
Showing posts from May, 2015

javascript - Tablesorter and automatic sorter digit? -

I have a lot of tables using the table on my website and I sorter: 'finding a way to sort the numbers I am 'a column that has a specific class name: "class =" note ". I know that it is to do with a header: $ (".blabel: {header: {sorter: 'digit'} // column number, type}}); but to do so, The way that is html like this: H class = "{sorter: 'digit'}" & gt; note or classname anywhere in JavaScript like this $ ("Tableer Note."). Tableer () ... ? Because my column "note" was the third column some time ago, sometime fifth etc. I ask because without the order of "digits" Specified, the tableer does not know how to sort the numbers ... Here it is shown what I mean: Thank you. If you are using me, then you can complete it at least two By different ways: Add a sorter-digit class name to the header & lt; Th class = "note sorter-number" & gt; Note ...

How to convert date value from day to Quarter in SAS -

मेरे पास इस तरह एक डेटा सेट है: दिनांक 01JAN90 01APR90 01JUL90 01OCT90 01JAN91 01APR91 01JUL91 01OCT 9 मैं दिनांक मान को दिनांक 1990Q1 1990Q2 1990Q3 1990Q4 1991Q1 1991Q2 1991Q3 1991Q4 में परिवर्तित करना चाहते हैं मैं एसएएस में कैसे कर सकता हूं? ऐसा कुछ प्रयोग करें: प्रारूप दिनांक yyq ;; जहां "तिथि" आपकी तिथि चर है यह आपकी नौकरी करेगा। संपादित करें: datetime7 के बाद त्रुटि, यदि आपकी डेट वर्णमाला स्वरूप में है, तो पहले तिथि स्वरूप का उपयोग करके दिनांक को निकालें और फिर दिनांक को प्रारूप लागू करें। sasdate = datepart (तारीख); एफएमएनेट = डाल (ससाडेट, यिक।); यहां fmtdate आपका अंतिम उत्तर है। प्रारूप yyq के लिए देखें। डेटप्टर के लिए देखें उम्मीद है कि यह आखिरकार

ios - UITableViewCell with dynamic content and dynamic row height -

I have the same view as a table view Each question can have a dynamic number of answers and hence the height of the cell can be changed. I need to avoid manual coding as much as possible (to create programming buttons and label programs and to add to the TableView content view) and do everything with XIB and interface builder What is the best way to do this? You can design each room like the IB: Register it with table view: [self.tableView registerNib: [UINib NibWithNibName: @ "YourSubclass" bundle: zero] forCellReuseIdentifier: @ "cell"] ; Apply and UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate methods, as indicated by @GoodSp33d. These methods are necessary to tell the table view about your dynamic content so there is no way to do this alone in IB.

Eclipse luna 64b does not start (java 8u20 64b unzipped, win7 64b) -

I am trying to start developing a PHP / js app in Eclipse, but I do not start it on my own Could the computer I am working on a Windows 7 64 bit machine and I have administrator rights (this is a corporate computer). I downloaded the JDK version 8u20 64 Bx, and opened it with 7zip, I copied all the files in D: \ jdk8_20 (for example inside). I downloaded the eclipse from the website (latest version Luna, 64 bit), and unzipped it on my desktop. I modified eclipse.ini to accept the uncliped JVM to use. It does not work with the following logic (exits from Java -1): -vm D: \ javapath \ bin \ javaw.exe I used this argument (as I have advised): -vm D: \ javapath \ jre \ server \ java.dll Now I can see, when I start with Explips.exe without admin rights or without, the Eclipse logo page (which shows the loading process at the beginning) very soon, and nothing Does anyone know / have an idea of ​​what I have done wrong? I can not install Java in general, as I use c...

linux - How to match filenames in different directories?(bash or python) -

मेरे पास दो निर्देशिकाओं में फ़ाइलों का एक सेट है ~ / Desktop / dir1 और ~ / Desktop / Dir2 मुझे dir1 में फ़ाइलों को dir2 या इसके विपरीत में फाइलों से मिलान करने की आवश्यकता है फ़ाइल नामों में / dir1 हैं: 1.out, 2.out ... 21.out फ़ाइल नामों में / dir2 हैं: chr-1.out, chr-2.out ... chr-21.out मैंने अजगर में एक प्लॉट स्क्रिप्ट लिखी है, जिसके लिए कमांड लाइन तर्क स्वीकार करता है फ़ाइल नामों और फ़ाइलों की सामग्री के आधार पर कुछ भूखंडों का निर्माण करता है तो सवाल यह है कि फाइलों को कैसे मिलान किया जाता है और इसे एक स्क्रिप्ट में प्रदान किया जाता है? मैंने bash का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की, लेकिन मैं यह नहीं समझ सकता कि यह कैसे करना है शायद यह अजगर से संभव है? मैं इसे हाथों से कर सकता था, लेकिन मैं यह सीखूँगा कि यह कैसे स्वचालित रूप से करना है। बाश में, पैरामीटर विस्तार का उपयोग करें: #! / Bin / b Dir1 / *। बाहर गूंज "$ f" "dir2 / chr - $ {f # dir1}}" किया

ios - storing [NSNull null] values in NSUserDefaults, from JSON serialization, causes unwanted exceptions -

