
Showing posts from April, 2015

sql - Azure ASP.Net MVC database deployment best practice -

We are a team of two developers, who are building ASP.NET MVC app in Azure and are thinking that Learn about setting up the database. We were using a local DB in the App_Data folder attached to SQL Express, it seemed to work fine until it is time to check and there is conflict. We are using GIT to check in the bit book and Azure is run from a planning master branch as well as deploying the database. The first migration and all data we are using the database code Can anyone please help? An answer is discussed. Regarding migration: I also work in a team of 2 developers. What works for us is in the early stages of development (Models vary greatly) Every person runs his database at local level (figures in initiator). Once the project is relatively stable, we are positioned on a website with the SQL Ezur database. Whenever the model changes, we add a migration and run it against that database. Our team is small like you, so it works for us. If the team is growing, the...

C: What is a/example of a buffer underflow? -

I know what an buffer overflow is what I do not know what Buffer Underflow . I'm guessing that when the overflow of a specific buffer bytes is obtained, instead of an underflow of bytes. four buffers [8]; Fgets (buffer, size (buffer), staden); The above will not make any errors. Four buffer_overflow [8]; Fast (buffer-overflow, 16, studin); The above result was buffer overflow if the user was in the input, for example "deutschland" Could I get an example in the code, what is the buffer underflow ? There is no buffer underflow directly related to a buffer overflow though, buffer underflow, with one example The problem may be ring buffers. For example, consider audio playback: Your audio buffer possibly has a ring buffer somewhere in the kernel memory. If you write data slowly with the buffer audio driver / hardware than the buffer, then the buffer is empty ( "Underflow"), which causes the stutoring audio to play. Other types of rea...

Angularjs array changes reference after splice -

I am using Angels for my project and I'm working fine. I am facing a little different problem today, so I need some suggestions. Consider the code: $ scope.deleteEmpty = function () {for (var sp = 0; sp & lt; $ scope.column.length; sp ++) {var offerings = $ scope.column [es]; If (offerings.spName == -1) {$ scope.removeanswer (sp); }}}, $ Scope.removeanswer = function (position) {for (var question = 1; question & lt; $ scope.rows.length; question ++) {$ scope.rows [question] .answerlst.splice , 1); }}, Here I am removing the answerlst according to Prasad's situation, it is being removed but there is a problem. Consider an example: $ scope.column = [{spanname ':' - 1 ', spId:' 1 '}, {' spName ':' - 1 ', spId : '2'}, {'spName': '- 1', spId: '3'}, {'spName': '- 1', spId: '4'}] When to call for the first time, $ scope.removeanswer (sp); Delete the answer sequence for...

xcode - How to make UIButton play corresponding audio clip from selection in UITable? -

Text after " I have two views in my storyboard, previously included in the array of an array of just one uitable word. When a cell is selected from my app in the second view, which contains a label (which gives the contents of its related "wordTitle", see below) and a button. I have an audio file of each entry in each UITable, in my collaborative file folder. I have a custom class named Word that has "Word Tight" Property, I have created many word objects in my Visual Controller. word = [[nsmutab and other] init]; // custom word class object word * wrd = [[word alloc]] init]; Wrd.wordTitle = @ "one"; [Words addObject: wrd]; Wrd = [[word alloc]] init]; Wrd.wordTitle = @ "Two"; [Words addObject: wrd]; // and similarly The label is being updated correctly in the second view when I select the cell in the UTTable. How do I go about setting the button so that when it is pressed into another scene the corresponding audio file is played? ...

xml - How to find the level of a specific Node -

मेरी XML: & lt; मेनू & gt; & Lt; आइटम आईडी = 1 & gt; & Lt; आइटम आईडी = 1.1 & gt; & Lt; आइटम आईडी = 1.1.1 & gt; & Lt; आइटम आईडी = & gt; & Lt; आइटम आईडी = & gt; & Lt; आइटम आईडी = & gt; & Lt; / मद & gt; & Lt; / मद & gt; & Lt; आइटम आईडी = 1.2 & gt; & Lt; आइटम आईडी = 1.2.1 & gt; & Lt; आइटम आईडी = & gt; & Lt; आइटम आईडी = & gt; & Lt; आइटम आईडी = & gt; & Lt; / मद & gt; & Lt; / मद & gt; & Lt; / मद & gt; & Lt; / मेनू & gt; और मेरा XSLT: & lt; xsl: स्टाइलशीट संस्करण = "1.0" xmlns: xsl = " 1999 / XSL / रूपांतरण "& gt; & lt; xsl: आउटपुट पद्धति = "xml" संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "यूटीएफ -8" इंडेंट = "हां" / & gt; & lt; xsl: स्ट्रिप-स्पेस तत्व = "*" / & gt; & Lt; xsl: परम नाम = "...

ios - UITableView Not Updating On Insert/Scroll -

I have a UITableViewController, and in the controller I have the following code: / See the table / NSINandApath * New IndexPath = [NSINXAP IndexPathForRO: ([Self Transport Counting] - 1) Insight: 0]; [Self.tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths: [NSArray arrayWithObject: newIndexPath] withRow animation: UITableViewRowAnimationFade]; // Scroll down so that we can focus on the latest copy of NSUInteger numberOfRows = [self.tableView numberOfRowsInSection: 0]; If (for the numbers) {[self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath: [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow: (topicOfRows - 1) in the topic: 0] atScrollPosition: Animated UITableViewScrollPositionBottom: Yes]; } The problem I am facing is that the UITWVU is never updated. I have verified that my tape is growing in size, and that is called cellForRowAtIndexPath: I am confused. What am I missing? Edit: This is my IB table view definition, if it helps. & lt; tableView key = "view" clipsSub visible = "yes" contentMod...

