
Showing posts from June, 2012

dhtmlx scheduler - dhtmlxScheduler timelineview calender loading and displaying data -

I am using the dhtmlxSchedulular timeline view. I am getting XML data from the database, but I can not load it on the calendar. First you will need for more information about connector . Then you use DHTMLX connector (for server side, to load data) and data processor (client side, to update data). You need to use PHP connector with scheduling. You can see the DHTMLX document on it. And in this, how do they step up the data from the database, and how it should be structured. > And there are some basic documents on the Scheduler API that will be very useful. I hope you only wanted this. Tell me if you need help. Regards.

android - Connect and store Estimote beacons to local SQLite database -

I am running up my estimate bacons, and I would like to add my device to a local database which I can use in my beacon, Together with a list of features that I would be doubling with them I have seen the same question, but I did not get any good examples or answers. Please push me in the right direction! Use ActiveAndroid or GreenDAO to create your database model. Then add those pairs - beacons and the facilities they are connected with. Use the esteemot SDK demo register in beacon manager for beacon in range position. Then decode the beacon parameter and query feature table for the object associated with that beacon

c# - Azure Table Query async - continuation token always returned -

मैं ExecuteQuerySegmentedAynync का उपयोग करते हुए Azure Table Storage के विरुद्ध एक एसिंक्रोनस TableQuery करने का प्रयास कर रहा / कोड>। कोड का प्रचलित भाग नीचे है: सार्वजनिक async कार्य & lt; सूची & lt; MyEntity & gt; & gt; GetTableData () {CloudTableClient tableClient = GetTableClient (); क्लाउडटेबल टेबल = टेबलक्लिएन्ट। गेटटाबलरेफरेंस ("मायटेबलनाम"); TableQuery & LT; MyEntity & gt; क्वेरी = नया तालिकाएं & lt; MyEntity & gt; ()। लो (10); सूची के & lt; MyEntity & gt; परिणाम = नई सूची & lt; MyEntity & gt; (); टेबलकंटिन्यूएशन टोकन टोकन = नल; करना {var seg = await table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAynync (क्वेरी, टोकन); टोकन = seg.ContinuationToken; results.AddRange (seg.Results); } जबकि (टोकन! = नल); वापसी के परिणाम} समस्या यह है कि जब ExecuteQuerySegmentedAynync रिकॉर्ड्स की सही संख्या देता है, निरंतरता टोकन कभी भी अशक्त नहीं होता है, और कोड लगातार लूप करता है। क्या कोई मुझे सही दिशा में बता सकता है? मैं विंडोज Azu...

c# - assign data from LINQ to ArrayList -

प्रकार '& lt की वस्तु कास्ट करने में असमर्थ; & gt; f__AnonymousType0`7 [System.Int32, System.String, System.String , System.String, System.String, System.String, System.Int32] 'टाइप करने के लिए' myWebApplication.tblmyWebsite मैं सी # करने के लिए बहुत नौसिखिया यहाँ किसी को भी मुझे बता सकते हैं इस कोड में समस्या क्या कृपया ? AnonymousType0 जब मुझे LINQ से SQL पर अभिलेख प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता होती है और इसे ArrayList का उपयोग करके ब्राउज़र में दिखाया जाता है कोड देखें सिस्टम का उपयोग कर; System.Collections का उपयोग कर; // तो आप ArrayList का उपयोग कर सकते हैं System.Text का उपयोग कर; // तो आप StringBuilder का उपयोग कर सकते हैं System.Collections.Generic का उपयोग कर; System.Linq का उपयोग कर; System.Web का उपयोग कर; System.Web.UI का उपयोग कर; System.Web.UI.WebControls का उपयोग कर; नेमस्पेस myWebApplication {सार्वजनिक आंशिक वर्ग WebForm2: System.Web.UI.Page {सुरक्षित शून्य पेज_लोड (वस्तु प्रेषक, EventArgs ई) {showProducts (); } निजी शून्य शो प्रोडक्ट्स () {d...

c# - Erorr when connecting to database -

My WCF method tries to get some data from the database that finally calls this method: Public override IQueryable & lt; Apartment & gt; GetAll () {return base.GetAll () Include ("Pictures"). Include ("Infos"); } Public Virtual IQueryable & lt; T & gt; GetAll () {Return DbSet; } But it seems that when it tries to open the connection to the database, it happens. I'm getting the error The underlying provider failed on the open. "I can somehow specify the WCF confg file in which the database is allowed to connect or WCF is allowed to connect to my database in my project. Some other solutions? public base () {DataContext = new context (); this.DbSet = DataContext.Set (); datacontext.config.procisioning enabled = valid; datacontex.configment public category Reference: Public Reference (): B ("Default connection") {} ... / code> context in that override. reference to public partial category { Public Conte...

wcf - IIS Reporting wrong Time and TimeZone -

IIS is saying that IIS uses the time and time zone of the local machine, and this Like the effective time zone and / or time, I need all to change the time and time zone for the server, and it will change the effective time and timezone to be viewed by the IIS server, and I have a server running a simple WCF service That is what it does not seem to work for me now Right. This server is located on a lease farm on Pacific Plains, but we have previously configured an Eastern timezone since it was installed. I have tried to reset everything and even tried to bounce the box, so I'm sure this is not a time value or something very easy, however, to point out my WCF code and try to understand That's why he is going through three hours for all expenses, I came to know that the IIS believes that this is in the Pacific time zone, despite everything else configured otherwise Is obtained. System.timeogeneinfo Local reports that this is in Pacific time and date time. Now give me a ti...

