
Showing posts from January, 2015

installer - Automating Adobe Media Server install -

Everyone! I am creating an installer who is going to set up a machine for the use of a piece of software that is one of the Adobe Media Server software requirements. I am thinking that there is no way to automate its installation. I can, of course, open the wizard through a command line, but at that time, the user should be there to continue the installation. I'm really looking for "set it and forgot it" for more of the type of solution. If anyone is in any way possible, please let me know. I do not have any online searches yet. I'm assuming that you're doing it on a Windows server, in that case you have Adobe Media There will be some heavy integration with the server installer. Installer will be a good open source tool for bundling, it is easy to complete on a Linux server, where you can execute a function within a script that downloads the installer, and removes it with the defined parameter. I believe the package name for installing Yum on Linux is: Ad...

java - Android: Custom serialization json using gson library -

I am an early Android developer, help the server handle the serialization of Jason's response " "" {":" "{" Res-id ":" 11886 "," duration ":" 00:30 "}," 2 ": {" res-id ":" 13451 ", "Duration": "00:30"}, "3": {"res-id": "13452", "duration": "00:30"}, .... more items end ...} (This is the real response from the server :() In the object ArrayList resource; I ran into a problem because the object is not nested orrest Google Translation. Create a class: Then call the GSOn to: New GSN () fromJson ("{your_json}", resources used on class) .getList ()

json - PHP Facebook Graph API -

So I'm working on this scraper for Facebook's public posts. I am using the access_token Facebook graph generated from API Explorer My start URL works fine, I get data: https: //graph.facebook .com / v1.0 / search? Type = post & q = something & access_token = (access_token) & amp; after = 1412765557 However, when I am on the next page, let me know Stops working error: " Error ": {" Message ":" Receive unsupported requests. "," Type ":" Graphm Extension "," Code ": 100}} 0, v1.0 can only be used with an app created before April 30, 2014 - and only till April 30, 2015 () However, when I try with a new app, get the following detailed error: {"error": {"message": "(# 11) Post Search has been deprecated "," type ":" OAuthBaseException "," code ": 11}}

javascript - MarkerWithLabel shows the info window in only one marker -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब जब मैं एक मार्कर पर क्लिक करता हूं यह एक जानकारी विंडो दिखाती है लेकिन सही मार्कर में नहीं है यह सही खिड़की दिखाता है लेकिन गलत मार्कर में। मुझे केवल यह समस्या है जब मैं मार्करविथलाबेल का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ एक सामान्य मार्कर ठीक काम करता है। json प्राप्त करें // लोड मार्कर्स फ़ंक्शन लोड माकर्स () {$ .ajax ({url: '/ घर / GetJsonMarkers '}) किया (फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {$ .each (डेटा, फ़ंक्शन (अनुक्रमणिका, मान) {handleMarkerAndWindow (मान);});}); } मार्कर बनाएं और एक श्रोता जोड़ें (मार्करों और खिड़कियों के लिए सभी कार्यक्षमताएं शामिल हैं) फ़ंक्शन हैंडलकर और एंड्रॉइड (जेसनमार्क मार्कर) { // बनाएँ और मार्कर var मार्कर = बनाएँमार्कर (जेसनमॉकर। लाइटिडेट, जेएसएक्स मार्कर। लोंगिकेट, जेसनमर्कर। कंटेंट); // चिह्नक को मार्कर जोड़ें .सेटमैप (GoogleMap); // जानकारी विंडो बनाओ var infoMarkerWindow = createAndReturnMarkerWindow (jsonMarker.Content); // सरणी addMarkerAndWindow में जोड़ें (मार्कर, infoMarkerWindow); // मार्कर पर जा...

java - Add dynamically to a lambda expression -

Is there any way to add dynamic elements with examples for loop inside lambda expression? I have the current code: filtered list & lt; List & lt; String & gt; & Gt; Filtered items = new filtered list (data, e -> true); FilteredItems.predicateProperty (). Tie (binding.SentObjectBadding (-) -> li -get (0) contains (filterField.getText ()) & amp; amp; li.get (1). (FilterField2. Gettext ()), filterField.textProperty (), filterField2.textProperty ())); and I have the ability to add li.get (x). Lemon is dependent on li size for expression, so if the size of the lye is 3, then lambda should be: li.get (0) . (FilterField0.getText ()) & amp; Amp; Li.get (1). Includes (filterField1.getText ()) & amp; Amp; Li.get (2). (Filter Field contains 2.getText ()) Assume that you have your FilterField in a list, make sure: filteredItems.predicateProperty (). Bind (Bindings.createObjectBinding (-) -> - For - (Int i = 0; i

JSON hangs javascript, but only specific ones -

Being a special being here. A piece of JavaScript that asks for a bunch of data. function that asks for this information: onRegionClick: function (e, code) {var mapKeyUrl = "/ GenMap / getcountry / jsonchk" $ .getJSON ( mapKeyUrl, {regsel: regsel, countryiso: code}) .done (function (Deshdeta) {document.getElementById ( "maptext"). = "a" countrydata.countryname;})} If I click on the map, it is hanging, so tried to change the JSON request to another function, which gives less data, but the same format. works like a charm. If I go to the same request in the web browser, Jsonchk returns: " Country ": [{" ccode ":" ID "}, {" cname ":" Indonesia "}, {" exturl ":" N / A "}, {" Impdate ":" N / A "}, {" lupdate ":" 29/09/14 "}, {" impnote ": null}]} However, if I stop working so I pressed Indonesia, if I have any other function wo...