ios - UITableView overlapping with Status and Navigation bar when returning from detail view -

As stated, just fine when you start TableView. I used to expand this code to clear the status bar: [self.navigationController.navigationBar setBackgroundImage: [UIImage new] forBarMetrics: UIBarMetricsDefault]; Self.navigationController.navigationBar.shadowImage = [UIImage new]; Self.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = Yes; Self.navigationController.navigationBar.backgroundColor = [UIColor clear collar]; Self.navigationController.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor clear collar]; After returning from DetailView, something happens: I tried self.tableView.contentInset - (zero) viewDidLoad and - (zero) viewDidApp and it does not work. The initial view controller is a subclass of UITableViewController, not UIViewController. Both view controllers are probably within the same UINavigationController, which means they share the same UINavigationBar Are there. You have to set the initial value of the navigation when you return to the initial view controller...

php - Send a $_GET request with special characters in the HTTP header (escaping) -

I am trying to work on my new WordPress plugin, and I had to face a problem. I am setting a variable to prevent something like this: esc_html ('likeit' .wp_generate_password (4)) And then - I want to call another function through GET, But sometimes if I have to break for example: likeitA9 & amp; N, this & amp; Will break on. Can you please tell me what is the best (and most secure) but my plugin has a simple way of handling it? Examples will be appreciated! Thanks a lot! P.S. - I tried to look at the previous post, but nothing really solves it: ( urlencode ('likeit' .wp_generate_password (4)); or rawurlencode ('likeit' .wp_generate_password (4));

c# - How to asynchronously run 3 processes, when one returns desired value stop the other two and continue with program? -

I have a method that uses the framework templatematch (similarity to image against another image Check different images against any area of ​​the screen This task can take a long time or can be instantly based on the number of images, the size of the images and the field check. Only 1 image in the list of images will ever return a match so I would like to test all the images against the screen at the same time and cancel the remaining processes immediately after 1 point of that point is correct Is given and my program runs on its next step. Now, for example, I'm getting an integer value that depends on the match's right but the concept is always the same. The number of images tested against screenshots. 1 will come true, will not be left Sometimes the returns are correct first and for the second time it corresponds to the template for 30 and 30 images in the list and takes a lot of time compared to 1. A warning to note about my code which is as follows .....

spring - independent prototyping with java -

I'm new to Java (I played it with some time), and I'm thinking: = & gt; How to fast independent prototype? Something like a file project In the last few years, every time I worked with Python I had to develop some new functionality or algorithm, then I could make a simple dragon module (i.e. file) for it. Then I can integrate some or part of my projects, so how can I translate such "modular-development" workflow into Java context? Now I am using Spring, Maine and IntelIng on some relatively complex Java DB + web projects. And I can not see how easily developed and independent code in this context. Edit: I think my question is not clear because I am confused , I could pass randomly from one to another For continuation with the title, 1 is preferred , though it is only good for the exploration purpose. In practice, 2 is more important. Surely take a look at a relatively new project, its purpose is to remove the initial configuration ste...

How do I reset a cached password in emacs for smtp+gnutls -

I use gnutls for smtp authentication with a partially complete .authinfo file (it has no password) To have emacs When I send an email, it prompts for a password, and if I write it correctly, then it works perfectly. If I type it incorrectly, the authentication fails (as it should be), but I have to restart Emacs to retry because it contains a bad password in memory Saves, and if I send it again, it uses it again. Is there a way to flush the saved password, then I'll get a prompt again? Try Mx auth-source-forget-all-cached .

c# - convert a cached item to a specific object type for return by webmethod -

I have successfully cached a large data object in the web service, but if I run that cached item later Instead of wanting to revert long queries, how can I convert generic cached items to an object in my own design? Like HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert ("cItem", [MIITEM])); then returns HTTPPCTEx. Running Cache ["CITIM"]; The view will show an error in the studio because I can not change the type 'object' in its own way thanks to any pointer and MyItem can be converted to a object , then reverse explicitly Is not true from. So if your method has a return type of myitm then you will need to insert the cached item: Public Maitrem () {} (MyEstm) HTTP Contex Current.catch ["ceist"]; } This is done while receiving it from the cache, not when it is stored in it. If there is a possibility that the item is not of the expected type, you will in any case handle the situation, throw the above code a invalid cut except...

design patterns - Outlier removal before or after Kalman filtering? -

I am getting radar data points (X, Y), my position is relative to each MS coordinate system [approx. 10 -15 data points] Now, to guess the better positioning of the points, I would like to apply the Klein filter. I want to apply the Hyacpass filter further for data in the frequency domain. Which steps are appropriate for applying pen filtering (before or after the outer removal and hyacope filtering)? Thank you very much for your feedback and please tell me if more information is needed. PS: I am planning to implement Seminar Clustering for detection of outliners. If outliers have no information (they are known for bad readings), It would be best to remove them before filter. You can also remove them inside the filter if the y [i] is more than some threshold if the outliners have some information, but the high noise is known, then with the actual high variance of that particular measurement You can reflect by adjusting R . This will have less effect on the result of...