I found the app where I use a JSON based API. As part of JSON, often values ​​are set to "blank". It can be normal: {"data": ["one", "two", "three"] , "Name": blank, otherwise: 10} Recently I tried to store a diverse NSDictionary hierarchy that was converted from the JSON object into NSUserDefaults. Unfortunately, this causes an exception if there is zero data, converting to [NSNull null] in iOS is evident that it can not be saved in priority I was thinking that someone worked on it earlier is? I tried to add some arguments, which, with limited success, first remove all the empty values ​​from JSON, but it is inappropriate to modify the data before saving it. Do you have a better way of handling it? You can first convert your NSDictionary into NSData, then store it safely in NSUserDefaults ( Because NSNull corresponds to NSCoding). // archive NSDTA * data = [NSKEADArtic archivesDatabaseAssociation: dictiona...

javascript - Highcharts: update chart when data actualized -

I am using and I like the chart to update each other. I have it now: I have a timer window.setInterval (updateChart, 1000); and it executes each second data properly. But I have no idea about how to make the scene real. It is important that I do not want to attract charts repeatedly every time. I just want to move points and add new ones. Does anyone know how to do this? See the series. Edepoint Your updateChart function gets: function update chart () {for (var source = 1; source update.

Are failed tasks resubmitted in Apache Spark? -

Are Apache Sparks automatically reproduced in the same or other executable jobs? I believe that unsuccessful tasks have been resubmitted because I have many times on the web UI Only seen failed work. However, if the same function fails multiple times, the complete operation fails: org.apache.spark.SparkException: Work aborted due to stage failure: step in step 91.0 120 fail 4 times, most recent failure: lost work in phase 91.0 120.3

javascript - Elegantly hiding the navbar in a single page MEAN app. -

I have an app that has a navbar on every page, so I generated it in the index. Z file is okay for 99% of my app This is the only place that runs on the login screen because it looks strange for a nouber on the login screen, so I bought a boolean $ If you are on the homepage This is okay, but Nabarbar still loads for a second partition, then it disappears, if you use the angular to check against the root scope variable and hide the navbar. goes. I know that I can not factor it in a file and mislead it in every single Z file other than the login page, but it will be a maintenance nightmare. Is there any way that I can make my NewBarwen effective, using the ng-hide, hide it on the login screen, and do not load until I login. This is my code that I did to you, p> The controller who checks to see if you are in the root of the app ('/') angular.module ('app'). Controller ('LoginCtrl' function ($ radius, $ http, mvIdentity, mvNotifier, mvAuth, $ loca...

database - View Core data stored in mavericks or Yosemite -

I am creating an app that uses core data, how can I see the data stored in them ? thank you in advanced. You can include command line tool in sqlite3 in your mac example Locate the database by continuously entering the store URL, just type sqlite3 path / to / database.sqlite .h Use How to use it You can create standard SQL queries, etc.

c# - Gridview Command and Selected Row -

I am trying to get the selected row data and trying to move it to a label on the same page . Although I can not get a gridview. Select to work with my CommandName I have tried everything .... I get an error that the object is not set according to the frequency of the object. is. On Label2.Text Here is my code: Protected Zero GridView1_RowCommand (Object Sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs E) {// Many ButtonField column fields are used, using / / CommandName property to determine which button was clicked. If (e.command-name == "hold") {Label2.Text = GridView1. Selected Row.Cells [2]. Text; Label3.Text = GridView1 Selected Row.Cells [3]. Text; Label4.Text = GridView1 Selected RAW Seals [4]. Text; Label5.Text = GridView1 Selected R. Kell [5]. Text; }} ; ASP: GridView id = "GridView1" runat = "Server" AllowPaging = "True" AllowSorting = "True" AutoGenerateColumns = "false" BackColor = "White" BorderColor = ...

mysql - select from table where field type is INT -

मेरे पास एक ट्रिगर है जो INSERT से पहले पर अन्य तालिका चलाता है भ्रष्टाचार परीक्षण VARCHAR (3000); एपलिंकेशन से @test में आवेदन करें APAP_DATA जहां APP_NUMBER = 1 LIMIT 1; END का प्रकार APP_NUMBER है INT और जब ट्रिगर @test है NULL । क्यों? जब मैं करता हूँ SELECT APPLICATION.APP_DATA एप्लिकेशन से जहां APP_NUMBER = 1 LIMIT 1; ` यह सही मान देता है! पहले MySQL दो स्थानीय और उपयोगकर्ता (सत्र) वैरिएबल्स के भिन्न प्रकार अब DECLARE के साथ आप एक स्थानीय चर test को परिभाषित करते हैं लेकिन फिर कोशिश कर रहे हैं एक सत्र वेरिएंट @test पर एक मान असाइन करें। यह बिल्कुल स्पष्ट नहीं है कि आप क्या हासिल करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं, लेकिन यहां एक उदाहरण है DELIMITER // तालिका 3 पर प्रत्येक पंक्ति के लिए Insert से पहले ट्रागर My_trigger बनाएं Varchar (32) का परीक्षण रद्द करें; एप्लिकेशन से परीक्षण में app_data का चयन करें जहां app_number = 1 LIMIT 1; SET = test; END DELIMITER; यहां डेमो है

database - How to update multiple key value pairs in Redis -

Therefore, I am considering adding Radis for my application. I am new to radis and for continuous updates to update, I do not find a good way to update it, so I was thinking that anyone can help. In my app, I have many relationships between posts and topics. There is also a score in each term My first thought was to set up my radis db so that each item was posted to an order of post_id and every post_id was associated with that post's score in that order set. Posts now have their own interests, which associate their IDs with information about the post (score, user_id, url). From time to time, I am updating the score of that post, which has brought me into my problem. When I update the scores of that post, according to setup, now I need to go to every subject and is associated with that post and need to update the post_id score in the order set of that topic. . It does not seem to be the best solution if I had to scale the app for millions of posts and millions of topics. ...