c++ simple stream manipulation with ostream and istream? -

I'm looking for a solution, but I can not find what I want / want. All I want to do, Stud :: passes a stream for the function of CF, which manilizes it. What I've used so far is a template function: template & lt; Typename T & gt; Zero printout (TA) {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Blubala" & lt; & Lt; A & lt; & Lt; Std :: flush; } Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {std :: stringstream str; Str & lt; & Lt; "Hello" & lt; & Lt; 1 + 4 & lt; & Lt; " Bye"; Printupdate & lt; & Gt; (Str.str ()); Return 0; } What do I like: printUpdate & lt; & Lt; "Hello" & lt; & Lt; 1 + 4 & lt; & Lt; " Bye"; or std :: cout & lt; & Lt; Printupdate & lt; & Lt; "Hello" & lt; & Lt; 1 + 4 & lt; & Lt; " Bye"; I was trying to: zero print offset (std :: istream & amp; a) {std :: cout & lt; &...

ruby on rails - Reading and writing file attributes -

रेल कंसोल में: ActionDispatch :: Http :: tempfile: 'टेम्पफाइलफू', मूल_फाइलनाम: 'filename_foo.jpg', content_type: 'content_type_foo', हेडर: 'headers_foo' = & gt; # & Lt; ActionDispatch :: Http :: UploadedFile: 0x0000000548f3a0 @ tempfile = "tempfilefoo", @ original_filename = शून्य, @ content_type = शून्य, @ हेडर = शून्य & gt; मैं @tempfile पर एक स्ट्रिंग लिख सकता हूं, और फिर भी @original_filename , @content_type और शून्य इस विशेषता के लिए मैं और कैसे लिख सकता हूं? और मैं कैसे अर्थात फ़ाइल। नया ('पथ / में / फ़ाइल' '') यह प्रलेखित नहीं है (और अधिक समझ में नहीं आता है), लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि : tempfile , : filename , : प्रकार और : head : def initialise (hash) #: nodoc: @tempfile = hash [: tempfile] @tempfile @iniginal_filename = encode_filename (हैश [: फ़ाइल नाम]) @content_type = हैश [: टाइप करें] @ हैडरस = हैश [: सिर] अपने इनवॉइस को बदलने के लिए काम करना चाहिए: ...

javascript - regex '\s+-\s*|\s*-\s+' does not work correctly -

I am parsing a large list with a node. Js app and this code is SizeCode = dbfr.CN_DESC.split ('\ s + - \ s * | \ s * - \ s +') This works as it seems it returns Why Women's Cc Croppy Top T-Shirt - Mellen Gray - S [[Female CC Cropped Top T-Shirt - Melon Gray - M '] [' Female CC Cropped Top T-shirt - Melon Gray - L '] [' Female 's CC Top Top-T-Shirt - White - S] [' Female C 'Cropped Top T-Shirt - White - M'] ['Women' 's CC Cropper Top T-Shirt - White - L'] ['Women' s CC short cut rear back tunic West - White - M '] [' Female SCL Low Race Rack Back Tunic West - White - L '] Where I just sizeCode = dbfr.CN_DESC.split ( '-') use works correctly, although I have the issue that in some instances, I may have a different situation for '-' dash character For example: ['Women' sc Top Top Two-Shirt - White - L '] [' Women 's CC short cut rear back tunic West-Whi...

CSS "table-cell" styled element: Maximum height (and overflow: hidden) -

मेरे पास डिस्प्ले: टेबल-सेल div एक डिस्प्ले में है: तालिका div क्या ऊंचाई को सीमित करने का कोई तरीका है? मैंने ऊँचाई, अधिकतम-ऊंचाई और अतिप्रवाह सेट करने की कोशिश की है: छिपा हुआ है, लेकिन इसका कोई प्रभाव नहीं है। ( ऊंचाई न्यूनतम ऊँचाई निर्धारित करता है, लेकिन अन्य कुछ भी नहीं करते हैं। उदाहरण पर & lt; div class = 'तालिका देखें '& gt; & lt; div class =' ​​सेल '& gt; यह अधिकतम 100px होना चाहिए Lorem ipsum मातम aMET बैठते हैं, consectetur adipiscing elit, sED eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore एट dolore मैग्ना aliqua केन्द्र शासित प्रदेशों के लिए सबसे अच्छा विज्ञापन राग veniam, Quis nostrud मश्क से करते हैं।। किसी भी प्रकार के काम के लिए तैयार नहीं किया जा सकता है, लेकिन यह किसी भी काम के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है। ; & Lt; / div & gt; सीएसएस .table {display: तालिका; पृष्ठभूमि: हरा; चौड़ाई: 100px; ऊंचाई: 100px; अधिकतम-ऊंचाई : 100px; / * नजरअंदाज कर दिया * / अतिप्रवाह: छिपा हुआ; / * नजरअंदाज कर दिया * /} .cell {प्रदर्शन: तालिक...

c# - BHO only working in first IE window or tab open -

I use BHO by using C # How can I write and read and I can register it properly and run it, but it works just fine when the tab in the first window is open to me. I know that aspects of this are being triggered in every new window, but do not "stick" changes or apply if they are affecting DOM, for example , I load a page that shows some text at the top of the page, it is always in the first tab, but all else can be disappeared first or not. I am using C # 4 on Win7x64 using IE7. Protected mode does not affect this way or the other. My code is just that what is happening here according to the tutorial, so nothing fancy. Namespace IEExtention {[Prudent (true), guid ("e8483cfd-d208-45f7-837c-3cdca573d84a"), Class Interface (ClassInterface Type .None)] public class BSH: IObjectWithSite {Private WebBrowser webBrowser; For private static reading, only ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger (System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod (. Declaration declareTyp...

