
Showing posts from September, 2013

ODL and Openstack issue -

I am running a controller and a calculation node both controller node, oDL and openstack are running I made tenants, I created the network And launched examples on them. Looking at all the ODL Web GUIs are 3 swithces, and I think they are br-int and the BRX of the controller and the calculation of the BRF and the links are also missing. Is there anyway where I can see my entire openstock topology on the ODL GUI with the link? Please help me If I tell you right, then all of you Want to see owed-bridges and all VMs used in OpenStock are connected to it. Ok you can definitely see it. To ensure that all VMs are pinged from just one VM, the flow is added by the controller with the VM's MAC address on the OVS and then you will see the topology on the GUI.

java - GAE ClassCastException Long cannot be cast to double -

Datastore Getting exception while trying to get the data to the unit here is my code: Persistence Manager Manager pmf = PMF.get (). GetPersistenceManager (); Try {query query = pmf.newQuery (DocHeader.class); @SuppressWarnings ("uncontrolled") list & lt; DocHeader & gt; docHeaders = (list & lt; DocHeader & gt;) query.execute (); Anyone can help in this issue. Here is my object @PersistenceCapable (identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION) public class Dokhaider {@PrimaryKey @ Persistent (Manswasthe = Aidijnaretr Sestaktisi. Secvens) Private Long Dokhaideraidi; @ Pricent Private Double Prepayment; @ Private private double current balance; @ Private Private Double Total Account Balance; @printingent private string account retiagentive; @princent private double minapment; } exception ClassCastException no longer Maybe the means to double that saved you have Datastore at least one DocHeader unit, where you make it an asset long number...

servicebus - RecevieAndDelete mode when using the message pump programming model -

I have a question about the message pump in the service bus for Windows Server, if I consume messages on a queue, So if the client wants to use the received mode and delicate mode, then how is the correlated when using the OnMessage method on the QWE client, especially OnMessageOptions AutoComplete I understand that when using the ReceiveAndDelete mode on QueueClient Repeat message from queue If you receive the message will be removed immediately from the queue. Has the auto-complete setting been ignored on the on-message option? right. If QueueClient is built with modes. Receive and Del - Then On Message Option. Eto termination property is controversial. HH! Mr.

.net - Could not load assembly. Module not found. PC without VisualStudio -

I am a newcomer to stack overflow I have the following problem: I am creating an application using a plug in VC ++ / CLI (.NET 4.0) All the plug-ins are also developed by me using the reflection system. Each plugin is an assembly (DLL) found on runtime and loads. The main application and each plugin references a third assembly, in which the load-reflection phase only has a class interface for secure-cast , this assembly creates it in the same folder which is the main app and All plugins The problem is: When I run an application-installed debug (F5) inside Visual Studio, everything works fine, as well as when VS If the app is run outside, then it works fine too. However, when the app is executed on a PC without VS, I get the following error: "One of the files or assembly 'plugin interface DLL' or its dependencies could not be loaded. The specified module was not found " . The error occurs when plugin assemblies are first loaded (assembly :: loadfram (fi...

javascript - How to print html response (tinymce) in x-editable -

Using X-editable and tinyzes to edit the field, though the return value is showing HTML code ( etc.), this is fine when reloading the page. Example shown when saving the area; & lt; P & gt; This is a test response & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Nbsp; & Lt; / P & gt; (instead of) This is a test response Editability code: $ ('. Editable'). Editable ('option', 'valid', function (v) {if (this.dataset.type == 'textarea') {return {newValue: tinyMCE.activeEditor. Content (loop}}}}}; This is an editable field: I want to show "html-output" instead of the html code.

c++ - what is the proper method of using resource files in MFC project? -

I have created an MFC based game and my project contains images and sounds. Now I have an installer setup to distribute it Want to make I like my exact path like img-> gt; Load (L "C: \\ User \\ Ad33l \\ Desktop \ Block Mania \ Block Frenzy \ \ Res \\ db.png"); MCIWndCreate (NULL, NULL, WS_POPUP | MCIWNDF_NOPLAYBAR | MCIWNDF_NOMENU, L "C: \\ User \\ Ad33l \\ Desktop \ Block Frenzy \\ Block Frenzy \\ res \\ tick.wav"); 1. Can anyone tell me a way to avoid the hard-coding of the actual resource path because these resource files will not exist on this exact exact path in other computers? 2. Guideline to handle these resource files at standalone setup (I am using an advanced installer) (as a genuine answer). Do not use the full path, always use the relative path; There is a solution relative to your xi file. The EXE path can be found by using GetModuleFileName. char apppath [MAXFILENAMELEN]; GetModuleFileName (NULL, Eppath, MAXFILENAMELEN); ...

Foundation 5 - Orbit - HTML5 video does not start -

I am trying to add a short looping video to an orbit slider, but the video does not actually start It has been found that if I remove "data-class" then the video is as expected and the loop is expected, but I know that the data-class is necessary to start the slider. What can I do to actually play a video? & lt; ul class = "example-orbit-content" data-class data-option = "timer_speed: 5000; pause_on_hover: true; resume_on_mouseout: true; navigation_ arrow: true; slide_number: wrong; variable_height: wrong; next_on_click: true; swipe: Wrong; "& gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Video Autoplay Loop Poster = "Resource / Cover. JPGG" id = "bgvid" & gt; & Lt; Source src = "resources / corn.webm" type = "video / webm" & gt; & Lt; Source src = "resources / corn.mp4" type = "video / mp34" & gt; & Lt; / Video & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Li data-cla...

android - How to create a looping animation by continuous translating an image? -