c# - how to call MvxDialogViewController as a popover -

18.35 Request is Zero - It is believed that there is a tabbar type of situation where viewedload is called during construction ... now the request is patching - but to build See for problems with Virtual Call during While making a base call. ViewDidoadload () I have tried to show this problem as a small sample: I took an N-23 example and in the first part a New element added Taped here (), as a test, I'm trying to display the same FirstView popover. Private Zero Tape () {var dvc = New first view (); Var nc = new UINavigationController (dvc); _ardlViewPopover = New UIPopoverController (NC); _ardlViewPopover.PresentFromRect (this.View.Frame, see this, UIPopoverArrowDirection.Any, true); } div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> error Message is request is zero setting Try setting property first instance - for example if there are no criteria Use it: var dvc = new FirstView (); Dvc.Request = MvxViewModelRequest & lt; Firs...

python - Index Slicing with Float64Index not working in pandas -

After I have the following dataframe p12Diff pump time 3 -2.90 -0,00, 919-2.89 - 0.000795-288-0000814-287-0000700-2,86-0,0847-2,85-0,0769-284-0,0681-2,83 - 0,000888 -2,82 -0,000815-2,81 -0,000764-2,80,000,879 -2,70 -0,000757-2,60-0,0758-2,50 -0, 000707 idx = IndexSlice for some categories, I get a keyError , whereas for others it only works For example, df.loc [idx [, - 2.90: -2.52] ,:] -2.60, while df.loc [idx [, - 2.90: -2.62] ]:] wakes up Is keyError: -2.62 . Is this a bug? It was fixed for 0.15.0 (RC1 is now out), see here: . . 0.14.1 There was a car with this type of indexing in [13]: DF = DataFrame ({'value': np.arange (11)}, index = pd.multiIndex .from_product ([[1], np.linspace (-2.9, -2.3, 11)])) [14] in: df out [14]: value 1 -290 0 -2,84 1-278 2 -272 3 -2,66 4 -2,60 5 -2,54 6 -2, 48, 7, 2, 8, 2, 36, 9, 2, 10 [15]: IDX = pd. IndexSlice in [16]: df.loc [IDX [: - 2.9: -2.42],] Out [16]: Price 1 -290 0 -2,84 1 -278 2 -272 3 -2 , 66 4 -260 5 -2,54 6 ...

java - Thread updating GUI on dispatcher thread causes exception -

I have 2 threads, one thread that runs "server" for my app, and the other is the event dispatcher Displayed for GUI: public static zero main (string [] args) {// connection runtime R2 = new Runnabel () {@ Override Public Wide Run () {App. ConnectToServer (); }}; // Launch the main window SwingUtilities.invokeLater (New Runnabal) (Public Zero Run) {// Install Theme WebLink Endfile (); // launches main window; bootwind myMainWindow = new BootWindow ();}}); Thread thread = new thread (R2); Thr2.start (); } // static static app for example getInstance () {if (example == zero) {// window example example = create new app; } Return Example; } // server connection private static zero connect toServer () {System.out.println ("Connecting to e-Trade Manager server .."); ATM server server = new ATM server (); Server.connectEtmServer (); } There is a way in the app thread in the app that listens new messages from a new server, then this method calls the update status i...

ODBC rows to columns -

I want to change some lines in the column. This is an example that I now have my database and I will But I am using an ODBC connection, if you can help me with useful examples or code guides I would appreciate it. Thanks You can use MAX / CASE "manual pivot" , Which should work on most (all?) SQL databases; SELECT "datetime", MAX (when BSc = 'BSCCC 2' is now ineffective- end of requests) BSCCC2, Max (Case BSc = 'BSCCC3', then ineffective_estamps and) BSCCC3, Max. (Case BSc = 'BSCCC 4' now ineffective; end of requests) BSCC 4, MX (Case BSCC = BScMB 2 'now ineffective _employs and bscmb2, max) (case bsc =' bscmg 'then ineffective endorsement end) BScmb Depending on the underlying database, you can change based on the "datetime" order by "date time" order by A, Max (in case of BSc = 'BScV2' now ineffective_estemps and BScV 2 2 GB). Are the date-time identifier quote (or possibly to a...

MySQL Replace portion of a string that appears after another string -

I have a varchar field in which notes are included. I see each instance of an object on a different line below. Trying to type a query that replaces the date time version that appears next to the "next contact" string with a new date. As you can see, there are other dates in the notes, so ReqExp will not work for me to search for a single date Here's what I try : How do I see it? Set the funnel_deals to `Note` = Replace (substroke (note, locate ('Next contact:',` note`), 35), 'Next contact: 2014-12-12 11:15:00' Jfoster 'Set up update funnel_names` = replace (right (`note`, locate (' next contact: ',` note`), 35),' next contact: 2014-13-12 12:15:00 ' = 'Jfoster' both return a syntax error: The first query: [Error] 1064 - There is an error in your SQL syntax; Manual which is its syntax Passes near corresponds to your MySQL server version for use), where username = 'jfoster' 'line View second on 1: [error] i...