android - Share video and save video to Gallery -

I have a video URL, out of which I parse to get Yuri. I try to pass Yuri to share, but I do not share the video. Uri Uri = Uri. PRSE (URL); Sharing of intent = new intent (int. Action_sand); sharingIntent.setType ("video / *"); Sharer Input Extra (Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri); StartActivity (sharingIntent); Am I missing something here, or should I have Yuri avoiding external storage and then pass it? In addition to this I have to know how to save the video Yuri in Gary Use this: intent = intent (intent) . Actions_SEND); intent.setType ("video / mp4"); Intent.putExtra (Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.fromFile (new file (path))); Early (Intent. Make wool (intent, "share")); "Path" Your video is like /sdcard/mvideo.mp4/

git pull --rebase for a specific folder/file -

I just want to rebase a folder. Is it possible to do something git bridge - Rebbus original / master path / in / folder / or / file.txt and only that path will be updated? Quick answer is "no". The maximum number of answers is that what you are trying to accomplish, and whether you want to resize any file / folders or any history you are showing or not. If you do not have any changes in your branch, and you want to get the latest file from the original / master and keep it in your work directory, and you do not want any 'history' What happened, you can git fetch original master git checkout root / master - path / to / file.txt for something else It is complicated by the fact that it becomes ugly.

php - using a variable as formula -

According to user input, I do a query and then do some math on the result. My problem is that I am accumulating math in one variable, and it can not be read as a mathematical form. For example: $ math = ($ ArryDBs [$ i] ['GSE45728_01'] + $ ArryDBs [$ i] ['GSE45728_02']) // This user input is created on echo Has been "& lt; table & gt;"; // It is coded after selection, where $ ArryDBs is generated for ($ i = 0; $ i 1): "Monastery." & Lt; / Td> "; Direct:" ($ ArryDBs [$ i] ['GSE45728_01'] + $ ArryDBs [$ i] ['GSE45728_02']) "& lt; / td>" ;;;; & Lt; / Td> "; echo" & lt; / tr> ";} resonates" & lt; The output is as follows (note that the expression for 1) and 2) are the same): 1) From monastery: ($ ArryDBs [$ i] ['GSE45728_01'] + $ Eridibei [$ i] ['GSE45728_02']) 2) Direct: 8.23018 1) From monastery: $ $ ArryDBs [$ i] ['GSE4572...

Awk - Multiline matching, printing filename and match -

मेरे पास निम्न awk कमांड है: awk -v आरएस =! -वी ORS = '/ abc / & amp; amp; फाइल में प्रत्येक फ़ाइल में दिखता है, फाइल में प्रत्येक रिकॉर्ड को '!' से अलग करता है, और उसके बाद रिकॉर्ड 'एबीसी' से मेल खाता है, और 'def' उपरोक्त कोड, फ़ाइल के नाम को प्रिंट करेगा। अगर मैं {print FILENAME} को निकालता हूं तो यह मिलान के पूरे रिकॉर्ड को प्रिंट करेगा। एक फ़ाइल ऐसा दिखेगी: abc1 bce bcd डीईएफ़! abc2 बीस डेफ! मैं फ़ाइल नाम और लाइन 'एबीसी' से मेल खाता हूँ उदाहरण के लिए: file1 abc1 file2 abc2 abc3 मैं इस बारे में कैसे जा सकता हूँ? awk 'एफ एन आर == 1 {print FILENAME} / abc /' file1 file2 FNR फ़ील्ड को 1 पर एक नई फ़ाइल पढ़ी जाती है। FNR == 1 सही है, प्रत्येक इनपुट फ़ाइल की पहली पंक्ति में, जहां कार्रवाई की जानी है print FILENAME जो file1 प्रिंट करेगा और file2 / abc / abc से युक्त सभी लाइनों से मेल खायेगा क्योंकि कोई कार्रवाई नहीं की गई है, डिफ़ॉल्ट को प्रिंट किया जा रहा है रिकॉर्ड ( $ 0 ) किया जाता है जो ...

excel - Set conditional formatting to compare content to cells in different sheet -

Two Excel is looking for a way to conditional formatting Sheets spreadsheet last name, Prthamnam, date, time, personnel exchanges , Is the log of the public guardian with the CPU number. I want a way to compare the names of the other sheets of the last name of all the entries, then put light on those who meet. Any ideas? A simple COUNTIF () or MATCH () function Suppose should take care of this spontaneity that you sheet 1 column a would like to highlight any last name where sheet 2 are columns found in B. is. First select the column A of Sheet1 as A1 as ActiveCell . Select the next home "conditional formatting"? New Testament when New Formatting Rule dialog opens, to set the formats using a formula and = COUNTIF (Sheet2! $ B: $ B, $ A1) For format values, where this formula is true: text box. Click on Format and select a red fill . Click OK to accept formatting and then it's OK to create a new rule. The last name in column A of sheet 1 tha...

regex - R: Fast string split on first delimiter occurence -

I have a file with ~ 40 million lines that I need to split by the first comma delimiter. Using the stringr function str_split_fixed does the following, but it is very slow. Library (Dataable) Library (stringer) Df1 & lt; - data.frame (id = 1: 1000, letter 1 = representative (letter [sample (1: 25,1000, substituted = t)], 40)) df1 $ combCol1 & lt; - paste (df1 $ id, ', df1 $ letter1 September =' ') DF1 $ combCol2 & lt; - Paste ($ combCol1 DF1, ',', DF1 $ combCol1 September = '') st1 & lt; - str_split_fixed ($ combCol2 DF1, ',', 2) Is there a faster way to do this? updates stri_split_fixed in more recent versions of "Stringi" The function has a simplified argument which will be the TRUE to return a matrix, thus the update solution will be: Original answer (with updated benchmark) If you click on " Stringer "are resting with syntax and do not want to be a hero from far away, If you wa...

php - How to get the requested URl from previous page -

I have a landing page in my website, in every page I have a PHP code that will check the cookies and if User has a specific cookie, it will remain on that page and if it does not redirect to the landing page. I have a button on the landing page, when the user clicks on it, the cookie will be created. When the user clicks the button, the page should first return to the page that was first. My code is if (isset ($ _COOKIE ['username'])) {$ _COOKIE ['username']; Headers ('Location:'); } Else {//} Is there any way to find the previous page link or the original requested URL? Yes, you can be found in the HTTP_REFERER value: if (isset ($ _ cookie ['username'])) {$ _COOKIE ['username']; // & lt; - what is this? What are you doing with it? Headers ('Location:'); Die (); } Other {header ('location:'. ($ _ Server ['HTTP_REFERER']) $$ _SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER...