c# - Comparing dates in linq -

I would like to query the DB for items equal to or equal to a date. The date in DB is a time and time of record time. If the user enters the search string "1/30/2014", then they expect the entries that come at any time of that date. However, nothing is returned once after 12 o'clock. I know that I could only add one day to the search string, but is this a more appropriate way? if (form ["closed" "] =" ") {datetime d = datetime purse (form [" off ""]); Mark = mark Where (s => gt; s.date_Closed & gt; =); } You can use to reduce the portion of time: traces = marks Where (s = & gt; s.date_Closed.Date & lt; = d.Date); In this way you add this day because both is the date of the date s is midnight. Update You can not use LINQ units like DateTime.Date , you can use this solution: . Where (S = & gt; unit function. TruncateTime (s.date_Closed) & lt; = EntityFunctions.TruncateTime (D)) ...

rsync copy only specific files from specific subfolders, without creating empty folders -

इस तरह से एक फ़ाइल संरचना की कल्पना करें: test â ???? एक ?? ??ए???? एक एक ???? एक ???? एक ???? ???? 0 एक "एक" एक "एक" ???? File0.rtf एक "एक" एक "एक" ???? File0.txt एक "एक" एक "एक" ???? File1.rtf एक "एक" एक "एक" ???? File1.txt एक "एक" एक "एक" ???? File2.rtf एक "एक" एक "एक" ???? File2.txt एक "एक" ???? ???? 1 एक "एक" एक "एक" ???? File0.rtf एक "एक" एक "एक" ???? file0.txt एक "एक" एक "एक" ???? File1.rtf एक "एक" एक "एक" ???? File1.txt एक "एक" एक "एक" ???? File2.rtf एक "एक" एक "एक" ???? File2.txt एक "एक" ???? ???? 2 एक "एक" एक "एक" ???? File0.rtf एक "एक" एक "एक" ???? File0.txt एक "एक" एक "एक" ???? File1.rtf एक "एक" एक "एक" ???? File1.txt एक "एक...

how to use non static method inside other class without creating object in C# -

I recently changed my project slightly to include the interface for better integration. I'm actually stuck with a way to use a method on my form from a form (which is used to update form control) which comes from my interface. Here are some snippets of code that should help with clarity. // This is the double click event from which I choose Private Zero todayEventsGridView_DoubleClick (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {DealModule _dealModule = New Deal module (); // I do not want to make an objection of Class Deal module () {this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; _dealModule.SelectDeal (DealKey); } Hold (Exception pre) {Message Box. Show ("Warning:" + this.ToString () + "" + System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod () .Name + "\ n" + Pre-message, ex.GetType () .tar ()); } Finally {this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }} By definition, it is impossible for examples (non-static) methods Use can be done only when there is an example of class to work with...

ssas - Efficiently store and retrieve price points over time ranges -

We are loading data from a source that has date ranges. Rates rarely vary. Productive, Supplier, Category ID, Rate, Valid from, Valid 1, 2, 3, 4.0, 2014-01-01, 2014-06-30 This rate is 6 Valid for the month. Reporting requirement is to show the average rates for flexible deadlines on products, suppliers, categories ... So I joined the rates with time dimension, resulting in such a fact table : Manufacturer, Supplier, Category, Category, Date, Date1, 2, 3, 4.0, 2014-01-01 1, 2, 3, 4.0, 2014-01-02. . (This is a rate for approximately 180 rows) Therefore one rate per day will be. Since the rates are sometimes legal for a year or two, I am preparing a big fact sheet about 200 million lines and growing. The cube loads in two minutes and the data is about 1.5 GB (while the datament lasts up to about 20 GB). The performance of the cube query looks fine I can, of course, change the granulity, for example, there are total but daily daily rates for one month, they often do n...

Rails 4 joins query display the wrong resource -

मेरे पास 2 संसाधन, डॉक्टर और आरक्षण हैं। वर्ग डॉक्टर & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस है has_many: आरक्षण अंत वर्ग आरक्षण & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस के लिए संबंधित है: डॉक्टर अंत स्कीमा: create_table "आरक्षण", बल: सच do | t | T.integer "doctor_id" "date" अंत create_table "डॉक्टरों", बल: सच do | t | T.string "description" t.datetime "created_at" t.datetime "updated_at" end मैं एक तिथि पर उपलब्ध सभी डॉक्टरों को प्रदर्शित करना चाहता हूं, इसलिए सभी डॉक्टरों के पास न हों उस दिन पर आरक्षण। मेरी क्वेरी: डीईफ़ सूचकांक डॉक्टरों = डॉक्टर.ऑलडर ("बनाया गया डीएएससी") डॉक्टरों = @ डॉक्टरों.जंक्स (: आरक्षण)। Where.not (' की तरह?', पैरामीटर [: फ्री_ऑन]) यदि पराम [: मुफ्त_ऑन] .प्रदर्शित? @ डॉक्टरों = @ डॉक्टरों (पृष्ठ: पृष्ठ = & gt; पैराम्स [: पृष्ठ],: per_page = & gt; 9) अंत मेरी समस्या यह है: यह प्रश्न मुझे आरक्षण के रूप में देता है परिणाम। अगर मेरे पास 1...

Fix background image in gap - skrollr -

I am creating a parallax similar to this example: I The third image appearing on the scroll should be shown as a fixed background image and like this page, do not visit this page with sunglasses about halfway on this page: I tried to delete transform styles and add background-attachment: fixed but no one is working idea? Thank you! Just referring to the exact code shown in the classic. For example, the HTML page, there are several values ​​that you Need to change in the reflected form below: and div class = "parallax-image-wrapper parallax-image-wrapper-100" data anchor-target = "# kitens + .gap" data - bottom-top = "conversion: translated 3D (0 px, 200%, 0 px)" data-top-fry = "conversion: translation 3D (0 px, 0%, 0 px)" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "parallax-image parallax-image-100" style = "background-image: url (images / kitteh3.jpg)" data anchor-target = "# kittens + .gap" data-bottom...