इस तरह एक दोहराई गई छवि का उपयोग कर, क्या ऐसा एनीमेशन बनाना संभव है? मुझे लगा आउट सार्वजनिक वर्ग मुख्य गतिविधि गतिविधि को बढ़ाता है {@ ओवरराइड संरक्षित शून्य पर क्रेट (बंडल सहेजे गए इन्स्टैंसस्टेट) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); setContentView (R.layout.activity_main); अंतिम पूर्ण स्क्रीन Width = getScreenDimensions (यह) .x; अंतिम अंतराल लहर ImgWidth = getResources ()। getDrawable (R.drawable.wave) .getIntrinsicWidth (); इंट एनिमेटेडव्यूव्यूथ = 0; जबकि (एनिमेटेडव्यूविथ & lt; स्क्रीनविड्थ) {animatedViewWidth + = waveImgWidth; } एनिमेटेड वीव्यूथथ = = लहरआईएमजीड्यूथथ; देखें एनिमेटेडव्यू = ढूंढें VeeById (; फ़्रेम लेआउट। लेआउटपैरामीटर लेआउटफार्म = (फ़्रेम लेआउट। लेआउटपारम) एनिमेटेडView.getLayoutParams (); layoutParams.width = animatedViewWidth; animatedView.setLayoutParams (layoutParams); एनीमेशन लहरअनिमेशन = नया अनुवादअनुमति (0, -वेईएमजीविड्थ, 0, 0); WaveAnimation.setInterpolator (नई LinearInterpolator ()); waveAnimat...

android - Extract value of a particular key from java hashmap -

I'm a postal calls and got the response he is: { "atoken": "32ab3a8738a4b57165b5fc863af4f4c95198c2c9", "utoken": "9a3682e9eac186d56b230d075e7dc0d784992231"} POST call is being used code to: try {// a new hTTP client and post header hTTP client httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient (); Http post httpPost3 = new HTTP post (""); Logs. I ("inside tokenspost", "inside tokenpost"); & Lt; NameValuePair & gt; nameValuePair = new ArrayList & lt; NameValuePair & gt; (3); NameValuePair.add (new binarynamewallpayer ("mobile", "989876556789")); NameValuePair.add (new bassnamename Pair ("IMEI", "911239987651238")); NameValuePair.add (New BasicNameValuePair ("Focon", mtokenno)); // try {httpPost3.setEntity (new UrlEncodedFormEntity (nameValuePair)); } Hold (unsupported encoding exception e) {// login error log e.printst...

apache - How to stop .htaccess instructions without rewrite loop -

I am working on a codeigniter project. My .htaccess file I have to: 2 Riwret rules Riwretinjin ^ pass to subfolder1 /(.*)$ subfolder 1 / $ 1 [L] # subfolder 1 ... Additional instructions I am getting 500 internal server errors According to my ISP (this is in a shared environment so that I can not see the log), above The second line is creating a rewrite loop, which results in error. If subfolder 1 is in the request, can it stop the execution of instructions given on line 2 and prevent loop without reversal? In Cdmokod: if ^ subfolder1 /(.*)$ Stop ([L]) Here to re-enter the following Rules of procedure of the way you should end: RewriteRule ^ subfolder1 / - [L] just - to the replacement using to leave the only URL has been directed Riwretinjin, but L (Stop) flags apply.

R: Slope to extract numbers from multiple variables of string data in a complex numeric/string-mixed dataset -

मेरे पास जर्मन आर्थिक पैनल (SOEP) से 18 समान डेटाफ्रेम (प्रत्येक एक सर्वेक्षण वर्ष का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है) जो कि भाग स्ट्रिंग है और भाग संख्यात्मक पहले 4 व्यक्ति और घर के संख्यात्मक पहचानकर्ता हैं कुछ "संख्या" तक "12" संख्याएं हैं कुछ स्ट्रिंग टाइप 1 को "[1] जा" या "[-2] नीन" के रूप में " कुछ स्ट्रिंग टाइप 2 को" [1] जनवरी वॉल्ज़िट इवरबस्ट "के रूप में कहते हैं। या "[-2] ट्रifफ़ट निक्ट ज़ू" मैंने पहले से ही एक sapply -आदेश की कोशिश की है लेकिन मुझे 4 आइडेंटिफ़ायर के बिना एक डेटा फ्रेम में एक मैट्रिक्स परिवर्तनीय प्राप्त हुआ -Variables और अभी भी मेरी संख्या के आसपास कोष्ठक है (पीकेएल06 मेरा प्रारंभिक डीएफ है)। पीके & lt; - sapply (PKAL06 [5: 225], फ़ंक्शन (पीकेएल 06) सबस्ट्रेट (पीकेएल 066) , 3)) पीकेएसडी & एलटी; - डेटा.फ्रेम (पीके) साथ ही मैंने gsub के साथ एक संयोजन की कोशिश की, लेकिन यह सिर्फ स्ट्रिंग के बजाय मुझे दिया । PKas & lt; - sapply (PKAL06, फ़ंक्शन (PKAL06) as.numeric (gsub...

python - pygame - updating score box -

I am learning to use pygame and I have some problem with providing text. Simplified code I'm working with, like this: import pygame sizex = 200; Sizey = 200 pygame.init () clock = pygame.time.Clock () screen = pygame.display.set_mode ((size, sizey)) myfont = pygame.font.font (none, 32) score = pygame.Rect ( 100,100,100, 50) screen.fill ((255,255,255) pygame.draw.rect (screen, (0,250,0), (10,10,10,10), 2) pygame.display.update () in xrange i (0 , 1000): msElapsed = clock.tick (2) text = "I =% d"% i label = myfont.render (text, 1, (0,0,250)) screen. Blit (label, (100, 100)) pygame.display.update (score) I just have to update the part of the screen that contains the textbox but this code is not doing this . The texts themselves overwrite and become unreadable after a while. What am I doing? The problem is that when you blow a text, the background of the text is transparent (note That's important for example when you want to keep the background image). Yo...

html - How can I set a border in alignment with other borders -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड वाला विषय है: table.alt {border-collapse: अलग; } table.alt tbody tr td {border: ठोस 1px # e5e5e5; सीमा-बायां-चौड़ाई: 0; सीमा-चौड़ाई: 0; } table.alt tbody tr td: प्रथम-बच्चे {सीमा-बायां-चौड़ाई: 1px; } table.alt tbody tr: प्रथम-बाल टीडी {सीमा-चौड़ाई: 1 पीएक्स; } Table.alt thead {border-bottom: 0; } Table.alt tfoot {सीमा-शीर्ष: 0; } जब मैं अपने एचटीएमएल में अपना सीएसएस जोड़ता हूं, तो सीमाएं सही ढंग से गठबंधन नहीं होती हैं। मेरा कोड है: table.alt tr th.rightAlignBorderLeft {text-align: right; सीमा-बाएं: ठोस 1px # e5e5e5; } यहां एक स्क्रीनशॉट है: मैं ढहने के लिए सीमा-पतन स्थापित नहीं करना चाहता, क्योंकि मेरा डिफ़ॉल्ट थीम कोड बदलना मेरे पृष्ठों को अपनाने के लिए संभव है। मैं इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकता हूं? संपादित करें: यहां मेरा (नया) बेला है: मैंने यह तय कर लिया है। मुझे यहां जवाब मिला:

