें इंडेक्स (` user_id`); मेरी क्वेरी: वैकल्पिक तालिका 'tbl_name` विदेशी कुंजी जोड़ें (`user_id`) संदर्भ & lt; db_name & gt;`। `` `` `` आईडी`) अद्यतन प्रतिबंध पर DELETE प्रतिबंध; लेकिन आईएम को अभी भी त्रुटि मिलती है: # 1215 - इंडेक्स एक्सप्लोरर के लिए असंभव डिज़ॉल्टर डिज़ाईन MySQL प्रलेखन में यह त्रुटि: एरर: 1215 SQLSTATE: HY000 (ER_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN) क्या गलत है और मुझे इसका समाधान करने के लिए क्या करना चाहिए? शायद मैं phpmyadmin सेटिंग्स में कुछ भूल गया? समस्या हल हो गई है, im इंडेक्सेड कॉलम में यूएनएसएनएम् जोड़ (user_id के लिए) `user_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL , मुझे लगता है, संबंधों वाले क्षेत्र में एक ही गुण होना चाहिए

virtual machine - Where is Azure Service Definition Schema (.csdef File) located in Windows -

मेरे पास एक एज़्यूर क्लाउड सर्विस में होस्ट वर्चुअल मशीन में एक वेब एप चल रहा है I मैं विंडोज का उपयोग करता हूँ मैं एक SSL प्रमाणपत्र स्थापित करके आवेदन को सुरक्षित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ ऐसा करने के लिए: "अपने विकास के वातावरण में, सेवा परिभाषा फ़ाइल खोलें (CSDEF)" विकास पर्यावरण ? वह क्या है? ग्रहण? (मैं विज़ुअल स्टूडियो का उपयोग नहीं करता हूं) इस तरह से यह फाइल आम तौर पर दिखती है: & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "यूटीएफ -8 "& gt; & lt; ServiceDefinition name = "CloudService1" xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; WebRole नाम = "WCFServiceWebRole2" & gt; & LT; Endpoints & gt; & Lt; InputEndpoint नाम = "HttpIn" प्रोटोकॉल = "एचआईपी" पोर्ट = "80" / & gt; & lt; InputEndpoint नाम = "एचटीपीएस" प्रोटोकॉल = "https" पोर्ट = "443" प्रमाणपत्र = "S...

video - ffmpeg 2.4.2 concatenate mp4 files -

I want to add some mp4 files one after the other. I execute the following: ffmpeg -i concat: 1.mp4 \ | 2.mp4 \ | 3.mp4 \ | 4.mp4 -c copy final_output.mp4 But always get the message "[MOV, mp4, m4a, 3gp, 3g2, mj2 @ 0x148d420] Duplicated MUV Atom found it" Here is the output: ffmpeg Version 2.4.2 Copyright (C) 2000-2014 FFMPG Developers 6 October 2014 at 17:33:05 GCC 4.8 (Ubuntu 4.8. 2-19 Buntu 1) is built on: - prefix = / opt / ffmpeg --libdir = / opt / ffmpeg / lib / --enable-shared -enable-avresample - disable-stripping --enable-gpl --enable -version3 --enable-runtime-cpudetect --build-suffix = .ffmpeg --enable-postproc --enable-x11grab --enable-libcdio --enable-vapi --e nable-vdpau --enable-bzlib --enable-gnutls --enable-libgsm --enable-libschroedinger --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libfaac --enable-libvo-aacenc - -enable-nonfree --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxvid --enable-libopencore-amrnb...

awk - Bash rows to column -

I know that to move the rows in a file in a column, but I add the lower half of a file Like Like A1A2A3B1B2B3 From pre> A1 | B1A2 | B2A3 | B3 list comes from two grep I add the first grep to the second one. head and tail What about "post-text" itemprop = "text"> paste-d '|' about mixing with paste . A1 | B1A2 | B2A3 | B3 / code> paste merges lines of files if we provide different lines from the same file ... All! Because it is a case of obtaining the head from half of the lines and tail / code> from the rest, this is a more common way: paste-d '|' & Lt; (Head-n $ (($ (wc -l & lt; file) / 2)) file) & lt; (Tail-n $ (($ (wc -l & lt; file) / 2)))