c++ - Efficiently compare each element of a numeric vector to the previous element -

I am trying to generate interprinted values ​​- a vector that says, 20, 30, 69, 89, 200, what is the difference between each pair? There are 25 m elements in the dataset, so I looked at both R and RCPP for the solution - speed is important R implementation: intertime & lt; - function (x) {output & lt; - x [2: length (x)] - x [1: (length (x) -1) Return (output)} C ++ implementation: Numeric Vector Intertium (Numeric Vector Timestamp) {// Identify the size of Input Object Input_Size = Timestamp size (); // Quick output object numeric vector output (input_sas-1); // Loop on data for input (int i = 1; i & lt; input_size; ++ i) {// for each entry, output value [entry] minus [previous entry] output [i-1] = ( Timestamp) [ii] - timestamp [i-1]; } // return refund output; } The C ++ implementation is 1 command of magnitude faster than the implementation. I appreciate that R has been optimized for vectorized operations, so the speed difference is so small that that...

javascript - Firebase events not triggered properly when joining tables with Firebase-util -

I am using the intersection function of Firebase-util to find all the comments for a given link. This works best for the first time when I call, but when I extract the contents of the database and change it again, it does not correctlyify my callback value until the processing path remains the same Until then, what references do not work? Run this example. When you click the button, it erases and recreates the data. As you can see, the comment list is not redone after the data is rebuilt. & lt; link rel = "import" href = "https: //www.polymer-"> & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Polymer-element name = "my-element" & gt; & Lt; Templates & gt; & Lt; H1 ...

linux - Remove last line from variable string inside the awk script -

मैंने निम्न स्क्रिप्ट बना दिया है: awk '{if ($ 1 ~ / ^ d /) {a = एक $ 0; } .... - & gt; बाकी कोड अगर (पी == 1) {b = a; प्रिंट ख; बी - स्टोर भाग इनपुट फ़ाइल: कुछ पाठ edont दिखाता है कि d2file की तरह इसे d3file को हटाने की आवश्यकता है एक सामग्री अंत में: कुछ पाठ d2 फ़ाइल को पसंद करें जैसे कि इसे d3file को निकालने की आवश्यकता मैं क्या करना चाहूंगा: यदि $ 1 घ से शुरू होता है तो मैं इसे एक चर के अंदर संग्रहीत करता हूं बाद में मैं एक को बी पर ले जाना चाहूंगा और बी से अंतिम पंक्ति को निकाल दूंगा, ताकि बी का आउटपुट होना चाहिए d1file कुछ पाठ d2file की तरह मैं किसी भी समाधान की तलाश कर रहा था, लेकिन कोई किस्मत बिल्कुल नहीं। मैं पिछली लाइन को निकालने के लिए सूचकांक -1 का उपयोग कर सरणी के रूप में स्टोर a सामग्री के बारे में सोच रहा था, लेकिन मैं इसे काम नहीं कर सका। क्या कोई तरीका है कि? awk '/ ^ d / {a = एक $ 0 "\ n"} # डी ईएनडी {उप (/ \ n [^ \ n] * \ n $ /, "ए," से प्रारंभ होने वाली लाइनें संचित करें; # अंतिम...

php - Checking if Image exist using url returns false in some ocasions -

I'm thinking that this code will fail falsely. When passing some image URL it returns false results, but I do not have control over what URL is, but can I encode it to work in any way? I think the problem lies with the location located in the image URL, how to avoid it? Check functionremotefile ($ url) {$ ch = curl_init (); Curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_URL, $ url); // content do not download curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); Return (curl_exec ($ ch)! == incorrect); } Use $ url = str_replace ('', '% 20 ', $ Url); Urlencode empty space from .

excel - Merge cells using vba based on a value -

In my Excel spreadsheet, I have the column X from X with the following values: JKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 Where values ​​are themselves variable and can change. For example the values ​​can be: JKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 I try to write I am doing a vba which will merge all the cells (right) with the values ​​of 1, 2, 3, etc. Any help would be appreciated. For example, the result would be 1: The column would be merged as J 1 through N. The column O will be merged as 2 through U X will merge into call V 3. See below JOV 1 2 3 Thanks. I got a reply from somewhere else. As the range set rngMerge = Range ("J5: X5"), I will leave it here Application.ScreenUpdating = False application.DisplayAlerts = False dim rngMarge range form Set the boundary limit in 'MergeAgain' here: in cell for each cell in rngMerge if cell.Value = cell.Offset (0, 1). Price and isEmpty (cell) = Unreal again range (cell, cell. Offset (0,...

node.js - hexo installation using npm error -

is here! So when I created a folder NPM as FDITA / Roaming Director, then people used it as suggeested, I used npm install -g hexo with NPM Tried to install HEXO but I would not be able to use the hexo version to check the version as a strange error attached below. Do anyone have experience before? Your screenshot looks normal, it shows you the hexo package and all its dependencies (show as A tree) Regarding the warning, this indicates that the module could not be installed '', it is normal because fees are specific modules for Mac OSX and you are running Windows So in the end, you're good to go!