c# - WPF - converting Bitmap to ImageSource -

I have to change a system. Drawing Bitmap in the system Window Media. To bind it in the Imgosor Class, the extension of a header magnet page (expanded WPF Toolkit) bitmap is set as the resource of the assembly I write. It is being referenced in this way: Public Bitmap GetBitmap {get {bitmap bitmap = new bitmap (resources.my_banner); Return bitmap; }} Public ImageSource HeaderBitmap {get {ImageSourceConverter c = New ImageSourceConverter ()); Return ImageSource c.ConvertFrom (GetBitmap); }} The converter was found by me here: I get a NullReferenceException return (ImageSource) c.ConvertFrom (resources.my_banner); How can I start an image source to avoid this exception? Is there any other way? I want to use it later: & lt; Xctk: wizard page x: name = "start page" height = "500" width = "700" header image = "{binding header bitmap}" Enter = "StartPage_OnEnter" Thanks in advance for the reply too. For others, th...

sql - Access Refresh Form -

I have a simple access form with a record set and some checkboxes used to record some fields Gives reference source. There is also a command button, which when pressed, connects any fields in which the related checkbox query is correct for the SQL query, then deletes the existing query and declares it to the new SQL statement Makes use again by using All this is working as expected, although I can not find the form to reload the new query. I have tried. Refresh but neither work, I have to manually close the form and it will have to be re-opened to display new areas. Do anyone have any idea how can I get it to stop the form and it is happening again? thanks ________ edited ___________ start the error again on the private subcommand 28_Click () as the next dim strSQL string dim In the form of string dim qdf as strSQL_2, CONAQUERY_NAME as string-= "qry_pick_search" as the DAO quadrite. Me.Controls in each ctl if ctl.ControlType = acCheckBox then ctl.Value then s...

sql - Query Performance tuning - Searching for other options -

I need to know that there is another way to query this. Table This structure is: EXAM_DATE DATE VARCHAR2 (50); Grade number; To obtain statistics from the perception examination. Choose EXAM_DATE, SUBJECT (SELECT COUNT (1) from EXAMS where grades (9 .10)) and yield = EXA.SUBJECT and EXAM_DATE = EXA.EXAM_DATE), (EXAM_DATE = EXA. EXAM_DATE) (4,5,6,7,8) in grading and yield = Selection number (1)) from EXA.SUBJECT and EXAMS, (counting from examination (1) where in Grade (0,1,2, 3) and subject = EXA.SUBJECT and EXAM_DATE = EXA.EXAM_DATE) Disclaimed, EXAM from EXA Group, subject to EXAM_DATE; Thanks! Just use conditional aggregation No need for subkey: EXAM_DATE, SUBJECT, SUM (in grades (9 .10) then 1 ELSE 0 END) as outstanding, SUM (grade 4,5,6,7, 8) then the form of 1 ELSE 0nd) Approved in, SUM (Grade In (0,1,2,3) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as EXEM_DATE, EXAM_DATE by EXA Group, EXAM;

How do I find the alias for an index in ElasticSearch -

I want to find an alias for a given index in ElasticSearch. In fact, the opposite of this question: How did I do this? Map // [alias = & gt; [Index = & gt; Metadata, ...], ...] ImmutableOpenMap & lt; String, Imitable Openmark & ​​lt; String, alloyetadata & gt; & Gt; AliasesAndIndices = client.admin (). Cluster () .prepareState () carry about (). ActionGet (). GetState () .getMetaData (). GetAliases (); Maps & lt; String, string & gt; AliasForIndex = New Hashmap & lt; & Gt; (); // it is indexed to index = & gt; Change in a map of Nickname, ...] (string aliases: aliases and indeces.quote (). ToArray (string.class)) {imputable openmark & ​​lt; String, alloyetadata & gt; Interiormap = alias and india.gate (alias); (String Index: Innermark. Keys) ToArray (string class)) {aliasForIndex.put (index, alias); }} And then I could get the nickname for an index like this. aliasForIndex.get (index)

javascript - d3: only two "on" possible? -

Using D.JS, I have a strange problem. The following code works fine: var zoomHandler = d3.behavior.zoom () .scaleExtent ([min, max]) .on ("zoom", function () {// do something;}). ("Zumen", function () {// do something;}); But, I also want to zoomhandler another inactive, so I tried to expand the code like this: var zoomHandler = d3.behavior. Zoom () .scaleExtent ([min, max]) .on ("zoom", function () {// do something;}). ("Zoomed", function () {// do something;}) ("Other Event", blank); But now, at runtime, I get an exception Uncort type type: 'can not read' on unchanged property Why can I add only two listeners but not three? Your problem is the number of events, this event type "other avant" (or whatever you type in your code Are using)). Zoom behavior only supports: are supported as follows: ZoomTart - the beginning of the zoom signal (for example, TouchStart). Zoom - When changes i... mvc - How to render object collection as editable(checkboxes) list view -

First of all, I would like to say that I did many research, tried several ways but none of this works Packing form in Jason Reading directly with formalbalan object My model class looks like this: list of public category viewmodel {public entry id (get; set;} public string name {get; set;} public bull echacked {adap} Set;}} I'm seeing this as an IEnumerable collection. I'm trying to pack all form data in IEnumerable here Public functions edit visit list (list & lt; ListViewModel & gt; model) {Unfortunately, every attempt is made to fail, I am a Receiving null as a model (probably the model binder the way I I like it) This is my latest attempt: @forach (various items in the model) {& lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; @ Html.DisplayFor (m = & gt; item names) & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; @ Html.CheckBoxFor (m = & gt; Item .isi check, new {id = "[" + item.Id + "] .name"}) @HTML.Heddfor (M => item n...

ios - AFNetworking - Store JSON results and then load them to a tableView -

I am getting JSON data from URL from Aron Networking and storing them in the SQLite database. Now, I want to display this information in a table view but the issue is that when the data is downloaded, I want to load this data from the database. Now, my view is not showing anything because the database is empty. Load the table view controller. Start UIActivityIndicatorView. Load the data from the JSON url and store them in the database. When finished, get this data from the database and place it in the table view. Stop Hope you understood me. Thank you! According to the documentation outlined on fastening gitob pages. FHttpRequest operation manager * Manager = [AFHTPPRKAVEST Operation Manager Manager]; [Manager GET: @ "" parameter: Zero breakthrough: ^ (FHttpKAEASTA Operation, Operation, ID Response Object) {NSLog (@ "Jasonn:% @", ReactionObject); } Failure: ^ (FHTPPKAESTA Operation * Operation, NSERR * err...