web programming_javascript: Error with Grade result in javascript -

I have created a student information javascript. Everything is fine, but I have a problem in the result of the student's grades. It always tells grade F each score.x When the total score is 100 then this show is F, but when the total score is 500 then it is still showing F. Here is my code of Java and html 'var column = ["id", "name", "gender", "javascript", "data structure", "network", "vbnet "," Coral draw "," total "," average "," grade "]; Var arr = ["," "," "," 0 "," 0 "," 0 "," 0 "," 0 "," 0 "," 0 "," "]; Var i = 0; Var j = 0; Var x; Grade of grade; If (ARR [8]> = 450 & amp; AR [8] & lt; 500) grade = "A"; And if (ARR [8]> = 400 & amp; amp; amp; [8] & lt; 450) grade = "B"; And if (ARR [8]> = 350 & amp; amp;...

etl - Talend - load context to subjobs -

I am trying to create a main function in Talend which would scan a directory for multiple files (f1.csv, f2.xls ...) and then run a different job created for the specific file. I would like to create a reference variable that captures the file name and makes the proper job call. How can I install context variables to store the file name of the file I found and pass it in other jobs? Create a job called Baby Job, go to the context tab, and type a new reference variable in which The file is with the string. Inside, you can put components that refer to this reference. File Variables Now, create another job called the Main Job, put a tFileList into the desired path, configure the settings in this component where you want to find the files. After that, drag the child_job from the left panel (job design) or insert a turnbuck and set it to call the child_job job. In the end, join the repeated link with child_job in t_philelist, select child_job, the component tab Go to, add a paramet...

ruby - Parse HTML with Nokogiri and get text with the closest "" -

मेरे पास एचटीएमएल युक्त है: & lt; div class = "s" & gt; & Lt; p & gt; पाठ 1 & lt; / p & gt; & lt; div class = "i" & gt; & Lt; p & gt; पाठ 2 & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; मुझे कक्षा "s" के साथ निकटतम & lt; div & gt; के साथ सभी लेख प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है। उदाहरण के लिए, मैं प्राप्त करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं: सरणी = [] html.css ("s")। प्रत्येक do | element | सरणी & lt; & lt; Element.text.strip end यह सब अच्छा है, सिवाय इसके कि मेरे सरणी में "text2" प्रकट होता है, और मुझे यह नहीं चाहिए तो "text2" के लिए, सबसे निकटतम gt; वर्ग "i" था, और मैं इसे मेरी सरणी में नहीं देखना चाहता । मैं इसका समाधान कैसे कर सकता हूं? उदाहरण के लिए: विभिन्न वर्ग के नाम और गहरी घोंसले के शिकार हो सकते हैं: & lt; div class = "s" & gt; & Lt; p & gt; पाठ 1 & lt; / p & gt; &...

javascript - get selected="selected" text with jquery -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 27 जवाब मेरे पास यह html कोड है, मैं कैसे पाठ प्राप्त कर सकता हूं, जिसे jquery के साथ "चयनित" विकल्प चुना गया है? & lt; विकल्प चयनित = "चयनित" मान = "1" & gt; m & lt; / option & gt; & lt; विकल्प मान = "2" & gt; एन & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & lt; विकल्प मान = "3" & gt; ओ & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & lt; विकल्प चयनित = "चयनित" मान = "4" & gt; पी & lt; / option & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "5" & gt; क्यू & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "6" & gt; आर एंड एलटी; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "7" & gt; s & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & lt; विकल्प चयनित = "चयनित" मान = "8" & gt; टी & lt; / option & gt; & lt; विकल्प मान = "9" & gt; यू & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & lt; विकल्प मान = "10...

c++ Singleton by reference use -

I have read some wiki in stack overflow, and I have written the following header file for my randomizer class: Class random {public: static Randomizer & amp; Example (zero); Int nextInt (int); Int nextInt (int, int); Int die; Double next double (zero); Four randomized (const std: string & amp;;); Private: Random (zero) {}; / * No implementation of the following methods * / Randomizer (Randomizer const & amp;;); Zero operator = (randomizer brace & amp;); }; I have also applied some methods inside the classroom, such as the next and the like. I am unsure about how to give examples of this singleton class, that is how to write a test drive in the main ()? I tried: int main () {Randomizer r; R = Radiimizer :: Example (); } The compiler says some errors: in the Randomizer.cpp file included: 11: 0: Randomizer.h: in the function ??? ? Int main (int, char **) a ????: Randomizer.h: 22: 9: error: a randomize :: Randomizer () a ???? Private is random (zero) ...

Java Stuck in For Loop -

I am working on the Java project and for some reason I do not understand that my code is the last for loop Float Profit = 0; Float damage = 0; (Int i = this.currentLine- 14; i & lt; this.currentLine; i ++) {stockline PD = (stockline) for this.rows.get (i); Profit + = pd.getGain (); Loss + = pd.getLoss (); Println (i); } System.out.println ("Why It Is not Printed"); If I wanted to remove this three line, then it works as expected: stockline PD = (stockline) this.rows.get (i ); Profit + = pd.getGain (); Loss + = pd.getLoss (); this.rows is an ArrayList with a large number of objects (stocklines). About 200 elements. Does Java have a limit on the number of arrivate object? The code has not been compiled and executed successfully; Any help will be highly appreciated. Ahmed Edit: Quick Reply Thanks for everyone. Below is the current class. The only part of the project is reading a file-line-by-line and calling the file () method below. The...

angularjs - allowClear="true" not works in angular-ui select -

How to clear the selected value I want something like this > select-match & lt; ui-select-match Permission-Clear = "True" Placeholder = "Choose something" & gt; {{$}} & lt; / Ui-select-match & gt;

Perl - nest modules and access subroutines from 2nd level nested modules in main script -

Is possible in Perl in the Nest module and export all nested subroutines scripts that use parent module? Consider the following example: The main script will use subtitle from Paint MDUD. Therefore, the script will contain the following line: Usage Parine Module; ParentModule will use subprotoin from ChildModule . Therefore, the following line will be in ParentModule : Use child modules; Will there be suburounines exported under the Child Module available under the main script? Some time ago I asked a similar question and did not answer, but it is already different from the meaning. Apart from this I have tried the scenario described above and it did not work. All modules uses the exporter. Thanks parent module for export ChildModule will need to be provided explicitly. Since you are using exporter , the easiest way to do this is: In : Package Child Module; Strict use; Use warnings; Use the base 'exporter'; Our @ Expo...