Compile Python 3.4 with sqlite3 -

I have compiled SQLite3 3.8.6 and installed it with $ {HOME} / opt: LDFLAGS = "- L $ {HOME} / opt / lib" CFLAGS = "- Include L $ {HOME} / opt /" ./configure --prefix = $ HOME / OPT Make & amp; Install I'm trying to compile Python 3.4.2 to use this version instead of the version for the whole system. I do not have root access on this system. To compile Python, I am using: LDFALGS = "- $ {HOME} / OPT / LIB" CFLAGS = "- L $ {HOME} / opt / included "./configure - -profix = $ HOME / OPT & amp; Amp; I was able to compile Python 3.3.5 with my new version if SQLite3, but this same step does not work for me 3.4.2. How do I compile Python 3.4.2 to include my version of SQLite 3.8.6 which is $ {HOME} / opt? Located in Thanksgiving. Thank you. > Edit: It compiles & amp; Except this fact that it is using the old version, instead of version, the system version of sqlite3 which I compiled & amp; Has established its...

java - executing toString() in Eval () - Groovy (method call in Gstring) -

इस पर विचार करें $ RespNode है RespJson.seatbid [0] .bid [0] .price मैं चलाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ ( 'RespJson', RespJson, "जोर $ RespNode.toString () == 'Avalue $'") लेकिन किसी एप्लिकेशन [ऐसी कोई संपत्ति नहीं: क्लास के लिए स्ट्रॉथिंग: java.lang.String] जब मैं इसे चलाता हूँ (सीधे, बिना इवाल ()) जोर RespJson.seatbid [0] .bid [0] .price.toString () == Avalue यह ठीक (कोई त्रुटि) चलाता है नीचे भी ठीक काम करता है (toString के बिना ()) ( 'RespJson', RespJson, "जोर $ RespNode == 'Avalue $'") कोई भी विचार, toString () के साथ Eval () धन्यवाद! एक GString में एक विधि कॉल की आवश्यकता है कर्ली कोष्ठक, अन्यथा माता-पिता को कॉल के भाग के रूप में पार्स नहीं किया जाता है: cl गधा फू {def getBar () { 'बार मिलता है'} डीईएफ़ बार () { 'विधि बार'}} foo = नए फू () ज़ोर "$ ()"। toString () == "बार मिलता है () "$ assert" $ { ()} "। t...

java - How To Define JPA Repository Query with a Join -

I want to make a JOIN query by jpa repository by contacting annotation @, I have three tables. The original query is: Application from user, client, application Choose APP_ID, where user.USCUTOIIIII = Customer. CIS_ID and application.APP_CUSTOMER_ID = Customer.CUS_ID and user.USE_ID = 1; I have a table hibernate unit in the mall so I tried in ApplicationRespository @Query (select application from application) Include an INNER JOIN client on = INNER user u = INNER include in application = WHERE =: user .id) list & lt; Application & gt; FindApplicationsByUser (@Param ("user") user user); say log unexpected token Any thoughts, please? My Table Entity @Entity @ public class To enable the application BaseSimpleEntity {... @ManyToOne (optional = false) Private customer client; ...} Customers.Java: @Entity @ Public Class Customers E...

Apache 2 instalation / Ubuntu 13.04 - Package not found -

No matter what package I can not install: sudo su apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install apache2 .. However my computer is telling me ... The program 'apache2' can be found in the following packages: * apache2-mpm-event * apache2-mpm-prefork * apache2-mpm-worker Try apache2-mpm-itk: sudo apt-get install When I do this ... for example root @ xxxx: / home / fakler # apt-get install apache2-mpm-prefork Package Reading Lists ... Dependent Dependency Tree - Read Status Information Received ... Completed: Unable to locate package apache2-mpm-prefork pt-get update shows me many errors in this way ... ARR rearings- Security / Main i386 package 404 was not found [IP:] Tried to install Apache from here: The buttons available on the software center are either (nothing happens) Is not affected). Anyone have an idea? Thank you. Well, I can understand myself somewhere in Ubuntu, forgot, where, I found it, There is an option where you can allow t...

r - Change a part of a bigger matrix with a smaller one -

I have two metrics and I would like to change the small part of the small one. So this is the first and this is the second matrix: Large matrix: matrix 1 = matrix (1: 36, nrow = 6, ncol = 6) Small matrix: matrix 2 = matrix (1: 10, nrow = 2, ncol = 5) and should result in merging them: [, 1] [, 2] [, 3] [, 4] [, 5] [, 6] [ 1,] 1 7 13 1 9 25 31 [2,] 2 8 14 20 26 32 [3,] 3 9 15 21 27 33 [4,] 1 3 5 7 9 34 [5,] 2 4 6 8 10 35 [6,] 6 12 18 24 30 36 Where only a part of the result matrix is ​​smaller in the larger one in a special part Here, the rules are not clear It looks like you have the matrix 1 Want to change the fourth and fifth line of matrix2 with column 1 to 5 . In that case: matrix new Specific part where a small number of seats sit 4 and 5 And columns are from 1 to 5. Therefore, I type the line index 4: 5 i.e. 4th and 5th, and column index -6 from [ to subset with. In Matrix 1, there are 6 columns, therefore, removes the column ...

