
Showing posts from June, 2015

ruby on rails - How to make the label title and input value the same, but id is different -

I have questions, how can I create a label title and input value, but the ID is different. What do I need from the code given below & lt;% = f.input: building_type ,: label_html = & gt; {: class = & gt; "ui-priority n1"}, label: "building type", archive: post :: flat :: building card, e.g. :: radio% & gt; Post :: Flat :: BUILDING_TYPES = Output code: & lt; Div class = "radio" & gt; & Lt; label class = "post_flat_building_type-1" for "likes" & gt; & Lt; input id = "post_flat_building_type-1" name = "post_flat [building_type]" type = "radio" value = "1" & gt; Flat-top & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "radio" & gt; & Lt; label class = "post_flat_building_type-2" for "likes" & gt; & Lt; input id = "post_flat_building_type-2" name = "post_flat [build...

javascript - Detect element is at the top of its parent - jQuery -

I am doing trinx to create a simple content scroller. On my UTONE click I have a div up and down 15 pixels of my parents, even if its id on top, to disable this function, what is the best way to do this? JSFIDDLE jQUERY $ ('Up'). Click (function (e) {e.preventDefault (); $ (this) .Parent (). ('Internal-scrolling'). CSS ({marginopt: '- = 15px'});} ); $ ('Down'). Click (function (e) {e.preventDefault (); $ (this). Parent (). ('Internal-scroll'). Css ({marginTop: '+ = 15px'});}); Instead of using margins, why do you use scrollTop The browser will note that the values ​​should be less than 0 or less than the upper bound. $ ('up') (function (e) {e.preventDefault (); var s = $ (this). Parent (). Prev (); s.scrollTop ( S.scrollTop () - 15);}); Click $ ('down') (function (e) {e.preventDefault (); var s = $ (this) parent (). Prev (); s.scrollTop (s.scrollTop () + 15);} );

css - Align text and flipswitch on the same line -

I am trying to align a flip switch and text on the same line, but no success has been found so far. I tried to use the area, but no success. & lt; Ul data-roll = "list view" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Date of Birth: & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; Span style = "float: true;" & Gt; & Lt; Select name = "flip-2" id = "flip-2" data-roll = "flipschitch" data-theme = "b" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "off" & gt; Off of & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "on" & gt; On & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; Use a single display: inline-block on h3; css ul li H3 {display: inline-block; } HTML & lt; Ul data-roll = "list view" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Date of Birth: & lt; /...

java - Generating random non-repeating numbers 2d array - all numbers same -

This question is for Java, I'm trying to make the size N block [] [], where number 0 - 9 is randomly placed. I have created an array and then repeating it, it turned round to prevent numbers. When I repeat on the array and allocate the two-dimensional array to the numbers, then I continue to find that all the numbers in the two-dimensional array are same. The block stays on the following: 222 222 222 I highly appreciate your help! Public Class Board {int n = 3; Fixed int [] [] copy; // Build a board with an N-by-N array of blocks / (where block [i] [j] = block in line I, column j) Public board (int [] [] block) {blocks = new int [N] [n]; // creates an array of size N / # unique list & lt; Integer & gt; RandomList = New Arrielist & lt; & Gt; (); (Int i = 0; i int counter = 0; Collections.shuffle (randomList); For (int i = 0; i & lt; blocks.length; i ++) {for (int j = 0; j & lt; block [i]. Length; j ++) {block [i] [j] ] = randomList.get (...

laravel - Slow File Uploads on virtual machine using virtualbox with vagrant + homestead -

तो मैं वर्चुअल बॉक्स कंटेनर का प्रयोग करके व्रुवेट के साथ एक आभासी मशीन सेटअप लार्वेल के घर के द्वारा प्रदान की है। (मेरे ओएसएक्स एनवी पर) मैंने अपने स्थानीय पर्यावरण के लिए अपनी निर्देशिका साझा करने के लिए एनईएफएस विकल्प पद्धति का इस्तेमाल किया है और इस समय की प्रतिक्रियाओं को तेजी से बढ़ा दिया है एक विशिष्ट ऐप पर, मैं प्रति पृष्ठ 20-40ms लोड की तरह हो रहा हूँ। हालांकि, मैंने पाया कि फाइल अपलोड बहुत धीमी हैं मैं एक साधारण फॉर्म पर एक 1 एमबी फाइल अपलोड कर सकता हूं जो फ़ाइल को कुछ नहीं करता है और यह एक मिनट के लिए लगभग 30 सेकेंड लेता है क्या यह सामान्य है, या फिर एनएफएस शेयरों के इस्तेमाल के अलावा चीजों को गति देने का एक तरीका है। चीजें जो मेरे दिमाग में आती हैं: संपादन /etc/nginx/nginx.conf , "भेजेंफ़ाइल" सेटिंग ढूंढें और इसे "ऑफ" में बदलें (मैंने उन लोगों की कुछ रिपोर्ट देखी हैं जिनके साथ एनएफएस का उपयोग करते समय चालू हो गए हैं); एक्सडबग सक्षम होने से चीजों को धीमा कर दिया जाता है, और यद्यपि मैं यह अपेक्षा नहीं कर सकता कि आप जितना देख रहे हैं, उतना...

authentication - Ember Data Save method, Create vs update -

I do not know how Eber determines whether it should be updated or recorded, based on ID or store listing , But the code example looks like something else: // This gives the user a call without the currentUser.get ('store') call. ('User_detail', '49') / / This returns 49 currentUser.get ('id') / / This returns the correct currentUser.get ('store'). Here's a lead, but not currently, to change / update issues created in this API / user. 48 Current Users Toting () // & lt; EmberApp.UserDetail: ember461: 48 & gt; // It looks like the current status is included here http:// currentUser.currentState // Return Root.loaded.edited.edicated currentUser.get (' CurrentState .The name of the state '); // This is also true and true currentUser.get ('isNew'); Tell me why I have this problem in my app is the current user. If you logout, then I update the current user so...