ssh - Need to rsync log files from a server that only allows sftp connections -

We have access to the logfile directory of our CDN so that we can parse the log directly. I want to write a script or similar that will synchronize the file from there to the local directory. Rsync seems like the path, except when I send the command, I get: Mismatch - Is your shell clean? (See rsync man page for an explanation) rsync error: protocol incompatibility (code 2) /usr/src/ports/rsync/rsync-3.0.9-1/src/rsync-3.0.9/compat.c (174 )) [Receiver = 3.0.9] When I try ssh in the remote directory, I get: This service is only for SFTP Connection allows What do I do? Do you want to use only the newly added tail of the rsync log to download? It is also possible with SFTP though rsync is better that it can confirm that the previous content is the same. For example, you can: get -neweronly -reume / path / * .log c: \ cdnlogs \ This ensures that only new or modified files are downloaded. -Rim ensures that only one tail of the current log is downloaded (i.e. t...

c++ - Why does this code stop running when it hits the pipe? -

When this program is run then the parent goes through the loop, then when he writes the pipe The child switches. Parents 4741 14087 (only 5 lines are expected) Expected production (with randomly generated numbers): Parents 4741 14087 Child 4740 47082 Parents 4741 11345 Children 4740 99017 Parents 4741 96744 Hair 4740 98653 (when Variable 3 is given and the final number is a randomly generated number) #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Unistd.h & gt; # Include & lt; Sys / types.h & gt; # Include & lt; Unistd.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; # Include & lt; Time.h> # Include & lt; Ctime & gt; using namespace std; Int main (int argc, char * argv []) {int pid = fork (), temp, randNum, count, pipeName [2], pipeName2 [2]; String converter; Pipes (pipeName); Conver = azr [1]; Temp = atoi (conver.c_str ()); Four letters; If (pid == 0) {// Child srand ((unsigned...

math - Factoring Polynomial exercise in ruby, unexpected syntax? -

मुझे ये त्रुटियां मिली हैं - (eval): 30: (eval): 30: 8:: सिंटैक्स त्रुटि, अप्रत्याशित KDO - जब मैं कंसोल में इस गहरे लाल रंग का कोड भाग गया - वर्ग फैक्टर डालता कुल्हाड़ी ^ 2 + bx + सी \ "" apos = PosOrNeg? ( 'ए') # परीक्षण apos डीईएफ़ PosOrNeg डालता है? (स्ट्रिंग = "रिक्त" इस कार्यक्रम के \ के रूप में एक बहुपद कारक होगा "" ) करता है "हमें बताएं कि \" # {string} \ "सकारात्मक या नकारात्मक है। \" Pos \ "या \" neg \ "टाइप करें।" posOrNegStr = gets.chomp मामले posOrNegStr जब "स्थिति" स्थिति = सच है जब aPosOrNegStr = false स्थिति = किसी और झूठी जबकि posOrNegStr = "स्थिति" & amp;! & amp; PosOrNegStr! = "Neg" डालता है "अमान्य इनपुट। कृपया \" pos \ "या \" neg \ "टाइप करें।" posOrNegStr = gets.chomp मामले posOrNegStr जब "स्थिति" स्थिति = सच है जब aPosOrNegStr = false स्थिति = false किसी और अंत अंत अंत अंत अंत विचार? पंक्त...

Breakpoint in section of Matlab -

I have written the MATLAB code defined in different classes. After running the first part of my code, I started using breakpoint I want to be able to debug For some reason, however, when I add a breakpoint and use the "run section" command, the debug mode is not triggered. It appears that I am unable to start the program and then using the breakpoint and the "run section" command. Does anyone know how to do this? I am doing this to save time because it takes a long time to start at the beginning of my program. Thank you. There are some work around who can think of how you can help. First of all, when you receive your breakpoint, save the entire workspace to .mat file. Then comment all the points to this point and add a line to load your .mat file. Now you can get a point in your code which you are debugging quickly. Another way to do this is to insert all the codes before a breakpoint into a different script before your breakpoint. Then when you hit the...

python - Invalid syntax for print function in for loop -

Today I'm learning "for loop" in Python. I type the code into the Python Shell and after the SyntaxError: invalid syntax function print ("I have finished") the word print appears in red Word for word in the word = ["cat", "125", "dog", "pig"]: if word == "125": print ("no spam spam! Print" ("good" + word) ) Other: Print ("I'm lucky: not spam") Print ("I've finished") But when I write code, Notepad and *. Py and it works correctly by running from the command prompt and comes: Good cat please not spam! I Do the wrong with the third "print" function? In interactive Python shells, It is necessary to leave an empty line between the end of the outer line if / else / for / while / whatever block and the beginning of the next statement. Other: Print ("I'm lucky: not spam") Print ("I've finished") As a sim...

sql - MySQL query not using index correctly? -

मेरे पास 2 तालिकाओं हैं - प्रोफ़ाइल के साथ 1,500,000 रिकॉर्ड और indicator_trades के साथ 12,000,000 रिकॉर्ड निम्न क्वेरी, जो 0 परिणाम देता है, को पूरा करने में लगभग 10 सेकंड लगते हैं। SELECT `trd`।` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` INNER JOIN 'प्रोफ़ाइल' ए एस `पी` पर `पी`` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` DESCRIBE परिणाम: + ---- + ------------- + ------- + -------- + ----------------------- + ------------ + --- ------ + -------------------------- + ------ + --------- ---- + | आईडी | select_type | टेबल | प्रकार | संभव_कीज | कुंजी | Key_len | रेफरी | पंक्तियाँ | अतिरिक्त | + ---- + ------------- + ------- + -------- + ------------- ---------- + ------------ + --------- + ---------------- ---------- + ------ + ------------- + | 1 | सरल | Trd | श्रेणी | IDX_symbol, start_date | Start_date | 4 | नल | 3662 | जहां का उपयोग करना | | 1 | सरल | पी | Eq_ref | IDX_symbol, type | IDX_symbol | 34 | Barchart_data.trd.symbol | 1 | जहां का उपयोग करना | + ---- + ------------- + ------- + ...