http - python bottle framework post redirect -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर मैं एक साधारण मोर्चा अंत लिख रहा हूँ वेबपेज, जो शब्दों की एक स्ट्रिंग लेते हैं और शब्द की एक तालिका की गणना करते हैं अभी के लिए मैं स्ट्रिंग को क्वेरी करने और उसी पृष्ठ पर परिणाम पोस्ट करने में सक्षम हूं। हालांकि, मुझे रिज़र्व करना चाहिए और दूसरे पेज पर परिणाम पोस्ट करना चाहिए @ पोस्ट (/ 'परिणाम') होना चाहिए नीचे मेरा कोड है, हालांकि, मुझे यह कहने में त्रुटि कह रही है: अपवाद: एट्रिब्यूट ("'कोई भी प्रकार' ऑब्जेक्ट में कोई विशेषता 'विभाजन' नहीं है), ट्रेसबैक (सबसे हाल ही में कॉल अंतिम): फ़ाइल" / लाइब्रेरी / पायथन 2/7 / साइट-पैकेज / बोटल ", पंक्ति 862, आउटलर रिटर्न मार्गकॉल (** आर्ग्स) फ़ाइल में "/ लाइब्रेरी / पायथन 2/2 / साइट-पैकेज / बॉटले.py", रेखा 1729, रैपर आरवी = कॉलबैक (* ए, ** का) फ़ाइल "फ्रंटएंड .i ", लाइन 16, परिणामस्वरूप फ़ाइल" ", पंक्ति 23, कुंजी स्ट्रिंग.split () में शब्द के लिए क्वेरी में: विशेषता: 'कोई भी प्रकार' ऑब्जेक्ट में ...

What's wrong with brainfuck on ideone? -

Clearly, there is something wrong with my understanding of brainfuck, or something is wrong with bf interpreter at Code ,.,. By entering in simple form as (reads two letters and prints them), I get "bff: error out (871638280)" error. Why do I get this? Note: The true problem is that I am trying to solve a problem on SPOJ, and some code that works on brain faculty interpreters which I found on the Internet, does not work, SOPO and On Ideaon It works fine, my BF torture test runs properly 9fQ2Ej I'm not trying to fight this UI to look correct BF! Edit: (There are no new lines below Greater) It is here: It appears as a large cell shape, And it's not fast enough to offset. Edit: P> Anyway Daniel Cristofnea's End Exam: , & gt; +++++++++, & gt; +++++++++++ [& lt; +++ +++ & LT; ++++++ & LT; + & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; -]. & Lt ;. & Lt; & Gt; & Lt; & Lt; - & gt; .... And gt...

c# - Using Autofac Implemented with IDependencyResolver in MVC5 -

I'm running this once for a while: ( Where I I am stuck: I have an MVC5 web application and I am using AutoFac for the IOC container under the hood, in fact I have a dependency for which I have a constructor Through parameters, but since I officially solve the autofack through the refolver interface, then give me the parameters I have tried to use a representative factory but I am still getting errors. I am sure that I have to mess something .... //////////////// My Interface // //////////////// Public Interface IConfiguration {string OwnerId {Get; set;} IDictionary & lt; string, string & gt; GetAllSettings (); string settings GetSettingByKey (string SettingsKey);} //////////////////// My Concrete Obze // /////////////////// Public Class Configuration: ICo Nfiguration {public representative configuration factory (string owner id); // This is based on the autofack wiki - Representative units public string owner iid {get; Set; } Public Dictionary & lt; String...

sql - MySQL Group by and Having clause issue -

I am trying to get the correct record, but due to the reason I think any issue I think, Can anyone please help me? Case 1: is trying to select the rows, where order_id = 1 (new order), but should not exceed 1 record with the same order ID Case 2: where order_id = 2 (printed order), but they should also choose new order and in other words, SEZ 1 should be applied, select the query Where order_id = 2 or where order_id = 1 if (order_id = 1 then records more than 1 with the same order ID I have a table where: order_id = ID of the order - status_id = different status IDs like 1 = new, 2 = printed, 3 = processing etc ... status_change_by = The administrator's ID that changes the status of the order to print from new to processing ... order_id | Condition_id | Position_change_by 1 1 | (NULL) 1. 2 | 12 1 3 | 12 2 1 | (NULL) 3 | 1 | (NULL) 4 | 1 | (Faucet) 1 | 4 | 13 5 1 | (Faucet) 3 | 2 | (Zero) This is my simple mySQL query: order_tracking from order_tracking where ...

if statement - Excel Error Handling - Lookup and Return Employee ID -

अनुरोध: त्रुटि नियंत्रण और Vlookup कार्यक्षमता प्रदान करने के लिए कृपया w \ दो संभावित स्तंभ (तालिका सरणी के भीतर) और कर्मचारी आईडी (सरणी में तीसरा स्तंभ)। लक्ष्य: एक ऑटो-पॉपुलेटिंग उपस्थिति ट्रैकर बनाएं जो इनपुट किए गए फोन नंबर और एम्बडेड "रोस्टर" वर्कशीट पर अपने कर्मचारी आईडी को रिटर्न देता है इसके अलावा, मैं दो फोन नंबरों पर देखने के लिए कार्यक्षमता देने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। "उपस्थिति ट्रैकर" वर्कशीट तालिका लेआउट: (इटैलिक में जोर) DATE | TIME | कॉलर आईडी | | TYPE | कारण | विवरण | कर्मचारी # | ईटीसी ... कॉलर आईडी = कॉलम डी कर्मचारी # = कॉलम मैं "रोस्टर" वर्कशीट तालिका-सरणी के लिए VLOOKUP कॉलम एच = "संपर्क प्राथमिक" कॉलम I = "माध्यमिक से संपर्क करें" स्तंभ जे = "कर्मचारी संख्या" प्राथमिक फॉर्मूला " पहले "वीएलयूयूपीयूपी (डी 2, रोस्टर! एच: जे, 3,0) & lt; ---" संपर्क प्राथमिक "के खिलाफ एएमपी नंबर लग रहा है " दूसरा "= VLOOKUP (डी 2, रोस्टर! एच: ...