Delete over rsync using ssh is not working -

I am testing a rsync where my current folder contains two files: Share_2014_09_08. Tar.gz Share_014_10_08.tar.gz I want to make RCINC in the remix folder which has three big files I use the command: rsync -avz --del./*.tar.gz backup @ pc01: / home / backup / monthly / and the result is the destination destination folder: share_2014_03_05.tar.gz share_2014_09_08.tar.gz share_2014_10_08.tar.gz As I understand This file should be deleted: You are passing rsync to the list of files that you want to synchronize pass the existing files Not done, therefore the delete option has no effect. If you want to delete files, you will need to synchronize the removed files to root directory . You can use only the included mask to sync tarballs: / P> rsync -avz - include "* .tar.gz" --exclude "*" --del back up @pc 01: / home / backup / monthly /

android - Create a DialogFragment with a transparent background -

I have searched the answer to this question, but none of the answers help me. The problem is that I have a DialogFragment, when a user joins a widget (widget as part of config). It looks like: dialog Created like this; Calling activity: increases the public class AppWidgetConfigure Activity {Private Zero Set Up () {// Config Widgets Deleted DialogFragment dialog = new ChooserDialog (); (getFragmentManager (), "dialog"); }} DialogFragment :. Public square ChooserDialog extends DialogFragment {@Override Public Dialogs onCreateDialog {bundled savedInstanceState} {options = getResources () getStringArray (R.array.choices); AlertDialog.builder Builder = New AlertDialog.Builder (getActivity ()); builder.setTitle (.getResources () GetString (R.string.widget_dialog_chooser_title)); Builder.Settings (getResources (. GetString (R.string.widget_dialog_chooser_posBtn), this); Builder.setNegativeButton (getResources (). GetString (R.string.widget_dialog_c...

math - Calculate differential in Fortran -

I calculate w j = 0 to n Want to function below Is there a written library already for this in Fortran? Actually I have a program Want to write that which gets the n from the user, and what will I do for the difference in the print w and ln (x) ? That recurrence relation has n-th order lender polynomial, and x j And w will be generated from j , I think you are writing a program to perform Gauss-Legendre performance (not know why q is x). It provides one that calculates the nodes and the weight, which uses the Trivedi-Agevalue method and writes them in the external file. You can try all the underlying functions and keep them in a module for run-time calculations of nodes and weights.

Changes in $http data from 1 controller to affect another in AngularJS? -

So if my data is coming from json $ http, how can I do it if I'm a controller I vote on it, will it be sorted by the votes on any other controller? I have not yet been working correctly and it seems that the shared data catches any change between the controller ... look at it App.controller ('Vote Controller', Function ($ Scope, Music Data) {musicData.getMusic (.) Then (Function (Data) {$ =;}); $ Scope UpVote = Function ) {Music.likes ++;}; $ scope.downVote = function (music) {music.dislikes--;};}); // Controller app.controller for top 5 chart ('topfivecontroller', function ($ radius, music data) {musicData.getMusic (). Then (function (data) {$ =;}); $ Scope .sortorder = '-likes';}); // application.factory ('musicData', function ($ http) {var factory = {}; factory-gatemusic =) function {$ http.get ('app / data / music) to share data between factory controllers .json) ');}; Return factory;})...

plsql - Apex Oracle custom login script -

How would I like to use another table for authentication as you can see that I get a table called 'vdv_medewerker' There are two columns in this table, -Jabrukarsnam- & amp; -wachtwoord- These fields are being confirmed on login, and it works. What I would like to do now, I want this authenticated script to use values ​​from another table called 'vdv_klant', in this table -Jabrukarsnam- & amp; I have tried to find a solution online, but I have not succeeded. Create or change function custom_ign (p_username IN VARCHAR2, p_password IN VARCHAR2) v_gebruikersnaam varchar2 (30) as return boolean; V_wachtwoord varchar2 (30); Choose from the beginning, deflection in v_gebruikersnaam, v_wachtwoord FROM vdv_medewerker where high (gebruikersnaam) = UPPER (p_username) and wachtwoord = p_password; Right back; Exception when NO_DATA_FOUND went wrong again; End Your Apache authentication scheme may be set to call your function above is? You can either change yo...

ios - UIButton not respect Aspect Fill contentMode after resizing animation -

I am using the automatic layout, the initial state of the following scene a view in the center Has a button. Fill the content mode aspect in the button, and the image is set as the background image of the button. Then I change the view for'd use the following code, which will expand the center card to fill the screen, and the picture will be taken over the scene: cardTrailingSpaceConstraint.constant = 0 cardLeadingSpaceConstraint. constant = 0 cardView.removeConstraint (Kardspectoraitio Kantreshn) card to Haiit consultant = Anselut contract (item: Kardwu, attribute: Kiti T, Related to: Av. Aval, Photo: View, Attribute: Heat, Multiplier: 1.0, Continuous: 0). Address Control (card-high-control) dishimagebutton.removeConstraint (dishButtonBottomSpaceConstraint) Dishboot dethantight CONNECTENT = NSLUT CONTRACTATION (item: DISH ImageButtons, attribute: .ightit, related: AQUAL, TOITAM: cardview, attribute: .IT, multiplier: 0.2, continuous: 0 ) Kardvijh.adsinstrenth (Disbutn...