Using C/C++ DLL with Python/Pyserial to communicate with Opticon barcode reader -

I have been trying to communicate with that which Opticon Opian -2002 barcode scanner IM I, officially Supports C / C ++ and .NET but I want to use it possibly with Python I have opened the serial connection on device (or at least port (?), But when I use the function from dll it gives me the communication error (-1) when I get an OK ( 0) I'm hoping. I never did not use DLLs or serial communication so keep this in mind. If you have been thinking I'm also someone else having a look at their SDK Very interested in call to call DLL-function or pyserial Yoga has made some obvious mistakes. It is expected to have a 4-byte long as well as appearing below. I thought that it would work so much that I have a little bit stuck. I know that there is only so much that you can help without the actual hardware. However, thank you for any help you! the code which I have Sofhar: serial import ctypes Import * * opticonLib = WinDLL ('Csp2.dll') opticonLib.csp2SetDebugMode (1)...

java - Wicket: set JodaDateTime from form -

I am using wickets and hibernation for the development of a website. I just want to save some data in a form. My object is the same: @ Entity @Table (name = "PRODUCT") @ Inheritance (strategy = inheritance type.Single_TableElL) @desimminator column (name = "deciminator", discriminant type = deciminator Type {type = "org" @@DiscriminatorValue (value = "product") public category product implementation serializable {@Id @GeneratedValue @Column (name = "PRODUCT_ID") private int product ID; @column (name = "START_DATE") @ .jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentDateTime ") Private DateTime Startups; Universal Generic date time getStartDate () {return startDate;} Public Zero SetStartdate {date.time}} This date picture date picture = new date picture (date) date converter date converter = new patterndet converter (" ", Incorrect); Last DatePrintField StartDate = New DateTextFill E ( "early...

multithreading - All threads are executing at once -

I try to find the number of CPU cores using sources in C. Someone asked me to try to perform 40 threads at a time, make each thread for one second, and see how many simultaneously executed I really like my attitude, the problem is to execute my code Afterwards, the program is sleeping for 1 second, and after that all the threads are launched at one time (not included sleeping). Can somebody help me out? zero funk (zero * arg) {int n = (int *) arg; Sleep (1); Printf ("Exec nr:% d \ n", n); } Int main {zero} {int i; Time_t rawtime; Struct tm * timeinfo; Time (and raw time); Timenfo = local time (and raw time); Printf ("Current local time and date:% s", eskime (tyynfof)); {Pthread_create (& amp; th [i], NULL, func, (int *) i) for i (i = 0; i & lt; N; i ++); } (I = 0; i You will not be able to find the number of CPUs in this way, because the scheduler You can choose to run all your threads on the same core and leave the other core (more important) f...

python - How can I randomly choose a maths operator and ask recurring maths questions with it? -

I have a simple math task, I have a problem executing, which involves random import. I think 10 There is a quiz on randomly generated questions. Random me. Using the Randin function (0,12) to get the numbers, which works fine. I have the next bit of choosing a random operator, which I call ['+', '-', '*', '/ ']. Problems are coming with , I have returned to the school more sophisticated coding, but it is my practice that I have the ability to create and ask only one question randomly, while also Decide whether it has been answered whether it is correct. Here's my code: import random ops = ['+', '-', '*', '/'] num1 = random.randint (0,12) num2 = random. Randint (0,10) Operation = Random.Search (OPS) Print (No. 1) Print (No. 2) Print (Operation) Mathematics = Number 1, Operation, Number 2 Print (Math) Right now though, my output is a bit messy, for example: 6 * (3, '*', 6) clearly not set it by rep...

shell - checking if owner/group match in files and subfolders -

I need help writing a script, to see if the owner and group in my IF statement Matches or not. For example, my directory structure might look like this / data / data / folder1 / data I need to verify that the data, folder 1, Folder 2, File A, FileB is all owned by the same owner and group. ex> #! / Bin / bash DIR = "/ data"; N = 0; For $ dir .. if [not match "username: group name"]; Then N = 1; If [$ N -gt 0]; Then "all or some files and folders do not match"; The second "resonate with all the files"; Fi #! / Bin / bash OWNER = user ACTUAL_OWNER = 'stat -c% U file' n = 0; Not_match (files) {if [! OWNER = ACTUAL_OWNER]; Then N = 1; Return; And if [not_end_of_file]; Then not_match (files + 1) and return)} DIOR = "/ data"; not_match (files) if [$ N -gt 0]; Then "all or some files and folders do not match"; The second "resonate with all the files"; Fi I was not sure about certain comm...

How to only accept a String with certain characters in Java -

के लिए (int i = 0; i & lt; d.getFornavn ()। लंबाई (); i ++) { Char c = d.getFornavn ()। चारआट (i); अगर ((सी & gt; 'ए' & amp; amp; amp; amp; & amp; c & lt; 'z') || (सी & gt; ए & amp; amp; amp; amp; & amp;; & amp; & amp;; & amp; लि;; जेड ') || (सी ==' '|| C == '-')) {flag = true; }} हाय! मैं एक फ़ंक्शन बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं जो स्ट्रिंग की जांच करता है अगर इसमें केवल कुछ वर्ण (केवल आज़, एजेड, नॉर्वेजियन अक्षरों ¥, Ã, ¸¸¸¸, एक ??, एक ??, एक ?? हाइफ़न, लेकिन मुझे इसमें कुछ परेशानी हो रही है। मैंने जो कुछ भी आप देख रहे हैं उसे करने की कोशिश की, लेकिन यह काम नहीं कर रहा है कि मैं कैसे आशा करता हूं (मैं अभी तक नार्वेजियन पत्रों को लागू नहीं कर सकता, क्योंकि मुझे यह पता नहीं है कि यह कैसे करना है )। मैं सोचने लगा हूँ कि इस पर गौर करने का एक आसान तरीका होना चाहिए, लेकिन मैंने कुछ भी नहीं सुना है। कोई विचार? आपकी स्ट्रिंग का अंतिम वर्ण या पर आधारित परिणाम देगा केवल एक अक्षर क्योंकि यह प्रत्येक...

user interface - Qt Automotive Embedded Cluster (ICP) -

I'm new to QT and if we can develop HMI for a cluster (Instrument Cluster Panel) through QT So it was curious. Can a demo share? I can be in the wrong place to post this question, please do not flag. I am looking for demos in examples / Q5. (5.3.1) View this code on the Qt Apps website : As you can see, there are many beautiful widgets, for example: There is also Qwt : Well documented tool with various technical widgets. to

ios - URL File Size With NSURLConnection - Swift -

I am trying to get a file size from the URL before downloading obj here -c is the code NS URL * URL = [NSD URL Youth Ringtones: "User url"]; NSMutableURLRequest * Request = [NSMutableURL request request with url: URL]; [Set http system: @ "head"]; NSHTTPURL response * feedback; [Send NSRR connection SynchronousAust: Returning Response Request: & amp; Reaction error: zero]; Longer size = [expected content lang]; and here swift code var url: NSURL = NSURL (string: "ExmapleURL") var request: NSMutableURLRequest = NSMutableURLRequest (URL: url) request .HTTPMethod = "HEAD" var response = NSHTTPURLResponse () NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest (Request, Returning Response: And Response, Error: Zero) But I have an error here NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest (request, returning response: and response, error: zero) 'NSHTCPRSpons' is not similar to 'NSURLResponse?' Did I miss something fast here? ...