Grails application Tomcat or VMware vFabric -

I am very new to grails. I have an existing application that I want to run. This app works correctly and runs correctly, but I am unable to detect the server that is using it - regardless of default VMware or Tomcat instance I have my BuildConfig.groovy as shown below build ': tomcat:' I'm assuming that the application is actually a tomack Running on the server but I do not know how to confirm this on my GGTS server tab, I see a VMware example, but no template examples. Is this normal? I have applied the application by changing the level of the log verbose to BuildConfig.groovy , while trying to view the log, but also I do not provide enough information to answer where my search has ended. For those interested, my main objective is to configure SSL certificate on Tomcat, if it has not already been done, then any help is greatly appreciated. It is possible to deploy Grails WAR file on GGTS-managed server, but I have never done this . I'...

r - Use bigrquery auth in shiny application -

I want to create a shiny application that uses bigrquery to connect to the BigKi API and run a query. I use the following code to execute the query: Library (Large Skiri) Project & lt; - "PROJECT_ID" # Your Project ID can be found here in SQL & lt; - 'QUERY' test & lt; - query_exec (Sql, project = project) But before that the bigrquery package contains an authentication process such as: google How can I integrate the auth process into my application This process does not have to be any interaction App key And the secret (where do I get them from?) Or The athlete process opens in another browser window. Regards I have a suggestion, one The question I have about the question is similar to the given answer, using one is the available package through CRAN, providing functionality to run server-side authentication using a Google service account. Another package called by the same author on Cron is integrated with googleAuthR and...

android - How to limit the height of a ListView within a GridLayout? -

मेरे पास GridLayout है जिसमें ListView और एक TextView । जब आइटम को ListView में जोड़ दिया जाता है तो यह आकार में बढ़ेगा और स्क्रीन के नीचे TextView को दबाएगा। मुझे लगता है कि ListView पर layout_gravity = "fill" सेट करके यह बिल्कुल नहीं बढ़ेगा बल्कि सभी उपलब्ध जगह ले सकता है। मैं कैसे मैं GridLayout का उपयोग कर एक समाधान की तलाश कर रहा हूं। मुझे पता है कि मेरे मामले में एक linearLayout भी काम करेगा I हालांकि यह मेरी समस्या को स्पष्ट करने के लिए केवल एक न्यूनतम परीक्षण मामला है। यदि संभव हो तो मैं प्रोग्राम को निर्धारित ऊंचाई पर सेट नहीं करना चाहता। & lt; .widget.GridLayout xmlns: एंड्रॉइड = "" xmlns: ऐप = "" एंड्रॉइड: layout_width = "मैच_पेरेंट" एंड्रॉइड: लेआउट_हेइट = "मैच_पेरेंट" ऐप: कॉलमकाउंट = "1" ऐप: उपयोगडिफ़ॉल्ट मार्जिन = "सच" & gt; & lt; ListView ऐप: लेआउट_ग्राविटी = ...

Facebook api shows only statuses of the last year -

I am working with a Facebook app whose purpose is to show all user situations, here are some questions on stack overflow After getting (almost) the problem is that the graph API shows only last year's condition is not a script problem because if I use Graph API Explorer tool, then JSAN output is same (now - October 2013) . Any Facebook account, any ideas / support tested with the same problem? Thanks Update: Basically I get the data from: (this is from the Explorer API tool), the script code is "$ request = new FacebookRequest ($ session, 'GET', '/ me / statuses');" On both sides, I got the same result (by Explorer tool or script) and some conditions and I can not go back to very old conditions. But the problem is not my code, I am asking because there are probably some limitations not listed in the docs. As Wizkid has suggested that I have filed a bug. is a bug. https://developers....

java - Can't compile gradle vaadin project in Intellij -

I want to try Wadia 7 on Mac OSX with Java 8, Todd 2.1, and Intel 13.1.5. I installed gradle with decoction here everything I have done I created a project using the gradle wizard in Intellij I installed Tomcat like this vadin tutorial . I have added to my build.gradle file. I press the refresh button. I have made sure that my is in the vaadinCreateProject Intellij gradle plugin menu / Code> to run and http: // localhost: // 8080 navigated and saw the world. But all the identifiers in IntelliJ have been highlighted in red with "The symbol can not be solved" I have tried to recompiling and clearing cache in every way. How can I identify the code to intellij? My file. Apply plugin: 'java': '' Source Resource = 1.5 version = '1.0' repository {mavenCentral ()} dependency {testCompile Group: 'Junit', Name: 'Junit', Version: '4.11'} ...

json - AngularJs + Best practice to view / update the data - after updation again reload the data in model -

In my angular applications, I am a little confused about the standard way of implementation. Please take a look at my code structure and give some suggestions to make it more effective. var app = angular Module ("userup", []); App.controller ('UsersListCtrl', function ($ scope, $ http) {$ http.get ('/ ShowAllUsersList.json') Success (function (data) {$ scope.users = data ;.});}); $ Http.get ('/ logged inUserInfo.json'). Success (function (data, position, header, config) {$ scope.logged_in_user = data;}). Error (function (data, status, header, config) {// log error}); } App.controller ("logged inUserInfoCtrl", ['$ scope', '$ http', function ($ scope, $ http) {$ scope.updatePersonalInfo = function () {$ scope.user_personal_info = {username: $ scope. Logged_in_user .username, primary_email: $ scope.logged_in_user.primary_email, first_name: $ ('# first_name') val (), last_name: $ ('# last_name') value (), SE...

android - Working with non-static Spinner in static class -

I am trying to create it: DatePickerDialog user defined a date The problem is that the date pecker fragment class in which the onetetet method is included is stable and the spinner is non-static. In the OnDateSet method, Call method requires adding items Spinner.setSelection (int i) Public Zero Vertical Data Set (Date Picture View , Int 1, int month 1, int day 1) {firstdate = day1 + "/" + 1 month + "/" + year 1; Addapter.add (firstdate); Spinner.setSelection (1); } Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance!