c# - How to parse the values between div id tag in WPF using HtmlAgility Pack? -

मेरे पास एक HTML फ़ाइल है जैसे: & lt; div id = "id_1" & gt; कुछ पाठ & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "id_2" & gt; कुछ पाठ & lt; / div & gt; मैं प्रत्येक div आईडी टैग के बीच सभी ग्रंथ कैसे प्राप्त करूं? मेरा प्रश्न WPF से संबंधित है। यहां मेरा कोड है: निजी शून्य बटन _ क्लिक करें (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, RoutedEventArgs e) {HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument (); doc.Load ( "file.html"); HtmlNode नोड्स = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes ("// div [@ id = 'id_1']"); Var text = nodes.InnerText; MessageBox.Show (पाठ); } मैं इस स्रोत को स्क्रैप कर रहा हूं: & Lt; div id = "id_1" & gt; कुछ ग्रंथ 1 & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "id_2" & gt; कुछ ग्रंथों 2 & lt; / div & gt; का उपयोग: HtmlDocument डॉक = नया HTML दस्तावेज़ (); doc.Load ( "C: \\ अस्थायी \\ stackhtml.html"); int i = 1; HtmlNodeCollection नोड्स = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes...

php - Memcached security: Allow connections only from certain IP -

So basically you need to connect to a memcached server, a host name and port. Given that it means that anyone can connect to my server and get my information which is a bad thing I have read that I can implement SASL for the need of some types of credentials but I How to make a mess with the SASL for the beginners article, and I was wondering if I can configure it just so that only a fixed IP Can you connect? I have very little access to the server because I'm on shared hosting with the cheapest plan. If your application is running on the same server where there is a memcatch, then you can use a socket connection instead of TCP You can: memcached -s /tmp/memcached.socket - M256 -U Any Then you can access your app (PHP version) Can access the memcatch: $ memcache = new memorycat; $ Memcache- & gt; addServer ('Unix: ///tmp/memcached.socket'0); BTW, Memcatch runs slightly faster with ILL sockets, but TCP connects the connection. If you have insta...

php - Display ajax called data in a table -

I have this Ajax call which is a Jason array with PHP file I have to put the data into rows in a table that is in #gamesList I have an attachment, I do not know how to go through the returned Jason array and insert it in the attachment $ ("# ALL"). Work () {$. AJAX ({url: 'getGames.php', type: "post", data type: 'jason', data: ({btn: 'ALL'}), success: work (data) {// returning through game Games displayed in Loop // Table $ ("#Glistslist") via GO // game ('& lt; tr & gt; & lt; td & gt; name & lt; / td & gt; & lt; ; TD & gt; M & lt; / td> & lt; Td & gt; (2) Entries & lt; / td & gt; & lt; td & gt; (5) Maximum people & lt; / td & gt; & lt; td & gt; ($ 100) & lt; / td> & lt; td & gt; Awards & lt; / td & lt; td & gt; 7:00 PM (Start) & lt; / tr & gt; ';)}}})}}; // btn click the PHP file returns those lines...

javascript - jquery accordion not displaying arrow or plus/minus -

Trying to implement jquery accordion in your page, accordion works only but it's arrow or plus / minus The sign does not show that my code is as follows: & lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "/ css / jquery-ui-1.10.4.css" type = "text / css" /> & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = '/ js / jquery-ui-1.10.4.min.js' & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = '/ js / jquery-2.1.1.min.js' & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; $ (Function () {var icons = {header: "ui-icon-circle-arrow-e", active header: "ui-icon-circle-arrow-s"}; $ ("# accordion"). ); Icon: icon;}); & Lt; div id = "accordion" & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Tab 1 & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Tab 1 content & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Tab 2 & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Tab 2 conten...

Excel VBA Timer Keeps Stopping -

I currently have a macro when I click anywhere on a userform, a picture box is moved to the left. I have added a timer on it so that it will always run after clicking the first form. The problem is that the picture box goes to the left, but only once. After this, nothing happens to my code so far: Private sub UserForm_MouseUp (Volt button as integer, in the form of integer, single as bi val x, by CallUsing single player) Call PlayerMoving and All Folk All PlayerMOISSING () Player1.Left = Player1.Left + 5 Call StartTemer and Sub subtitleer () application. Onetime now + Time Vila ("00:00:01"), "PlayerMoving" And sub Like I mentioned earlier, the first step Prahlad, nothing happens. I do not know why I also tried to do this: While doing a public sub-player (SOME_STATEMENT_HERE Player1.Left = Player1.Left + 5 call startup loop End all Great question! The answer for this is with the application.onetime function. It is designed to call processes tha...

php - this is an issue concerning styling html elements -

This code is my code that is considered to be a search box and then let it style it for some reason The box that attributes to the property, does not apply. I tried to see CSS as a separate file and as a script, such as Bihal What is the problem (I am using NetBeans and the file is a .php) Here is the code: Give the elements you are using to style the proper class properties (As given by Patricia): form {width: 500px; Margin: 50px auto; } .search {padding: 8px 15px; Background: RGBA (50, 50, 50, 0.2); Border: 0 px solid #dbdbdb; }. Button {status: relative; Padding: 6px 15px; Left: -8px; Border: 2px solid # 207cca; Background color: # 207cca; Color: #fafafa; }. Button: Hover {background-color: #fafafa; Color: # 207cca; } & lt; Forms & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" class = "search" placeholder = "find me ..." required & gt; & Lt; Input type = "button" square = "button" value = "search...

python - Have argparse collect, but not respond to, flags -

I have a script that takes some arguments, to select a script to use some arguments, And the rest passes the arguments of that script so it looks like this: parser = argument Parser () parser.add_argument ('script', option ['a', 'b' ]) Parser.add_argument ('rest_args', nargs = '*') args = parser.parse_args () if args.script == 'a': sub process ('Python s'% '' .join args .rest_args) and: ('Python s'% '' .join (args.rest_args)) This works fine, as long as I do what I want to have the argument - . For example, if I have called python a --foo , then I get an error unrecognized arguments , when in fact I just call it python --foo (such as pass with - foo subprances). Is there any way to do this argparse ? Maybe you are looking for it will parse all the options that recognize it, and Returns to all unknown arguments in the unknown import ...

c# - Where is the .SNK file created too? -

I am trying to follow the guide on the MSDN website. Although I'm having trouble with step 13: Copy the MyKeyFile.SNK file to your project folder. "post-less" itemprop = "> text"> step 12: your class To create a strong name for the library, type the following command at the Visual Studio .NET command prompt: sn.exe -k MyKeyFile.SNK The file will be created in the current directory of the command window .