Found incompatible Titanium Modules: , version: 2.0.4 -

मेरी स्थिति ऐप्पल एसडीके 7.1 सिम्युलेटर संस्करण 7.1 टाइटेनियम एसडीके 3.3.0G.A xCode 5.1 टाइटेनियम स्टूडियो निर्माण: सीएलआई संस्करण 3.4.0 मॉड्यूल के साथ समस्या: मैं ऐप शुरू करने की कोशिश करता हूं लेकिन मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है: मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि मुझे यह त्रुटि क्यों देनी है, मैंने एक ही कॉन्फ़िगरेशन के साथ अपने ऐप का अपडेट अपलोड कर लिया है और मुझे कोई समस्या नहीं है मॉड्यूल को टाइटेनियम एसडीके और gt; 3.2.0 और एक्सकोड & gt; 5 मुझे लगता है कि आपको "ऑटो" अपडेट से मारा गया है .... जॉन जार्डिन ने वर्णित किया है यहां एक समान समस्या है: कृपया मुझे बताएं कि क्या यह आपकी समस्या को हल करता है? / जॉन

set variable equal to the user input lua -

When I was watching it use () to get input for a simple run until I name = () print (name) it just produces word zero As far as this goes, there are two easy ways. You can of course use the variable. name = () print (name) Or, I personally write ()) Fairly simple, indeed.

database - MySQL update table based on id in another table -

This is what I tried update site set value_id = 4464551 where (id Choose What got me - Site All rows are updated in Question - How can I get an ID that the internal selection statement comes back? The following query should work. Set the site SET value_id = 4464551 WHERE = ( Of selection By name ID 'myName' and discriminator = 'abc' and or, if you are expecting to update multiple rows: site Set value value_id = 4464551 where in the site.Id (the name of the base WHERE name 'myName', select ID and discriminator = 'abc' and system_id = 00 1)

r - igraph package in RStudio: Bipartite graph projection error -

In an attempt to learn "mad and bolt" of social network theory within the igraph package, I made the Civil War of Algeria A basic toy example of a bilateral graph of terrorist attacks is done in collaboration with terrorist criminals and targets in the corner during one year, while representing the edges, the group which attacked the target. I can plot the general liberalization graph of this relationship (as well as the central fundamental analysis of the network), but there is a problem in creating a bilateral projection of the network. Tips per @ GaborCriser, I have only loaded the igraph package globally, to ensure that the sna or network package is not Conflict with order for Igraph. Anyway, the problem persists: Library (igraph) criminal & lt; "Algerian Islamist extremist", "Salafist Group for", Muslim extremists "," Armed Islamic Group "," Sulfat Group for Preaching and Fitting (GSPC) "," Algerian I...

c# - How to solve Request Verification Token for refer web site -

Antifurugi tokens are present on my form under the MVC 5 solution. And it's working well but my client has got some referenced web site, for example, if my domain is, then their URL is If the user is opening the normal web site is good, but if he opens and create the Submit (POST) form, then I'm getting the error the necessary anti The forgery cookie "__RequestVerificationToken" does not exist. I see the next value in the Elmah log HTTP_HOST HTTP_REFERER HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST www http_X_FORWARDED_SERVER www SERVER_NAME I have permission to use my work on this domain. Is it possible to set an anti-forgotten token to allow this domain to be reset? Or it's the only solution: @ html.AntiForgeryToken () AnitForgeryToken aims to prevent other sites from posting in their actions. It is expec...

regex - matching ranges in sed -

I need sed in my program, some files need to change some letters with each other. But some words And only if this string contains some additional words, so I wrote: sed -re '/ from: /, / end / {/ extraword / s / [_ old_characters _] / new_character / g; } ' but this code ignores the total / to: /, / end / string [_ old_characters_] Starts with new_character with : and at the end of this line. what did I do? What do I need: sed -re / a /, / b / {/ word / s / [c] / x / g; } ' File: The word CCC becomes a CCC BCCC wor A CCC B : The word ccc is a xxxb ccc wor a ccc b This can work for you (GNU sed): sed -r '/ word / {: a; / (A) ([^ ABC] * C + [^ ABC] *) (b) / {s / \ 1 \ n \ 2 \ n \ 3 /; H; y / c / x /; G ... (*) \ N * \ n (*) This filter line in which the term words and A After C followed by B / code>. In such lines, the markers ( \ n 's) are placed before the a and b and hold a copy of the line Is kept (H...