javascript - Issues setting a value to a select box on the onload -

While loading the page, I am having trouble determining a value in a select box. On I download I can change the URL I parsed for it and after that I have to set the value from the URL in the specific selection box. The problem occurs when I try to set the value using dijit: dijit.byId ("assettypselect"). Set ('value', queryObject.assettypeselect); An error occurs because the dijit library is not loaded yet. I have used dojo.addOnLoad and dojo, but none of those works Thank you for your time! Based on the limited information provided, a possible solution is to wait for the window load to ignore the event if stills still If the is undefined then take a look at your console and make sure that the external / internal library is being requested properly except if the dijit loads the AMD style Has been, so sure That you have. Set ('value', queryObject.assettypeselect);}, false); Locks the event load at the end of the document loadi...

playframework 2.0 - Ebean OrderBy CASE WHEN -

When using an EBI finder, it is possible to provide an order by statement like: By order when a = 'foo' then 1 when a = 'bar' then 2 or 99 99 It is possible to do this command, we have to do just that which is to add the transient field and It is annotated with @forumula with appropriate parameters. Then the model class should look like this: @Entity Public Class A Model {Public A (Long IID, String AA) {ID = IID; A = AA; } @ Id public long id; @ Essential public string A; @ Transision @ formula (select $ =) (when $ {ta}. A = 'fu' then 1 when a = 'time' is the end of 2 and 99) "integer index; public static finder", l & gt; Find = New Finder & lt; Long, A & gt; (Long.assa, Eccles);} In this way we have created the Virtual Column Index and we Here is the exemplary test method: @Test Public Zero Attest (Fake Application = Assistant. Helpers.start (App); A 1 = New A (1L, "bar"); A2 = New A (2L, "XYZ...

ios - Is it possible to automatically return to my app after setting a social account for Social.framework? -

In my app I use social settings to share status updates on Facebook and Twitter via an SLC Measure Week Controller I am here. If the user does not have an account set up, then he receives a warning which allows him to go to the settings page. A way to get back to your app after opening an account Simply put it: No. There is no call to action for navigating the settings from the user in your app that you must trust that the user will navigate your app

javascript - Object instances share sub-properties? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब निम्नलिखित कोड को देखते हुए: var कार = फ़ंक्शन () {}; Car.prototype = {wheels: {rims: 'steel'}} var volvo = new car; Var मर्सिडीज = नई कार; Volvo.wheels.rims = 'एल्यूमीनियम'; Console.log (volvo.wheels.rims, mercedes.wheels.rims); // 'एल्यूमीनियम', 'एल्यूमीनियम' क्या आप समझा सकते हैं कि उदाहरण मर्सिडीज का ऑटो स्वचालित रूप से उप-संपदा परिभाषा rims से वोल्वो ध्यान दें कि निम्न कोड एक ही सेटअप के साथ अपेक्षित काम करता है: volvo.wheels = 4; console.log (volvo.wheels, मर्सिडीज। wheels); // 4, ऑब्जेक्ट {रिम्स: 'स्टील'} आप केवल एक ही बना सकते हैं पहियों के लिए एक ऑब्जेक्ट। आप इस ऑब्जेक्ट को प्रोटोटाइप पर असाइन करते हैं, इसलिए प्रत्येक इंस्टॉलेशन उसके मान को संभालता है। जावास्क्रिप्ट कभी नहीं स्वचालित रूप से एक ऑब्जेक्ट की प्रतिलिपि बनाएँ। इसके बजाय, आपको कन्स्ट्रक्टर में ऑब्जेक्ट बनाना चाहिए ताकि आप प्रत्येक आवृत्ति के लिए एक नया ऑब्जेक्ट प्राप्त कर सकें।

linux - Working with strings in C that contain multiple Null characters -

I have a char [] buffer that contains data from memory, which means Many tap inside this buffer and not only finally a single terminating faucet. char * addr = (four *) memmem (buff, strlen (buff), needle, strlen (needle)); I need to take action on this string and discover and replace some content. For this, I would like to use memmem () , but unfortunately, this is not working because many tap inside buffer. I tried to change the tap with a character in buffer from which I thought this (Bell ASCII code \ 7) will not appear and then process it, but it does not work and my Contambs the data. code> memmem used to do this However, since your data is embedded in the null, you can not use the strlen to calculate the length. You need to keep track of different lengths. four * addr = (four *) memmem (buff, buffet, needle, needle lan);

naming owl ontology in protege -

I am using protease 4.2.0. When I write a new morphology, then I can save it for a local file on my machine, for example, Gretanviewer ontology. OLL If I want to import that technology into a new mechanism, then I can get the file using the active Ontology tab on my hard disk, panel (bottom panel), direct Import + Import an object using a particular file. The Great Navy Onputology import is fine, but this is shown with a name like this: untitled- Ontology-93 () Question: Do I have to use my vocabulary To save on a religious web site, in a way descriptive name has given the file to your computer, such as, "Great Neighbutopropology"? Thank you! A colleague helped me with this one. Open the file in Protasi and go to the active otology tab, if I do not understand you incorrectly, then I will see an Unsteruster-Ontology-93A. Line Change the field from the location you want to name in the Onrolology IRI area, and you must have all the sets. This works! ...