java - Can't seem to get rid of NonUniqueObjectException -

I am using the SINGLE_TABLE legacy strategy in Java Hibernate, this is setup: Class A @ cascade (cascade type DELETOORHHN, cascade type.AL) list & lt; B & gt; BS; A subdivision is spread in B. B There is an additional area in BA which is not in B. The reason for this is that I should just take care of this additional area of ​​the Bay objects (which is very low) and I want to avoid overhead of keeping it on every B object. During the save, the way we have setup, we need to update the pre-B object field (rather than just changing the context). Therefore, we can not list BS = List B. We need to find each individual B through the primary key and update the field, such as B. Fields = Changed B. Field At the time when this exception is left then, when a pre-B object should be saved as an additional field with the remaining fields. The reverse direction (save B to a pre-B object) is fine, I can set or drop down that extra field but I can not find a way to convert a B ob...

c++ - SFML Internal OpenAL error -

I have a sound loader class that loads some WAV files into the map of soundbuffers and then I have a method called PlaySound I can call the sound to take an anonymous look, this is my method zero sound loader :: place sound (sound name) {if (playingSounds.size (== 0) {playingSounds.push_back (sf:: sound ()); (0) .setBuffer (sound [soundName]); (0) .play (); } Else {int location = -1; (Int i = 0; i & playing; playingSounds.size (); i ++) {if (!! (i) .getStatus () == SF :: Sound :: Playing and location! = -1) {place = i; }} If (location! = -1) { (location) .setBuffer (sound [soundname]); (location) .play (); } And {playingSounds.push_back (sf :: sound ()); (playingSounds.size () - 1) .setBuffer (sound [soundName]); Sports talent (Playhouse sounds.size -) 1) .play (); }}} Although I was testing my game and for a minute or so this is all going well, but then suddenly I got this e...

javascript - How to suppress "WARNING - Redeclared variable:" in Closure Compiler -

I have successfully suppressed some warnings in the closor compiler / ** * @ Fileoverview * @suppress {checkTypes | Duplicate} * / But I can not find how to press "Warning - Redclair Variable": " I press @ Generally, there is a list of logic to use with @suppress, any error or warning? This should work ... / ** @suppress {duplicate} * / var dup;

c++ - std chrono 1 hour wrong when converting with ctime to char* -

I am trying to display the difference between high resolution time points in a string like 00:00:00. My problem is that when I print it, the time is 1 hour. #include & lt; Chrono & gt; # Include & lt; Ctime & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; #include & lt; Thread & gt; using namespace std; Using Namespace Cronos; Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {auto start = high_resolution_clock :: now (); This_thread :: sleep_for (seconds (1)); Auto stop = high_resolution_clock :: now (); Auto Result = Stop - Start; Time_t t = period_cast This prints Thursday 1 January 01:00:01 1970 When I expect However, the following print will be printed to: Thursday 1 January 00:00 1970 Still print the following 1: cout & Lt; & Lt; (Int) period_cast & lt; Seconds & gt; (result). Count () & lt; & Lt; Endl; Perhaps there is something to do with the time zone in it? Any help is appreciated! After discussions in comments t...

c++ - function-try-block and noexcept -

निम्न कोड के लिए struct x {int x; एक्स () बिना किसी प्रयास का प्रयास करें: x (0) {} पकड़ (...) {}}; दृश्य स्टूडियो 14 सीटीपी मुद्दों चेतावनी C4297 चेतावनी: 'एक्स :: एक्स': समारोह एक अपवाद फेंक नहीं मान लिया लेकिन करता है ध्यान दें: __declspec (nothrow), (फेंक), noexcept (सही), या noexcept समारोह पर निर्दिष्ट किया गया था इस noexcept ? या यह माइक्रोसॉफ्ट कंपाइलर में एक बग है? या यह माइक्रोसॉफ्ट कंपाइलर में एक बग है? काफी नहीं। ऐसा एक तथाकथित कार्य-प्रयास-ब्लॉक ऐसा रोक नहीं सकता है कि अपवाद बाहर निकल जाएगा। विचार करें कि ऑब्जेक्ट पूरी तरह से कभी नहीं बना है क्योंकि निर्माता निष्पादन को पूरा नहीं कर सकता है। पकड़ -block कुछ और फेंकने के लिए है या वर्तमान अपवाद rethrown किया जाएगा ([except.handle] / 15): वर्तमान में संभाला अपवाद अगर rethrown है नियंत्रण एक निर्माता या नाशक के समारोह-कोशिश ब्लॉक के हैंडलर के अंत तक पहुँचता है। इसलिए संकलक deduces कि निर्माता वास्तव में फेंक कर सकते हैं। स्ट्रेट X {int x; एक्स () बिना सीखा: x (0) {try {// कोड...

jquery - Error: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8000' is therefore not allowed access -

I am new to AJAX calls and I want to duplicate the Rottamatos search page. I'm getting the correct JSON file but it will not load on my browser. I am researching and I have not got the solution. Any help would be appreciated. Here is my code $ (document) .ready (function () {var apikey = "qvq7jf4n29fv8m8pxqqxxx"; var baseUrl = "http: //api.rottentomatoes .com / api / public / v1.0 "Var movie search * url = baseUrl + '/movies.json?apikey=' + apikey; $ ('form'). Submit (function (evt) {var $ submitButton = $ ('# Submit'); var $ searchField = $ ('#search'); evt.preventDefault (); $ searchField.prop ("disabled", true); $ submitButton.attr ("disabled", is true ) .val ("search ...."); var query = $ SearchField.val (); var riddled movies' RL + 'and amp; q =' + encoder (query); $ .ajax (rotten, function (Data) {if (data.itm.lamp & gt; 0) {$ .each (data.i M, function (i, movie) {movie ...