c - Monitoring a couchbase bucket with libevent -

I am trying to implement a single application that writes / Modifications / New Documents occurrences are coming from a different application on a couchbase remote cluster. Now I can use couchbase csd and I am familiar with synchronous examples, but I have a problem combining the libenvent for asynchronous I / O I have read the discussion But I can not understand how I will tell my event_base, for example: Monitor this file on this bucket and send me a callback when it is modified Even what do I do: First of all, I am making my libevent IO option struct event_base * mEvbase = event_base_new (); Lcb_t Example; Lcb_error_t error; Struct lcb_create_io_ops_st ciops; Lcb_io_opt_t ioops; Memes (& amp; ciops, 0, size (ciops)); Ciops.v.v0.type = LCB_IO_OPS_LIBEVENT; Ciops.v.v0.cookie = MiBase; Err = lcb_create_libevent_io_opts (0, & amp; ioops, mEvbase); If (err! = LCB_SUCCESS) {ERRORMSG0 ("Failed to create IOOPS structure for libevent:% s \ n", lcb...

visual studio - How to avoid Winforms designer errors caused by assembly version mismatch, using NuGet workflow -

In the outside company, we use the NewGate version of our internal libraries to build the build server for each library , Which opens a new nugget package and uploads it to our internal feed. This works very well for us, but we often run into a problem with WinForms Designer where it will refuse to load a form with an error message: Dialy oder assembly "UILib, version =, culture = fair, public keynote = zero" Other words Abhay Igngkeit davon wurde nicht gefunden Das system kan die engangini detai niket search. (broadly: one of the file or assembly "UILB, version =, culture = neutral, public key token = faucet" or its dependency can not be found. Can not find this file.) This is only a designer issue - though this application will create no problem and it will move in its intended form. This problem is, but now you need some valuable reference to make any sense out of it. The format that I am trying to open is part of an applicatio...

c++ - Template class without a name -

I've got a class that uses a template, but I can not get rid of this error: 8: 1: error: template class without a name My code is as follows: #ifndef bst # Define bst #include & lt; Utility & gt; Template & lt; typename DataType & gt; Class BST {...}; An error occurs on class BST I'm pretty sure that the datatype is a name, what templates do i miss? Preprocessor line # ; Utility & gt; Template & lt; typename DataType & gt; Class BST {...};

matrix - quickest way in R to check that all columns are identical -

Assume that I have a matrix with 3 columns 10 10 10 8 8 8 9 9 7 7 7 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 6 6 6 2 2 2 1 1 1 What would be the fastest way to check that all the columns are the same? I can do something like all or identical to check any two and then keep on moving with the next set, but is there anything more clever? Ideally, I would like a solution that is independent of the number of columns. You can try: data m1

Spring Dependency Injection and Autowiring -

I am new in spring core. I'm confused about dependency injection and auto wires. Anyone can explain What is DI in spring? Why do we need a D in the Spring Configuration file? According to the code, what is the difference between the two? Can anyone provide sample code to understand both? I have the same question about auto stars too. Please tell me about these concepts Thank you. Dependency injection is a software design The pattern that implements the reversal of control and allows the dependence of a program design to follow the inverse principle (thus reverse the name of the control). It is difficult to interpret with some notes. Please watch videos of spring tutorials. Why do we need DI in the spring configuration file? Its just a feature that we can create objects from XML files. It can also be programmed with the DI, we can inject the essential commodities to the required sections. The objects will be immediately given in the configuration file ...

c# - How to iterate tabs and list boxes within them -

I have a WPF application that is used to select tests which will later be used for an automated testing application Running as part. In the UI, I have many tab controls that represent each of the exam categories. Each test has a check box for each test box. When the user selects all of their tests and clicks on the run button, then I must restart the tab to finalize the listboxes and then the test list do not make me many statements That are with these lines: GetTab1Tests (); GetTab2Tests (); GetTab3Tests (); // Continue I would like to design it in such a way that I can say: foreach (tab tab in TabControl) {CollectTestsFromListbox (* * List associated with T ** box); } How can I tie this information? My best estimate is to create a dictionary that pairs tabs with the necessary tabs, but is this good practice moving forward? As the test is being done, the more tabs can be increased. Edit I have tried to set the data contact of the tab at this time: and and...