Mathematically calculating decimal to binary (java) -

I have a problem with my algorithm to change a decimal number without using parsing in the binary number, This is the related section code: public static zero dtb () {System.out.print ("\ nDenary number to change (less than 255):"); // eight bit conversion intron num = sc.nextInt (); Int decVal = 128; Int saveNum = num; // save point for first input int [arr]; Arr = new int [8]; {If (num - decVal> 0) {// Binary decimal decimal number = num - decVal; Arr [x] = 1; } And arrival [x] = 0; DecVal = decVal / 2; X ++; } While (DCVil! = 1); System.out.print ("\" "+ saveNum +" binary value is: "+ arr [0] + ARR [1] + ARR [2] + ARR [3] + ARR [4] + ARR [5] + AR [6] + Arrivals [7]);} x is declared initially, therefore out of sight. I also know where the error is , But I can not work properly to do this, so ask for help, I'm also quite new, so any help on other methods would be appreciated. For example, output = (input = 42) 00101000 You need ...

mysql - Is it possible to SELECT either 1 or 2 columns? -

I am thinking that within MySQL (without PHP), you can make a condition that if true SELECT 1,2 but if false then select 1? Or something similar to MySQL syntax, which can accomplish the same effect? Thank you. There is no way to select at least one fixed number column of a stored procedure. The number of columns obtained from the selection statement of any one is constant. The best thing you can do is two case statements, one that will return the null in some circumstances, there are still two columns, but depending on your condition one will be extremely essential.

Why is the greedy algorithm optimal? -

coding, lesson 14, task tyres (). In short, the problem is to divide a list of positive integers to A to the maximum number of max (prevailing) subpopulations with the least of . I have come with only one greedy solution because this is the name of the lesson it passes through all trials but I do not know why it is an optimal solution (if it is optimal). int solution (int k, vector & lt; int & gt; & amp; a) {int sum = 0, count = 0; For (int a: a) {sum + = a; If (amount> = K) {++ calculation; Yoga = 0; }} Return calculation; } Can anyone tell me why and why this solution is optimal? Maybe I am naïve or something wrong here, but I think it is not very difficult (Although not clear) to see if the algorithm is actually optimal. Assume that you have a partition of the optimal list that is with the maximum number of subpopulations, you can not have all the elements in the list, but after adding one element to a valid list, If the list is generated, suppos...

Python- Regex for dir of certain depth -

I have a regex expression but it is not working for all cases. I need this to match any low level case to two levels of depth: If this word is in the "test_word" statement then it is true. What I am using is not working ('^ / [^ /] * / test_word..+') or ('^ / so I'm matching in statements with dirs like: / user / test_word / test_word / test_word / Test_word / But this example is wrong because it's beyond two levels. Do not want to be positive for anything beyond / some / some / test_word / and whatever you think can happen / P> I think you want something like that, ^ (?. *? / Test_word) (?!! *? //) \ / (?: [^ /] *) (?: / [^ /] *)? /? $

windows - I'm assuming my laptop is hacked by police? -

I need some quick tips to learn about attacking my privacy. I have tried the task manager and msconfig to use peerblocks, this is a very good firewall and provides you a log (once it was said that there was some prince)

angularjs - How to create complex query parameters in Restangular -

I need to create a purely complex query string. http: //,displayName, name, cna I How do i do So far I've been receiving it: AR = Smith is using it: RetiringRular. All ('/ people'). GetList ({anr: searchTerm}); The last part attrs = x, y, x lets me control what I want to search back in and I can change every request. Any advice appreciated I i You should be able to add just another query parameter where the value is a list of attributes related to your comma. var attributes = ['givenName', 'displayName']; // properties are required for the request var attributesAsString = attributes.join (); Return Restangular.all ('/ people'). GetList ({anr: searchTerm, attrs: attributesAsString});

php - How can I add a custom Validator to Respect's Validation library -

Awesome comes with many underlying assumptions, such as strings (), alpha (), etc. I want to add self-defined beliefs to the library, for example, I want to be able to: Validator :: myCustomValidator () - & gt; Emphasis ($ input); I just got to know that this is not very complicated, but I had to look at the source code of the library to find out, so I posted self answer questions here for future reference. I am doing /P> Define a verification class in the appropriate namespace and the exception class together, and the verification library automatically They will use them to validate their data, such as: myCustomValidator.php: & lt ;? Php namespace respect \ validation \ rules; Class myCustomValidator AbstractRule {Validates the public function (IN $ input) {true back; // apply actual check here; Such as: return is_string ($ input); }} myCustomValidatorException.php: & lt ;? Php namespace respect \ validation \ exception; Class myCustomValidator...

Sql select row if no row exists in other table -

मेरे पास एक उपयोगकर्ता तालिका और एक पसंद तालिका है। एक उपयोगकर्ता को यादृच्छिक अन्य उपयोगकर्ता के डेटा प्रदर्शित किया जाता है और यह तय कर सकता है कि उसे पसंद है या नापसंद है। मैं अभिनय उपयोगकर्ता के लिए एक नया यादृच्छिक उपयोगकर्ता साझेदार चुनने के लिए संघर्ष कर रहा हूं जिसने अभी तक उसे रेट नहीं किया है! अब, मैं उन सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं को चुनने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं जिनके पास likes तालिका में, रेट किए गए उपयोगकर्ता पार्टनर पर अभिनय उपयोगकर्ता उपयोगकर्ता के रिलेशन रेटिंग के साथ। उपयोगकर्ता तालिका एक मानक उपयोगकर्ता तालिका है, में पसंद मेरे पास कॉलम, आईडी , उपयोगकर्ता , पार्टनर और मेरा प्रयास: $ $ ओयूसर- & gt; आईडी एक अभिनय उपयोगकर्ता है $ oSearch = Db_User :: Select ('db_users। *', 'db_likes। *') - & gt; जहां ('', '& lt; & gt;', $ oUser- & gt; आईडी) - & gt; जहां ('db_likes.user', '=', $ oUser- & gt; आईडी) - & gt; जहां ('db_likes.relation', '& lt; & g...