Winapi: programatically obtain path of special folder given its CLSID as string -

Does the Windows API offer any way to get a special folder path (i.e. my document), whose CLSID Used as a string (i.e.:: {450d8fba-ad25-11d0-98a8-0800361b1103})? Can it be done in any way? Additionally, it should be done with functions supported under Windows XP. Thank you in advance. The basic API SHParseDisplayName required for you. This will take the form path to :: GUID} and convert it to PIDL. If PIDL contains a string form (as is your example, because it resolves the documents folder), you can use SHGetPathFromIDList to change it. LPITEMIDLIST pidl; If (SUCCEEDED (SHParseDisplayName (L ":: {450d8fba-ad25-11d0-98a8-0800361b1103}", nullptr, and pidl, 0, nullptr))) {wchar_t wchPath [MAX_PATH]; If (SUCCEEDED (SHGetPathFromIDList (pidl, wchPath))) {// the string form of the path is now wchPath} in ILFree (pidl); }

python - Why is this list comprehension giving me a syntax error? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब मेरे पास निम्न सूची समझ है । राज्य में टॉवर के लिए टॉवर [टॉवर के लिए टॉवर! = स्पेस अन्य] []] लेकिन जब मैं इसे चलाता हूँ, अजगर इस त्रुटि को वापस थर देता है: राज्य में टॉवर के लिए टॉवर [टॉवर के लिए टॉवर करें = = else else] ^ ^ सिंटेक्स एरर: अमान्य सिंटैक्स अगर मैं और कथन निकाल देता हूं, तो अच्छा चल रहा है क्या मैं किसी और तरह से गलत बयान लिख रहा हूं? सूची समझें अगर लेकिन नहीं अन्य ; यदि आप एक सशर्त अभिव्यक्ति का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं, तो पुनरावृत्त बनाने के लिए, कोष्ठकों का उपयोग करें: वापस [टॉवर के लिए टॉवर (राज्य टॉवर = = अन्यथा]]] लेकिन मुझे संदेह है कि आप इसके बजाय तत्व अभिव्यक्ति में अभिव्यक्ति के मूल्य को बदलना चाहते हैं: वापसी [टावर अगर टावर = स्थान अन्य राज्य के टावर के लिए [] या अगर आप फ़िल्टर कर रहे थे तो else को छोड़ दें: वापस [टॉवर के लिए टॉवर] राज्य में यदि टॉवर! = स्पेस] जब सूची की समझ विकसित होती है, तो याद रखें कि आपको नेस्टेड के रूप में अभिव्यक्ति को बाएं से दाएं, फाइनल के ...

android - Adapt game to device resolution with Adobe AIR -

I want to keep my flash game on Android for Adobe Air but I do not know how to change everything But is there a way to do this? I tried with this script found in an Adobe guide: function handle resize (... ig): zero {var deviceSize: rectangle = new rectangle (0, 0, stage. Stagewidth, Phase .stageHeight); } HandleResize (); It does not work and I have not really understood this how it should work. Nehru, it is not going to work your application for different device sizes There are hundreds of ways to customize that I've found to expose the simplest method, in fact I have an air app that is currently working like this: First of all, you do Make sure that all your games are from the platform in a single display object container. C, for example "game". You can then save it again by using it as the device's smallest dimension reference. Voila: public event createGame (): zero {addChild (scaleAndAlign (new game)); } Public Function Scale and Agglines (Targ...

datetime - Is there an alternative "Date" data type that is more "ambiguous" than UTC? -

अधिकांश प्रोग्रामिंग भाषाओं में, विशिष्ट दिनांक डेटा प्रकार, एक यूनिक्स टाइमस्टैम्प है जो " समय में सटीक क्षण " लेकिन मैं जानना चाहता हूं कि क्या कोई और भी "अस्पष्ट" दिनांक संरचना है, जो कि तारीखों के मानवीय धारणा को अधिक बारीकी से दर्शाता है उदाहरण के लिए, कहते हैं कि मैं एक विशिष्ट वर्ष ( 2000 ), या एक विशिष्ट महीने ( जनवरी 2000 ), या एक विशिष्ट दिन का प्रतिनिधित्व करना चाहता हूं ( 1 जनवरी, 2000 )? मैं इसे यूनिक्स टाइमस्टैम्प के रूप में संग्रहीत कर सकता हूं, जो 1/1/2000 12:00 पूर्वाह्न GMT होगा। कंप्यूटर अपने स्थानीय समयक्षेत्र के अनुसार टाइमस्टैंप का वर्णन करते हैं, इसलिए मेरा कंप्यूटर 12/31/1999 5:00 पूर्वाह्न पीडीटी दिखाएगा, और प्रत्येक कंप्यूटर इसे अलग तरीके से व्याख्या करेगा। चूंकि यूनिक्स टाइमस्टैम्प समय में सटीक क्षणों के मानक लगता है, मैं सोच रहा हूं कि समय के लिए अस्पष्ट क्षणों के किसी भी प्रकार के मानक हैं। अगर कोई मानक नहीं है , मुझे किसी भी विशिष्ट कार्यान्वयन ( किसी भी भाषा में ) के बारे में पढ़ने में खुशी होगी जो इन परिदृश्...

objective c - UITexField Placeholder With Vibrancy -

Does anyone know if it is possible to add viability (UIVibrancyEffect) to a placeholder in a textfield? I have a table view setup (tableView.separatorEffect = UIVibrancyEffect) with fragmentation with its fragmentation and I think the placeholders of the textfield will also look really good with vibrancy. Thanks If I understand your question, This is the way to add vibration effect: UIBlurEffect * Blur Effect = [UIBlurEffect effectWithStyle: UIBlurEffectStyleDark]; UIVibrancyEffect * vibrance = [UIVibrancyEffect effectForBlurEffect: blurEffect]; UIVisualEffectView * ViewFightView; VisualEffectView = [[[UIVisualEffectView alloc] initWithEffect: Vibrate]; VisualEffectView.frame = textfield.bounds; [Add text fieldSubview: VisualFactView]; More info here () Hope this can help you;)

android - Not able to show image from url in imageview -

I am trying to bring an irreversible URL and trying to set it in the image view so that the image is smaller And I'm using asynctask here's the main activity code. I've tried many code from the diff site, but nothing seems to be working plz does not suggest the volume library. package com.example.jsonimage; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import android.os.asyncTask; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android App Import Bitmap; Import and; Import android.view.Menu; Import android.widget.ImageView; Public classroom enhances main activity activity {Thread T; Bitmap bitmap; Image view iv; @ Override Protected Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. NET (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); Iv = (imageView) findViewById (; // runthread (); } @ Override ...

r - How to import numeric ids as strings, to not round value -

I have exported a table of values ​​from a database where some columns are unique identifiers, these identifiers have numerical values ​​of 20. For example: id = 12345678901234567890 When I export in Excel, these identifiers are rounded. Therefore, instead I have exported as an XML file, and then this file is notepad In the form of CSV is saved. When I open my file in Notepad, the identifiers are fixed, but when I import this file into R, the number becomes round again. Do I assume these identifiers their real "value"? Is there a way to import all the columns in my table as string values? When you import into Excel, then use data ?? Get external data ?? From the text command when the Text Import Wizard starts, select Delayed from the first screen and click on Next . On the second screen, clear all the delimiters except the comma and click on next on the third screen, locate and select the import field that holds your unique identifier and select text o...