How to prevent Amazon ELB sits in front of RabbitMQ close connection with celery? -

ईएलबी 60 सेकंड के लिए स्वत: बंद कनेक्शन, टीसीपी कनेक्शन स्विच के साथ CLOSE_WAIT स्थिति में हालांकि, अजवाइन पर ध्यान नहीं दिया जाता है और कार्य संदेश प्रकाशित नहीं होता संदेश भेज बफर में रखा जाएगा जब बफर भरा हुआ हो, अजवाइन प्रकाशन कॉल को अवरुद्ध किया जाएगा। भेजें बफर में संदेश खो जाएगा ब्लॉकिंग प्रकाशन कॉल एकल धागा ioloop चौखटे के लिए बहुत हानिकारक होगा जैसे टोरनेडो समाधान BROKER_TRANSPORT_OPTIONS = {'Confirm_publish': true} प्रत्येक प्रकाशन संदेश के लिए अजगर की प्रतीक्षा करने के लिए, यदि एक नहीं मिलता है, तो यह कनेक्शन फिर से निर्मित करेगा और फिर से भेज देगा। केवल py-amqp (), प्रदर्शन डाउनग्रेड पर लागू होते हैं। कनेक्शन सक्रिय रखने और ईएलबी के ऑटो क्लोज़ कनेक्शन से बचने के लिए अतिरिक्त नेटवर्क ओवरहेड जोड़ें, दिल की धड़कन खराब नेटवर्क परिवेश में दोनों ही अंत तक वितरित नहीं हो सकता है और यह समाधान काम नहीं कर रहा है।

javascript - Angular JS no-repeat with background images not working -

I'm new to Angular.js (more of a CSS / jQuery man) and I can not work because the NG- Repeat is not working; I have done all video tutorials on Codecs and thought that I was the fundamental base behind the fingers - but ... it is not repeating. Sure. In fact, whatever I thought of the finger order, it would not work. I can not get ng-href to update, I can not get in ng-style style, and this is just a mess. Is there a problem when I do not know about implementing the corner elements to static styles ? The best is clearly on Bella: & lt; div ng-app = "thisWebsite" & gt; & Lt; div class = "column" ng-controller = "my controller in control" & gt; & Lt; Section class = "link" ng-repeat = "example in control instances" ng-style = "'background': 'url (' + {instance.imageUrl} + ') no-repeat;'" & gt; & Lt; a ng-href = "{{instance.pageLink}}" & gt; ...

c - How to pass multi-dimensional array to function? -

I'm trying to exceed the 2D array of variable size in a function to print it. But the code does not show the correct result of the amount. This code is: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Defined row 5 # COLL 5 void print_arr (int a [] [COLL], int m, int n) {int i, j, sum; (I = 0; i & lt; m; i ++) {for (j = 0; j & lt; n; j ++) {printf ("a [% d] [% d] =% d \ n ", i, j, a [i] [j]); }}} Int sum_arr (int a [] [COLL], int m, int n) {int i, j, sum; (I = 0; i & lt; m; i ++) for {for (j = 0; j & lt; n; j ++) {sum + = a [i] [j]; }} Refund Amount; } Int main (zero) {int one [ROW] [COLL]; Int i, j, m, n; Int sum; Printf ("Enter Rows:"); Scan ("% d", & amp; m); Printf ("Insert:"); scanf ("% d", & amp; n); (I = 0; i & lt; m; i ++) for {"a [% d] [% d] [% d] =", i, j) {for (j = 0; j & lt; n; j + +) {Scan ("% d", & a [i] [j]); }} Print_arr (a, m, n); Printf ("\ n"); Sum ...

c# - Converting an integer to an array of digits -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 7 जवाब मुझे पता है कि वहां क्या है सी # में एक पूर्णांक को अंकों के सरणी में रूपांतरित करने के लिए एक रास्ता है ताकि मैं अकेले प्रत्येक अंक पर (गणितीय) संचालन कर सकूं। उदाहरण: मुझे उपयोगकर्ता को एक पूर्णांक अर्थात् 123 , 456 तब प्रोग्राम तीन तत्वों के दो सरणियां बनाता है {1,2,3} , {4,5,6} । मेरे सिर के ऊपर बंद: int i = 123; var अंक = i.ToString ()। चुनें (t = & gt; int.Parse (t.ToString ()))। ToArray ();

jquery - javascript animation work in html page but same script wont work in .net page -

I have this javascript for a conversion animation using $ ('$'). .scrollimation '). Waypoint (function () {$ (this) .addClass ('in');}, {offset: '80% '}); $ ('Project-container escalation'). (Function () {var i = 1, delay = [], $ (this) .find ('project-thumbs'). Each (function (i) {I ++; var elem = $ (this); Delay [I] = setTimeout (function () {elem.addClass ('in');}, 200 * i);})}, {offset: '70% '}); $ ('. Iphones-wrapper.scrollimation'). (Work () {$ (this) .find ('.phone-landscape-frame') AddClass ('in');}, {offset: '60% '}); And this CSS is associated with it .scrollimation.fade-up {opacity: 0; Webkit-Conversion: Translation Y (100px); -MOZ-transform: Translation Y (100px); -MMS-transform: Translation Y (100px); Consequently, translateY (100px); -WebKit-Infection: -WebKit-transform.44s ease-out, ambiguity .4s ease-in; Transition: transforming .4s smooth-out, ambiguity .4s ease-in-out...