Apply CKEDITOR to all elements -

I want to apply ckeditor inline editing to all elements of a specific attribute. The problem is that it is only the first element to apply the first element and not the rest. How can I apply ckeditor inline text editing to all elements with a specific attribute? $ ("edit-element"). ckeditor (); PS: Using ckeditor on IM elements which are not contenteditable = "true" and textareas. How about using .each to change it? You can still see the amount of elements that you are targeting easily (see comments); $ (".edit-element"). Each (function () {// log element such as Console.log (this); $ (this) .ckeditor ();});

ruby on rails - "Group" model in Struct class throwing undefined method error -

I have a job class that is being created with the stroke. I recently added a code to an ActiveRecord model called group and I have to reset this code from this code in this code from within this code of code: / P> module jobs class process v1 & lt; (: payload,: reporting_ip) def.Get.reset_counters 1, display: Computer end and end This is throwing an error though: In some quick googling I have found that apparently there is a subclass of group ATX which is related to any type of my group Is there no way to change the name of the model? My first attempt I tried to specify the following model location ApplicationName :: application :: group which can get rid of my ATC :: group error but then I get: WARNING: AppName :: application :: group / Code> Try it explicitly Ubi instead tells you Group High running module tree to find, like the top-level constant.

internationalization - Override i18n .properties file during runtime in Grails -

I'm trying to override the main message. For my current work during the properties file runtime, I need the application package based on the product brand. For example, if I give a logical argument like "grails dev run-app-dbrand = a" Based on the .properties file should be able to change the message. Another requirement is that I need a master. Properties file that contains all the messages and I want to create a separate folder to store messages based on brand. For example, my master The properties file will include A, B, C, D and My brand. The properties file will be a subset of the master of the master, which will only be A (message message strings for A in the master will surely be different from the message string in. The properties file is presented under the brand folder) For example, the properties file for the master In the Aphrodecton name may be "hello" and .properties file in the .properties file can be "world". When I run-app with...

Is it possible to read a text file without using arrays? C -

#include & lt; stdio.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; stdlib.h & gt; Int main (int argc, const char * argv []) {FILE * f; चार * chPtr = मॉलोक (आकारफ (चार) * 1000); ///////////////// f = fopen ("input.txt", "r"); अगर (! च) वापसी 1; जबकि (fgets (* chPtr, 1000, f)! = NULL) {printf ("% c", * chPtr); } Fclose (f); Printf ("\ n% c", * (chPtr + 4)); वापसी 0; } हमारे शिक्षक ने कहा है कि [] 'कोष्ठक' का उपयोग नहीं करते हैं, इसलिए मैं मान रहा हूं कि यह मॉलोक तक है, लेकिन क्या यह काम नहीं कर सका? > > इस fgets (* chPtr, 1000, f) एफ) और (जैसा कि @ मैट एमकनब उल्लेखनीय है) printf ("% c", * chPtr) के साथ printf ("% s", chPtr)

css - Change Background Color with Angular -

I know that it should be easy - I'm trying to change the background color of the div based on variables {{ Site.bool}} is going to be right or wrong. list list group group item col-md-8 pull-left "ng-repeat =" link in the site list "> gt; & lt; h3 & gt; ; {{}} & lt; em class = "pull-right" & gt; {{site.url}} & lt; / em> {{site.description}} & lt; product-tab & Gt; & lt; / product-tab & gt; & lt; / h3 & gt; & lt; / div & gt; thanks, You can assign a class to the div dynamically like this: if trueOrFalseVariable is correct or false , Then it depends on that The square Then this is a simple matter of setting up the .cool {} CSS rules in your stylesheet. You can enter ng-class Read all about and you may also want to read about it!

jquery - if else if statement on mousedown event -

My goal is to display a different dialog box to click on each item I currently have a setup and I thought That's just if I can add the statement. If div_a, dialog_a on moussudown, div_b, dialog_b, etc mussudown etc ... i am new to coding and can not understand it once. Here is my code for dialog: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# questiona"). Masudown (function () { $ ("# Dialoga"). Dialog ();});}); Since you are new to coding, I want to use the jQuery team's jQueryUI library I recommend - which includes a .dialog () capability (they are called "widgets"). How it works: (1) your & lt; Head & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; Include jQuery's and jQueryUI libraries. Note that you must also include a suitable CSS Theme Library for jQueryUI (or the dialog will disappear): & Lt; Script src = "//"></script> (2) Create an...

matplotlib - Plotting Unit Circle in Python with contour -

I am trying to plot a circle with flat function. PTT DER circle (X, Y): Returns (x * x + y * y) xx = np.linspace as my code adheres, NMP as importation Import (-2,2,400) yy = np.linspace (-2,2,400) [x, y] = np. Mcegrid (XX, or Z) = Circle (X, Y) platform () plt.contour (x, y, z, 1) () I'm thinking contour function I'll just give the cross section of x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 1, but it gives me a circle with 1.5 different radii. Why is it like this? Thanks, Change it: plt.contour (x, Y, Z, 1) In: plt.contour (x, y, z, [1]) If the fourth argument is an integer, then it determines the number of the level for which there is a contour draw, and contour chooses the value for those levels if the fourth argument is a sequence , Then the values ​​in the sequence are the level of equality.

rspec - Rails model specs passing, Sidekiq spec failing -

I am creating a rail (4.1.0) which runs the election. In each survey, there are n seats with n matching my model: class matches & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is_mount: Seats, Dependent :: def win_seat seats.sort {| a, b A.number_of_votes & lt; = & Gt; B.number_of_votes}. The last ending class seat & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is_to: matchup validates: matchup, presence: correct confirmation: number_of_votes, presence: true def declare_as_winner self.is_winner = true end end for Milan and seat At the end of a survey without the specs, I have to show the winner. I am using a sidekick worker to handle the end of the survey. It does a lot of things, but here's the code in question: Class EndOfPollWorker includes Sidekick :: Worker DRF poll (poll_id) poll = place (: id poll_id) poll.matchups Do .each | matchup | To grab the winning seat winning seat, it's declared as a winning winning_seat.declare_as_winner end and end. There is no space pass...

for loop - Basic Java Hangman -

Hey guys, I'm just starting to learn Java as my first programming language! In the classroom, we were appointed to create an original hanging game for a while and loop! Whatever I have done When the first estimate of user inputs assumes that the characters they were guessed were corrected but Still out and stating that I have recognized the wrong characters! Support will be highly appreciated !! My question is, am I doing wrong in my code? I need to tell the user if his estimate is true or false. My code: import cs1.Keyboard; Public class hangman {public static zero chief (string agre []) {int intimateCount = 0; Int accurance = 0; Boolean found this; Boolean solution; Four estimates, answers; String word; System.out.println ("Welcome to Hongman!"); System.out.println ("Enter a word for the opponent's guess!"); word = keyboard.readString (); While (estimator calculation & lt; = 6) {System.out.println ("Please enter any letter A-Z as ...