python - Return Boolean depending on whether or not string is in alphabetical order -

यह है कि मैं अब तक अजगर में हूं: def Alphaword (): वर्णमाला = "Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" x = alphabet.split () i = 0 शब्द = इनपुट ("एक शब्द दर्ज करें:") .split () मैं इसके लिए लूप का उपयोग करने की योजना बना रहा हूं यह समस्या है लेकिन यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि इसे कैसे शुरू किया जाए। इसके बारे में इस तरह सोचें - यदि वर्णानुक्रमिक क्रम में हैं तो) स्वयं के बराबर होना चाहिए, जब वर्णमाला क्रम में होना चाहिए, तो: def alpha_word (): शब्द = सूची (इनपुट ('एक शब्द दर्ज करें:' ) वापस शब्द == सॉर्ट किया गया (शब्द) वैसे भी भोलेपन का तरीका है ... अगर आपके पास बड़े पैमाने पर अनुक्रम थे, तो अन्य तकनीकें थीं, लेकिन इनपुट , यह काफी व्यावहारिक है। - Running multiple linq queries on single model in one function -

As part of a school project, I am trying to create a simple platform, I integrate integrated with my style I was not able to get it, so I am making the basics myself. Using the lists, I post the output forms, then the thread, so that it is 3 pages deep. / P> The problem I am facing is on the first page that I want to get the current count from the database for posts / thread. Because it can turn into a moment's notice I thought I would count on the page load since this project, because it can count 100 ... throwing errors in the code below Public Sector Index (int page = 1) {ViewBag.Title = "Forums"; Var model = db.forums.OrderBy (x = & gt; x.forumID). Toggle list (page, 15); Agram (var M in the DB. Pharm) {m.postCount = db.threads.Where (t => T. formid == M. paramium & amp; amp; t.threadID == t.parentThreadID). ); M.threadCount = db.threads.Where (T => T. FORMID == m.forumID) .ount (); } View return (model); } Throw error Exception desc...

c# - Effort Framework does not recognize Entity Model schema -

I have an entity model of a Sybase ASE database and I am trying to use it to create a unit test I am I am able to use databases with unit models in both my main project and unit test project, however, I get an exception when I try to use an attempt to create a memory database. Test project in problem code unit Public Setting () {string connString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings ["CoPathDataContext"]. ConnectionString; MyDbContext reference; / / CreateTransient Exception EntityConnection conn = Attempt. AntityConnectionFactory.CreateTransient (connString); Context = new data KopadDettext (Conn); } Exception Description: (System.Data.MetadataException) The specified schema is not valid. Errors: (0,0): Error 0063: Precision Fests are not allowed for double properties (0,0): Error 0063: Precision Fact is not allowed for double properties (0,0): Error 0063: Precision Fact is not allowed for properties of Type Double (0,0): Error 0063: P...

python one-line input referenced twice -

How can I reference the input twice in a line code? Ex: my_word = input () print ("hey" if my_word == my_word other "bye") You are referring it once, so it's easy: print ("hey" if input (). Although you can argue that this line of code is very high, and can be difficult to maintain. It breaks into two rows making it easy to maintain, and for example it allows you to set a breakpoint on the line and inspect the value in my_word if the You wish For academic reasons, here is a possible solution to evaluate an expression, but to use it several times in a statement: Understand the list. ( This is a terrible, horrible idea, and you should not do that. I mean. ) [print I.isdigit () and "bye" in I (Input (),)]

php - [Zend Framework 1]Send mail using gmail -

वह मेरा कोड है: $ config = array ('ssl' = & gt; 'tls', 'port' = & gt; 587, 'auth' = & gt; 'लॉगिन', 'उपयोगकर्ता नाम' = & gt; '', 'password' = & gt; 'test'); $ Mail = नया Zend_Mail ('UTF-8'); $ परिवहन = नया Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp ('', $ config); $ मेल & gt; setBodyHtml ( 'परीक्षण'); $ मेल- & gt; सेटफ्रम ('', 'थ्रथ'); $ मेल- & gt; एड-टा ('', 'thr'); $ मेल & gt; setSubject ( 'परीक्षण'); $ मेल & gt; भेजने ($ परिवहन); लेकिन एक त्रुटि संदेश है: सॉकेट खोल नहीं सका मैं ओरेकल के साथ सेंसोस 6.5 x86_x64 न्यूनतम का उपयोग करता हूं VM VirtualBox। क्या आप 465 में बंदरगाह बदलने की कोशिश कर सकते हैं?

javascript - Copying object properties to new/another object using AngularJS -

I am thinking that the best way to copy the item from / to the object is AngularJS / JavaScript The Jason object below is: {"application": {"number": "323-23-4231", "zodiac": "234.44", "ref_name" : "E.E.", "last_name": "Schultz", "date_of_birth": "1975": "EMERGY" "" ("555) 555-5555", "type": "mobile"}]}} Code> want to use the above Jason object That I see the new JSON object data like this: {"number": "323-23-4231", "zodiac": "234.44", "ref_name": "Thomas Edison" "Date_of_birth": "1975/09/29", "EMAIL_ADDRESS": "ere", "middle_name": "e", "last_name": "shulz", "prefix" Myemail@HOTMAIL.COM "," phone ": [{" number ":" (555) 555-5555 ...