C Program Returns Unexpected Numbers -

I'm sorry if this question is really dumb, but I started learning c and no one knew I was Was able to help. I should calculate the number of letters in stdin and say how many times each one was used, it is also expected that we use a counter and fred method. EDIT: Igor helped me with my answer and the program is now almost everything is right. Little mistakes are still there: only the first 10 characters are identified and they are calculated, Who are ignored And if the input should be bigger than 10 or not, then it does not work. I have commented on the changes that I have made in the code so that others can follow my mistakes. I have the code: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; ctype.h & gt; Int main () {Four lessons [10]; Int bar was used [26]; // I started the array, but did not set the value of 0. Int bar usage [26] = {0}; // This line corrected the issue with getting random numbers; textLength = 0; Char * ptr; While (feeds (& amp; te...

osx - MATLAB script does not terminate on Mac -

I'm running it on MATLAB 2014a, and the command line does not return. a = 0; While (1) A = A + 1; If (a ~ = 2) will continue; End; End; There is no answer when I control - c or order -. (or any other common combination of keyboard keys). How can the script end? Instead of "continue", try "brake". Here's my argument: "Continue" Temporarily, skipping any remaining statement in the body of the loop for interrupting the execution of a program loop Current pass only . So this loop does not have to completely exit, it leaves any remaining code in the loop and then while evaluating the condition of the loop, in which case your case Always true . On the contrary, the break exits completely out of the loop. Another way to go about this is to make a Loop statement, for example: a = 0; Whereas a ~ = 2a = A + 1; End Not sure why it will not stop running with ctrl-c. I hope your script runs so long that your machine ...

JSON uploading to Tajo -

I have a flat JSON file that I'm hoping to upload the Apache map. I did not get Jasonson support in the latest documentation It's a flat JSON, so I can convert it to CSV but I'm just thinking. I am a PMC member and am a commentary on Apache Tajo First of all, for your interests in Taj Thank you. Unfortunately, the Taj does not yet support JSON files. However, you can find a related problem. A patch is already waiting for review, and this feature will be supported in 0.9.1 release! Honestly, Jahun

IPython Notebook stuck at login -

I have an IPython notebook server running on a beagle bone black (not sure if it is relevant). When I try to log in to the server Login me The screen is available, but after passing my password pass the word and click on "Login". Nothing happens. I saw that if I put the wrong password, I get the message "invalid password", so I know that I am putting the correct password. / P> Any ideas? I just stumbled on it. The solution was to give cookies permission.

Azure Eclipse Plugin - creating an azure deployment project -

I have installed the eclipse kepler, Eclipse Microsoft Azure plugin with my Windows 8.1 laptop. After creating a dynamic web project, I try to create "New Azure Deployment Project" but I get an error message: "Error creating project". What could be the cause of this problem? Thank you. I had the same problem and I think I got the solution. The problem was that I had my eclipse folder in "C: \ Program Files \ eclipse" I think by default you need administrator rights to write this directory (and subdirectory). Therefore, there are errors during installation of Ajasar SDK (but you do not see them, at least I did not). My solution was: Grants allow full access to your local user "c: \ program files \ eclipse" -folder. Ezur Plug in Eclipse (& gt; Installation Details -> Installed Software - & gt; Restart Eclipse Then Python Install the plugin. I hope this also works for you.

uitableview - Managing UIPickerView datasource between a UIVIewController, a custom UITableViewCell and a Utility Class -

I have a custom UITableViewCell class that includes a PIC cell and its contents are populated by the data data unit. Since this custom cell can be viewed in more than one view controller, I have a utility class that I want to handle in construction, data source and representative methods. I think that when I set myself a data source, the cell displays something correctly. When I set it to the utility class, only the numberOfComponentsInPickerView: method is called and after that the app does nothing in the log (lldb) logs. For my code sample, I am going to create a simple picker with the title "Component" with one component and one line. ViewController.m - (UITableViewCell *) TableView: (UITableView *) TableView CellForUreActApp Path: (NSINXPath *) IndexPath {PickerCell * pCell = Zero; Picker * picker = [self. Ore objectItindex:]; UtilityCustomCells * Cellulitity = [[Utility Customs CLLO] INS]; PCell = [Create cellulitePicker cell: user with table view...

css - PHPStorm HTML Formatting comments -

I have a list of li and face the dangerous space between inline block elements Is to use my quick fix comment trick, all work well, but once I format the code with the PHPStorm, the comments are not kept correctly, anyways I configure it in PHPStorm I can do? & lt; Li & gt; Hello & lt; / li & gt; & Lt ;! - - & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Second & lt; / li & gt; An example of what happens is shown below. What's happening & lt; Li & gt; Hello & lt; / li & gt; & Lt ;! - - & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Second & lt; / li & gt; I can only suggest disabling formatting for such blocks, such as : & lt; - @formater: closed - & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Hello & lt; / li & gt; & Lt ;! - - & gt; & Lt; Le & gt; Second & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; - @formater: at - & gt; You will need to make sure to enable the formatter marker in settings / editor / code style , ...

angularjs - how to open a kendo UI modal window and pass it some help text to display, using angular -