How pass variable php in javascript in function? -

Then I want the variable variable php to do javascipt function where the variable & lt; PHP $ code1 = ""; ? & Gt; For more functions & lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var $ code1 = $ (this); $ Txt = new array (); Var $ code1 = & lt ;? Php ek $ code1 ("code1"); ? & Gt ;; $ (Function () {$ ('go'). ('Click', function () {console.log ($ ('form'). Serialize ());}) $ ('body'). (' 'Key' ',' last ', function () {$ (' last '). Remove the clues (' last '); $ (' # ',' body '). (' Table & gt; & lt; Tr & gt; & lt; td & gt; & lt; input class = "last" type = "text" id = "code1" name = "code '+ (number ($ (this) .attr (' name ') Match (/ [0 -9] + / g)) '' value = "should be here" gt; & lt; / td & gt; & lt; / tr & gt; & lt; / ...

visual c++ - Error: Struct already definded in *.Obj -

Support, I am using VC ++ and I am always getting LNK2005 and LNK1169 when error while running my script You can tell, why can you tell me why it is happening and how to fix it, thank you! Code: In the main.cpp #include "stdafx.h #include & lt; Windows.h & gt; # Include & lt; stdio.h & Gt; # Include & lt; stdlib.h & gt; #include "Modifier.h" namespace std; HWND myconsole = GetConsoleWindow (); HDC mydc = GetDC (myconsole); int main () {if (Input.beg ( "Hello")) {cout in "modifier.cpp" #include "stdafx.h" # Include & lt; iostream & gt; # Include & lt; string & gt; # Include & lt; sstream & gt; Namespace std; struct {bool beg (string A) {string b; getline (cin, b); if (b == a) {return true;} Else {}}} Input In "modifier.h" #include "modifier.cpp" You will need to change your header declaration: You are unknowingly declaring a different, global "...

npm and bower installing only end-user/production files -

Recently I was thinking that there is a way to use only BOVER or NPM as a consumer, let's say That I am not really interested in developing the package, but using it on my website / application. That's because I think first: npm install jquery I flag - output Have tried with, but the same structure was downloaded. However, it brings me a large tree of files and only one I need the jquery / dist / jquery.min.js file. goes to the same verge: dev-only bover Install An expensive list of files, including src folders> related files. I am sorry that if I incorrectly believe the behavior of package managers here, but it would be interesting to know how instead of using these package managers, rather than a simple end-user, a developer, Mary Project dependency updated. At the moment, I think this is too much for its requirement, and by simply copying jquery.min.js to my project src Folder, it will be very clean / simple. If the concept of bo...

filesystems - Where in Android should I store photos that need to be uploaded to a server? -

These photos should not go to the user's gallery. The user will take one or more photos (maybe dozens), which needs to be processed and then uploaded to a server in the background. I do not want to use the Activity.getCacheDir () because the photo can be deleted before uploading. After the photo is uploaded successfully, they will be deleted. Where can I place these pictures for semi-permanent storage? Can I just make my own directory, or is there any way I can call to get the proper directory? Can I just make my own directory, or is there any method Can I call for getting the proper directory? getFilesDir () use activity or other reference , or some subdirectories you make from there.

parsing - Parse Configuration File C# -

I need some help in parsing a text file that contains several sections, the file is in the following format: ; This is a comment that should not be considered for parsing, color in the 24-bit format #define BLUE 16711680 # Defined red 255 [settings] File name File description v1.0 [SECTION] BLUE N033.56.09.699 W118 [25] [25] I have to leave any comments. I should be able to pull hair value from the # defined section. Finally, I need to parse each line under each header section (like [SETTINGS] , [SECTION] , etc. The file is not limited to these headers . What I have now here, but it does not work clearly. string line; while ((line = reader.readline ())! = Null {string [] item = line. Sample ('\ t'); (item (string item in item) (if item (wire item in item). Wires ("[SETTINGS]")} {} (Items wired ("[SECTIOn]")) {}}} This is the type of data structure you want, so you can use the code given below .... Zero main () {// Our configuration fi...

javascript - Printing out Deck of Cards -

I try to figure out what I'm missing! Make a card, I can print the object and it's document.write (JSON.stringify ()); is the content using below. The 'main' method in the lower part is trying to call me cardtostring, which should take the contents of the object, and then return a string that is output. I can not figure out what I'm missing. (function () {function card (rank, suit) {this.rank = rank; this.suit = suit;}; function deck () {this.deck = new Array () ; this.makeDeck = makeDeck; this.shuffle = shuffle; = deal;} function medec () {var rank = new array ("A", "2" 3 "," 4 "," 5 "," Var suits = new arrays ("c", "d", "h", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K" "S"); this.deck = new array (52); var i, j; for (i = 0; i To get the value from the card object, you have to p...