How to pass a Linked list as a function parameter in java -

I am struggling in "how to pass a linked list as a function parameter" in java. This method is considered to have another linked list as a parameter, and to add the contents of this linked list to the linked list of the calling instance. Elements should be added only if the element is not already present. All linked elements should be added at the end of the added link. Every parameter in Java This is a simple example: / P> public static zero main (string [] args) {list & lt ;? & Gt; myList = new arreelist & lt; & Gt; (); MyList.add (1); MyList.add ("Sarah"); Process (MyList); Iterator = myList.iterator (); While (this hasNext ()) {System.out.println ( ()); }} Public stable zero process (list & lt;? & Gt; list) {list.add ("Johnny"); } will output: 1 All Johnny which means that you passed as a parameter The list is actually passed from the context so "Johnny" is added. This applies to an...

jni - What is the native keyword in Java for? -

while playing (this is a Java keywords common sense game), I came across the keyword native Was there. / P> What is used in the original word of Java? the original To indicate that the method is implemented in the local code using JNI (Java Basic Interface).

linux - How to take /etc/services entry inside a shell script? -

मेरे पास / etc / services फाइल में एक प्रविष्टि है। abcde 25354 / tcp मुझे अपने शेल स्क्रिप्ट के अंदर प्रविष्टि के एबीसीडी के पोर्ट नंबर को लेने की जरूरत है ऐसा कैसे करें? awk '/ ^ imap / {विभाजन ($ 2, ए, "/"); प्रिंट [1]; } '/ etc / services आपको एएमसीडीई के साथ आईएमएड को बदलने की आवश्यकता होगी, या जो भी आप वास्तव में देख रहे हैं। आपको ^ imap। * Tcp जैसे पैटर्न का विस्तार करने की आवश्यकता भी हो सकती है getent services imap कौन सा उत्पादन करता है: imap 143 / tcp imap2

eclipse - How to build android app fast? -

I have a project with 4 Android libraries, every time I run the project, almost one The eclipse takes place on my phone, it takes a lot of time. Is there a better way to make it faster? If I switch it to a Gradeley project, will it be a little faster? I do not think that when you are making changes to your main project, libraries Is compiled. It takes the most time to copy into your experience and install the app to the app. Especially if you are working on an SSD, you can influence this by reducing the size of your APK. Perhaps you can remove some resources during development.

c# - Entity Framework 6 - GroupBy on navigation properties -

I am working with unit framework 6 (EF 6) and the following model is: public class engine {public entry ID (get; set;} public string name {get; set;} public virtual icon & lt; car & gt; cars ; Set;}} public class car {public entry id (get; set;} public string name {get} set;} public virtual Public engine purchase {get; set;}} public class purchase {public entry ID (get; set;} public date time created (get; set;) public virtual icon & (1-to- Many-relationships) purchase> (1-to-many-relationship) How to fix it Which engine is most likely to be Ride have? I need a sorted list of engines (descending) and was often bought them. I have some problems with navigation-properties and how to integrate the group. Thanks Try it out: Return (from this in the car) Context Car where car Purchase! = Faucet group car by car. Select genes in the new new {engine name = g. Of Name, calculation salted = g.count ()}). Order by dicing (x = & gt; x.CountSold). to ...

php - Accept username that is ecrypted by hash in the database -

When I am creating a user, the user name and password saves in a hash. Now, when I log in, I need my username and password, can be read by the system. I will write my code below for the user controller public function postSignin () {if (Auth :: attempt '' Username ''), 'password' = & gt; input :: receive ('password'))) {return redirect: from ('admin / dashboard') - & gt; Together ('message', 'now you are logged in!'); } Else {return Redirect :: to ('users / login') - & gt; With ('message', 'your username / password combination was incorrect') - & gt; WithInput (); }} case sensitivity does not require hashing If you have non-_CI encoding in the database table Use. CI means the case is insensitive. Assuming that you still want to havehish usernames, you have to haveh to user input (username), in the same way it is stored in the database before passing it to the authentication sc...

Update table from joining multiple tables in MYSQL -

Hello I would like to update my table but this is giving me an error Error 1064 (42000): There is an error in your SQL syntax; This is my script include UPDATE table1 SET last_name = table3.lastname, first_name = table3.firstname, from table 1 in INNER table 2 table .centity_id = table1.entity_id INNER Include table 3 on table 3.biometric_id = table2.biometric_id; This is using you for MySql - UPDATE ... JOIN ... SET ... : Add table 1 t1 Table 2 T2 on T2. ATI_ID = T1. ITTIID Join Table 3 T3 On T3 .biometric_id = t2.biometric_id; SET t1.last_name = t3.lastname, t1.first_name = t3.firstname

python - Error setting environment variables -

I am working on a Django application. I want to enter SECRET_KEY in the environmental variable. I added it to the .bashrc file: exported SECRET_KEY = sdfsjhsuresfsdf I used to source . Bashrc I am able to use environment variables from Python shell: import os os.environ ['SECRET_KEY'] However, when I try to access it from the file it's a keyError what am I doing? Try: export SECRET_KEY = sdfsjhsuresfsdf Then start the source and a new Python example should look it up. Bash does not always export its variable automatically. Generally, OS environments variables are such a hard task that keep the configuration information trustworthy, because the issue. It is difficult to find out why the variables do not appear or not. Reading configuration information from configuration files (whether .ini, .json, or any other format) is a bit more robust but, environmental variables are usually used, therefore, when in Rome ...

performance - Monitoring Kafka Spout -

I am trying to monitor Kafka's performance for my project. I have used cuffspouts which are Apache-Storm -9.2-Incubating is included in the release. Is it possible to keep track of throughput throughput using the Kafka offset monitoring tool? Is there another better way to monitor bottleneck? Thank you, Palak Shah The latest Yahoo! Kafka manager details the matrix And you see TPS, bytes in / out etc.

input unknown number of variables in one line(In C++) -

I want input in the vector of countless numbers in a row. For example 3 1 1 2 here I know from first input that there are 3 numbers. But I do not know how to store 3 numbers in the next line in a vector array. Another example - 4 2 3 2 3 I want this in C ++ (vector). int n, x; Std :: vector & lt; Integer & gt; V; If (std :: cin>> n) while (n--) if (std :: cin>> x) v.push_back (x); Else std :: runtime_error ("unavailable value"); else std :: runtime_error ("count count");

javascript - Jquery in html causing consecutive text nodes during unwrap -

कोड के मेरे तीन भागों पर विचार करें & lt; div & gt; वेब साइट पर जाएं & lt; span class = 'highlightyellow' & gt; Amet & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; Lorem Ispum & lt; span वर्ग = 'हाइलाइटालो' & gt; dolor & lt; / span & gt; बैठें एएमटी & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div & gt; वेब साइट पर जाएं & lt; span class = 'highlightyellow' & gt; Amet & lt; / span & gt; Lorem Ispum & lt; span वर्ग = 'हाइलाइटालो' & gt; dolor & lt; / span & gt; बैठो एमेट & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div & gt; वेब साइट पर जाएं & lt; span class = 'highlightyellow' & gt; Amet & lt; / span & gt; Lorem Ispum & lt; span वर्ग = 'हाइलाइटालो' & gt; dolor & lt; / span & gt; बैठें एएमटी & lt; / div & gt; और एक बटन & lt; बटन & gt; से उतारने का टेक्स्ट। हल्के प्रकाश तत्व & lt; / button & ...