Excel VBA efficient get file names function -

I need to get a collection of file names from a folder on a remote server using VBA in Excel 2010. I have a function that works and in most cases this job will be done, although the remote server often has terrible, terrible network performance issues, it means that to keep 300 files in the archive It may take up to 10 minutes, the number of files in folders is likely to increase to thousands, so it is not working, I want a way to get all the file names on a single network Do not have more looping in the request. I believe it is connecting to a remote server which is taking time, so a single request should be able to get all the files in a file quite quickly. This is currently the function I have: GetFileNames (spath as String) as a collection of private functions' takes a path and one of the file names in the folder The collection gives the object dim ophile object dim osso object dim columnist new collection set oFSO = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject...

html - css SVG background - strange transparent line around -

I have tried to use svg image in CSS as a background image. And I have faced with weird behavior, there is a strange transparent line around the SVG background element. In the example below it is shown as the line between first and second div. The size of the line change based on the width of the element. Screenshots from jsfiddle: It breeds at least Chrome 37 and FF 32 on Windows and Linux SVG image is quite simple: & lt; Svg xmlns = "" viewBox = "0 0 0 0 0 0 76" enabled-background = "new 0 0 0 0 0 76" & gt; & Lt; Path fill = "# DE4943" d = "M0 76L1921 0 0z" /> & Lt; / Svg & gt; How to fix any thoughts? Try preserveAspectRatio = "none" / code> your lt; Svg & gt; In element In addition, you do not need the enabled-background attribute.

ios - Apple Mach-O-Linker Error CocoaPods -

So I'm trying to get my app up and running. The app I could tell was lost to Cocopod as a dependency. Hence. I installed and added Cocopod but I still get the same error for whatever reason. I am an inexperienced developer who is trying to teach myself, I have to add. LD / Users / Buffrag / Library / Developer / Exode / Dervitated Data / Umbrella - CSPUJFSCF / FMV / FU / FEfiWeek / Build / Products / Debug - Effonimulator / / Umbrella General ION 6 CD "/ Users / Bifarag / Desktop / Nerdery / BRAVO.iOS.CodeChallenge "Export IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 7.0 Export Path =" / Application / / Content / Developer / Platform / iPhoneSimulator.platform / Developer / usr / bin: /Applications/ / Developer / usr / bi N: / usr / bin: / bin: / usr / sbin: / sbin "/ application / i386-isysroot / Applications / Xcode. App / Contents / Developer / ...

Catching data on the php side from ajax -

I am confused how can I get value on the php side after passing data from AJAX? Basically, I had data in an object array. When data passes through Ajax, do I pass it as stride array or objectarrere? Does it mean that I need to wire? I am doing this in MVC, so this is the test in the URL key = value data: {foo: StringArray} and $ _ POST ['foo'] instead.

c# - ASP.NET user control property in a repeater is null after postback -

It seems that many questions have been posted on this, but nobody cures my problem. I have a user control inside the repeater. User control has a public property with just a gator / setter. Databasing is fine on initial page load, but when selecting a filter from a dropdown menu, the first repeater binds properly, but the second repeater with user control appears to be zero for the property. So, on the actual code: My two repeaters look like this: & amp; asp: Repeater id = "rptTransactionVisual" runat = "server" OnItemDataBound = "rptTransactionVisual_ItemDataBound" & gt; & Lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt;% # Eval ("TransactionAmount")% & gt; ^ - I did this for a discretion investigation - it always receives a price, even if a zero value is received under the transaction, I know that he is getting data source and databbound "runat =" server "/> & lt; ASP: repeater id =" rptTransactio...

html - Fix and flexible width divs next to each other -

I have 3 divs in the header. The width of the sides is fixed, but the center's div fills the remaining width. It works on large screens, but under 630px, it does not work HTML & lt; Div id = "header" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "content" & gt; CENTER & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; div id = "left" & gt; LEFT & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; div id = "right" & gt; Right & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS #header {padding: 150px 0 250px; } # Left {status: relative; Swim left; Margin-left: -100%; Background: Red; Width: 250px; Correct: 250px; } #right {status: relative; Swim left; Margin-right: -100%; Width: 150px; Background: pink; } # Content {width: 100%; Background: green; Status: Relative; Swim left; } I spent hours with it to find this problem, but I do not know what is wrong. My Online Example is available on i jsFiddle # left And # right have a relative po...