java - regex to modify dynamic src attributes -

I am trying to use regex in a particular scenario as follows: Many HTML pages, with the dynamic value & lt; Img src & gt; Each containing the number of tags: tag1 = & lt; P & gt; Paragraph 1 & lt; Img src = "/ A / images /b.txt"> Some text & lt; / P & gt; Tag2 = & lt; P & gt; Paragraph 2 & lt; Img src = "/ a / b / images / cjpeg" & gt; Some text & lt; / P & gt; Tag 3 = & lt; P & gt; Paragraph 3 & lt; Img src = "/../ Images / H / E." & Lt; / p & gt; Tag 4 = & lt; p & gt; Paragraph 4 & lt; img src = "/../d / images / g / j / f.gif" & quot; & quot; Gt; Some text & lt; / p & gt; We will filter the pattern "/ target. What we need after replacement Tag1 = & lt; P & gt; Paragraph 1 & lt; Img src = "/ library / MYFOLDER / location / b.txt" & gt; Some text & lt; / P & gt; Tag2 = & lt; P & ...

character encoding - All inclusive Charset to avoid "java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 1"? -

I am creating a simple wordpress program in Java that reads through the directory's text-based files. However, I continue to get the error: java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input Length = 1 From this line of code: BufferedReader Reader = Files.newBufferedReader (file, Charset.forName ("UTF-8")); I know I might get it because I used a charset , which did not include some of the text files, some of which others The characters were included languages But I want to include those characters. I learned later that charset is optional and is used only for more efficient reading of the files, so I changed the code: BufferedReader Reader = Files.newBufferedReader (file); But some files still throw MalformedInputException . I do not know why I was wondering if there is an all-encompassed charset which will allow me to read text files with many different types of characters ? Thank you. You probably want a list of supported encodings...

Wix Installer - bundle creating one file from multiple files -

This is the code for my bundle. Wxs I have another project that has the AppInstaller.msi file and I have many third parties like Net 4.5 and C ++ redistribution. & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Wix xmlns = "" xmlns: use = "" xmlns: bal = "http: // Schemas. "xmlns: netfx =" "& gt; & Lt; Bundle name = "APP" version = "" creator = "me" upgrade code = "put-GUID-HERE" & gt; & Lt; Chain & gt; & Lt ;! - TODO: define the list of checks package - & gt; & Lt; PackageGroupRef Id = "Netfx45FullPackage" /> & Lt; / Chain & gt; & Lt; / Bundle & gt; & Lt; Piece & gt; & Lt ;! - Matlub 2012 A check for installation - ...

angularjs - Angular group by and filter -

I am trying to group my collection on a property basis and at the same time, I want to filter with. When I try the following, then filter the div data-ng-repeat = "(group, parameter) in the parameter : {'type': ' ! Group Type '} | GroupB:' Group '"& gt; & Lt; Fieldset & gt; & Lt; Story & gt; {{Group}} & lt; / Narrative & gt; & Lt; div data-ng-repeat = "equal to parameter" & gt; & Lt; myfield ng-model = "par.value" parameter = "equal" entry-map = "entry" & gt; & Lt; / Myfield & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Fieldset & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; I get lots of errors on the console, error: [$ rootScope: infdig] 10 $ digest () iterations reached Stayed! Can be seen in the last 5 iterations: I have no eyes on my collection. What is the correct way to do this? I will advise you against the use of the group's implementation ...

ios - Error "$T5??' does not have a member named 'Generator'" in Swift? -

I'm trying to use allContactedBodies () in Swift but I get the error I am '$ T5 ??' Class 'generator' : class sensation: sqnd {override init} {super intrate ()} expected init (Coder: NSCoder) {fatalError ("NSCoding is not supported")} init (Size: CGSize) {// initial size super.init () / physical properties self.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody (rectangleOfSize: size) self.physicsBody?. influenced? Bigverity = false self. PhysicsBody ?. Categicbitmask = ColliderType.Vision.toRaw () self.physicsBody? .collisionBitMask = 0 self.physicsBody? .contactTestBitMask = ColliderType.Wall.toRaw () self.hidden = true} Fencon Contact () - & gt; For the body: for Bob: self.physicsBody in the object? .allContactedBodies () {// error return here is true} return false}} How can I fix this I can use all the contracted bodies () ? self. PhysicsBody? .all related tasks () gives an alternate return, so due to alternative channeling it makes the whole expr...

Creating new method c# methodname(Variable) -

I found a method like this ReadAsAsync & lt; T & gt; (This HttpContent content); in c # and I do not know what type of method and question popup on my head "It is possible to create a method like 'MethodName & lt; varible & gt; (variable) {} ' and is this method elsewhere? " For example: Public Zune Alias ​​& lt; String getText> (string text) {getText = text; } And when I call the method: string sampleText; Legal name & lt; Sample text & gt; ("Hello World"); Then the value of sampleText will be "Hello World" . I know this type of method is useless because you can set the value of the sample such as string sampleText = ""; But I just want to do some experiment, thanks. I found some method readAsAsync & lt; T & gt; (This HttpContent content); In C # and I do not know which type of method and question popup on my head This is a general method By specifyi...

EXCEL 2013 VBA Querying two files on separate databases on different servers at same time -

I have only a moderate experience when I come to Excel VBA and ADO. I have two files in a task file and calendar file Each has a different database and on a different server, it is necessary to determine the number of actual work days associated with the work. Therefore, check against the calendar file to determine the timestamp date from the work file. How many days are the actual day in work I came to know how to open two different database connections in my VBA script, but I do not know how to combine two files, so I can get count of working days Like Select Taskid, Count (*) TaskFile, from the calendar where TaskDate & gt; = CalendarDate and CalendarWorkDay = 1 group by Taskid; = CalendarDate and TaskDate I thought of preloading a worksheet with calendar data, but do not know how the query will work. Any suggestions or code snippets will be highly appreciated. This is a quick and filthy sub-routine that, like the suggested things in the above other comment Wi...