javascript - Meteor - Return Collection Object from Method -

I am trying to return a set object based on metric system based on a set session. Here is the method call: = function () {if (type of session. Search ('search-parameter')! = 'Undefined ') {var searchParameters = session. Received ('search-parameter'); Return ('Search', search parameter, function (error, result) {if (error) {console.log (error.reason);} else {return result;}}); }} This method is being called L Meteor.methods ({search: function (session) {return batches.find ({ Event: {$ Regex: session}});}}}; I have read that no method can return the collection object and instead of using the fetch () it gives an array, however, to return the result, a colleciton I'm unable to iterate over an array like an object. Please advise. Template assistants should be synchronous, there are some ways to resolve it, but this is an example: / P> Template.batches.created = function () {// This will be...

c# - MS Chart X Axis label repeated - showing multiple points for a single item [Range Bar] -

I have created a rangebar ms chart control that binds to the dataset. This figure is based on the following list data. The problem is that X-axis is showing several points for the same item with a different category. List MS Chart The first column of the X-axis indicates the column and the value of the Y axis is the third and fourth columns. "DT" is the data name Code chChart.Series ["Series1"]. Chart Type = SeriesChartType.RangeBar; chChart.Series ["Series1"]. Points. DataBind (dt. default view, "number", "start time, stop time", "tooltip = name, label = name"); Tried to bond as a separate series, but still is not working. var IETable = (dt.ComponentModel.ilistSource as the system) .GetList (); ChChart.DataBindCrossTable (IETable, "number", "number", "start time, time off", ""); Foreign Currency (Series sr in chChart.Series) {sr.ChartType = SeriesChartType.R...

android - how to let a floating touch on all app -

I'm trying to create a clickable-image that stays at the top of all apps and desktops, such as Facebook Messenger And this is my code extension of the Public Class FloatService service {Private WindowManager windowManager; Private image view image; @ Ivoride Public Ibidinder On Bind (Intent of Intent) {Return Null; } @ Override Public Wide On Crack () {Super. Connet (); WindowManager = (WindowManager) getSystemService (WINDOW_SERVICE); ImageBtn = new image view (this); ImageBtn.setImageResource (R.drawable.ic_launcher); WindowManager.LayoutParams params = New Window Manager. LayoutParamus (Window Manager, LayoutPam .WRAP_CONTENT, Window Manager, LayoutPem.WRAP_CONTENT, Window Manager, LayoutPreferenceTep_phone, WindowManager, LayoutParams.flag_ONfoxable, PixelFormat.transLuissant); Params.gravity = Gravity Tap | Gravity.LEFT; Params.x = 0; params.y = 100; WindowManager.addView (Image Batten, Parameters); } @ Override Public Watch OnDestoy () {Super. One day (); If (imageBt...

c++ - Insertion into a skip list -

A left list is a data structure in which the elements are stored in order of order and each node The list can be more than 1 indicator, and it can be used to reduce the time required for a search operation from O (ng) to O (lg n) seems to be for the average case: Reference: "Leave list" Wojciech Muhammad Dwa Ra? One - Own work licensed through Wikimedia Commons under the public domain - It can be viewed as a ruler to have a similarity: In a wig list, it is ok to find an element and remove one, but when it comes to entry It is difficult, because structures and algorithms according to the data in C ++: 2 versions by Adam Drozdek: : To insert a new element, all the nodes need to be restructured just after the inserted node; The number of pointers and the value of pointers must be changed. I can assume that even though selecting nodes with random number of nodes based on the probability of nodes My question is strong>: Why can not we ins...

sql - is there any `backspace` character in mssql for string? -

Below is the query for a string company description by adding name, address 1 and address 2. And here I am using the concatenate APPT SEP ('') for the ISNULL () function if the column is zero. Select name as compdeeatils from Table Companie + ',' + isnull (Address1, '') + ',' + isnull (Address2, ') where id = 4 This is the issue of the question, because address 1 or address2 is zero. It will spoil the comma before the empty space which I do not want .. If address 1 and address 2 tap, then result will be name, how can I remove it? Is there any backspace features in mssql ?? I have found the answer to this simple argument .. inside the ISNULL () function Add Coma. Select name + isnull (',' + 1 address, '') + isnull (',' +2, '') where compounds as compounds ID = 4 Note : The name will not give NULL in my case. In case the name is also zero, this answer is not applicable.

c# - Winform : Set Password for SQL Server connection string in app.config programatically -

I am trying to develop a closed system window form application. The problem I am facing is how should I protect my application data because it has very sensitive data. The problem I want to set the password string in programmatic manner. & lt; Add name = "salary_slipEntities" connectionString = "metadata = res: //*/Model1.csdl | res: //*/Model1.ssdl | res: //*/Model1.msl; provider = System.Data.SqlClient; provider Connection string = & amp; quot; data source = TFSSERVER; initial catalog = salary_slip; user id = user; password = pass; multipleactive serialset = true; app = entityFramework & amp; quot; "provider name =" System.Data.EntityClient " /> Is there any way now that I can set the password as a program login in the app.config file? I'm adding a screenshot to better understand. I am thinking something like this. To make the connection string accurate by using the stringbuilder class. When all components a...