How do I get the CKEditor Styles plugin to wrap a text selection? -

Select a regular piece of text, select a piece of text and change the style. The entire block changes, but I will only like the text selected to take the new style. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> It looks like you try the block style, try inline styles, such as markers, which you should do exactly the same do you want it.

ios - Why didn't JSON parser catch non-validated data? -

एक बार & amp; थोड़ी देर मुझे घातक दुर्घटना मिलती है: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION । यह कुछ पुनरावृत्तियों के बाद हो सकता है। मैंने पता लगाया है दुर्घटना का स्रोत ( जो मैं इसे मानता है ) NSJSONSerialization पार्सर जो एक गैर-मान्य स्ट्रिंग प्राप्त होता है - & gt; जानकारी। यही है, यह कुछ पुनरावृत्तियों के लिए काम करता है (बाहर निकलें, ऐप को पुन: लॉन्च करें और फिर से चलाएं); फिर क्रैश हो जाता है सिम्युलेटर को साफ़ करें & amp; पुनर्निर्माण ... पैटर्न दोहराता है मैंने इसे JSON कॉल के ठीक पहले एक println (स्ट्रिंग) करके किया है; और एक JSON validator में स्ट्रिंग का एक कट / पेस्ट किया और errant '(' शुरुआत में : ({"photos": {"पृष्ठ": 1, "पृष्ठ": 1340, ..... यहां वास्तविक स्क्रीन डंप है: प्रश्न: क्यों नहीं JSON पार्सर इस त्रुटि को NSError बनाम एक घातक अपवाद फेंकता है? ... यह एक बग है? आप जबरन से NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData () से लौटा वस्तु को खोलना चाहते हैं, लेकिन पार्सर त्रुट...

Extracting couchbase password for community edition 3.0 -

I'm following the instructions for getting the default instructions for the Web administration interface for CouchBase Community version 3.0 on Mac OSX I am The output I am getting is: {"Administrator", {password, {& lt; 238,136,67,75,141,237,40,59,33,177,155,180,223,187, 81,66 & gt ;, & lt; & Lt; 192,248,28,234,200,221,64,180,227,97,224,218,72,185,178,209,10,35,227,195 & gt; & Gt;}}}]}, How do I interpret this? ? Alternatively there is the default password listed anywhere (when googling is not visible)? Link to Google's Sochi Buzz forum is also broken. The default account details are: User: Administrators Password: Password You can also use the tool to change the forgotten password.

Importing .CSV using a list in R -

So I have 29 data files that I want to load in R. The files are called "1.csv", "2", ".csv" etc. All the way 29. Here is the code that I am trying to do: file.number & lt ; - c (1:29) "value file.number" .data and lt; - read.csv ("value in file.number" ".csv") Actually I On the basis of one, I am searching for a path to load the code, and label it accordingly. Is it possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated! This will probably work dfList Now you've got a named list of 29 data frames. You can access it with the $ operator, e.g., dfList $ "" . Note that you will need quotes or backtacks because you have names with a digit You can avoid using [[ elements to use dfList [["" "]] , or as paste0 Can change in different names ( "Data", 1:29) , or any name that does not begin with any points. Another option would be map map (read.csv, pa...

Allow composer to install laravel 4 and detect MAMP's PHP version not system -

New to musicians and similar and there is a problem. Use when trying to download all the files: make music composer laravel / laravel laravelNew I see this error Installed laravel / laravel (v4 .2.0) - Installing Laravel / Laurel (v4.2.0) Loading from cache composer repository with project package information created in laravel Installing Loading Dependencies (Including Install-Dev) Your requirements require an installable package of packages Can not be solved on Net. Problem 1 - php> larval / framework v4.2.9> php> = 5.4.0 - & gt; No matching package was found - Laravel / Framework v4.2.8 to php> = 5.4.0 - & gt; No matching package found - larval / framework v4.2.7 to php> = 5.4.0 - & gt; No matching package found - larvail / framework v4.2.6 to php> = 5.4.0 - & gt; No matching package was found - Laravel / Framework v4.2.5 to php & gt; = 5.4.0 - & gt; No matching packages found - Laravel / Framework v4.2.4 to php & gt; = 5.4.0...

sql server - SQL IF- ELSE if Statement - Or Case -

I am trying to do something with SQL and wondering if this would be possible. I have a spreadsheet that looks like this type Qnty details MISCNUMB is a 1 one is a ABC A1 a bla bla ASD A2 asdasdsa 23213 b12 two a 321 b 1111 c 122312 DRE 321 In which I can have duplicated values ​​in some columns. When I select the type from the table, does not all the repeated values ​​be found and only one copy example? Do I if- ELIF to compare columns in each table and write a question? Another thing is that my data is so large that I can not go through the data to create a case statement for everyone. I finally want to be able to search for a data like this if type = A> gt; Show qnty & gt; (After the user has selected those values) & gt; Then selected qnty & gt; Show details in relation to Show different numbers Select from TABLE_1 Question = 'A' (should I get technically 1,1,2 rights?) Pseudo code = IF Qnty = '1' from table then only Show details...

popen3 - Kill a process called using open3 in ruby -

I am using a command line program, it is mentioned below: $ ROUTE_TO_FOLDER / App & lt; "Long text" If the "long text" parameter is written using the requirement "app" , then it If the file with a result will fill a text, then it will fill the text file with consistent dots (I can not handle or modify the "app" to avoid it). There is a line like this in the Ruby script: text = "long text to be used by the app" output = system ("ROUTE_TO_FOLDER / app & lt; # {text} ") Now, if the text is written well then problems will not occur and I will get an output file as explained earlier. The problem occurs when the text is good It is not written in the way that what happens next is that my ruby ​​script is hanging and I am not sure that it is Sector kill. I have found and I have used the method like this: IRB & gt; CMD = "ROUTE_TO_FOLDER / App & lt; # {text}" irb & gt; Stdin, stdo...