ERROR WHILE CRAWL Datumbox Twitter Sentiment Analysis using php -

I am using PHP for the Databank Twitter synthesis analysis, for which I have used the code from here But it shows an error like this, even I have filled my keys in config.php Fatal error: Unwanted exception 'TwitterApiException with message' operation ended 5015 after 'received milliseconds with 0 bytes: C: \ XAMPP \ htdocs \ test \ twitter \ lib \ twitter -client.php: 423 Stack trace: # 0 C: \ XAMPP \ htdocs \ test \ twitter \ lib \ twitter-client.php (349): TwitterApiClient :: http_request ('https: //api.twi .. . ', Array) # 1 C: \ XAMPP \ htdocs \ test \ twitter \ lib \ twitter-client.php (239): TwitterApiClient- & gt; rest_request ('search / tweets', array, 'received') # 2 C: \ XAMPP \ htdocs \ test \ twitter \ lib \ TwitterSentimentAnalysis.php (56): TwitterApiClient- & gt; Call ('search / tweets', array, 'received') # 3 C: \ XAMPP \ htdocs \ test \ twitter \ lib \ TwitterSentimentAnalysis.php (40): TwitterSen...

javascript - Redirecting customers based on the product they select -

I have a shopping cart and based on , I need to send one A potential customer for the relevant URL (Farm Action URL) Here's my HTML: Can I read the value field in some way with javascript or without some jQuery code (which I will include in the header section ) And then, within the code, something defined as the result: if id = "00001" form action = "" if id = " 00002 "form action =" "if id =" 00003 "form action =" "if id =" 00004 "form action =" http: / / "If ID =" 00005 "form action So, if the user clicks on the order ID = "00002" and "Add to cart" button, he / she will not . Or, if a user chooses the product ID "00004" and clicks the "Add to Cart" button, then they will go straight to http://doma...

javascript - Dropbox choose button does not return in ios8 -

I have developed an app using phonegap and need to integrate the dropbox for my users. I am currently using Cordova 2.9. I have failed to use the selector dropin. Here's a brief description of what's going on here ... From the phone's gate app I launch InAppBrowser and it's on my server page Launching who has the JS API for chooser dropin , it launches fine and if the user is not logged in the dropbox, then he is asked to login as expected. Users are displayed once after logging in to the files, so I think everything is better with my app key etc. The problem occurs when the user selects the file and clicks the Select button, nothing happens, it seems that success callback is never called . I've only seen this while testing on the actual device running iOS8. I have tried to call Warning in the callback, and nothing happens, the selector remains open Cancel Button also in this scenario Does not work. I was thinking that someone else has experienced...

Passing unknown Array to Function by reference (C++) -

I've spent a great time trying to understand - how do I write this function (at the top of the code - insertionsort ) Which allows me to pass an array from its context. One way is to allow me to call 'size' on the array. This should be an array for this assignment. I have not tried to pass it through context, delete the array before calling the shape on it, etc. I am getting errors: (. This is the most recent compiler error for code: EnterSort. Cpp: 11: Error: Parameter '' A ' Contains the references to the unknown bound array ?? int [] a ???? insertion STPP: zero zero entry in function (int (and) []): Combination code CPP: 13: error : In the shape of the "size" request for the member (int ), which is a non-square type ??? INTream & lt; iostream & gt; // # added - Error here {for (int j = 1; j & lt; = a-> size (); j ++) & lt; ----- error here {int key = a [ja]; // now sorted sequence one [ja] ] Is a [0 ... j-1]. Int i ...

matlab - Import data from file delimited with various number of spaces -

I am trying to read in a data array in a data array, but there are two problems 1) The delimiter is an empty space which varies in each column 2) Among the entries in 4 columns, there are question marks instead of numbers This data is read in a cell What is the best way to array the file? Try the following: x = IMPORTDATA ('auto- '); % // Reading Line y = Room (number (x), 9); Prellocate with 9 cols (acccording to your file) for N% 1: numel (x) y (n, :) = regexp (x {n}, '(\ s \ s +) | \ t', ' split '); To divide each line, split each row into more than one place or one tab% // (according to your file) 398x 9 in cell The array of stars y

regex - %{REQUEST_URI} doesn't seem to work with index.php -

I have a website that uses the following format of the link: http : // http: // www. /section1/section4/index.php What I was trying to do to get rid of "index.php" by using the following .htaccess instructions: Rewind sound revived on% {REQUEST_URI} ^ / index.php $ RewriteRule (. *) Http:// [R = 301, NC, L] Of course, only angel Although the example below Shn The objectives are not working. What's wrong in this? The second part of the question will I replace with it if I want to rewrite it? Thank you! This is not working because your regex is incorrect revoked code% {REQUEST_URI} ^ / index \ .php $ % {REQUEST_URI} is expected /index.php you have /section1/index.php . The correct version will be: Rewrite engine on rewriting% {REQUEST_URI} /index.php$RewriteRule (. *) ...

javascript - Why does alert return an 'undefined' variable value? -

A function to me that connects the input and dropdown boxes dynamically clicked on the '+' icon is. However, when the dropdown is changed, then alert returns undefined . Why do you do? jQuery (document) Kchange ( "K-marker drop-down", function () {alert (jQuery (this) .attr ( "id"));}); // function addInputBox () {jQuery ( "# insert-question-inbox") Append ( '& lt; div id = "question -' + i + '- div" & gt; & lt; div id = " remove-question- '+ I +' "class =" ui-icon ui-icon-minus remove-question "& gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; input class =" Q "input type =" Text "id = question - '+ i +' value = question - '+ i +' / & gt; & lt; select id =" question - '+ + + - drop-down "category =" manufacturer-drop- down "> gt; & lt; base & gt; Choose & lt; / options & gt; & lt; & Lt; ...

git - How to resolve jbossews on openshift: Failed to execute: 'control restart'? -