user interface - How to separate business logic from the UI -

I am creating a calculator application, and I am trying to isolate the code by separating business logic from the UI Allow for better unit tests I have created a calculator UI class what happens when a user clicks on different buttons in the application. I have created a calculator class that makes math, and does some recognition on the results of calculations based on the needs of users. Calculator UI calculator creates an example of class and the calculator calls the function in class so that users can click. In my question, calculator class, how can I write code that clears the text box and displays a message box to make the user aware of the invalid result? I'm new to programming, and according to one of my colleagues (a senior level programmer), the best practice is to keep UI away from business logic and database. The error that I am receiving is not present in 'txtDisplay' and 'resultValue' in the current context ... Besides, how do I use the bool...

android - Navigation Drawer Layout Open -

I am developing an Android application, I use the navigation drawer as a layout, I know whether It is possible that when the application side menu starts open it remains open. MenÃ> really stays at startup. this line: drawer. Open Drawer (Gravity. LEFT); Your door will open, so you must call it at the beginning of your activity, for example: @Override Secure Zero to Create ( Bundle SavedInstanceState) {super.onCreate (Saved InstantState); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); Drawer.openDrawer (Gravity.LEFT); // You can change gravity right if your drawer rtl} any problem, just ask

OSGi DS component lifecycle and references -

I have the following setup (on Fellix OSGI Framework 4.4.0): A bundle b one DS component C which is a service on a reference R (aQute.bnd.annotation.comforeent.Reference) (some other bundles have been provided). When B starts, a new component starts up and the reference is properly injected ... Then I stop the Bundle B, hope If I start it again, then: (A) A new component is injected into 'immediately and RC' or (B) The existing component C is reused and injected into RC. What happens is that I have a mixture (A) and (B) which does not work: A new component C starts with but r c , not c ' . My questions are: Do I expect (A) or (b) to be? Or: can there be something else? Is this - possibly - a bug in the structure? Or: did I do something wrong for the first time? The thing is, my code is very complicated for a simple example, but I need someone to point me in the right direction ... In this particular case, I explain the problems OSGi specs...

ios8 - UITableView not interacting after modyifing the bounds on a UIModalPresentationCustom -

Basically, I'm trying to present a custom modal view with a specific size and position because I was able to manage it via popover I On iOS 7. But on iOS it seems that they change things. I manage to achieve this with the following: Presentation: UpViewController * upViewController = [[UpviewController alloc] init]; UpViewController.delegate = self; UINavigationController * Navigation Controller = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: upViewController]; Navigation Controller Model Presentation Style = UIModal Presentation Custom; [Self-present ViewController: Animation Navigation Controller: Yes Completed: Zero]; In UpViewController.m: - (zero) view will see the layout and view view {{super view attribute attributes}; Self.navigationController.view.superview.bounds = CGRectMake (-350, -30, 320, screen size. Hi- (44 + 20)); } My problem is presented after my model view. We can not interact with UITableView which is added to the scene. Does a...

selenium - Webdriver - Locate Input via Label (Python) -

How can I find the input field through my label using the WebDriver? I use an ID generated in a certain malicious way, so they are inappropriate as identifiers. Nevertheless, the label associated with each web element kills me as a good. Unfortunately I was not able to do this with some of the suggestions given on the web. There is a thread here, but the accepted answer is not found: In order to solve this problem in Java, it is usually labeled through an anchor It is suggested to apply the contents of its text and then specify the expat in the input element: // label [in it (text (), 'TEXT_TO_FIND']] I'm not sure how to do this in dragon. My web element: & lt; Div class = "InputText" & gt; & Lt; == Labels for = "INPUT" & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; Label text & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span id = "idd" square = "required" heading = "required" & gt; * & Lt; / Span ...

Open text file either locally or remotely via url with python -

I am working on a project where I need to read and read text files on a local server or remotely Url). Is there a Python function that works like php: file_get_contents () Can you do this? I have now: def get_data_from_file (path): for i, line in enumerate (open): ..... I want to pass in a local or remote way in some way. You can try: def file_get_contents (path) : Try: excluding urllib.urlretrieve (path, file name = path): Print 'no one page' if os.path.exists (path): Open (Path, R) with file as: data = file. read () print data other: print 'no such file'

mysql - HTTP Request 500 when I call mysqli_connect with PHP -

I want to use a database to store user data. I am running an Apache server with PHP and MySQL installed. When I try to mysqli_connect, an HTTP 500 error is my code: $ con = mysqli_connect ("localhost", "root", "password", "database") ; Mysqli_close ($ thief); I have also checked the Apache log; PHP Fatal error: unchanged function in mysqli_connect () in [document address] in line 78, refresher: call for [url] [time] [error] [customer localhost] php warning: PHP startup: dynamic library 'ext / php_mysqli Unable to load .dll '- The specified module could not be found. \ N \ n \ n \ n \ var_dump (function_exists ('mysqli_connect')); Output bool (false) . I have checked the ext directory in the uncommented extension = php_mysqli.dll php.ini and there is a php_mysqli.dll file in it, the other stack overflow (and others) The questions, but none of these answers to me. What is the answer to staring at my face? I am qui...