pointers - How can i return an array c++? -

I am trying to generate some lotto numbers and include that number, but I can not go ahead; Please help zero getLotto (int rad [7]) {int number [7]; For (int i = 0; i That is to assign the array dynamically and return an indicator to its first element. This will work in your case, but the collar will generate a requirement for the management of memory ( delete [] the new [] 'Aid memory). This is why C ++ provides us with standard array sections: Use one and return. If you have C ++ 11 support, return.

sql - Can you delete data from influxdb? -

How do you delete data from influxdb? Documentation indicates that it should be as simple as: Remove from foo where time & lt; For some reasons, influxdb rejected my deleted statement and said "Delete queries can not be where segment is not reference" select * From bootstrap to where duration & gt; 1000 and time & gt; 14041409940 and time & lt; Now () Which period of these 5 entries I & gt; Wants to delete 1000 seconds It should be a valid SQL statement, yet it fails None of these deleted statements either work Remove from bootstrap where the period & gt; Removing the 3000000 "Bootstrap from the period where the period> 300000" from the bootstrap, where the time = 1404140994043 "Remove from bootstrap where the duration> 300000 and time> 1404141054508" remove from bootstrap where the period & gt; 300000 and time & gt; 1404141054508 "Remove from bootstrap, where time> 1404141054508 ...

c# - Strange "The ConnectionString property has not been initialized." Error -

So just downloaded a source code for a new project that builds on some other developer's boxes and is working fine is. I'm getting the error: ConnectionFreasting property has not been started. I am able to connect to the database through SQL Server Management Studio in my web.config without the problem of the connection string. Source code is not available for this error throwing library. This project is an ASP.NET MVC project in Web.config with the following values ​​ & Lt; / ConnectionStrings & gt; & Lt; AppSettings & gt; & Lt; add key = "ConnectionStringName" value = "DbConnection" /> & Lt; / AppSettings & gt; I have tried to add an app. Just configure bin and root of my ASP.NET website, for some reason, ignoring Lib.App.Config and Web.config, outside the source code. In the stack overflow solution no A developer had the same situation on the Windows 8.1 environment the next day, he went f...

java - Synchronize on DataOutputStream -

I have gone through synchronization through so many tutorials that my head is spinning. I have never understood this fact: (. I have a Java server ( main server ), when a customer connects to a new thread ( ClientThread ). The client interacts with the ServerThread and ServerThread responses, each now and then the main server will deliver a message to all customers who use DataTool's DataTut's DataOutputStream object. I'm pretty sure That every now and then is my problem because both main server and ServerThread are trying to send something to the customer at the same time, so I have to lock the DataOutputstream object For my life I can not understand this concept further. Send servertread to client method: Public Zero ReplyToOne ( String reply) {try {commandOut.writeUTF}; commandOut.flush ();} hold (IOException e) {logger.fatal ("r EplyToOne ", e); } (answer); } Distribute all client methods of the MainServer: P...

JAVASCRIPT: does Arrays constructor automatically have a variable called arguments? -

So, in the following code, I am wondering why the "logic" in the applicable method automatically in the Argument Array constructor. function special () {var value = new array (); Values.push.apply (value, argument); // Do the logic automatically descend from the manufacturer? Values.toPipedString = function () {return.join ("|"); }; Return value; } Var color = new special arrow ("red", "blue", "green"); console.log (colors.toPipedString ()); // print: "red | blue | green" about a particular Is not about constructor or array Within each function, you can access this way.

javascript - Returning multiple datasets to a Node.js View -

This is in my node .js / express project in my route / product.js file. How do I return more than one data set for using visualization? I have the data object and the dropdown object populated by the same query. I want to place the data object, but populate the dropdown object with a different query. export.edit = function (Rick, Race) {var id =; Req.getConnection (function (error, connection) {connection.query ('SELECT * products from WHERE product_id =?', [Id], function (fault, rows) {if (err) console.log ("Error in selecting ;); Res.render ('products \\ edit', {page_title: "product: edit", save_button_title: "update", data: rows, dropdowns: rows});});} ); } You can either call another database within your first "Success" field Or you can try to do something like this:

javascript - Are there any Mongoose validation libraries? -

I am new to mongoDB and mongoose. In fact, I'm completely new to JavaScript. As a result, I am not sure that I How to sanitize your data. I was wondering if there is a library with custom verification work which takes care of at least a few common threats, for which one should look. Apart from this, it would be good if it was already using verification like email, or character length. There are several libraries for Hi Mongoose schema verification. Some are listed below. There are good libraries for both validity. In addition to this Mangoi provides custom logic for verification. And more if you want to create custom logic, const emailRegex = / ^ \ w + ([\ .-]? \ W + ) * @ \ w + ([\. -]? \ W *) * (\. \ W {2,3}) + $ / email: {type: string, trim: true, unique: true, required: ' Email address is required ', validate: {validator: (email) = & gt; {Return emailRegex.test (email)}, Message: '{VALUE} is not a valid email'}, mail: [emailRegex, 'P...