मैं एक MsgBox.Show (message text) केंडे का उपयोग करते समय एक सरल समकक्ष के लिए देख रहा हूँ जब मैं केंडो यूआई का उपयोग कर रहा हूं तो BootstrapUI का उपयोग किए बिना कोणीय में यूआई। मैंने पढ़ा है लेकिन इसमें मंडल विंडो को मार्कअप में परिभाषित किया गया है। क्या इस jQuery के संस्करण का एक समकक्ष है जो गतिशील रूप से डीआईवी बनाता है और html संपत्ति में कुछ मार्कअप को लाता है? $ ("। Helpimg")। पर (" क्लिक करें ", फ़ंक्शन (e) {$ (document.createElement ('div')) .attr ({title: 'help', 'class': 'help'}) .html (help []) .dialog ({बटन: {OK: function () {$ (this) .dialog ('close');}}, close: फ़ंक्शन () {$ (this) .remove ();}, draggable: true, modal : सच है, resizable: सच, चौड़ाई: '50% ', ऊंचाई:' ऑटो '});}); आप गतिशील रूप से kendoWindow () अपने दस्तावेज़ में एक गतिशील रूप से निर्मित डिवा पर समारोह इस डोजो को आज़माएं और मुझे बताएं कि यह वही है जो आप चाहते थे:

java - Grails cannot render GSP included from a plugin -

मेरे पास TestPlugin नामक एक प्लगइन है जो जीएसपी प्रदान करता है grails-app / दृश्य को _test-include.gsp कहते हैं मैं TestPlugin को TestApp में आयात कर रहा हूं और इसे इस तरह से रेंडर करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं: & lt; g: render template = "_ test-include "प्लगइन =" $ {applicationContext.getBean ('प्लगइन प्रबंधक')। getGrailsPlugin ('testPlugin')} "/ & gt; मैंने यह भी कोशिश की है: & lt; g: रेंडर टेम्पलेट = "_ test-include" plugin = "testplugin" / & gt; दोनों एक फेंक दिया अपवाद में परिणाम। Grails से त्रुटि रिपोर्ट है: संदेश: दृश्य पर मैपिंग की त्रुटि [/ अनुक्रमणिका]: ग्रोविपापेजदृश्य में त्रुटि प्रसंस्करण: त्रुटि निष्पादित टैग & lt; g: render & gt;: null line | विधि - & gt; & gt; 1142 | Java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor में रन वर्कर - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | 617 | Java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor $ Worker ^ 74...

Underscores and string concatenation in with Scala -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब स्काला आपको एक अंडरस्कोर का उपयोग करने देता है एक सरल नक्शा करने के लिए इसलिए उदाहरण के लिए लिखने के बजाय: def भूमिका (लोगों: स्ट्रिंग *) { (x = & gt; println (x))} ... मैं इसके बजाय लिख सकता हूँ: def भूमिकाकॉल (लोगों: स्ट्रिंग *) { (println (_))} हालांकि कुछ कारणों से मैं नहीं लिख सकता हूं: def greet (लोगों: स्ट्रिंग *) {// यह संकलित नहीं होगा! इसके बजाय मुझे लिखना है: डीईफ़ नमस्कार (लोगों: स्ट्रिंग * ) { (x = & gt; println ("हैलो" + x)) क्या कोई भी क्यों समझा सकता है? असल में, फ़ंक्शन परिभाषाओं के लिए लघुकथा वाक्यविन्यास केवल तभी अपेक्षित होता है जब कोई नेस्टेड कोष्ठक न हो। इसका कारण यह है कि प्रत्येक घोंसले के शिकार का स्तर अपने स्वयं के दायरे बनाता है जिसमें अंडरस्कोर रहते हैं। REPL में, आप उदाहरण के लिए देख सकते हैं कि: scala & gt; मूल्य सूची = सूची (1,2,3) .मैप (_ + 1) सूची: सूची [इंट] = सूची (2, 3, 4) और स्केला & gt पू...

java - Maping key values from arrays of values where time complexity matters -

I have two such arrays. long key 1 = 1 L; Long key 2 = 2 l; Long key 3 = 3 l; Long key 4 = 4 l; Long key 5 = 2 L; Long key 6 = 3 l; Long key 7 = 1 l; Long key 8 = 2 l; Long key 9 = 4 l; Myobacter Ob1 = New MyObject (1l); MyObject ob2 = New MyObject (3l); MyObject obz = 3 new myobject (2l); MyObject ob4 = New MyObject (1l); MyObject Ob 5 = New MyObject (4L); MyObject OB6 = New MyObject (3L); MyObject ob7 = New MyObject (4l); MyObject ob8 = New MyObject (2l); MyObject ob9 = New MyObject (1l); Long [] key = new long [] {key1, key2, key3, key4, key5, key5, key7, key8, key9}; MyObject [] Objects = New MyObact [] {OB1, OB2, OB3, OB4, OM5, OB6, OB7, OM8, OB 9}; I want to map the objects with the key. Therefore, each key will list the objects associated with it. (more or less is my problem .. "A, Ax, Aero", "B" with "Box, Ball .. ATC" with map 'A') I am successful by the way I am doing it, but the problem is complex of time, it is more than O...

JQuery dataTable pagination optimization -

I have an app that needs quick correction The server sends all the table elements ( Almost 2 thousands ...) and the datatable just gives everything on one shot. The result is that the browser takes extra time to present the whole page, but only display the first page (approximately 10 lines). Without changing the server side code, what can I do to optimize the data, not to render the whole page? Thanks a lot! Try "deferRender": true

intellij idea - JavaFX, Intelli J and OSGI -

I have not seen examples of Java FX, Intel J and OSGI simultaneously. I know that Eclipse E (Fx) is a collaboration with ESPIS to help JavaFX problems, but it does not seem that Intelis have something similar. Does the JavaXX developers use the OSGI option on Intellectual Property or OSGI in any other way? I have released some early access versions, based on a new rich OSGi (Apache Felix) and Maven Client platform for JavaFX. You can read more about Drombler FX here: A page that tells you how to create, create and run the Drombler FX sample application with some simple steps .