Issue On Setting Session Using Ajax, jQuery, and PHP -

I am trying to create a simple Ajax login system and I have a jQuery Ajax call in login.php: if (proceed) {var data = 'email =' + tempEmail + '& amp; Pass = '+ tempPass; Var loginreq = $ Axx ({type: "post", url: "asset / temps .fp", cache: false, data: data}); Loginreq.done (function (html) {if (html == 'true') {window.location.replace ('app.php');} and {$ ("# loginRequest"). First ('& lt; div Class = "alert alert-hazard error" role = "alert"> email or password is not correct ;)}}}); } tempusers.php is like the file: = 1) {echo 'true'; $ _SESSION ['uName'] = $ line ['uName'];} Else {echo 'false' ;}? & Gt; and in my app.php I have & lt ;? php session_start (); if (! _ Session ['yum']) {header ('location: login.php');}? & Gt; & gt; DOCTYPE html & gt; & lt; html lang = "en" & gt; & l...

visual studio - Run expression at compile time VS 2013 -

Imagine that I am writing my code and I would like to know the current date time ... usually I: Create a new console project, Put a breakpoint after the main Popup to Quickwatch and evaluate DateTime.Now ... My question is this: Is there a way to do this without debugging any project (bring instant Outlook) ??? You can run C # / VB code with commands.

what is the android equivalent to ios swipe view -

I'm new to Android and I'm looking for a control that swipe through images, it's a swipeview Or is it better to set a set of images so that the customer can swipe completely? that is this is a

GoogleVis on shiny in R -

I have the following code for my data set, Det, ui.R Library (GoogleVis) Library (bright) Shainiuai (Flippej (Shirshkpanel ( "visualization tools"), Saidbarleaut (# Hederpanel ( 'data selection'), Saidbarpanel (Cyninput ( 'x', 'x variable' option = c ( "demand", "capacity Waik", "Sttetl", "Nutetl")), select the input (Y, Y variables, options = C ( "demand", "capacity and Aik "," Sttol "," Select 'input' ( 'W', 'size' option = C ( "demand", "potential Wyk", "Sttol", "Nutol")), select the input (Z 'color' option = C ( "physical", "Nurse Practors")), Detrenj input ( "Date" label = H 3 ( "date range")), Mukypanel (htmlOutput ( "plot"))) ) server.R Library (bright) Library (GoogleVis) ShinyServer (function (input-output) {datasetInput & lt; - re...

SQL Server stored procedure returning correct number of rows, but all rows are the same -

Not sure where the problem is ... I have a stored procedure that is written (when SQL Server MGMT ) I hope to see return results: USE [DataViewer] Go / ****** Object: Archived Procurrier [DBO]. [DV_GetPSCTreeNodes] Script Date: 08/10/2014 1: 48:03 PM ****** / SET ANSI_NULLS Go on set at QUOTED_IDENTIFI - ================= ============================ - Author: & lt; me! & Gt; - Description: & lt; Used by data viewer GUI & Gt; - ============================================= OPTIONAL PROCESS [Dbo ]. [DV_GetPSCTreeNodes] - Add parameters to the stored procedure here @ iNodeLevel int, @iParentNodeId Note on the Start button as bigint; DECLARE @sQuery varchar (2000) IF @INodeLevel & gt; = 5 Returns Else - Insert the statement for the process here: VARCHAR (10)) as the SET @sql = 'SELECT * FROM DataView.dbo.v_Tree WHERE L' + CAST ((iNodeLevel + 1) + 'ID net and L VARCHAR (10)) EXEC (@squo) END as VARCHAR (10)) + 'id =' + (cast) (as the iNodeL...

bash - Linux shell - How to find for all running process if the file has been removed -

I would like to identify if there is a process for which the file (related process) does not exist. I have so far: # [! -f / my / file]; Compared to echo "not present"; Fi to understand whether a file exists Now I need a list of processes, remove files that generate process, remove arguments And to verify if the file exists or not ... but I am struggling to do this, besides this, I have to be careful as the process: / bin / sh / my / / usr / bin / python / my / python_file (For this second case I partially Sector can identify if or python_file "lsof | grep deleted" has been deleted using) Did you know that a great way to do this? Then in the form of root, You should list all deleted files to it: lsof | Grep '(deleted)' After that, you can shorten the list by matching the filename to the executable name (if it matches, it's potentially being deleted executable ). I matches all executables used to run ...