When I upload my app to Opensift it was uploaded and the last message Remote: Jbossews cartridge is starting remote: jbossews process failed to start remote: GIT received post result: failure remote: activation status: failure remote: activation failed for low gear: Remote: 5433a24de0b8cd0dfa ----- ( Error in activating gear: CLIENT_ERROR: To execute failed: / var / lib / openshift / 5433 A24de0b8cd0dfa0000ec / 'Control Start' for jbossews) Remote: Full Deployment with Status: Failure Remote: Postersive Failed In addition, when I manually restart the app Openshift website, It was showing me "Unable to complete the requested operation" "jbossews cartridge failed to start jbossews process to start jbossews cartridge has already stopped executing Failed: 'no Control restart 'var / lib / openshift / 5433a24de0b8cd0dfa ----- / jbossews " How do you troubleshoot this error? This may be due to many different issues Try to check: rhc ...

rft - Browser How to maximize the browser automatically while playback -

वेब अनुप्रयोग स्क्रिप्ट को तर्कसंगत कार्यात्मक परीक्षक (तर्कसंगत कार्यात्मक परीक्षक) में प्लेबैक करते समय स्वचालित रूप से अधिकतम कैसे करें? बस ब्राउज़रटस्ट ऑब्जेक्ट पर अधिकतम करें () कॉल करें: startapp ( "Google"); browser_htmlBrowser () को अधिकतम ()।; या अधिकतम बटन क्लिक करें, जो आपको देता है: browser_htmlBrowser (document_google), DEFAULT_FLAGS)। अधिकतम करें ();

apache - "RewriteEngine On" in virtual host not working -

This is my virtual host entry. Version: Apache / 2.2.15 (Unix) & lt; VirtualHost *: 80 & gt; Server Name Server's ServerAdmin DirectoryIndex index.html LogLevel index.php Alert Errorlog /var/log/httpd/web1.net_error_log CustomLog /var/log/httpd/web1.net_access_log Combined DocumentRoot / web / / htdocs & lt; Directory "/web/"> Option Index Following similinks include ExecCGI order Allow, Allow all Allow override Allow all retargeting # This is not working on & lt; / Directory & gt; & Lt; / VirtualHost & gt; .htaccess file This works on reviant engine # # Abc5 RewriteCond% {HTTP_HOST} Example \ .org $ [nc] RewriteRule * Http: // When I put in the same (on RewriteEngine). Do I need any other changes in Apache configuration? You is needed in .htaccess of each directory if you want to enable rewrite. So in a nutshell: from the serve...

oracle - Why does the result in TOAD and SQLPlus differ? -

I have this query. Select dbms_metadata.get_ddl ('User', Username) || Make '/' user with debug_users where the user name = 'NSAGN'; In TOAD, I get this lesson. (Use the Save Tab as demarcated) Create user from USERCREATE based on "NSAGUN" values ​​'1EE5F58CB716B194' default table-space "PIN01" temporary table-space "PINTEMP" / Identify But in SQLPlus I only get this: USERCREATE ------------------ ------------ -------------------------------------- ------------ The identity of the user "NASSAG" was made by the value '1 AE5F 58CB716B194' default T is? And how can I make output similar to TOAD in SQLPlus? Try to use these settings in SQL * before executing plus query: Set long 1000000 set longchunk set linesize 200 dbms_metadata.get_ddl function returns a CLOB value and by default.

java - Get selected project name every time a project is selected -

I am using Ielection to get the selected project names I Public Fixed IProject getCurrentProject () {IPOject Project = Zero; ISEXATION SERVICE SERVICESearch = Workbank.justinstance (). GetActiveWorkbenchWindow () GetSelectionService (); Selection Selection = Selection Service. Gate Selection (); If (select instance of Ist Structured selection) {Object Element = (Selecting ISert Sorted Selection)) .getFirstElement (); If (element of the IRSORS example) {project = (element (IRSOSROM)) .getProject (); } And if (element example IJavaElement) {IJavaProject jProject = (IJavaElement element)) .getJavaProject (); Project = jProject.getProject (); }} Return Project; } The problem is that this function gives the name of the project only for the first time execution. When I call it on a button event, I get a null pointer exception and it appears that the element is zero. What to change to get the project name selected every time I call this function? workspace is a internal ...

javascript - How to test Chrome extension for auto-update feature? -

I'm going to end my Google Chrome extension if I do not understand all Chrome apps wrong then auto-update Has the potential of If so, do I have a way to test it before submitting my app to Chrome Web Store? Do I need to have an account in my extension for any particular situation? To test the updating process, it If you publish then you have the option of publishing public, unlisted, and reliable testers. Public means that the extension will be searched and everybody can install Everyone can install in unlisted manner, but they can link directly to the extension entry is required; It will not be searchable in the web store and will not be indexable by the search engine. The Trusted Tester is similar to the above, but it also prohibits setting up Google Accounts whitelisting. Go with any non-public option and you can test it because it will actually work (including the unfortunate delay of automatic review check). The method is because Chrome has not hosted...

ios - NSUserDefaults setObject method causes the app to crash in ios8 -

I am getting an app in which I am passing some data between the view controller with NSUserDefaults. This is the code given below. [[NSUserDefaults standard user default] Set object: selectedLists forKey: UserID]; Where Selected list is NSMutableArray and userID is NSString . This code works fine till Ios7 and xcode5. Since I have updated xcode 6 and now i am using ios8, my app works fine with xcode 6 and iOS 7.1, but the app crashes when i am in iOS 8 devices The app will run. Error occurred below Exception occurred 'NSInvalidArgumentException', due to reason the application ended: '- [__ NSCFNumber length]: Non-recognized selector example sent for 0x7a027060' If someone had to face this problem with iOS 8, please help me. Thanks in advance. Selected list {CardFace = Word; ImportFlag = Import; ListID = 1; List name = "adjective - appearance"; Quizzie = Definition; UserID = 1; } and UserId is 1. Edit *** Throwdow...