Go language: Using package name inside package scope (for Examples) -

I am currently writing exampleFuncs in my Go Test Script for example: package Hello import "test" func ExampleGetSymbol () {Data: GetSymbol ("AAPL") fmt.Println (Lane (data.Data)) // Output: 21} Now, I get two benefits from this: This example is executed when I am running go test and This appears in the Godok document under func GetSymbol One thing bothers me And I wonder if I should have done anything about it. For the user trying to learn from this example, line data: = GetSymbol ("AAPL") should really be Data: Hello = Hello Gate Simbol ("AAPL") But since the package is in the same area as a package, I can not use it this way. So I think the disturbing version of my question will be: Is there a way to allow package.field notation inside the package? Thanks Hello Put it in the package, hello_test . You have permission for both Hello and Hello_Test packages in the same directory, and this allo...

Node.js, Express, Mongoose - input validation - within route or model? -

मेरे पास एक एपीआई संसाधन है जो एक JSON पोस्ट को स्वीकार करता है। उदाहरण: {"स्थान": {"निर्देशांक": [-122.41941550000001, 37.7749295]} निर्देशांक तब एक्सप्रेस द्वारा अनुरोध से एकत्र किए जाते हैं : module.exports.create = फ़ंक्शन (रिक, रिस, अगली) {var निर्देशांक = req.body.location.coordinates; .... ये तब एक मोंगोज़ मॉडल के लिए सबमिट किए गए हैं। मैं इस के खिलाफ परीक्षण लिख रहा हूं जहां स्थान। कॉरओर्डेनेट गायब हो रहा है उदा। {"foo": {"bar": [-122.41941550000001, 37.7749295]} यह तब मॉडल के सत्यापन अनुभाग के भीतर विफल रहता है: locationSchema.path ('location.coordinates')। मान्य करें (फ़ंक्शन (निर्देशांक) {^ TypeError: विधि कॉल नहीं किया जा सकता 'validate 'अनिर्धारित तो मेरा सवाल है कि मैं कैसे मान्य करूँगा कि इनपुट सही है? क्या यह मॉडल में जाने से पहले मार्ग में किया जाना चाहिए, या इसे मॉडल के बारे में कोई भी उदाहरण। संदर्भ के लिए मोंगोज़ मॉडल का ऐसा कुछ दिखता है: var locationSchema = new schema ({user...

javascript - get cell value from dgrid inside of custom widget onclick -

I have a custom widget with a dgrid inside and when the cell is clicked, you will want to capture the cell value. My widget code is a part of: ... postCreate: function () {... grid.on (".field-ticket: click", lang.hitch (grid, This .markTicket)); }, Markticket: function () {// How do I get the value of the clicked cell? } thanks look into dgrid docs. The click event handler gets a regular click event, but there is a cell () method in the DGRIID that you click on the cell object, which was clicked on the object object. Grid.sele (clickEvent); Warning ("You Clicked" +; }

sql server - Getting unwanted rows with LIKE in SQL -

I'm back again, and this is another school topic I have a message for commands Restricted from I selection This topic basically shows names from table customers starting with A and B and ends with S or P, I have tried many or solutions, But none of them is working, the answer is 1 is column 6 rows, I can not get this code to work. Use the customer to select Northwind '[A / B]%' or company name '% [S / P]' like the company name this I get 31 rows with code: How to combine together: Select the company from the company name, where the company name [A / B]% [S / P] '

python - Overriding __init__ in threading.Thread -

इस अधोलेखित threading.Thread subclass की जांच करना और थोड़ा मार्गदर्शन की आवश्यकता है। क्लास क्या करता है इसकी मेरी समझ: "" फिर से लोड करें मॉड्यूल अगर यह अंतिम रूप से संकलित होने के बाद अपडेट किया गया है। "" " कोड: वर्ग होटस्पेप (थ्रेडिंग। थ्रेड): def __init __ (स्वयं, आउट, मोड, जन = 'उत्पन्न', * आर्ग्स, ** क्वार्ज): self.out = out # यह एक है आउटपुट गंतव्य self.mod = mod self.genname = gen # यह "mod" से एक जनरेटर है self.gen = getattr (mod, self.genname) (* args, ** kwargs) self.loaded = self.current_modtime self .args = args self.kwargs = kwargs थ्रेडिंग। थ्रेड .__ init __ (स्वयं) self.daemon = True @property def current_modtime (self): वापस os.path.getmtime (self.mod .__ फ़ाइल __. replace ("pyc", " पीई ")) डीईएफ रन (स्वयं): जबकि सच: अगर self.current_modtime! = Self.loaded: (" हॉट-स्ैपिंग मॉड्यूल:% s ", self.mod .__ नाम__) self.mod = reload (self .mod) self.loaded = self.current_modtime...

ruby - Hide record in Rails model if nested_attributes are empty -

I have two models in the Railway app: listing and ListingPhoto . I want to create some kind of scope for my model which removes listing s which is not nested ListingPhoto s is being pulled from the external API, so my There is no easy way to control these savings. Listing looks like this: entering the class & lt; looks like this: code> class listing photo & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is_to: Listing Valid: Listing, Attendance: Right Mount_uploader: Photo, Photo Uploader and What should I add to my listing model to stop Show listing with empty picture set? You can add static method to the listing model: def Self.with_photos includes (: listing_photos) .where.not (: listing_photos = & gt; {: listing_id = & gt; blue}} end and then simply call easily : listing. With_photos

sql - Which customer has bought 4 or more items in our store? -

Which customer has bought 4 or more items in our store? select cutomer.cusName, COUNT (item name) as 'number of items' included on the customer's shop from customer INNER. Cusid = store.cusID by group cutomer.cusName; I'm not sure which product has purchased 4 or more items. To get those customers, add HAVING clause SELECT cutomer.cusName, COUNT itemName (AS) 'item number' by customer.cusID = store.cusID group at customer INNER join store cutomer.cusName hosting number (itemName)> gt; 4 = /

html - CSS-design issue for text box changing in chrome -

The site is working fine in Firefox but the Google Chrome search box is expanding on the width. I width 450px; But width is running in Firefox from Chrome Take a look: In the header, you will find the search box. # nav-searchbar {display: table-caption; } You can try this way.