How to group headers and footers in SQL Server with GROUPING BY? -

I have seen similar references but still could not find the solution. I have three pillars: class, UPC, value. Value for class: A, B, C Value for the UPC: A001, A002, A3003, B001, B002, B C3, C001, C002, C003. I need to use GROUPING BY because I need to show value totals. What do I need: | - Class - | --UPC-- | --Price-- | Aaic $ 1.15 aad2 $ 4.45 ax $ 1.75 a $ 7.35 bbis $ $ 2.00 b002 $ 4.00 b3 3bb $ 9.00 ccc $ $ 10.00 cad 2 $ 20.00 cad 3 $ 30.00 C $ 60.00 value Value), cube with UPS

c - How to look for a change in a file without polling? -

I have beagle bone and want to read GPIO pin from my program. The file has 1 or 0 at any moment. I have a time loop in my C program, which always remains due to the CPU hog with the fountain function whenever this pin is low (0) and when it is high (1) this code runs me It seems it is very useless of resources. Is there any way I can see this file is 1 and then run the code? I do not like voting, especially when the beagle bone battery is operated. Use an information system, by example using. The basic idea is, if a callback is called, then data is available. If this does not work, you may need to use another API to get there, for example, INFOIFA. Docs: // requires a single header file # include & lt; Ev.h> # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; For // // each viewer has its own typedef'd structure / / name with ev_TYPE ev_io stdin_watcher; Ev_timer timeout_watcher; // All viewers have the same signature of the callback / it is called callback when the data...

sharepoint 2013 - Added Jquery reference to masterpage but not propagating to site pages -

I've added a JQuery reference for my master page and it works like a charm for parts on the home page. But when I go to the subsite, JQuery's share no longer works. I tried to add myself the context of the page, but it did not seem like it. When you say, "I tried to add a reference to the page ...," my Believe that you mean your sub-pages are trying to point to the main page and there is reference to the JVC link. If so, then it does not work (as you've found). Add a link to JQuery in the area of ​​each page: & lt; Script src = "//" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; It seems that you point to an online file on Google (or because it is often cached in user browsers because it is very ubiquitous if you have If the file is downloaded and you have included file paths from your sub-pages, make sure the pathname is correct if the index (main page) and subpages are in t...

c# - MVC routing via Global.asax.cs not hitting model -

I am trying to route my controller, I do not know what I'm doing wrong, and its Bothered me protected void application_Start () {area registration. Registrar All Ares (); FilterConfig.RegisterGlobalFilters (GlobalFilters.Filters); RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes (RouteTable.Routes); BundleConfig.RegisterBundles (BundleTable.Bundles); } {Registration} "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" " Group name = "", section name = ""}}); controller public action details description (string group name, string section name) {// code} Empty register routes should not be in your ASAX, this is your RouteConfig static class. Root Config.Case Public Static Class Route Config {Public Static Blank Register Routes {// Your Route Configuration}} Edit: Also, as mentioned in the answer to Brian Menace , your path should be t...

excel - Data validation for calculated cell -

I want to do this so that any mistake can be returned if any calculation cell tries to go below zero I The day of the holiday has been made an Excel sheet, so that if a person takes out the time of the holiday, then the total amount of the holiday days decreases. This is the fact that if I take more days than my days , Then calculate cell declines for the rest of the day Is in Tmk values ​​because it is calculated and the user is not logged in. I used data recognition on the cell and if I try to manually enter a negative number which does not allow me, I just want to do the same thing for a calculated cell. data validation is not suitable for this task, instead use it : = If (your_formula

windows phone 8 - Remove all events from DoubleTap Map control (WP8) -

I have a problem with one thing in WP8 map control. I can not delete the standout doubletap event which zooms the map. After all, I want to override this incident in writing in the manpage class, but now with double tapping mapping, zooming and my event get together ... i map.DoubleTap + = MyEvent Event added, but I can not get the list of delegates from this event to clear DoubleTap. I often see the error "Event UIElement.DoubleTap only + = or - =" on the left hand side of Can give me the object Do not allow to specify. I am very disappointed because of this problem I would be happy if someone would help me with this problem :). I do not think the doubletap will override the event.

python - requests form-urlencoded data -

update: I think I'm a bit closer now, if my data structure is data ('doseq = true) data = {' property ': [(' key ',' kylanth '), (' value ',' 512 '),' category ':' keys', 'offset': '0' 'Border': '10'} Now I am getting what is very close, but still not quite right: category = keys And limit = 10 and property = ('key', 'kylanth') and property = ('value', '512') and offset = 0 I am writing this question again I am Because, I think the problem is that I know, but still do not know how to fix. I think the problem is related to the fact that the form data sent to me includes the farm field with the same name, that is, 'properties' it is my data structure: Data: {'key': 'key': 'kylanth', 'value': '512'}], 'category': 'keys', 'offset': '0', 'border': '100...

python - Deploying Postgres database from my Windows machine on to my heroku django app -

Stuck on for a while ... I'm using Windows 7 x64, and I'm using my own In addition to the PostGrace database Postgres part, all parts of the heroku app are working fine to show in the DJOoOoo app. Since I'm on windows, foreman can not get it to set up my database properly (I also tried the desired and honcho, but everything has to say that fcntl can not be found which is a mac thing). .. So I think that I need to manually write in my settings in the DJ_database database. Hacok's guide asks to put something like this (but it does not work for me): import dj_database_url database ['default'] = dj_database_url.config () According to dj_database_url, in .config () I can also provide postgres: // USER: PASSWORD @ HOST: PORT / NAME This information can fix my problem. However, I only have this information: database = {'default': {'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends So I think I Should write: : 'NAME': 'coolname', 'US...

assembly - 32-bit signed words in mips -

I am trying to write a simple amps program and I am stuck in announcing a 32-bit signed integer. I have written the following simple code: .data max: .word 11111111111111111111111111111111 The maximum I value is - 1 But my IDE tells me that the number is being defined as -954437177, I am using Mars 4.4 as my IDE. What am I doing wrong? How can I really recognize -1 as the value? . The keyword enters a number in decimal, and when you change it, after its 32-bit From, you will only get the last 32 bits. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111011101111101011111010101010101110101011101010101010101010101011100010101000111000111 (2) The last 32-bit: Ll000lll000lll000lll000lll000lll (2) = -954 437 177 if you want to store as a 32-bit to 1, then try .word 0xFFFFFFFF the value - 1