python - Function inside a function - good idea? -

OK, let me reconstruct it to make it more theoretical - how do I separate duplication functions within the function. def some_class: def out_fxn (): self.some_vars Here some values ​​are being used for each value: if type_A in the entry: get value , some_function (my_dict, dict_key, value) from the dict_index entry if type_ (get my_dict, dict_key, value) in type_: get value, dict_index entry, some_function (my_dict, dict_key, value) if entry in type_C: get value, dict_index entry class method? some_function (my_dict, dict_index, value) should be a method of some_class ? It will not use any class member variable and do nothing with such a class like nested function? some_function (my_dict, dict_index, value) can be inside out_fxn ()? Nested functions ? Note: I can loop on ABC, accordingly allocate values, but I just want to know that one way of doing this is using the function (object) : DEF out_fxn (auto): For entry in some_dict: class some_class (object) [...

c# - How to generate a CSR by using keys stored in a smartcard -

मैं वर्तमान में bouncycastle lib (java या c #) और एक स्मार्ट कार्ड (एपैस 2003) का उपयोग करके एक सीएसआर जेनरेट करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं दोनों निजी और सार्वजनिक कुंजी मैंने यह उदाहरण पाया जो काफी अच्छी तरह से काम करता है, लेकिन सीधे कुंजी की जोड़ी का उपयोग करना जरूरी है जो कि संभव नहीं है क्योंकि स्मार्टकार्ड अपनी निजी कुंजी तक पहुंच की अनुमति नहीं देते हैं। क्या कोई स्मार्ट कार्ड से चाबी की जोड़ी का उपयोग करके सीएसआर उत्पन्न करने में कुछ मदद दे सकता है? सबसे अच्छा संबंध वर्तमान में किसी भी प्रकार के स्मार्टकार्ड के लिए कोई अंतर्निहित समर्थन नहीं है लेकिन यह ORG.BouncyCastle.Pkcs.Pkcs10CertificationRequestDelaySigned वर्ग प्रदान करता है जो कि सीएसआर उत्पन्न करता है जिसे किसी बाहरी हस्ताक्षर कार्यान्वयन द्वारा हस्ताक्षरित किया जा सकता है (अर्थात आपके स्मार्टकार्ड पर संग्रहीत निजी कुंजी के साथ)। यह BouncyCastle प्रलेखन से लिया गया Pkcs10CertificationRequestDelaySigned वर्ग का विवरण है: Pkcs10 प्रमाणन अनुरोधों को बनाने और सत्यापित करने के लिए एक क्लास (यह Pkcs10Cert...

Excel VBA Re-run formulas (update) when any cell in sheet changes -

I have written a function in VBA to return a certain value based on the values ​​of some cells. My problem is that the cells, which are the formulas above, if the function is in the formula (VBA), the cells used are not automatically updated. If some cells used are changed, how can I run again or can I resume the formula given above? You should remember your UDF to achieve the desired instability Say if the A1 or B1 or C1 or C1 have been changed, then again the UDF If you want to calculate, use it: = My function (A1, B1, C1) logic uses the necessary instability.

r - Missing "nearest" function for the implimentation of "k.check" function -

I am creating a loop in an R script which Calls the check () function. It was going on completely, but now it is not working anymore. When I call the k.check () function, I get an error: Error: The function "Can not find the nearest" The function was working so it was for me is peculiar. At first I thought, maybe I can search the function code online - same way I got the code for KK I started my search and I found that all themselves had "close" functions. Next I thought, maybe I do not have a package active. So, I started digging some of the package with the closest function, and Nadda finally got two packages with the closest function, but I did not install them in my library. Thus, I thought it was not. I gave them a shot (sinkr and jenkern) and yes, they did not work. Then I said it properly and activated all my packages, then run the code. To my surprise, I got this error again I recently updated some of my packages (now I know that maybe it was a b...