user profile - there was an error saving Backstory -

I have tried several times to edit the backstage in (a profile webpage) but in doing this work Does not seem to be The following message keeps popping up every time I tried to edit my backstory. There was an error saving Backstory then try again later. It looked like a bug because my friends are also experiencing it. Anyone experiencing such issues? It seems that this bug has been solved.

performance - How to optimize proc SQL's group by with respect to required size of "work"? -

To comply with the suggestion, sample code is working here: Data testing; Format ID 5. Group 1 1. Group 2 1. Group 3 1. Data $ 1 valid_frame ddmmyy10 valid_team ddmmyy10.; Input ID Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Data Valid _from yymmdd8 _yymmdd8 right here;. datalines; 10001 01 0a 2013010120131231 10001 1 1B 2013010120130701 10001 1 1C 2013070120131231 10002 1 1D 2013010120131231 10002 1 1E 2013010120130101; Run; For every group, I want a flag, this indicates that the minimum value of "valid" is equal to "valid until" of those entries that share the id related to that group Whether or not the price is equal. . Given examples: In Group 10002, there is only one valid entry in group 3, i.e. 5th. Therefore, in Group 3, the valid validity of all valid entries of "valid from" (only one entry may be higher) is equal to maximum "legal_til", so I want a flag here code that works on small data sets , But not large (inadequate disk space). proc sql; S...

c# - How to check date between 2 dates (not SQL) -

In your WinForm, in the text box as' 210514 'or' 231113, let's assume user input (in ddmmyy format) today's date = 291014 (29-Oct-14). Using Visual Studio 2010 C # 4.0 PC Date Time Settings: GMT +08: 00 DD-MMM-Y CodeBehind: // Divide the input string into YYMMDD format and set it to a date Object DateTime InputData = New DataTime (Convert. Keywords: Sebstring (4, 2), convert .to IN 32 (input. Sebstring (2, 2)), convert.OINT 32 (input. Springing (0, 2)); // WinForm does not allow user input date for more than 1 month before 2 years before today's date and today DateTimeData = Date Time.Now Add Moments (-24); Date time Maximum date = Date time.Now AddMonths (1); I tried several methods but did not do any work (I have also checked several threads / forums). // Method 1 if (inputDate> = minDate & amp; amp; amp; input rate & amp; lt; = maxDate) return true / / method 2: B return is true, but A. *** Always *** return false, why ?? If (inputDat...

java - How to deal with a bean containing @Id @GeneratedVaule in Vaadin? -

I am trying to create a form that will send data to data in the calendar. Bean is a special JavaBin: import; Import javax.preistence.Entity; Import javax.preistence.GeneratedValue; Import javax.preistence.Id; @Entity Public Class Person Serializable {@Id @GeneratedValue Private Long ID; Private string first name; Personal string last name; Public person (long id, string first name, string last name) { = id; This.firstName = firstName; This.lastName = lastName; } Public person () {} - Gators and SETTERS - The Wadine Field Group looks like this: FieldGroup Field Group = New Beanfield Group & lt ; Person & gt; (Person.class); // From the tutorial: "We need an item data source before creating an area to find the properties, otherwise we must specify them manually" fieldGroup.setItemDataSource (new beetime & lt; person & gt; (new person 1 L, "John", "Dow"))); (Object Property Id: Field Group...

algorithm - Java pass by value and recursion -

I have a simple code that prints the path of a specific node in a tree. Using my Java string, my implementation is in the form of the following // string using the static zero getPathS (node ​​node, string path, int key) {if (node ​​== Null) {return; } And getPathS (node.left, path + + + node data, key); getPathS (node ​​right, path + + + Nodedata, key);} Suppose that is in the form of a tree below, 1 343 // will be printed from path to root Prefix & lt; integer & gt; path, int key) {if (node ​​== null) {// 1. path = new arreelist & lt; integer & gt; (); path = new arreelist & lt; integer & Gt; (); // 2. or tried path. Clear () - it should clear the path / return path; return tap;} and if ( == key) {path.add (node) path of return;} path.add (; return non-null (getPath (node ​​left, path, key), getPath (node. right, path, key))} private listing non -NL (list path 1, list path 2) {if (path1! = Null) return p...

garbage collection - What is a GCRecord in a database? -

I have recently been introduced with MVC, which uses the SQL database. There is a column for the tables within the project, OptimisticLockField , and a GCRecord (both types of int ). I have received quite a lot of information on optimistic / pessimist tones. However, I am not getting this exactly for whom this GCRC card is used, or when it has been used, and why it is involved has not been. Only one definition is' this is a liner: A GC record represents a garbage collection activity. Is it free whether GC manual is either GC request or an allocation Due to failure But there is still no sense what it means, or even if it is correct, definition for this reference. Is this just a SQL thing? Or should it be used in most / all databases? The GCRecord field is used to mark objects that have been removed from the archive is a part of a mechanism called