StandardTile and GenericTile in SAPUI5 -

Can I insert StandardTile and GenericTile in the same I Tile Container ? I'm trying unsuccessfully. Yes you can do so that you have to put it in a custom tile: & lt; Custom style class = "myCustomTile" & gt; & Lt; Content & gt; & Lt; Suite: Generic tile size = "M" frame type = "dbbone" press = "press" background image = "data / news image 1 page" & gt; & Lt; Suits: tileContent & gt; & Lt; Suite: Tile Content Footer = "August 21, 2013" Size = "M" & gt; & Lt; Suits: Content & gt; & Lt; Suite: News Resource = "M" contentText = "SAP unveils powerful new player comparison tool at" subheader = "SAP News" & gt; & Lt; / Suite: NewsContent & gt; & Lt; / Suite: Content & gt; & Lt; / Suite: TileContent & gt; & Lt; / Suite: tileContent & gt; & Lt; / Suite: GenericTile & gt; ...

ios - Authentication Challenge Method Is Not Called When Using NSURLSession Custom Delegate -

I am working on an iOS app that connects through secure services from the SSP.NET Web API. I want to use a custom representative to handle the authentication challenge. But the representative method is not called. The http request is written in the following method within a view controller: - (IBAction) test: (UIButton *) this {// Beer Token KeychainItemWrapper Go * Key Keys of ITEM = [[Key Itamwapper Alok] Init With Identifier: @ "BearTotoken" Access Group: Nile]; NSSTING * BEARER TOKEN = [Key key ITEM ObjectForcae: (__Bridge ID) (KSACVAdata)]; // configuration request NSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString: @ "......"]; // Replace with real IP address .... NSMutableURLRequest * Request = [NSMutableURL request request with url: url]; [Set http system: @ "gET"]; [Request Set Value: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "Bearer% @", Banner Talk] forHTTPHeaderField: @ "Authority"]; // Configure session NSURLSessionConfiguration * Configurati...

bluetooth - Why isnt my BlueGiga BLE113 being discovered? -

I have a BLE113 chip wired: I used to go through the stars To measure the voltage to ensure that the power is going to BLE 113 board, and there is a continuous input of 3.3V (which is necessary). I found the chip using the BGDO project dim addr (6) #boot event listener event system_boot (major, minor, patch, construct, ll_version, protocol_version: #get local BT address call system_address_get () (addr (0: 6)) service serial number string call attributes_write # write bt address (xgatt_dis_2a25) on the website of Bluegiga, and bgdemo script, hw) , 0,6, addr (0: 5)) #set mode call for advertising gap_set_mode (gap_general_discoverable, gap_undirected_connectable) #set bondable mode call sm_set_bondable_mode (1) end # Listeners event connection_disconnected (handle, result) #connection hacked, continue to ad call gap_set_mode (gap_general_discoverable, gap_undirect ed_connectable) end bgbuild does not cause any errors and I Searchable and connectable, but none of my Blu...

javascript - How to get three.js sprite in Verold script -

First post on stack overflow ... I'm playing with all three. JS based World Editor has some great features, but I have participated in a problem with scripting setup. I am trying to implement one of three espressions () and attach it as a component of an object. Here I have tried: Component.prototype.objectCreated = function () {// this.getThreeData () is available this.spriteimage.load ({load : _.bind (function () {this.createImageSprite ();}, this)}); }; Component.protipip.createimagestrateg = function () {// load spreadmage var map = this.spriteimage.threeData; Var spritematerial = new three.SpriteMaterial ({map: map, color: "RGB (255,0,0)", fog: true, use screen corridors: incorrect}); Var mySprite = new three. Light (phantom content); mySprite.scale.set (1,1,1); MySprite.location.x = 0.5; MySprite.location.y = 0.5; MySprite.location.y = 0.5; scene.add (mySprite); }; The script has a feature called spriteimage , which is a fixed asset - & gt; 2D T...

javascript - How to get a Greasemonkey script to run both at @run-at document-start AND at @run-at document-end? -

For my Grayscenky script, a part of the code that should be played before the page is loaded ( @ Run-document-start ) and the second part of the code should be run after the document ( @ run-at document-end ). Is this possible? The first part of running the script The page is full, the document is ready The second part of running the script I do not use jQuery for this. I tried the onload event but it was not working. I think the event can not be added if the document is not yet? window.document.onload = function (e) {alert ("document.onload"); } You want the event to be DOMContentLoaded . In addition, it is not how to use the load event. Here is a complete script that shows the various firing times: // = = UserScript == // @name_ Show the page Start the event time / Include / @http: //your_SERVER.COM/YOUR_PATH/* // run-in document-start // ==/userscript == console.log ("==> script start.", New date ( )); // Part of a portion o...

Regex expression in java remove first value in csv -

I have a CSV file that looks like this: 12,2014- 10 - 09 06: 00: 00,2014-10-09 06:15:00, "", "", "", "123,456", "", "9,999", "", "" string test = rowData.replaceAll ("([0- 9]), ([0-0] 9])," $ 1 $ 2 " I'm not sure that this is the best way to do this (the opinion is my problem is to remove the first value before commas. Needed, so basically my output should be something like this Orig: 12,2014-10-09 06:00: 00-10-10 06:15:00, "", "", "", "123456,", "", "9,999", "", "" requirement: 2014-10-09 06: 00: 00,2014-10-09 06:15:00, ,, 123456, 99 99, I'm not sure that doing this requires another regex because I do not know how OK Or use something like last time or the first index to remove the fist value of a comma? Thanks Edit: I saw that I can not use ([0- 9]), ( [0- 9]) The reason it also remove... - StreamWriter sends two new line in SSH Terminal -