sql - Select aggregrate and date range -

I can not understand this question and it should be easy. But I am getting hurt, how can you ask for a time limit to use the amount associated with a capacitance? Considering this table: payment of the id employee payment payment date 1 48 289.0000 2003-12-22 00:00: 00.000 2 251 458.0000 2003-12- 30 00: 00.000 3 48 248.0000 2003-12-30 00: 00,000 4 167 255.5000 2003-12-30 00: 00: 00.000 5 48 100.00 2004-01-31 00: 00: 00.000 6 251 100.00 2004- 01-31 00: 00: 00 7 7 251 300.00 2004-02-14 00: 00: 00: 000 I will run a query to see if during a given year How much is the earnings of each employee, for 2003, the results will be as follows: employee's total payment 48 537.00 167 255.50 251 458.00 2004 The results for: Total payout of the employee 48 100.00 251 400.00 In Microsoft SQL Server, you can do this by grouping the data for each employee based on the data using the YEAR function with the HAVING section Can be filtered for a particular year. This query re...

remove puppet and chef-client from ubuntu 14.04? is it safe? -

मैंने देखा कि कठपुतली और chef-client मेरे पर स्थापित हैं उबंटु 14.04 मशीन और ये कि वे ओएस बूट पर स्वचालित रूप से शुरू हो जाते हैं। मैं उनका उपयोग नहीं करता हूं, मैं एन्जिबल का उपयोग करता हूं। क्या उन्हें निकालने के लिए सुरक्षित है? ऐसा करने का सबसे सुरक्षित तरीका क्या है? अगर कुछ भी उपयोग नहीं किया जा रहा है, तो कोई भी नहीं होना चाहिए उन्हें निकालने में समस्या। वास्तव में, आप इसे उत्तरदायी में कर सकते हैं: # निकालें "शेफ-क्लाइंट" पैकेज - एपीटी: name = chef-client state = अनुपस्थित # निकालें "कठपुतली" पैकेज - एपीटी: नाम = कठपुतली राज्य = अनुपस्थित # कठपुतली सेवा बंद करें - सेवा: नाम = कठपुतली राज्य = बंद कर दिया गया सक्षम = कोई # रोक बावर्ची सेवा - सेवा: नाम = शेफ स्थिति = सक्षम = कोई

loops - is there a tidy way to adhere to 'strict' and 'warnings' parameters when constructing "until (EXPR) BLOCK" statements in perl? -

Using the following code as a reference ... #! Strict use of / usr / bin / perl; Use warnings; My $ counter = 0; Until ($ counter == 10) {$ counter ++; } $ Print counter; .. By doing so, the $ counter variable is accessible to the loop, so running this will print "10". However, it has been haunting me .. How can I declare in compliance with $ counter varible, 'Use of warnings' (and possibly hard), but as long as it is within the loop Impossible. Whilst I'm not an expert ... After being coded in Perl for some years, the work should be done in the following ways ... #! Use / usr / bin / perl strict; Use warnings; Unless (my $ counter == 10) {$ counter ++; } But it seems that the first counter has not been declared as a numerical value, and because we are using expression ==, the following warning is printed .. In the numerical EC (==) on line 5, use the uninitialized value $ counter. I know that it may look anal but I have to comp...

javascript - How do I make a (mock) bank system? -

I'm confused instead. I have searched for an hour for explanation for this. The deal is that I want to create a fake bank login system. I want a username and password login box, and when you click a button, which is called it, the user takes it to a specific webpage. At the moment, I do not care how long or complex it is, I just want to use HTML, CSS and Javascript. I know only those languages ​​for a moment, it looks really simple, but I am not getting anywhere on the internet, and I'm confused. If someone can help me, then it would be good. There are some elements that you should be aware of when writing a simple form in HTML; gt; Tag This is where you describe that you want to form and where to send it. I will not go through all the options here, but when you want to submit the details to the user, you usually do posted the way. We do this with the code like method = 'post' . Then you need to say that where you are sending the form, which is...

c++ - Crazy unique_ptr syntax -

I was recently using this syntax for an indicator: Std :: vector & lt; Shader * & Gt; * _shaderArray; The problem is that I started receiving memory leak errors. So now I have decided to use unique singers, so now I do not have to worry about it. But what I have understood in the above syntax in the C ++ 11 syntax is: std :: unique_ptr If this is correct, how do I get started? This code gives me an error: _shaderArray = new std :: vector & lt; Shader * & gt; (); Start unique_ptr on announcement std :: unique_ptr & lt; Std :: vector & lt; Std :: unique_ptr & lt; Shading & gt; & Gt; & Gt; _shaderArray {new std :: vector & lt; Std :: unique_ptr & lt; Shader & gt; & Gt; ()}; Full (confluent) minimum example: #include & lt; Vector & gt; # Include & lt; Memory & gt; Class shader {}; Int main () {std :: unique_ptr & lt; Std :: vector & lt; Std :: unique_ptr & lt; Shader & g...