java - Recursive Insert for Binary Tree -

I am working on code for inclusion in a binary search tree. This works for the first node which I insert, it creates a root, but after that it does not include any nodes. I'm sure that this is a problem in setting left / right references, but I can not understand this much please help! // params: enter the key of the node, enter the parent node public zero (int NewKey, tree node parent) {// If the root of the tree is empty, then insert the root (if this is. GetRoot () == faucet) {this.root = new TreeNode (newKey, null, null); } // If the node is empty, then insert it on this node and if (parent == zero) parent = new tree node (new, faucet, empty); Else {// If the value is lower than the value of the current node, put it on the left child of the node, then call (Newkele parent.getKey ()) {insert (newkey, parent.getRight ()); } // Similar to the value of the current node, increment by frequency field if another (newKey == parent.getKey ()) parent.incrementIterations (); }} ...

TestMethod in Coded UI Test -

I am creating a TestMethod in the coded UI test which will use the UI control in my Windows Phone 8.1 app. I used the async method to do multi-thread work but I got an exception for this kind of code: [TestMethod] async public work coded UITest method 1 () {XamlWindow. Launch ("{556EE9D4-! 5640-4120-9916-44B1CA27352F}: Application: 556ee9d4-5640-4120-9916-44b1ca27352f_tpza89sffjg1j Application"); ExecuteOnUIThread ((= = gt; {mappage home page = new menpage ()); Microsoft. Visual Studio. TestTools.UITest.Input.Point Point = New Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Input.Point (mainPage.getX), home page .getY ()); Gesture Tap (point);}); } and public static IAsyncAction ExecuteOnUIThread (Windows.UI.Core.DispatchedHandler operation) {Back to Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow . Dispatcher.Run async (windows.u.core.cored dispatcher prerelease general, action); } But I have received an exception message: Test Name: Coded UIITistMat...

jQuery Magnific Popup and .on -

I am currently using MagnificPopup for an "edit" form. What does this form allow the user to edit a line after the user completes editing, it changes that content with updated content. Within that updated content, there is an "edit" button that will bring the edit form back. The problem I am running is that after editing an object, after clicking on the edit button on the same item, this form is not being opened because "edit now" link Now there is dynamic content. Here I am referring to the code, which opens the popup: $ ('.jpg-popup'). MagnificPopup ({type: 'ajax'}); Is it the place to use .on , so that it works properly? Some with these lines: $ (document) .on ('magnificPopup', '.imple-ajax-popup', function (e) {type: 'ajax'}); I can not seem to figure it out. The closest in the document is this bit of code, which is a bit unclear to me: $ ('.image-link'). ('MfpOpen', fu...

Some redundant codes in a VOB in Clearcase -

is a folder a , and there are some files inside A A by name f1 f2 f3 ..... x . We also have some files with the same name inside x f1 f2 f3 f4 .... A There are 4 versions in and f1 f2 f3 f3 in x Code> We have found that both f1 have both a and X in the same files. So now we need to move all the 7 versions under f1 f2 to x to A and A folder is the 5th version. Do we need to raise an SR with IBM to understand that whether it is possible or not? If this is possible, then do we do this? What can you do in x folder : a files version will be updated automatically, adding the 5th edition to fn x in fn In the A Note that this will ignore the first 6 versions of x in fn : it will only take the current content of fn x , automatically checkout fn in A , create a new version and fn in Check one . clearfsimport -preview -rec -nset / path / to / x / path / to / yourView / path / to / a warning : This will b...

javascript - How to set legend labels in Google Chart Candlestick -

How do I set series labels for the chart legend in the Candlestick Google chart? code: var chart_options = {Legend: {status: 'bottom'}}; Var chart data = [[New date (2014, 3, 1), 95,100,98,110, blank, blank, empty, null], [New date (2014, 3, 2), 98,98,102,103, Blank, Null, Empty, Null ], New Date (2014, 3, 3), 90,102, 9 5,105, 91103, 96106], New Date (2014, 3, 4), 93, 9, 510, 103, 94 9 6, 103, 103], [New Date (2014, 3 , 5), 94,103,104,105, 95,104,105,106],]; Chart1 = New google.visualization.CandlestickChart (document.getElementById ('chart')); Chart1.draw (google.visualization.arrayToDataTable (chartdata, true), chart_popathy); Source: I have found the solution To use syntax with google.visualization.DataTable : // This is the correct var chartdata = new google.visualization.DataTable (); Chartdata.addColumn (...); Chartdata.addRows (...); Chart1.draw (chartdata, chart_options); // This is incorrect Var chart, instead of google.visualizat...

java - How to persist a custom map with Hibernate/JPA? -

I try to continue a subclassified hashmap in the database using hibernate and JPA annotations I am doing import javax.preistence.CollectionTable; Import javax.preistence.Column; Import javax.preistence.ElementCollection; Import javax.preistence.Entity; Import javax.preistence.FetchType; Import javax.preistence.GeneratedValue; Import javax.preistence.Id; Import javax.preistence.MapKeyColumn; Import javax.preistence.Table; @Entity @Table (name = "module") Public class module {@Id @ generatedValue @Column (name = "id") Private ID ID; @column (name = "name") private string name; @column (name = "description") private string description; @ Column (name = "version") private string version; @ElementCollection (fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @CollectionTable (name = "module_parameter") @MapKeyColumn (name = "key") @column (name = "value") Private parameter parameters = new parameter (); // Gates & amp; Sette...