मुझे StreamWriter पर एक समस्या है। मैं एक SSHCOM टर्मिनल, फिर कमांड लिखने के लिए StreamWriter का उपयोग करें। कमांड सफलतापूर्वक टर्मिनल में लिखता है, लेकिन मेरी समस्या यह है कि WriteLine दो भेज रहा है नई लाइनें, दूसरी [नई लाइन] जिसके बाद कमांड को क्रियान्वित करने के बाद समाप्त किया जा सकता है। जैसा कि ऊपर वर्णित है - हम कुछ कोड की ज़रूरत है ... यदि आप WriteLine विधि का उपयोग करते हैं, तो यही कारण है कि आपके पास एक अतिरिक्त न्यूलाइन है, इसलिए अपनी खुद की न्यूलाइन वर्ण संलग्न नहीं करें ... mvc - Razor If-condition not working -

I can not find the status of the string comparison status to work here is the code for my forwarding block. @forch (Miscellaneous items in the model) {& lt; Tr onclick = "getData ('@ item.DiscountDescs');" & Gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td> @ Html.DisplayFor (model item = & gt; item discountedsection) & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; @if (string. Eclosses (item discount format, "c")) {@: card} and {@: other} & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> @ Html.DisplayFor (model item => item discount type) & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> @ Html.DisplayFor (model item => item discounted mode) & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> @ Html.DisplayFor (ModelEystem => Item.DISView) & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> @ Html.DisplayFor (ModelEystem => Items.Active) & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> @ Html.DisplayFor (model item => items.isshamy) & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; } ...

java - Display received messages in the default SMS app and the native messaging app -

I created a messaging app that can be set as the default SMS app in KitKat (Android 4.4). This app listens to a specific message and catches it, then raises an event after receiving them. The problem is that the messages I do not need to catch are not visible in the original messaging inbox, how can I display those messages in the original messaging app on the device while keeping my app as default? When your app is the default SMS app, it is responsible for writing incoming messages to the provider Because this is the only app in which it has write access, the following is a very simple, minimal example, and assumes that you have the following import: Import android.provider .Telephony. *; And the method of writing examples: Enter Private Zero SMS (string number, string message) {ContentValues ​​smsValues ​​= New ContentValues (); smsValues.put (Sms.ADDRESS, number); smsValues.put (SMS. BODY, messages); SmsValues.put (Sms.DATE, System.currentTimeMillis ()); context.g...

Unable to access instance variable outside the class in ruby -

outside of class p @stack in my code while trying to print, and it zero and entering attr_accessor: stacks,: each_stack_size,: stack_number . As always, it works fine and shows data while using the inside of the class. What am I missing? class setOfStacks attr_accessor: stack, every_stack_size ,: stack_number # To begin the hash and hold the initial stack to capture all the stacks. Def start = stacks = # To capture all the stacks to catch all the stacks, set the size of each stack @ hach_stack_size = 3 # @ stack_number = 1 # Current stack number @stacks [@stack_number] = Array .new end ... ... end @obj = @ obj.push (4) @OzagePash (5) @OzagePash (6) @OzagePash (7) @objpopp @ stex To print a frequency variable, you must access it by reference of frequency. p @ obj.stacks

assembly - Can't undestand disassembled code, any ideas? -

I am trying to understand some decomposed code, but I do not understand what is happening here . Can you tell what it does? sub-campus, edi sar edx, 1 mov eax, 2AAAAAABh imul ecx mov eax, edx help eax, 31 add eax, edx test eax, eax jle .. There are some types of input values ​​for this code in ecx , edx and edi . I can only assume that the pair of the last two rows like (eax anything can work, but I'm not sure is. I think it is examining overflow calculations for unknown purposes. sub-campus, EDI; Ecx = ??? It does not know where they come from or they mean Sir ADX, 1; Edx has changed, but the values ​​are lost, the flags are, do not know why this MOV eax is made, 2AAAAAAHH; Eax = 715827883, do not know why this number is important imul ecx; Edx: eax = (original ecx-edi) * 715827883 mov eax, edx; Ex = high-quality product, surgical EX, 31; EX = High-Bit EX of Product High-Dvd, AdX; Ex = High-definition of product + high-performance product; 0 & lt; = e...

java - Is it safe to use multiple OutputStream for the same Socket? -

Is this code safe to use? I am used to create a PrintWriter or a reader per socket, but now I am in a situation where I have to pass the bases in this manner, so I am asking that I Need to stop after a worry or worry about problems of memory or harm the socket in the long run? say hello to the public static zero (socket socket) {{PrintWriter out = new print Writer (socket.getOutputStream ()); Out.println ("hello!"); Out.flush (); } Hold (Exception e) {}} No, it is not safe Are religious, and until all the streams / writers are not indexed, they can not interfere when they automatically flush themselves, it is quite difficult to complete normally. It happens that it is not easy to use multiple streams in the first place, you have a single pair Mr. currents must build (input and output) and should use them to the socket life.

jquery - modify the data-donut attribute of the divs from javascript -

मेरी जावास्क्रिप्ट var currentMonth = new date ()। GetMonth (); यदि (demo.length & gt; = वर्तमान मंथ) {var d3data = डेमो [currentMonth]; // आउटपुट हो जाएगा ["23", "1 9"] अब मुझे इसकी आवश्यकता है #donut और # donut1 (डेटा-डोनट = "") के लिए आउटपुट मानों को अपडेट करें मान JSON से आ रहे हैं यह महीने के अनुसार बदल सकता है संदर्भ के लिए मैंने FIDDLE को जोड़ा है & lt; div class = "zipper" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "चालू" & gt; & Lt; div class = "title_text" & gt; वर्तमान & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "डोनट" डेटा-डोनट = "42" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; /// यहां डेटा-डोनट मूल्य & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "लक्ष्य" & gt; & Lt; div class = "title_text" & gt; लक्ष्य & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "donut1" डेटा-डोनट = "62" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; &...