cordova - Build error at sax.js -

I'm building an app in the Cordova from the command line. But I have the following error: Can someone help me? I was searching completely, but I could not find it. My environment variable % ANT_HOME%: C: \ Apache-Entre-1.9.3-Bin \ Apache-Ent-1.9.3 % JAVA_HOME%: C: \ Program Files Java \ Jdk1.7.0_51 Path: C: \ Users \ ... \ AppData \ Roaming \ npm; C: \ adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702 \ adt-bundle -window-x86_64-20140702 \ sdk \ platform-tools; C: \ adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702 \ adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702 \ sdk \ tools; % ANT_HOME% \ bin; % JAVA_HOME% \ bin; C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.7.0_51 \ bin; C: \ Apache-Ent.1.9.3-bin \ Apache-Ent-1.9.3 \ bin; Sorry for the troubled people, I understand why No, but there is some problem in my current project. When I prepare another project and run it is working fine, if any problem can be found, please reply. For now I am preparing the project again. Thanks for the help

php - Levenshtein distance on diacritic characters -

In PHP, I'm calculating levenshtein () using the levenshtein function. It works as expected for simple characters, but for example, Echo Levenshatin ('A', 'A') for diacritic characters; This gives "2" in this case only one replacement is to be done, so I hope that it will return "1". Am I missing something? default PHP levenshtein () , such as many PHP functions, multibyte aware Therefore, when processing wire with Unicode characters, it handles each byte separately and changes two bytes. There is no multibit version (i.e. mb_levenshtein () ) then you have two options: 1) mb _ Function re-implement the function by using functions: 2). If you want to calculate levenicity differences especially from Deacritic characters to non-directories, it may not be the same as what you want.

hierarchy - mysql db with parent child relation -

Can anyone help me with an Art Design? Confirmation of the problem I have many local DBs with data that is now populated. Now this data needs to be collected in Central DB for further processing. Like it is a parent and many children, the child does not have to coordinate with the parents, but parents have to take data from the child for further processing. I am using mysql db Is there a tool that can help me? This is the addition of my child's DB to a different server and my parents are DB on a different server Set the engine of all tables as 'INNODB' set foreign keys ( ) Update between children and parents Setting and Creating an FK on Daily Restrictions Update: If you have a separate table then use it on a different server Do To

java - SimpleDateFormat ThreadSafe Suggestion-> creating new object is better or ThreadLocal is? -

I am creating an application in which I have a format date. For formatting I am using SimpleDateFormatter class. According to my knowledge there are three ways to use this class with synchronization 1) Create a local variable new SimpleDateFormatter ("MM / dd / yyyy") 2) Use synchronized keywords synchronize (this) {simpleDateFormatter.format (date); // Use the static object and then format it with synchronization) 3) Use the thread local variable with the ordinary date format such as Private Stable Thread Local & lt; SimpleDefamate & gt; OutDateFormatHolder = New Thread Local & lt; Simplified Format & gt; () {@ Override Protected Simple Data Formatting Value () {New Simple Format ("MM / DD / Yay"); } I am creating a web application, where I can get multiple requests and at some point I will date the formatting. Now I know that if I have more than one format format in the same thread then ThreadColok would be a better ... - ModelState ErrorMessage Culture Localization -

I have read these questions and they did not solve the problem . My problem: Model verification validation error message is always in English I. Localization does not work. Localization at.T. Public class Localization Rights: ActionActivities {Public Override Zero Onset Exposing (ActionexPoint Contact Filter Contrax) {if (FilterContext.RouteData.Values ​​["lang"]! = Faucet & amp; amp; ;; String.isnellOnWiteSite (filtercontact.routedData value ["lung"] .tostring ()) {// Set culture from root data (url) string long = filtercontext.routed data. ["Lang"] .tost Current (documented); current documentary. Current UK Agriculture = New CultureInfo (Lang); Thread.ContratTrade.CurrentCulture = New CultureInfo (Long); CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = New CultureInfo (Lang); CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture = New CultureInfo (Lang) ; FilterContext.HttpContext.Session.Add ("Culture", New Culture Difference (Lang))} else {//...

java - Is this brute-force algorithm NP-hard? -

Here is an animal-force algorithm that we use in a project management system to remove keywords from abstracts. What is the complexity of time of that brute force algorithm? Is it NP-NP, NP in full or P? This is the algorithm: public static input search (string pattern, string text) {int m = pattern.length (); Int n = text.length (); For (int i = 0; i to start with, only problems It may be necessary to ask NP , or NP -Hard, or NP -complete, or P Is not it your special algorithm NP - HARD or NP --complete You have a special algorithm that is simple string-searching algorithm. Looking at the length of a text string of length and a pattern string of length n, it runs in time o ((m - n + 1) n). This input is a polynomial in the shape of the string, and therefore this problem is related to string search problem - class P P in P The problem is also in NP , in the NP , but it is not known whether this problem is NP or not - HARD or NP - Successful bec...

ios - Enable zooming in a uiscrollview with paging enabled and scrolling enabled -

I have an illustrative view that I load with an array of images so that I can do pictures through pictures I'll be able to scroll the photo effect in iOS using this code: NSArray * paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains (NSC's directory, NSUserDomainMask, yes); NSString * path = [path objectwithoutx: 0]; NSString * imageFilePath = [Path StringBeafingPath Company: @ "NewPix"]; fileExists = [[NSFileManager default manager] fileExistsAtPath: imageFilePath]; If (fileexist) {IMG = [[NSMUTABELARROR] INIT]; [IMGand Object: [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile: [Path StringbappingPackConPant: @ "NewPix / PC1Page"]]]; [IMGAD Object: [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile: [Path StringbappingPackComment: @ "NewPix / PC2Page"]]]; [IMGAD Object: [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile: [Path StringbappingPackConPant: @ "NewPix / Pixel Page 3"]]]; [IMGAD Object: [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile: [Path StringbappingPackCommentator: @ "NewPix / Picture4...

Trimming Spaces on Deserialization in WCF Services -

My usual requirement is to keep a common way to ensure that no leading / trailing spaces are stored in the database Our architecture is WCF- & gt; Business Logic Manager- & gt; Genetic repository-> Unit Framework 5.0 - & gt; DB Now I have 2 ways to do this Do this on normal storage (but here I have to find the whole object graph for string properties and change the value Do this while decryaging the WCF pipeline (but here I may have to keep my custom serializer, which I want to wish that I want to do, is an event during the serialization where I A Check the type of property and change its value) I am in favor of Approach 2, but without changing the entire serializer, finding the easiest way to do this is to custom It can be changed without using the serializer. We are currently using XmlSerializer. Looking for the following input (2) Which approach would be better in performance How do I get a little bit in the current serial process in my WCF pipeli...