can't get setuid bit to work on Ubuntu 14.04 -

मेरे पास एक बहुत ही सरल प्रोग्राम है: #define _GNU_SOURCE # शामिल करें & lt; unistd.h & gt ; # से & lt में शामिल हैं, stdio.h & gt; # से & lt में शामिल हैं, stdlib.h & gt; शून्य त्रुटि (चार * संदेश) {printf (msg); बाहर निकलने के (-1); } इंट मुख्य (इंट आर्जैक, चार ** argv) {uid_t ruid, euid, suid; यदि (getresuid (& amp; ruid, & amp; युनाइटेड, & amp; suid) & lt; 0) त्रुटि ("प्रक्रिया uids प्राप्त करने में त्रुटि"); printf ("% d% d% d \ n", खंड, ईयूआईडी, सूद); } इस प्रकार संकलित किया गया है: जीसीसी-ओ प्रिंट प्रिंट सी इसका रूट द्वारा स्वामित्व है, और सेट्यूड बिट सेट है: -rwsrwxr-x 1 रूट रूट 8648 8 अक्टूबर 20:10 ./print * हालांकि जब मैं इसे चलाता हूं, मुझे निम्नलिखित अनुमति मिलती है: 1000 1000 1000 इसलिए वास्तविक, प्रभावी और सहेजे गए सेट-यूआईडी अनुमतियों दोनों ही मुझे (1000) हैं और रूट नहीं हैं। क्या किसी ने इस में भाग लिया? किसी भी सलाह? ठीक है, इसे समझ से बाहर। मुद्दा यह था कि बाइनरी एक एन्क्रिप्टेड फ़ा...

jquery - how to remove BS modal on close (it loads on scroll() ) -

Launch a modal window after scrolling at least 200 pixels. How can I turn off this model to appear on scrolling and stop appearing on scrolling? $ (window) .scroll (function () { var scrollTop = $ (window) .scrollTop (); if (scrolltop> 200) {/ Modal ('show');}, 4000);} // code HTML The BS example is like the page: type = "button" class = "close" data-discarded = "model"> X close Thank you! Do I understand my requirement "modal Window only There is a scroll size and should be visible once in 200 and if the user is locked it should never be shown. "For this, you can get it using a boolean variable: window.is_once_opened = false; $ (window) .scroll (function () {var scrollTop = $ (window) .scrollTop (); if (ScrollTop> 200 & amp; Amp; ! Is_once_opened) {is_once_opened = true; // Model Suspect Box Settimeout (function () {$ ('# suspect'). Model ('show');}, 4000); }} Please tell me i...

postgresql - Postgres asks for password, even though pg_hba.conf says trust -

I have installed PostgreSQL 9.3 on my Mac. I'm trying to command: $ sudo -u postgres psql template1 password: password: psll: phatela: password authentication for user "postgres" has failed As you can see, it asks for a password, which I give it to. And this fails I try the password and computer password for the postgre user. It always says that it fails I've read that you can change the pg_hba.conf file to not ask for a password. It is below: & gt; # Type Database User Address Method & gt; & Gt; # "Local" is only for Unix domain socket connection & gt; All local beliefs & gt; # IPv4 Local Connection: & gt; All Faith & gt; # IPv6 local connections: & gt; Host all: 1/128 Confidence & gt; # Allow replication connections from local hosts, by user & gt; # Replication Privileges & Gt; Local Replication Postgrass Trust & gt; Host Replica Postgraduates Faith & gt; Host re...

How to create a Map[String,String] from Map[String, Any] in Scala? -

New in scale - How to map [string, string] to map , AA] are string strings of the map [string, ana] but I do not know how to enter " any or otherwise" to type " Type string ". As you've mentioned that all your values ​​have a string in the map, you can just asInstanceOf if your assumption is incorrect, then you will get runtime exception as shown below: $ scala Scala version 2.9.2 (OpenZK's 64-bit server VM, Java 1.7.0_55) Welcome to Type them in the expression to evaluate them. Type: Support for more information> Scala & gt; Map (string, any) = map ("foo" -> 5, "bar" -> 7.6, "baz" -> "qux") m: map [string, any] = map (foo - & Gt; 5, times -> 7.6, Falcon -> Cx) Scala & gt; Map (string, any) = map ("FU" -> 5 "," bar "->" 7.6 "," baz "->" qux ") m2: map [string, any ] = Map (FU -> 5, Bar -> 7.6, Falco...

How to format Laravel Link with and tags -

Laravel लिंक को & lt; li & gt; और & lt; span & gt; उदाहरण के लिए: लार्जल लिंक {{link_to ('घर', 'होम')}} चाहिए इस तरह से सेट करना होगा & lt; li & gt; & Lt; a href = "होम" & gt; & Lt; i वर्ग = "आइकन-पाठ-चौड़ाई" & gt; & lt; / i & gt; & Lt; span class = "menu-text" & gt; होम & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; कोई मुझे उस एचटीएमएल टैग के साथ Laravel बेस लिंक बनाने में मदद कर सकता है, धन्यवाद जहां तक ​​मुझे पता है, आप ऐसा नहीं कर सकते कि {{link_to ('home', 'home')}} । हालांकि, इसके बजाय आप निम्न की तरह कुछ कर सकते हैं: & lt; li & gt; & Lt; a href = "{{मार्ग ('घर')}}" & gt; & Lt; i वर्ग = "आइकन-पाठ-चौड़ाई" & gt; & lt; / i & gt; & Lt; span class = "menu-text" & gt; होम & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / ...

python - Scrapy pipeline to mysql Error 1241 -

I am new to screary, python and mysql so please forgive me if it is easy I believe that Has a syntax problem, but I do not have enough information yet to fix it. I need to "Error 1241: Operap should contain 1 column" When I try to scrape through this pipeline and nothing is given to the database. def __init __ (self): self.conn = MySQLdb.connect (user = 'user', passwd = 'pass', db = 'db', host = 'host', charset = 'utf8', use_unicode = true) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor () ("% 1", (item ['1'], item ['2'], object ['3'], Item ['4'])) self.conn.commit () except MySQLdb.Error, e: print "error% d:% S"% (e.args [0], e.args [1]) return item Try it out: self.cursor INSERT VALUES ('% S,% s,% s,% s) ", (item [' 1 '] on execute (" "" table' (`1`,` 2`, `3`,` 4`) , Item ['2'], item ['3'], item ['4']))